
=== jalcine- is now known as jalcine
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leslieviljoenhi people02:45
leslieviljoenI get this from lintian:02:46
leslieviljoenfile-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile etc/udev/rules.d/bosto_14wa.rules02:46
leslieviljoenreading the docs, I'd imagine this should not be specified in conffiles02:46
leslieviljoenbecause its not typically a conf file that users would modify02:47
leslieviljoenam I right?02:47
leslieviljoenhi people!07:13
leslieviljoenI've just built a package for a driver I wrote. I have a few questions07:16
Noskcajleslieviljoen, Ask away07:23
leslieviljoenfirstly I put it in Section: kernel, but that's probably not right07:24
leslieviljoenthis is a driver for a graphics tablet07:24
leslieviljoenwhat section should it be in?07:25
leslieviljoenalso: I last contributed to a package a loong time ago, and back then I had to get a mentor07:26
leslieviljoenthis was before PPA's07:26
leslieviljoendo people nowadays first set up a PPA and then try to submit the package from there?07:27
Noskcajleslieviljoen, If you want it in debian, you need a mentor07:34
Noskcajif you want it to be ubuntu-only, make a packaging request bug and attach your package.07:35
NoskcajPPAs are so you can have third-party maintained software, so maybe put it in one first07:35
leslieviljoenok thanks07:36
leslieviljoenwhich Section should it be in?07:36
leslieviljoenI suppose I will also need to make a source package, this one is a binary07:37
NoskcajI have no idea what section, have a look at the relevant area of https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.debian.org%2Fdoc%2Fmanuals%2Fmaint-guide%2F&ei=0djNVP2PA83r8AWtuYCgCg&usg=AFQjCNEcLldtRFb7WnPQw8kKyqDgg8a9tg&sig2=1dZ9kg76QXex1QFRnDIVxQ&bvm=bv.85076809,d.dGY07:42
leslieviljoenmaybe it doesn't matter so much08:10
leslieviljoenthough I assumed kernel might be reserved08:11
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