
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashelfy: got urls working in hexchat with firefox. I had to run "gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/http firefox.desktop"12:43
brainwashwhich will update the .config/mimeapps.list12:44
elfybrainwash: thanks :)13:29
brainwashbluesabre_: there is a patch attached to bug 126034115:51
ubottubug 1260341 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Tapping lower-right corner of touchpad causes a right-click" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126034115:51
brainwashany thoughts on this matter? 15:52
bluesabre_brainwash: I can't reproduce the issue, are you able to reproduce?16:34
bluesabre_if you can reproduce and the patch resolves, it would be fine by me to merge16:35
ali1234brainwash: the ubuntu wallpaper loads properly in the installer now17:43
ochosiali1234: you mean the xubuntu wallpaper?17:43
ali1234yes, that17:44
ochosior did ubuntu also have problems with displaying their wall17:44
ochosiah ok17:44
ali1234it's black for like 1 second, then the wallpaper loads17:44
ali1234it happens after the installer loads up though17:44
ali1234but it's definitely an improvement17:44
ali1234also the installer now actually works again17:44
ochosiyeah, i guess that 1sec is the lag of xfdesktop loading17:45
ochosia lower-spec solution would've been preferrable, but then again, what counts is that it's fixed17:45
ochosibluesabre_: what's your take on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1396804 ?17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396804 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Name For Thunar Settings Launcher Is Unclear (thunar-settings.desktop)" [Low,Confirmed]17:45
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
ochosioh also, good news everyone, gmusicbrowser now supports gst1.017:46
ochosiso i guess now mostly pidgin is blocking us there17:46
bluesabreochosi: my take is that its dumb for thunar to have its settings in the settings manager17:47
ochosibluesabre: ok, then let's just make it NoDisplay=true17:47
ochosithere's already a branch linked, in case you wanna merge it in17:47
ochosii gotta head out again17:47
ochosior we take care of it tomorrow17:47
bluesabreI'll probably knock it out tody17:47
bluesabreand today17:47
ochosicool, thanks17:48
ali1234Noskcaj: this sounds like your thunar crash bug: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/Ubuntu/14b3fb89c8dfb8b917:48
ali1234and it has a way to reproduce17:48
ochosibluesabre: we can check out more low-hanging fruit bugs soonish if you wanna17:48
ali1234wait that's a link to my gmail :)17:48
ali1234bug 141664517:48
ubottubug 1416645 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar sometimes hang when going to parent directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141664517:48
Unit193Wow really?  Shocking.17:49
bluesabreochosi: sure thing17:49
Unit193Also, yeah.  "Fixed".  Looked more into it, didn't see what broke.17:49
knomewhat is...17:49
ali1234speaking of low hanging fruit17:49
elfybrainwash: belay that thanks ... not working here :p17:50
ali1234bug 1270090 has a patch, sponsors offered to SRU it if someone ports it to vivid17:50
ubottubug 1270090 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "time-admin can not install ntp" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127009017:50
ali1234i don't know how to do that without installing vivid on my dev system17:51
brainwashali1234: that's great news :)18:25
brainwashbluesabre: I never tested the patch, looks like no one did18:27
brainwashelfy: /url <url>   also not working?18:30
elfyno idea 18:31
elfyuninstalled it again 18:31
elfyand frankly - it's only hexchat that it fails from anyway18:32
brainwashit's not only hexchat18:32
brainwashhexchat calls a gtk function for url handling, so more apps should be affected18:33
elfymaybe so - but I don't use them :)18:33
brainwashmaybe you do.. and you just don't click the buttons or select specific menu entries to trigger the bug18:35
elfymaybe - but at that point it doesn't matter to me ;)18:36
brainwashyea, I'll wait until someone reports this as bug18:36
elfyI will once ff36 is released :)18:37
elfyI'd do it now - but it'll just get invalid'd :)18:40
brainwashby alberto?18:41
brainwashI doubt that anyone would do that18:41
elfyccoulson 18:42
elfyof course they will - they'd say "Why you using -proposed?"18:42
knomewhy you little18:42
elfythen ignore me when I say because it's the only up to date version available to me 18:42
Unit193!info firefox vivid18:43
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 34.0+build2-0ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 38969 kB, installed size 91189 kB18:43
elfybecause no-one seems to care about people running the dev version for them 18:43
elfyUnit193: version behind the released releases18:43
Unit193So can this bug be hit with utopic?18:43
Unit193elfy: Yeah...18:43
elfyUnit193: this bug is in ff36, not 35 which utopic has 18:44
Unit193I see.18:44
elfyI know that because it was working in 35 :)18:44
Unit193This is great...  You jump up to a slightly less stable version so you can get recent applications, and ff is outdated...18:45
elfyI lol at alberto marking bug 1173767 triaged18:45
ubottubug 1173767 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Settings Manager description " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117376718:45
elfyhe's not seen ochosi and me in the xfce one - where I say meh and he says I'll mark it won't fix :p18:45
knomein all civility, i'd like to have a little talk with alberto.18:46
Unit193...Wasn't that one gone over about 7 times last cycle, or the one before? :P18:46
elfyI rarely see anything now unless I look in Tbird's junk folder18:47
elfyknome: ^^18:47
knomeelfy, yeah.18:47
Unit193Take glasses off.18:47
brainwashso, please the lp report then :)18:49
Unit193So since xubuntu-artwork is nearing the stage of metapackage, should it have stronger (depend upon) the plymouth themes, wallpaper, and icon theme?18:49
elfybrainwash: what? 18:49
knomeUnit193, why not18:49
brainwashelfy: will you close your launchpad report?18:49
elfycan't 18:50
elfyor I'd mark it won't fix :)18:50
Unit193knome: I don't see a reason not to really.18:50
knomeelfy, bug 1173767, wontfix in ubuntu?18:52
ubottubug 1173767 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Settings Manager description " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117376718:52
Unit193I'd think perhaps poke an artwork person or dev about it.18:52
elfyknome: I guess - it's won't fix in xfce now18:52
knomesays medium in LP... :P18:52
knomeno, confirmed18:53
knomei'll set the status of the ubuntu pkg to wontfix18:53
elfyI know - takes a while to catch up I guess18:53
knomedone with a comment18:54
brainwashbluesabre: did you check the output of "synclient -l | grep -i cornerbutton" with tap-to-click enabled/disabled?19:00
Unit193Debian #77679820:30
ubottuDebian bug 776798 in catfish "catfish: never stops searching -- doesn't find anything" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77679820:30
knomewhy is somebody searching for something that doesn't exist?20:33
* knome hides20:34
elfyhide as much as you like 20:35
elfycatfish won't find you either ... 20:35
brainwashelfy: my workaround to assign firefox to open links works only temporary21:16
brainwashif you click on a help button (like the one in the settings manager), it will launch an empty firefox window21:17

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