
halcyoni am new user to ubuntu juju02:09
=== rvba` is now known as rvba
6A4ABBR4Jgnuoy, dosaboy: we should look to make plugin management in rabbitmq-server charm better - the version we have (3.4.3) does not require restarts for enabling/disabling plugins06:31
6A4ABBR4Junlike older versions06:31
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=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
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jcastromarcoceppi, do you have a link to the services framework? negronjl_ wants to check it out12:44
marcoceppijcastro: negronjl_ https://pythonhosted.org/charmhelpers/examples/services.html12:44
negronjl_marcoceppi, thx12:44
marcoceppinegronjl_: it's best viewed in an implemented charm12:45
jcastrowhich charm should I show him?12:45
marcoceppijcastro negronjl_ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/chamilo/trunk/files12:46
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, chamilo12:46
negronjl_marcoceppi, thx12:46
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
drbidwellIf I am going to deploy using juju to a VmWare environment, which mode of juju would I use?  local?13:59
drbidwellThis would be my first production deployment of juju and I would like a juju server that deploys multiple servers.14:01
Odd_Blokedrbidwell: You want to use multiple VMs running in a VMWare environment as Juju machines?14:06
drbidwellOdd_Bloke: yes14:17
Odd_Blokedrbidwell: I _think_ your best bet is probably the manual provider.14:27
drbidwellOdd_Bloke:  Thanks.  I will try that.14:28
=== mwenning is now known as mwenning-wfh
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sealIt appears all the rails and nginx-passenger does not work for trusty series, has any one manage to get this to work? or should I just write my own charm?15:19
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=== Guest64197 is now known as medberry
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ejathi ... if i use exported bundle charms for openstack , how do i retrieved the username n password for openstack-dashboard ?17:44
Guest60551hello guys i get this error, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-debug.html18:40
Guest60551sorry the error is " no relation id specified"18:41
Odd_BlokeGuest60551: Could you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste what you are trying to run and its output?  The output of juju status would also be helpful. :)18:42
Guest60551Odd_Bloke: I am getting the following error plz help18:50
Guest60551neutron net-list18:50
Guest60551Could not find Service or Region in Service Catalog.18:50
Guest60551after deploying the quantum gateway charm18:50
Odd_BlokeGuest60551: I'm afraid I don't know anything about the OpenStack charms.18:51
Guest60551Odd_Bloke: k anyways thanks ...18:53
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
Guest60551guyz..... i am stuck with the quantum-gateway charm , rest of my openstack setup is working well , need help18:54
Guest60551also there is no networks tab in openstack dashboard18:59
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=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
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blrDoes anyone have any advice for managing multiple charm branches in development? I'm deploying my charm locally with --repository=/home/$USER/src/charms/ local:trusty/app where /src/charms/trusty/app is a symlink to the branch, which seems to work but juju complains that it cannot find metadata.yaml in the _parent_ directory of the symlink which seems odd.20:35
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
saltlakeExperts, looking for a way to finish the openstack install using juju. I have 9 VMssetup -1 - maas controller and 8 clients and juju bootstrap is done. However I do not know what is the next step. seems unclear after this:http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/juju-quick-start.html20:41
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
saltlakeanyone: after the bootstrap.. I need some pointer on how to setuip openstack. Any help would be great!!20:44
saltlakeI find this link "http://askubuntu.com/questions/144531/how-do-i-install-openstack" but can't figure if this will work with VMs20:48
saltlakeWow this link appears to not require any maas setup or VMs but does all of it!!20:50
saltlakeIs that true20:50
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
saltlakechamps, really trying to get the last few steps of openstack deplyed .. however after this link it is not clear what needs to be done :http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/juju-quick-start.html.21:51
saltlakeEg which charms are necessary to install and deply as the easiet example.21:51
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