[15:08] (Lubuntu 14.10) Hi, i have take the last update/upgrade and i have reboot after this, but now i don't have openbox or openbox session (i don't know) can you help me ? bonjour, suite a une mise a jour plutot longue il m'a demandé de rebooter et depuis je n'ai plus de openbox pourriez vus m'aidez ? [15:20] (Lubuntu 14.10) Hi, i have take the last update/upgrade and i have reboot after this, but now i don't have openbox or openbox session (i don't know) can you help me ? bonjour, suite a une mise a jour plutot longue il m'a demandé de rebooter et depuis je n'ai plus de openbox pourriez vus m'aidez ? [16:35] I tried to add lxterminal to affected packages, but it was impossible, because there was no project matching lxterminal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gedit/+bug/218637 [16:35] Launchpad bug 218637 in xfce4-terminal "Non-breaking space is easy to write accidentally and impossible to distinguish from regular space." [Undecided,New] [17:16] Hi , i'm novice in LXDE (Lubuntu 14.10) with the last update, the desktop manager (with task bar, icone, time etc) don't run can you help me ? Bonjour, suite à une mise a jour importante de LXDE (Lubuntu 14.10) le getionnaire de bureau icone et bar de tache ne se lance plus, pouvez vous m'indiqué que faire ? [17:17] dae try pressing control alt t to bring up a terminal [17:17] i have LXterm open [17:17] and now ? [17:18] run lxpanel --profile=Lubuntu & to start the panel [17:18] i copy past that ? [17:18] with sudo ? or not ? [17:19] copy `lxpanel --profile=Lubuntu &` [17:19] not with sudo [17:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10018776/ [17:21] don't work [17:23] sorry lxpanel --profile lubuntu [17:23] shouldn't have had the equal sign [17:23] argh but it is capitalized [17:24] dae@dae-HP:~$ lxpanel --profile lubuntu [17:24] There is already an instance of LXPanel. Now to exit [17:24] ok try something else then lxpanelctl restart [17:26] nothing ... [17:26] hmm did you mess with the config file or anything recently [17:27] ... i have purge the .xautority for try resolve my probleme [17:28] does the panel launch in the guest session? [17:28] or with another user? [17:28] i need logout ? [17:28] ok in lxterminal run lxsession-defuault quit and select switch user [17:29] that will bring you back to login screen at lightdm [17:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10018925/ [17:31] i reboot please wait [17:37] still no panel? [17:38] i don't have task bar now [17:38] i need pkill lxpanel & lxpanel [17:45] ianorlin ? [17:45] do you know how i have some probleme with the last update ? [17:45] I don't think there was a problem but I am actually testing the development release right now [17:46] I don't really think there would be an lxpanel update in a stable release [18:05] ianorlin , agaida say" pkill lxpanel && lxpanel" [18:05] and it's work [18:06] temporatly