
joseemail sent out to editors02:38
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue402 (I found one bad link as I was editing, fixed it)05:28
Unit193Seems fine.05:52
josethanks pleia2 and Unit193 :)06:17
Laneyhi, can someone help to adjust the fridge calendar for the DMB please?14:41
Laneyour meetings got shifted by a week, the correct pattern is on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda14:42
joseLaney: sure, what's up?14:42
* jose checks14:42
joseLaney: now you're doing it every two weeks?14:44
Laneyjose: we always did14:44
Laneythe meetings need moving one week into the future I think14:44
joseoh, sorry, as I was moving them I lost one :P14:45
joseLaney: can you please check now?14:47
Laneyjose: some days seem to have 2 events14:48
Laneye.g. 2015-03-0214:48
Laneyshould only have the 19:00 one14:48
joseLaney: check again please?14:48
Laneylooks good!14:49
josenp :)14:50
* PaulW2U adds dholbach's post of last night to wiki16:17
ahoneybunwxl, ping21:28
wxlpong ahoneybun21:28
ahoneybunwxl, got a few pcs going to install lubuntu now21:28
wxlthat's what i'd do smile21:29
ahoneybunwxl, I'm using a dvd called ubuntu monster pack21:30
ahoneybunbut  dont think it has the OEM option21:30
wxlahoneybun: never heard of it, don't know what to tell you21:31
ahoneybunwxl, I'll just have to put it on a USB then21:31
ahoneybunI'll be using 14.04 of course21:35
wxlahoneybun: have you tried contacting anyone at canonical about it?21:38
ahoneybunwxl, for?21:39
wxlahoneybun: to find your oem image21:39
ahoneybunI know that it is in the settings somewhere21:40
ahoneybunmight be that this is a custom dvd so to save room21:40
Unit193ahoneybun: Right, I'd only use the official one.21:40
Unit193wxl: Menu option at the try/install screen.21:41
Unit193Not sure if it's been tested, or recently at least in Lubu.21:41
wxlUnit193: cool!21:41
wxlexactly what is the difference?21:41
ahoneybunUnit193, this was just easy because it has all the images (ubuntu, kubunut, ubuntu gnome, xubuntu, lubuntu21:41
Unit193wxl: Makes it so first time you turn it on, you have to create a new user, might be some more stuff too.  Like when you get a new computer and Windows asks you all the questions.21:42
wxlwow, that's neat21:42
ahoneybunsince I'm setting them up to sell I need that option21:43
ahoneybunI got it to startup to it and just about to start the install process21:50
ahoneybunI think 25-30 gbs is good for root no?21:52
ahoneybunwxl, Unit193 OEM installer worked and upgrading now22:21
wxloops wrong one22:23
Unit193ahoneybun: Great.22:24
ahoneybunthis pc is running on less then 512 mb of ram22:35
Unit193ahoneybun: Open Firefox, I dare you.22:36
ahoneybunI did22:37
Unit193Did it all disappear?  If not, http://wunderground.com/22:44
ahoneybunyea it did Unit19323:02

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