[00:07] rpadovani, that time it failed though.. before the app never launched [00:10] rpadovani, wow, look at how slow it runs ;-) Still these look correct. You'll have to change the asserts in the tests to match the new significant figures you calculate too [15:59] Why are dash and unity8 just two small square windows when an autopilot-test is started on the desktop? What's missing to have them use the usual 40x71 GU dimensions? [16:17] elopio, ^ [16:18] MacSlow: hum, that I don't know. Does the same happen when you do initctl start unity8? [16:18] elopio, yes [16:19] MacSlow: when I do that I get the two windows, with space enough for three columns of apps. [20:31] hey barry, got time for me to hassle you about packaging *again*? :D [20:34] thomi: it's a brand new day, so sure! [20:34] barry: so, I get one question a day? :D [20:34] curses! did I just use it up? [20:35] bzzt! that's two [20:36] heh [20:36] barry: so, I've used pybuild before several times, and never had this issue... [20:36] selenium ships some binary files which are listed in the data_files section of setup.py [20:37] but pybuild can't see them - I suspect because they're not copied into the temporary directory perhaps [20:37] Any ideas? The branch I'm working from is lp:~thomir/+junk/selenium-packaging [20:38] thomi: make sure there's a MANIFEST.in file that names those data files, otherwise they may not get into the orig.tar.gz [20:39] that's always been what bites me [20:39] ahhhh [20:39] they're not :D [20:40] barry: actually, they are, I missed them [20:40] "recursive-include py/selenium/webdriver/firefox/x86 *.so" [20:40] thomi: so if you `python setup.py sdist` they end up in the .tar.gz? [20:41] barry: yes [20:41] barry: the error message I get is: [20:41] error: can't copy 'py/selenium/webdriver/firefox/x86/x_ignore_nofocus.so': doesn't exist or not a regular file [20:42] oh, .so files. those might be getting filtered out by other bits of the debian build tools. `export DH_VERBOSE=1` in your d/rules file. so it is (almost?) never correct to include .so files source packages, those just might be getting filtered out [20:42] I assume that a .so counts as a 'regular' file - it's not a socket or anything [20:42] thomi: where do you get that error? [20:42] I have verbose set, I don't see any filter messages [20:42] let me pastebin, one second [20:43] barry: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10041069/ [20:43] further up I get: [20:43] warning: no files found matching '*.so' under directory 'py/selenium/webdriver/firefox/x86' [20:44] which I guess is a sign of the root cause... [20:44] yep, i see that [20:57] I assume that, if those files were being filtered there'd be some sort of log message? [22:33] barry: I guess you're stumped too? Who else should I bug? I'm tempted to email the DPMT ML, but I suspect I'll get the "don't put .so files in your source package" answer :( [22:41] thomi: probably so. but iirc there's a debian/binary-file-override-magic file that might do the trick. right now i can't remember what it's called and am putting out some other fires :( [22:41] barry: ahh, ok, no worries [22:41] thomi: debian-python@ is your best bet