ahoneybun | hello all | 01:29 |
allstarsnorks2 | Hi there. May I know why Startup Applications was removed in Ubuntu GNOME 14.04? | 03:40 |
darkxst | ricotz, hey | 10:28 |
darkxst | we need wayland 1.6.90 for ppa, what do with the docs? | 10:29 |
darkxst | drop em as you have in testing? or make a libwayland-doc package? | 10:30 |
darkxst | mgedmin, octoquad feel free to test wayland session now in vivid (install gnome-session-wayland) and then select gnome on wayland from gdm | 10:44 |
ricotz | darkxst, i guess better drop them for now to avoid clashes with debian later | 12:30 |
ricotz | darkxst, btw, do you have any mounting issues with systemd currently? | 12:37 |
ricotz | meaning e.g. a separate home partition isn't automatically mounted on boot | 12:38 |
LinDol | hi all | 13:29 |
LinDol | i am translating wiki page for Test Page | 13:30 |
LinDol | I don't know "head over" | 13:30 |
LinDol | what is mean it? | 13:31 |
mgedmin | "go to" | 13:31 |
LinDol | ah.... :) | 13:33 |
LinDol | thank you meetingology ;) | 13:33 |
LinDol | I am trying to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Testing/Korean Page :) | 13:33 |
LinDol | Thank you for your explain | 13:34 |
AkivaAvraham | Hey all: Live Ask Ubuntu Anything live in 5 minutes: http://ubuntuonair.com | #ubuntu-on-air | 15:59 |
darkxst | ricotz, no mounting issues like that | 20:43 |
darkxst | though having issues with network blocking boot | 20:43 |
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