
Dlabzjhutchins: ok, figured out how to get the source. Can you, please guid me, or point me to a relevant tutorial?00:06
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michaelwong54I wiLL EGHieb00:19
AHMED_FAROOQhey baby baby my name is AHMED baby baby im from dubai baby 35 male baby whats ur a/s/l baby so give me some lovin baby and flirt with me, give me ur kik and snapchat baby00:39
EriC^AHMED_FAROOQ: /join ##linux00:39
krainierHello, anyone here really adept at UEFI boot?00:52
krainierI am failing to get ubuntu 14 or mint 17 to boot after following many help procedures00:53
krainierbootrepair does not work00:53
EriC^krainier: are you in a live session right now?00:53
krainierI have one going, not on this chat00:54
krainierso I don't have to reboot and lose the window:)00:54
EriC^ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit00:54
EriC^paste the link here00:54
EriC^krainier: is it a hp laptop? toshiba?00:55
krainierit is a zotac AD11 mini PC, UEFI only, no legacy support00:55
EriC^are you dual booting with windows?00:56
krainiernope, just want a clean install, confirmed UEFI mode before running each previous install00:57
TJ-krainier: Is this your problem report? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226342800:58
ablest1980is there anysetting to improve internet connection in ubuntu01:00
TJ-krainier: Good. The boot info output is helpful01:00
krainierit is not the most current, this is http://paste2.org/_6j37m3gC01:00
krainierbeen trying multiple configurations01:01
krainierI can get back there if that is a closer setup01:01
EriC^efibootmgr -v looks screwy unless boot repair parses it that way01:02
dingus1I dual boot ubuntu 14.10 with the lxde (lubuntu) desktop and windows millenum edition01:02
dingus1It works fine.01:02
EriC^Boot0000* ubuntuHD(2,1000,f3800,0642990c-88b3-49ae-9a67-ff826051b91f)File(EFIubuntushimx64.efi)01:02
krainierI have also manually installed grub with the chroot method, installed elilo and registered with efibootmgr, and tried both .efi files in Microsoft default boot path01:02
EriC^krainier: type sudo efibootmgr -v , does it say EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi ?01:02
ablest1980i used to have window me on a compaq presario 900mhz cpu01:03
explodingmangoI'm going to do some tests which will probably crash my computer so bad I can't reboot it with SysRq. Is there any way to perform such a crash "safely"? Probably the best sign of safety is not having to check the disk on reboot01:03
krainieryes, under the ubuntu entry01:03
yusuf1i have userA and userB without sudo privileges , can i run script as userA from userB ?01:04
EriC^krainier: what happens when you boot?01:04
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krainierplease insert boot media, no boot to grub01:05
mutanteso, between precise and trusty, did the vim related packages change and their dependencies or something? it seems on precise i got vim,vim-common,vim-tiny,vim-runtime  and on trusty i only get vim-common and vim-tiny, but still have no /usr/bin/vim, while in both cases i just installed "vim"01:06
EriC^krainier: if you press esc or something similar to get a boot options menu, does selecting ubuntu do the same thing?01:06
EriC^krainier: did the pc come preinstalled with win8?01:07
krainierno, the bios screen flashes and does not load anything01:07
rosaecaeruleaecan you help me with openshot? I cannot export with sound, but the edited file has sound. I have tried mp4 and other formats, but nothing01:07
krainierif I select the SDD, then it jumps to boot media request01:07
krainierEriC^ no win 8, clean SSD01:09
krainierI did install ubuntu in BIOS mode the first go 'round01:11
somsipmutante: got everything available here in 14.04 - do a 'apt-cache search vim-' to check01:11
cdiddCould someone please explain following mystery: I created Ubuntu daily vivid bootable usb with startup disk creator, booted said usb in trial mode, encountered nonworking system without WM,01:11
krainierbut have since destroyed all partition tables, created new and did fresh installs01:12
EriC^krainier: can you get an EFI shell?01:12
krainierin msdos and gpt format01:12
krainierthere is an option, but I can't get that to load successfully either01:12
cdiddBut it's not important. What is important is that booting daily messed up with my system grub somehow01:12
TJ-krainier: I think you need to manually delete the existing ubuntu entry ("sudo efibootmgr --delete-bootnum 0000") and replace it with one using a correct path ("sudo efibootmgr --create -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "Lubuntu" -p 2 -d /dev/sdb"). Then, try rebooting and using the firmware boot menu to start ubuntu. If that works, you can set that entry as the default so it is used automatically in future01:12
mutantesomsip: thanks for checking, i just realized it was a problem with the configuration management i use instead01:12
somsipmutante: ok01:12
TJ-krainier: slight typo... it should be: -L "ubuntu" (not "Lubuntu")01:13
krainiercheck, will report back in a min01:14
TJ-krainier: If that solves it, we have to wonder why the path being written isn't escaping the slashes in the path01:15
dingus1haha, I can give you the specs for my old p3 866mhz 512ram. it runs win me and ubuntu 14.10 just fine.01:17
LostNvaCan anyone recommend a room for a problem with upstart vs sysvinit, im using kali linux (Deb.Wheezy)that uses sysvinit, trying to run plex media server that uses upstart to start script.01:18
daftykinsdingus1: i dread to think what your idea of 'fine' is for an OS :)01:19
bazhangtry #plex if they have a channel LostNva01:19
daftykins512MB of RAM is a terrible state of affairs for 201501:19
bazhang!alis | LostNva01:19
ubottuLostNva: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:19
krainier@TJ @EriC no boot01:20
daftykinsLostNva: 1) trying to use a media player program on a pen testing distro 2) asking about that in another distros channel ;D01:20
TJ-krainier: OK... can you use the live environment to run "sudo efibootmgr -v" again, and check the path separators are there01:20
EriC^krainier: did you try disabling secure boot?01:21
TJ-krainier: If not, then something is doing some path interpretation01:21
krainierEriC, not secure boot option found in firmware, but grub booting from a USB informs me it is disabled01:21
LostNvayes I know,was hoping someone would know a room, will try plex. Its a pen test distro, but is complete system I do everything with it. Thanks01:21
lovedeatmhey all, i have a couple of questions, i'm new to ubuntu and linux in general and i need some assistance01:23
EriC^krainier: ok, after you check the path in efibootmgr, try to mount the efi partition and check the files are there01:23
lovedeatmfirst i need to remove grub or more to the point grub rescue from my machine01:23
EriC^krainier: i think it's something fishy to do with your bios/efi/ssd setup01:23
EriC^krainier: try to get an efi shell if you can01:23
daftykinslovedeatm: remove it? if you're seeing grub rescue then your system can't boot :)01:24
lovedeatm@daftykins i can boot into windows if i type the exit command01:24
daftykinslovedeatm: hold up, when do you see grub rescue?01:25
lovedeatmduring the boot process01:25
lovedeatmi installed a version of ubuntu onto a flash drive but grub installed onto my hdd01:26
lovedeatmso if i don't have the flash drive in i see the grub rescue01:26
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SAND_DUNE_AHMEDhey baby baby my name is AHMED baby baby im from dubai baby 35 male baby whats ur a/s/l baby so give me some lovin baby and flirt with me, give me ur kik and snapchat baby01:29
daftykinslovedeatm: ah-ha, which Windows version?01:29
daftykinslovedeatm: if you go into your systems BIOS/EFI setup, you might be able to set the boot device to be Windows Boot Manager instead of the hard disk, this will stop it coming up01:29
krainierthrew  efibootmgr output up at pastebin.com/arteKi9a01:30
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lovedeatmcool i'll give it a try01:30
krainierand when I select shell in Bios, it says no filesystem found01:31
lovedeatmany other ideas01:31
krainierfiles in path exist01:31
dingus1plop, is a boot able cd. it will list all devices and let you pick one.01:31
daftykinslovedeatm: not until you try that01:32
explodingmangoRegarding the SysRq commands, does SysRq-O shut down immediately like B reboots, or does it do a proper/safe shutdown?01:32
dingus1my old computer does not support usb boot. but plop works just fine01:32
Dlabzjhutchins: I figured out an easier solution: I did release upgrade :)01:32
EriC^krainier: you could try one thing, but i still think it's odd you can't get an efi shell, you can try setting the efibootmgr path to EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi and putting shimx64.efi there as that name, some uefi require that file to be there to boot01:34
dingus1now if I can only figure out this system backup stuff. "systemback" does not work on ubuntu 14.1001:35
krainierI'll tell you I have tried that and EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgrw(or whatever the default for windows is).efi01:35
dingus1I need another program to backup a running system.01:35
krainierjust in case...01:35
krainierwould I need to reregister EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi path with efibootmgr?01:37
krainierlet me try01:39
EriC^EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi ..01:39
EriC^krainier: did uefi ever work on this laptop?01:40
TJ-krainier: The downloadable manual doesn't describe UEFI, only a legacy BIOS, so the docs seem out-of-date01:41
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TJ-krainier: correction, it has the AMI BIOS menus but it does show a copyright message that includes "UEFI" - it only shows 2 options being altered, so is confusing. No description of boot options at all01:43
yagiSAND_DUNE_AHMED: hey baby baby my name is AHMED baby baby im from dubai baby 35 male baby whats ur a/s/l baby so give me some lovin baby and flirt with me, give me ur kik and snapchat baby01:44
yagiSAND_DUNE_AHMED has been spamming me for the last fifteen minutes, anyone care to kb him?01:44
Stanley00I got spammed from him too01:45
bazhanghe's gone01:45
lovedeatmdaftykins, I tried it worked. Maybe you or someone here can help me with the next issue01:46
yagibazhang: thanks01:46
TJ-yagi: You can do "/ignore *!*@ ALL" to have all messages from that user silently dropped01:47
lovedeatmThank you btw, daftykins01:47
dingus1wow the ops are assume. I like it01:47
krainierso \\EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi and \\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgrw.efi both failed as boot options01:47
yagiTJ-: thanks, I know. it was more a public safety issue really :)01:48
TJ-krainier: I'm wondering if it is because the EFI System Partition isn't #1, but #2. According to the specification, it shouldn't matter, but who knows what bugs are in the firmware itself01:48
krainierand bios is UEFI 2.1 compliant, flashed most recent version from zotac01:48
krainierand no, it has never booted except for USB media01:49
TJ-krainier: In the same way that EriC^ described a missing bootx64.efi can cause some bugy firmwares to fail any kind of UEFI boot, this is another possible cause01:49
lovedeatmI need to create a usb drive that will boot up without grub. I have an iso but it's the default install iso (the one that's like hey try this and then install)01:49
EriC^krainier: did you rename the shimx64.efi file to EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi ?01:49
dingus1dumb question: why is sand_dune_ahmed sending me love notes?01:50
krainieralso, I should have EFI partition as sdb1, I don't see it as sdb2?01:51
EriC^i just got spammed too01:51
bazhang /mode yournick +g01:51
krainierbe back in a few01:51
TJ-krainier: I'd try installing the EDK2 shellx64.efi as /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/ShellBinPkg/UefiShell/X64/01:52
bazhangthats a network issue, he's not in this channel any longer01:52
dingus1thank you.01:52
dingus1what does +g do for me?01:53
dingus1"/mode dingus1 +g" how will that help?01:54
bazhangblocks all PM dingus101:56
TJ-krainier: EriC^ I wonder if the Protective MBR is causing the issue?01:56
daftykinslovedeatm: yeah so you boot, you run the installer, you select manual partitioning and choose the flash drive... and lets say the flash drive is called "sdb" you select to put GRUB on sdb, instead of sda. then it'll work01:57
lovedeatmThanks daftykins I'll give it a try and let you know01:59
EriC^TJ-: krainier *shrugs*02:01
EriC^krainier: if you want we can manually reinstall grub, i'm up for it02:01
EriC^who knows02:01
EriC^krainier: you could always use the usb to boot the ubuntu installation i guess, if nothing else works02:03
EriC^maybe the uefi has a hard time with the ssd02:04
liamguy165I just installed ubuntu over windows 802:04
liamguy165Should i keep it?02:04
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Congrats on coming to the awesome side! :D02:04
liamguy165yea ikr haha02:04
liamguy165I love coding and all aspects about this02:04
TJ-EriC^: The SSD is part of the unit, so I'd doubt that (it's not a 3rd party add-on)02:04
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Just know that this is a support channel ;)02:05
liamguy165oh yea haha02:05
NegativeFlare#ubuntu-offtopic is for random discussion :P02:05
liamguy165i have a question about executing .sh files as a terminal file02:05
NegativeFlareliamguy165: alright, go for it02:05
NegativeFlareyou mean a shell script right?02:05
liamguy165I want to double click a .sh file extenstion, but it opens in gedit02:05
liamguy165yea i do mean shell script02:06
liamguy165I do penentration testing for a small but sucessful business02:06
NegativeFlareliamguy165: normally when running a shell script, if its not +x on its permissions, then its going to open it up02:06
NegativeFlarenot run it02:06
liamguy165I have chmod +x test.sh in cd Desktop in terminal, but it still opens as gedit02:07
NegativeFlareliamguy165: try removing the .sh?02:07
krainierok guys, the shell file as /EFI/Boot/bootx64 did not boot02:07
EriC^liamguy165: open a terminal, cd to the dir, type ./test.sh02:07
liamguy165that works fine02:08
liamguy165I already did that02:08
NegativeFlareEriC^: I'm pretty sure he wants to run the file without opening the terminal02:08
NegativeFlarerun it as in02:08
TJ-liamguy165: Usually, that depends on the default action set in the file manager/desktop environment, for that mime-type02:08
liamguy165yes i do02:08
liamguy165thats exactly right negative02:08
EriC^oh, you have to change the preferences in nautilus for that02:08
EriC^edit > preferences > behavior02:08
krainierand the bios recognizes the drive02:09
EriC^that's not recommended though02:09
krainierI've tried grub reinstall using the chroot method, btw02:09
liamguy165i dont see behavior in there02:09
TJ-krainier: How was the drive originally formatted - I'm trying to figure out what/who made the EFI SP as partition #2 - somehow the Protective MBR seems to be being counted first02:10
liamguy165Theres no vehavir option in there eric02:10
NegativeFlareheh. I personally don't like nautilus :x02:10
NegativeFlare!tab | liamguy16502:10
ubottuliamguy165: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:10
krainierorginally, I did an ubuntu install in BIOS mode02:11
krainierI think it may be an MBR issue as well, throwing off the firmware02:11
krainieris there any way to override that with ubuntu installer?02:11
DF3D2I have an ubuntu machine on a UEFI mobo, I always booted in what i think was "insecure mode" that's what it said before grub launched, in the bios this showed up as simply "ubuntu" and the actual hdd was a seperate entry, i've since lost the "ubuntu" entry and only have the hdd now... I popped the hdd in to another machine and it showed the "ubuntu" option... I have no idea what bios setting im looking for now... I see an option to disable02:12
DF3D2everything but UEFI but then the machine gives some error beeps and won't Post. It's an INTEL SB1200BTS server mobo.02:12
liamguy165EriC^: ?02:12
EriC^liamguy165: it should be there, second tab02:12
dingus1I use the plop, bootable cd. to override the bios.02:12
EriC^Views behavior display ...02:12
krainierbecause I've only been doing stock partitions through the ubuntu installer02:12
dingus1it will let me boot from usb or whatever02:12
EriC^liamguy165: are you using unity?02:12
* NegativeFlare shutters02:13
EriC^oh ok02:13
EriC^what are you using?02:13
TJ-liamguy165: See http://askubuntu.com/questions/168859/how-to-change-default-action-when-running-a-sh-file02:13
EriC^liamguy165: which de?02:13
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Which desktop environment?02:13
NegativeFlareThat's what he's asking02:13
EriC^lubuntu? xubuntu?02:13
liamguy165im using ubuntu02:14
NegativeFlareEriC^: I'm lost then xD02:14
TJ-krainier: You can simply zero out the first sector (the MBR) to lose all signs of the Legacy boot info.02:14
EriC^same here :D02:14
liamguy165whta wrong with ubuntu02:14
EriC^liamguy165: nothing ubuntu uses unity02:14
NegativeFlareliamguy165: nothing really.02:15
liamguy165ah thanks02:15
liamguy165so if im using unity, you dont know?02:15
NegativeFlare!screenshot | liamguy16502:15
ubottuliamguy165: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.02:15
* xtpeeps sleeping02:15
EriC^you should have nautilus as the file manager02:15
NegativeFlareliamguy165: take a screenshot, and show us what you see ok?02:15
NegativeFlarein the preferences for Nautilus02:15
EriC^yeah that'd be best02:15
djbpythonim connected to a vpn (14.04) and id like to make it so that any tcp traffic for a specific ip address/hostname uses the vpn, is that possible?02:16
NegativeFlaredjbpython: Its possible with iptables, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it02:16
djbpythonNegativeFlare, ok thanks02:17
NegativeFlareliamguy165: silly. Fire up the file manager (Nautilus) and open the preferences windows02:17
NegativeFlareWe need a screenshot of that :P02:17
TJ-djbpython: You can do that with routing table entries02:17
liamguy165im so clueless rn02:18
djbpythonTJ-, yea it seems like that is my best bet but i havent gotten it to work02:18
NegativeFlareliamguy165: you don't know what the file manager is?02:18
dingus1sand_dune_ahmed sending me love notes? wtf02:18
NegativeFlaredingus1: ignore it, its a bot. I got it too.02:19
liamguy165dont worry i got it02:19
liamguy165just being stupid af02:19
neosiuhello guys, i have a question, is it necessary to upgrade the updates?02:20
NegativeFlareneosiu: if you want to keep your system secure, then yes.02:20
NegativeFlareOtherwise, its your choice.02:20
TJ-djbkd: E.g. "sudo ip route add dev tun0"02:20
neosiuoh thank you!02:20
liamguy165there ya go02:21
TJ-djbpython: E.g. "sudo ip route add dev tun0"02:21
krainiertj, just want to confirm cmd before running02:21
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Ah, see the option that's already checked (bulleted, w/e)02:21
krainierdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=102:21
NegativeFlareIt says Run Executable commands when they are opened02:22
liamguy165but it still isnt working02:22
NegativeFlareif that's already marked, then what you need to do is mark the file you want to run via the file manager as executable02:22
liamguy165how do ido that02:22
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Have you did this to the file: chmod +x <filename>02:22
TJ-krainier: Try that, but I don't see any need to keep the Protective MBR partition table either. If killing the boot-strap code doesn't do it, try taking out the partition table too02:23
liamguy165oh im dumb02:23
DF3D2I have an ubuntu machine on a UEFI mobo, I always booted in what i think was "insecure mode" that's what it said before grub launched, in the bios this showed up as simply "ubuntu" and the actual hdd was a seperate entry, i've since lost the "ubuntu" entry and only have the hdd now... I popped the hdd in to another machine and it showed the "ubuntu" option... I have no idea what bios setting im looking for now... I see an option to disable02:23
DF3D2everything but UEFI but then the machine gives some error beeps and won't Post. It's an INTEL SB1200BTS server mobo.02:23
liamguy165i didnt allow it to have perms to run as executable at all02:23
liamguy165sorry for wasting your time02:23
liamguy165but hm, it doesnt even run02:23
EriC^liamguy165: it runs in the background02:24
EriC^liamguy165: yeah, that's why it's not recommended, you can't see the output of the script02:24
liamguy165if i open multiple of these, i wont see them02:24
djbpythonTJ-, ah yes i tried that (though my device is vpn0) and when i traceroute i dont see it going through my vpn02:24
liamguy165i see02:24
djbpythondo i need to restart anything?02:24
liamguy165so theres no way to run tons of these scripts with one command?02:24
TJ-DF3D2: Sounds like the mobo's firmware lost the UEFI Boot Menu entry for the Ubuntu install. If you can boot in UEFI mode to a Live ISO environment, you can use "efibootmgr" to reinstall the entry02:24
NegativeFlareliamguy165: nah man02:24
NegativeFlaredon't worry about it, that's why we're here.02:24
liamguy165oh i thought thered be  a way02:25
liamguy165like run ./ping.sh 1002:25
EriC^liamguy165: if you really want to do it, you can create a runscript.sh , with the command gnome-terminal -e "bash -c '/path/to/test.sh; bash'" , it will open a terminal and run it and keep it open after it's done02:25
NegativeFlareyou can run a bunch of commands with bash, you have to learn how to write the script to do so though.02:25
TJ-djbpython: That would depend on other entries in the routing table that may be more specific, and possibly even how the far end of the VPN is configured02:25
NegativeFlareliamguy165: Take a look at this: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:25
NegativeFlareI've read most of that document/article. And I've learned how to write tons of scripts.02:26
DF3D2TJ-, I tried point it to fs0:\boot\efi02:26
DF3D2TJ-, which seemed to be what it wanted02:26
NegativeFlareHeh, that's one of the reasons Google hired me xD02:26
TJ-DF3D2: The removable media and default boot path is /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi. For non-removable media, the firmware will usually expect a Boot Menu entry to have been saved into tis Non-Volatile memory so it survives power-off02:27
DF3D2TJ-, it wants me to use \ slashes it says?02:27
DF3D2so it would be what, fs0:\EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi ?02:28
TJ-DF3D2: Yes, sorry. You'll need to escape them ("\\") to get a literal "\"02:28
TJ-DF3D2: Are you doing this from the UEFI shell?02:28
DF3D2TJ-, well the bios it's self has a section where I can create a uefi entry02:29
DF3D2on the hdd02:29
TJ-DF3D2: In which case I think you can get away without escaping the path separator02:29
DF3D2TJ-, so what should it look like exactly?02:29
TJ-DF3D2: Ahhh, OK, that's even better. I like professionally written firmware... so rare!02:29
DF3D2TJ-, so: fs0:\EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi  ?02:30
TJ-DF3D2: Assuming the file exists, "\EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi". If you're trying to point to a default Ubuntu install, it'd be "\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi"02:31
krainierMBR zeroed out to 512bs, still no boot02:32
TJ-DF3D2: That assumes the signed packages are installed to support Secure Boot. If not, then it'd be "\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi"02:32
TJ-krainier: You've got some weirdness going on there02:32
krainierwill a signed efi file work if secure boot is off?02:32
EriC^yeah i think so02:32
TJ-krainier: At least it seems not to be a legacy issue02:32
TJ-krainier: Yes02:33
krainierweird thing is I've read reports of the same pc booting linux just fine, no issues02:33
krainiermore likely a firmware issue or SSD issue?02:33
EriC^i think firmware02:34
EriC^maybe ssd i dont know02:34
krainiershould I return the box at this point?02:34
TJ-krainier: IF it were me, I'd wipe the device, create a single GPT EFI system partition of 256MB FAT32, and install the EDK2 shell.efi to "/EFI/boot/boootx64.efi" and try with that.02:34
EriC^i think it's odd you cant get an efi shell and it says no filesystem found02:34
krainieras faulty?02:34
EriC^it should give an efi shell even if it can't see the ssd i think02:34
TJ-krainier: Have you done a couple of complete UEFI reset to factory defaults? To clear weirdness from NVRAM?02:35
EriC^but it boots the live usb fine, so...02:35
DF3D2TJ-, well im beyond confused now02:35
krainierI flashed a bios update02:35
DF3D2TJ-, assume this is EFI done by an ubuntu install without me having done anything fancy02:35
TJ-EriC^: Only if the firmware has a shell built-in. I didn't see mention of one in the docs02:35
DF3D2the bios says nothing about using quotes02:35
DF3D2it gives this example: fs0:\path\filename.efi02:36
TJ-DF3D2: If the shim file is in the ESP then use that, else you'll only have grubx64.efi, so use that02:36
TJ-DF3D2: I use "quotes" to make clear the commands I suggest you type from the surrounding comments02:36
TJ-krainier: After a firmware update it's always best to reset to defaults and reapply settings, since the internal storage of settings can change. I've seen that affect BIOSes many times, but UEFI variables are supposed to be stored more intelligently02:40
YukkiiAnyone here?02:41
YukkiiTJ-: Would you be able to help me with this? http://pastebin.com/iZ7MYsjx02:41
mynameisdeletedso.. 4k, 5k, and 6k resolution wallpapers....02:43
krainierreset to defaults, still nada02:43
mynameisdeletedcan those be submitted with creative commons attribution required license?02:43
DF3D2TJ-, well shim didn't work02:44
krainierany change there is some weird driver, or firmware update, ACHI setting or something that isn't right?02:44
mynameisdeletedI think it could be a great way for a photographer to spread his name if they look good02:44
DF3D2TJ-, ill download a live-cd and use the repair tool, what was it called?02:44
TJ-Yukkii: "sudo apt-get install pkg-config"02:44
TJ-DF3D2: "boot info" ?02:44
ubuntuuserIs there a known issue with alt tabbing in fullscreen games on Ubuntu using the AMD Catalyst driver?02:44
ubuntuuserIn my Ubuntu install, it doesn't work and sometimes freezes the game02:45
mynameisdeletedI'm willing to allow anyone to modify them or redistribute them as long as they keep atribution as I request02:45
DF3D2TJ-, you said some efi repair tool02:45
DF3D2im starting to go literally insane here02:45
daftykinsmynameisdeleted: #ubuntu-offtopic would be better for that.02:45
DF3D2I hate efi so much02:45
TJ-krainier: Not that I can imagine at this level. I'd try a clean minimal GPT ESP with shell.efi, as I suggested earlier. If that fails then you know you have a firmware issue, rather than a bad install issue02:46
krainierDF3D2, me too!02:46
TJ-DF3D2: Oh, you mean "efibootmgr" ?02:46
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DF3D2TJ-, yeah im going insane here02:46
* TJ- loves UEFI ... you get to diagnose it's issues more than was ever possible with BIOS!02:46
DF3D2does that have live functionality ?02:47
TJ-DF3D2: "desktop" installers all have 'live' environments02:47
[[thufir]]how should I format for dual boot?  i'm running 14.10, but want to dual boot OpenSuSE.  how should fdisk look like?02:47
krainierok, will try in a bit. Thanks for all your time and attention @TJ-, @EriC^02:48
krainieryou guys are awesome02:48
daftykins[[thufir]]: not much space there.02:49
[[thufir]]daftykins: huh?  there should be 400GB.  hmm.02:50
daftykins[[thufir]]: oh my bad, that listing is edited02:50
daftykinssda1 is not at the beginning of the disk, how very odd02:50
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TJ-krainier: Reference to this page might help you diagnose the issue/ensure you have a totally correct UEFI install. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:51
[[thufir]]daftykins: yeah, uh, that was me doing things perhaps out of sequence.02:51
daftykins[[thufir]]: how-so?02:51
[[thufir]]daftykins: I added the swap in the wrong sequence when installing, which is why sda1 is probably not at the beginning of the disc.  Took me a few tries.02:52
DF3D2TJ-, so do I just do "efibootmgr -c"02:55
daftykins[[thufir]]: is another OS on that disk though? nothing starts at 002:55
FinetundraAnother day, another problem. I seem to have lost the ability to control audio weather by keyboard control or by clicking the buttons. can anyone give me a hand?02:56
[[thufir]]daftykins: no, right now it's just Ubuntu.  I want to add OpenSuSE, make /dev/sda3 and put OpenSuSE on there.  what should the fdisk report look like for that?02:56
TJ-DF3D2: More like "sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\boot\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p X -d /dev/sdY" where X is the partition number of the EFI system partition, and Y is the device letter02:57
YukkiiTJ-: http://pastebin.com/1DZrb8xR02:57
daftykins[[thufir]]: first run this "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" - you might need to install pastebinit02:57
YukkiiAfter running sudo make install02:57
TJ-Yukkii: So it worked02:57
YukkiiTJ-: Do I need to reboot for it to show up now?02:58
[[thufir]]daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10026656/02:58
TJ-Yukkii: What do you mean by "show up" - it's installed and ready02:58
YukkiiTyping "tmux" does nothing02:58
TJ-Yukkii: what does "which tmux" report?02:59
[[thufir]]daftykins: and new fdisk -l  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10026689/       should sda3 have a "*" or not?02:59
DF3D2TJ-, haha okay let me try that..02:59
Yukkiiminecraft@mc1:~$ which tmux02:59
Yukkiiminecraft@mc1:~$ which tmux02:59
YukkiiSays /usr/local/bin/tmux02:59
TJ-Yukkii: So it isn't installed in the current path. what does "echo $PATH" report?02:59
xcyclistSay, is rbenv now broken on Ubuntu?03:00
TJ-Yukkii: So it was found! Forget the $PATH request03:00
daftykins[[thufir]]: no, you're trying to set it up before the OS is there XD03:00
xcyclistI tried apt-get installing it, and it won't go.03:00
TJ-Yukkii: try calling it directly then: "/usr/local/bin/tmux"03:00
YukkiiThat works03:00
daftykins[[thufir]]: was the ubuntu install recent? that disk is all kinds of messed up03:00
[[thufir]]daftykins: ok, so OpenSuSE will find (or I'll direct it to) sda3, and then it will make it bootable, and add the "*"?  something like that?03:01
daftykins[[thufir]]: sda3 is the first on the disk, the other two are right at the end XD03:01
TJ-Yukkii: Ahhh, it's the shell's has table!03:01
YukkiiI se03:01
YukkiiI see*03:01
TJ-Yukkii: Type "hash -d tmux" then try "tmux"03:01
YukkiiTJ-: That fixed it, thanks!03:02
TJ-Yukkii: you're welcome03:02
TJ-krainier: DF3D2: I have to go (to sleep) now; hope you guys get it sorted. krainier: if you do, please post an update to your forum thread. I'll be watching it.03:03
FinetundraAnother day, another problem. I seem to have lost the ability to control audio weather by keyboard control or by clicking the buttons. can anyone give me a hand?03:04
=== gerald is now known as Guest64462
diego7319hi guys03:06
diego7319i had this error when i try to run ubuntu touch emulator03:07
diego7319ubuntu touch developer tools are not installed03:07
daftykins!touch | diego731903:08
ubottudiego7319: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:08
diego7319nobody answer anything in there03:08
diego7319a lot of people03:08
diego7319nobody writes anything03:08
DF3D2TJ-, well the entry shows up in uefi now but it wont boot03:10
DF3D2"sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\boot\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda"03:11
sakurakaminariwhoa holy shit03:11
sakurakaminarithats like03:11
sakurakaminaripro ubuntu-ing03:11
daftykinssakurakaminari: don't use that language here please03:12
daftykinsdiego7319: yep you're on at the wrong time, doesn't make touch a topic for here though i'm afraid.03:12
sakurakaminaridaftykins: oops sorry. didn't know swears were banned03:12
DF3D2TJ-, sda1 is a 512M partition with the efi stuff in it I believe03:16
krainierDF3D2, are you in live media?03:16
krainiersudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt03:17
happyfr0ggHow do I determine what is causing my CPU to hit 100%?03:18
krainierthen browse to /mnt/EFI03:18
xcyclistAnybody out there if the rbenv you get with apt-get install is serviceable?03:18
DF3D2krainier, yeah I just figured all that out03:18
DF3D2was brain dead or id have figured it b4 :-P03:18
krainierlol, is the path there same as \EFI\\boot\shimx64.efi that you did03:19
krainiersorry, I missed all the troubleshooting you did03:19
DF3D2mine is \EFI\ubuntu\shimx6403:19
happyfr0ggSystem Monitor does not tell me what is causing my CPU to hit 100%.03:19
happyfr0ggI want to know what apps are causing my CPU to hit 100%. How do I do this?03:20
toan_run top03:20
DF3D2krainier, still doesn't work though!03:20
DF3D2what the heck03:20
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
krainierdid you try sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda03:21
RileyGuy1000Hello, I am having an issue with my passwords, I've heard there is a disk out there that can edit any account type or password whether it be mac, windows, or linux, where could I get that?03:21
DF3D2krainier, yea03:21
quantalshello just installed ubuntu14.04, i installed clementine is there a way to view video podcast in clementine?Is ther ea plugin or something.I know it is not ubuntu related but i was hoping someone could help plz03:22
DF3D2krainier, option in the uefi still isn't bootable though03:22
[[thufir]]daftykins: I seem to have discconnected.  sorry, did you reply?03:22
krainierwith the correct path? or did you only try \\EFI\\Boot\\shimx6403:22
krainiershould be \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx6403:22
krainierunless you copied over files to /mnt/EFI/boot folder that I missed03:23
happyfr0ggTop tells me that 'kworker' is using up 75% of my CPU. What the heck is 'kworker'??03:23
DF3D2krainier, no I did "sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda"03:23
DF3D2is that too many \ ?03:23
DF3D2thats what tj said to do03:23
krainierha no, as long as your \\EFI\\..\\file.efi path matches actual folder and file paths03:24
daftykins[[thufir]]: was the ubuntu install recent?03:25
[[thufir]]daftykins: yes.03:25
krainierI'm just saying because TJ put in the wrong path for your previous instruction03:25
krainierif you were cutting an pasting, it would have been wrong03:26
daftykins[[thufir]]: if i were you i'd start over, your ubuntu partitions are at the end of the drive and sda3 is at the start, it's all backwards :D03:26
[[thufir]]daftykins: ok.  if i boot to live DVD, can gparted rename them?  or do I need to re-install???03:26
DF3D2krainier, yeah I fixed it before03:27
DF3D2and it still does not work03:27
daftykins[[thufir]]: nuke it from orbit and start again, they're not names... they're logical assignments based on the order on disk03:29
daftykins[[thufir]]: reinstall ubuntu by selecting to partition manually, then ask in here again - that way you can use part of the space for ubuntu and save some for the other OS later03:30
ksayapini have a small problem03:30
ksayapinpls help03:30
krainierDF3D2, does sudo efibootmgr -v03:30
krainiershow the entry?03:31
DF3D2krainier, yeah03:31
krainierand how many entries does it show?03:31
DF3D2krainier, just doesn't work03:31
DF3D2im about to just throw this motherboard away03:31
TJ-DF3D2: Is it set as the default, too?03:31
DF3D2yeah ive tried booting it directly from uefi03:32
DF3D2the pathing is correct03:32
DF3D2as long as \\EFI\\ is correct..03:32
daftykinsksayapin: first of all you have to actually tell us what's wrong and ask03:32
DF3D2"sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda03:32
DF3D2just doesn't work though03:32
krainieryou are missing a slash in that cmd03:32
krainierbetween ubuntu and shimx64.efi03:33
krainiershould be two slashes03:33
krainierbut maybe delete that entry before you recreate it?03:33
krainiersudo efibootmgr -b 000X -B 000X03:33
krainierthen sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda03:34
krainierX = the boot entry labeled as ubuntu03:34
DF3D2two slahses all the way around? why03:34
DF3D2this makes no sense03:34
TJ-The UEFI firmware expects the EFI system partition to have the layout "\EFI\<os-name>\<boot><arch>.efi". For removable media <os-name> is hard-coded as "boot". <arch> is "x64" for 64-bit UEFI which is 99% of UEFI. For non-removable media, the path can be anywhere in the EFI SP and the filename can be anything, but we try to stick with the UEFI conventions as much as possible whilst still being descriptive03:34
allstarsnorks2Hey there. May I ask if Ubuntu GNOME is a supported release of Ubuntu03:35
daftykinsallstarsnorks2: i believe it is03:35
DF3D2TJ-, so double slashes is wrong ?03:35
DF3D2so it should be "sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda" ???03:36
excelsioramy wife just installed Ubuntu all by herself. Well I was next to her telling her what to do, but otherwise, all by herself!!!03:36
TJ-DF3D2: In the shell "\" is the escape character/ Linux uses "/" as the path separator. To get a literal "\" you need to use "\\" otherwise "\EFI" would be interpretted as "\E" (a single control code) followed by "FI"03:36
allstarsnorks2A question. After updating to Gnome 3.14, Gnome's Startup Application was removed. What is up with this?03:36
DF3D2TJ-, so then I need this?03:36
DF3D2so it should be "sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda" ???03:36
TJ-DF3D2: That is why using efibootmgr we have to use "\\" but in the native UEFI tools we don't03:36
daftykinsexcelsiora: that's nice. got a support query?03:37
TJ-DF3D2: That looks correct to me, assuming the path/file exists in partition #1 of sda03:37
DF3D2TJ-, your first msg to me showed \\EFI\boot\shimx64.efi03:37
DF3D2so I had been doing that the entire time, with changing "boot" to "ubuntu"03:37
TJ-DF3D2: I am tired; many typos!03:37
TJ-DF3D2: 03:38 here... need sleep :)03:38
excelsioradaftykins: no, just wanted to celebrate with you! :)03:38
DF3D2TJ-, well it finally works03:40
krainiercongrats man03:40
happyfr0ggCould somebody help me? My question is at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+question/248598 number 20.03:40
DF3D2thats why I kept asking if \\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi was right03:40
DF3D2shoulda just tried \\ everywhere I guess03:41
krainieryou got it now, maybe thank the guy for his work03:41
happyfr0ggHow do I send an error report to the Ubuntu developers? My Ubuntu install fails to send the error crash reports.03:42
DF3D2TJ-, thanks03:48
DF3D2so my next problem is my intel gigabit nic (e1000e driver) doesn't load on startup03:49
DF3D2I have to remove the e1000e module and probe it again03:49
daftykinstry adding it to /etc/modules03:50
adyhi all, i got problem with facebook call .. don`t detect my webcam .... can someone help ?03:51
DF3D2daftykins, yeah oddly it wasn't in there, it should be right ?03:51
arooni-mobilehey folks.  when i plug in headphones i still hear audio coming through my laptop speakers.  t420 laptop; running urubntu 14.04;  what can i do?03:52
DF3D2daftykins, that didnt seem to help03:54
daftykinsDF3D2: so when you boot up the first time, what state is the interface in? does it even appear?03:54
DF3D2daftykins, no it does the waiting 60 more secs stuff03:55
DF3D2this machine has dual gigabit intel nics but one is disabled in bios03:55
daftykinsas in, it delays boot?03:56
DF3D2just not using it03:56
daftykinsand your doing that didn't create this problem?03:57
daftykinsquite honestly, disabling it is a pointless action03:57
DF3D2had it before03:57
DF3D2okay point taken03:57
DF3D2my persistent rules look like this: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:8b:77:bc", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"03:57
kyle__any udev masters in here?  I'm trying to make a device specific keyboardmapping, but nothing seems to match it.  I can get anormal usb keyboard to match the hwdb entry, and the laptop's keyboard, but not the device I need (usb footswitch).03:58
DF3D2daftykins, what else can I do so it works properly at boot?04:01
DF3D2the long boot times and manual intervention needed is quite annoying04:01
daftykinsDF3D2: i genuinely don't know, i've not come up against the right driver not loading before. is this trusty or utopic?04:02
DF3D2daftykins, I noticed some behavior where it would load some times, but the 2 ports would be "em1" and "p5p1" instead of eth1 and eth204:03
DF3D2contrary to my persistent rules04:03
daftykinsyeah, a lot of devices are coming up with different labels these days04:03
daftykinsperhaps your modifications are fighting it04:03
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daftykinsDF3D2: you on your boards latest BIOS? i've also read of compiling newer e1000e modules before, not sure if that's relevant04:04
DF3D2daftykins, yep newest bios for it04:05
ameAnybody have idea on how to synchronize my files to google drive??04:05
daftykinsrsync to a Windows share? :D04:05
daftykinsi'm assuming you are saying there's no G Drive client for Linux04:06
DF3D2daftykins, http://dpaste.com/2PCH2E704:07
DF3D2this show that behavior of the "em1" and "p5p1" i was telling you about04:07
amedaftkins:For eg:I do have reports filling on my google drive...I want that to fill it in local drive and want to synchronize daily basis04:11
Evil_Ericis rsyslogd supose to be constanly running my cpu at or abouve 3.? % of my CPU?04:13
=== budd is now known as buddd
daftykinsame: sorry like i say, no idea of a client even exists. if it doesn't, no idea.04:17
jak2000in mysql when i try see the ddl of a table: mysql> describe tmtarimas;  get this error: ERROR 1 (HY000): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_3cb_0.MYI' (Errcode: 30)  why how to fix?04:27
bmelcher84hey everyone04:33
MaserAir il'e yoshmotak04:35
bmelcher84not sure how to respond to that...04:35
agent_whiteEvenin folks04:40
kyle__Quite possibly agent_white04:43
budddhow do i change my terminal's default text editor from gedit to sublime?04:44
buddd(assuming I have sublime installed)04:44
daftykinsisn't sublime a GUI editor 0o04:45
agent_whitebuddd: In your .bashrc, add "export EDITOR=sublime"04:46
budddi dunno some google people told me its what they use04:46
agent_whiteThen either close all current term windows open, and open a new one, or paste "source ~/.bashrc" in each one of them.04:46
daftykinsbuddd: heh, i prefer to think for myself on software choices ;)04:47
budddi just installed ubuntu so I have no personal opinions04:48
agent_whitebuddd: Then, try all of them!!!04:48
budddwhat do most people use?04:48
agent_whitebuddd: Most people use VARIOUS ones.04:48
daftykinswell you need to try things first04:48
agent_white^ Don04:48
budddthat sounds like a lot of work while there's more interesting things to do right now =]04:48
agent_whiteDon't go the "most people" route, go the "what options are there?" and try them all.04:48
budddvim it is04:49
agent_whiteTrue. But finding a text editor is like finding a religion, you'll find... kinda like Sword in the Stone.04:49
budddi'll eventually find one I like04:49
daftykinslol vim04:49
budddwhat do you guys use04:50
agent_whitebuddd: vim enthusiast here ;)  -- vimadventures.com to get the basics down.04:50
cjenkin1agent_white, Emacs FTW04:50
agent_whitebuddd: I don't use gvim (gui version), but you may want to look into it until you're comfortable with vim bindings and whatnot.04:50
cjenkin1Sublime is also pretty good - it's a GUI Emacs in Python04:50
daftykinsi shout at a series of underpaid slaves in my basement, tell them to remember characters04:50
agent_whitecjenkin1: I think every linux user should be comfortable in vim and/or emacs. Period. :D04:50
AkivaAvrahamwhats a good program that can interpret pdf as text?04:51
budddyeah i mostly do python, i guess thats why they suggest sublime04:51
cjenkin1agent_white, Agreed.04:51
cjenkin1buddd, Sublime is good for Python and also for all kinds of web stuff04:51
agent_whiteAkivaAvraham: `pdftotext`04:51
AkivaAvrahamagent_white, will try04:51
agent_whiteJust... don't go the IDE route.04:51
agent_whiteLearn to use a text editor first.04:52
budddis there a way to open a file from the terminal so it opens in default text editor? When id o xdg-open it opens in gedit04:52
budddeven after I chose vim04:52
cjenkin1agent_white, Dunno, on the fly type checking is nice. Doesn't matter if it's Python I guess04:52
agent_whiteI still say, vim, or like cjenkin1 said, emacs.  Both have a long standing (I'm talking decades) reputation for a reason.04:52
agent_whitecjenkin1: "There's a plugin for that..." ;)04:52
cjenkin1buddd, Make an alias?04:53
budddsublime sounds cooler04:53
agent_whitebuddd: Did you read what I said above about exporting your editor in bashrc ?04:53
cjenkin1agent_white, But we're talking about a beginner right? No need to have them configure plugins when an IDE will work out of the box04:53
agent_whiteadd `export EDITOR="vim"` at the top of your ~/.bashrc04:53
budddi just typed it in my bash haha04:54
agent_whitecjenkin1: True. For a beginner, they won't be worried about type-checking on the fly ;)04:54
agent_whitebuddd: Re-read what I said above!04:54
cjenkin1agent_white, I think he figured it out.04:54
AkivaAvrahamagent_white, didn't work for this pdf document. I think its a scanned pdf, so its not reading04:54
agent_whiteWhat you did is apply it to _only_ that erm session.04:54
* AkivaAvraham hates pdfs04:54
cjenkin1But what if they're learning Haskell? :D04:54
agent_whitecjenkin1: Then I'd give them a bottle of whiskey.04:54
cjenkin1buddd, How comfortable are you with the Bash shell?04:55
daftykinswould probably be nicer to stay more strictly on topic for support, peeps - given #ubuntu-offtopic is the chat channel :)04:55
cjenkin1daftykins, Aw, sorry04:55
budddcjenkin, i can do cd and ls and pwd and thats pretty much it04:55
budddi can run python stuff too04:55
agent_whitebuddd: I do recommand that you take the time to really invest in learning your editor. It becomes second nature once you do... like breathing. And it is invaluable to learn it inside and out.04:55
budddwhere is bashrc04:56
agent_whitebuddd: In your home directory... ~/04:56
cjenkin1buddd, usually $HOME/.bashrc04:56
budddyeah i'm there04:56
cjenkin1Hidden file04:56
budddi can see bashrc in the terminal04:56
budddbut not in the window04:56
agent_whitebuddd: Say you "cd"'d into /etc/asdfads/asdfasdf/asdfasdf ... even there, if you type "~/" it refers to your home directory.04:56
cjenkin1buddd, Ctrl+H to show hidden files04:56
agent_whitebuddd: `ls -a` to show hidden files ;)04:57
agent_whiteCan't give him shortcuts!04:57
budddctl h is the way to go04:57
budddi couldn't xdg-open .bashrc04:57
agent_whiteTrue, but `ls -a` is global -- doesn't depend on your terminal having ctrl-h04:58
agent_whitebuddd: `vim ~/.bashrc`04:58
cjenkin1agent_white, That was a file browser shortcut. Should have clarified04:58
buddd"could not display bashrc~. there is no application installed for "backup file" files. do you want to search for an application04:58
agent_whitecjenkin1: Ahhhh!04:58
agent_whitebuddd: heh.... use my command boave.04:58
agent_whiteMinus the ` tick marks04:59
glogicwhat is budd trying to do?05:00
budddnot suck at computers05:00
agent_whiteglogic: He is on his spiritual-journey of finding his text editor of choice.05:00
cjenkin1glogic, I believe set a default editor to open files from the command line05:00
cjenkin1also that05:00
agent_whitebuddd: Maybe before you choose your default editor, you instead find the editor you want to be default?05:01
budddthe program 'vim' can be found in the following packages05:01
glogicagent_white: Heh. We've all been down that road.05:01
agent_whitebuddd: `sudo apt-get install vim`05:01
budddpushing ur dugs on me05:01
agent_whiteglogic: Haha indeed. It's fun to see it beginning!05:01
[[thufir]]is there a log of this channnel?05:01
agent_whitebuddd: As I said... ask a programmer what text editor he uses, and you'll know his religion.05:02
glogicI'm a vim user myself, warning: many keyboard (non-intuitive) commands will need to be learned--and practiced.05:02
[[thufir]]daftykins: what was that command to see partition?  "partition -l"?05:02
daftykins[[thufir]]: sudo parted -l | pastebinit05:02
daftykins[[thufir]]: where have you been :P that was like forever ago!05:03
[[thufir]]daftykins: I had to reinstall!05:03
budddi installe dvim but its no where to be seen, doesn't have it owns folder in home05:03
agent_whitebuddd: Before you do all this, I recommend trying out vimadventures.com first -- no need to go further after getting to the paid portion, the prior stuff is enough to get the gist of everything.05:03
agent_whitebuddd: Just  type "vim" in your terminal.05:03
daftykins[[thufir]]: but that's a 5 min job! :D05:04
glogicquick tip... :q exits vim.05:04
Maserʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 05:04
budddi have to use vim in the terminal?05:04
glogicYes, it's a CLI application.05:04
agent_whitebuddd: Yes... unless you install and use `gvim`05:04
[[thufir]]daftykins: err, guess I'm slow...dunno.05:04
agent_whitebuddd: Which is why I said that WAY above...05:04
glogicThat should be exiting you: I GET to use this in the terminal?05:05
budddjust cause you say something, doesn't mean i'll understand it, right now05:05
cjenkin1glogic, :)05:05
agent_whitebuddd: `sudo apt-get install gvim` ... then `gvim` in terminal... but really you should go to vim-adventures.com before opening either (or whilst having either open)05:05
agent_whitebuddd: Understood, but ask if you don't understand!05:05
budddthat would be a lot of questions05:06
agent_whiteglogic/cjenkin1: Amen!05:06
budddplaying vim adventures05:06
rww!1984 | [[thufir]]05:06
ubottu[[thufir]]: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.05:06
agent_whitebuddd: You say that like it's a bad thing :P  And good!  It actually moved me to hjkl from my arrow keys.05:07
glogicagent_white: Hahaha.05:07
[[thufir]]how do I go about installing an OS using virtualization within ubuntu?  OpenSuSE05:07
[[thufir]]rww: thx05:07
glogicI find myself wishing for vim keyboard shortcuts when using firefox...05:07
bmelcher84hey everyone!05:07
agent_whiteglogic: There's a plugin I believe (or a few). I just switched from vimium to cvim in chromium.05:07
agent_whiteAlso use i3... with vim bindings... and a terminal music player with vim bindings.05:08
agent_whiteJust waiting for a car to come out that has vim-bindings. ;)05:08
budddisn't annoying to have to use the h, cause its not a home key05:08
glogicI didn't know i3 had vim binding support. Oh my.05:08
budddjkl; would seem to be easier05:08
glogicIt means I'll have to consider giving up icewm.05:08
agent_whitebuddd: It seems like it would be... but ";" is actually reserved for various functions, you'll see :)05:09
agent_whiteglogic: Never tried it!  I actually switched to i3 from awesome (which has vim binds by default)05:09
glogicI'd like to recommend a video introduction by a guy who lives and breathes vim.05:10
bmelcher84is usbmount a good solution to auto mounting a usb drive on boot05:11
caonicaldroidHow do i optimize my ubuntu to get th?e most out of it that i possibly can05:11
caonicaldroidBest browser?05:12
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: what are you trying to use it for?05:12
cjenkin1caonicaldroid, Depends on what your goal is?05:12
glogiccaonicaldroid: Optimize for what--speed?05:12
caonicaldroidHow to get better online video quality05:12
glogicMemory overhead?05:12
bmelcher84haha, that was quick, we all asked the same question lol05:12
cjenkin1caonicaldroid, That's a plugin issue, most like05:12
caonicaldroidOh ok05:12
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: I would use chrome05:12
caonicaldroidHow do i get it faster05:12
cjenkin1bmelcher84, That would be my guess too05:13
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: what are your pc specs?05:13
bmelcher84cjenkin1: about usbmount?05:13
cjenkin1bmelcher84, No, Chrome05:13
bmelcher84ahh, i see i see05:14
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: it should run just fine05:14
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: just know its not osx or windows...05:14
onatsare there any single board computers there that have ruggedized cases/ fanless with heatsinks?05:14
bmelcher84onats: look at pelican cases05:15
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: what is your goal with linux? to use it as your main os?05:15
bmelcher84caonicaldroid: just know you are going to be tweaking all the time... on the keyboard that is05:16
daftykinsonats: 'there' ?05:16
caonicaldroidto dev05:16
caonicaldroidand main os05:16
onatsbmelcher84: these are separate cases. im looking for a replacement to desktops, as they will be deployed to harsh environments / dusty05:16
onatsdaftykins: is my grammar incorrect? if yes, please do correct05:17
bmelcher84onats: use toughbooks05:17
bmelcher84they are pricy though05:17
bmelcher84but you can throw it off a building ;)05:17
daftykinsonats: well 'there' would suggest #ubuntu was a retail shop of some kind :)05:17
daftykinsonats: single board computers like raspberry pi's etc aren't really on topic for #ubuntu05:17
bmelcher84daftykins: haha05:17
bmelcher84onats: if you are running ubuntu on it, I think i can help you, but thats up to daftykins :p05:18
onatsthe plan is to put in ubuntu. so i guess hardware questions are going to be out of the topic?05:18
onatsyeah that’s the plan.05:18
bmelcher84good save lol05:18
glogiccaonicaldroid: You can code on any flavor of linux, in any language.05:18
budddwhen you use the numbers on vim, do you keep your fingers on hjkl or do you have to reach for the h05:19
daftykinsonats: #ubuntu-arm05:19
bmelcher84I have the pefect plan for you05:19
onatsyou guys should relax05:19
bmelcher84get a old tough book and install ubuntu on it05:19
agent_whitebuddd: What do you mean exactly?05:19
daftykinsonats: i'm perfectly relaxed laid out on my sofa, what suggests otherwise? :)05:19
glogicbuddd: Your fingers will go through a muscle-learning as you use vim.05:19
budddi'm playing vim adventures05:19
agent_white^^ what glogic said. And what level vim-adventures are you on?05:19
budddso keep ur fingers on the homekeys05:20
budddand reach for the h05:20
CarlFKwhat is the apt-get that removes config files too?05:20
onatstoo strict = anal05:20
glogicYes, keep them in place on your HOME ROW.05:20
cjenkin1CarlFK, --purge05:20
agent_whitebuddd: Keep your fingers on asdf/jkl;  as usual (home row) and move from there.05:20
CarlFKcjenkin1: thanks05:20
cjenkin1apt-get remove --purge, to be precise05:20
bmelcher84onats: as long as you stay in line, everyone is here to help you. Its just one of thoes rules of life05:20
bmelcher84cjenkin1: I will note that ;)05:21
daftykinsonats: the ubuntu channels on freenode have rules in order to direct people to places that can help them best, if you like, i could ignore you entirely?05:21
bmelcher84daftykins: you make me laugh05:21
onatslife goes on if you do.05:22
daftykinsanyway bed for me :) nn o/05:22
bmelcher84onats, just get a old toughbook and install ubuntu on it05:22
bmelcher84they will lst05:22
budddthis is annoying as shit05:23
bmelcher84buddd: tell me about it05:23
onatsbmelcher84: i was imagining something like a separate CPU which has no fans, and is encased in a heatsink05:23
bmelcher84sennn: yo05:23
glogiconats: Hehe.05:23
agent_whitebuddd: Which part? :)05:23
budddreaching for the h05:23
agent_whitebuddd: From j? -- o_005:23
budddcause you forget where the rest of ur fingers are05:24
bmelcher84onats: use the new raspberry pi, its can run windows 10 ooo000ooo :p but to be honest, this is not really on topic05:24
cjenkin1buddd, Muscle memory. You'll get it in tim05:24
budddmight be a deal breaker long term05:24
agent_whitebuddd: You don't just move your pointer finger left once?05:24
agent_whiteIf you shift all 4 fingers, you're doing typing oddly.05:24
budddbut i can't quickly transition to the j05:24
budddi need to lift and move05:24
onatsthanks. just looking for compatible/good combination hardware.05:24
bmelcher84onats: you can pm me if you like05:24
agent_whitebuddd: To do that move, ALL your fingers should stay on home row except your right hand's pointer finger.05:25
agent_whiteIt's like moving from f to g05:25
budddyeah its not uniform05:25
* agent_white shrugs05:25
budddhaha ;)05:25
bmelcher84what are you guys playing05:25
cjenkin1buddd, You're keyboard is not uniform?05:25
glogicbuddd: How are your hands positioned? Your hands should be held above the keyboard, not slouched with the palms resting on the bottom lip.05:26
bmelcher84p0wn3d: what a 1337 name!05:26
agent_whiteKeep with it and you'll get used to it :)  More importantly, _my_ annoyance came to having to do "all fingers/hand" off to hit ESC in vim. But then I found a binding to smash jk or kj at once instead :)05:26
budddwhat would one say is the advantage of emacs over vim?05:26
agent_whitebuddd: You're asking a about a religious war now ;))05:27
cjenkin1buddd, Advantage? Modal editing is kind of confusing, and Emacs doesn't use it05:27
budddproseletize me !05:27
cjenkin1One sec, let me get the XKCD graphic05:27
cjenkin1Not XKCD, nvm05:28
cjenkin1buddd, See the link :)05:28
agent_whitebuddd: The whole "vim vs. emacs" debate is pretty much a "100 long year war"  -- kinda a joke among programmers as to which is the ultimate editor.05:28
agent_whitecjenkin1: OR05:28
bmelcher84why not just use nano?05:28
cjenkin1Yes, that too.05:28
cjenkin1bmelcher84, Not if I want to edit code, I won't05:29
agent_whitebmelcher84: Why not swim across the ocean to visit eu->us or vice versa?05:29
bmelcher84agent_white: well google maps tells me to jet ski to shina05:29
agent_whiteIf someone uses nano and are not knew to linux/terminal editors, I question if they are being held captive and only allowed to use it.05:29
bmelcher84i use to use vi, but not much vim05:30
bmelcher84never got too much into the code05:30
agent_whitebmelcher84: The guy who made that route probably wrote nano... when it said "swim", that guy `cat`ed single characters into text files.05:30
bmelcher84agent_white: hahahhaha05:30
cjenkin1buddd, If you're having problems reaching j from h I do *not* recommend Emacs05:31
agent_white^^ I was just about to say.05:31
cjenkin1The joke is that "Emacs" stands for "Escape Meta Alt Control Shift"05:31
agent_whiteThese two editors are about keybindings... NOT mouse friendly.05:31
glogicThe other joke is that EMACS is a great operating system.05:32
agent_whiteBut either are entirely worth knowing.  Your future-self will thank you for learning either.05:33
agent_whiteThat's not a joke, EMACS is an OS that lacks a decent text editor05:33
glogicagent_white: :)05:33
agent_whiteIf you refuse to learn either, and get comfortable in either... you're just hurting yourself.05:33
cjenkin1buddd, The joke is that you can live within emacs, doing everything you'd normally do in an O/S.05:33
cjenkin1You can browse directories, browse the internet, run a shell, and even play music in Emacs05:34
budddthat sounds awesome to me05:34
cjenkin1buddd, It does until you realize how much configuring *you* have to do sometimes05:34
agent_whitebuddd: Then try it out :) Let me know how it goes... I actually have never dipped-a-toe into the emacs waters before.05:34
cjenkin1I refuse to learn Elisp05:34
ungovHello, I installed KX studio on my system, and after I rebooted, i no longer have sound.05:34
ungovOn Cadence, I see that the Jack server is started, and PulseAudio is started ad bridged to JACK. Any ideas?05:34
budddanyone familar with sublime? how different is it than emacs?05:34
agent_whitebuddd: Worlds apart.05:35
cjenkin1buddd, Same idea, different key bindings, a GUI, in Python05:35
agent_whiteSame as asking if vim is similar05:35
cjenkin1agent_white, not really. Sublime is the spiritual successor to Emacs05:35
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agent_whitecjenkin1: No shit? -- I was about to ask if there was a GUI out there for emacs, like gvim to vim.05:35
bmelcher84ungov: sounds like you have to set it up05:36
cjenkin1agent_white, I always run Emacs in the GUI05:36
budddwhat is the advantage of having a gui editor?05:36
cjenkin1Alt key bindings get caught by the terminal emulator05:36
cjenkin1buddd, Crutch05:36
budddthat means nothing to me05:36
agent_whitecjenkin1: Oh wow... maybe, one day, I'll try emacs to test out the dark side of things ;)05:36
agent_whitebuddd: That's a question that's VERY subjective.05:36
cjenkin1agent_white, I got converted because the languages I wanted to write in all were best supported in Emacs modes05:37
ungovI'm on Emacs right now. It has a cool mode for irc, called Circe05:37
budddi only use python05:37
cjenkin1buddd, Sublime is decent then05:37
agent_whitebuddd: As in, I'd personally say, that its not an advantage but a crutch in that you rely on a mouse, therefore are not as familiar when remoteing into a system (via terminal), and is also slower as you need to move your hands from the keyboard05:37
suphihello, i am remotely connecting my server (ubuntu 14.04.1 desktop installed) with rdp,if i disconnect from rdp will the scripts i had started within console stop?05:38
budddi don't like moving my hands from the keyboard05:38
agent_whitecjenkin1: I'm surprised I'm not, as Matz (ruby creator) is a HUGE emacs fan :)05:38
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bmelcher84ungov: http://goo.gl/TtmmnG05:38
glogicbuddd: Then learn Vim.05:38
agent_whitebuddd: Then emacs/vim :)05:38
agent_whiteI started on vim, tried out sublime for a little bit... but moved back for good.05:39
cjenkin1suphi, I'm not familiar with rdp, but any commands started within a login terminal will be killed when you close the terminal05:39
glogicBut here's the best advice--pick an editor, and learn it. Completely.05:39
cjenkin1suphi, That's what screen is for05:39
agent_whiteI don't like the eye-pollution of IDE's and/or GUI editors over terminal editors.05:39
agent_white"How many buttons are here, and how many do I actually use?"05:39
bmelcher84agent_white: true05:39
suphicjenkin1 but i start terminal in remote desktop05:39
bmelcher84suphi: thats fine05:40
glogicI like vim for pure speed and efficieny. I can get to what lines I need to edit, in a few keystrokes.05:40
cjenkin1suphi, Right, but if it's a login terminal on the *server* is what matters05:40
bmelcher84suphi: no they wony05:40
agent_whiteglogic: Me too :) And the vim-language in itself... verbs/adjectives/nouns; "I want to delete the word under my cursor? -- `diw` or 'delete inside word'"05:41
agent_whiteetc. :)05:41
suphibmelcher84 >> the script i run will take time to finish so i dont wanna keep remotely connected,that was why i am asking05:41
cjenkin1agent_white, I do envy that over using Emacs's C-u modifier05:41
suphithanks for your answers everybody05:42
bmelcher84suphi: you can check with viewing the process05:42
bmelcher84will the kill command05:42
suphiletme try...05:42
bmelcher84dont quote me, but i think you can05:42
bmelcher84someone else might be able to touch on this a little more05:42
agent_whitecjenkin1: :) It took me until just a bit ago to really 'understand' the vim language... and it's still an ongoing process. Kinda like the first BIG hurdle after understanding bindings.05:43
agent_whiteBut when you do, it really clicks and makes sense.05:43
budddi need to reinstall sublime to try it out05:44
budddi messed up my current version05:44
cjenkin1agent_white, The graph should have another tick for the grammar. The first one is obviously getting used to modal edditing05:44
budddi don't see it on the software center under installed tho05:44
agent_whitecjenkin1: Ohlawd I forgot hahaha05:44
cjenkin1buddd, You'll have to download it from the website05:44
budddhow do i uninstall it05:44
agent_whiteThe modal editing becomes a bit too natural ;P05:44
bmelcher84suphi: or something like ps aux | grep05:44
bmelcher84then the process05:44
bmelcher84havent done it in awhile05:45
cjenkin1buddd, Did you install it from a .dpkg?05:45
agent_whitesuphi: What you want to do, is "start a script in background"05:45
agent_whitesuphi: To do that, append "&" to the script name05:45
agent_whiteie -- "./script&"05:45
agent_whitevs in the forground -- "./script"05:46
cjenkin1buddd, type: dpky -s "Sublilme"05:46
cjenkin1dpkg -s "Sublime"05:46
cjenkin1Argh, one more time05:46
cjenkin1dpkg -S "Sublime"05:46
glogicbuddd: try this first ok? #aptitude -f install05:46
budddhow do you exit vim again05:46
bmelcher84agent_white: neat trick, so just add & at the end with no space?05:46
cjenkin1buddd, Escape, then :q05:46
agent_whitebmelcher84: Correct!05:47
bmelcher84learn things every day!05:47
cjenkin1bmelcher84, Space is optional05:47
bmelcher84cjenkin1: what does the space change?05:47
budddnot path found matching pattern *Sublime*05:47
cjenkin1bmelcher84, Nothing, just prettier to *my* eyes05:47
agent_whitebmelcher84: Alternative to that is to run the process, and press Ctrl-Z05:47
bmelcher84ah, make sense05:47
suphibmelcher84 ty,agent_white let me try and if it breaks i ll take your recommendations,ty05:47
budddtheres definitely a Sublime folder05:48
agent_whiteThen to bring it to foreground once again, type "fg"05:48
cjenkin1buddd, Hmm. Then type "which Sublime" or "which sublime"05:48
bmelcher84suphi: good lucks!05:48
agent_whiteor "jobs" to see all the processes that are running in the background05:48
cjenkin1buddd, Have you launched Sublime from the terminal before?05:49
cjenkin1or is it a double-clicky thing05:49
buddddbl clicky05:49
cjenkin1buddd, Then you're in luck! It's probably not "installed"05:49
budddi can open it05:49
budddby dbl clicking it05:49
cjenkin1buddd, Right. It's not "installed" in the system. It's a stand alone program05:50
budddoh so i can just drag that folder to the trash05:50
cjenkin1Sort of like using Windows installer vs having an executable.05:50
cjenkin1buddd, Should be?05:50
agent_whitebuddd: How did you install it in the first place?05:51
budddi forget05:51
budddbut i am about to find out05:51
cjenkin1That's the spirit!05:51
cjenkin1Seriously though, I suggest a .dpkg05:51
budddi am interested in your suggestion05:51
buddddamn this sublime demonstration on their website looks awesome05:52
ZxoRMy desktop items don't aligned to a good grid.. How can I fix it?05:52
cjenkin1ZxoR, What's your desktop? Unity?05:53
bmelcher84ZxoR: sounds like you're on a mac lol05:53
ZxoRbmelcher84, Ubuntu 14.04 :)05:53
budddcjenkin: how do I use dpkg to install05:53
cjenkin1ZxoR, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn6T9tNMUFg05:54
cjenkin1you can actually just right click a .dpkg to install it05:54
* cjenkin1 ducks05:54
bmelcher84ZxoR: http://bit.ly/1D8bA0i05:54
cjenkin1And press install from the context menu, iirc05:55
budddbut then u gotta find one05:55
budddit downloads as a tar.bz05:55
cjenkin1buddd, Oh?05:55
kingi am new player05:55
kinghow to play05:56
budddking: chess?05:56
cjenkin1buddd, http://www.sublimetext.com/305:56
cjenkin1Ubuntu 14.04 has a .deb file (I think that's actually the extension name - my mistake)05:56
kinglinux 新手05:56
budddi click ubuntu 65 and it downloads a deb05:57
cjenkin1Yeah, that's good05:57
budddi was usibg text 2 before05:57
buddddeb is installing05:58
cjenkin1buddd, All apt-get install does is searches a known list of repositories, downloads the deb associated with a program, and uses dpkg to install.05:59
kingis there chinese ?05:59
[[thufir]]how do I mount sda3?  http://pastebin.com/JHEBLF9706:00
budddno i had raisin bran tonight06:00
jishjishhi all - is there a version of ubuntu 15 available? And separate question is there a version of ubuntu available without all the preinstalled software? I would like to choose my own software.06:01
budddwhich Sublime doesn't work06:02
cjenkin1buddd, try tab completing Sublime and sublime06:02
budddi tried both which Sublime and which sublime06:02
cjenkin1pastebin the output of "dpkg -S Sublime" or "sublime", if the former is empty06:04
jishjishanyone know if there is a flavour of ubuntu without all the default apps?06:08
somsip!minimal | jishjish06:08
ubottujishjish: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:08
cjenkin1buddd, what about "sublime_text"?06:08
budddi don't know if it even matters06:10
jishjishthanks somsip and ubottu - is there a !minimal for ubuntu 15 available somewhere?06:10
budddbut none of the which's work for sublime_text06:10
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cjenkin1buddd, Urg, ok. I'm installing it now06:11
budddthanks man06:11
budddi just wanna figure out how to open it out of my terminal and make it default06:12
cjenkin1It's in /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text06:12
cjenkin1buddd, Try restarting the terminal I guess06:12
agent_whitebuddd: `export EDITOR=sublime` at the top of your ~/.bashrc06:12
agent_whiteAs I said... a few times ;)06:12
agent_whiteAfter doing that, close ALL open terminals.06:13
agent_whiteThen open a new one.06:13
cjenkin1buddd, Oh, pfft06:13
cjenkin1Apparently "opt" directories are not in the path by default06:13
budddi'll note that, whatever it means06:13
agent_whiteDon't note until  relevant :D06:14
cjenkin1Add this at the bottom of your .bashrc: PATH="$PATH":/opt/sublime_text06:14
cjenkin1Then restart the terminal06:14
budddwhat is up ctrl h, i love u06:15
cjenkin1buddd, It adds itself to the application launcher, so you can always launch it from the GUI launcher06:15
agent_whitebuddd: Adding things to your path, means when you open a fresh terminal, you can type the name of the thing, instead of the full path to it -- "sublime" instead of "/usr/bin/sublime" or  what have you.06:15
agent_white`echo $PATH` to see what all is currently in your path.06:15
cjenkin1agent_white, ^ That's what i did06:15
agent_whiteFor instance, I have a folder of scripts I use all the time. I don't wanna type "/home/agent_white/Scripts/somescript.sh", I want "somescript"06:15
agent_whitecjenkin1: Ahhh good deal :D06:15
cjenkin1agent_white, I usually put those in ~/bin, symlink if I need it somewhere else06:16
budddyeah that is excellent thanks06:16
cjenkin1buddd, working?06:16
budddecho $PATH doesn't do jackibo, but sublime_text opens up the program, thanks06:17
cjenkin1buddd, Hmm? What do you mean it doesn't do anything?06:17
budddit prints an empty line06:17
budddthats it06:17
cjenkin1It should print a bunch of directories separated by :06:17
cjenkin1Oh dear06:17
budddi just installed ubuntu tho06:18
agent_whitebuddd: That means _something_, not nothing. Meaning there's nothing in your PATH, which is odd.06:18
cjenkin1buddd, You sure you typed that in correctly?06:18
cjenkin1christopher@archimedes:~$ echo $PATH06:18
budddstillwaters ~ $ echo #PATH06:18
Ben64# is not $06:18
cjenkin1^ dollar sign06:18
Ben64they are two different characters06:19
cjenkin1buddd, $ in a shell means "give me the value of this variable"06:19
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cjenkin1It's also used for a prompt, but that's irrelevant for this06:19
agent_whiteThere ya go!06:19
budddis there anything else I want to do06:20
Ben64only you can know that06:20
cjenkin1buddd, Sublime won't open in a terminal, so you might do "sublime_text &"06:20
agent_whiteAny of the executables in those directories, you can type into a terminal and run, without being in the folder that holds them.06:20
cjenkin1buddd, Yes! Install a python package from sublime! :)06:20
budddpython is installed06:20
budddnumpy was not easy06:20
cjenkin1buddd, No, a Sublime package.06:21
cjenkin1Sublime has it's own package manager, you see06:21
budddoh i thought it was naturally a python oriented editor06:21
budddi will open it from the terminal06:21
cjenkin1buddd, Probably, but it probably also have cool goodies for Python06:22
* cjenkin1 thinks of package managers as Christmas06:22
budddilike it when ipress a few keys, then you see a bunch of stuff scrolling and you know it's doing a lot of work with minimal effort06:23
cjenkin1buddd, When you learn more terminal foo, Ctrl+r will be your best friend, then :)06:24
cjenkin1I impressed my coworkers with it06:24
agent_white"ARE YOU A WIZARD?!"06:24
budddthey want me to press ctrl + `06:25
budddthats like06:25
agent_whitepatrick__: \o06:25
cjenkin1agent_white, Pretty much06:25
budddway to many keys at the same time06:25
cjenkin1buddd, Advanced spells require more mana :P06:25
agent_whiteDon't empty your mana pool without knowing your mp5!06:28
budddit only works like after 10 times06:28
patrick__what is this chat room about?06:28
budddof randomly pressing the combination06:29
cjenkin1patrick__, lol. Ostensibly, Ubuntu for newbies06:29
agent_whitepatrick__: Ubuntu general, and ubuntu help.06:29
cjenkin1But also magic, apparently06:29
patrick__lol, yea06:29
agent_whitemagic because it knows no bounds06:29
budddonly my green red deck knows no bounds06:30
budddi have put bounds of plenty of other decks06:30
budddthanks for the help06:30
cjenkin1buddd, It was fun. Best of luck in your learnings!06:30
cjenkin1oh, too late06:30
patrick__how do I get the driver for my video card?06:31
cjenkin1patrick__, What video card?06:31
patrick__gigabyte video card06:32
patrick__I need to look up the model06:32
dmarrhow do you see the message shown upon login.. like 42 packages need update etc06:32
dmarronce you're already logged in06:32
cjenkin1dmarr, Easy way? Ctrl + Alt + F2 to get to another login terminal, log in there06:33
cjenkin1I think06:33
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cjenkin1Oh derp, dmarr Shouldn't tell you that without saying F7 is how you get back06:34
cjenkin1Oh no!06:34
cjenkin1What have I done06:34
dmarrim still here06:35
dmarrthat doesnt seem to work across ssh session06:35
dmarrso i just logout and log back in06:35
dmarrall i should need to do for updating is: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade is that accurate?06:36
cjenkin1dmarr, Sounds right. You can also do it through the Update Manager06:36
dmarrim on server06:36
cjenkin1dmarr, ah06:36
dmarrbut i did do that, and it didnt actually seem to update  anything06:37
dmarri still have those package warnings06:37
dmarrbut it does say restart required so i'll try that06:37
al_nz1heeelp - please. after installing some updates and rebooting I get to login, and get the wallpaper but no desktop icons in unity or launcher06:45
al_nz1I can CTRL-ALT-F1 to a terminal06:45
al_nz1sigh...why did I reboot :-(06:45
al_nz1any ideas06:47
Stanley00al_nz1: don't know, but maybe you need to reset unity.06:48
al_nz1hmmm - go on06:48
Stanley00al_nz1: like this, in case you didn't find out, dconf reset -f /org/compiz/06:50
al_nz1Stanley00: yes that generates a error - 1 sec06:51
Stanley00al_nz1: is there any error message?06:53
Stanley00*any other*06:53
al_nz1error: Error spawing command line 'dbus-launch --autolaunch=21c0c9fb169f9f5b8fccf55600000003 -binary-syntax --close-stderr : child process extited with code 106:53
Stanley00al_nz1: can you try login in GUI mode, press Ctrl-Alt-T to start a terminal and then run "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/" again?06:55
al_nz1I cant get terminal from gui using keyboard shortcuts06:56
al_nz1weird - 'find / -name compiz' doesnt turn up /org/compiz - shouldnt that be a path on my install somewhere?06:57
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Stanley00al_nz1: /org/compiz is path for dconf, not in real filesystem :306:58
Stanley00al_nz1: hmm... let try another one. Can you run "find $HOME -iname '*compiz*'" and pastebin the output?07:00
al_nz1Stanley00: no output07:02
al_nz1just a new line07:02
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al_nz1dconf dump /org/compiz/ is also blank07:06
Stanley00al_nz1: hmm... it's weird...07:07
dagerikhow do I disable apache from startting after boot?07:07
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al_nz1Stanley00: what can I do :-(07:09
Stanley00al_nz1: try create new account, with new home and test to see if compiz/unity work. I'm almost out of ideas :(07:10
al_nz1whats the command?07:11
al_nz1for new user07:11
al_nz1I am using nvidia drivers07:12
Stanley00al_nz1: "sudo useradd -m test" , and then "sudo passwd test" to set the password , and then switch to gui login and login as test with previous pass07:13
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bubbelyis it possible to install Ubuntu even tho im on windows 807:27
al_nz1whats the shortcut for terminal in ubuntu?07:44
hateballal_nz1: ctrl+alt+T07:49
al_nz1this unity error is driving me nuts07:50
eldonkr_So, I've got a printer question.07:52
eldonkr_I've got an HP Photosmart C4480, I'm pretty sure I just downloaded the right Windows driver for my wife, now I just need to figure out how to get the thing working for my laptop (Ubuntu 14.04)07:55
dmarri have a device appearing in lsusb but not in fdisk -l07:55
dmarrits an external drive07:55
hateballeldonkr_: Are you hooking it up over USB or WiFi? Usually HP Printers "just work"07:58
eldonkr_hateball: Through USB, I plugged it in, and nothing popped up letting me know I had something connected.07:59
hateballeldonkr_: If you go into the add printer gui manually? According to http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/photosmart/photosmart_c4400_series.html it should be supported through hplip (which is in 14.04 by default)08:00
eldonkr_hateball: That's neat. I had system settings up earlier, but I accidentally shut my computer down while cleaning the screen and then forgot about it when I rebooted.08:01
eldonkr_hateball: I went to System Settings >  Printers > Add Printer, and now under devices it says Enter URI and a drop-down for Network Printer. What do?08:04
azizLIGHThow do i disable these extra keys on my keyboard or change what they do? i have logitech k270 keyboard and ubuntu 14.0408:04
eldonkr_azizlight, what do the extra keys do?08:05
azizLIGHTeldonkr_: they look like pause/play, mute, decrease vol, increase vol, house icon (??), email icon, power icon, calculator icon08:06
al_nz1Stanley00: how would I purge nvidia?08:06
azizLIGHTpause/play does nothing, mute works, vol works, house not sure, email not sure, power icon puts my computer into standby and my computer crashes and i cant resume lol (want to disable this one)08:07
azizLIGHTand calculator works08:07
azizLIGHTtheyre too close to keys like f4 and f508:07
azizLIGHTwhich i actually use08:08
Stanley00al_nz1: hmm... dpkg --get-selection | grep -i nvidia to check the package name, and then sudo apt-get purge <packages>08:08
eldonkr_azizLIGHT, I have the same buttons on my f-keys, they work for me. Do they work for you or are you trying to disable/remap then?08:09
al_nz1Stanley00: ok - I think the problem is to do with Nvidia drivers08:10
al_nz1I would like to reinstall them08:10
eldonkr_hateball: I went to System Settings >  Printers > Add Printer, and now under devices it says Enter URI and a drop-down for Network Printer. What do?08:10
hateballeldonkr_: No option for local/usb printer? Have you tried unplugging/plugging in the printer again, see if it pops up automatically?08:11
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Stanley00al_nz1: yep, I saw many people have problem with graphic driver, I can't tell much, since I just have intel chip and opensouce driver, lucky me :308:12
eldonkr_hateball: MFW I had the USB plugged in upside down -_-08:13
arct1ch3artHow does that even happen :p08:14
Ben64al_nz1: can you explain more about your problem, how it came about and other relevant information08:14
eldonkr_arct1ch3art, you asking me that?08:15
arct1ch3artI've never heard of such an issue lol but then again I have done some pretty mindless things regardless of my exp as well08:16
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azizLIGHThow do i disable the keys on the keybgoard08:17
azizLIGHTexstra keys08:17
eldonkr_arct1ch3art, if you were asking me how I plugged the USB in upside down, I really don't know. This was a free laptop, client hired me to fix it, and then never paid me so after letting it sit for a year I put a hard drive in it and called dibs.08:17
eldonkr_hateball: It works, but how do I go about using the scanner? Is there a program built in to 14.04 or do I have to go to the software center?08:18
eldonkr_I've got hand drawn maps for the D&D game that I run that I'd like to scan to test it out.08:18
rrrif i add an entry into /etc/crontab, do i have to run some command to make it effective?08:19
al_nz1how do I install the nvidia drivers from repo from cli?08:19
arct1ch3artOh, well that's an odd thing to happen given they are only set up in such a fashion. What kind of laptop have you gotten?08:19
Ben64al_nz1: can you explain more about your problem, how it came about and other relevant information08:20
Ben64!scan | eldonkr_08:20
ubottueldonkr_: Scanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR08:20
eldonkr_arc1ch3art, Dell Inspiron Duo. I usually know immediately when I have a plug turned the wrong way, but with this thing it goes in, could only be with one port, not really sure.08:21
idknowhow do i tell apt-get to register and recognise a manwilly installed package?08:21
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al_nz1Ben64: had installed nvidia drivers from nvidia website08:21
al_nz1been working ok08:21
al_nz1installed updates08:21
al_nz1now get wallpaper only after login08:21
al_nz1no icons etc08:21
Ben64al_nz1: what video card?08:22
al_nz1GTX 47008:22
Ben64ok, then uninstall the drivers you got from the website08:22
al_nz1ok - what would the command be?08:24
Ben64al_nz1: who knows, check with the documentation that came from nvidia08:24
idknow2d q: what do i tell apt to upgrade from olivia to whatever is next?08:26
Ben64idknow: what is olivia08:26
idknowmintr i think08:26
somsip!mint | idknow08:26
ubottuidknow: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:26
somsipit was mint 1508:26
idknow#mint is asleep08:27
somsip #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:27
Ben64doesn't make it on topic here08:27
idknowask to msg me 1st pls.08:27
idknowremember, my questions are dist-agnostic08:28
idknowi didnt ask qabout mint.08:28
somsipidknow: this channel isnt08:28
idknowii asked howto use apt-get08:28
Ben64not on topic if it's not for Ubuntu08:28
idknowit is ubuntu but tat isnt relevent08:28
Ben64this really is not a hard concept. Only Ubuntu support goes in #ubuntu08:28
idknowyou're not paying attn.08:29
idknowi asked about apt-get08:29
Ben64it's for mint, so head to #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:29
hateballeldonkr_: I think Xsane is one thing, I don't really use scanners08:30
eldonkr_hateball, simple scan was already installed, works like a champ. I can finally post my campaign maps to the group page, awwwyeah.jpg08:31
idknowwow ben you're a damned idiot.08:32
ame_i want to restrict chromium for all my users??How can i do that??08:33
somsipame_: restrict it how?08:33
ame_somsip:i dont want any of my users should even see that chromium...Even if they see they shouldnot open that...08:35
somsipame_: who do you want to be able to access it?08:35
ame_only mine08:35
ame_somsip:only me want to access that08:36
Ben64set the owner to you and make the permissions 700?08:36
somsipame_: so change the executable so only you have access to it08:36
Ben64or maybe, keep the owner as root, change the group to your group, and make it 75008:37
ame_somsip:how to do that...Can u guide me because am new to ubunut08:37
somsipame_: Ben64 is telling you08:37
ame_Ben64:In the location??08:38
Ben64i mean, doing that will stop them from running chromium, but they will be able to work around that and run a custom executable or something else to get to the internet, not sure of your actual goal08:38
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ame_And i want to know one more thing when i am trying to install an application mplabx in chroot it is saying "bus error"...how to resolve it??08:43
ame_Ben64:At which location i should change permission for application??08:46
ameBen64:At which location i should change the permission for an application??08:48
Ben64ame: what do you mean 'which location' and do you realize they will still be able to get on the internet with chromium blocked08:51
ameBen64:You said know to change the permission for the application...Am asking on which location i need to change the permission..For eg:/usr/share or /user/bin??08:52
Ben64ame: wherever the application is...08:52
ameBen64:By default where will be the application??08:53
Ben64ame: I don't have chromium, find out by doing "which chromium" in a terminal. and still .... do you realize they will STILL be able to get online without chromium08:54
ameBen64:yes i have mozilla08:54
Ben64ame: so whats the point in doing this to chromium08:55
azizLIGHTBen64: do u know how i can disable extra keys on a keyboard? media keys and some program keys on a logitech k270. one of them suspends my pc and i dont like it when i accidentally press it (the extra media/program keys are almost attached to f-row of keys). i am on ubuntu 14.0408:55
azizLIGHTcan i change them to something else maybe08:55
ameBen64:I am using LTSP here..By default i have restricted internet through proxy via mozilla....I want chromium for myself but users also can access it right??So that i want to restrict for users...08:56
anternathello, i created an alias for eth0 as sudo ifconfig eth0:0 up (via but i cant browse the internet when this eth0 is up09:01
ameantranet:what is the configuration for eth0??09:02
anternatame>> sorry i am noob how will i tell that ?09:02
eldonkr_Does anyone know of anything that can open .oxps files? I type my character sheet for one of the games I play, save it to my google drive and then print it out at the game store, it opens in Microsoft Word when the guy at the store prints it out, but I can't get it to open in Libre writer or Document Reader on my laptop09:02
somsip!info pagemark | eldonkr_09:03
ubottueldonkr_: Package pagemark does not exist in utopic09:04
somsipeldonkr_: you'll have to find pagemark yourself, but this suggests it opens oxps http://fileinfo.com/extension/oxps09:04
ameantranet:Look the following link for alias conf which i have in my server "http://paste.ubuntu.com/10031251/"09:06
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anetrnatame>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003141509:16
ameantranet:send me this command output " cat  /etc/network/interfaces"09:21
ameanetrnat:send me this command output " cat  /etc/network/interfaces"09:22
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anetrnatokay sec plz09:23
anetrnatame>>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003154809:26
basileusI get an error when I try to download the unity8 lxc09:27
basileusIt's never worked entirely before09:27
basileussudo unity8-lxc-setup --rebuild-all --redownload09:28
basileusthat gives "urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found"09:28
basileusSo is the server I'm supposed to download it from down?09:28
basileusHere's a pastebin of everything I got out: http://pastebin.com/uRwu4d1909:30
jnhghyI'm trying to install odoo in an virtualenv on ubuntu 14.04 I'm running pip install -r requirements.txt but I get error: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory I've tried to fix this installing python-dev and other packages I found on web but nothing helped, how can I debug this step by step?09:33
tomodachijnhghy: lber.h seems to be some lib ldap header file09:34
tomodachitry apt-get install libldap2-dev09:35
jnhghytomodachi: ok thanks I'll try right now09:35
jnhghytomodachi: you got that, you are awesome but now I hit another issue:  sasl.h: No such file or directory I remember I found something referring it while searching for lber.h ... can you give any advice about this also?09:36
eldonkr_somsip, so how do I go about getting pagemark?09:36
ameanetrnat:You dont have any configuration related to your network09:37
Netham45My location: Denver, United States09:37
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Netham45Hey, that's a weird feature for this irc client to have.09:37
ameanetrnat:what is your internal IP??09:37
anetrnat192.168.1.155 assigned by dhcp(modem) and i need
Ben64anetrnat: do you need both?09:38
anetrnati need both09:39
eldonkrsomsip, I mean; I have the form fillable .pdf, so I could crank out a whole new character sheet, but I only need to change a couple of things on the sheet, so it would be easier if I had something that could open the .oxps file.09:39
Ben64anetrnat: why?09:39
eldonkranetrat, if you had asked me a few years ago I would have been able to help, but since I kind of quit using computers for a couple of years I forgot a bunch.09:40
ameanetrnat:For eg:if u want to connect modem using dhcp you can give entry in /etc/network/interfaces as auto eth0 ,iface eth0 inet dhcp....Now internet will work09:40
anetrnati forwarded  ssh to from router page which i cannot access at this moment.My only choice is to replicate eth with the correct internal ip09:40
Ben64anetrnat: so why do you need both IPs then...09:41
anetrnatben i cannot ssh to the pc with that internal ip09:42
ameanetrnat:WHat is your internal IP??09:42
eldonkranetrat, I used to have 4 computers, a networked printer, a networked drive, and two xboxes on my home network and had to  make all of their IP addreses play nice with one another. Have to do a whole lot of thinking now to remember how I did that kind of stuff back then.09:42
Ben64anetrnat: ok, that's still just telling me you need a single ip, and for it to be .200, why do you need two ip addresses?09:42
anetrnatame> actuall internal ip is always static09:42
Ben64then set .200 static09:42
eldonkrSo, any idea how I can open or edit .oxps files in Ubuntu?09:43
anetrnatben i cannot access modem settings page,it gives static ip according to mac address which i cannot modify now09:43
ameBen64:I think this conf suits for him...Is it?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10031744/09:43
Ben64anetrnat: set the ip address on the computer09:43
T4nk001Hi Is there a way to use login and password to machine for wifi login/password ? In a way that when a user is login in he automatically connects to wifi with the same credentials09:44
Tzunamiieldonkr: lmgtfy...  Pagemark XpsViewer09:44
anetrnatben64>> will that over ride the rule in routers dhcp?? besides i have another problem...09:45
Ben64anetrnat: if its static set with network-manager or whatever, then it doesn't do dhcp at all09:45
anetrnatame >> if i miss connection i wont be able to connect again... Shall i put the pastes in ???09:46
ameanetrnat:that is a sample of mine because i connected internet through dhcp and static ip for internal network...IF it suits you you can continue with your ip...09:47
ameanetrnat:Configure and restart network09:47
amewhere to get support for installing ubuntu for mobile??09:48
anetrnatokay ame thank, i ll al least try09:48
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:48
ameBen64:#touch ??09:49
Ben64ame: look at what ubottu said09:49
ameoh my god...you replied know so only asked you09:50
ameAnybody can tell me how to connect to the mobile IRC??09:50
LTS14N00bHi All, I'm still having trouble with my HP Scanjet Scanner not being recognised by ubuntu (14.04). Yes it *should* work as sane is listed as being compatible with it, but it still isn't recognised. When I apply use the command sudo sane-find-scanner, nothing is found. Does anyone have any other ideas. (Yes I have checked the connections)09:51
geektech713restart your ubuntu09:52
amegeektech713:androidIRC !!! Am asking about for the IRC of installing  ubuntu on mobile phones09:53
bazhang!touch | ame09:54
ubottuame: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:54
geektech713Ubuntu Touch is out? is like a skin for android?09:55
geektech713probality cant do that on my verizon wireless phone09:56
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cfhowlett!touch | geektech713 read09:57
ubottugeektech713 read: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:57
geektech713ya i am reading it lol09:57
eldonkrTzunamii is lmgtfy a program?09:58
TzunamiiI need more coffee10:00
pieterbreedhi all, sorry if this question has a known answer already, but are we having issues with mirrors at the moment?10:02
boodllebati need help with Grub10:02
boodllebatwhen i start my System i have two option to boot with ubuntu or Windows(dev1/sda) i wanna hide windows in a manner such that it can be opened only by command line not directly10:02
cfhowlettpieterbreed, *all* mirrors?  unlikely.   some?  possibly.10:03
pieterbreedza.archive.ubuntu.com only responds with forbidden (403), some of the folders on us.archive.ubuntu.com fails with 404 in my browser and with 403 from apt-get update: eg  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-backports/main/source/Sources  403  Forbidden10:04
cfhowlettpieterbreed, same here.  try changing mirros10:04
GeertJohanWhy do I get 403 forbidden here: http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages10:06
cfhowlettGeertJohan, could be down for maintenance.  it happens..10:06
GeertJohanhmm, it could return a better status code for that.. 503 temporarily unavailable for instance..10:07
pieterbreedso I'm trying literally the next mirror on the list and I'm getting 403's on the same locations too. That's 3/3 mirrors broken for me10:07
OpenTokixpieterbreed: Time to upgrade10:07
pieterbreedeg: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za/ubuntu/dists/trusty-backports/main/source/Sources  403  Forbidden10:08
pieterbreedOpenTokix: upgrade from what to what?10:08
OpenTokixI get forbidden to on that file, I guess it has the wrong permissions - I would file a bug - to the group handling mirrors.10:09
GeertJohanSo all file permissions set wrong..10:09
GeertJohanThat would explain it definitly10:10
GeertJohanalso why the mirrors fail.10:10
OpenTokixSince they are getting their files from the central repo, henche they beeing mirrors.10:10
pieterbreedwhere do the people hang out that care about these things?10:15
neocodehow to fix this problem "ata5.00: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x200000 SErr 0x90a02 action 0xe frozen10:15
neocode[ 1143.594632] ata5.00: irq_stat 0x00400000, PHY RDY changed10:15
neocode[ 1143.594635] ata5: SError: { RecovComm Persist HostInt PHYRdyChg 10B8B }10:15
neocode[ 1143.594639] ata5.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED10:15
neocode[ 1143.594643] ata5.00: cmd 60/08:a8:00:31:d0/00:00:59:00:00/40 tag 21 ncq 4096 in10:15
neocode[ 1143.594643]          res 40/00:a8:00:31:d0/00:00:59:00:00/40 Emask 0x50 (ATA bus error)10:15
cfhowlett!paste | neocode,10:15
ubottuneocode,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:15
neocodehow to fix this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/10032170/10:18
cfhowlettneocode, gotta tell the command too, please.  Put the problem in context10:19
LTS14N00bI am attempting to install a driver for my FujiXerox C110 Printer but can't find a package that is aimed at Ubuntu. I have downloaded an official RPM package, but from what I have read it is incompatible. Does anyone have any suggestions?10:20
rrrif i add an entry into /etc/crontab, do i have to run some command to make it effective?10:21
cfhowlettLTS14N00b, RPM is redhat.  ubuntu uses .debs10:21
farblueHi all - is there a way to know whether a new version of a package is being prepared for release soon? I’m specifically interested in whether a new version of apache 2.4 is being rolled for ubuntu 14.0410:23
LTS14N00bIs there a way that you know of to convert this to a .debs? Or a place where I can get a .debs version? The FX web site only has the RPM version.10:23
GeertJohanOpenTokix, pieterbreed: should we report this issue somewhere?10:23
hateballLTS14N00b: chances are all you need to do is extract the PPDs from the package and point them out manually when adding the printer10:24
rrrif i add an entry into /etc/crontab, do i have to run some command to make it effective?10:26
LTS14N00bhateball: When you say point them out, when UBUNTU asks what printer driver I want to use?10:26
Ben64rrr: thats not where you should be adding things10:26
OpenTokixGeertJohan: yes, but I am not sure where10:26
cfhowlett!cron |rrr10:27
ubotturrr: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto10:27
hateballLTS14N00b: Yep, you should be able to point to a file. Perhaps on the the page you downloaded from there is even a link to just PPDs ?10:28
hateballLTS14N00b: Is it really C110 and not C1110 ?10:29
LTS14N00bhateball: I'll have a look, thanks... I did fine "alien" which is supposed to convert RPM into .deb but I'm still in the early stages of using the CLI again, I've been windowed for too long :(10:29
LTS14N00bhateball: Yes, C1110..10:29
hateballLTS14N00b: I would advise against using alien, since the binaries will be placed in the filesystem as if it were RHEL or something10:30
LTS14N00bhateball: I understood the first part of your reply, as for the second,the first made it clear that I should leave it alone :)10:30
cfhowlettLTS14N00b, alien frequently/usually fails.  best to find a native .deb file for ubuntu10:31
LTS14N00bcfhowlett: I'm looking for a PPD now, thanks..10:32
hateballLTS14N00b: deep down in the rpm is a "fxlinuxprint.ppd"10:32
hateballYou should be able to extract it10:32
hateballJust open with your regular archive manager10:33
LTS14N00bhateball: OK10:33
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LTS14N00bhateball: Should I put it anywhere specific?10:34
TheCrowHi I need some help, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a Sony VAIO Y Notebook but it always gets stuck on SYSLINUX 4.07 EDD10:34
farblueanyone know if a package for apache 2.4.10 or newer is being prepared for 14.04?10:34
TheCrowI used Universal USB Installer (Pendrive Linux) from Windows 8.1 to make the USB installer...10:35
LTS14N00bhateball: OK, it's been installed now (Thanks) but apparently now I have a Missing Print Filter?10:37
LTS14N00bcfhowlett: Thanks also for your input10:38
cfhowlettLTS14N00b, happy2help!10:38
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LTS14N00bhateball: It has fixed itself, even better! Thanks again!!10:39
anetrnatsoftware updater says "You are not allowed to perform this action". What must i do?10:39
anetrnati cant start most control panel items because of this same permission error10:40
brothersomeanetrnat, start it as root10:40
anetrnati was thinking i am root,i am satted as root in users and groups.Do i need to do additional things?10:41
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:41
cfhowlettanetrnat, starting as root is the WRONG method.10:42
brothersomeanetrnat, Can you start it from command, gksudo ...10:42
anetrnatso i ll have to sudo within panel first??10:42
anetrnatya sure, what is the exact command?10:42
anetrnatsudo su?10:42
brothersomeSo anetrnat, did you install the OS?10:43
anetrnati am on 14.04..1 with mate desktop environment10:44
brothersomeanetrnat, start with the normal unity environment, I had the same kind of experience with the lxce environment10:47
anetrnatunity doesnt break my rdp connection right? if i am not wrong i had to install mate for rdp purposes(not sure tho)10:49
fannohi everyone, i am not sure of this is a ubuntu question or if it is a generic linux problem ... i am trying to play dota 2 and i had this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1382462 that i "fixed" using the CCMS. Now the problem i have is that dota seems to always pick the build in monitor to run on .. even my bigger monitor is set to primary in ~/.config/monitors.xml10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1382462 in xorg (Ubuntu) "10de:0dfa Desktop/windows painted incorrectly in dual monitor configuration" [High,Incomplete]10:50
Bagheerahi all10:52
Bagheeraanyone know how to use an alternate server for apt-get install?10:53
fannoso i guess my question is is there something else i need to do ?. if i chose to run in frameless window the it show on the correct monitor.. but it is not full scrren (oviously..) top menu is there and the window is UNDER the lancher on the left side .. if i try to turn off the lancher on the external monitor i CANT no matter if i chose all monitors or if i chose one or ther other the lancher is always displayed on the external monitor.10:53
KamuelaAre there such things as drivers for displays? E.g. not graphics card drivers, but monitor drivers11:04
AlexRussiahey hey, folks11:04
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AlexRussiaTell me please, does it possible: ubuntu invisibly delete partition with win7(gpt), resize own partition to full size of free space except last 1MiB, update grub and uuid of root partition in /etc/fstab ?11:06
AlexRussiaI am not kidding, just guessing....11:06
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doodzHow can i reset the login screen to it's default state in ubuntu 14.10?11:11
ha3dwa3hello there!11:17
rigorHI. Can someone help me with installing a program I just downloaded?11:17
AlexRussiarigor: what kind of?11:18
rigorPrivate Internet Access11:18
rigorAlexRussia: I got the instructions from the website but there is something im not doing right11:19
k1lrigor: rule number 1: dont load anything form any websites, try to install it from the official ubuntu repos11:19
rigorI can post the instructions I got.11:20
SashcoNeed haaalp...lol. I accidentally closed the terminal window during installation of 14.10 xubuntu. It was during removal of packages. The installation stopped and closed. Now restarting the laptop is pain in the A. Blank screen most of the time. Is there a way to re-install 14.10?11:20
Sashcoit was an upgrade from 14.04 -> 14.1011:20
kone011kala vale11:20
rigorI downloaded the .tar.gz file and now these are the instructions, From the terminal in the directory you downloaded to:11:21
rigor1) Extract file:11:21
rigortar -xvf installer_linux.tar.gz11:21
rigor2) Tell OS to proceed:11:21
rigorchmod +x installer_linux.sh11:21
rigor3) Run installer:11:21
SashcoIs there a way to do a re-install of OS?11:22
Ben64Sashco: you can install fresh, but it may delete what you have on there11:22
doodzHow can i reset the login screen to it's default state in ubuntu 14.10?11:22
Sashcowhich means I need to save folders etc?11:22
Ben64Sashco: yeah11:22
rigorWhat am I doing wrong with the first line? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10033090/11:23
SashcoI can do that cause this doesn't work. I need to restart my laptop several times and cross fingers the screen doesn't go black during start up11:23
rigorsomething I should add?11:23
Ben64Sashco: you can use the livecd to access your data and back up somewhere11:23
k1lrigor: what program is it? what error do you get?11:24
Ben64rigor: what are you installing? installing via that method should be the last resort11:24
rigorkll: Private internet access11:24
SashcoI don't have much on this laptop. Mainly documents which I can just transfer to my usbstick.11:24
Sashcobesides a few programs that can be re-installed without hassle11:24
k1lrigor: you dont need that installer11:27
rigorkll, Ben64: This is what I get when entering the first line, root@xxx:~# tar -xvf installer_linux.tar.gz11:27
rigortar: installer_linux.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory11:27
rigortar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now11:27
k1lrigor: use this instructions: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/#ubuntu_openvpn_installer11:28
k1lrigor: and beeing is root is just bad idea.11:28
rigorkll: oh, didnt know that. When am I supposed to log in as root then?11:28
k1lrigor: this is not windows, where you need to be the full admin user all the time. you just give the commands that really need root the permission s with using sudo11:29
k1lrigor: running everything with root is a big security issue11:29
rigorkll: oh damn11:29
rigorkll: I have just downloaded "trusted" stuff anyways11:30
rigorkll: how am I supposed to download the OpenVPN installer that you linked me? If I click on it I just get plain tet11:31
k1lrigor: that are instructions. read it!11:31
LTS14N00bHi All, I'm installing a driver for my printer and have come across a snag where/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdffx is missing. When I try to drop this file in the directory it won't let me, so I'm assuming that I have to have Root access. How do I get root access so I can drop these files in that directory so I can use my printer?11:31
k1lrigor: you dont need any fancy installer. you can just set it to use that vpn as a regular network connection11:31
rigorLTS14N00b: sudo -s11:31
k1lrigor: stop it!11:32
PhoenixSTFwhere can I find help for l2tp-vpn?11:32
LTS14N00brigor: And then use a copy command or can I use the GUI?11:32
k1lrigor: dont tell others to be root all the time when i just explained that this is a bad thing11:32
rigorkll: Well, he asked how he gets root access and I told him...11:32
k1lLTS14N00b: you can use use "mv /path/to/origin /path/to/target" and preface it with sudo11:33
LTS14N00bThanks rigor and k1l, that worked. Now I have the following warning "File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdffx" has insecure permissions (0100755/uid=1000/gid=1000)."11:38
doodzHow can i reset the login screen to it's default state in ubuntu 14.10?11:38
GeertJohanOpenTokix, pieterbreed: looks like the problems with the za repo's have been solved11:39
k1ldoodz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/371742/how-to-restore-ubuntu-login-screen-after-lubuntu-install11:39
rrr>& will redirect both stdout and stderr to stdout?11:39
doodzk1l, there is nothing inside lightdm.conf11:40
k1ldoodz: is your system using lightdm=11:40
doodzk1l, yes11:41
doodzk1l, but in the login screen it shows me something like this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/45315/how-to-change-the-ubuntu-linux-login-screen/11:42
k1lLTS14N00b: sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdffx11:42
doodzk1l, i  want to set it like this http://www.7chip.com/2014/04/how-to-reset-unity-login-on-ubuntu-1404.html11:42
doodzk1l, like this http://www.7chip.com/2014/04/how-to-reset-unity-login-on-ubuntu-1404.html11:43
rrr>& will redirect both stdout and stderr to stdout?11:43
doodzk1l,  i followed the guides but no luck at all11:43
k1ldoodz: wait, you followed that instructions on that side? that howto is wrong.11:44
k1lsudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm11:44
doodzk1l, yes i followed this,do you have something to recommend?11:44
k1ldoodz: see my right command, and the bad on in the last line in that howto11:45
EriC^rrr: &> will redirect both stdout and stderr on certain shells11:45
doodzk1l, sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. I have nothing inside lightdm.conf11:46
EriC^doodz: i think you have to add greeter-session=unity-greeter11:46
LTS14N00bk1l: I tried that command, but the printer will still not print and I still have the same error message.11:46
doodzEriC^, i have nothing inside that file11:46
madghosthi all11:46
EriC^doodz: to lightdm.conf , i've tried it before11:46
EriC^doodz: you have to create the file yourself /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf11:46
EriC^but there's still the matter of the notify pops coming up as lubuntu ones, i ended up removing lubuntu11:47
k1ldoodz: come on. i just showed you the command you need to run11:47
madghostplease, help me with net stat tool. I want to get statistic from eth interface into file, ip source + ip dest + mac of client. Which program cat do this?11:47
doodzEriC^, i have created the file and added the lines with no luck11:47
EriC^doodz: did you try to restart?11:47
doodzEriC^, yes11:48
doodzk1l, i have created the file and added the lines with no luck11:48
EriC^doodz: are you sure it is there?11:48
k1l<k1l> sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm11:48
rrrEriC^: you mean &> not >&11:48
doodzk1l, i tried that too11:48
EriC^rrr: yes11:49
doodzEriC^, you mean the file?11:49
EriC^rrr: 2>&1 means redirect stderr to stdout11:49
minimecdoodz: If you added another desktop manager and that changed your lightdm login screen, then change it with 'sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth'. You should have a list to choose from. Otherwise you get 'There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth'11:49
EriC^doodz: whatever is in the file11:49
k1ldoodz: the lightdm scripts are in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/11:49
k1ldoodz: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM if you want to know more about that11:50
doodzminimec, i've added XFCE11:51
doodzminimec, http://s24.postimg.org/3mh1pq6hx/ubuntu.png11:53
doodzEriC^, there is nothing in the file :|11:55
EriC^doodz: type sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf11:56
EriC^press ctrl+o to save11:56
AlexRussiaoh, lol11:56
doodzEriC^, what to save nothing? :P11:57
EriC^add greeter-session=unity-greeter11:57
doodzEriC^, i've added them before and that messed up the GUI11:57
k1ldoodz: did you just invest 5 minutes to read the wiki page i linked you?11:57
doodzk1l, well,      no.11:58
k1ldoodz: ok. than dont ask again if you dont even read the answers11:58
rrrEriC^: &> seems work for bash12:01
NextStepMy Quanton doesn't power up! No LED's, nothing! what can be wrong? worked fine until yesterday.12:01
k1lNextStep: what is quanton?12:03
NextStepk1l: a FC that runs TauLabs12:04
k1lNextStep: well, hardware can break. i think you have more feedback when talking to the quanton or taulabs guys12:06
NextStepk1l: oh, sorry, frong chat, thanks!12:07
BluesKajHey folks12:07
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SashcoIs there a way to fix black screen problem on startup after I've upgraded to 14.10 on xubuntu. I have to boot on recovery mode in order to get to desktop and use my computer normally. Though with shitty interface12:21
pybeSashco: what pc/graphics12:23
Sashcoits a hp pavillion g6 with rtl8192ce graphic card12:23
Sashcothat's my internet card12:23
pybeSashco: lspci | grep VGA12:24
SashcoSumo [Radeon HD 6380G]12:25
Sashcothis issue earlier today was this. I chose to upgrade to 14.10 from 14.04. Everything was going smoothly until the installation came to removal of unnecessary packages. During this, I managed to close the terminal window and terminate the installation.12:27
SashcoRebooting after this resulted in black screen on startup12:27
jattso you aborted the installation process in the middle?12:28
SashcoSo now my interface is running with this old look. Feels like I am on Windows 9512:28
Sashcoyes :-/12:28
SashcoDon't know why I closed the terminal window. My browser was up and I wanted to close it.12:28
jattresume the installation/configuration of packages, probably your system is in an unstable state12:28
Sashcoyes it is...so I can't run it normally12:29
Sashcothe only was is through advanced options for ubuntu in bios12:29
jattdo a12:29
jattsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:29
Sashcodid that :-/ doesn't help12:29
minimecSashco: What about 'sudo apt-get -f install' to finish eventual pending operations? Then 'sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean'? Then I would try to handle the xserver problem.12:29
Sashcokk..I can try.12:29
SashcoI'll be back here and let you know if it worked12:30
fanno**bump hi everyone, i am not sure of this is a ubuntu question or if it is a generic linux problem ... i am trying to play dota 2 and i had this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1382462 that i "fixed" using the CCMS. Now the problem i have is that dota seems to always pick the build in monitor to run on .. even my bigger monitor is set to primary in ~/.config/monitors.xml12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1382462 in xorg (Ubuntu) "10de:0dfa Desktop/windows painted incorrectly in dual monitor configuration" [High,Incomplete]12:30
fannoso i guess my question is is there something else i need to do ?. if i chose to run in frameless window the it show on the correct monitor.. but it is not full scrren (oviously..) top menu is there and the window is UNDER the lancher on the left side .. if i try to turn off the lancher on the external monitor i CANT no matter if i chose all monitors or if i chose one or ther other the lancher is always displayed on the external monitor.12:30
jattSashco: do12:31
jattdpkg -l | grep -v ^ii12:31
jattdo you get a list of packages?12:31
Sashcoquite many yes12:31
jattdo  the lines start with:12:31
jattor better can you pastebin the list?12:32
Sashcogive me a sec12:32
Sashcoshould I still try what minimec purposed?12:33
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SashcoReading package lists... Done12:34
SashcoBuilding dependency tree12:34
SashcoReading state information... Done12:34
Sashco0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:34
Sashcoseems everything is ok?12:34
fannoSashco: i been reading little of what you said. do you have your background image but no lancher or top menu ? EG right click working ?12:34
fannoSashco: or is it really "blank"12:34
jatton a stable system all your packages should be in ii state12:35
jattnot in rc state12:35
Sashcothe thing is...when I reboot or boot the laptop, and just leave it without pressing esc and going into bios, I first get kinda lighted black screen. You can see that it's booting. But, when my login is suppose to show up it goes black.12:35
Sashcoand that's it12:35
fannoSashco: ok it is not the problem i had also mine was only after login. nm on my end =(12:36
SashcoJust trying to figure this out :-/annoying12:36
ovrflw0xi inserted cd into laptop but i don't see disk drive icon in ubuntu 14.1012:37
Sashcowhat do I do then to get them from rc state?12:37
ravibnHi! I need to install nvidia graphics driver 340.76 How do I go abt doing this?12:37
fannoi have issues with dual monitor after upgrading to 14.10 =( so i know the feeling. i finaly got it working. now i just cant make dota 2 show up on the external monitor.12:37
_joeyI have Platronics usb headphone connected. The driver is loaded. How do I configure the system to play sound in headphone instead of speakers?12:37
SashcoI wish I didn't have to run my laptop that looks like I am running Windows 95 :-/ lol12:37
jattyou can do:12:38
jattdpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P12:38
jattto remove them, but not sure this will completely solve your problem12:38
jattbut maybe removing them and then12:38
jattsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:38
jattwill do12:38
Sashcohere goes nothing :-)12:38
Jamilhi all, I am looking to change font used by calender/terminal for local language as in: http://imgur.com/pMqfgAq12:38
tomodachi_joey: you can select input and output sound device in your volume settings12:38
Sashcoit's removing12:38
ravibnHi! I need to install nvidia graphics driver 340.76 How do I go abt doing this? Trusty 14.0412:38
jattafter is ready do12:39
jattdpkg -l | grep -v ^ii12:39
jattto ensure all packages are in installed state12:39
Sashcothe thing is. This is where everything kinda stopped after I accidentally closed terminal window. The installation was at that point getting rid of all these unnecessary packages.12:39
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Sashcoso maybe that is the issue.12:39
jattcould be12:39
Ben64ravibn: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa use this ppa, its not supported though12:39
ravibnBen64 : what is not supported?12:40
Ben64ravibn: what i just said...12:40
minimecSashco: I was away for a moment, but if you have 'pending' packages, 'sudo apt-get -f install' would try to resolve that...12:40
Sashcominimec, I did that...everything was at 0.12:40
SashcoI am trying what jatt purposed now12:41
Sashcomay work12:41
ravibnBen64 : since it is an archive that is the reason?12:41
Ben64ravibn: since its not an ubuntu repository12:41
Sashcok, when I run dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii now nothing shows up12:41
ravibnBen64 : https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia how abt this?12:42
minimecSashco: Then 'sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean' would uninstall obsolete packages and remove the packages from the 'archive' folder. That should give you a rather clean archive.12:42
Ben64ravibn: the one i linked to you is the best option12:42
jatttry to reboot and see if it gets better, if not another possibility would be to run dpkg-reconfigure all12:42
Sashcok, I've done everything now. So reboot time12:42
SashcoI'll be back to tell you whether it worked or not12:42
ovrflw0xi inserted cd into laptop but i don't see disk drive icon in ubuntu 14.1012:42
Jamilno takers ?12:43
ravibnBen64 : how do I go abt adding this ppa and install?12:43
Ben64ravibn: if you go to the site i linked to you, the instructions are there12:43
ravibnBen64 : suppose if the driver has problem how will I roll back to what I have currently?12:45
Sashcoyes, It booted12:45
SashcoI still get the msg regarding the xscreensaver being too old12:46
jattcan you pastebin that message?12:46
Sashcoand my icons and toolbar still look like they are from windows 9512:46
Ben65ravibn: why do you need nvidia 34012:46
ravibnBen64 : I mean to say after adding the ppa and installing the driver and if it fails will it roll back ?12:46
Sashcoit just pops up as a pop-up window12:46
jattand maybe imgur your desktop to see how your icons and toolbar look like?12:47
ravibnBen64 : b'cos I hv that nvidia NVS 3100M card on my notebook and that is the driver match on nvidia site12:47
jattmaybe you can uninstall xscreensaver I think is not needed12:47
SashcoI've been searching and seems that some have purposed to install gnome version12:48
ravibnBen64 : http://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/340.76/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76.run&lang=us&type=geforcem12:48
jattare you running 14.10?12:49
SashcoI'm unisntalling it now12:50
Ben65ravibn: you dont need 340 for that12:50
jattI guess you are hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/140682512:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1406825 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "xscreensaver complains "This version of xscreensaver is VERY OLD!"" [Medium,Confirmed]12:50
ravibnBen64 : what other driver will I need ?12:51
Sashcowill reinstalling it fix the problem, jatt?12:51
puffiAnyone know if Ubuntu has an equivilent of German(US) keyboard layout?12:51
SashcoI am considering installing gnome version?12:52
Ben65ravibn: the one that comes with ubuntu works fine12:52
jattI don't think so, in the bug report they say the original author put a silly check that causes that message :-(12:52
jattso reinstalling will not help I'm afraid12:52
jattI use 14.10 but xubuntu, so I haven't seen that problem before12:52
Sashcooh..forgot to mention, I am on xubuntu too12:53
ravibnBen65 : great! but just tell me why this driver supplied by nvidia is not necassary?12:53
pybeSashco: try apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:53
Sashcoand that msg has been popping up every time I booted, even in recovery mode12:53
jattI see, I don't see any issue with my widgets/desktop12:53
Sashcoroot@Sashco:~# apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:54
SashcoReading package lists... Done12:54
SashcoBuilding dependency tree12:54
SashcoReading state information... Done12:54
Sashcoxubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.12:54
Sashco0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:54
Ben64ravibn: because ubuntu comes with an nvidia driver...12:54
jattdoes it make a difference whether you start a xfce or a xubuntu session? you have the option to choose between the two when you login12:54
ravibnBen65 : ok! thnks12:54
pybeSashco: lsb_release -a12:55
Sashcoseems to be ok12:55
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jattyou can also try to move ~/.config/xfce4 out of the way and restart maybe there is something from your old config that is messing with the new xfce version12:57
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Sashcojatt, how do I do that? I am still rookie with linux12:58
Grant_PHi All, trying to configure my raid on 14.04 with mdadm. After configuring and rebooting the raid vanishes and i need to setup again12:58
jattmv ~/.config/xfce4 ~/12:58
jattin case something breaks you can move it back12:58
Sashcofrom root or normal?12:58
jattare you starting xfce as root?12:59
jattif not from your user12:59
jattas normal12:59
k1ldont start xfce as anything. start the lightdm12:59
Sashconothing happens12:59
cfhowlettSashco, logout/login12:59
pybeSashco: could also check /var/log/dist-upgrade to see if any errors from the interrupted upgrade13:00
jattthat command moves the ~/config/xfc4 to another location so it gets repopulated when the desktop is started again13:00
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Sashcoso I'll just log out and log back in again.13:00
Sashcok, something did happened!13:01
SashcoI think I have the 14.10 interface now13:02
jattif everything is ok now, you can remove the directory you moved:13:02
jattrm -rf ~/xfce413:02
Ben64be super careful with that command13:03
Sashcookey, one issue though. I had a line of buttons at the bottom which is now gone13:03
jattprobably you need to reset your panels again13:03
Jamilhi all, I am looking to change font used by calender/terminal for local language as in: http://imgur.com/pMqfgAq13:03
jattbut somehow they were messing with the current version13:03
Sashcohmmm...can't seem to get it back13:05
SashcoI can still access that same line as favorites at startbutton in the top left corner13:05
jattright click there and add new panel, then add launchers to the new panel13:06
xtpeepswanna help :about  popcorn.tar.xz13:10
xtpeepsrealy dont know how to install it~~:/13:10
k1l!details | xtpeeps13:10
ubottuxtpeeps: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:10
SashcoI think it does it for today! :-) the panel at the bottom of the screen is not that important as the only things I was using it for was to launch firefox and terminal. This was I'll force myself to start programs and everything else through terminal13:11
Sashcojust search "install popcorn on ubuntu terminal"13:13
jattyou can always add new panels and put new launchers in it as you wish13:13
SashcoI am having problem adding the ones that I had...for some reason when I make a new horizontal panel and make it13:13
SashcoI can't add web browser nor terminal to it13:14
Sashcothey are not showed as optional13:14
jattyou need to add a launcher and then configure the launcher to launch the terminal13:14
ovrflw0xhow to open CD in ubuntu?13:15
tomodachiovrflw0x: how do you mean open?13:15
EriC^^ovrflw0x: type eject in the terminal13:15
k1lovrflw0x: how would you do it on windows?13:15
ovrflw0xtomodachi, i inserted cd but nothing shows up in files manager13:15
ovrflw0xEriC^^, pressing eject open up the tray13:16
ovrflw0xi've got laptop13:16
EriC^^ovrflw0x: ok, see where /dev/sr0 is mounted13:16
lord4163http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ so slow :(13:16
ovrflw0xhow EriC^^13:16
EriC^^ovrflw0x: type df13:16
ovrflw0xEriC^^, there's no sr0 there13:17
k1l!torrent | lord416313:17
ubottulord4163: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P13:17
k1lovrflw0x: what is on that cd?13:17
Joropodo you speak French13:17
EriC^^ovrflw0x: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt13:17
lord4163k1l: there are no torrents13:17
k1l!fr | Joropo13:17
ubottuJoropo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:17
k1llord4163: what iso?13:17
lord4163k1l: Kubuntu vivid daily13:18
xtpeepshere's a software named Popcorn-time whitch can watch movies free in it,im using ubuntu 14.04 , i got the software  Popcorn-Time-0.3.6-Linux32.tar.xz,but i dont know how to install it, i had searched something about install ***.tar.xz , and now i had already unzip the ****.tar.xz, but i still dont know how todo with these new files:libffmpegsumo.so,nw.pak,Popcorn-Time......anyone know that?13:18
ovrflw0xEriC^^, mount: /dev/sr0: can't read superblock13:18
EriC^^ovrflw0x: hmm try sudo /dev/cdrom -o loop /mnt13:18
EriC^^ovrflw0x: hmm try sudo mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt13:18
ovrflw0xEriC^^, same message13:19
ovrflw0xmount: /dev/loop0: can't read superblock13:19
xtpeepsi was so helpless13:19
solsTiCextpeeps: you don't install it. you run it from where you unzip it. from the cli/terminal type ./Popcorn-Time13:19
EriC^^ovrflw0x: try the second command13:19
EriC^^ah nevermind13:19
k1llord4163: see if a mirror near you got the dailys too13:20
k1llord4163: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:20
Sashcojatt: it keeps putting everything I put into launcher in the same "line" so I have to scroll for the items, instead of placing them next to eachother?13:20
ovrflw0xEriC^^, what to do now?13:20
xtpeepssolsTiCe, let me see13:20
lord4163k1l: well I'll just be patient13:20
EriC^^ovrflw0x: try sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt13:20
tomodachiovrflw0x: if its a data cd ubuntu will mount it automatically , if its not you will not see anything13:20
Sashcoor do I simply have to add new launcher for new item?13:21
ovrflw0xtomodachi, it has .cda tracks music13:21
jattSashco: you need to add a launcher per application13:21
jattSashco: to have them in different positions13:21
Sashcoyeah, I figured it out :-)13:21
jattgood :)13:21
xtpeepssolsTiCe, Popcorn-Time-linux64/Popcorn-Time: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:21
tomodachiovrflw0x: never use audio cds in my computer so i dont know how they look13:22
tomodachibut they are not "files"13:22
ovrflw0xEriC^^, mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,       missing codepage or helper program, or other error       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try       dmesg | tail or so.13:22
tomodachiovrflw0x: try plaing the cd with some player like vlc , but it has a raw audio cd has no concept of files really13:23
xtpeepssolsTiCe, should i mov the libffmpegsumo.so to ./lib  ...?13:23
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ovrflw0xEriC^^, what to do now?13:24
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ovrflw0xEriC^^, you there bud? what to do?13:25
xtpeepssolsTiCe, hello ...?13:26
EriC^^ovrflw0x: no idea man13:26
EriC^^ovrflw0x: try to clean the cd maybe?13:26
k1lxtpeeps: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-popcorn-time-in-ubuntu-or.html   that might be illegal in some countries. so better ask the popcorn makers for support13:27
Sashcojatt; thanks for all the help!13:27
jattyou are welcome13:27
SashcoThink I am done now.Btw, I haven't moved back the folder that you told me to13:27
Sashcoshould I do it?13:27
jattyou can remove it13:27
xtpeepsk1l, okey...13:28
jattthat one13:28
Sashcodone! I'll do one more reboot13:28
Sashcoand see if things work13:28
jattok if you wish13:28
Jakey2Hi has anyone installed beautiful soup 4 for python in ubuntu13:28
Jakey2i keep getting errors13:29
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Sashcojatt: you still here? :-) seems that the black screen when doing a normal startup is persistent. The only way to start the laptop is through system recovery from bios.13:50
SashcoAs long as I start it from system recovery it works.13:50
Sashcootherwise I just get a black screen13:51
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jattSashco: that's unfortunate. didn't it work the first time you remove after you deleted the packages in rc state?13:54
Sashcoyep it did.13:54
epinkyI've got to set nameserver /etc/resolv,conf everytime I reboot the OS, I'm using ubuntu 12.04, how to get configure once and only once?13:55
SashcoAfter I left the channel to do a reboot it was just showing blank screen times and times again13:55
jattso is something that happens only when you power on the machine? not with reboots?13:55
jattwhen you get one of these screens, do you have access to a shell?13:55
jattif yes can you pastebin the output of dmesg?13:55
SashcoIf I do reboot from terminal it happens, If I restart by logging out it happens..and it happens when I start the laptop cold13:55
Sashconope :-/13:56
Sashcoit's just black13:56
jattwhen it's just black, can you still do13:56
jattctrl + alt + f113:56
jattto switch to a terminal?13:56
SashcoI assume I am at the login page, because when I type my password "in blind" and press enter I can hear the laptop working in the background. Though nothing but black screen13:56
Sashconope..tried that too13:57
jatthmm... not sure what is happening, because if your machine reacts, ctrl + alt + f1 should work13:57
Sashcowhile pressing esc at startup gets me to system recovery. from there I open grub and into advanced options.13:57
tomodachiSashco: ssh into the laptop and have a look?!13:57
tomodachiSashco: could also be your brighness setting?13:57
tomodachiepinky: set your nameserver in network manager not in the config file13:58
Sashcoit works perfectly now...I started it from advanced settings in system recovery. Not even in recovery mode. Regular mdoe13:58
jattyes, try to find a way to access the machine and pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log and dmesg13:58
jatt? now is working? did you reboot again?13:59
Sashcoyou need to guide me heh.13:59
Sashcoit is working now.13:59
Sashcofrom system recovery13:59
Sashcothat's the thing13:59
Sashcowhile if I just let it boot normally it boots to a black screen13:59
epinkytomodachi: how to do that?13:59
jattthen something is messing with the normal boot of the machine13:59
jattcan you pastebin Xorg.1.log.old13:59
jattthat should be the Xorg log of the time the thing failed14:00
jattI meant14:00
joyce_How do I fix "cannot add PPA" error in linux? I tried, "sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa: ppaname/ppa".But it didn't work.Any valuable suggestions?14:00
boichevHow to make ubuntu server 14.04 to stick the cpu governor on performance ?14:01
Sashcothere we go14:01
Sashcogive me a sec. I did the 114:01
Sashcothat one is blank14:01
Sashconothing in i14:02
jattI see14:02
jatt[ 92062.433] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)14:02
jattcan you pastebin  /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:02
jattthat should be the one that is working14:02
jattI see both have the same (EE) so that's not the problem14:03
SashcoI don't get it...it's black screen in one mode while if I start it in a different way it can start normally.14:04
Sashcoand also, I the splash logo of xubuntu is no longer showing.14:05
Sashcoregardless of what startup I choose14:05
jattcan you paste bin the /var/dmesg*gz contents of the time it failed?14:05
jattI meant /var/log/dmesg*gz14:06
jattand /var/log/dmesg14:06
SashcoI have .gz files but all are either 1 or higher14:07
Sashcodmesg I mean14:07
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Sashcothere is file called dmesg14:07
jatti suspect /var/log/dmesg.1.gz was the one where it fails14:08
k1ljoyce_: what is the exact error? please use a pastebin for command and output14:08
jatt/var/log/dmesg is the log of your current kernel session the one that is working14:08
Sashcothen this is the one14:08
SashcoI have several others...If that one doesn't show anything.14:09
Sashcowhen I try to open dmesg.2.gz and dmesg.4.gz I get errors14:10
Sashcowhile dmesg.1.gz and dmesg.3.gz contain the same file; dmesg.014:10
jattthe only suspicious thing I see is:14:11
jatt[   23.503920] init: failsafe main process (614) killed by TERM signal14:11
jatt 14:11
kaikasIt "might". GPUDirect registers itself as peer memory to ibverbs and changes the paging table. The same should be possible for DirectGMA. But we'll see.14:11
jattwhat does14:11
jattuname -a14:11
jattsay on your machine?14:11
kaikaswrong chat. Sorry.14:12
o_be_onehi all14:12
Silexhello, qt5webkit depends on gstreamer 1.0 but qt5multimedia depends on gstreamer 0.10. This has the effect that you cannot use both in the same app http://codepad.org/U09OqMxa14:12
o_be_onewhat is E state for a processus please ? cant find on google :(14:12
Silex(ubuntu 14.04)14:12
Silexany way around that?14:12
rseveroHi, I'm finishing the configuration of my second server being migrated from Gentoo to Ubuntu. Unfortunatelly, when I did a last boot to see if everything would come up ok the boot process started to hang on "Stopping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up". Any ideas what might be causing this?14:13
k1lSilex: 3rd party repos like PPAs active?14:14
Sashcojatt: Linux Sashco 3.16.0-30-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 12 22:06:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:14
Sashcothis is the one I ran from system recovery14:14
sheera) anyone can recommend a solid, straightforward IRC app for mac?14:14
sheerb) anyone can direct me through the process of making a back up of my hard drive with a bunch of DVD's? (on linux)14:15
Sashcothere were 4 options there.14:15
Silexk1l: good idea, do you know of any? can't find one for 14.0414:15
jattyes that is the latest kernel for 14.1014:15
Sashco3.16.0-30-generic & 3.16-30-generic(recovery mode)14:15
k1lSilex: no, do you have some enabled?14:15
Silexno, I don't14:15
Sashcoso I ran the one that didn't said recovery mode14:15
jattthe 3.16-30-generic(recovery mode) entry is the one that works isn't it?14:16
Sashcoall of the 4 that I can choose from there seem to work..14:16
tomodachisheer: why backup to dvd and not to another disk?! its faster and you  can run backups continiouesly14:16
jatt? which is the entry that does not work?14:16
Sashcothe other two are 3.16.0-45-generic & 3.16-45-generic(recovery mode)14:16
Sashcothe regular startup14:16
Silexk1l: just look for yourself: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libqt5webkit5 http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libqt5multimedia5-plugins14:16
fidel_sheer: there is xchat aqua available for osx - apart from that - i guess ##mac can answer such questions way better14:17
Sashcowhere I don't have to enter bios14:17
Silexk1l: they depends each on a different version14:17
jatt3.16.0-45-generic hmmm...14:17
Sashcojust pressing ON-button on computer and let it start14:17
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Silexk1l: and it's the same in utopic...14:17
Sashcowhich is pretty weird.14:17
jattwhere do you have that kernel from? I though the latest kernel for utopic was 3.16.0-3014:18
SilexI geuss I should fill a bug report.. where do I do that for ubuntu?14:18
jattcan you pastebin14:18
jattdpkg -l | grep 3.16.0-4514:18
k1lSilex: ok, so please file a bug so the maintainers can solve that depency14:19
k1l!bug | Silex14:19
ubottuSilex: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:19
Silexalright, thanks14:19
sheertomodachi: i wanted to install windows over ubuntu (i think it's too late to dual boot now)14:19
SashcoWhen I start the laptop I press esc to get into option menu. There I press system recovery and shift to get to grub. There I get to choose "Ubuntu", "Advanced options for Ubuntu" and 2 other options for testing memory. When I go to Advanced options I get those 4 options 3.16.0-30/45-generic & 3.16-30/45-generic(recovery mode)14:19
sheertomodachi: i have no disks at the moment, yet14:19
sheerthanks fidel_14:19
k1lsheer: 1) for mac ask the mac guys14:20
SashcoAnd I've tested them all since earlier today. And I get normal startup regardless which one of the ones I choose.14:20
k1l!backup | sheer14:20
ubottusheer: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:20
jattif 3.16.0-30 works (here on my laptop I'm also running 3.16.0-30 without issues) it should be safe to remove 3.16.0-45 so it gets removed from grub14:20
jattand you get only the kernels that work14:20
Sashcohow do I do that?14:21
jattcan you pastebin14:21
jattdpkg -l | grep 3.16.0-4514:21
sheergeez so many!14:21
sheerthanks k1l14:21
jattdpkg -l | grep 3.16.0-3014:21
Jamilhi all, I am looking to change font used by calender/terminal for local language as in: http://imgur.com/pMqfgAq14:22
Sashcoon the first one I get nothing14:22
Sashcothats the 3014:22
Silexk1l: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmultimedia-opensource-src/+bug/136331414:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363314 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Remove dependency of qtmultimedia on gst0.10" [Critical,Confirmed]14:23
Sashcogive me a sec. I'll restart to get the exact names. And run the 45 version14:23
jattcan you pastebin14:23
jattls -altr /boot14:23
MonkeyDust!arabic | Jamil guess the people here know best14:23
ubottuJamil guess the people here know best: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:23
JamilMonkeyDust: but its urdu14:24
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Jamiland ubuntu-arabic is empty14:24
MonkeyDustJamil  from what country is thatN14:24
JamilMonkeyDust: Pakistan14:24
JamilMonkeyDust: I have a font file I want to use, just need to know where to look14:25
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:26
SashcoI think I understand what the issue is jatt14:26
Sashcoseems that I still have the older kernel14:26
jattplease tell me I am confused also :)14:27
Sashcoit's 3.13 version14:27
Sashcoand not 3.1614:27
jattohhh I see14:27
jattthat's probably the kernel before the upgrade14:27
LurkAshFlakewhen i start virtualbox after restarting it fail because the file is in /media/lurk/extraSpace, extraSpace being a 250g partition. when i cd /media/lurk && ls, nothing appear. The solution is to go in nautilus click on partition extraspace, idk if it affect but i always right-click my virtualmachine and look up it's path which says /media/lurk/extraspace and then POOF the partition show up back again in my shell14:27
jattso 3.13 fails and 3.16 works?14:27
SashcoI am on 3.13 now14:27
Sashcosince I chose it14:27
JamilMonkeyDust: installing font is not the issue, how do I tell ubuntu to use that font e.g in terminal/calendar14:27
Sashcoso it works too14:28
Sashcobut I have to choose it manually through system recovery14:28
Sashcobut I don't need both.14:28
jattif 3.16 works I would say remove 3.13 first to avoid confusion14:28
Jamilperhaps /etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-nafees.conf14:29
MonkeyDustJamil  install unity-tweak-tool, it has a fonts section14:29
Sashcothe first one is 3.13 45 and the other 3.16 3014:29
jattjust to be sure: 3.16 works too for you isn't it?14:29
jattin recovery mode14:29
Sashcoboth work14:29
Sashcoin either14:30
jattso what doesn't work?14:30
jattI lost track :)14:30
LurkAshFlakeWhy my partition disapear in gnome-terminal until i reach it from nautilus14:30
Sashcohehehe...when I start my computer regularly. Which means just pressing the on button. That doesn't work14:30
LurkAshFlakeit then reapear14:31
Sashcowhile when I go into system recovery and choose any one of the four options it seems to start normally14:31
jattI see, I would remove the old kernel to concentrate only to make one work:14:31
jattdpkg --purge remove linux-image-3.13.0-45-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-45-generic14:31
jattthen restart14:31
jattthen you should have only two entries in grub14:31
Sashcookey...but I am running on that kernal now. Should I restart first on 3.16 kernel and then do that command?14:32
jattyes you are right restart first on 3.1614:32
Sashcobe back14:32
petrolMy function keys are not working after update14:32
petrolany quick suggesitons?14:32
MonkeyDustpetrol  define "not working"14:33
MonkeyDustpetrol  and in what ubuntu version?14:33
belovedbeHow do I locate which hardware position my USB port "00:02.1" has? I have 4 USB port (2 upper and 2 lower)14:34
petrolOkay, I am actually not able to reduce my screen brightness through function key in my laptop14:34
petrolMonkeyDust, its 1214:34
MonkeyDustpetrol  12.04 or 12.10?14:35
petrolHow can I check that?14:35
MonkeyDustpetrol  cat /etc/issue14:36
petrolUbuntu 12.04.5 LTS14:36
Sashcojatt, what was the command for purging 3.13 kernel14:36
Sashcojatt, what was the command for purging 3.13 kernel14:39
petrolMonkeyDust, its the hotkeys that are faliing14:40
MonkeyDustpetrol  this old post (2009) suggests xbindkeys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113893914:40
muyiscoiHi guys. I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I'm having an issue with Ubuntu Touch on my nexus 4414:42
muyiscoinexus 414:42
petrolMonkeyDust, it was working fine until the update. Let me check14:42
cfhowlettmuyiscoi, what issue?14:42
MonkeyDust!touch | muyiscoi14:42
ubottumuyiscoi: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:42
muyiscoiI just installed and trying to connect to the Wifi network at my university (eduroam) but nothing happens once I select the network14:43
k1lmuyiscoi: in #ubuntu-touch is your issue better suited14:43
cfhowlettmuyiscoi, best to see the #touch channel.14:43
jattSashco: dpkg --purge remove linux-image-3.13.0-45-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-45-generic14:43
muyiscoiok. let me try there. Tnx14:43
joyce_k1l: https://dpaste.de/daGM14:44
swizgardhi. how do i add https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice as a repository to /etc/apt/sources.list?14:44
k1ljoyce_: what ubuntu are you on?14:45
k1ljoyce_: "lsb_release -d"14:45
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joyce_k1l: ubuntu 14.0414:46
k1ljoyce_: that PPA is useless since it doesnt have 14.04 packages anyway14:46
Sashcothe purging command14:47
Sashcofor kernel 3.13.0-3014:47
joyce_k1l: so,what can I do?14:47
Sashcofor kernel 3.13.0-45 Imean14:47
jattI sent it to you14:47
Sashcohad to restart14:47
jatt<jatt> Sashco: dpkg --purge remove linux-image-3.13.0-45-generic14:47
jatt       linux-image-extra-3.13.0-45-generic  [15:31]14:47
Manelistuhi all, i got problem with facebook call .. don`t detect my webcam .... can someone help ?14:48
joyce_k1l: this is not the case only with this ppa,when I try other ppa,I get the same error14:48
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k1ljoyce_: you use a proxy?14:48
joyce_k1l: no14:49
k1ljoyce_: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates14:49
Sashcojatt, now that it is done...reboot?14:49
jattyes, and also try to test with the power button the removal of the old kernel will rewrite grub so maybe that fixes something14:50
Sunsonhi all14:56
Sashcojatt, nope...Iam on my tab now. The problem still persists14:57
SashcoI give up14:57
Sashcoit started normally once but now after 2 reboots its back to black screen14:57
Sashcoseems more like a random thing14:58
jattyes, very strange problem I also don't know what else could be. sometimes acpi=off helps but looks like a problem very specific to your hardware14:58
Sashcoworked perfectly fine on 14.0414:58
Sashcooh well, thx anyway14:59
Sashcotoo many hours have passed doing this hehe14:59
Sashconeed to get back to other tasks14:59
Sashcoas long as it works I guess it's ok even though it's more of a hassle15:00
RedRat_hi guys15:01
RedRat_my ubuntu is disabling usb during boot15:01
RedRat_is possible to fix this or only reinstall?15:02
SunsonI'm new to ubuntu and need a little help on how to burn mp4 files to dvd so they can be played in a standard dvd player. I formally used a Mac with a great app called Burn that did all of the transcoding etc and burned the file to dvd no problem.  The problem is I can seem to find a similar program for ubuntu. I've tried devede and brasero. I just downloaded bombono and k3b to try them out but don't have any dvd's at the15:03
Sunsonmoment.  If anyone can help please let me know of any app for ubuntu that is like Burn on the mac which has been the easiest and fastest conversion/burn tool i've found. Or if you can help me work with one of the programs I have i would be grateful... please and thanks...15:03
MonkeyDustRedRat_  how did you install ubuntu? not with a usb stick?15:04
RedRat_MonkeyDust, on POST and on liveCD works fine15:04
RedRat_but when ubuntu assume boot, on certain moment it disable usb15:04
RedRat_I need to start my pc 5, 6, 8 times to work fine15:05
MonkeyDustSunson  #ubuntu-studio (or #ubuntustudio, i forget) is multimedia dedicated, better ask there15:05
MonkeyDustRedRat_  and what ubuntu version is that?15:06
RedRat_managed to catch the error before the login15:06
RedRat_device not accepting address 6, errpr -7115:06
SunsonMonkeyDust: ok. thanks for the reply and direction15:07
joyce_k1l: I am facing the same error again15:08
xperiaHi all. I just successfull installed the NVIDIA Driver for the GEForce 750M Graphic Card in Ubuntu. after the reboot i am able to Login but after the Login Unity is not showed anymore. I see only the Background. Can somebody tell me how i can Get Unity back to work with the new Installed Nvidia Driver ? I see some error message related to noveo driver but should this driver not be allready...15:08
xperia...be disabled ?15:08
RedRat_MonkeyDust, Ubuntu 14.0415:09
MonkeyDustRedRat_  and what hardware? x86? arm?15:10
NELLOCiao a tutti :P15:11
RedRat_MonkeyDust, x86, is default dell pc15:11
RedRat_strange is, I try to start 5, 6, 7 times, on 9, works normaly15:12
iMn00bis Ubuntu world's most secure OS ?15:20
mrvadonhmmm.... maybe not15:20
cfhowlettiMn00b, no.15:20
cfhowlettbut it's better than many/most15:20
RedRat_anyone know a good liveCD to test usb?15:22
MonkeyDustRedRat_  did you try ubuntu live?15:25
RedRat_MonkeyDust, on liveCD and on dell diagnostic runs fine15:25
RedRat_but this15:25
RedRat_suggest that is hardware problem15:26
RedRat_MonkeyDust, is very strange15:28
RedRat_now after tried 5 times, worked15:28
MonkeyDustRedRat_  you mean 5 reboots?15:30
antimatroidi'm trying to get the "at" command to preferably open a new terminal window, enter some commands then also let the user interact with it, or at least have the "at" command open up a video file through vlc, is this possible?15:33
antimatroidhttp://pastebin.com/K1rd3QcX neither the first or second line after << EOF seems to work15:33
antimatroidit is running the script with my username though15:33
antimatroidwould it be possible to do with dbus-send?15:41
pagioshello i have a package running version1 and would like to autoupdate it to run version 2, apt-get update did not do it any other ways?15:41
MonkeyDustpagios  sudo apt-get upgrade15:42
pagiosMonkeyDust: is it risky? any rollback in case of problems? and what is the difference with distro-upgrade15:43
MonkeyDustpagios  what kind of risks or problems are you thinking of?15:44
OerHekspagios, what package?15:44
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pagiosMonkeyDust: dependencies etc15:45
MonkeyDustpagios  well, a backup can help, to begin with15:46
bottazziniAnyone here had trouble with Nvidia Driver 33115:46
OerHeksbottazzini, maybe someone has, do you have an issue?15:47
cfhowlettbottazzini, silly question.  2 possible responses: yes/no.  try again, focus on the important details15:47
bottazziniOerHeks: yes I cannot activate a second monitor....15:48
bottazzinicfhowlett: ^15:48
cfhowlettbottazzini, better.  what15:48
pagiosMonkeyDust: another question, if i have version1 of my software which compiled a,b,c features coz only libraries of a,b,c were found upon installation, and then i install library d and do an upgrade for the package, will the package install the feature d now that library d is installed as a prereq?15:48
cfhowlettbottazzini, connecting directly to the computer?15:48
MonkeyDustpagios  not sure, but you seem skilled enough to use fakeroots, to test new software15:50
bottazziniOerHeks: cfhowlett: I connect, it detects alright. Then I went to "displays" and clicked for the second monitor to be ON when I do this everything get stretched and when I click i does not click when the mouse pointer is pointing. Just some random part of the screen.15:50
bottazziniit does not click***15:51
AkivaAvrahamHey all: Live Ask Ubuntu Anything live in 10 minutes: http://ubuntuonair.com | #ubuntu-on-air15:51
OerHeksbottazzini, on what nvidia card?15:51
bottazziniAlso I can't choose if the monitor is on the right or left and everything gets messy15:51
SchrodingersScat!spam | AkivaAvraham15:51
ubottuAkivaAvraham: Please don't spam15:51
AkivaAvrahamSchrodingersScat, Sorry!15:52
bottazziniOerHeks: Nvidia 5400M15:52
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OerHeksbottazzini, 2nd monitor with same resolution?15:53
RubassHi all, I have sshed into a ubuntu machine from a mac, and doing a sudo install, that approx will take an hour - Can I shutdown my Mac without interupting the installation on the remote machine?15:53
bottazziniOerHeks: The second monitor is bigger15:53
bottazzinilike the first on is my notebook15:53
SchrodingersScatRubass: if you used something like tmux/screen15:53
SchrodingersScatRubass: otherwise you may want to start using tmux/screen15:53
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RubassSchrodingersScat: damn nope I did not. Will the installation just fail if I shutdown my mac?15:54
bottazziniIt is weirdo, The pointer start looking something square. I try to click on the X but then I click on the Y15:54
SchrodingersScatRubass: afaik ends the process15:54
RubassSchrodingersScat: Cool thanks15:54
RubassSchrodingersScat: I might need to look into tmux/screen15:54
SchrodingersScatRubass: yep see which you like15:55
RubassSchrodingersScat: I have used screen before, so I think I will get into it again :)15:55
MonkeyDustscreen <315:55
OerHeksbottazzini, is that nvidia 5400m an Optimus dual gpu with intel?15:56
bottazziniOerHeks: yes it is15:56
bottazziniOerHeks: Would this be the problem?15:57
OerHeksbottazzini, should work, so you see 'nvidia-prime' in systemsettings?15:57
RubassSchrodingersScat: do you know if I kill my ssh session, will it continue from last?15:58
Rubassif I do the same command?15:58
bottazziniOerHeks: I can't see this options on system settings15:58
bottazziniOerHeks: oh I found here nvidia-prime but on Nvidia X Server Settings16:02
SchrodingersScatRubass: idk, depends on where it's at, if it's downloading that might be fine16:02
OerHeksbottazzini, oh oke, i thought it was seperate.16:02
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RubassOk thanks SchrodingersScat, :) Have fun mate :)16:03
bottazziniOerHeks: I think I have an idea but I have to restart the PC.... i will try it16:03
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mutedany webcam software that can show the infrared feed from the camera?16:09
bottazziniOerHeks: didn't work.. i tried disabling Nvidia Optimus on BIOS16:09
cfhowlettmuted, true IR?  no.  fake hot spot?  to a degree with a cheese special effect16:10
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mutedis the apps for cell phone cameras the same hot spot crap?16:11
BluesKaj_bottazzini, have you looked in to nvidia-prime? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics16:11
cfhowlettmuted, if you need IR, best to get an actual camera with that capability.  phone cameras are cheap and low specification.16:12
bottazziniBluesKaj_: nice I will try it :)16:12
mutedcoolio ty16:13
bottazziniBluesKaj_: Everything is installed and running on my notebook like this site you showed me16:14
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Cybussis there a multi libgl.so.116:18
Cybussdoes anyone know how to solve  wrong elf class for libgl.so.1?16:21
OerHeks!find libgl.so16:21
ubottuPackage/file libgl.so does not exist in utopic16:21
Cybussi do have libgl.so.116:22
Cybussis there a libgl.so.1 that is 32 bit and 64bit?16:25
ungovHello, I installed KX studio on my system, and after I rebooted, i no longer have sound.16:27
ungovOn Cadence, I see that the Jack server is started, and PulseAudio is started ad bridged to JACK. Any ideas?16:27
pc_monkany body there????16:29
MonkeyDustungov  you too:  #ubuntu-studio (or #ubuntustudio, i forget) is multimedia dedicated, better ask there16:29
ungovMonkeyDust: will do, thanks16:30
BluesKaj_pc_monk, just ask your question16:30
pc_monkwhere you from?16:30
checkerboardhi... how to "auto-login and connect to WIFI" on boot? I have a machine running as a home server. I can SSH into it, but only after I've manually logged in. If the server restarts ... I have to manually log in again to enable SSH access. Can this be changed?16:31
amcsi_workhow do I tell the AWS API to give me JSON responses?16:31
cfhowlettpc_monk, ask your UBUNTU support question ... see the channel topic if confused.16:31
amcsi_workusing accept: application/json doesn't seem to work16:31
pc_monkok thanks16:32
amcsi_worknvm, it was a lie16:34
ssarahguys, i have a distro with disabled auto updates, but i cant figure out why they are disabled.16:34
ssarahhow do i go about it?16:34
BluesKaj_ssarah, pastebin the errors16:35
ssarahno errors. i just check apt history and i know the image has disabled auto updates.16:35
allrightтут есть русские?16:35
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:36
amcsi_workthe PHP SDK only supports XML error responses by default, right? I could use accept: application/json and use the response model definitions to look for the result in json properties, but default error checking will fail due to the response not being in XML, correct?16:36
ssarahthere is a configured /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades but no /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic16:37
SubCoollil help. my SDcard refuses to format.16:38
xperiaHi is there a possibility to tell unity to restore the local created config files ? Guest access works perfect however when i login as user the gui is not showed. right click menu works however. how can i restore unity for my user account ?16:40
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bazhang!info gnome-disk-utility | SubCool16:42
ubottuSubCool: gnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 207 kB, installed size 1204 kB16:42
Cybussanyone here have experience with symlinks and libgl.so.1?16:43
SubCoolbazhang, ive been trying to use windows disk manager, but it fails somwhere after 60%16:44
bazhangSubCool, thats the ubuntu tool, no idea about windows tools16:44
SubCoolk, ill give it a try. THanks!16:45
andrcmdrDoes anyone know of a good online certification for Linux system administration?16:45
OerHeksandrcmdr, not really an ubuntu issue, but htere is LPIC https://www.lpi.org/linux-certifications16:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone16:54
c31r2gHow can i see the list of users on andro irc16:57
rexbutlerI set up virtual desktops.16:57
rexbutlerQuestion: can I make it so virtual desktops only applies to one monitor, not both?16:58
rexbutlerRight now I have 3 desktops of 2 screens each.16:58
rexbutlerI want the virtual desktop to only switch the view on one monitor.16:58
c31r2gUbuntu has a manager tweak for it16:59
rexbutlerWhat's it called?16:59
BluewolfHi all, anyone know how I can set my Libre Office and Gimp to using the Adwaita Dark Theme as everything else. GnomishDark is the only other theme which does it yet I do not prefer it?17:00
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k1lrexbutler: not possible wiht unity afaik. gnome3-shell handles it that way17:02
rexbutlerMy coworker has it set up like that, and I think he's running Unity17:03
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rexbutlerc31r2g: Is there a package I need to install?  You are not talking about Ubuntu Tweak Tool, are you?17:04
c31r2gRexbutler i think you should read the info or man pages17:05
c31r2gIts there17:05
c31r2gFew lines to change17:05
bazhang!info unity-tweak-tool17:05
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 325 kB, installed size 2550 kB17:05
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ihswso i'm trying to run sudo whatever, but it keeps asking for a password... of which there is none17:11
Piciihsw: sudo asks for your password, assuming that you are in the proper group17:11
mickkelodeonis ubuntu using udl or udlfb?17:18
Picimickkelodeon: both modules look to be available.17:20
mickkelodeonI only see uldfd in my sistem17:20
mickkelodeon*system, sorry17:21
mickkelodeonPici: I'm having with an usb adapter and a hdmi screen17:21
Picimickkelodeon: I see it on my 14.04 installs (server only though)17:22
mickkelodeon*having problems, xDDD sorry again17:22
OerHeksmickkelodeon, udl is a rewrite of the original udlfb driver17:22
mickkelodeonOerHeks: I know17:22
mickkelodeonany idea why I'm getting: " Unable to get valid EDID from device/display" from the usb device?17:24
Hhi peps17:24
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Guest8003i am trying to unstall open office17:24
RansomTimeinstall or uninstall?17:25
Guest8003i did install it17:25
Guest8003but i can remove ti17:25
loacan somebody explain me why such thing is happen? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2015.02.03-20%3A25%3A37.png17:25
Guest8003i tried to pruge it but it still did not unistall17:26
c31r2gSudo apt-get remove open then keep pressing tab till you get the name17:26
loawhy ubuntu tries to delete all that packages?17:26
loai need them!17:26
Guest8003any help17:26
Guest8003with unistall open office17:27
RansomTimeGuest8003: How did you try to uninstall it, via the package manager?17:27
RansomTimeDid you get any error messages?17:27
black_screenI'm getting black scren but with mouse insted of login screen - what to do??17:28
Guest8003no ramsom17:28
Guest8003throught the terminal17:28
RansomTimewith apt?17:28
Guest8003i does not show in the package manager17:28
RansomTimeSo you did sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice.org17:29
Guest8003i think with a tar ball17:29
Guest8003i built it17:29
Guest8003i guess17:29
RansomTimeoh, so you built open office and then want to remove it?17:29
ZiberHey, so I want to set up an SSH tunnel, so I can rsync files between two servers that have firewall rules forbidding it, but can connect to a third server. I'm not too familiar with ssh tunnels, but I think that would solve my problem. Any thoughts?17:29
c31r2gLoa maybe they are already updated17:30
Guest8003do you know to remove it17:30
c31r2gLoa they might be old versions17:30
RansomTimeI think you just need to remove the directory you built it in then. I havn't ever built OO from souce17:30
loac31r2g, looks like no... they are just deleted.17:30
Guest8003ok ramsom i will be off17:31
Guest8003now thanks17:31
c31r2gGuest008003 well from termi al17:31
rexbutlerc32r2g: So I should read the man pages for what?  The unity tweak tool?17:31
c31r2gVlackscreen use alt+f2 and fire xstartx17:31
Guest8003how c3117:31
Guest8003what command17:31
loac31r2g, if i just try to update system, nothing happens, problems with zlib1g-dev:i38617:31
c31r2gIt will be solved black-screen17:31
Guest8003i tried the purge17:32
Guest8003i did not uupdate the system17:32
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black_screensomeone can heeelp me??17:35
black_screenI'm getting black scren but with mouse insted of login screen - what to do??17:35
boodllebat_I have never hosted my any application on VPS , but this time i have to do it i am bit worried cause i dont know anything about security i there any toolkit which AUTOMATES the security procedure for Linux ( Ubuntu ) ?17:36
akaehi, I'm having a problem with ubuntu-server 14, which does not mount at start a sdb1 SSD disk even if it is configured in fstab, but mounts perfectly when I run mount -a17:36
boodllebatI have never hosted my any application on VPS , but this time i have to do it i am bit worried cause i dont know anything about security i there any toolkit which AUTOMATES the security procedure for Linux ( Ubuntu ) ?17:38
chuihi good morning17:39
akaeIs there a channel for Ubuntu Server help?17:40
fannohi everyone, i am not sure of this is a ubuntu question or if it is a generic linux problem ... i am trying to play dota 2 and i had this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1382462 that i "fixed" using the CCMS. Now the problem i have is that dota seems to always pick the build in monitor to run on .. even my bigger monitor is set to primary in ~/.config/monitors.xml17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1382462 in xorg (Ubuntu) "10de:0dfa Desktop/windows painted incorrectly in dual monitor configuration" [High,Incomplete]17:41
fannoso i guess my question is is there something else i need to do ?. if i chose to run in frameless window the it show on the correct monitor.. but it is not full scrren (oviously..) top menu is there and the window is UNDER the lancher on the left side .. if i try to turn off the lancher on the external monitor i CANT no matter if i chose all monitors or if i chose one or ther other the lancher is always displayed on the external monitor.17:41
chuijust had a quick question,i ha probook 6565b and was wondering whether it would work17:41
bottazzinifanno: Do you use NVIDIA ? If yes, your second monitor is on the right side ? If yes, go to displays and put it on the left side17:43
bottazzinifanno: i had this bug and could fix like this, weirdo... right?17:43
fannobottazzini: yes it is on the right site.. the problem is that if i do put it on the left.. then it dont mirror the real life setup17:44
bottazzinifanno: I know :(17:44
bottazzinifanno: but... try to see if your problem will be solved17:45
jhutchinsfanno: BTW problems like that happen in windows too.17:45
bottazziniIf yes, you have the same problem I had17:45
dymHey! Does anyone know of a piece of server software that would let someone livestream media to said server (via some sort of client) to be consumed by other users via VLC?17:45
fannobottazzini: i have already ried that and yes it fix it.17:45
bottazzinifanno: So I got a good and a bad news to you17:46
fannodota 2 will only put monitor in in the monitor that are a 0,017:46
bottazzinifanno: the good news is that you will be able to play Dota if you do this. The bad news, i tried really hard to fix this and I got my ubuntu crashed and had to format17:47
bottazzinifanno: I will give you some tips that you should NEVER try to see if it will work out ok ?17:47
Ahmuckis there a way to place an icon of the cdrom on the desktop?  my cdrom button does not work well and i would like to use the icon to eject the tray so i can load a cd17:48
fannojhutchins: yes that is true but on windows i can set external as primery screen and there i did not get the error17:48
bottazzinifanno:  Because if you google it .. people will say.. it works.. but it just fuks up the system17:48
bottazzinifanno: never try bumblebee and never ever ever ever try to use the open source Nouveau. Even you see people saying that the system got faster...17:49
rastais there anyway i can have two completely different websites with separate databases on my ubuntu local wordpress installation?17:49
jhutchinsAhmuck: xfce or gnome?17:49
bottazzinifanno: you won't be able to rollback the system and in the end you will have to format it :(17:49
black_screensomeone can help me?? please?17:49
bottazzinifanno: if you find the solution would you please tell me? :)17:50
pyberasta: yes17:50
rastapybe: how?17:51
tewardis it possible/sane to format a USB drive with a gpt partition table instead of mbr/msdos?17:51
pyberasta: setup 2 and use different databases17:51
rastahow, i dont know how to set up a multisite network17:52
fannobottazzini: yes i know, but i was able to fix it when i did try bumblebee (fix meaning revert the damage), as far as i know the problem is in ubuntu some where17:52
pybenot a multisite anything17:52
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pyberasta: did you setup your current site17:53
bottazzinifanno: nice, maybe because I tried noveau first and then bumblebee afterwards, Noveau fucks up everyting you won't be able to reinstall nvidia driver....17:53
rastayes, i have one site setup. now i want a completely diff site on the same installation17:53
fannobottazzini: can i place a screen ag 1920x1200+-1920+0 ??? so that the 0,0 is still on the right17:53
Agent_Smith_BRWhat's the best way to update libc6 due GHOST in my Ubuntu (10|12).04 LTS without upgrade the system?17:53
bottazzinifanno: it is a long shot, but if works tell me :)17:53
pyberasta: do it again in another folder with another database17:54
fannobottazzini: well i tried it but is ther another way to put monitor on the left ? or os 0,0 always far left screen ?17:54
black_screenit's not a good day for help?17:55
black_screenit's not a good day for help?17:55
tewardblack_screen: patience17:55
rastapybe: how do you set up a multisite network on wordpress in ubuntu?17:55
bottazzinifanno: as far as I know, it is always 0,017:55
tewardblack_screen: if you don't ask a real question we can't help you17:55
teward!ask | black_screen17:55
ubottublack_screen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:55
chuihullo mateys17:55
black_screenI've ask it over 5 times..17:55
pyberasta: not a multisite network, just 2 websites17:55
black_screenteward: ^17:55
black_screenteward: I'm getting black scren but with mouse insted of login screen17:55
jhutchinsblack_screen: What did you do before this started to happen?17:56
rastapybe: I am planning to add more sites later.17:56
pyberasta: add as many as you like17:56
rastapybe: which folder are you talking about?17:56
tewardblack_screen: you didn't do any updates?17:56
black_screenis was a textual install. and than i deside to install mate17:56
chuihow are HP Probooks on Ubuntu?17:56
black_screenidid the apt-get..17:56
jhutchinsrasta: Why are you asking about this in both #ubuntu and #debian?17:57
pyberasta: where ever your apache it pointed to17:57
black_screeni also instaled lightdm17:57
black_screenand than i get the black screen with the mouse pointer.17:57
jhutchinsblack_screen: Is lightdm running?17:57
pyberasta: normally /var/www17:57
rastajhutchinns: please give me a link to the wordpress docs17:58
black_screenjhutchins: if i stop it the black screen gone,17:58
rastapybe: so you are saying I make another /www?17:58
jhutchinsblack_screen: I would check to see if aptitude -f install picks up any missing dependencies, then possibly dpkg-reconfigure lightdm17:58
pyberasta: /var/www/mysite1 with mysite1db and /var/www/mysite2 with mysite2db17:58
pyberasta: and do as many setups as you like or have disc space/bandwith for17:59
Agent_Smith_BRWhat's the best way to update libc6 due GHOST in my Ubuntu (10|12).04 LTS without upgrade the system?17:59
jhutchinsrasta: You should be able to figure this out, but https://codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page17:59
black_screenjhutchins: so to type "aptitude -f install"17:59
tewardAgent_Smith_BR: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade17:59
rastapybe: with the folder hierachy in /www I dont know if that is possible17:59
tewardAgent_Smith_BR: that won't update your Ubuntu version but it will install the standard security / software updates17:59
pyberasta: you shouldnt be setting up wordpress sites from the sound of it18:00
rastapybe: and will i be able to switch different sites from dashboard?18:00
battacucuseanyone here use guacamole18:00
tewardrasta: it sounds like you don't understand what exactly is going on.18:00
jhutchinsrasta: http://mashable.com/2012/07/26/beginner-guide-wordpress-multisite/ http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-wordpress-multisite-network/ http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network18:00
rastaJhutchins: thanks18:01
rastateward: you're right, i dont18:02
rastaAnother question. Only default permalinks work on my local WP installation. If i try to change them to /postname, I get 404, how can i fix this?18:04
fannobottazzini: window mode with no border works too. but the ubuntu launch bar over lap the window and so do the top menu bar ==/18:06
=== beisner- is now known as beisner
pyberasta: by reading in depth all the links jhutchins gave you18:07
petrolAny lihi18:07
petrolI am unable to change my brighntess after an upgrade18:08
bottazzinifanno: unfortunately this is one big bug that would make me stop using Ubuntu. My friends who uses others distro works quite well. But I do love ubuntu I don't know exactly what to do primarily18:08
petrolI went through all the available posts18:08
petrolstill no use18:08
rastapybe: fuk off18:08
pyberasta: love you too x18:08
petrolCan somebody help?18:09
fannobottazzini: and when launch bar over lap, you cant click menu options on the left =P18:09
pybepetrol: upgrade from what to what on what?18:09
bottazziniahahahaha this is so fucked up18:10
fannobottazzini: indeed18:10
petrolpybe am currently on 12.0418:10
pybepetrol: what did you upgrade from and what are you running it on?18:11
petrolUpdated using update manager18:11
petrolAm not running on VM18:11
fannobottazzini: also i notise if i try to make teh lancher only show on the left screen it turn off on the left and show on the right ... if chose show on the right it show on the right ...18:11
fannobottazzini: but yes, i am looking if i should switch or not .. issue is i just start using linux and i have no idea how to switch ,.. and i jsut got everything else working18:12
pybepetrol: what hardware18:12
hdon_hi all :) i am not using my display's native orientation, how can i alter or disable subpixel font smoothing? as a computer programmer trying to maximize the amount of text i can fit on the screen, i find it difficult to make out small details with the current smoothing settings, which are assuming a left-to-right BGR pixel!18:13
bottazzinifanno: hahahaha.. you know, i have used ubuntu since version 4.04. When they decided to use Unity instead of Gnome 3, things got a little buggy. So we have to wait until they fix everything up and/or help them... this is the magic of open source project right?18:13
petrolsony vaio vpceb36fa amd radeon card18:14
fannobottazzini: just bother me that they have not even assigned the bug report. even tho it is high priority18:15
Agent_Smith_BRteward: sorry... I didn't check the changelog so when I saw libc6 (2.11.1-0ubuntu7.20) I thought that I'd have to upgrade to 14.0418:15
hdon_bottazzini: i just apt-get install gnome18:15
Agent_Smith_BRteward: my bad18:15
bottazzinifanno: indeed...18:15
Agent_Smith_BRteward: thanks18:15
fannohdon: i tried that it's not working ether.. (atleast not last i tried)18:16
bottazzinihdon_: i did this.. but the core still runs on unity, unfortunately...18:16
hdon_fanno: :(18:16
hdon_fanno: maybe your problem is not unity?18:16
hdon_fanno: what are you symptoms?18:16
fannohdon but i am a noob at linux so i could have missed something18:16
fannohdon excactly the same as the bug report as far as i can understand18:16
bottazzinifanno: hdon_ : What I think it is.  It is Nvidia Driver + Unity bug... if you install it in Gnome or even KDE ... it will run smoothly...18:17
fannobottazzini: i must have done something wrong with gnome then18:17
andrcmdrThanks OerHeks18:18
bottazzinifanno: maybe18:22
fannobottazzini: i'll try again logging out to try and change be back later i guess18:23
Agent_Smith_BRteward: is there a way to update only one package and their deps?18:23
pybepetrol: is it too bright or too dark18:24
petroltoo bright pybe18:24
petrolfull brightness18:24
pybepetrol: looks like a few things you can try here http://ubuntu.aspcode.net/view/635400140124705175248198/unable-to-change-brightness-settings-in-sony-vaio-e-series-laptop18:25
fannobottazzini: in gnome now will test again18:25
bottazzinifanno: I think it won't work because the core still runs on unity... it just some cover up makeup to looks like gnome18:26
fannobottazzini: hmm in deed it is working now. odd, must have been something i changed.18:26
fannoit must be the changes i made to compiz18:27
stan_man_canI can SSH to a server but if I try to scp a file from it to my local machine it times out18:27
stan_man_canany ideads?18:27
bottazzinifanno: really ? =D18:27
fannobottazzini: unless compiz changes do not carry over to gnome18:27
bottazzinifanno: you just installed gnome and worked ?18:27
fannobottazzini: no i still had gnome installed18:28
fannobottazzini: never "removed" it i just toled to to login to that18:28
fannobottazzini:  but oviouslt i ahve not changed the fegault18:28
skypcehello all18:29
fannoyou saw the changes i am talking about right?18:29
fannofor compiz ?18:29
skypcedo you know some way to display screen in black and white (greyscale)18:29
Ahmuckjhutchins, sorry, did not see ur reply.  it wouldn't matter, xcfe or gnome, something that worked18:29
bottazzinifanno: what changes?18:29
natusI'm on xubuntu and I hate pavucontrol. One day I tested the volume controler in ubuntu 14.xx and it was very good for me, how to install it? What is the packages name? I tried gnome-alsamixer but not what I want.18:30
guest-kRujS1yo. how do i create my own channel for private use?18:32
fannobottazzini:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1382462 post #23 and forward ... hmm it looks like the screen show i added has been removed... aparently they think the error i have is another sinse i do not use the same computer as the ccreator ..18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1382462 in xorg (Ubuntu) "10de:0dfa Desktop/windows painted incorrectly in dual monitor configuration" [High,Incomplete]18:33
petrolpybe,  I gt this bash: /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness: Permission denied18:33
natusI want this one : http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Sound_011.png on xubuntu is it possible and how?18:33
pybepetrol: I think you will need to sudo18:33
fannobottazzini:  but not sure if you had that error as well, but thats the only other changes i have made18:33
petrolI am root pybe18:33
petrolroot@BoX:~# echo 4 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness18:34
petrolbash: /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness: Permission denied18:34
fannobottazzini: well ... now in gnome i can't full screen the windoes in the left window ...18:34
fannobottazzini: !"¤!"%!#%& from one to the next =P18:34
lfrlucasIs it possible to remove packages installed by apt-get build-dep policykit-1 ?18:34
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pybepetrol: is there a command in front of the file path or are you trying to execute it?18:35
petrolpybe, didnt get you18:36
pybepetrol: what are you trying to do to the file?18:36
petrolinput the value 418:36
pybepetrol: how? editing it or echoing it?18:39
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petrolechoing it18:39
rictoogerraffes are dumb18:40
rictoostupid long horses18:41
petrolpybe,  I am unable to change the file...even though I chagned the permission I cant edit the file18:41
rastahow do i use pretty permalinks on wordpress?18:41
Picirasta: Thats probably a better question for #wordpress18:41
pyberasta: ask in a wordpress room18:41
bottazzinifanno: sad :(18:43
pybepetrol: try /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness18:45
versatiletechlooking at /var/log/auth.log I want to see successful sshd logins via a password. What token should I be searching for? "Accepted"?18:46
petrolpybe no such file18:48
petrolits sony18:48
pybepetrol: which ever yours has then but not MAX brightness18:50
rastapetrol: pybe doesnt know much, be careful18:50
EriC^^pybe: what's up?18:50
EriC^^or petrol i guess18:50
petrolAnyways I cant seem to change anything now18:50
pyberasta: xxx18:50
EriC^^you're changing the brightness?18:50
EriC^^did you try xbacklight?18:51
cuddylierAnyone know how to view the number of each process there is?18:51
EriC^^cuddylier: what do you mean? the pid? or how many threads it has?18:51
cuddylierE.g. if I have the cron process, I want to see the number of currently active cron processes18:52
cuddylierBut I want to see a number of each of all of them18:52
cuddylierAs I have over 400 processes running for no reason making my load 50+18:52
cuddylierCompared to the normal 3-5 with 250 processes18:52
petrolEriC^^,  its not working either18:52
cuddylierSo there is 150 or so processes I didn't intensionally execute running and I need to find out what they are and how many.18:52
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ponyofdeathhi, anyone can help me with why this interface is not able to be brought up with ifup wan0 or wan1 https://bpaste.net/show/9991928db9c3?18:53
EriC^^cuddylier: cron processes show up in /var/log/syslog18:54
cuddylierEriC^^ That was just an example18:54
cuddylierI need to see all18:54
EriC^^CRON [PID here]18:54
pybecuddylier: you need to see running processes?18:54
pybeI like ps waux which you can then grep or just top18:55
EriC^^petrol: try echo 1000 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness18:56
budddhow do you open a a text doc (.py) from the terminal, in the editor ofyour choose? so I don't have to dbl click it in the director18:56
NegativeFlarebuddd: gedit <filename>18:56
NegativeFlareor even nano if you want18:56
budddsublime son18:57
budddhow do you toggle between windows18:58
budddwithout using the mouse18:58
EriC^^alt+tab ?18:58
milamberbuddd: alt + tab18:58
budddctrl something18:58
budddman ubuntu rules18:58
budddis that what most people use?18:59
k1lbuddd: keep the windows button pressed to see the shortcuts for ubuntu18:59
milamberbuddd: asking the #ubuntu channel if ubuntu is what people use is kind of a loaded question. also this channel is reserved for tech support18:59
budddmilamber: you're reading comprehension is selective19:00
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EriC^^buddd: there's also alt+~ , if you have multiple windows of the same type you can switch between those after you alt + tab19:00
EriC^^buddd: alt + tab combined with that will render you god like, enjoy19:00
buddderic^^: I can feel the force, thanks19:01
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chuican anyone help me19:07
h00kchui: go ahead and ask your question19:08
MonkeyDustchui  let's hear it19:08
h00kchui: if someone knows, they'll reply with help19:08
petrolEric^^ no use19:08
EriC^^what do you mean?19:08
EriC^^petrol: what's it say when you do that?19:08
chuicool was thinking of installing ubuntu on a HP probook 6565b19:08
mittchui and so?19:09
chuidont know if its supported19:09
mittchui depends on yer particular hardware, make is not enough19:09
MonkeyDustchui  try it with a live usb stick19:09
mittchui but Ubuntu now supports almost everything19:10
chuioh ok let me get the specs19:10
petrolecho 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness19:11
EriC^^petrol: did you try the intel one?19:11
chuiAMD Quad-Core A6-3410MX with AMD Radeon HD 6520G Graphics19:12
EriC^^petrol: try echo 1000 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness19:12
OerHekshttp://www.cnet.com/products/hp-probook-6565b-15-6-a-series-a6-3410mx-windows-7-pro-64-bit-4-gb-ram-500-gb-hdd-series/specs/ sounds fine, maybe wireless N is en issue, AMD Radeon HD 6520G looks oke.19:12
chuicool @OerHeks19:13
petrolEric^^ I do not have an intel folder19:13
chuiits an extrad notebbok that has win 7 wanted to try Ubuntu on it..havent tried since version 819:15
chui<OerHeks> thanks19:17
OerHekschui have fun!19:17
chui<OerHeks> would it matter if it is NTFS or FAT32 usb stick19:18
Giwrgarashi anyone has the same problem with terminal? when a line is too long instead of continuing to the line below it starts again from the left overshadowing the current text!19:19
EiriksHDDhello #ubuntu I recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my sons laptop, but I know he uses chromiums incognito mode, is there a way to log his web activity still?19:19
OerHekschui, the iso can only work on fat3219:20
geniiEiriksHDD: Probably not unless you start using some transparent proxy and studying it's logs19:21
onrulEiriksHDD you could use a DNS relay pretty easily.19:22
ipl31Folks seeing an odd issue on a 12.04 based system where an arp cache entry for a down host never expires19:22
onrulTry opendns.com19:22
EiriksHDDI was thinking on using a keylogger, but that won't show links he clicked will it?19:22
MonkeyDustonrul  mind: "easy" depends on how technically skilled you are19:23
ipl31flushing the arp cache works19:23
ipl31but is manual19:23
doctariEiriksHDD, is he a child? , Are you paying for his internet. If so insist that you see his logs on demand or you cut off/take away his internet19:23
AhmuckEiriksHDD, educate him19:23
EiriksHDDdoctari, he is 15, where there is a will, there is a way, I just want to be able to make sure he isn't watching crazy stuff19:24
doctariI have all of my kids passwords and I log everything, why> because I am paying for it and they live in my house19:25
doctariEiriksHDD, I am sure he is a good kid but if he does something that is going to harm him or anyone else in your family you will regret worrying about his feelings19:26
EiriksHDDI have his passwords and all that, I just want to make sure that even when he uses incognito chromium, he isn't going nuts19:27
onrulEiriksHDD, opendns would catch all URL requests, even while in incognito.19:27
ubunzerkhi, got issues to install amd r9 2xx driver, any help?19:27
chui<OerHeks> thank you19:28
doctariEiriksHDD, tousands of young people go missing every year because they got involved with someone that the parents didn't know about19:28
EiriksHDDonrul, thank you, I'll look into it19:28
EiriksHDDdoctari, he is a good kid, I just want to be able to keep an eye on what he is doing, better safe than sorry19:29
doctariWhen I was doing in-home IT support I would find all kinds of things on kids PC's that the parents didn;t know anything about19:29
Andre_Jesus   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Andre_Jesus tsbruposjqmr19:29
ConnerABweird. Anyways, I'm trying to run Space Engineers through Wine, and I'm having difficulties. I'm very new to Linux as a whole. I was able to install Wine through Steam and then installed Space Engineers through the Wine Steam installation, but I can't get it to launch.19:30
OerHekstime to change password, Andre_Jesus19:30
doctarimost experts recommend that the kids be required to use their computer in a public area of the house to make it harder for them to do things they shouldn't19:30
ConnerABOh wait a second, something different just happened this time.19:31
BluesKaj_Andre_Jesus, yup, do that command in the server textbox19:31
doctariAndre_Jesus, change your password too19:31
doctariEiriksHDD, you could also install something like vnc on his laptop that would let you see what was on his screen19:32
ConnerABIt sits on "Installing Microsoft .NET framework 4.0.cmd (step 1 of 1) for a while, then closes and doesn't do anything else./19:32
ConnerABOkay, thsi time it just opened the thing saying that it was unable to sync my files and let me click the "play game" button, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything after this point. This is the first time in the several times I've tried to run it that it's reached that point.19:33
ConnerABIs anybody able to help me with installing Space Engineers through Wine?19:34
BluesKaj_ConnerAB, try the #winehq chatroom19:41
ConnerABBluesKaj_: thank you19:42
jhutchinsConnerAB: It seems like this is less of an Ubuntu issue than a Steam/Wine issue.  Steam support might be able to help.19:42
NedalHi , I can't run th cisco ccna exploration course on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 !19:47
jhutchinsNedal: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?19:47
Nedaljhutchins, I installed the cisco CCNA exploration from the website via wine, when I open the documentation downloaded locally, I cant open any chapter ... it s not working .19:50
wrxhello all19:51
Nedaljhutchins,  and it s not a flash issue, i ve added the path to the local site on the flash player settings19:53
MonkeyDustNedal  is this useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150954019:53
NedalMonkeyDust, I ve tried this ...19:54
Nedalit s not working19:54
wrxneed help19:54
wrxneed help19:54
MonkeyDustNedal  then maybe the people in #wine can help better19:54
k1l!ask | wrx19:56
ubottuwrx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:56
wrxprivat chat19:56
NedalMonkeyDust,  But it can be run without wine ... It s a html extension, a flash documentation19:56
k1lwrx: if you got a tehcnical ubuntu question ask it here.19:57
MonkeyDustNedal  then why do you wine?19:57
NedalI ve tried without it , and it didn t work. So I though that it might be a compatible windows  only ... that s why19:58
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curvvwhat are the mirrors in AD.txt on mirrors.ubuntu.com? - http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/AD.txt20:02
curvvthe file names are country codes...20:02
curvvso this is Andorra? lol20:03
wrxI recovered the contents of a partition(photorec) and now I only care about the pictures. but20:03
Nedaljhutchins, any idea ?20:04
Jordan_Uwrx: Your message was cut off at "but".20:05
wrx<wrx> I recovered the contents of a partition(photorec) and now I only care about the pictures  and ubuntu crushes20:05
jimmy__Heeeey! I'm from Brazil and i need to pratice another language... who?20:06
EriC^^wrx: did you copy the pictures to another hdd?20:06
Jordan_Ujimmy__: Try #ubuntu-offtopic.20:06
agliodbsit seems that "print to PDF" on Ubuntu 14.04 desktop cuts off at some number of bytes (1-5 pages) unless you first format the output for a specific printer.  What's up with that?20:06
MonkeyDustjimmy__  not here, try #ubuntu-offtopic20:06
wrxno that is what i try to do20:06
wrxbut crushes20:06
EriC^^wrx: boot a live usb and do it20:06
wrxwhat distro? ubuntu / mint <>???20:08
EriC^^doesn't matter, use ubuntu though20:08
wrxthx EriC20:09
eridaniI have this problem20:10
eridaniThe problem is, I can't locate the image for the decryption at bootup,  I want to personalise it, any recommendations?20:11
nedal_Hi, I can't run the Cisco CCNA exploration course on Ubuntu LTS 14.04. Could any one help ?20:12
Jordan_Ueridani: I don't understand what image you're reffering to. Could you try to describe more what that image is, and how/why you want to change it?20:13
eridaniWell when you encrypt your hard drive when installing ubuntu it asks for a passphrase20:14
eridaniwhen you boot up next time20:14
eridaniit asks for the passphrase to decrypt20:14
eridaniI want to change that background.20:14
eridaniAny idea how?20:14
jhutchinsnedal_: You forgot the "How did you try to do it" and "What happens instead" parts.20:14
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Jordan_Ueridani: You probably want to change your plymouth theme then.20:18
nedal_jhutchins, I ve installed the Cisco CCNA documentation from their website, but when I open the documentation ( witch is a flash documentation with an .html extension) it doesn t work, I can't open any chapter20:18
eridaniWhere can i do that?20:18
Jordan_U!plymouth | eridani20:20
ubottueridani: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »20:20
jhutchinsnedal_: ibid.20:20
eridaniThank you20:21
Jordan_Ueridani: "apt-cache search plymouth-theme" will list packages providing other plymouth themes, or "apt-cache show 'plymouth-theme-*' | less" will let you view the details of all of those packages.20:21
louipcdoes ubuntu use systemd yet? i read that it will20:24
Jordan_Ulouipc: No.20:25
bottazzinilouipc: I head that we will be able to use it on 16.04 but i am not sure20:25
crobertsdoes anyone have a ppa setup with just a single package in it20:25
crobertsI want to test something20:25
destinyHello :)20:26
crobertswith rhel20:26
bottazzinilouipc: but it looks like 15,10 will have support to install it if you want via apt-get20:26
louipcwell, doesn't matter for me really just don't wanna tell someone the wrong command to start/stop a service, etc20:27
nedal_jhutchins, well .. this is what happening !20:27
crobertsdoes anyone have a small ppa that i can use to test something with20:29
azizLIGHTwhy is every update "This update does not come from a source that supports changelogs."20:30
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Giwrgarashi anyone has the same problem with terminal? when a line is too long instead of continuing to the line below it starts again from the left overshadowing the current text!20:32
Jordan_UazizLIGHT: All of the official repositories support changelogs. If you're getting that message for packages from the official repositories then something is configured incorrectly/broken on your end.20:32
jonnyroWhen I attempt to use ssh dynamic port forwarding using ssh -D <port> <host>, local apps that attempt to connect to the proxy do not function correctly. The pages requested never return20:32
jonnyroAny tips on further debugging?20:33
azizLIGHTwhy dont unoffical ones put their changelogs in there too20:33
Jordan_UazizLIGHT: I don't know the details of how changelogs are supported.20:34
azizLIGHThmmm oh well20:34
trsohmersHaving a startup problem that I have been searching for a solution for extensively... is this a place to find help?20:40
jokxGreetings, with ubuntu 14.10 on gnome3 (+ ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3) I was unable to add a PPTP VPN connexion in the gnome-control-center. I've installed the network-manager-pptp* package but the control center didn't display the PPTP option when I try to add a VPN ... someone know what happen ?20:40
geniusciao a tutti20:40
trsohmersProblem 1: On bootup, Unity does not start (My desktop shows but the dash menu and launchpad is not there... I can move my mouse, right click, open windows, but nothing else)20:41
trsohmersProblem 2: When I go to tty1 (or any others for that matter), I get endless error message related to usb device20:42
trsohmersI can login, but it is difficult to use due to an endless flood of error messages20:42
Jordan_Ujokx: Is the network manager settings panel that you're getting from gnome-control-center the same as from running "nm-connection-editor"?20:42
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".20:43
trsohmersany good way to do that from TTY?20:43
Jordan_Utrsohmers: dmesg | pastebinit20:43
trsohmersJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10041098/20:45
trsohmersseems to only go back to 80 seconds20:45
trsohmersBut that message is endlessly repeating in TTY20:45
Jordan_Utrsohmers: sudo dmesg -n 1 # Though that's just a work around, we really need to figure out how to stop the errors from happening at all.20:46
trsohmersit just stopped20:47
trsohmersstill seems to be going on in the background20:47
trsohmersit is no longer going to TTY20:47
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Exactly, that's why I said it was just a work around.20:47
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Check the cables on anything you have connected via USB, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21636174/device-not-responding-to-set-address reports this error occuring due to a bad cable.20:48
trsohmersI already tried booting it with another keyboard that I know works20:48
trsohmersand that is the only USB device plugged in20:48
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Please pastebin the output of "lsusb"20:49
trsohmersAccidently just rebooted the machine... one moment20:50
trsohmersJordan_U: It hangs when I type lsusb... I try to (CTRL+C) it, but nothing happens20:52
trsohmersJordan_U: I can open a new TTY window, and it works though20:52
trsohmersJordan_U: just tried lsusb -v as well20:52
jokxJordan_U: thanks for interest, how to know with network manager settings panel is running ?20:52
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jokxJordan_U: Oh, but with nm-connection-editor I was able to create a PPTP configuration !20:54
Es0tericquick question about using wget.. i want to use wget to get a file from google drive20:55
Es0terichas anyone done that yet?20:55
trsohmersJordan_U: Any ideas?20:57
dunnowiamany one has a good tutorial how to debug ubuntu start?20:59
Jordan_Utrsohmers: I suspect that there is a hardware problem, though I'm not sure how to confirm that.20:59
jokxJordan_U: thank you ! With nm-connection-editor I created my config and now Gnome3 show me it !20:59
Jordan_Ujokx: You're welcome :)20:59
trsohmersJordan_U: OK, well now that I can at least use the terminal, do you know how to get unity to start properly?21:00
trsohmersAt startup it goes to the desktop, but only shows the desktop... no dash or anything else21:01
dunnowiamya uing terminal is awsome :)21:01
trsohmersI already tried ccsm, and enabled unity desktop, but it doesn't seem to help21:01
dunnowiami remember the days where i got a terminal if needed21:01
Jordan_Utrsohmers: No, I don't use Unity myself, but if the two problems started at the same time (rather than you only noticing the USB problem when you tried to use a tty due to the Unity problem) they may be related. Can you try booting an Ubuntu liveDVD/USB and see if you have the same USB (or Unity) problems?21:02
Jordan_Udunnowiam: What problem are you having specifically?21:02
trsohmersJordan_U: Yea I'll try that. It's a new install, and the problems started (or at least I noticed the USB problem) the first time I rebooted21:03
dunnowiamapt-get upgrade reboot unity dont starts any more only offers one box for reporting a error21:03
EriC^^trsohmers: did you try logging in using the guest account?21:03
trsohmersEriC^^: No21:03
dunnowiamwhen i try to do strg + f7 i get no console21:03
EriC^^trsohmers: give it a shot21:03
dunnowiamdont know why21:03
trsohmersJordan_U: I just noticed the tty's where I launched lsusb are no longer hung... I run lsusb again and it works21:04
dunnowiammaybe my graphic card is to new but now i cant do anything21:04
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Please pastebin its output.21:04
rocketeerbkwI'm on 14.10, how do I change the date? When I go to Time & Date settings it always reverts back and never keeps my changes21:04
rictooguys i have a question, i dont know why gerrafes are dumb stupid long horses21:05
dunnowiamdoes any one know if there is a systemd boot hotkey or else?21:06
dunnowiamso i can get a terminal without booting external and modify grub entrys?21:06
trsohmersJordan_U: The dmesg errors stopped... at the bottom of it it seems to see that it detected a new USB device21:07
Jordan_Udunnowiam: Ubuntu doesn't use systemd yet. You can select recovery mode at the grub menu (if the grub menu is hidden at boot, hold shift if it's a BIOS based system or press escape repeatedly during boot if it's a UEFI based system).21:07
Jordan_Utrsohmers: Interesting. What is that new device?21:08
dunnowiamah ok21:08
trsohmersJordan_U: Here is the new pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004137221:08
dunnowiami understand21:08
dunnowiamtought it uses it because i used it21:08
dunnowiamwas my fail probally21:08
dunnowiamso its time to say good bye to ubuntu for me right?21:09
Jordan_Udunnowiam: I don't know what you mean by your last question.21:09
dunnowiamok that then means clear switching to fedora or arch linux :D21:10
dunnowiamthx for help21:10
glogicWhat the heck.21:10
owennHello all. My ubuntu 14.04 which has an encrypted /home dir won't mount. I'm getting the error 'Mount of device (uid: 0) not owned by requested user (uid: 1000)' then it says ' Reading sb failed; rc = [-1]' I can log in as a guest user in the gui. Any help would be grately apreciated. Thanks.21:14
trsohmersJordan_U: I've got to go in ~10 minutes. Any ideas/suggestions?21:15
yagiowenn: eh21:16
Jordan_Utrsohmers: No, sorry.21:16
trsohmersEriC^^: I logged in as a guest user, and dash and launchpad are there... any way to have it work with my account?21:17
yagiowenn: that means you do not have the required permission to mount21:17
trsohmersJordan_U: Thanks for your help anyways!21:17
Jordan_Utrsohmers: You're welcome.21:17
owennyagi: I guessed it might be that. Weird that it all of a sudden did that after almost a year of use. Any ideas why ?21:18
yagiowenn: are you mounting a partition or a disk?21:18
yagisounds like you are mounting the raw disk21:18
EriC^^trsohmers: try renaming /home/<user>/.config or .cache or .gvfs to see what's the culprit21:18
owennyagi: It's a partition21:18
EriC^^trsohmers: also /home/<user>/.compiz ( try that one first )21:19
yagiowenn: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/partition mappername21:19
pirokoIs there any reason why adding a kernel param to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and running update-grub would not actually add anything to the files under /boot/grub/ ?21:19
yagiowenn: then mount /dev/mapper/mappername /home/user21:19
trsohmersEriC^^: Renaming it to what?21:19
EriC^^trsohmers: anything, so it creates new files21:19
owennyagi: run the cryptstetup as root?21:20
yagiowenn: mhm21:20
yagiowenn: or mount mappername as /home if the part contains multiple user dirs21:21
trsohmersEriC^^: I did mv ./config ./config221:22
EriC^^trsohmers: ok21:22
trsohmersWhat should have happened?21:22
EriC^^trsohmers: did you add a "." before config ? ~/.config21:22
guest-Ntx0JYyo, how do i create my own channel for private use?21:22
trsohmersEriC^^: Yes21:23
EriC^^guest-Ntx0JY: ask in #freenode21:23
trsohmersEriC^^: It is now /.config221:23
guest-Ntx0JYthanks man!21:23
bekkstrsohmers: Just type "/j #myownscretchannel" :)21:23
EriC^^trsohmers: ok login to your account and see if it works, if it doesn't then try renaming other ones til it works21:23
bekkstrsohmers: tabfail. IT was meant for guest-Ntx0JY21:23
pirokolong story short I'm trying to enable zswap by adding zswap.enabled=1 to the end of the kernel line21:24
pirokoBut it appears to be getting completely ignored by update-grub21:24
trsohmersEriC^^: I'm assuming i need to log out of my account in the GUI... I went it to the guest account because my account locked itself, but I can't seem to figure how to actually log out of it21:25
EriC^^trsohmers: type sudo service lightdm restart21:25
trsohmersEriC^^: That seemed to fix it21:26
trsohmersEriC^^: Thanks so much!21:26
EriC^^no problem21:27
owennyagi: I'm getting the error 'Device /dev/sda6 is not a valid LUKS device.' sda6 being my /home dir21:27
owennyagi: When I installed Ubuntu, I selected the 'Encrypt home directory' option.21:28
Jordan_Upiroko: Please pastebin your /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg .21:28
yagiowenn: default behaviour unknown to mee21:30
pirokoJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/gUgVYgYX http://pastebin.com/uT5yZk2W21:30
yagiowenn: just mount the mapper on /mnt and see if there are multiple user dirs21:30
Jordan_Upiroko: sudo grub-mkconfig | pastebinit21:33
Jordan_Upiroko: (That will print stderr to the terminal, and pastebin stdout only, which is what I want).21:33
pirokoI'm an experienced user :)21:34
Jordan_Upiroko: That is quite odd.21:35
pirokoI agree21:35
pirokoI upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 using the official software updater fyi21:35
pirokoThough I'm not sure why that would affect anything21:35
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Jordan_Upiroko: As a test, please change /etc/default/grub so that GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="testing123" then re-run "sudo grub-mkconfig | pastebinit".21:37
pirokoAlready did it. No effect. Also, just changing say, rootdelay=300 to rootdelay=200, rootdelay is still 300 in grub.cfg21:38
Jordan_Upiroko: What is the output of "type grub-mkconfig"?21:38
pirokogrub-mkconfig is /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig21:39
caonicaldroidHow do I get the max potential of my ubuntu?21:39
caonicaldroidHow do i get the most out of it21:39
Jordan_Upiroko: Are you sure that you're editing and pastebining /etc/default/grub and making a typo?21:40
philipp_Hello there! I am having trouble mounting a new ext4 partition. I configured it as "default" in /etc/fstab but it still mounts as read-only for me, the logged-in user. I do own the mount point. Thank you very much for any help!21:40
pirokoJordan_U: heh yeah. here: https://asciinema.org/a/1605421:41
k1lphilipp_: what says dmesg to it?21:41
Ben64philipp_: pastebin the output of "mount"21:41
Jordan_Uphilipp_: That usually implies a filesystem error. check dmesg for errors.21:42
Guest3080how can I make the battery life last longer? I had Windows 8 on this machine and the battery life was a lot better21:42
k1lcaonicaldroid: use it as you like.21:42
caonicaldroidI want the max out of it21:42
caonicaldroidHow do i get it to peak speed?21:42
caonicaldroidStuff like thatr21:42
caonicaldroidCan i change the boot animation?21:42
k1lcaonicaldroid: there is no magic command. ask specific questions and we can try to solve that21:42
caonicaldroidSometimes it gets sluggish and lags a bit21:43
pirokoJordan_U: That should eliminate any user-error assumptions :)21:43
caonicaldroidhow do i make it run smooth 100% of the time21:43
Jordan_UGuest3080: Make sure that you're using the proper graphics drivers, and run "powertop" to get specific recommendations.21:43
k1lcaonicaldroid: yes you can. the boot animation service is called plymouth21:43
JustSigh1udesHi guys. My CPU load is basically 0 and I'm only using 2 out of 16 Gigs of ram. What could be the reasons my com[uter is so slow? Even typing this is slow. I'd type like 5 letters and they'd show up in about 3 seconds.21:43
Guest3080man powertop21:44
caonicaldroidWill it slow me down at all? k1l21:44
k1lcaonicaldroid: what?21:44
caonicaldroidWill the changing of boot animations with plymouth slow me down21:44
k1lcaonicaldroid: depends on the boot animation.21:45
jhutchinsphilipp_: Perhaps you should set that to "defaults" instead.21:45
k1lcaonicaldroid: if you want a lightweight desktop you can try if Lubuntu or Xubuntu suits you better21:45
Jordan_Upiroko: Please pastebin the output of "sudo bash -x /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig".21:46
essiNo sound in Xfce but sound in Gnome21:46
glogicXubuntu is a fine choice, but you could just as easily install Xfce in ubuntu...21:46
jhutchinscaonicaldroid: Tweaking and fiddling is unlikely to yeild noticible results.  Instead, learn to use it well and read documentation on how it works so you can understand what can be optimized to your particular tasks.21:46
pirokoJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10041982/21:46
philipp_jhutchins: It actually is "defaults". :-)21:47
jhutchinsphilipp_: Well, that's good at least.21:47
philipp_Here's the output from dmesg and mount: http://pastebin.com/9pMTj7hP21:47
k1lphilipp_: so its a mount point permissions issue? the partition is rw21:47
piroko+ . /etc/default/grub.d/50-cloudimg-settings.cfg21:47
pirokoSo this is apparently a file that azure installed that is blowing away my settings. gg wp21:48
pirokoJordan_U: Thanks!21:48
Ben64philipp_: ls -ld /media/philipp/SSD21:48
philipp_drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb  3 22:08 /media/philipp/SSD21:48
Ben64there you go, root owns it, not you21:49
k1lphilipp_: chmod it to your user:user21:49
Jordan_Upiroko: You're welcome :). Did you create /etc/default/grub.d/50-cloudimg-settings.cfg ?21:49
jhutchinsphilipp_: Is there data on the drive?21:49
pirokoJordan_U: No. It came with the VM that was provisioned by Microsoft Azure21:49
pirokoBut I didn't know of its existence until now21:49
Jordan_Upiroko: If you figure out what added it please file a bug report with them.21:50
philipp_There you go, I chowned the mount point BEFORE mounting.21:50
jhutchinspiroko: You need to be careful to work within the modifications Azure may have made to the image.  It's not to hard to upgrade a VM, override the customizations and completely loose access.21:52
pirokojhutchins: Yeah I've kinda thought about that21:52
jhutchinspiroko: Look for documentation and standards they may hve posted.21:52
pirokoThis is microsoft we're talking about here lol21:52
pirokoBut I'll try to find something21:53
iamwhoiamhello people, a question: does anybody know how i can change the ctrl+alt+(fn)F1 keyboard shortcut for tty to something with less keys?21:53
essiNo sound in Xfce but sound in Gnome21:54
pirokoAlright time to test. Hopefully I don't lose access because of the swap modification lol. brb21:54
k1lessi: see if its the right output device in the (pulseaudio) system sound settings21:55
Guest3080Jordan, I get the recommendations from Tunables using Powertop....how do I go about making the changes?21:55
piroko[    0.942530] zswap: using lzo compressor21:56
Jordan_UGuest3080: What is the exact message from powertop?21:57
Guest3080Bad           Wireless Power Saving for interface wlan021:58
Guest3080   Bad           NMI watchdog should be turned off21:58
Guest3080   Bad           VM writeback timeout21:58
Guest3080   Bad           Enable SATA link power Managmenet for host021:58
Guest3080   Bad           Enable SATA link power Managmenet for host121:58
Guest3080   Bad           Enable SATA link power Managmenet for host221:58
Goose_sup guys21:59
Goose_anyone wanna help me out with something?21:59
Goose_hey man21:59
k1lGuest3080: use a pastebin for long text pastings22:00
cjenkin1Goose_, Go ahead and ask your question, instead of asking to ask :)22:00
Guest3080new to this22:00
k1lGoose_: just ask if its ubuntu support releadet22:00
k1l!paste | Guest308022:00
ubottuGuest3080: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:00
Goose_haha alright. Can anyone help with swap memory?22:00
sevenfourkhi fellas.  could you please advice which service in Ubuntu 14.04.1 account for power management ?  I can't seem to disable it.  Thanks22:00
Guest3080will do22:00
Goose_I haven't been able to get mine activated22:00
cjenkin1Goose_, You about to install, or already have installed?22:01
cjenkin1Goose_, "activated"?22:01
Goose_ill be back22:02
sevenfourkpurged all the unneccessry stuff, doing a simple/minimalistic setup, and anyway can't find where power management is to config it.22:02
* cjenkin1 shrugs22:02
Jordan_Usevenfourk: What specifically are you trying to configure?22:03
sevenfourkJordan_U: I want to disable hibernate by closing the laptop back.  acpi removed.  and it top I do not see any service which should be responsible for that.  have lesser experience with ubuntu.  been a debian user for quite a while22:05
doctarisevenfourk, is there a power icon in the upper right hand corner?22:06
k1lsevenfourk: what desktop?22:06
sevenfourkfellas, here's my ps -ef: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10042296/22:07
Jordan_Usevenfourk: HandleLidSwitch=ignore in /etc/systemd/logind.conf22:08
sevenfourkdoctari, k1l: no power icon, I'm usind dwm22:08
sevenfourkJordan_U: thanks.22:08
Jordan_Usevenfourk: You're welcome. You can get more information about logind.conf with "man logind.conf".22:09
sevenfourksorry fellas.  not a experienced user of systemd.22:09
sevenfourkyes, config looks nice and preaty self-explanable22:10
Goose_okay im back22:10
k1lactually logind so far is excluded from systemd and patched to work with upstart :)22:10
Goose_My swap memory doesn't appear to be active22:10
k1lGoose_: did you create a swap partition?22:10
Goose_Yep here is what I put in casey@casey-HP-ENVY-TS-15-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo swapon -s FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority /dev/sda3                              partition75632600-1 casey@casey-HP-ENVY-TS-15-Notebook-PC:~$22:11
Goose_oh... bad format22:11
k1l!paste | Goose_22:11
ubottuGoose_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:11
Goose_I'm bad at this...22:11
Goose_I do have a swap partition, and when I put in22:11
Goose_"sudo swapon -s" shows me it is not being used at all and priority is -122:12
k1lGoose_: see the bots message and put the teyt into a pastebin please22:12
sevenfourkI must say, this Ubuntu system is great, few efforts to run it and lesser efforts to work with it, superb!22:12
sevenfourkand to get the job done.22:12
k1lGoose_: priority -1 is fine.22:13
sevenfourkcheers everyone.  have a good night!22:13
Goose_Then why is it always showing 0 is used?22:13
k1lGoose_: see "htop" to see the usage of ram and swap22:13
k1lGoose_: if its not needed?22:13
k1lGoose_: swap is dead slow. you dont want swap usage. you want your ram used as much as possible before its starting to use the much slower hdd22:14
Goose_didn't know about htop, i really like it.22:14
NegativeFlareGoose_: glances is nice as well22:15
Goose_Oh okay, I was just under the impression it was never on, since I've never seen it activated. THanks guys22:15
Goose_I'll check out glances22:15
Goose_anything similar for network info?22:15
k1lGoose_: please put a "free -m" into a pastebin service and put the link in here22:15
NegativeFlareGoose_: glances shows you everything about your computer22:15
Goose_OH. Thanks man!22:16
NegativeFlareCPU info, Network info, Disk activity, processes, etc22:16
NegativeFlareI love it22:16
Goose_Oh this is awesome!22:16
NegativeFlareGoose_: just make sure you run it with sudo22:17
NegativeFlareotherwise it won't show you everything22:17
Goose_^For Kill:22:17
NegativeFlareGoose_: Here's a screenshot of it in action: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8e24i9e16dijvk/Screenshot%20-%2002032015%20-%2005%3A17%3A06%20PM.png?dl=022:17
k1lGoose_: see the second line: you got 5GB ram free if you exclude buffers and cache.22:18
Goose_yeah, I'm using it now22:18
k1lGoose_: so no need to swap at all22:18
SchrodingersScatGoose_: I use iftop a lot, for some reason, it's a network interface top.  iotop for disks22:18
k1lGoose_: good explanations at linuxatemyram. com22:18
Goose_oh okay, I just figured it wasn't on since I've never seen it active. I am retard apparently haha. THanks!22:18
NegativeFlareGoose_: :) Just let us know if you need more help :D22:19
Goose_will do. You guys are the shit. I fucking LOVE ubuntu now, man. Been using it for abour 6 months and I can't even imagine going back to windows22:20
cjenkin1Goose_, :) Welcome home then22:20
Goose_especially now that I got it looking nice22:20
=== vinicius_ is now known as JoaoNgm
ZeedoxHi, earlier today I used an old USB drive to move some files to a friend's computer. But while the USB drive mounted correctly and listed the files, my friend couldn't open any file.22:20
=== phil is now known as Guest17550
Goose_Yeah, I'll be here a lot now22:20
ZeedoxAnyone know what might have caused that?22:20
Ben64Goose_: little tip though, this channel's language needs to be family friendly22:20
NegativeFlareZeedox: permissions, you need to chmod +Rv 777 the files if you're going to use them on a windows machine, this doesn't happen all the time. But sometimes it does.22:21
Goose_It may not my the correct file types22:21
ZeedoxThe files were added from my Ubuntu computer and couldn't be opened by the friend's Ubuntu computer.22:21
Goose_That's okay! I'll be friendly!22:21
Ben64Goose_: well you used a word that wasn't a few lines up22:21
Jordan_UZeedox: What type of files? What happens when they try to open them?22:21
Goose_hmmmm, what is the filesystem type of usb?22:21
ZeedoxNegativeFlare: Any way to automatically set files as 777 so I wont forget?22:21
NegativeFlareZeedox: not that I know of. :/22:22
NegativeFlareLike I said, it doesn't happen all the time22:22
Goose_Do they still open on yours?22:22
Ben64Zeedox: or your friend could use chown to make himself the owner22:22
ZeedoxJordan_U: Movie files. Permission errors by VLC.22:22
rictoowhat would be the best way to organize a university's (~1000 members) questions and discussions online?22:22
ZeedoxBen64: No root access.22:22
Goose_rictoo: Forums22:22
k1lrictoo: that question suits better into the #ubuntu-offtopic22:22
Goose_But kill is correct22:22
Goose_No problem. You'll just probably get more help there than here22:23
doctaririctoo, a database backed forum system22:23
ZeedoxGoose_: Yes, and they had me as the owner.22:23
Ben64Zeedox: strange. nothing would normally prevent reading a file on a usb drive, default permissions are 644 for files, which means readable by everyone22:23
compi_hi, I installed lubuntu on an old laptop using the alternative installation. The mouse is jittery and the keyboard slow to respond. There are multiple entries in the syslog " wistron_btns: unknown key code 10.22:23
compi_anyone a idea where I can look to fix this?22:24
doctaricompi_, look for stuck keys on the keyboard22:24
ZeedoxBen64: But 4 is readonly?22:24
Goose_Weird. So both systems are using root access and it only opens on yours?22:24
ZeedoxGoose_: No, my friend doesn't have root access on their computer.22:25
Jordan_UZeedox: Please pastebin the output of "ls -l /path/to/usb/files/".22:25
compi_doctari: thanks, had a look, no stuck keys or mouse buttons.22:25
ZeedoxWhen I got home I inspected the files, they were all "-rw-------".22:25
Goose_Compi: Is it a totally fresh install? Did you format old HDD?22:26
jhutchinsIf the filesystem on the drive is linux/ext, then the permissions of the files are whatever the system that wrote them set.22:26
Goose_Zeedox: Try getting them to use root access, see if that workd22:26
Zeedoxjhutchins: And that really carries over? Strange.22:26
doctaricompi_, well depending on how old the hardware is the ps/2 ports may be failing or may be dirty22:26
jhutchinsIf it's a FAT or NTFS filesystem it will mount as ro by default (except root).22:26
ZeedoxGoose_: Well, their user weren't added to the sudoers file, so I don't think that will work.22:27
Goose_Not really. Windows and Linux have differnt default filesystems22:27
ZeedoxGoose_: That drive hasn't ever touched a Windows system.22:27
compi_Goose_: it is a fresh install alongside windows XP. I did created a ext4 partition for the lubuntu install22:28
doctaricompi_, may I I suggest doing an ctrl+Alt+F2 and go to a command prompt and see if the keyboard is still jittery22:28
ZeedoxOh, sorry, thought you were talking to me.22:28
Goose_Oh weird. Please pastbin output og "ls -l /path/to/usb/files" as Jardan_U suggested22:28
Jordan_UZeedox: What is the output of "umask" on your machine?22:29
ZeedoxJordan_U: 00222:29
compi_doctari: did that, keyboard still jittery, caps lock now stuck ON and unable to turn off...22:29
=== bitnumus is now known as Guest43920
Jordan_UZeedox: Presumably actually "0002"?22:30
Goose_Compi: Try reinstlaling drivers of keyboard22:30
ZeedoxJordan_U: No, 00222:30
compi_Goose_, okay.. how do I do that?22:30
Goose_Is it a laptop? or desktop?22:31
Jordan_UZeedox: What about "umask -p"?22:31
compi_LAptop. Acer travelmate 254DC_LC22:31
compi_Goose_, Laptop. Acer travelmate 254DC_LC22:31
Goose_Compi: Try this link, it helps with re-installation of keyboards http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175312122:32
compi_Goose_ : Thanks I will try the link.22:32
caonicaldroidHey so I got my driver installed on my other pc for wireless network but still i cant connect to wifi22:32
caonicaldroidwhat do i do22:32
Goose_Anyone know why my touchscreen doesnt "click"22:32
ZeedoxJordan_U: Bad option.22:32
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: What driver did you install and how?22:32
Jordan_UZeedox: What version of Ubuntu are you using?22:32
Goose_IIf i tap somewhere, it only moves cursor there, doesn't click22:32
ZeedoxJordan_U: 14.04 Trusty.22:33
Goose_I'll actually let chat chill a bit and be back in a bit. Have a good night guys!22:33
Goose_Thanks for the help?22:33
ZeedoxThe USB drive is ext4, by the way.22:33
ZeedoxJordan_U: Using zsh.22:33
Goose_Zeedox: Weird. Most usbs are FAT16 or FAT3222:33
Jordan_UZeedox: Ahh, that explains it.22:33
Goose_I asked that question way earlier...22:34
Goose_save files, reformat to FAT32, try again22:34
Jordan_UZeedox: OK, that umask should be making most programs write files with 774 permissions by default. What application wrote those files in the first place?22:34
ZeedoxGoose_: Sorry, I missed that question.22:34
ZeedoxAh, missed :x22:35
ZeedoxJordan_U: Nautilus and Thunar.22:35
Jordan_UZeedox: I mean what created the original files. Most file managers will try to preserve permissions when copying.22:35
ZeedoxJordan_U: I think I formatted the drive myself a long time ago. Something might have gone wrong then I guess, the guide I tried to follow was not up to date for Ubuntu 14.04.22:35
ZeedoxJordan_U: I don't know, the files are years old.22:36
Zeedoxhttp://vpaste.net/jCLiR <- mockup of what `ll` showed, before I chmodded everything to 77722:37
Jordan_UZeedox: OK. As far as I know there's no easy configuration for "automtically add permissions bits when copying files to external media", you'll just have to check yourself and chmod. Using FAT32 would work around this problem, because it has no such permissions and so everything must be world readable/writeable.22:38
ZeedoxJordan_U: I guess using FAT32 would be the correct solution then. Thanks.22:38
ZeedoxToo bad formatting USB drives is so hard with Linux...22:38
Ben64it isn't?22:39
Jordan_UZeedox: Well, FAT32 has some limitations, for example you can't have files larger than 4 GiB.22:39
ZeedoxBen64: I've actually failed many times trying to do it. :(22:39
Jordan_UZeedox: It's not hard at all. If you are having trouble doing something try explaining what exactly you're doing, what you expect to happen, and what happens instead.22:40
jjavaholicubuntu default and gnome flashback(compiz) no window decorations22:41
ZeedoxJordan_U: Some of it is expectation - in Windows Explorer there is a right-click command to format USB drives. But that's no real issue.22:41
k1ljjavaholic: is the video driver working proprerly?22:41
=== Guest38908 is now known as Damier
ZeedoxJordan_U: I think "Disks" is the program to use? The options sort of confuse me, and the guides I found last time were outdated.22:42
=== Damier is now known as Guest82547
Jordan_UZeedox: GParted is the easiest tool for the job.22:42
Ben64theres that, gparted, parted, fdisk, gdisk, any of the mkfs executables22:42
ZeedoxJordan_U: Gparted requires root access.22:42
Jordan_UZeedox: Yes, it does.22:43
ZeedoxFor some reason.22:43
Jordan_UZeedox: Is that a problem for you?22:43
Ben64because you wouldn't want an unprivileged user formatting your drives...22:43
imbezolif you just left it as ext4 and set permissions properly you'd have no issues22:43
imbezolmount it.. chmod 777 /path/to/usb/drive22:43
ZeedoxBen64: But what about their own drives?22:43
jjavaholicglxgears work22:43
Zeedoximbezol: Yeah, I've done that.22:44
Ben64Zeedox: how would it know which drive is theirs and which drive isn't?22:44
imbezolZeedox: worst case your friend can run "sudo chmod -R o+rw /path/to/usb" after they mount it22:44
ZeedoxBen64: I don't really know. Maybe it's my expectations that are warped. It just seems like it would make more sense to be able to format drives you have hardware access to by default, with optional lowering of permissions.22:45
ZeedoxBut I guess that's not the unix way.22:45
Zeedoximbezol: No, they are not in the sudoers file.22:45
Ben64yeah, its much more secure than windows. thats why sudo exists22:45
Ben64if you don't have root, you can't mess with the system, it really makes sense22:45
travnewmaticwooooould someone be so kind as to assist me in my iptables troubles22:46
jjavaholicno unity launcher or global menu in ubuntu default session22:47
ZeedoxBen64: Technically I wouldn't call a USB device as part of the system, but it would be hard to detect for the computer, so I guess it's safer to err on the cautius side.22:47
Ben64its not a mistake22:48
ZeedoxBut then, why doesn't "Disks" require authentication, while "gparted" does?22:48
k1ljjavaholic: again: see if the driver is working as expected22:48
ZeedoxBen64: If it's my hardware, I think it is. :)22:48
Ben64then you should have sudo!22:49
pyromineDoes anyone know how can I trigger a script to run everytime that I connect to a wifi network?22:49
k1ljjavaholic: support please only in here22:50
k1ljjavaholic: please pastebin the output of "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3"22:50
travnewmaticiptables support would be super welcome22:50
Ben64travnewmatic: ask a question and you may see some support22:51
travnewmatici've been working on getting my openstack test lab setup in virtualbox on ubuntu server 14.04.122:51
ablest1980do iptables -h22:51
travnewmaticwhich i was successful in, thanks to the scripts22:51
travnewmatichowever since they're in virtual machines, they're mostly only accessible on the host system22:52
travnewmaticwhich isnt terribly bad22:52
travnewmaticexcept the control panel is accessible in the browser22:52
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
travnewmatici did the port forwarding to send the vm with the webapp on it from its internal address:80 to my servers public address:888822:53
travnewmaticideally, i want my openstack servers web interface to be accessible only from my work ip range,
travnewmaticand ssh from anywhere to anywhere22:54
travnewmaticblock everything else22:54
caonicaldroidJordan_U are you still here22:54
Jordan_UZeedox: gnome-disks uses policykit for more fine grained permissions controlls. Some operations still require an administrative user to enter a password.22:54
travnewmaticthose are my three objectives, port 8888 accessible only from, no restrictions on SSH,, block everything else22:54
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Yes.22:55
ZeedoxJordan_U: Ok.22:55
travnewmaticBen64, any suggestions :(22:55
ablest1980port 8888 internet?22:56
=== Wayward_One_ is now known as Wayward_One
caonicaldroidI went to additional drivers connected usb tethering from my phone and enabled my wireless driver22:56
caonicaldroidBut i still dont have wifi22:56
k1ljjavaholic: does it work when you log into another user or the guest-mode?22:56
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Please pastebin the output of "nm-tool".22:57
caonicaldroidI cant22:57
caonicaldroidIm on a different pc22:57
jjavaholicif it does work with another user or guest mode what would you suggest it was wrong?22:57
travnewmaticablest1980, hostaddress:8888 is forwarded to guestmachineaddress:8022:57
k1ljjavaholic: then something in your user configuration in you users /home is broken22:58
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Can you tether again, or copy via a USB drive?22:58
k1ljjavaholic: so we could reset that and it would work again22:58
pm709someone can help to encrypt rootfs  ? I'm pretty lost :o22:58
pm709i create a new partiion, format it with cryptsetup22:58
jjavaholicreset the local settings where would I find them?22:58
pm709rsync my current root to the encrypted partition22:58
pm709and after, i think, i entered in the initramfs stuff. right ?22:59
k1ljjavaholic: ~/.gconf ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/dconf ~/.config/unity22:59
pm709but dunno what/how to do :o22:59
travnewmatici've figured out how to restrict the 8888 access to my office subnet22:59
travnewmaticand i think i'm allowing ssh properly23:00
travnewmaticuntil i do iptables -A INPUT -j DROP23:00
Goose_So, why does my touchscreen only move  my cursor, not click things? How do I manage tocuhscreen settings?23:01
travnewmaticthen ssh from my host machine to the guest machines break23:01
Goose_HP ENVY touchsmart 15 btw23:01
travnewmaticthen everything goes to shit23:02
Grant_PAnyone able to tell me why mdadm sucks so much in 14.04? It wont automount my raid, i have to keep discovering it.23:02
Grant_PPersonally dm-raid was so much better.23:02
compdocGrant_P, maybe thats a feature, rather than a bug23:02
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kidsHow do I make a window ( such as chromium ) take the full screen in X without a window manager?23:04
Grant_Pcompdoc: haha any ideas? I had an LUKS + EXT4 partition but just gone back to basics and trying to get the raid mounted first.23:04
kidsI called it with -start-maximized, but it is still missing a few milimeters all around the window23:05
bobbobbinshi, I was getting an error with one of my applications that starts on boot, saying that mysql wasn’t available yet, so I went into insserv.conf and tried to make mysql required before it starts, now it doesn’t boot at all, no error message or anything, did insserv just decide to ignore it?23:10
dgarstangI'm trying to use "apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A" on a vagrant vm running Ubuntu 14 and it's just hanging. Any ideas?23:10
rhlHi -- how do I install libmetis-dev in ubuntu 12.02 ?23:13
dgarstangQue? "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found."23:13
pkayiihello everyone, I have a general question. when one clicks on an image in a web browser, there is this 'Save Image As..' menu item. is it the same in every popular and less popular browser?23:14
pkayiiI mean right-click, of course23:15
Marcello-MiXpkayii, I believe that is present in every browser23:16
pkayiiMarcello-MiX, I believe, too..just wanted to know if it's already a standard quality in every one.23:17
YvesHi, I need to record, in avi format, what im doing on my computer. Plz what are your suggestions?23:17
rspin ubuntu how can I determine which user is logged on when I am running a script as root23:17
rspI'm writing a log out script23:17
EriC^^Yves: try recordmydesktop23:17
YvesEriC^^: Thanks23:18
Specrsp: the command "users" will show you a list of the currently logged in users23:18
rspSpec: ok. but how will I know which one is graphically logged on currently23:18
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
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Jordan_Ursp: What is your end goal?23:19
rspI want to unmount an sshfs connection with a lightdm logout script, but the script is run as root and I want to know the current users name that is logged on on lightdm23:19
EriC^^rsp: w | grep :.*init23:20
EriC^^rsp: w | awk '/:.*init/ {print$1}'23:20
rspfusermount -uz "/home/`whoami`/My Remote Files" whoami will always return root here since the logout script is called by light dm23:21
Jordan_Ursp: What is your end goal though? Do you want to terminate an sshfs connection when the user logs out?23:22
rspJordan_U: yes23:22
YvesLooks perfect.  Thanks to EriC :)23:23
marcelloMarcello-MiX, teste!23:23
EriC^^Yves: no problem :)23:25
caonicaldroidJordan_U still here?23:26
Grant_PWhy do i need to run 'sudo mdadm --assemble --scan' everytime i boot to get my raid to show?23:26
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Yes.23:27
caonicaldroidorry i dropped again23:27
caonicaldroidBut do you have a for sure fix for this?23:27
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: I'm still waiting for the output of "nm-tool".23:29
caonicaldroidok lemme run it23:29
Jordan_Ursp: Do you want to know who is currently logged in, or who just logged out? Why does it matter if they're logged in via lightdm or via a tty?23:30
caonicaldroidhow do i get it to you if that pc doesnt connect to internet23:30
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Teather again or copy the output to a USB drive, transfer the file via USB drive to a computer that is connected to the internet.23:31
rspI want to know the current user of the lightdm. because there is no global .bash_logout so my go is lightdm logout script23:32
essiWelcome to PulseAudio! Use "help" for usage information.23:32
essi>>> 0 card(s) available.23:32
Jordan_Ursp: I don't know what is meant by "current user of the lightdm". Is that the user that is trying to log off? Is it one of the possibly many users still logged in? Something else?23:33
rspthe on trying to log off23:34
Jeeves_Mossis there a netflow EXPORTER for Ubuntu?  I'd like to monitor my boxes using my netflow monitor23:35
Jordan_Ursp: OK. From http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/lightdm/2012-December/000335.html it sounds like that can be found via the $USER environment variable from within your logout script.23:35
rspJordan_U: Thanks, I'll try this. I run sshfs with & in /usr/profile and want to fusermount it when logging off23:36
Jordan_Ursp: You're welcome.23:36
caonicaldroidJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/MwLQ2nb323:39
caonicaldroidtheres the output23:39
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: OK, it looks like your card isn't being recognized by network-manager at all. What driver did you install?23:41
caonicaldroidI just went to additional drivers and clicked on enable and it took a while then the additional driver disappeared but still no wifi23:42
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Open Additional Drivers again and tell me what it calls the driver (it should still be listed).23:42
caonicaldroidIts not listed anymore23:43
daftykinsgo go gadget APT history23:43
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Is this a USB wireless adaptor or an internal wireless card?23:44
caonicaldroidinternal wireless card23:45
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn" .23:45
=== crypt1 is now known as redred
dtscodeis there a command to tell me what programs are running on what ports?23:46
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:46
jhutchinsdtscode: netstat can do that.23:46
OerHeks!info lsof23:46
ubottulsof (source: lsof): Utility to list open files. In component main, is standard. Version 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 244 kB, installed size 455 kB23:47
daftykinsnetstat -tuln indeedy23:47
dgarstangHow can I ignore popup dialogs when installing .deb packages? I can't use DEBIAN_FRONTEND. Needs to be a CLI option23:47
caonicaldroidJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/bycVDdHJ23:49
dtscodeim sorry what was the command? x crashed on me before i could use it23:55
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Bashing-omdtscode: >> < daftykins> netstat -tuln indeedy ??23:57
dtscodethank you23:57
jhutchinsdgarstang: I don't know the details, but the configuration for debconfig is where I think you set that.23:58
=== bsock is now known as braahyan
dtscodelet me rephrase, because that didnt work. how can i tell what port a specific process is listening on?23:58
jhutchinsdtscode: netstat.23:58
daftykinsdtscode: it helps you if you know your port numbers. what are we talking about here?23:58
jhutchinsdtscode: Check the manpage and experiment with the options until you get what you need.23:59
ryanpriorIs there a way to integrate my Google/Android contacts with my desktop? For example, it would be nice to be able to have contacts show up in a HUD search.23:59
dtscodealright. im trying to figure out what port my ts server is running on becasuse its not default23:59

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