
lordievaderGood morning.06:15
ngaiogood morning! Where can I find a list of packages in the current daily image? I'm interested to know if it includes Qt 5.4 and PyQt 5.4, because I'm developing an application using them06:26
lordievaderngaio: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20150204/vivid-desktop-amd64.manifest06:30
lordievaderngaio: It has Qt5.3.2.06:30
lordievaderngaio: And Python3-PyQt5 5.406:31
ngaiomy application is with python 306:32
ngaiobut I guess I will not be able to target any of the Qt 5.4 features06:32
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ScottKngaio: I think it's likely we'll move to 5.4 before release.07:07
ngaioScottK, thanks very much, that's good to know :-)07:08
soeegood morning07:17
sitterengage disco logging http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/vokoscreen-2015-02-04_08-32-06.mkv07:40
joernhi everyone07:47
joernI'm trying to generate LXQt techpreview isos and I'm using SDDM. The problem is that the current configuration of casper/SDDM defaults to plasma.desktop... https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/casper/utopic/view/head:/scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin07:48
joernHow could this be fixed?07:48
sitterjoern: as seen in line 78 perhaps07:53
joernthat could be an interim solution, but for the future it would be good to have a better solution07:54
joernas far as I know, there is nothing like a /etc/sddm.conf.d/ folder where I could just drop in a config to override the /etc/sddm.conf?07:55
sitterjoern: nope07:55
sitterthere is a feature request for that though07:55
joernsounds fine07:56
sitterd_ed: ^ :P07:56
joernthat would be pretty awesome07:57
joernso I will copy/symlink the .desktop file for vivid, but I hope that a better solution will exist in 15.10 series :D07:59
ovidiu-florincan someone please fix GRUB in vivid? and let it know we are Kubuntu, and NOT Ubuntu?08:05
ovidiu-florinor tell me where to fix it myself08:05
valorieovidiu-florin: as I understand it, if we change the hard-coding, Bad Stuff ensues08:06
valorieI hate seeing that too08:06
ovidiu-florinwhere are the settings for this found?08:07
ovidiu-florinI'd like to take a look08:07
sitterthe problem is that the distributor as such is in fact ubuntu, what is needed is a way to override the displayname and only the displayname08:14
sittere.g. one of the worst fallouts of changing GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR was that install/update-grub wanted to use the UEFI firmware for the distributor, alas, there is no firmware for kubuntu but only ubuntu08:15
sitterso really what is needed is a completely different system to say that the name of the installation is XY while leaving the actual distribution type untouched08:16
sitteranyway, cjwatson is the guy to talk to about this08:16
joernjust another thing: is there a way to get more informations about Ubiquity? ubiquity kde_ui isn't starting, apport doesn't complains about a crash, --debug doesn't make a difference08:18
sitterjoern: /var/log/installer or some such08:19
joernthe only error message after a lot of mount points: "umount: /run/udisks/inhibit-polkit: not mounted08:19
sitteralso --debug possibly only prints to that log file there (or syslog at the most), it certainly doesn't use stderr/stdout08:19
ovidiu-florinsitter: this guy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._J._Watson08:20
joernthere is not even a log file :-/08:20
sitterovidiu-florin: yes :P...08:20
sitterovidiu-florin: he idles in #ubuntu-devel08:20
joernah okay08:20
Riddellwhee I'm famous http://www.mylinuxrig.com/post/109989807768/the-linux-setup-jonathan-riddell-kubuntu09:12
Riddellanswered that about 4 months ago09:13
sitterLaunchpad encountered an error during the following operation: copying a package.  qtwebkit-opensource-src 5.4.0-0ubuntu1~utopic1~ppa10 in utopic (qtwebkit-opensource-src_5.4.0.orig.tar.xz already exists in destination archive with different contents.)09:41
claydohwill there be 4.14.3  (or 14.12 if  that is even possibe?) for Utopic?   09:57
Riddell14.12 is nearly there needs someone to finish it off, it's in kubuntu-ppa/next-staging (I think)09:59
Riddellbut that's for utopic-next users09:59
Riddellsitter said it should be split for utopic plasma 4 users09:59
Riddellalas I'm currently busy on another project so don't have much time09:59
RiddellMirv, mitya57: is there an packaging for qtwebengine or is that todo?10:00
MirvRiddell: I think no-one is working on that, lisandro mentioned (if I recall correctly) a huge amount of bundled libraries et cetera that would need work and he wouldn't be doing it. so packaging for it welcome to Debian.10:01
Riddellthanks Mirv 10:03
sitterRiddell: wrt to stage guessing ... I propose that we move forward with 3 named stages stage-frameworks stage-plasma stage-apps10:04
Riddellsitter: that shoulds nicer, but somehow I don't think we should spend too long setting it up since it'll all be unnecessary for vivid10:14
claydohRiddell: thanks!10:24
sitterRiddell: we'll be staging for vivid10:34
lordievaderHey Riddell, ovidiu-florin. How are you guys?10:36
ovidiu-florinI got a flat shoe10:36
ovidiu-florinand it's raining10:36
Riddellsitter: but we can go back to the normal staging ppa for that, no need to have next ppas10:37
Riddellhi lordievader, get back ok?10:38
Riddell"He’s also the least fiddle-y KDE user I’ve ever interviewed." I wonder what that means http://www.mylinuxrig.com/post/109989807768/the-linux-setup-jonathan-riddell-kubuntu10:38
ovidiu-florinRiddell: that you only use Konsole10:38
sitterRiddell: no we can't because we still might be staging apps and frameworks and plasma all at the same time with different target destinations10:38
ovidiu-florinand don't over customize your KDE10:38
sitterthe benefit of having multiple stages is that we can a) control the dependencies more tightly, e.g. build against archive frameworks rather than whatever we are staging at the same time b) copy everything from a stage to the destination even when the destinations are different10:39
lordievaderRiddell: I did. FOSDEM was very nice :)10:39
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Rain ain't good.10:40
ovidiu-florinlordievader: we didn't take a picture together :(10:40
* Riddell blogs http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=21010:41
* sitter whines about qtwebkit building forever and ever10:41
lordievaderovidiu-florin: True, next year better?10:41
sitteror ya know, akademy10:42
ovidiu-florinsitter: are you comming to Akademy?11:26
sittersvn info   0.000000   0.000000   0.050000 (  1.391895)11:29
sittersvn up   0.000000   0.010000   0.060000 (  1.670043)11:29
ovidiu-florinsbivol_: are you around?11:29
sitterRiddell: releaseme caching is gonna be a major pain in the bum11:29
ovidiu-florinsitter: are you using KMail?11:29
sitterhaven't used it since the 4.x port11:30
Riddellsitter: d_ed wonders if you can turn on the apt settings that allows file overwrites when using kubuntu-ci, it's what we do for release-upgrades, and kubuntu-ci is going to have file overlaps by design11:47
sitterI dont think you can turn it on per apt origin, so we'd have to enable it globally which seems a bit meh11:52
sitteron a related note we'd then have to explicitly disable it again as part of the overwrite checks xD11:52
sitteranyway, overwrites should not happen in daily or weekly11:52
sitterif they do that's a bug that needs sorting in the packaging anyway11:52
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Riddellsitter: he just found some11:58
sitterRiddell: reportttttttttt12:01
Riddellsitter: where?12:03
sitterthere is a flaw in the current way things work though, say an overwrite arises from 1git1  to 1git2 where git is master and in fact tracking 2 not 1, so the relationship at the time of the conflict is <<1git2, now if there is a tarball release 1.1 that'd be greater than 1git1 but still carry the conflict rendering the relationship pointless as now the relationship would need to be << 1.1gitN which we can't represent12:04
sitterRiddell: in here, or the list or somewhere12:04
Riddellsitter: https://paste.kde.org/pu3z7pmmu12:09
Riddellsitter: https://paste.kde.org/pbgwvndkq12:09
sitterah yes12:10
sitterRiddell: those need legitimate force overwrites12:10
sitterfallout from buggy packaging12:10
Riddelltsk, silly packagers12:12
sitterall ur fault anyway12:12
Riddellkfunk: ScottK: I verified the fixes for bug 1415451 now it needs someone to move it to -release12:16
ubottubug 1415451 in kdevplatform (Ubuntu Utopic) "Subversion plugin still not being shipped" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141545112:16
Riddellkfunk_: ↑12:17
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kfunk_uhm, wut?12:19
kfunk_was disconnected the last minutes12:19
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kfunkRiddell: ^ -- what do you want to show me? :)12:22
yofelkfunk: [13:16:42] <Riddell> kfunk: ScottK: I verified the fixes for bug 1415451 now it needs someone to move it to -release12:25
ubottubug 1415451 in kdevplatform (Ubuntu Utopic) "Subversion plugin still not being shipped" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141545112:25
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BluesKajHiyas all13:00
BluesKajhi sgclark,  what's up today?13:04
sgclarknot much13:07
lordievaderHey sgclark, how are you doing?13:07
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BluesKajlooking at installing 15.04 on this old desktop, but I think I'll wait til the VDs and activity problems are fixed13:08
sgclarkhi lordievader, doing ok, yourself?13:09
lordievadersgclark: Okayish, having some problems with Plasma5 + an ancient nvidia chip.13:10
sgclarkhehe I have been having issues with plasma5 and a newer nvidia chip13:10
* sgclark curses at nvidia13:11
* lordievader curses nvidia too13:11
soeesgclark: nvidia-prime does not work at all atm if you have optimus :)13:12
soeeim on default intel gpu liek a month now i think13:12
lordievaderIntel GPU's are lovely. sure they don't pack any real power but they do ~allways work.13:13
sgclarkI am using nvidia but I can no longer live on the edge. booting to black screens on production machine is not good :(13:13
lordievaderWith the Nvidia driver I get a black screen + mouse cursor.13:14
santa_hi all13:14
lordievaderLuckily it ain't my "work" machine.13:14
santa_Riddell: no libnm release in plasma 5.2.013:14
Riddellsanta_: it's moved to frameworks#13:17
BluesKajthis old and 2 core with 6G ram and nvidia 8400gs pcie runs very nicely on 14.10 and plasma 4 , on second thought, why do i want to muck that up ? :)13:17
Riddellnow called networkmanager-qt13:17
santa_Riddell: ah, thanks13:17
lordievaderBluesKaj: Because plasma5 is new and fancy. And you want to test it out and find bugs to improve the KDE software?13:19
BluesKajlordievader, I'm already testing 15.04 on yje laptop13:20
Riddellyou know it's 10 years since kubuntu started, I can't help but feel we should do something to mark it, like a series of interviews or a history story or something13:23
lordievaderRiddell: Nice interview (the hacker public radio one) :)13:24
sgclarkRiddell: wow nice13:25
Riddelloh thanks, I still need to work on my public speaking, I'm too fast and not pronounced enough13:25
lordievaderIs it mentioned on the website?13:26
Riddellis what mentioned on what website?13:26
lordievaderThe 10 year birthday of Kubuntu.13:26
sitterRiddell: svn caching ... we could maintain a cache that is linked through svn (i.e. recursive checkout): this has the advantage of only needing to do one svn up in any run of tarme (and some random repo queries), it does have the disadvantage that the initial cache needs to be created sequetially which takes about 10 seconds per language for kde/workspace so that's somewhere around 20 minutes for the initial cache run (no time stats on updates yet)13:27
Riddellsitter: it currently takes 3-4 hours to run the plasma release script so 20 minutes if it saves a couple of hours off that is super13:28
Riddelllordievader: nope, I've not throught of any way to mark it13:29
lordievaderSome kind of a banner?13:29
lordievaderPerhaps ahoneybun can design something nice.13:30
Riddellartist skills13:30
sitterRiddell: the other option is to have the cache directories not linked (i.e. maintain them as invididual checkouts per language): this has the advtange of being able to massively thread the initial cache generation, disadvantage being that we'd need multiple svn ups. one svn up takes apparently somewhere between 1 second and 2 seconds (just the query) so all in all that'd be some 2 minutes spent svn upping for each run of tarme, initial caching is 13:30
sitterpretty much as fast as the network IO is as we'd simply checkout on some >=5 threads at the same time such that the query slowness of svn doesn't matter anymore13:30
sitteroh, actually, on second thought we'd also thread the svn ups13:30
sittertotally hadn't thought of that13:30
sitterso I think that option actually might be better13:30
sitterit reenforces my point though that the plasma meta script should be written in ruby and used as a highlevel replacement for tarme rather than ontop of tarme13:31
sitterthat way one run of the plasma meta script will do the massively threaded svn up, instead of having it done once per tarme call, of which there appear to be a few13:32
Riddellcould you make a python library to access tarme please13:33
sitteryou really don't want to be happy do you? :P13:33
sitteranyway, as I was saying in my mail it might be very much a possibility to not have you write anything in the script because what your script does is call tarme with different arguments13:34
sitterone could just as well define a config format for that13:34
Riddellit also does some stuff like remove unnecessary tars13:35
Riddellso it would need the right arguments to be available13:35
sitterso you'd have a config somewhere that goes... release kde/workspace from trunk && release frameworks/kittens from trunk && release kde/playground/jellyfish from stable13:35
sitterRiddell: where does it meddle with tars?13:36
sitterthe script is just one giant hack on insufficient feature backing, that's all :P13:36
sitterit's an abomination before god, that's what it is13:36
Riddellrm kwindowsaddons* -rf13:37
Riddellsed -i '/kwindowsaddons/d' $VERSION-release-data13:37
Riddellit just asks for kde/workspace then it removes kwindowsaddons cos we don't want it, and it removes baloo cos it has a different version number13:37
RiddellI agree with you13:37
sitterwithout any code one could do the opposite :P13:37
sitterbut yeah, excluding things also sounds like a sensible thing13:37
Riddellit just needs the arguments to be able to do all that13:38
sitteryeah, that's cheap though13:38
sittersvn based releases also work with the stuff I landed 2 weeks ago btw13:38
sitterneeds manual config definition though13:38
Riddelland then god will be happy and can go and care about more useful things like sorting out those waring religions13:38
sitternot quite sure about the DSL, but that's the general concept anyway13:39
soeeRiddell: any info about 14.12.2 apps ?13:49
soee*for vivid13:49
Riddellsoee: sorry I'm too busy to make packages currently, it'll need someone else to step up for them13:50
soeeRiddell: ok, thanks13:51
soeeBluesKaj: ping13:51
santa_Riddell: hm, just another simple question: if I want to offer you my siduction specific changes (if any is interesting) whats's the better branch to make my packages kubuntu_unstable or kubuntu_vivid_archive?13:52
BluesKajsoee, pong13:55
soeeBluesKaj: can you confirm that in current Plasma 5 in Vivid, notifications show up liek ~250px from bottom of the screen not like before in lower right corner ?13:56
Riddellsanta_: I guess it depends if the change is for released software or master branches, kubuntu_vivid_archive is probably best in general13:58
BluesKajsoee, hang on, need boot the laptop13:58
santa_Riddell: released software, so kubuntu_vivid_archive? if see my change is already included in kubuntu_unstable, should I refrain to send you back my changes?14:01
BluesKajsoee, , notifications here show a large dialog box on the lower right that is quite readable , if that's what you mean14:03
soeeBluesKaj: im not usre why but for bye they are on the right side (screen edge) but not newar bottom edge but moved to top like 250px14:04
Riddellsanta_: if they're needed for the stable software then I guess you can still give us the patch or tell us to merge it from kubuntu_unstable14:05
santa_great, I will do another rebuild and try to send you back the changes if I have time14:07
BluesKajsoee, could be a difference in gpu behaviours , mine's an intel 4000 with i915 driver on a laptop14:08
santa_another thing, could any of you log into alioth and symlink the libnm-qt repository?14:09
santa_...so it would be available in git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/frameworks/libnm-qt.git14:10
shadeslayeris libnm-qt a framework?14:10
shadeslayerhuh, I guess14:10
shadeslayersitter: halp http://dci.pangea.pub/job/plasma/job/kservice_source_unstable/8/console14:11
sittersanta_: it's not called libnm-qt14:12
sittershadeslayer: 01:02:57 patch: **** Can't rename file src/kbuildsycoca/CMakeLists.txt to .pc/kubuntu_rename-application-menu-file.diff/src/kbuildsycoca/CMakeLists.txt : Operation not permitted14:12
shadeslayerdafuq is that14:13
shadeslayerI think I know14:14
shadeslayerstupid schroot fstab probably14:14
santa_sitter: oh, I see, thanks14:15
shadeslayersitter:  14:20:25 up 96 days, 22:33,  1 user,  load average: 0.48, 0.60, 0.68 :D14:21
shadeslayerbut I had to reboot the bugger14:21
sitterRiddell: ../tarme.rb --origin stable --version 1 kde/workspace/plasma-desktop  22,92s user 2,99s system 44% cpu 57,663 total14:21
sittershadeslayer: there's been like 300 security updates in that time frame :O14:22
shadeslayerI just never bothered rebooting it14:22
shadeslayerbut now I have14:22
* sitter throttles bandwith14:24
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sitteryou know, I should have threaded l10n sooner, even without cache it's like 300 times faster14:26
sittershadeslayer: u my hero for suggesting that14:26
shadeslayerout of curiosity, how is it faster with GIL in place? or are you using something else14:27
sitterRiddell: for comparision this is at 400kib/s without cache ../tarme.rb --origin stable --version 1 kde/workspace/plasma-desktop  36,66s user 15,99s system 25% cpu 3:28,41 total14:27
sittershadeslayer: svn is forked anyway14:28
sitterall the threading does is allow for 5 concurrent svn checkouts14:28
sitterwell, svn info/ svn ls / svn checkout / svn update14:28
sitterand the establishing of svn connections is the costly thing14:28
sitterany of those without content transfer takes between 1 and 2 seconds on my system14:29
shadeslayersitter: wait so, when you thread svn info and svn ls , it establishes 2 parallel connections running at the same time?14:29
sittertheres' 108 languages, so even if there were just svn ups and nothing else that'd be some 2 minutes doing sequential update calls14:29
santa_no kubuntu_vivid_archive branch for kpackage14:29
shadeslayerwait, no, that's obvious14:29
sittershadeslayer: yes, well, see backlog14:29
shadeslayerwill do14:30
sitterthat of course only works if the actual cache artifacts are unconnected14:30
sitteri.e. not part of the same checkout14:30
sitterotherwise svn would lock the repo preventing you from threading access14:30
santa_ugh, nevermind14:31
BluesKaj_ok , installing 15.05 on a partition beside 14.10 on the old desktop, now we'll see if there are any nvidia probs after reboot...in about 10mins14:44
BluesKaj_err 15.04...never get used to this laptop KB , it's offset somehow14:45
lordievaderBluesKaj_: Good luck ;)14:46
BluesKaj_when I'm using the desktop it's wireless KB that sits in my lap 14:46
BluesKaj_oh my finished installing already , that was quick14:47
ovidiu-florinKdevelop 4.7.1 was released 2 days ago. I don't see it in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-backports/+packages?field.name_filter=kdevelop&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter= how does it get added? Manually by a human? or automatic by some bot?14:47
Riddellovidiu-florin: it would need to be done manually14:48
Riddellneeds packaged in vivid then backported to kubuntu-ppa/backports (not next-backports, it's not kf5)14:48
ovidiu-florinRiddell: packaged and uploaded manually? or just click on something that makes it available there?14:49
BluesKaj_that's something new, the installer asked for my password before continuing/finishing the installation14:49
Riddellovidiu-florin: packaged and uploaded manually14:52
Riddellovidiu-florin: it's not part of kubuntu ci (which is only for kf5 stuff)14:52
RiddellBluesKaj_: oh? what are you installing?14:53
ovidiu-florinis there a wiki page on Kubuntu CI?14:53
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ^14:53
RiddellI don't think so, it's all in harald's head14:54
BluesKaj_Riddell, 15.04 on my old desktop from last wednesday's daily image 14:57
BluesKaj_and I have a desktop ...now to configure everything 14:58
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BluesKajok , 15.04 on the desktop, so far so good16:21
Riddellassuming you managed to unlock it during the install :)16:21
BluesKajRiddell:  is that why it asked for my pwd?16:23
BluesKajubiquity that is16:24
RiddellBluesKaj: maybe, was it a full screen request?16:24
BluesKajiirc :)16:25
Riddellthat'll be it then16:28
Riddellsimple to fix just needs someone to add the settings to kubuntu-settings16:28
sgclarkRiddell: I am working on the kdepim items now.. What else needs to be done?17:18
Riddellsgclark: kdelibs17:28
Riddelland kde-runtime I think17:28
Riddellall the same as kdepim17:29
Riddellnew versions with kde applications17:29
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Riddellthanks :)17:29
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BluesKajwould be nice if the theme/colour downloader was fixed in system settings 18:07
_Groo_Riddell: can you test if you cna change date/time in systemsettings _> locale > date/time?18:09
_Groo_Riddell: it hangs on ci18:09
_Groo_Riddell: prolly something to do with systemd18:09
_Groo_Riddell: or a packaging error18:10
Riddellpolkit more like18:15
Riddell_Groo_: yes I can change the date fine18:17
_Groo_Riddell: does it ask for a password?18:17
_Groo_here is just freezes solid after i click apply18:19
_Groo_i enable ntp just to test and it freezes18:19
_Groo_can you try that?18:19
_Groo_kcmshell5 clock18:22
_Groo_its broken in ci18:22
_Groo_cant change the date/time or enable/disable ntp, it just freezes till i kill it18:22
Riddellkcmshell5 clock works for me18:23
_Groo_vivid? 18:24
_Groo_might be one of those bugs that go away once you upgrade18:26
_Groo_i cant debug whats wrong :(18:26
Riddellyou could also check if all the polkit packages are instaled18:27
_Groo_it works with unity-control-center18:37
_Groo_so something in kf5 just hangs18:37
_Groo_oh well18:37
_Groo_Riddell: ping19:19
_Groo_Riddell: do you get this ^ in vivid if you run it through krunner?19:20

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