
=== cmars` is now known as cmars
theubuntuzealotDoes anyone know if you can get a question deleted from launchpad18:34
theubuntuzealotanyone there?18:38
jfmcarreiraheyy guys19:34
jfmcarreiracan anyone help me with this error19:35
jfmcarreirai am the owner of that ppa19:35
tewardjfmcarreira: how new is the PPA19:37
tewardjust confirming: if I upload a version of a package superior to a depwait'd version in a PPA, will the depwait go away because the version is superseded?19:49
cjwatsonteward: Yes20:00
tewardgood, because i failed twice with a wireshark backport in a PPA, so depwaits all around >.<20:01
jfmcarreirateward: i made the ppa a couple months ago but i only added a pkg today20:08
tewardcjwatson: ^ PPA signing key problem w/ add-apt-repository.  in case you can assist them.20:08
* teward has to rebuild nginx for the 3rd time on his personal builders20:08
cjwatsonthe key in question (fingerprint 47B1838270FE14DBBF82335B2DF517E4FB038056) is on the keyserver; my guess would be perhaps a problem with a firewall on your end contacting the keyserver?20:14
cjwatsonchecking in a trusty-amd64 chroot20:14
cjwatsonworks fine here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10059451/20:20
cjwatsonso I think it must be a client-side problem.  but I have to go now sorry20:20
tewardjfmcarreira: ping ^ cjwatson responded @ 15:20 (about an hour ago)21:27
teward(sorry, i'm working on something right now, hence the huge delay in saying so)21:28
jfmcarreirateward: it is working now21:28
jfmcarreirai tried again later and it worked21:28

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