
SimplySethhow does one query the api using curl ?00:59
SimplySethI tried curl -u "username:password"  "http://machine/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/?op=list and got"  "Unrecognised signature"01:02
malikeyeanybody deploy openstack with landscape / maas? I can get the OS deployed on the first node, but juju just sits there waiting for something01:33
malikeyeI have two network on the juju / landscape VM, and all of the hosts have 2 NIC's in them01:34
malikeyedo I need to define the networks in maas? the instructions aren't really clear01:34
malikeyeahh, it wants to lookup the host with a hostname... gotta flip the DNS on I think01:36
malikeyenow it's stuck on deploying landscape... one wall at a time :)01:58
malikeyeso I have two nics on the landscape/juju VM, and I have both networks defined in maas... do I need to put that second nic on the network? do I need to put the maas on that second network too? or does it just manage the nics on the target nodes with that second defined network?02:06
malikeyeseems to be doing better with the second nic on the nodes attached at the maas level02:30
malikeyemeh.... gotta have 5 machines.... only got 4 :(02:39
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johnghi.  looking for help with MAAS 1.7.  Seems to be some internal communications issue after initial image download17:01
johngsocket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer17:02
kikojohng, can you give me more detail?17:05
johngin a proxy environment, all in one on a KVM vm.  All setup works, set proxy via UI, can see image downloads happen.  after image downloads, i get tjhis error in the logs and cluster is out of sync17:06
johngsee images are there on the systems..  download works fine17:07
johng2015-02-04 12:07:25-0500 [-] Logged OOPS id OOPS-d8256ede274f6493daf4df634b69b74c: error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer17:07
kikojohng, can you show me a screenshot of your /images page?17:08
kikowhat do you mean when you say "download works fine"?17:08
johngI can see heavy activity tomy proxy with iftop17:10
johngand images screen gets to 2/217:10
kikoI see17:10
kikojohng, can you show me a screenshot of your /images page?17:10
johngnot sure how to get it to you via this freenode web..17:11
johngit shows the 1404 amd64 image is there17:12
johngno custom images17:12
johng1404 and amd64 are all that is selected17:12
SimplySethwhat is the proper way to query "http://myIP/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/?op=list" ? a regular curl -X GET doesn't work.17:12
kikoSimplySeth, when you say "doesn't work" what do you mean?17:13
johngthere is a python stack with the error as well...17:13
SimplySethKiko ... the response is :Unrecognised signature: GET17:14
SimplySethkiko:  works in chrome just fine though17:18
kikoSimplySeth, are you on 1.7 or 1.5?17:18
saltlake experts, am using ubunt openstack-installer to install openstack, I keep getting this complaint that there are not 5 nodes that have more than one disk. I have given each node 2 disks each 20GB partions.  Please advise17:18
kikoI think the issue is that nodegroups is the new black17:18
kikono, that's not it, you're right17:19
kikoSimplySeth, I will tell you in a sec17:20
SimplySethkiko: 1.7 ... I think is what comes with 14.04LTS17:20
kikoSimplySeth, no, 14.04 currently has 1.5.417:22
SimplySethkiko: then it's 1.517:23
saltlakereally been stuck at this for more than a day and I don't know how to even login to the nodes since I don't have a username and password on the node that is commissioned by maas.17:23
saltlakeOnce maas commissions a node how can anyone login to it to for debug purposes.. (I need to see if the VM has 2 disks or not) pleae help17:24
roadmrsaltlake: did you set up an ssh key in maas? if so, you can simply ssh to nodes, that key would give you access17:24
kikoSimplySeth, I think the issue may be the lack of a cookie.  /nodes/ does not allow anonymous requests17:25
saltlakeraodmr: I will try that right away. But if you can it is possible to check this VM xml to see if I have the 2 disks setup right ? http://pastebin.com/RbeMVGTH17:25
SimplySethkiko: okay17:26
saltlakegrep sdb5. I don't why openstack would not see this this17:26
kikoSimplySeth, I can reproduce by using a private browser window and going to the URL17:26
kikoUnrecognised signature: GET list17:26
saltlakeand why openstack-install repeatedly complains of the node not having more than one disk17:27
kikoSimplySeth, I think an ansible controller for maas would be killer!17:27
roadmrsaltlake: hm, per this, this node has hda, vda and vdb disks, right? I don't know if this will confuse maas but it certainly confuses me :)17:28
SimplySethkiko: that's why I'm trying to learn the secret sauce to querying the API17:28
saltlakeroadmr: I changed vda and vbd to hdb and hdc resp and tried as well (since /dev/sdb5 is a physical parition .. not formatted)17:29
saltlakeroadmr: I changed bustype from virtio to idea as well for those 2 disks vba and vdc but that failed commmisioning. Do you have a sample xmls for a node you created for openstack ?17:30
saltlakexmls-> xml17:30
roadmrsaltlake: sorry, I've only ever used bare metal with maas :/ no idea about virsh nodes17:30
saltlakeOh no!!17:31
saltlakeok raodmr: I will try ssh ing to see if that tells me anything17:31
roadmrsaltlake: did you find out where to add the key?17:31
saltlakeI had added the key in the maas preference page17:31
saltlakebut I rebooted the server and it won't come back up..17:31
roadmrsaltlake: go to your account details, you'll find an "SSH Keys" section there with a button, then put your public key there17:31
saltlakethen ssh to the IP address for that node17:32
roadmrsaltlake: yes, once the node is up you can ssh directly to its ip17:32
roadmrsaltlake: (or even to its blahblah.maas hostname if you're in the maas node itself)17:32
kikoSimplySeth, let me research and I'll post an answer to your askubuntu question17:33
kikojust a sec17:33
SimplySethkiko: I would greatly appreciate it.17:33
kikoSimplySeth, meanwhile, see SimplySeth, not answering your ansew17:34
kikoSimplySeth, meanwhile, see http://blog.allenap.me/2013/06/workaround-for-uploading-files-to-maas.html17:34
SimplySethkiko: cool thanks17:35
kikoSimplySeth, note the use of the python client api17:35
SimplySethkiko: I might have go directly to python instead of playing with BASH17:36
kikoSimplySeth, the issue is that the API uses OAuth17:37
kikoSimplySeth, I will still get you a more complete answer17:38
SimplySethkiko: thanks17:38
johngmy python error with the connection resets:17:40
johng2015-02-04 12:38:31-0500 [-] Unhandled Error17:40
johngFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/provisioningserver/boot/uefi.py", line 134, in download_grubnet17:40
kikojohng, can you put the whole traceback in a pastebin?17:41
johngsure - how do I do that?17:41
johnggoogled it17:42
johngsee if this works17:42
kikojohng, what version of maas?17:43
johngii  maas           1.7.1+bzr334 all          MAAS server all-in-one metapackag17:44
johngsame for dhcp and dns there as well17:44
kikojohng, it seems to me that the problem is that the UEFI download is not being done through the proxy17:45
kikojohng, can you check to see if my hunch is correct?17:45
kikoyes, it seems so17:46
johngso my LTS image downloads, but boot does not?  there is only one place to set proxy17:46
kikoit seems to be a bug in maas17:47
johngis it an easy edit somewhere that I can fix it?  or shoudl O gi use 1.5?17:47
kikoI am not sure 1.5 would work tbh17:48
johngvery much apprecite you identifying it.  much much appreciate if you can provide workaround.  :-017:49
kikojohng, can you confirm first that the proxy is not getting the request for the grubnetx64.efi.signed file?17:52
johngI don't have access to the proxy.  What can I get fro yuo from the box?17:54
kikojohng, what port is the proxy listening on?17:57
magicninjaguys i need some help i got maas going fine and it runs through an install from pxe boot but once done i just come to a black screen but power is still on and i can even send control alt delete and reboot the box why cant i see anything?17:58
kikomagicninja, this is at the end of installation, when the node would normally power off? is this maas 1.5 or 1.7?17:59
kikojohng, I guess a packet capture of anything going through your default route and going to port 80 would be useful17:59
magicninjamaas 1.7 i just installed the whole thing yesterday and it does shut down after the install but when it boots back up to my hdd it goes to a black screen18:00
kikojohng, because that would indicate we are trying to fetch resources directly18:00
magicninjathx kiko18:00
kikomagicninja, at which point does it go to a black screen?18:00
johngok.  I'm set up for that. be back in a few18:00
magicninjaafter install is done it powers off then back up it boots my newly installed hdd but then just goes to a black screen18:01
kikomagicninja, does it for instance go through grub? do you see kernel messages?18:01
magicninjabut the computer is still on18:01
magicninjai dont see grub like normal18:01
magicninjait doesnt show up it just goes straight to black screen18:01
kikomagicninja, that's weird. perhaps the grub install failed?18:01
magicninjabut i can still press control alt delete and it will reboot18:01
malikeyelandscape isn't liking the hosts in maas.... all nodes had 2 x nics and 2 scsi disks, but landscape still complains that they don't have 2 disks18:01
kikomalikeye, Beret might be able to help you, but I think he'd EOD now18:02
magicninjai tried reinstalling it from a rescue usb but no dice there either i can get to grub then but after i say boot ubuntu in grub... black screen18:02
malikeyelsblk certainly shows 2 disks18:02
magicninjareinstalling grub that is18:02
magicninjai have another problem too if i try to do this install from a virtual box vm it boots into the image pxeboot goes fine but about halfway through starts saying ifconfig failed giving up after 60 seconds18:03
magicninjaany ideas there im all ears18:03
magicninjaphysical machines have first problem vms just wont go past that spot they drop me to initramfs18:04
magicninjajust ran through the automated install process again finishing up now18:07
magicninjadoubt there will be any change though18:07
kikomagicninja, the ipconfig issue is a typical networking problem related to your bridge18:07
kikoit's very common18:08
magicninjabut it does let me pxeboot18:08
magicninjait starts the image and everything just halfway through says that18:09
magicninjado i have to do this on like a nat virtual network to make those work18:09
magicninjai dont know why it wouldnt work though18:09
magicninjai mean how i have it now with paravirtualized devices is how im running my server18:09
magicninjathe maas server is a vm and i just plug a box into our network and it pxeboots right away18:10
magicninjawith hardware it even goes through the whole process18:10
kikomagicninja, right, it's because dhcp is not very robust to packet droppage18:10
magicninjawith my hardware issue could it be because the drive in the box im installing is 3TB18:10
kikoso if the bridge for some reason drops or delays a packet18:10
kikothen the ipconfig will fail18:10
magicninjaso do it on a nat'ed virtual network and that should make the vms work?18:11
kikomagicninja, another situation where this happens is when the node has multiple interfaces18:11
magicninjaoh and what is the best idrac etc to use for maas18:11
magicninjayeah node doesnt have multiple interfaces18:11
kikomagicninja, any IPMI-compliant BMC should be fine18:11
magicninjaits a vm lol18:11
kikoa VM with multiple NICs18:12
magicninjanope just one nic18:13
magicninjai made sure after scouring the internet18:13
magicninjaill let you know what my hardware box does in just a minute18:18
magicninjaim not totally sure if this would cause a problem but...18:18
magicninjathe hardware machine i am testing with has intel chipset18:18
magicninjabut on the frontend when i click on the node i had it marked as amd64 after noticing this after my last attempt i changed it started it again and am almost done with the fresh install18:19
magicninjasure is nice to have a chat room to talk this over with someone who knows about t18:19
magicninjathis stuff18:19
magicninjaill try and stick around and give what support i can18:19
magicninjai gotta admit with the architecture marked differently the install process sure did change18:21
kikoSimplySeth, http://askubuntu.com/questions/581444/how-to-query-maas-api-with-curl/581688#58168818:22
magicninjaafter a node installs it *should* come to a login prompt right?18:22
kikomagicninja, yes, but you should have uploaded an SSH key at this point which will allow you to ssh in, as no user is enabled to log in with a password by default18:22
SimplySethkiko: thank you18:22
magicninjayeah i have one out there18:23
kikoSimplySeth, let me know if you get stuck; I tried hard to find a good way to do it with curl but it seemed like a bit too much work18:23
magicninjai just dont see anything on the screen so i cant tell if i have a video problem or something is wrong wrong18:23
kikomagicninja, my hypothesis is that the bootloader isn't getting installed18:25
kikomagicninja, that would lead to the machine hanging at a blank screen18:25
magicninjawhen it ran through the process it said it was installing it18:25
magicninjaill pop in a live cd and reinstall it to the sda drive and reboot and let you know what happens18:26
magicninjaand even after this latest install i still get the same thing18:26
kikomagicninja, yeah, boot into a usb stick and chroot into the installed partition18:28
kikomagicninja, a grub-install should work18:28
SimplySethKiko .. I'm perfectly comfy with Python .. thx18:29
kikomagicninja, having said that, AIUI for a 3TB frive it needs to be a GPT partition and UEFI boot18:29
kikoSimplySeth, okay -- if there are issues with the API let me know, because I don't know how many users we have that don't use the `maas` commandline client18:30
magicninjaif its not gpt would that cause a problem18:30
kikomagicninja, I think 2TB+ drives require GPT to be bootable18:30
saltlakeroadmr: I tried ssh to the client machine but it isn't possible to do so !!18:31
saltlakeThe ssh key is for the maas node not the the other client nodes that are commissioned18:31
roadmrsaltlake: oh! maybe the key didn't get copied if deployment failed :(18:32
saltlakethe commissioning worked fine18:32
roadmrsaltlake: hm, all deployed nodes should have that key added to them18:32
magicninjaapparently its not up in any way cause i cant ping or anything after it goes to black screen but keyboard still functions18:32
roadmrsaltlake: yes, the key won't be added until they're actually started or provisioned, I think18:32
kikosaltlake, did you ssh as the ubuntu user?18:32
kikoroadmr is correct, the node needs to be deployed18:32
saltlakeI can't "deployment" to happen since the installer can't see 2 disks on the VM client18:33
kikoif you have only commissioned then you won't be able to connect18:33
roadmrsaltlake: you could "start" one node to then SSH into it and verify the disk configuration, maybe18:33
johngtcpdump done.  lots of files donwloaded, until we get to that grubx64.efi.signed file...  proxy send about 4k then sends a reset wiht TSval and TSecr in the packets...18:34
saltlakeroadmr: How do  Issh to it ? I don't have the username and password since it is pxe booted and commissioned from MAAS18:34
roadmrsaltlake: in the maas web UI, go to the node's page, there's a "start" button there18:35
saltlakeAhh like that I was doing a virsh start node18:35
roadmrsaltlake: use that to start the node, it should boot up and install the operating system, it will be left in a "ready" state I think18:35
roadmrsaltlake: yes, once maas tells you the node is ready (or deployed, perhaps), then, from the maas server's terminal, you should be able to ssh ubuntu@NODE_IP18:35
roadmrsaltlake: it shouldn't ask for a password then, assuming you have the keys set up correctly18:36
saltlakeok me trying.. it is just starting up.18:36
saltlakesorry ignore.. wrong window18:36
kikojohng, interesting -- seems to me like your proxy may be causing the issue (it might for instance not like the filetype or extension)18:39
kikoor content18:39
saltlakeradmr: after the node is started should it reboot ? (I am seeing the virtual window) Also should I levae network as the first boot option after the VM is commissioned ?18:39
kikosaltlake, the node will not reboot once started; it will be left running18:39
kikosaltlake, the boot option is irrelevant as we instruct the node to chain boot to the disk18:40
magicninjakiko are you some kinda dev or something?18:41
saltlakeroadmr: kiko: thank you.18:41
saltlakeroadmr: it booted up and I see this :  cat /proc/partitions18:41
saltlakemajor minor  #blocks  name18:41
saltlake 253        0   20971520 vda18:41
saltlake 253       16   20971520 vdb18:41
saltlake   8        0   31457280 sda18:41
saltlake   8        1   31456256 sda118:41
roadmrsaltlake: I'd say it has 3 disks,right?18:42
kikomagicninja, product owner18:42
saltlakeroadmr: Yes it does.. so my xml is correct18:42
saltlakeroadmr: However the ubuntu installer compains "Atleast 5 nodes need more than 1 disk) and I have 8 nodes setup exaclty like this!!18:43
saltlakeubuntu installer - > openstack-install18:43
roadmrsaltlake: which installer are you using? I wonder if the vda nomenclature confuses it somehow18:43
roadmrsaltlake: maybe it expects the disks to be sd* or hd* but I don't know the installer, where can I find it?18:43
saltlakeroadmr: I actually put hdb, hdc in the xml but the VM shows it thus!!18:44
saltlakeroadmr: http://pastebin.com/TM5EAzZR18:45
roadmrsaltlake: in the xml you showed me, the target names are vda and vdb; if you want them to show as hda/hdb in the VM, you have to change the <target dev='vda' to say dev='hda' for instance>18:45
roadmrsaltlake: ohh I see you changed it then18:45
roadmrsaltlake: after you changed the xml, did you undefine the VMs? otherwise they'll continue to use the old configuration.18:45
saltlakeroadmr: No I only edited and restarted18:46
roadmrsaltlake: I think you have to virsh undefine the nodes for the new config to take effect18:46
roadmrsaltlake: hehe I also haven't worked a lot with virsh (I suck, really), but my sequence is: virsh define blah.xml; virsh start vm-name; work work; virsh destroy vm-name; virsh undefine vm-name18:47
roadmrsaltlake: if I just start/destroy/start the vm, it doesn't reread the xml, uses the one I had when I defined it18:47
saltlakeroadmr: I will try that and give u the status.. .. the installer is fromthis : sudo apt-get install openstack; sudo openstack-install.. It goes through 20 min and then fails on the drive issue18:48
saltlakeok I will be back after undefining everything in a little bit18:48
roadmrsaltlake: yo could undefine just one, then redefine it, and restart it with maas, just to ensure it changes as you expect18:49
roadmrsaltlake: once you're sure, do the others18:50
saltlakeroadmr: I just the dumped the xml for that client an I see the tag "backingstore" for those disks.. is that normal ?18:50
roadmrsaltlake: it should be OK, just specifies which storage mechanism to use18:51
saltlakeok will try18:51
kikojohng, can you check with them?18:52
johngI tried a diff proxy, got same error18:52
magicninjawhere is the log written about an install of node18:53
magicninjavar log something?18:53
johngI'm diggin into packet capture now to see exactly why I got a reset18:53
kikomagicninja, on the maas side or on the node side?18:54
saltlakeroadmr: I just undefined the VM, redined it. restarted the node from the MAAS server. sshd to it and I still see the same thing for /proc/partitions.18:55
roadmrsaltlake: that's weird..18:56
saltlakeroadmr: i did not reprovision it from MAAS.. maybe that is requierd.18:56
roadmrsaltlake: did you destroy the vm? it should not show if you do 'virsh list'18:57
saltlakegosh i did not .. sorry ..18:57
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magicninjaok so i ran grub-install /dev/sda and now rebooting19:06
kikomagicninja, is it a GPT partition table btw?19:07
magicninjaoh you know what i didnt think to check while i was in there19:07
magicninjafdisk -l should show me right?19:08
magicninjai mean i figure that it is otherwise i dont know how it could have installed there in the first place19:08
magicninjaok going back in to check before i boot it19:09
kikoit's mostly curiosity19:09
magicninjaim curious now too19:09
magicninjaand only takes a sec to go back and check19:09
johngkiko - I see some double slashes in the url being requested19:11
kikojohng, that shouldn't matter -- you should be able to wget it from another machine (not behind a proxy) to test.19:11
johngtrying now19:12
kikojohng, double-slashes are generally folded in URLs19:12
magicninjayeah my /dev/sda is gpt19:12
saltlakeroadmr: Its the same after the destroy/recommission  - restart http://pastebin.com/Mfmm08cS19:13
roadmrsaltlake: damn :) can you pastebin the complete .xml file?19:14
saltlakeYes It on that linkk with the /proc/paritions below the xml19:14
saltlakeroadmr: Oh it didn't put the whole file 1 sec19:15
roadmrsaltlake:  :)19:15
kikomagicninja, okay, so maas got that right at least19:15
saltlakeroadmr: http://pastebin.com/xgN4rUqf19:15
kikomagicninja, does it contain a UEFI partition?19:15
johngkiko.  get network error on my local pc, as well as wget from the maas box19:15
magicninjano just EFI i believe19:16
johnghttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed is the url19:16
magicninjathats prob why but how do i manipulate that19:16
kikomagicninja, it should work19:16
kikojohng, 2015-02-04 17:17:08 (376 KB/s) - ‘grubnetx64.efi.signed’ saved [1001336/1001336]19:17
kikoworks from here behind my proxy19:17
kikokiko@gasolinux:~$ wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed19:17
kiko--2015-02-04 17:17:05--  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed19:17
kikoConnecting to connected.19:17
kikoProxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK19:17
kikojohng, looks like a local issue. can you check with the proxy gods if they can unblock the issue?19:17
roadmrsaltlake: something continues to be very weird, you're declaring hda, hdb, hdc in your .xml, but the partitions file shows vda, vdb, sda, which is completely different.19:18
kikojohng, I' m surprised you are getting a network error on your local box, though, unless you are behind the same proxy.19:18
kikoif you are, then you've nailed the problem :)19:19
saltlakeroadmr: I don't get it either.. I think I should deleter the physical location of the client1 img with ha19:19
saltlakeroadmr: Does having the virtio bustype matter vs ide /19:19
saltlakeroadmr: I will actually define a completely new name and stop using client1 and use it to see if there is any diff19:20
roadmrsaltlake: sounds good. From what I just read, you should always try to use virtio19:21
saltlakeif you don't mind sharing the source of the link.. it is not so apparent from virt-install --help19:21
johngthanks for helping kiko.  It was failing with nework error in chrome.  after you tried i tried IE and it works.  now it downloads in chrome as well..  go figure.  no MAAS for me.  guess I'll go staight juju rather than fight the peoxy-people..19:22
johngwget still fails...19:22
johngProxy request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content19:22
kikojohng, how will you go straight juju without installing the nodes?19:23
kikothat's not a failure19:23
kikopartial content means that you already have part of the file locally19:23
johngRead error at byte 842669/1001336 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.19:23
johngget lots of those..19:23
johngthat's wget.19:24
kikojohng, and the proxy is mandatory, IOW, you can't issue requests directly?19:24
magicninjai just dont get it i dont know what more to check even after installing grub still no dice19:24
johngits in a lab.19:24
kikojohng, is it always at that location?19:24
kikomagicninja, I am a bit unclear as to what the boot process looks like on your node -- is it attempting to PXE-boot first, and then going blank?19:25
johngneed openstack on trusty.  hoping I can just juju deploy stuff without MAAS.  I have cobbler there..19:25
johngnew to juju and MAAS if you could not tell)19:25
magicninjai can make it do that but as i am through the install process even if i pxe boot it just boots my hdd19:25
kikomagicninja, that's correct19:26
magicninjait connects then mass tells it to boot the hard drive19:26
magicninjabut then just blank screen19:26
kikojohng, you can't juju deploy without a provider19:26
magicninjabut keyboard still works and box still on19:26
magicninjajust no screen19:26
magicninjadoes not respond to ping either19:26
kikomagicninja, hmm, to rule out anything else, does a USB install on that system works?19:26
johngkiko I saw there was a manual provider but have not researched...  will that not allow juju without MAAS for openstack deploy?19:27
magicninjathats what im trying now but im pretty sure it will19:27
johngam I going to have to build openstack from scratch?  (uck)19:27
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magicninjainside the usb install when i hit partitioning it looks like maas set up three partitions one 3TB ext4 and one swap for 2.1GB and i think i did one called biosgrub 1MB19:29
kikomagicninja, that seems correct, it's a UEFI install IOW19:29
kikomagicninja, is your BIOS set up to boot in EFI mode btw?19:29
magicninjahmmm not sure19:29
kikojohng, I think you are likely to suffer more than if you just get this file to come through :-)19:30
magicninjabefore i reinstal let me check19:30
kikojohng, you can set up a local mirror and tell maas to use that19:30
kikomagicninja, that can make a difference19:30
johngkiko - am I able to put the file there manually and avoid that last part of the download?19:30
magicninjain bios i have a pci rom priority it was set to efi compatible but the only other option is legacy rom19:31
kikojohng, I'm not entirely sure of the answer to that :)19:31
kikomagicninja, pci rom? not boot?19:31
kikomagicninja, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/beginners%27_guide#Troubleshooting_boot_problems19:31
johngdebmirror is on my list to learn..  is that what your referring to?19:31
kikojohng, well, I was actually referring to a simplestreams mirror, but I need help from a dev to give you a more complete answer19:32
kikojohng, well.. you could definitely hack the source and avoid the need to download that file :)19:32
kikojohng, look at uefi.py in provisioningserver/boot19:33
kikojust comment out the block from line 206 to 21319:34
kikoand put the file in the right place19:36
kikothat should be enough -- it's the last file of the boot resources you need to download19:38
saltlakeroadmr: same stuff with a new client that never existed so far.. I am confused.. Do you happen to have a virt-install command line you could share on how you might set up a disk .. is it because the source directory /dev/sdc5/ /dev/sdb5 are logical volumes on a physical disk ?19:40
johngwow, I guess I have tried a lot.  I have about 40 snapshots in there19:44
kikojohng, we download those once a day IIRC19:48
johngAll mine are dated today.  :-)19:48
malikeyeyou actually need 5 nodes for OS itself... the landscape / juju stuff sits on it's own node... so I'm using a huge blade to host landscape / juju19:51
kikojohng, gar!19:53
saltlakemalikeye: Can you share how you created the VM nodes ?19:53
magicninjawell after reinstalling grub i can get into grub now but when i boot ubuntu it just goes to same ol black screen19:53
kikojohng, I need to split, but if you still have issues, could you email maas-devel and we'll look at it overnight?19:53
magicninjai just know this is something stupid19:53
malikeyeI didn't use VM's... I have UCS blades... I would've liked for landscape / juju to live in a VM though19:53
malikeyeyou can't choose where it gets deployed I don't think19:54
kikomagicninja, did you see the URL I posted to you?19:54
magicninjayeah havent gone through it yet though19:54
johngkiko cluster howing sync after a reboot..19:54
kikomagicninja, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Kernel_mode_setting#Disabling_modesetting19:54
kikojohng, synced! cool :)19:54
kikoI need to split, catch you all tomorrow19:55
* kiko waves19:55
johngdo you know if the process will go back directories and find the grub file, or do I need to keep it in the latest one somhow?19:55
saltlakemalikeye: I have a large server and am working with VM ndose for everything. I don't care for performance.19:56
johnglater kiko!  thanks a bunch19:56
kikojohng, the latter19:56
malikeyeI want the controllers to be VM and the nodes to be raw KVM19:56
saltlakemalikeye: I really hope to have a basic openstack install done else I get fired.. but if I figure it out I will share it on a blog for sure19:56
malikeyethese are 32-cre 256GB blades... so a whole blade for landscape / juju is a waste19:57
malikeyesaltlake: just make sure you have 5 nova nodes, 2 disks on each node, and 2 nics on each node20:07
malikeyethere is no way around that, unless you do the all-in-one20:07
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
malikeyehmm, this is weird... maas only sees half the ram on these blades20:10
saltlake2Now I am quite certain that this is an issue with openstack-install and that it is unable to see 2 disks on the VM nodes and its complaint about "Atleast 5 nodes should have more than 1 disk) is unfounded. I have to be NOT THE first person who is facing this.20:10
malikeyeyou need 5 nodes dedicated to nova with 2 disks20:11
malikeyethen you need a node for landscape / juju... you can run maas on that node I believe20:11
malikeyeif not on that same node, another for maas20:11
malikeye== 720:11
saltlake2I have 8 VM nodes with 2 disks each. But the openstack-install has that gripe20:11
malikeyeare you using virtio?20:11
saltlake21 of those -> landscape. But there are 7 more20:11
roadmrsaltlake2: you never told me where to get openstack-install :) I can try to see how it checks for number of disks, see if your configuration is confusing it in any way20:12
malikeyeI think it needs to be scsi disks.... it doesn't like virtio20:12
roadmrsaltlake2: what confuses *me* is why you get those very weird disk names. I've never used virt-install, I have a hand-hacked .xml file :/20:12
saltlake2malikeye: I have not eplored the scsi disk thing at ALL!!20:14
saltlake2that could make sense20:14
saltlake2roadmr: sorry. this is how I got openstack-install  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack20:14
saltlake2point 420:14
saltlake2malikeye: I will try to ee if making those disks scsi helps.. I hope those sources can be logical partitions.20:15
malikeyeit will bootstrap them and overwrite everything20:15
malikeyeI read a bug somewhere that virtio was an issue, so hopefully that will fix it for you20:16
roadmrsaltlake2: oh boy... it'll take me a while to look at openstack-install, but I'll get around to it20:16
saltlake2roadmr: You've been most helpful.. thank you So much!!20:19
malikeyeI can't see how any "regular" person would deploy this stuff.... so many logs to look through for strict requirements for the environment20:19
saltlake2malikeye: I will explore the scsi ooption.. I hope I don't need real physical disks .. but can get away with using something virtul!!20:19
malikeyeit should work on virtual... but the storage device that's getting reported is virtio, and it probably either doesn't look for that, or blocks that as a viable storage taret20:20
malikeyethe landscape openstack install hangs at 1% with no errors in any of the logs I can see20:22
malikeyehmmm, second time around it's progrssing20:36
malikeyeget this error while installing the neutron gateway : dpkg status database is locked by another process20:39
malikeyenot to bitch, but so much for "your own private cloud in minutes", lol20:40
magicninjaman if this would just work it would be great but at this rate i might be spinning up a fai server20:58
magicninjai keep getting dropped to initramfs after one of my vms boots to maas21:04
magicninjasays alert! /dev/disk/blahblahblah does not exist dropping to a shell21:05
magicninjaonly on my virtualbox vms though21:05
magicninjastill cant get my hardware box to boot up and not black screen21:05
malikeyelandscape apparently doesn't like my network setup... I have the nodes, maas, and landscape on one VLAN on nic across the environment, and then a /24 on the second nic across the environment21:09
malikeyethis really should work21:22
magicninjaanyone else have any ideas about getting this black screen to go away make it all the way through and just cant get passed this spot21:31
saltlake2malikeye: Please explain somewhere on how u setup another virtual netwrok to make landsacpe happy.. I will face the same issue21:38
malikeyesaltlake2: I haven't gotten it to work yet, but I have 2 VLAN's... one for infra and one for instances21:56
malikeyeeverything is on both network... VLAN1 is for landscape / maas21:56
malikeyewhich works fine... when I get to the landscape part, I select VLAN2 as the "public" network, as I really have to, it forces me to, because at least one node needs to be on that network, and the NICs are all tagged to that network anyway21:57
saltlake2malikeye: I have one private network for all the client nodes is and is a 192.168.122.XX and the MAAS controller is on so all are on the private network. I don't know how to do the second network or how it should be setup ? I could connect it to the bridge on the host21:57
saltlake2Would that be acceptable21:57
malikeyenot sure... I'm rebuilding at this point... putting maas and the openstack-installer on one node... hoping I can target a vsphere guest as the landscape / juju host21:58
malikeyetrying to follow the directions as close as possible... but having to use the VLAN's, which is what is screwing things up I believe21:59
malikeyelandscape -> maas -> UCS is working fine21:59
saltlake2which instructions are you following to setup this up ?22:02
malikeyesaltlake2: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack22:11
saltlake2malikeye: thanks.. I really hope I figure it out !!22:13
saltlake2malikeye: I am following the same link :-D22:13
saltlake2malikeye: But the darn link does not talk about the requirements of the second NIC interface.. i think if one is the provate I will put tha on the local network of the office22:14
saltlake2cool.. BTW I am new to VMs .. KVMss .. openstack but bloody determined to get this done.. the only thing I am familiar with is ceph storage!!22:15
saltlake2I found a way to get iscsi on the virsh xml22:16
malikeyemeh, WOL only works on OS's vmware tools on them, and there is no vmware integration for power management22:21
malikeyewow, vmware announced there own openstack distribution today22:26
malikeyeanother thing that happens, is that there is no intuitive way to "clean up".... if you need to tear down and start over again, the leases get stuck..... and the leases get sent all around, so just nuking them from /var doesn't work "clean" I don't think22:43
malikeyefresh maas install, and it doesn't probe them memory correctly22:45
malikeyelooks like it fails at the landscape-client install23:16
malikeyeI can't even tell which machine is doing what at this point... maas/landscape/juju are on one VM, which deployed another box, which deploys a bunch of containers, that try to deploy another box... it's very confusing, lol23:16
bdxtry watching the logs.......23:17
malikeyewhich logs? there are tons of them23:17
bdxin .cloud-install/commands.log23:17
malikeyenone that I can find that show any errors23:17
malikeyeI get past that point... this is landscape running the show now23:18
malikeyeI triaged all the way to that with logs ;)23:18
malikeyebut once it started getting distributed, I'm lost now23:18
malikeyesorry, my topology isn't what I just said it was... I have maas and cloud-install on one VM, which works fine... then landscape/juju get deployed to a blade, which is where all the LXC's get started, which I can get to fine... it's when I go to deploy the actual OS cluster that it fails23:20
bdxI go to deploy the actual OS   │ gnuoy23:21
bdx                  │ cluster23:21
bdxwhat is the actual os deployment?23:21
bdxos cluster?23:21
malikeyeit's openstack... it's deploying 14.0423:21
malikeyeit's gotta be something with my networking23:26

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