=== zerick_ is now known as zerick | ||
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | lordievader: morning mate | 06:15 |
kernelpanic_ | Hello! I just downloaded vivid-desktop-amd64.iso and want to install it without installing a bootloader. So I'd like to start "ubiquity --no-bootloader". My problem is that in plain install mode, ubiquity is started without "--no-bootloader" and with mir and unity8 running in live mode, I don't know how to start ubiquity at all. | 10:52 |
kernelpanic_ | I tried live mode, then ALT+F1 and start "ubiquity --no-bootloader" from text mode, but it just returns and nothing happens at all | 10:53 |
=== snadg3 is now known as snadge | ||
kernelpanic_ | can someone please tell me how to start a simple terminal in the current daily build? | 11:42 |
=== kbroulik_ is now known as kbroulik-lunch | ||
lordievader | kernelpanic_: In Ubuntu? ctrl + alt + k? Else open a tty point it to :0 and start a terminal emulator from there. | 12:38 |
lordievader | Or use that terminal ofcourse. | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:00 |
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=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa | ||
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa | ||
=== SuperLag_ is now known as SuperLag | ||
sterns | hello, just updated my vivid install and now, I'm presented with an X login screen, which looks good, after logging in I just get a blank screen. I'm on the Ubuntu Gnome distro. I found this error in the syslog: | 17:17 |
sterns | http://pastebin.com/8EnkxJBd | 17:18 |
sterns | I am testing to see if the latest systemd update is causing my system not to function properly. I would like to rollback to 218-6ubuntu1, but it's not in my apt-cache | 19:07 |
sterns | any recommendations? | 19:07 |
trism | sterns: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/218-6ubuntu1 if you click your arch under Builds it will take you to a page with all the debs | 19:09 |
trism | sterns: although they might be in /var/cache/apt/archives already | 19:09 |
sterns | trism: apt-cache showpakg systemd would show me that if they were there correct? | 19:10 |
sterns | *showpkg | 19:10 |
trism | sterns: no, they will not show up because they are not in the package lists anymore | 19:10 |
sterns | ah, ok | 19:11 |
trism | sterns: you would have to look in the directory and install manually with dpkg -i | 19:11 |
sterns | now, when I did do showpkg earlier, it showed a bunch of reverse dependencies. Am I going to create a trainwreck? | 19:11 |
trism | sterns: and you would need to get all of them at once or it might cause some issues (and it might anyway) | 19:12 |
trism | sterns: you might, or it might be fine, I would: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/*218-6ubuntu1*.deb; to see which ones you would need to get at once | 19:13 |
sterns | trism: did you see my earlier posts about the nature of my problem? I am shooting in the dark with this systemd idea. | 19:13 |
trism | sterns: no I did not | 19:14 |
sterns | i did a apt-get dist-upgrade earlier this morning. After I login to X (username/pass), I get a blank screen. | 19:15 |
sterns | I see this in my syslog: http://pastebin.com/8EnkxJBd | 19:15 |
sterns | this is the apt history.log: http://pastebin.com/fy3SfCrt | 19:16 |
sterns | also, when I login to tty1, I see "failed to start user service. Unknown init user@1000.service | 19:17 |
sterns | but tty session works fine | 19:17 |
trism | sterns: I see bug 1416943 for gnome-shell which is very recent | 19:18 |
ubottu | bug 1416943 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gnome-shell:5:_cogl_set_error:allocate_from_gl_foreign:_cogl_texture_2d_gl_allocate:cogl_texture_allocate:cogl_texture_2d_new_from_data" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1416943 | 19:18 |
sterns | I tried utilizing two prior kernels using grub with no benefit | 19:18 |
trism | sterns: it links to an errors log that I can't view though so hard to tell | 19:18 |
trism | sterns: it looks more like a bug with the latest gnome-shell uploads instead of a systemd issue | 19:19 |
sterns | gnome-shell has it's own package right? | 19:20 |
sterns | I didn't see that package being updated in the history | 19:21 |
trism | sterns: the gnome-shell package was from a while ago, but some of the libs used by gnome-shell might have been updated | 19:21 |
sterns | trism: do you know how I could go about confirming that this bug is the one I'm encountering? | 19:27 |
trism | sterns: looking at the dups I'm not so sure it is anymore, they all manage to log in but crash later on | 19:28 |
sterns | trism: this is also the Ubuntu-Gnome distro | 19:30 |
trism | sterns: did you get a crash file in /var/crash for gnome-shell? | 19:30 |
sterns | Vivid | 19:30 |
sterns | I'll check | 19:30 |
sterns | yes, it's there, it's 50MB _usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash | 19:32 |
trism | sterns: you could try going into another session if you can and: ubuntu-bug /var/crash/_usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash; and see if it dups on anything | 19:33 |
sterns | k, sec | 19:33 |
sterns | well, I'm accessing the log from a working system and ubuntu-bug reports that it's unreportable because it pertains to a program that is not installed. | 19:37 |
sterns | I assume that means it's not installed on my working system, which is true. | 19:38 |
sterns | should I try it again after booting the Vivid OS? | 19:39 |
sterns | I'm checking out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash | 19:42 |
elfy | try apport-cli -c /var/crash/_usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash | 19:45 |
elfy | oh - really should tab people's nicks lol | 19:46 |
sterns | trism: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1418209 | 20:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1418209 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGKILL" [Undecided,New] | 20:37 |
trism | sterns: strange, have to wait for the retracing to learn much from it | 20:39 |
sterns | I am prepared to do the retrace myself, I was just looking at that | 20:40 |
sterns | would that be valuable, or just wait for the automated system? | 20:41 |
trism | sterns: it may help match it to another bug if you don't want to wait, it's really up to you | 20:49 |
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