
gingermouseI'm having trouble getting my ubot clone to work correctly. The bot has joined the channel I specified, but it's not accepting commands like ubottu does. Is there any configuration that I'm missing?00:20
Unit193gingermouse: What have you done so far?  Do you have 'Encyclopedia' loaded and the bot configured to use 'ubuntu.db' as well as having that database?00:21
gingermouseI've got the plugins from the launchpad branch copied into the supybot plugins folder. After that, I set up the bot using supybot-wizard00:22
Unit193You ran the wizard afterwards?  Alright...  Is the plugin loaded though?  Try botname: list  or pm it.00:24
gingermouseIt's saying back: gingermouse: Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User00:24
gingermouseSo it looks like it isn't loaded correctly.00:24
Unit193Correct.  So, try  load Encyclopedia00:25
=== gingermouse is now known as g4vr0che
g4vr0cheIt's telling me it doesn't recognize me. I've double-checked that my nick matches what I have set up for the bot owner in the config00:27
Unit193So login using the password you setup.00:27
g4vr0cheHow would I do that? It says that "login" isn't a valid command.00:29
Unit193Here's a few links worth reading too: http://ubottu.com/guide/ - http://supybook.fealdia.org/latest/ - http://supybot.aperio.fr/doc/use/00:29
Unit193g4vr0che: 'identify'00:29
g4vr0cheAh, so then if it says that there was "No module named sqlite", that means I was a dumdum and forgot to install the python packages too, right?00:31
Unit193Right.  python-sqlite, other deps are in the README files.00:32
g4vr0cheCool, I'll double check that and report back if I can't figure anything out. Thanks!00:33
g4vr0cheSo I've got the Encyclopedia plugin loaded and it appears to be working. However, when I try to call a factoid with !factoid, I get this terminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10044297/01:15
Unit193g4vr0che: You don't have a proper database, or not configured.01:18
Unit193http://ubottu.com/ubuntu.db that'll do.01:18
Unit193ubottu: config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database01:19
ubottuGlobal: ubuntu; #ubuntu-irc: ubuntu01:19
tewardUnit193: alternatively they could build the db structure from scratch based on the README - I ended up in that unfortunate situation01:42
Unit193teward: I'm aware, yep.01:43
g4vr0cheSo that's fixed that, but the | and > flags don't appear to be working correctly. e.g. if I !cookie | g4vr0che, it /query's me and doesn't put my name in correctly.02:29
Unit193Don't do it to yourself, it'll always PM.02:30
Unit193!foo | Unit19302:30
ubottuUnit193, please see my private message02:30
g4vr0cheAh, I see that now.02:30
Unit193Welp, guess he got it.04:25
=== nik0 is now known as niko
Unit193The list of users that are in the cloaks team but not members is growing.20:41
PaulW2UI'm a member but not in the cloaks team. Do I need to get that fixed?20:57
Unit193PaulW2U: Nothing you do on your end, generally an IRCC'er adds you when you get your ubuntu/member/ cloak.21:00
PaulW2USeems that didn't happen21:01
PiciPaulW2U: You're https://launchpad.net/~paulw2u ?21:03
PaulW2UPici: Yep21:03
PaulW2UThanks Pici21:04
PiciThanks for taking notice21:04

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