
pstolowskiCimi, morning! did you have a chance to test fix-temp-scopes branch of shell plugin?08:55
tsdgeosSaviq: so what do we do with https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity8/delay-indicator-start/+merge/241124 ? ask ted for improvements? approve? discard09:12
tsdgeosCimi: what's missing for a top approval in https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/tutorial-refactor/+merge/239874 ?09:13
Saviqtsdgeos, I think we can discard, will talk to Ted later today09:15
Cimipstolowski, all looks fine09:26
Cimithanks :)09:26
Cimitsdgeos, I need to re-review the latest changes09:27
Cimitsdgeos, it was on hold for design09:27
tsdgeosi see09:27
Saviqseb128, bug #1415141 and bug #141777309:30
ubot5bug 1415141 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "Dash frozen while the rest of unity8 still functional (can't change scopes)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141514109:30
ubot5bug 1417773 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "Unity8 completely frozen (unable to unlock, receive calls, etc)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141777309:30
seb128Saviq, not sure, have a "t a a bt" rather than "bt" would be more useful09:32
seb128rsalveti, ^09:32
seb128mine had libqnmbearer.so in the bt09:32
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telephony-service/+bug/1417525 btw09:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1417525 in telephony-service (Ubuntu) "Unity8 desktop lockscreen hangs on ofono issues" [Undecided,New]09:32
dandradertsdgeos, hey09:38
dandradertsdgeos, about lp:~dandrader/unity8/indicatorsBarEatsAllInput09:38
dandradertsdgeos, you mean that you open the indicators (on a tablet)09:38
dandradertsdgeos, then tap several times on the greyed out area09:38
dandradertsdgeos, the first tap will make the indicators panel close09:38
tsdgeosno no09:38
tsdgeosnot the greyed out area09:39
tsdgeosthe top bar09:39
dandradertsdgeos, and the subsequent ones will make the foreground app blink09:39
tsdgeosbasically if you press just in the between of the top bar and the greyed area09:39
tsdgeosbut since that's hard that i do is start pressing in the middle of the top bar and then go slowly done09:39
tsdgeosso eventually i get to the right place09:39
dandradergreyback, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/196557582/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.unity8_8.02.4%2Bbzr1570~ubuntu15.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:40
tsdgeosdandrader: does that make sense? or want a video?09:41
dandradertsdgeos, video09:44
dandradertsdgeos, but its it the same thing as what I explained? do you also get this issue? isn't it the same thing?09:44
tsdgeosit is the same thing09:44
dandradertsdgeos, like just tapping in the center of the greyed-out area09:44
tsdgeosthere's just one pixel instead of whole area from before09:45
dandradertsdgeos, so what you're hitting is just the very edge of the greyed out are I guess09:45
tsdgeosguess so yes09:45
dandradertsdgeos, its very first, top, row of pixes09:45
tsdgeosdandrader: let me try to record the video09:47
tsdgeosdandrader: it's uploading, will tell you once my poor upload link is done09:54
tsdgeosdandrader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfsdVA1ZyC809:56
dandradertsdgeos, would you get the very same behavior (and bug) if you tapped right in the middle of the app area not covered by the indicators bar?10:02
tsdgeosyou mean "over the app"?10:03
dandradertsdgeos, yes10:03
tsdgeosno, over the app is fine10:04
tsdgeosjust hides the indicators and that's it10:04
dandradertsdgeos, weird. that's not what I get10:04
dandradertsdgeos, even if you tap fastly, multiple times ?10:05
tsdgeosah you're right, it does happen ^_^10:05
* dandrader wonders if the bug is more evident in the shellRotation branch...10:05
tsdgeosso it's not just one pixel, it's just pressing fast two times10:05
tsdgeosso you're right this may be a different bug10:06
dandradertsdgeos, so it's the indicator's darkened area that lets input go through while the closing animation is playing10:06
tsdgeosdandrader: do you want me to check if this happened before and we treat it as a different bug or want to fix it together?10:06
dandradertsdgeos, also the flicker is more evident if you have only unity8-dash running10:07
dandradertsdgeos, as it will flicker between the white dash ui and the black background10:07
tsdgeoslol yeah10:08
Saviqduflu, dandrader http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-propertyanimation.html#easing.type-prop10:09
dandradertsdgeos, so will you approve the branch then? :-)10:09
tsdgeosdandrader: sure i'll have another look and open a separate bug for the other thing10:10
dandradertsdgeos, ok, thanks!10:10
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tsdgeosdamn this internal compiler error11:29
tsdgeosSaviq: i guess it's making us unlandeable?11:29
Saviqtsdgeos, yes11:29
Saviqtsdgeos, people are working on it11:29
tsdgeosCimi: ping12:01
tsdgeosCimi: unping12:02
Cimitsdgeos, lol12:02
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Cimi_tsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-open-new-scope-from-tmp/+merge/24853812:19
* tsdgeos clicks the button12:20
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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Saviqlarsu, just so you know https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1385331/comments/912:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1385331 in Canonical System Image "Notification LED stays on when no messages in notification center" [High,In progress]12:40
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Saviq@unity: I've a workaround for the armhf compile error, want to just check it in to trunk so that no one has to wait, any opposition http://paste.ubuntu.com/10053410/ ?13:20
mterrySaviq, +113:21
mterrySaviq, make sure you don't have tags  ;)13:21
Saviqmterry, ;)13:21
Saviqmterry, I actually do (thanks to colo), but I'll strip them right after13:21
Saviq@unity: we're back in (unity8 on armhf) building business13:23
Saviqolli, FYI, got a workaround from doko+slangasek for the unity8 build issue, we're unblocked13:40
ollisaweet, what was the issue?13:40
ollisumding in the toolchain?13:40
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olliSaviq, ^13:40
Saviqolli, yeah, new gcc release13:41
Saviqolli, would've known that yesterday already if I realized that silos have proposed enabled (and I was having trouble reproducing, because the new gcc was in proposed still, is moved to release now)13:42
olliSaviq, thx13:46
* olli takes notes13:46
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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om26erMacSlow, Hi!14:43
MacSlowom26er, hey there14:43
om26erMacSlow, is there a way to disable the OSD during testing ?14:43
MacSlowom26er, the tests themselves or the daemon?14:44
om26erI am trying to fix an Autopilot test for messaging-app and the notifications block the searchbar14:44
om26erMacSlow, the daemon14:44
MacSlowom26er, hm...14:45
MacSlowom26er, can you recompile?14:46
om26erMacSlow, ahm, no the tests are supposed to run on production14:46
om26erMacSlow, can't I just stop the notifications service ?14:47
MacSlowom26er, that would probably be the best idea14:47
MacSlowbut it's a plugin in unity8...14:47
MacSlowom26er, so it's different from the regular (old-school) desktop notify-osd14:48
om26erMacSlow, right, I'll try to find other solutions then.14:48
MacSlowom26er, wait there's a way... once sec14:48
om26ergreat :)14:50
MacSlowom26er, hm... getting rid of /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service (move it some where else) and restart dbus14:51
MacSlowom26er, I think that should do the trick14:51
MacSlowom26er, wait...14:52
MacSlowom26er, the first idea just disables (old) notify-osd...14:54
Saviqom26er, I imagine you're talking about an automated, reliable way to do this?14:54
MacSlowSaviq, I'm wondering if one can disable a single unity8 plugin at runtime14:55
SaviqMacSlow, I'd say that's the wrong direction14:55
om26erSaviq, yeah, something like that. Perhaps a gsetting key or some kind of thing14:55
Saviqom26er, that sounds like we want an autopilot emulator for notifications, where you can actually verify the notification is showing up, and wait for it to close (or interact with it)14:55
MacSlowSaviq, I know of nothing in unity-notifications that would allow it being disabled at runtime... just uninstaling it, but that's not an option for om26er's needs14:56
om26erSaviq, that can take a while in cases where we rush 5-6 notifications together. But yes, sounds like a solution in the end.14:56
om26erinitctl stop unity8-notifications :D *dreams*14:57
MacSlowom26er, but you want something that works for now right14:59
om26erMacSlow, indeed.15:00
MacSlowSaviq, I guess that "initctl stop unity8-notifications" is another bullet-point on the nice-to-have list then?!15:00
SaviqMacSlow, not really, we don't (and I don't imagine we will) have a notification daemon15:03
Saviqom26er, that helper might have an option to disable it for a while if you need it15:04
MacSlowSaviq, well in the long run... but currently we kind of still have15:04
Saviqom26er, or just "consume" them all as they come in15:04
SaviqMacSlow, no, it's part of the shell15:04
MacSlowom26er, btw... you just want them to now show up (and block input to surfaces below), right?15:05
SaviqMacSlow, and it will remain that, even if we'll get the post office in between15:05
Saviqin which case it might be possible to stop the post office, but that still feels like the bad solution to me ;)15:05
om26erSaviq, yes I think if we can disable it for a few seconds our purpose will fulfill15:06
om26erMacSlow, exactly.15:06
Saviqom26er, if you don't care about the process, couldn't you just prepare the history db before starting the test?15:06
om26erSaviq, thats one option I was going to look into.15:07
om26eror create messages before the app starts.15:07
Saviqom26er, I think there's other, better solutions for this issue indeed :)15:08
MacSlowom26er, I currently can't think of a way to disable the notifications without messing around with the sourcecode.15:10
om26erMacSlow, that's fine, I'll discuss with the messaging-app devs for a solution at the history service's end.15:11
MacSlowom26er, one could change the dbus-interface name and recompile unity-notifications... or - on the unit8-side/QML - make the notification-renderer swallow all notifications15:11
MacSlowom26er, sorry for the touble15:12
SaviqMacSlow, has there been a design review of swipe-to-dismiss?15:36
MacSlowSaviq, yes... that happened looong ago15:37
* Saviq hopes that we'll get the ability to dismiss sds just as well (i.e. dismiss, not reject, in terms of an incoming call)15:38
MacSlowSaviq, an expanded snap-decision can't be dismissed (closed)... that's by design... collapsed snap-decisions can though15:39
Saviqoh ok15:39
MacSlowSaviq, and that's also covered in the qmltest for them15:40
dandradertsdgeos, how do I get rid of this silliness? paste.ubuntu.com/10055796/16:07
tsdgeosexport LC_ALL=C ?16:08
dandraderit's the most diehard qmltest failure we have16:08
* dandrader tries16:08
tsdgeosor en_US16:08
tsdgeosor something don't remember16:08
tsdgeosi usually just run with -i -k16:08
tsdgeosand then serach for the fail! and if they're this i ignore them :D16:08
tsdgeoslazy man16:09
SaviqMacSlow, testNotifications fails for me fairly often: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10055920/16:16
Saviq(the new one)16:16
SaviqMacSlow, looks like that failure https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-vivid/360/testReport/junit/%28root%29/qmltestrunner/NotificationRendererTest__test_NotificationRenderer/16:17
tsdgeosSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1411748 doesn't affect rtm since the code it's fixing is not part of rtm (or wasn't last time i checked)16:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1411748 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Arale] News aggregator scope has a white scope background in cards" [Critical,In progress]16:17
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm hmm... news scope on arale, though, not there outside of rtm?16:18
tsdgeosarale is vivid-based i've been told16:18
Saviqtsdgeos, ok then I've no way to see that bug16:18
tsdgeosSaviq: why not? just install vivid on a krillin?16:19
Saviqand well, there is an rtm channel for it (I'm using... trying to...)16:19
Saviqtsdgeos, no news scope16:19
Saviqor is there?16:19
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... I will look into that.16:19
Saviqdon't think there is16:19
tsdgeosmaybe not16:19
tsdgeosSaviq: what i did was just get krillin rtm, add the patch that breaks this and then add the patch that fixes it16:19
Saviqtsdgeos, ;)16:20
mzanettikdub: libevdev2 libmirplatform6 libmirserver29 mir-platform-graphics-android mir-platform-graphics-mesa16:26
mzanettisorry... should have been kgunn..16:26
seb128Saviq, qtmir update in vivid today? ;-)17:12
seb128I could use a working desktop daily tomorrow17:12
Saviqseb128, out of my hands, camako and racarr are landing new mir with qtmir now...17:13
Saviqseb128, let me know if you want just a fixed qtmir package17:13
seb128well, depending when the other set lands17:13
seb128I would like to see the gtk fix to land this week17:14
seb128it would make some of our testing/work easier17:14
seb128up to you what form that landing takes17:14
Saviqseb128, I'll find out how the guys are doing and land it myself if needed, before the end of the week17:15
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tvwI am using Unity on ubuntu, since I am more a terminal user than a gui-user. No I wonder what desktop environment is best for people who prefer to use a mouse and a gui interface?18:24
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mterryIs anyone familiar with what differences exist between tryTest and testTest?  I've got this problem where a DirectionalDragArea isn't working in testTest but does in tryTest...  :(23:39

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