
Kilosmorning nlsthzn  and other early birds04:01
Kiloshi Tonberry  04:47
inetprogood mornings04:47
Kiloshi inetpro  04:47
Kilosyou early hey?04:47
inetproup this early many times... just don't always need to tell the world04:51
* inetpro merging superfly's latest changes from earlier today04:51
Kiloshehe good man04:52
Kiloswere you two busy till late?04:52
inetprouh, him more than me04:54
Kilosai! he doesnt sleep enough04:54
inetprosee: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za-dev/ubuntu-za/website04:54
Kiloshe did something 1 minute ago04:55
inetpromore like a few hours ago04:56
inetprothe merging was just done by me a few minutes ago04:56
Kilosah it just shows as him then04:56
inetprobecause he's the author of the changes04:56
Kilosok, so whats left to do?04:57
Kilosjust the home page?04:57
Kiloshi mazal  04:59
inetproKilos: you can click on the revision number to see more details of a revision04:59
Kiloslemme look for that05:00
inetprogood mornings mazal05:01
Kilosi dont know if we see the same thing05:01
inetproKilos: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za-dev/ubuntu-za/website/revision/1205:02
inetprochange 12 to 11, 10, 9.... if you want to view previous changes05:03
inetproprevious revisions*05:04
Kilosnono thats past me05:04
inetpronono, not really05:04
inetprojust read the screen05:04
Kilosya its like trying to get a package from source05:04
mazalMorning Kilos and inetpro05:04
Kilosthats all serious geek stuff man05:05
Kilosyou need to read my blog again, im an appy geek05:06
inetproyou can see exactly what changed and start jumping up and down with joy in anticipation of seeing the actual changes on the new site05:06
Kilosill start jumping if that will help05:07
Kilosactually while you have some time just explain what i must look for05:08
Kilosjan has a prob05:08
Kiloshe installed ubuntu onto a recruits lappy05:08
Kilosit doesnt show the splash screen but lots of text like i see because splash is off05:09
Kilosand /etc/default/grub doesnt fix it05:09
* inetpro wbbl05:09
inetproyou make wrong assumption that I have time now05:10
inetproneed to go05:10
Kilosok go but think while going05:10
Trixar_zaThe bootscreen isn't supplied by grub05:31
Trixar_zaer, splash screen I mean05:31
Kilosya but to turn it off you need to remove "quiet splash"05:33
Kiloshopefully this will fix it05:34
Kilosbut now he has gone somewhere for a week or so so i left him the link in a mail05:34
Trixar_zaNo - you need to make sure it's there05:34
Trixar_zaIt's a resolution and colour depth issue with some cards05:35
Trixar_zaremoving the quiet and splash cheat codes would cause the issue05:35
Kilosit was a clean install that didnt show splash at all05:35
Kilosonly from the dvd05:36
Kilosand no one helped him on the list so ive been trying05:37
Trixar_zaAnyway, I'm going to try getting Black And White to work05:40
bdukMore almal06:04
Kiloshi bduk  06:05
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:19
superflymorning ThatGraemeGuy06:30
superflyKilos: if you're finished with a story in Trello, drag and drop it into the "Done" column06:30
Kiloshi superfly  06:30
Kiloswill do superfly  06:31
Kiloshi Squirm  06:56
nlsthznhmm... busy having a look at the whole bzr thingy ... always wanted to work on something that I can modify and upload and all that shenanigans :p - now the only problem is I will have to concentrate :p07:02
nlsthznand set up a ssh key again >.<07:02
Kiloseverything is work07:03
Kilosbanana sarmy help calm the nerves07:09
Kilossjoe thats long07:11
Kilosgo pidgin07:15
inetproMaaz: coffee on07:29
* Maaz washes some mugs07:29
inetprohi nlsthzn07:29
KilosMaaz  coffee please07:29
MaazKilos: Done07:29
KilosSymmetria  what is happening about your deb-delta server?07:32
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!07:33
KilosMaaz  danke07:33
Kilosi go take sheep away07:33
nlsthznhey inetpro 07:34
charlgood morning08:10
charlMaaz: coffee on08:10
* Maaz washes some mugs08:10
Kiloshi charl  08:10
charlhi Kilos 08:10
charlhow are you this fine morning08:10
Kilosalive and you?08:10
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!08:14
inetproloadshedding at home08:15
charlMaaz: danke08:16
superflyinetpro, Kilos: latest version of the site up08:18
Kilosat http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/ ?08:20
inetprolooking good superfly!08:20
Kiloswhat am i doing wrong i still see the jumbotron thing and no learn more08:21
superflyKilos: you're not freshing your browser08:21
Kilosi just opened it from scratch08:22
superflyyes, but your browser has cached it. refresh.08:22
inetproKilos: refretch!!08:22
Kilosoo very lekker08:22
inetpronow just the three columns08:23
inetprohmm... according to City of Tshwane website There is currently no Load Shedding in progress!  08:33
inetproseems they just do what they want when they feel like it08:34
=== ThatGraemeGuy_ is now known as ThatGraemeGuy
mazalOom Kilos08:44
Kiloshi mazal  08:51
Kiloshi Xethron  08:52
Kiloshi SDCDev  Rynomster  09:04
=== arnaudmez is now known as arnaudmez_
arnaudmez_Hello guys09:11
arnaudmez_hi Kilos09:11
Kiloshi arnaudmez_  09:12
arnaudmez_How are things here09:12
Kilosyou okes have a loco man09:12
Kilosim good ty09:12
arnaudmez_coming back please09:13
mazalKilos: How did the application meeting go last night ?09:17
=== arnaudmez is now known as arnaudmez_
arnaudmez_I'm back09:18
Kilostomorrow night mazal  09:18
Kiloswb arnaudmez_  09:18
Kiloswhat are you breaking09:18
arnaudmez_i would like to know if I can charge peoples when I train them on Linux Basic09:19
Kilosyes you charge for your time not the linux09:19
mazalWhy did I think it was last night , ugh I'm getting old09:21
arnaudmez_I know for Linux wanted to make sure09:21
Kilosmidnight tomorrow night sigh09:22
arnaudmez_I realized people here want to be trained but it's abit hard for them to catch up with the community thing, for so I will create the LoCo by providing training first09:22
Kilosyou have a loco there already arnaudmez_  09:23
arnaudmez_Kilos: what's happening midnight tomorrow ?09:23
Kilossuperfly  and i are applying for ubuntu membership09:23
arnaudmez_Kilos: that DR Congo not the Congo I live in09:24
arnaudmez_Kilos: I'm from Congo Brazzaville09:24
Kiloswhere are you09:24
Kilosoh ya09:24
arnaudmez_yep, there is two Congo in our beautyful Africa09:24
Kilosoh ok then get training so you can have lots of members then we help you form a new loco09:25
Kilosdont overcharge and frighten peeps away09:25
Kilosencourage as many peeps as you can09:26
arnaudmez_No i Wont trust me09:26
Kilosalways be friendly, patient and understanding09:27
ThatGraemeGuyanyone still play on the minetest server?09:29
ThatGraemeGuyKilos, superfly, inetpro09:30
ThatGraemeGuyanyone else09:30
Kilosnope ThatGraemeGuy  09:30
Kilostoo much work atm along with data cap09:31
Kiloshi drussell  09:33
drussellKilos: hey, how's you? :o)09:33
Kilosgood ty drussell  and you09:34
drussellKilos: all good!09:34
Kilosdrussell  are you still with canonical?09:35
drussellKilos: no, I left about 7-8 months ago09:36
Kilosand no more ubuntu dev?09:36
arnaudmez_How much can I charge for basic ? Do you guys have an idea of the cost ?09:36
drussellKilos: no, I was working with customers looking to use OpenStack, but I'm at Hortonworks now, all about Hadoop and big data09:37
Kilosarnaudmez_  i think imo you can charge what you think your time is worth09:37
Kilosso the more peeps there the cheaper you can make it for them09:38
Kilosaw drussell  well i hope you are happy there09:38
drussellKilos: yes, all very good, glad I made the change09:38
Kilosat least you havent forgotten us09:38
drussellKilos: this is the friendliest Ubuntu channel on the whole interwebz ;o)09:39
Kiloshehe i know09:39
arnaudmez_Kilos: sure but I want to make it not too spicy too so aligning this to international rates would be fine09:39
Kilosthat will be hard to work out arnaudmez_  because you are basically doing the job of a lecturer09:40
Kilosand they get paid rather badly iirc09:40
arnaudmez_... i see09:40
arnaudmez_another point, where can i find training ppt (even english versions, i will translate myself)09:41
Kilosare you going to give classes an hour at a time?09:41
Kilossurely there is something already available in french09:42
Kilosit is french hey09:43
inetproThatGraemeGuy: I haven't been there in a very long time09:53
ThatGraemeGuyyeah i logged on just now and noticed it wasn't running, not even sure how long :)10:56
Kilosai!inetwat breek jy?11:27
inetprowe loadshedding the bits and bytes again11:28
nuvolario/ oh hi11:34
Kiloslo nuvolari  11:34
nuvolarihi oom Kilos :)12:05
nuvolarigaan dit goed?12:05
Kilosja dankie seun net bietjie senuweeagtig vir more aand12:05
Kiloshoe gaan dit by jou nuvolari  12:06
Kiloshi captine  12:34
captineHi all.  Sorry to bug.  Am looking for an alternative to MS Project server12:34
Maazcaptine: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "tell captine http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/getting-involved.html" 17 hours, 14 minutes and 34 seconds ago12:34
Kiloscaptine  https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fprojectlibre%2F&ei=fxLSVMnmGMHqUpOggvgI&usg=AFQjCNFpriVH-VAbOiMSisDBZEEKMlfgYg&sig2=KvrcR7oFJ8e9MclnoHDnRw&bvm=bv.85076809,d.d2412:38
Kilosi wonder how one communicates with arabs12:41
Kiloswhere is neelsie12:41
Kilosgoogle where is tunisia12:44
Kiloswhere cant go further north in africa than that12:45
Kilosoh my superfly  , seems we are the only 2 applicants13:39
Kilosinetpro  storming at harties and wind blowing this way13:45
Kilosl;ets hope13:45
Kiloslets as well13:45
Kiloshee hee heeeee14:04
Kiloseven in tunisia the yanks have them14:04
Kilos<elacheche> Hey Kilos14:04
Kiloshi elacheche  welcome to ubuntu-za14:07
elachecheThx Kilos :)14:07
Kiloshi stickyboy  14:07
captinethanks kilos.  projectlibre is what i use as a desktop tool.  they dont have a server version yet14:08
superflyKilos: we're probably the first people in months :-P14:08
stickyboyKilos: Hey14:08
stickyboyStruggling to be effective after 5.14:09
Kilosaw sorry captine14:09
stickyboyKilos: You're not sorry for me? Struggling to be effective!14:11
Kiloswhy sticky?14:15
Kiloslate nights14:16
Kiloswbb, i go fetch sheep14:21
Kiloslol Neo31  welcome to ubuntu-za but go get your work done first15:13
Neo31hhh, just adding the chan to my favorites ;)15:14
Neo31thx Kilos 15:14
Kilosgood man15:14
magespawngood evening15:59
Kiloshi magespawn  16:00
=== EvilDMP- is now known as EvilDMP
Kilosooo i love irc16:32
Maazgremble: gremble: By the way, you have a pile of memos waiting for you, too many to read out in public. PM me16:56
Kilosgremble  hello16:56
grembleHey Kilos haha16:57
Kilosi am so busy in so many channels and tabs in browser im totally lost16:57
Kilossupper time16:59
mazalMaaz can keep memos ?17:12
grembleMaaz tell mazal that you can keep memos17:13
Maazgremble: Got it, I'll tell mazal on freenode17:13
grembleWhen you relog, it'll tell you17:13
mazalOh I know about that "tell" feature. Thought memos was something else that you could tell him to store for you17:13
Maazmazal: By the way, gremble on freenode told me "tell mazal that you can keep memos" 48 seconds ago17:13
gremblememo is a feature of IRC as well17:14
Kilosgremble  did you see the opinion about geeks17:27
=== Neo31 is now known as tester31
=== tester31 is now known as Neo31
Kiloshi mazal  Neo31  17:33
Neo31hi Kilos :)17:33
Kilosso havent you seen the mail yet?17:34
Neo31nope didn't leave work yet17:34
mazalLo oom17:34
Neo31what email Kilos ?17:35
Kilosadd to your favourites Neo31  #ubuntu-africa17:35
Neo31on what address did you send that email?17:35
Kiloselche said he will forward it to you all17:35
Kiloselacheche  17:35
Neo31i'm in17:35
Neo31he said he will do that when he get's home17:36
Neo31he might be still at work or on his way back, it will get to us late at night or the morning :)17:36
Kiloson his way home i think17:38
superflyGood evening.17:48
Kiloshi superfly  17:49
octoquadevening superfly17:50
superflyhey octoquad, hi Kilos17:51
Kilosfound a debian developer superfly  17:54
Kilosin mauritius17:54
superflyKilos: orly?18:00
inetprogood mornings18:00
mazalTime to go see if any power at home18:00
Kilossuperfly  cyb@debian.org18:01
mazalbye 4 now all18:01
superflybye mazal18:01
Kiloscheers mazal  18:01
inetprowhere do all these new peeps come from Kilos?18:03
inetprowelcome to ubuntu-za Neo3118:04
Kilostunisia inetpro  18:04
Kilosnow got the very top and bottom of africa18:05
inetproKilos: you'll have to start learning their language sir18:06
Kilosthey speak english too18:06
Neo31thank you inetpro 18:06
Kiloshi captine  18:06
captinehi there18:06
captinethanks for looking up project tools earlier...18:06
captinewas sneaking a login through the webchat.freenode site... while at work18:06
Neo31lol Arabic is hard to learn inetpro 18:07
Kilosand french18:07
Neo31but almost everyone speaks French in Tunisia (same for Algeria and Morocco)18:07
inetproNeo31: haha, I once trained Arabic people to use MS Word many years ago18:07
Neo31lol traitor inetpro 18:08
inetproguys thought I was able to read it when all I knew was the exact location of each menu option18:08
* Neo31 's gotta go afk, c u later18:09
inetproNeo31: go well18:10
inetprosuperfly: when are you going live?18:33
superflyinetpro: when the bottom 3 things are filled18:34
superflyI'm trying to come up with what should go in there... any ideas?18:34
* inetpro thinking18:34
Kiloslol those blogs with foreign language18:34
superflyKilos: it's Latin18:35
* Kilos smells wood burning18:35
superflyinetpro: we don't even need those buttons18:35
inetprotrue, but we have something missing18:35
inetprosurely we need to lnk back to ubuntu.com somewhere18:35
inetproand perhaps something about releases18:36
inetproor at least a link to the download page18:36
inetprojust something that doesn't need to change often18:37
Kilosthats a good idea18:37
Kilosthe links for the different flavours18:37
Kilosthen i dont need to ask fly everytime18:37
Kilosi only need one link nowadays kubuntu18:38
superflyinetpro: good idea18:40
inetpromaybe a short intro to Ubuntu the OS18:40
inetprolike What is Ubuntu?18:40
inetprothe Zim page has a nice short writeup at http://www.ubuntu.org.zw/18:44
captinesuperfly: hi htere..  quick one.  when I contribute again to the site, should I use a new branch??  Or can I just sync my branch with the current "latest" and then re-submit from it for merge?18:47
superflycaptine: first, go into your "trunk" directory, and run "bzr up" - that will synchronise your local copy with what's on Launchpad. Then create a new branch.18:47
Kiloswe so lucky to have the fly with us18:48
Kilosty superfly  18:48
Kilosand thank the family for your time too18:48
superflyinetpro: to be honest, I'd rather leave explaining Ubuntu up to the Ubuntu site.18:49
inetprogood idea18:49
magespawngood evening back from load shedding that wasn't18:53
inetprosuperfly: hmm...18:53
inetproCannot expand "commit_data": Dicts do not support option expansion18:53
inetprowhat that be?18:54
superflyinetpro: doesn't matter. I get it all the time, and it doesn't make a difference18:54
magespawnstill doing bazaar tutorials or practice/18:55
inetproBug #1254838 18:55
inetpromagespawn: we're getting very close to ready for launch now18:55
inetproI think18:55
magespawnawesome sauce18:56
inetprowe're on revision 15 now18:57
inetproif you do 'bzr up' you can see all the changes18:57
magespawnhold on a sec18:57
inetprothen do 'bzr qlog' for an awesome way to look through all the changes18:58
Kilosawesome sauce and cool beans18:59
Kilosquite a mix18:59
magespawni think i have to move into the project folde first19:00
superflyand, as usual... I've done most of the work.19:00
inetprodon't know where superfly finds the time to make all these changes but he's done it19:01
inetpromagespawn: the trunk folder19:01
magespawnyup 19:01
magespawnsuperfly has found the way to deny the requirement to sleep19:01
magespawnin projects if i recall correctly19:02
magespawnwas it trunk or ubuntu-za?19:03
inetproif you followed the tutorial it would be ~/Projects/ubuntu-za/trunk I think19:03
superflyI've shamelessly stolen the blurb from the Zimbabwean's site, inetpro maybe look at it and mix a few words up?19:04
inetprosuperfly: which blurb would that be?19:04
superflyinetpro: that one: https://code.launchpad.net/~raoul-snyman/ubuntu-za/ubuntu-blurb/+merge/24862519:05
magespawnthat is correct inetpro19:05
magespawndone and done, very cool, you have been busy19:05
inetprolet's break that apart for a moment19:08
inetproUbuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the Linux kernel. 19:08
inetproUbuntu is an open source operating system built around the Linux kernel. 19:09
inetpronot entirely19:09
inetpro"Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. "19:09
inetprothat is perfect19:09
inetpro"It contains all the applications you need - ..." 19:09
inetproreally all?19:10
inetproI'd say most19:10
magespawnmaybe they are refering to your average user19:13
superflyinetpro: done19:13
superflyI haven't updated the merge proposal yet19:13
inetprosuperfly: then again, also not really all community developed19:13
superflylet me know when you're happy and I'll repropose19:13
superflyinetpro: meh. good enough19:14
superflyinetpro: it is, rather. what do you call Debian?19:14
inetprodon't we want to say Debian based somewhere perhaps?19:14
inetproand then wikipedia has the following which I find is relevant as well19:16
inetproIt is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu (literally, "human-ness"), which often is translated as "humanity towards others" or "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity"19:16
inetprosuperfly: one moment19:18
superflyinetpro: let's not put the entire Wikipedia into our blurb...19:18
inetprosure... was just pointing out relevancy19:19
inetprosuperfly: how do I pull the blurb here?19:19
inetprobzr branch lp:~raoul-snyman/ubuntu-za/ubuntu-blurb  19:20
inetprolik so ^^ ?19:20
inetprolike as well19:20
inetprobut I stay inside the project?19:22
superflyinetpro: yes, but outside trunk19:23
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  19:24
inetprohmm... 19:24
inetproit's like pulling the whole project into the ubuntu-blurb folder19:26
inetprosuperfly: let's go for it as is19:28
captinesuperfly: to clean up bazaar, do we delete the branch that i had created for "Getting Involved" or does it stay forever?19:29
captineconsidering it is merged etc?19:29
inetprosuperfly: shall I Approve?19:30
superflycaptine: just delete the directory :-)19:30
superflyinetpro: if you wish19:30
captinemust admit, it would be easier to have a branch called captine, work on it, submit merge, then re-synch it and submit next merge.  need to get a dictionary to come up with names for branches... :)19:32
captinefirst world problems.....  19:32
superflycaptine: I just call it what I'm doing in it. with my OpenLP project, if I'm working on a bug, the branch is bug-#######19:35
captineyip.  am doing similar... :)19:35
captinesuperfly: I have used openLP in testing a bit.  Do you use it at your church?19:37
* inetpro started properly on local now19:41
inetprowith the next branch I'd like to do another test19:41
inetprosuperfly: have you updated with nikola yet?19:42
superflynot yet19:42
inetprowill have to force-refresh every page here19:43
superflyinetpro: updated19:50
inetproahh, we're getting closer to the end now19:51
* inetpro eventually caught up19:52
inetproso much faster to test locally19:52
captinequick one.  if I want to bookmark to a spot in my page with nikola, how????  is there shortcut code? or using normal html?19:53
superflyinetpro: 2nd column == Local Community?19:54
ThatGraemeGuynight night peeps19:54
superflyinetpro: 3rd column == South Africa?19:54
superflynight ThatGraemeGuy19:54
superflymaybe the other way round?19:54
inetprosuperfly: sounds interesting, what do you want to put about SA?19:55
superflysomething about not being overseas!19:55
magespawnwhat i miss?19:56
inetprosuperfly: see http://www.brandsouthafrica.com/ for some ideas perhaps?19:57
inetprotough one yo capture in a few words19:59
inetprokom Kiloshelp man20:00
captineanyone working on a "getting started" pahe20:00
Kilosek was amper aan die slaap20:00
captinedont want to duplicate effort20:01
superflycaptine: getting started with what?20:01
captineKilos: sorry to ask again, but when is the midnight meeting for the membership thing?20:01
Kilos something about not being overseas!20:01
superflycaptine: tomorrow night20:01
captinesuperfly: with Ubuntu... different distros, quick guide20:01
Kilostomorrow captine  20:01
Kilosjust say birthplace of the ubuntu founder20:02
inetproI'd say let's not try to duplicate too much info that can be found elsewhere20:03
magespawnrather link it20:03
inetproor let's try not to duplicate...20:03
inetprokeep it simple20:04
inetproI like the idea of something about SA in the middle20:04
captineinetpro: you refering to the getting started page in terms of duplication???  was thinking of it just having 4 steps to getting it installed, all linked to ubuntu documentation, with a table of the distro's to choose from and linking to their respective download pages20:05
captinewill mock it up and send it in for you guys to decide.  i take rejection well, so wont be offended if it is canned.. :).  Enjoying learning this nikola thing20:06
inetprocaptine: do you use trello?20:06
captinei looked into trello when I saw you all talk about it.  signed in iwth my google account20:06
captinehavent used it yet20:06
inetprowhat's your username?20:07
inetproor PM me your email address20:08
inetprook, created a card there for you20:11
inetprobut you're also welcome to do the whole branching etc20:12
Kilosai! anothr one with no photo20:12
magespawnwe will get there oom20:14
captinelol.  i thought it would pull in my google pic...20:14
Kilosge and bp20:14
inetproKilos: heh!20:22
Kilosheh what?20:22
inetproyou moving lists around again?20:22
Kiloshavent had time to touch it20:22
inetprohmm... ok20:23
Kilosi dont see anything changed, what do you see20:23
Kilosall i did was add tunisia20:23
inetprono worries really :-)20:24
inetproI moved it back20:24
Kilosthe ubuntu membership is supposed to be the 5th not 6th20:25
Kilosor is that a 520:25
captinenight all.  will continue tomorrow..  hopefully my son sleeps throuhg tongiht20:25
Kilosnight captine  20:26
inetprogood luck and thanks for all the efforts20:26
Kilosty captine  20:26
superflyI moved lists20:27
superflystart with least likely to do, and move toward done20:27
superflyit's about flow20:27
inetprosuperfly: should I not archive that whole list entirely?20:28
superflymake things flow from left to right20:28
superflyinetpro: you can if it's over20:28
inetproI was still feeling my way around when I started that20:28
superflyinetpro: with OpenLP releases, we make each release a list, and then we put stories into each list when they're done, and when the release goes out we archive the list20:29
inetpromakes sense 20:29
inetproscenario might just be slightly different here, not?20:30
superflyyes, but the workflow still makes sense20:31
inetprobut do we have releases?20:31
inetproKilos: nee man, surely we have to talk about these things20:32
superflyinetpro: nope, I'm just saying. if you have a bunch of stuff that all has a deadline of some sort, or a finishing point, it's nice to have a list just for that. we're unlikely to have such a scenario20:32
inetproI know I talk too much but...20:32
Kilosat least im innocent20:33
inetproI'd say our deadline should be month to month from meeting to meeting20:33
inetprotalking about that, I'm still waiting for Kilos to do something for me20:34
Kilosoh my20:35
inetproor anyone else for that matter :-)20:35
Kiloswhat did i forget20:35
inetprowe need to look at the minutes from last meeting20:35
inetprolot's of ideas expressed there20:35
inetpropost each idea in the "New ideas list"20:36
Kiloslink to minutes20:36
Kilosthen i must sleep20:36
* inetpro calling it a night20:40
inetprooh wait20:40
inetprosee incoming email20:40
inetproI like that superfly20:41
Kilosoh my, you gonna read your email20:41
* Kilos looks if clouds are coming20:41
superflyincoming mail? I haven't got it yet...20:41
inetproSawubona Mhlaba! (Hello, world!) done20:44
superflyinetpro: oh, my latest merge proposal20:44
superflyinetpro: did you merge it yet?20:45
inetproyep, and commited20:45
Kilosinetpro  you spoke about a link in the new site to membership20:45
inetprohmm... right20:46
Kilospeeps must create wiki pages20:49
Kilosto do list for noobs20:50
Kilosthats about it20:53
Kilosapt-offline was mentioned as well and deb-delta server that Symmetria  said he would work on20:53
Kilosnow i must sleep20:54
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:54
Kilosty for all the hard work superfly  20:54
inetprosuperfly: heh, I propose my first merge :-)21:10
superflyinetpro: approved. do you want to commit, or do you want me to?21:12
inetprogo for it21:12
* inetpro 's karma jumping up a few notches21:14
superflyk, just pushing my latest changes up21:15
superflyinetpro: don't forget to add a description to your merge proposals!21:16
superflyotherwise I don't have a commit message21:16
superfly(as it were)21:16
superflyI mean, I do, but make it easier for the committer21:17
inetproah, I'll remember that21:17
inetprothought you see the commit message I post with bzr commit21:18
inetprocool, ty21:18
inetproyou have more changes coming?21:19
superflyno, though I can see your commit messages; but if you have a whole lot of commits I don't know which message to use, or I have to make one up...21:19
inetprook, I can wait21:19
inetprothanks for explaining 21:19
superflyinetpro: https://code.launchpad.net/~raoul-snyman/ubuntu-za/za-blurb/+merge/24867821:20
superflysee, my commit messages are not the same as my merge proposal's description?21:20
inetprowell done!!21:25
superflyall live on my test site21:26
superflyour Getting Involved page needs a little more TLC, but I think we have a workable site. What do you think?21:26
inetproI like it very much21:27
magespawncan i have that link again? sorry21:27
inetpromagespawn: http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/21:27
magespawnreally got to remember that21:28
inetprojust make sure you force a refresh to see the latest21:28
magespawnlooking good21:29
inetprosuperfly: will we be able to see old content from the current site somehow?21:29
superflyuse wget and mirror it :-P21:29
magespawnthe home page is looking very smooth21:29
inetprosuperfly: terrible with all the errors21:30
inetpromaybe a backup of files and the database will be enough21:30
inetproI think we should go live asap21:31
inetprosuperfly: just do it!21:31
superflyI'll backup the files. the database is something I can do at a later stage21:32
superflykk, let me go lock up downstairs, and then I'll backup and deploy21:32
inetpromagespawn: what do you think?21:32
magespawni like it 21:34
magespawni especially like the home page21:36
inetproyep, me too21:36
magespawna personal ocd thing, the two learn more and one get involved button should all be on the same level21:38
magespawnbut that is just a personal thing21:38
superflymagespawn: totally, but we're going live with what we've got so long21:38
superflythen people can complain and they can fix it21:39
magespawnyes good idea21:39
* inetpro agrees21:39
inetprochecked it on my mobile, also looks good 21:39
inetprobut as mentioned above the Getting Involved page really needs a bit of TLC 21:42
superflyLadies and Gentlemen, we are live!21:43
inetprooh wow, and he really is not playing21:43
inetprotomorrow you pass with flying colors21:44
magespawnawesome, well done21:44
superflyinetpro: your turn, you get to tell people about the new site.21:45
superflyI'm off to bed. Good night.21:45
inetprohaha, ok21:45
magespawngood night superfly21:48
magespawni am also off, good night21:48
kulelu88congrats inetpro 22:06
inetprokulelu88: ty22:14
* inetpro falling asleep22:14
inetprogood night22:14
Neo31hello world!23:37

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