
axwjillr: I don't have much experience diagnosing such things, but I can try. do you have any logs from the unhappy mongod that I can peruse?00:48
axwand the jujud agent on that machine00:48
jillraxw: thanks. I have an IR with a bunch of pastes of logs and stats, I can upload new logs, I can also provide shell access00:52
jillrwhat's the best route to get you fresh logs?00:52
axwjillr: I don't know what an IR is. if you can give me shell access then I can just dig around directly00:53
jillroh, and since it's HA, which machine? the one with the FATAL mongo member?00:54
jillrsorry, incident report00:54
axwjillr: yes please, the FATAL one00:55
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 ?02:02
axwthumper: possibly sorted, the machine is NUMA and juju 1.20 doesn't run mongod on NUMA properly02:45
thumperwhat's NUMA?02:46
axwwhich can lead to periodic slow downs02:46
axwnon uniform memory architecture02:46
axwerr, access02:46
thumperand this caused some of the transaction log failures?02:46
thumpermaybe the transaction log was being written to /dev/null because it is web scale?02:47
axwthumper: sorry brb02:47
axwthumper: so I noticed in the the mongo log that it was timing out getting replset info from the master02:52
axwand googled that02:52
axwand after much sifting, found someone who had that on a NUMA machine, and it was fixed when they used the recommended settings02:52
axwanyway, it's been applied on 1/3 machines, status will be monitored and applied to others as necessary02:53
thumpervery simple review for someone: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/864/diff/#03:19
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anastasiamacthumper: wouldn't u want to check info.created in the test?03:44
anastasiamacthumper: otherwise, lgtm but u'd need someone with power to 'shipit'03:44
thumperanastasiamac: it is an internal implementation detail, and the secondary write fails without it03:47
anastasiamacthumper: i understand why u'd set it to false on failure (disk.go) but why is it still false on success (mem.go)?03:50
anastasiamacthumper: just a point of interest really... did not feel too intuitive to me :D03:50
thumperanastasiamac: because mem.go supports the same behaviour as disk.go03:51
thumperbut just stores in memory03:51
thumperand without it, it fails the test :)03:51
thumperand it isn't false on failure in disk.go03:51
thumperit is on success03:51
thumperanastasiamac: oh... yeah, it is a bit ick03:53
thumperI just noticed what you were looking at03:53
thumpererrors.Annotate returns nil if err is nil03:53
anastasiamacthumper: yes, i forgot Annotate returns nil03:54
anastasiamacthumper: in other words, u r just resetting .created for the next write03:54
anastasiamacthumper: thnx for patiently explaining stuff :D lgtm03:56
thumperanastasiamac: you have a few minutes while I propose this branch, then I'm heading home04:03
thumperso... go04:03
anastasiamacthumper: thnx :)04:03
anastasiamacthumper: i want to test some db operations (annotations specifically)04:04
anastasiamacthumper: they r performed on some entities04:04
anastasiamacthumper: that comply with an interface04:04
anastasiamacthumper: any problems for me to test using a mock entity04:04
anastasiamacthumper: rather than our existing juju entity?04:04
anastasiamacthumper: since m testing operations rather than entity behaviour...04:05
thumperas long as functions aren't writing to the db with the expectation that the entity exists04:05
thumperthen, yes, sure use a mock04:05
thumperhere's another one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/870/04:06
anastasiamacthumper: well, i can't write my test entity to db for tests?04:06
anastasiamacthumper: don't we clean db after tests run?04:06
thumperis this thing still on...?04:09
thumperwhy can't you write your entity to the db?04:09
thumpersure you can04:09
thumperuse the Factory to create an entity04:09
thumperit is reset after every test04:09
thumperin tear down04:09
thumpermy network connection was dropped04:09
anastasiamacthumper: s/well/why04:10
anastasiamacthumper: yes, it was my intention :D thnx04:10
anastasiamacthumper: maybe04:11
jw4axw: thanks.  That was fast :)05:21
axwjw4: nps, that was easy :)05:21
jw4axw: great feedback - thanks!05:46
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anastasiamacTheMue: hi :D10:02
TheMueanastasiamac: heya o/10:03
dimiternvoidspace, ping10:15
dimiternmorning TheMue10:16
dimiternhow goes the testing? :)10:16
TheMuedimitern: heya, we're in our hangout10:16
TheMuedimitern: morning btw10:16
dimiternah, ok10:16
voidspacedimitern: pong10:17
TheMuedimitern: tests currently fail due to non-provisioned machines inside the containers, InstanceId() needs it. so I'll add it next.10:17
voidspaceTheMue: jamestunnicliffe: browser crash! Sorry.10:17
dimiternvoidspace, so just a quick sync up - when you're done about would you manage to setup docker etc. to test the proxy fix backport for bug 140322510:17
mupBug #1403225: charm download behind the enterprise proxy fails <cloud-installer> <deploy> <proxy> <sync-tools> <cloud-installer:Confirmed for adam-stokes> <juju-core:Fix Committed by mfoord> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403225>10:17
TheMuedimitern: the rest of your changes are now in my refactoring10:17
voidspacedimitern: docker experiment was a fail10:17
dimiternTheMue, ok, that's progress, thanks10:17
voidspacedimitern: oh, oops10:18
voidspacedimitern: I forgot your backport10:18
voidspacedimitern: I have clonable kvm images though instead10:18
voidspacedimitern: will get on it10:18
dimiternvoidspace, sweet! even better imo10:18
dimiternvoidspace, cheers10:18
dimiternjamestunnicliffe, and morning to you as well :)10:18
dimiternjamestunnicliffe, did you manage to look into bug 1417617?10:19
mupBug #1417617: apt-proxy can be incorrectly set when the fallback from http-proxy is used <juju-core:In Progress by dooferlad> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417617>10:19
voidspacedimitern: he has a fix for it...10:21
jamestunnicliffedimitern: Indeed, fix on its way. Just in hangout.10:22
dimiternjamestunnicliffe, awesome!10:22
dimiternok, i'll leave you guys alone now :)10:22
dimiternjust a reminder - please add cards for what you're doing on the kanban board if you haven't done it10:23
TheMueoops :D10:23
dimiternand if you want your expenses for the sprint reimbursed this month file a claim today10:24
dimiterncheers ;)10:24
jamestunnicliffedimitern: do we add cards for bug work?10:25
jamestunnicliffedimitern: never mind, seen one of yours - will copy :-)10:25
dimiternjamestunnicliffe, yes - there's a card type "defect" and a field on the right to fill in the LP bug#10:25
dimiternso it's linked automatically10:26
voidspaceperrito666: morning10:35
voidspacewwitzel3: morning11:17
wwitzel3hey voidspace, how's it going?11:17
voidspacewwitzel3: not bad11:17
voidspacewwitzel3: a huge stack of paperwork to sign alongside my regular work11:17
voidspacewwitzel3: (house paperwork)11:17
voidspacewwitzel3: current status: cloning, destroying, and cloning again kvm images for testing race conditions around setting up proxy environment variables11:18
wwitzel3voidspace: that's great!11:18
voidspacewwitzel3: it's quite fun11:18
voidspacewwitzel3: yeah, it's good news11:18
voidspacewwitzel3: I'm really hoping we can complete next week11:18
voidspacewwitzel3: and we're now officially in the "safe for home birth period"11:19
voidspacewwitzel3: as of midnight last night, if Delia goes into labour we can have the birth at home11:19
wwitzel3voidspace: wonderful11:19
voidspacewwitzel3: two weeks early is common, which would be next week11:19
voidspacewwitzel3: probably at the same time as we're trying to move... :-)11:19
wwitzel3voidspace: hah, yeah11:20
wwitzel3voidspace: at least it is close, worst case is you are two houses away from one of the houses :)11:21
voidspacewwitzel3: indeed :-)11:23
voidspacewwitzel3: during the crossover period wouldn't be too bad. At least we'd have a choice of houses...11:23
voidspaceperrito666: ok, so whenever the proxyupdater onChange is called "first" is always false. I'm continuing to track down why...12:56
TheMueah, test passes now again12:57
perrito666voidspace: I see, that might by why there is an || in the if12:57
perrito666someone trying to bypass that issue in the wrong way12:58
voidspaceperrito666: sure, but the proxy settings aren't different on first run12:58
voidspaceperrito666: no, the || is so that system files are only written if they've changed *or* on the first run12:58
voidspaceperrito666: but "first" is always false - so they're not written out12:58
voidspaceperrito666: I'm tracking down why "first" is false when it's clearly initialised to true12:59
voidspacewell, clearly *looks like* it's initialised to true at any rate...12:59
perrito666heheh #DEFINE False True13:00
perrito666or the other way around :p13:00
dimiternvoidspace, needs to block perhaps, but only inside the unit agent13:01
dimiternvoidspace, I started implementing the suggestion katco gave, but this really blew up the size of the patch with all the testing required13:02
voidspacedimitern: ah, ok13:03
voidspacedimitern: it's only an intermittent issue :-)13:04
dimiternvoidspace, yeah - inside the machine agent there's no charm revision updater13:04
dimiternvoidspace, however, hmm..13:04
voidspacedimitern: yes there is13:04
* dimitern takes a deeper look13:04
voidspacedimitern: charmrevisonworker is started inside newStateStarterWorker13:04
voidspacedimitern: see my latest comment on the bug13:05
dimiternvoidspace, ok, I stand corrected :)13:05
voidspacenp of course13:06
voidspacedimitern: will the worker retry13:06
voidspacedimitern: if so, does a transient error matter?13:06
dimiternvoidspace, var interval = 24 * time.Hour13:06
dimiternit does retry daily13:07
dimiternwhich is perhaps too long it should retry more often on connection errors I think13:07
voidspacedimitern: any reason I shouldn't see error logging from when notify watchers are starting in the logs?13:08
dimiternvoidspace, but that should happen in the apiserver charmrevisionupdater I think13:09
voidspacedimitern: right13:09
voidspacedimitern: what do you think is the *right* fix?13:09
voidspacedimitern: have charmrevisionworker retry on failure or have the agents block until proxy settings are in place13:09
voidspaceor both :-)13:09
voidspaceok, so I *am* seeing "handleProxyValues" being called with "first" true13:15
voidspaceand I was seeing the logging - I just had to grep through all-machines.log13:18
voidspaceit wasn't recent enough for "juju debug-log"13:19
dimiternvoidspace, well :) first off, I think the charmrevisionupdater should retry a few times on download failures with exponential backoff13:20
voidspacedimitern: so should I do that *now* or should I file a bug for it and go to the lxc-broker13:21
dimiternvoidspace, this is definitely more resilient than the current "fire-and-forget" approach13:21
dimiternvoidspace, don't worry about it, I'm on it already - will file a bug13:22
voidspacedimitern: I'm spending a little bit more time on the "first" logic13:22
voidspacedimitern: it *really* looks to me like the old code should have worked... unless, hang on...13:23
wwitzel3mgz: so on my maas juju doesn't write the syslog or cert files at all .. so I am not able to reproduce the error13:29
mgzwwitzel3: that... does not sound good?13:29
wwitzel3mgz: re https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/141787513:29
mupBug #1417875: ERROR juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <canonical-bootstack> <regression> <juju-core:New for wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417875>13:29
mgznot writing the syslog would be a ug, no?13:30
wwitzel3mgz: well it might just be my setup *shrug* I haven't actually confirmed what is happening yet13:31
wwitzel3mgz: will open a bug for it once I confirm13:31
mgzit must write something, you mean the all-machines.log on the state server doesn't exist at all? or what?13:31
dimiternvoidspace, it seems to me this is indeed a racy situation between the CRU and PU workers13:32
wwitzel3mgz: the state server is fine, the units don't have juju-*.conf files for syslog or any of the certs13:32
voidspacedimitern: indeed, that's my conclusion13:32
dimiternvoidspace, one question though - when you see the errors from CRU failing to download, do you also see right after the CRU worker existing and getting restarted?13:32
dimiternvoidspace, I've just answered my own question looking at the code :) sorry - ruw.updateVersions just *logs* the error, rather than returning it out of the loop13:33
dimiternvoidspace, which is *wrong*13:34
wwitzel3mgz: but a ca-cert.pem is getting written, which is odd since ensureCertificates does that part *last* ..anyway, investigating further :)13:34
dimiternvoidspace, because, if it *did* return an error, that would've caused its runner to kill it and restart it 3secs later, and retrying so - even with a race it will be resolved in seconds, not 24h13:34
voidspacedimitern: how many times will it retry?13:35
voidspacedimitern: maybe that's the right fix then13:35
dimiternvoidspace, just consulted william and that seems like the easiest fix to do for 1.22 and 1.22, for 1.23 however, we should do better13:35
voidspacedimitern: as far as I can tell the existing "first" logic is correct13:35
voidspacedimitern: William will be interested in this13:36
voidspacedimitern: and putting the SetEnvironmentVariables call *back* where it was, but leaving in place starting the proxyupdaterworker first13:36
voidspacedimitern: I can successfully deploy charms13:36
dimiternvoidspace, it will keep restarting it13:36
voidspacedimitern: so I think it was the race condition that was the problem all along...13:36
voidspacedimitern: and the first logic is fine13:36
dimiternvoidspace, wow :)13:37
voidspacedimitern: I've just successfully deployed a charm this way and my logging confirms that "first" is set correctly and the environment variables are set13:37
dimiternvoidspace, great job on finding it then!13:37
dimiternvoidspace, however to fix the race we'll need a lot more code and testing than to make it virtually irrelevant13:38
voidspacedimitern: right13:38
voidspacedimitern: so I'll change the charmrevisionworker to return the error13:39
dimiternvoidspace, for 1.23 we should fix it properly, as william also suggested we should take advantage of nesting runners to define the order things start13:39
voidspacedimitern: is there an example of this I can look at?13:39
dimiternvoidspace, it should return an error yes, in addition to leaving your original fix in place for 1.21 and 1.2213:40
voidspacedimitern: we didn't backport to 1.2113:40
voidspacedimitern: want me to look at that?13:40
dimiternvoidspace, it's as easy as return errors.Annotate(err-from-updateVersions, "failed updating charm versions")13:41
voidspacedimitern: but the main fix will need backporting too13:42
voidspacedimitern: I meant an example of nesting workers to define the order13:42
dimiternvoidspace, that has to happen in the CRU loop each time when we call updateVersions13:42
voidspacedimitern: returning an error I can probably work out for myself...13:42
dimiternvoidspace, ah, well a worker.Runner is itself a worker.Worker13:42
dimiternvoidspace, sorry :)13:42
voidspacedimitern: so let's do this in order of things to do13:43
dimiternvoidspace, I got confused trying to follow 3 separate topics we're having13:43
voidspacedimitern: backport the existing fix to 1.2113:43
voidspacedimitern: change charm revision worker to return the error in trunk, 1.22 and 1.2113:43
voidspacedimitern: then look at a proper fix for trunk13:43
voidspacedimitern: sound good?13:43
voidspaceperrito666: FYI, the existing "first" logic works fine13:44
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, if you don't mind fixing CRU for 1.21 first, *without* four PU fix13:44
voidspacedimitern: so you're saying no to "backport the existing fix to 1.21" then13:44
voidspacedimitern: that's fine13:44
dimiternvoidspace, and then as i backported your PU fix in 1.22, just forward port it CRU fix for 1.22 and 1.2313:45
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voidspaceperrito666: the actual bug was a race condition and fixed (mostly) by the other part of the PR13:45
voidspaceperrito666: but unconditionally setting environment variables is harmless and can be left in place13:45
voidspaceperrito666: as there's still plenty of other things to fix13:45
voidspacedimitern: ok13:45
voidspacedimitern: will do13:45
voidspacedimitern: later... lunch first13:45
perrito666voidspace: agreed, as long as we know what was the other problem13:45
dimiternvoidspace, the reason not to backport the CRU fix for 1.21 is because I believe it's a lot messier to do and we really need to get 1.21.2 out the door tomorrow13:46
voidspacedimitern: you mean "not to backport the PU fix for 1.21"13:46
dimiternvoidspace, while the other fixes are less critical and also trivial to transplant13:46
voidspacedimitern: but ok13:46
dimiternvoidspace, ofc :) sorry13:46
dimiternvoidspace, and having the CRU fix in 1.21 will make the issue a minor annoyance rather than a blocker13:47
voidspacedimitern: the CRU wasn't the main problem I don't think13:47
voidspacedimitern: only a side issue13:47
voidspacedimitern: I still don't think you'll be able to deploy charms with 1.2113:48
voidspacedimitern: I'd be happy to be wrong about that...13:48
voidspacedimitern: and I can try it13:48
dimiternvoidspace, hmm..13:48
voidspacedimitern: it's downloading the charm that fails13:48
dimiternvoidspace, that's likely to be correct, but I'd rather tackle it myself so you can return to the CA work13:49
voidspacedimitern: heh, ok13:50
voidspacedimitern: really going on lunch13:50
dimiternvoidspace, enjoy! :)13:50
perrito666dimitern: sorry to botter, what is stopping https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1416425 from being in 1.21?13:52
mupBug #1416425: src/bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext/LICENSE is wrong <licensing> <packaging> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dimitern> <juju-core 1.21:Fix Committed by dimitern> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1416425>13:52
dimiternperrito666, let me have a look13:52
perrito666dimitern:  says you committed the fix13:53
dimiternperrito666, you mean why it's not Fix Released for 1.21?\13:53
dimiternperrito666, because 1.21.2 is not released yet (due tomorrow)13:54
dimiternperrito666, and since it's a release issue, unlike a blocker or other..13:54
perrito666I see, yup13:54
dimiternsinzui, do you know when 1.22-beta3 is due for release?14:31
sinzuidimitern, I was hoping for a few more fixes given the large list of issues https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.22-beta314:33
sinzuidimitern, we can release tomorrow if we have stakeholders that need to test a fix14:33
dimiternsinzui, sgtm to sync 1.21.2 with 1.22-beta3 release14:34
dimiternsinzui, and how about 1.22 proper? what's the plan?14:34
sinzuidimitern, when all bugs are fixed and stakeholders find no other bugs, we propose 1.22.0. That could be next week14:35
perrito666anyone would be so nice? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/873/ its trivial and urgent14:39
dimiternsinzui, that sounds great, thank you14:39
jw4sinzui: helpful? https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/49  to address bug 1416430 from the 1.22-beta3 milestone14:57
mupBug #1416430: Some files refer to an include license file that is not included <licensing> <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1416430>14:57
sinzuijw4, yes please14:58
dimiternTheMue, can you approve this backport please? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/877/14:58
TheMuedimitern: yes, will do.14:59
jw4sinzui: kk - does that version have to actually be referenced in the dependencies.tsv or is it sufficient for it to be merged into master?14:59
jw4(of the testing repo)14:59
perrito666ericsnow: are you a full reviewer?15:01
ericsnowperrito666: net yet15:01
* perrito666 needs a bureaucratic LGTM15:01
TheMuedimitern: +115:01
ericsnowperrito666: OCR though15:01
perrito666ericsnow: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/873/15:01
jw4perrito666: maybe TheMue can stamp it - it looks good to me15:01
TheMuejw4: perrito666: already looking15:02
jw4TheMue: cool15:02
perrito666yeah we all know frank is getting free beer for that in april15:02
TheMueperrito666: go for it, you've got a ship-it. and I'll remind you for the beer :D15:03
sinzuijw4, yes, dependencies.tsv must be updated in juju/juju if you need a fixed package.15:04
jw4sinzui: kk15:04
jw4sinzui: fixes for the 1.22-beta3 milestone should be based on 1.22 branch I presume...15:05
sinzuijw4, we need to fix 1.23, then fix 1.22 and 1.21. Each is a separate PR :(15:05
jw4sinzui: lol - okay - so 1.23 --> master right? and I should do that first and then backport?15:06
TheMuejw4: hangout?15:06
sinzuijw4, yep15:06
jw4TheMue: sorry - thought we were just doing irc today15:06
perrito666and since we are on it https://github.com/juju/syslog/pull/115:10
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jw4yeah, OCR PTAL https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/49 -- just a licensing update pr15:14
dimiternTheMue, thanks!15:22
TheMuedimitern: btw, I thought we already had feature freeze for 1.22, don't we? asking because of requirements for actions.15:24
TheMuedimitern: and did you seen my question about the travel back I mailed to you and Alexis?15:24
dimiternTheMue, yeah, but that's a potential critical issue fix15:25
TheMuedimitern: finally btw the tests are working again and I'm now working on the exhausting of the available addresses :D15:25
dimiternTheMue, yes, I'll ping her today for a response15:25
TheMuedimitern: great, thanks15:25
dimiternTheMue, sweet!15:25
perrito666who owns juju/syslog ?15:25
dimiternperrito666, cloudbase I think15:26
perrito666dimitern: I doubt it, its in our repo :p15:26
dimiternperrito666, it's forked from  gabriel-samfira/syslog15:27
dimiternwhich is a bit weird15:27
dimiternI haven't see this for other juju/* projects15:28
dimiternseen* even15:28
perrito666dimitern: it was made by cloudbase and added to our repo when we began merging windows15:28
dimiternperrito666, right15:28
perrito666dimitern: but whoever added this repo did not make us (the team) owners15:29
dimiternperrito666, hmm15:30
dimiterncurious copyright line Copyright (c) 2014, Gabriel. All rights reserved. but it appears to be BSD/MIT15:30
perrito666dimitern: what I am trying to commit fixes that15:32
perrito666actually :p15:32
perrito666that was github filling in the license when he created the repo15:32
dimiternperrito666, ah :) I suspected15:32
perrito666it now has the proper licence15:32
perrito666dimitern: if you want to merge my pr is good enough for me15:32
dimiternseriously? *lol* GH *is* too smart for its own good15:33
perrito666you should be owner since you are part of the powers that be15:33
perrito666dimitern: well it has a sort of a wizard when you create a repo15:39
perrito666mm, let me guess, the bot is still not on utils15:42
perrito666I feel like an idiot15:42
TheMuedimitern: do you know anybody in cape town able to help Aram with a kernel problem? asking on the standard canonical channels brought now response, only a hint to cape town15:45
dimiternTheMue, ok, I'll ask15:51
TheMuedimitern: great, thanks, will help him. his machine doesn't boot anymore after installing a new kernel15:52
TheMuedimitern: as a hint => http://sprunge.us/OfFV15:52
natefinchkatco: you around?15:56
katconatefinch: yup15:56
natefinchkatco: evidently there's a problem with goamz in the china north region, where it needs to use V4 for S3, but it's not: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/141569315:56
mupBug #1415693: Unable to bootstrap on cn-north-1 <bootstrap> <ec2-provider> <online-services> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1415693>15:57
* katco looking15:57
natefinchkatco: note the linked github issue15:58
katconatefinch: ah yes i remember now; the work was supposed to target aws specifically15:59
katconatefinch: i remember being a little confused why we were using different signing everywhere15:59
katconatefinch: so we made no effort to support s3 at the time i wrote that, do we now need to do that?15:59
natefinchkatco: sounds like we do. Some of our people are testing in China and need that to work there... they're supposed to go live by end of month, so sooner is better than later16:00
katconatefinch: i will have to get clarification from ian on priorities, but if i remember, it shouldn't be too hard16:00
katconatefinch: kind of a "redirect to master signing package" type thing16:00
natefinchkatco: I'll send an email to canonical-juju and make sure to ping Ian about it.  This sounds like it should probably be pretty high priority16:01
perrito666mm, we should start branching things like utils when we branch juju for revs16:01
perrito666backporting licence fixes is going to be an interesting PITA16:02
katconatefinch: ok cool ty for the heads-up16:04
ericsnownatefinch, perrito666, wwitzel3: standup?16:04
perrito666natefinch: standup?16:11
perrito666jw4: ?16:19
perrito666https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/49 <-- why this patch changes the LICENCE file to AGPL?16:19
alexisbnatefinch, ericsnow we are having some iffy networking issues16:31
alexisbI am hoping I can get into the hangout at the top of the hour but may not be able to16:31
alexisbif I cant get in we may have to reschedule just fyi16:32
natefinchalexisb: ok16:32
ericsnowalexisb: k16:34
perrito666jw4: ?16:38
sinzuiericsnow, we will need to redeploy reviewboard. The current one will be kept alive, but you cannot change it16:40
sinzuiericsnow, We will need to config you used to deploy it, or you can redploy it when juju-ci4 is ready16:40
ericsnowsinzui: I should have some time for that today so just let me know when it's ready16:41
perrito666mm, bad day for hardware17:15
perrito666jw4: ping?17:15
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: seen your PR. golang convention for function/method comments is in case of func Foo() { ... } starting the comment with the name: // Foo does this and that.17:18
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Ah, yes17:19
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: you'v got a review17:28
alexisbthank you ericsnow and natefinch !!17:30
ericsnowalexisb: no, thank you :)17:30
wwitzel3yeah, how'd that go?17:30
natefinchwent well I think.  Basically just clarifying expectations etc17:33
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: did you test your latest change? the renaming to the expected values isn't used, you use the old name in the assert17:42
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Sorry about that, enthusiastic push17:42
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Just running tests now17:42
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: *lol* cool, np, it's a good feeling to get the first fix in17:43
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: For some reason I can't swash the changes into one commit. Works locally, then github complains.17:43
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: I guess you will cope!17:44
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: how does it complain?17:45
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart...17:45
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: The usual fast forward error. Though after a pull, merge, squash the problem remains.17:46
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: I can pull, merge, push. That is fine. Very odd.17:46
TheMuejamespage: because of MY current branch?17:47
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: no.17:47
TheMueoh, addressed wrong james17:47
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: It really isn't a problem. Just a bit untidy.17:47
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: one of the weird situations when using git. sometimes I don't really understand it17:48
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: About that comment about spacing, I used the same as the section above, so it may be strange, but it passes go fmt and is consistent :-)17:49
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: go fmt won't complain, it's inside of the string. "http//http proxy" looks interesting. would have to look how it is used.17:51
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Oh, that. The previous test writers used "http proxy" and I stuck with it, though the http:// is added.17:52
TheMuejamestunnicliffe:  yes, that's how I understood it too. the format containing a space isn't part of this change.17:54
voidspaceanyone know about the worker/runner infrastructure and care to answer a question?17:57
TheMueit works and runs *duck* *scnr*17:58
voidspaceTheMue: dimitern said that I need to change a worker to "return an error out of the loop" instead of just logging it17:59
voidspaceto do this do I have the method that gets the error call  ruw.tomb.Kill(err)17:59
voidspacewhere ruw is the worker in question18:00
voidspaceah no, the loop needs to actually return18:00
voidspaceso updateVersions returns the error18:00
voidspaceand the call in the loop returns that18:00
TheMuevoidspace: this would kill it, yes18:00
voidspaceTheMue: once again, in the process of explaining the question I work out the answer :-)18:01
voidspaceTheMue: thanks for being my rubber ducky...18:01
TheMuevoidspace: has been a pleasure :)18:01
jamestunnicliffeTheMue: Think I am ready for a re-review if you can. Then I have a daughter to cuddle :-)18:04
ericsnowbogdanteleaga: I've left a lot of review comments, but many of them are there just to mark all the spots where previous comments apply18:06
ericsnowbogdanteleaga: each one isn't some separate kind of problem that needs to be addressed :)18:07
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: I'll take a look18:07
bogdanteleagaericsnow: I'm trying to find the syscall thing, but no luck :(18:09
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: look good, ship-it18:09
bogdanteleagaericsnow: oh, now I see what you mean18:10
jamestunnicliffeTheMue, voidspace: Have a good weekend! I'm off for the evening. See you Monday/Tuesday.18:14
TheMuejamestunnicliffe: enjoy your evening and weekend too, see you then18:14
jw4perrito666: back18:20
jw4perrito666: there was no clear license18:23
perrito666jw4: github says you removed lgpl and added agpl18:23
jw4perrito666: the existing file 'LICENSE' was lgpl, but all the source files referenced 'LICENCE'18:23
jw4perrito666: the two files from the bug referenced LICENSE18:24
jw4but, the LICENSE file wasn't the golang license18:24
jw4perrito666: since the testing files were moved out of juju-core, I figured the right license was the one from juju core (especially since the name in all the source files was LICENCE like the juju-core one18:25
perrito666jw4: I can positively say you just confused me18:25
jw4the file I removed was not being referenced by any of the source files18:25
jw4perrito666: except the two referenced in the bug18:26
jw4perrito666: and the file I removed was wrong per the bug for those two files18:26
jw4perrito666: all of the source files referenced a non-existent 'LICENCE' (spelled with a C) file18:26
jw4perrito666: which used to point to the LICENCE file in juju-core before testing was split to it's own repo18:27
jw4perrito666: any better ? :)18:27
perrito666jw4: I see18:28
perrito666so the part of go licence is good18:28
perrito666but, you removed the mispelled license and added licence18:28
perrito666and those have different licence texts inside18:28
perrito666the thing is18:28
perrito666if you look at the files18:28
perrito666they expect that licence file to be lgplv318:29
jw4perrito666: I see18:29
jw4perrito666: I assumed that was part of the big re-licensing change a few months ago18:29
jw4perrito666: my understanding was that testing was split out before core was cleaned up18:30
perrito666natefinch: care to weight on that?18:30
jw4perrito666, natefinch it looks like LICENCE in core has always been affero18:31
jw4perrito666: so maybe the fix is to update all the testing files to point to the LICENCE file and revert the changes in that file18:31
jw4perrito666: er, not updating the testing files, just moving LICENSE to LICENCE18:36
jw4perrito666: look better now? https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/4918:38
perrito666jw4: totally18:39
jw4perrito666: w00t18:39
perrito666could you be a sport and make sure that all files have either go or lgpl licences?18:39
jw4perrito666: heh - yes I'll be a sport18:39
perrito666sorry there is a brittish fellow living inside me :p18:40
jw4perrito666: yeah, me too18:40
mgzsillies :)18:42
jw4perrito666: yep all licensed18:42
perrito666mgz: oh, just in time to lgtm jw4 proposal18:42
jw4mgz: jolly good show18:42
jw4here now mgz; popping in with a bit of wit and then disappearing is not cricket!18:45
jw4mgz: if you come back you can make fun of Americans? Or South Africans? Or Argentinians?18:46
mgzyou really can't, you can only mock in the reverse of colonial history, otherwise it's just picking on people :018:48
jw4mgz: hehe18:49
natefinchperrito666, jw4: license for juju core itself is agpl.. the license for "libraries" outside of core should be lgpl... where exactly we draw the line between what is and is not core is kinda fuzzy19:06
jw4natefinch: cool19:06
jw4natefinch: that's where this PR ended up so that's good19:06
natefinch(also note, lgpl is actually lgpl with Canonical's special static linking exception, which is required since Go always static links)19:06
jw4natefinch: interesting.19:07
jw4natefinch: do you care to review and possibly stamp https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/4919:07
jw4natefinch: it's work for one of the bugs sinzui is hoping to be addressed for 1.22-beta3 release19:08
jw4perrito666: woot :)19:11
perrito666jw4: I say LGTM, given the hurry that is enough19:11
natefinchjw4: right.  I do wish we'd just put these files in a separate repo or something.... but I think this is good enough for now.19:11
jw4natefinch: cool, tx19:11
jw4natefinch: (perrito666) http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/880/ <-- dependencies update with change19:16
perrito666jw4: I am superseeding you  with a patch including several of those licencing fixes19:17
jw4perrito666: score19:17
jw4I'll close mine19:17
perrito666just running the whole test suite before19:17
perrito666to make sure the version jump didnt break anything19:17
jw4perrito666: I ran the tests on my change already19:18
perrito666jw4: well I am packing other two :D19:18
jw4perrito666: overachiever19:18
perrito666jw4: I have a dedicated machine for that nevertheless19:19
perrito666that makes things faster19:19
jw4perrito666: my change has to be backported to 1.22 and 1.21 - will you bundle that too?19:19
perrito666jw4: yup, all of those have to19:19
perrito666sinzui: natefinch question19:20
jw4perrito666: I have a m3.2xlarge instance on ec2 that kicks the tests out in about 8 minutes19:20
perrito666when we create a release branch19:20
perrito666why dont we create a branch for the dep libraries that are ours?19:20
perrito666jw4: I have a corei5 with 8 gigs of ram downstairs :p19:21
jw4yeah - I was nervous about that too19:21
perrito666as a laptop it sucks because It is bulky but as a compile machine it rocks19:21
jw4perrito666: sweet19:21
* TheMue likes his i7 / 16 Gig / SSD combination ;)19:24
jw4TheMue: show-off19:25
perrito666TheMue: try to get one of those in argentina :p19:26
voidspaceright EOW19:26
voidspacesee you all on Monday19:26
TheMueperrito666: why not? not available or too expensive19:27
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TheMuevoidspace: me too, only cannot close chat *lol*19:27
TheMuevoidspace: but have already wine beside me19:27
voidspaceswitch off the computer...19:27
voidspaceTheMue: enjoy, see you on Tuesday19:27
perrito666TheMue: both, but the first specially19:28
TheMuevoidspace: yess, see you then. enjoy your weekend too19:28
sinzuiperrito666, a branch for each dep? or a branch that included a dependencies.tsv of what we officially use?19:28
TheMueperrito666: interesting, didn't expected this19:28
perrito666sinzui: a branch for each dep, like utils should have a 1.21 branch/tag19:28
perrito666when backporting fixes to our own deps that poses an interesting problem19:29
sinzuiperrito666, That might have bad consequences from Ubuntu's perspective, but worth talking about19:29
jw4sinzui: you mean maintenance costs?19:30
perrito666sinzui: well if I have to, say backport a fix for something that is in utils, because it is broken in 1.21 and 1.21 is using an old rev of utils, I will need to do a branch anyway19:30
ericsnowjw4: what does "darwin" use for an init system?  something cooked up by Apple?19:31
sinzuiperrito666, I think you suggest that dependencies.tsv points to a tag instead of a hash. We update the tag when we want to change the rev that godeps will select19:31
perrito666sinzui: yes, that works19:32
jw4ericsnow: good question - I don't know the official answer, but on my machine it seems to be a custom launchd thing19:32
ericsnowjw4: yeah I figured as much :)19:32
jw4ericsnow: :)19:32
sinzuiperrito666, but since we are not tracking the exact revision used to make the release tarball. that means it is not possible to recreate an older juju rev in the same series19:32
sinzuiperrito666, 1.21 build 5 works, but the tag is changed. I do a rebuild to test (build 6) and I get a different package with possibly different results19:34
sinzuiperrito666, I will see the dep changed if I diffed the tarball, but I wouldn't know why juju choose the change.19:35
sinzuiperrito666, so while I like your idea for its convenience, it undermines our need to repeatability.19:35
perrito666sinzui: well right now I have to push a change to 1.21 that fixes deps, lets see how easy to do this is19:35
jw4perrito666: basically as long as there are no breaking changes in the updated deps we'll get lucky - otherwise a real hassel19:36
perrito666jw4: yes, that is the thing, I dont like to rely on luck19:36
jw4(but I'll take it if it comes!)19:37
sinzuiperrito666, I would argue that core is branching too early. There are too many branches. I think unstable and stable are enough.19:37
perrito666sinzui: the thing is, we have, lets say 1.21, which depends on utils 1, syslog 3 and whatever 419:38
perrito666and I need to fix something on utils that breaks 1.2119:38
perrito666but utils is now in version 519:39
perrito666so, I really dont want to include 2,3 and 4 into 1.2119:39
sinzuiperrito666, ah19:39
sinzuiperrito666, that is a nasty combination. We need a lot of branches in that scenario19:39
perrito666sinzui: that is our current combination19:41
perrito666sinzui: right now I need to backport a licence change in serveral deps to 1.2119:41
perrito666that should be fun for non functional changes19:41
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perrito666anyone http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/881/ >?19:49
perrito666I will take lgtm even from mup at this stage19:49
* jw4 impersonates mup19:49
jw4<mup>: LGTM19:50
perrito666ericsnow: tx19:58
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perrito666mm this makes no sense, in github the current commit for 1.21 for utils is not marked as being part of master but in my local version it does20:05
perrito666sinzui: natefinch so, the issue now, 1.21 is pointing to a rev of utils from dec 11, and I need to apply my changes to 1.21 (the changes are in utils licencing) so is it ok if I create a 1.21 brach, apply them there and then point 1.21 to that?20:09
perrito666I hear alternatives20:09
sinzuiperrito666, I think the 1.21 branch is the best option20:10
sinzuiperrito666, sorry. It is work, but at least the branch clearly indicated why it exists20:10
perrito666no prob, I inteded to do that20:11
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perrito666sinzui: flaky test? http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/2045/console20:18
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sinzuiperrito666, I think it is a flaky test.20:40
natefinchperrito666: I think sinzui answered your question?  Sorry, was snowblowing (yes, again... only 4" today, but enough to turn into ice after I drive over it).  Mother nature is making up for not giving us any snow until the end of January, evidently20:42
sinzuinatefinch, Surely you will be getting show into March.20:43
perrito666natefinch: isnt snowblowing something you do often enough to be worthy of automation?20:43
sinzuinatefinch, Do you hands hurt now?20:43
natefinchperrito666: like a roomba for the snow in the driveway?  Brilliant20:44
sinzuiOh, I like hat idea. I would like that for my sidewalks too20:44
natefinchsinzui: nah... sweaty and tired, but no pain.  Ironically, overheating is way more of a problem than getting cold when I snowblow, unless it's near 0 F20:44
jw4thumper: \o20:45
perrito666natefinch: seems like something you could fix by making the driveway floor a trapdoor over a big hole with salt20:46
* perrito666 just broke his bread machine so did the bread by hand... I am much better than the machine20:46
natefinchperrito666: kudos20:46
perrito666who will rubberstamp this? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/882/20:49
perrito666natefinch: although I prefer the machine in terms of not having to do anything else than adding ingredients into a bowl20:49
natefinchperrito666: haha yeah... it's weird, ours used to work well, and then suddenly the bread started not to rise enough.... far as I can tell, we didn't do anything different.  Made me sad, I love fresh baked bread.... though now that I've used my stand mixer to make bread a few times, I don't think it's actually that much more work.20:50
perrito666I made mine by hand20:51
perrito666so it is some degree of work20:51
perrito666I just hate having to remember that my bread is raising and that it needs to raise a second time20:51
perrito666my machine died in an odd manner, apparently the cogs (plastic) got too dry and they disintegrated20:52
perrito666cmooon, who wants this 3 line change? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/882/ its a great oportunity to review without much effort20:56
natefinchooh ooh, credit without effort, I'm all over it21:02
perrito666god boy, here have a slice of bread21:02
natefinchupdating the libraries didn't require changing core at all?21:03
perrito666nope, I actually only added licence changes21:05
perrito666I sent an email about that21:05
natefinchemail, who reads that crap?21:05
natefinchship it!21:05
perrito666ericsnow: dependencies.tsv for 1.21 did not have the stamps apparently21:08
ericsnowperrito666: ah, I totally missed that it was for 1.21 :)21:09
* perrito666 looks at juju bot while tapping his fingers on the desk21:15
perrito666this is bad, https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150205/11373529920/worlds-email-encryption-software-relies-one-guy-who-is-going-broke.shtml21:25
perrito666we should donate to the poor guy21:25
perrito666sinzui: my changes have been committed to 1.21, it as no more licencing issues21:26
perrito666I need to step out for a moment, upon returning, 1.2221:27
natefinchperrito666: yeah, it's a damn shame that there's so many companies and governments that rely on this kind of software and can't be bothered to spend .0000001% of their budget to give money to the people that maintain it21:27
perrito666well this particular software we use A LOT21:28
natefinchperrito666:  ‏@stripe 6 minutes ago: Stripe and Facebook are going to sponsor @gnupg development with $50k/year each.21:35
hatchnatefinch: just saw that - that's great news, I was really surprised that it wasn't already sponsored by a group of companies21:49
natefinchhatch: totally21:50
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waiganithumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/88322:50

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