
malikeyej #ubuntu-solutions00:28
smattanhello I'm having some issues with my MaaS design and need some help if availible.  Has anyone been able to successfully deploy CentOS via MaaS?02:28
smattanI am also looking for Windows solutions. as currently the only clue I had at wiki.cloudbase.it/maas doesn't seem to work anymore02:29
SimplySethwould there be any objection to adding 'python-maas-client' and 'python-maas-provisioningserver' to PyPi  so that it can be used on all platforms ?05:47
smattanhello I'm having some issues with my MaaS design and need some help if availible.  Has anyone been able to successfully deploy CentOS via MaaS?06:32
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kikogood morning11:49
kikosmattan, we haven't published docs on it, so I would assume nobody apart from blake_r has :)11:50
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saltlakeroadmr, malikeye: I tried everything I could read about adding a scsi controller to the guest and adding the blcok device.. but whatever I do the guest will not see the additional disks in lshw -class disk16:22
roadmrsaltlake: I downloaded the openstack installer but it's really complex, I haven't yet figured out how it verifies compliance of the nodes :/16:23
saltlakeroadmr: That is awfully sweet of u to do that.. but I am still stuck at my stupid VM unable to see more than its boot disk. I added a scsi controller and disks from the fedora page documentation .. and I am just unable to proceed!! :-(16:25
saltlakeroadmr: I FINALLY figured it out!!16:46
roadmrsaltlake: \o/ yay! what'd you do?16:47
saltlakearggghhh : JOY!!16:47
roadmrcool :D16:47
saltlakeroadmr: http://pastebin.com/MuzueVEy16:48
roadmrohh I see, interesting way to define them as scsi16:49
saltlakeroadmr: Yes without that lshs -c disk was not showing them as disk..16:52
saltlakeHOWEVER : the maas webpage still does not show the "DISK (GB) to be a total of all 3 disks. I am hoping it picks up only the boot disk and that openstack installer still is able to finally work now!!16:53
roadmrsaltlake: did you commission the node? it will only gather hardware information after commissioning16:53
saltlakeroadmr: definitley I commissioend it and started it16:54
roadmrsaltlake: oh! ok then it should... but that information is gathered from lshw, so if lshw shows them, I'm pretty sure maas will be happy16:54
saltlakeroadmr: I then sshd to it like u told me to y'day and that's how I get the llshw -c disk info output16:54
saltlakeroadmr: this is the best I have so will go ahead and hope openstack installer is able to proceed !!16:57
roadmrsaltlake: hope it works :)16:57
saltlakeroadmr: thanks!! again thanks for responding and helping me out16:58
roadmrsaltlake: you did most of the work :)16:58
kikosaltlake, neat :)16:59
saltlakeroadmr, kiko: thanks, it helps alot to ask and discuss here when I am all by myself headbanging in my little cave!!17:05
mbruzekwhit juju quickstart bundle:~hazmat/kubernetes/kubernetes17:12
mbruzekwrong room17:13
malikeyesaltlake: I believe it only picks up the boot disk17:16
malikeyewell, it only reports that in maas17:16
SimplySethkiko: I'm in the process of asking permission to add the maas api python module to PyPi so it can be 'pip installed' from any platform17:16
saltlakemalikeye: cool but I have not got there yet but am hoping openstack installer still sees that!!17:16
saltlakemalikeye: thanks..17:17
malikeyeyou'll find out when you get to the landscape part, if that's what you are goin17:17
kikoSimplySeth, that's cool, but do keep in mind it's part of a larger source tree -- I dunno how trees like that are handled17:17
malikeyeI'm giving up on the bundled package.... gonna try the manual setup17:17
malikeyethe automated one just fails and I can't figure out why... so step by step will at least let me narrow it down17:18
SimplySethkiko: I copied the module dir to my mac and it's running fine.17:18
SimplySethkiko: it just required 'pip install oauth'17:20
kikoSimplySeth, I am wondering how we will handle updates to it17:20
SimplySethkiko: ahhh good point17:21
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johnghi all.  SSH keys that I entered in MAAS gui show in new VM instances on bootup, but ssh attempts fail with permission denied (publickey)18:42
johngis there a better way to get teh kys in the instances working?  Or should I set a password somewhere in a kickstart or seed?18:42
serverascodejohng: which user are you trying to log in as?18:49
johngnot root.  using a regular user account $18:50
serverascodeI think by default it creates an ubuntu user, but I just started using maas yesterday lol18:51
johngI put three keys from 3 diff machines in the MAAS UI preferences..18:51
johngall machines fail with same message18:51
serverascodessh ubuntu@ip works for me with maas by default18:51
johngdoh!  your awesome!   thanks18:52
johngI was thinking my user need to match the one at the end of the pub key..18:52
johngguess not18:52
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roadmrjohng: indeed the key you specify will be added to each node's "ubuntu" user's authorized_keys19:30
roadmrjohng: you could add a Host block to your .ssh/config specifying User ubuntu for the IP addresses of your maas cluster, this would avoid mechanically typing ubuntu@ every single time :)19:31
kikoroadmr, +1 :)19:40
roadmrTBH I don't mind typing ubuntu@ as I rarely need to log into raw nodes... but it's useful for debugging/learning19:41
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=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
saltlakemalikeye: I am now at another roadblock. I had all the client nodes on a private virtual network. I need the second nic so I added these lines to the VMs xml:    <interface type='bridge'>21:11
saltlake      <source bridge='br0'/>21:11
saltlake      <target dev='vnet2'/>21:11
saltlake      <model type='virtio'/>21:11
saltlake    </interface>21:11
saltlakewhere br0 is a bridge to the eth0 on the host machine.21:11
saltlakeshould this work to create 2 Nics per VM node ?21:12
saltlakeI am certain my second nic is configured properly!! but starting the VMAASServer with the 2 network interfaces .. I can longer reach the MAAS apache website.. what is going on ?22:00
saltlakeif anyone can pastebin their VM nodes xml with 2 NICs configured it would be awwesome ..22:08
roadmrsaltlake: sorry, as usual :( I've only ever used one nic in virsh :(22:22
serverascodehi all, can I specify that a node gets a particular IP address using MaaS?22:25
saltlakeroadmr: No problem :-) iTs a journey no issues.. I tried a few things .. I added a second interface to the MAAS controller eth1 from the MAAS controller page. THen I went back to the VMAAS virsh xml and updated it to have a second interface. After that I can atleast start the MAAS Controller and i still get the MAAS webpage working.22:25
saltlakeroadmr: However ifconfig -a on the maasserver node does not assign the P address I specified on the cluster interface page setting.. (LIke when I set address for eth0) ifconfig -a shows the same. that does not apply to eth122:26
serverascodehi all...does "allocated to $user" mean the node is done, or should it have a status of deployed or something else? I'm having a hard time figuring out what the status should be23:36

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