
=== IKRAM_ is now known as IKRAM
=== IKRAM_ is now known as IKRAM
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
CarlFK$ ubuntu-bug -c bug.crash -u 141875123:11
CarlFKubuntu-bug: error: -u/--update-bug option cannot be used together with options for a new report23:11
CarlFKbut isn't that exactly what is shown here:23:11
hggdhCarlFK: I do not think so -- but I am not sure what is it you are trying to dp23:22
CarlFKhggdh: trying to add to an existing bug report.  which I thought is what that was telling me how to do23:23
hggdhyou probably should use apport-collect to add to an existing bug report23:24
hggdhper your pastebin you saved locally a crash report (to be filled later)23:24
CarlFKhggdh: um.. " Please do not attempt to apport-collect to another persons report.  .. [unless] asked by a triager or developer"23:31
CarlFKare you that?23:31
CarlFKoh, another person's.. missed that.23:31
CarlFKhggdh: I guess I didn't make it clear.  headless box I am sshed into.23:37
CarlFKI think apport-collect wants to use the local browser for me to login to lp23:38

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