
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (MicroWanker ban requested)04:57
ubottuLinStatSDR called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()07:44
Arab_AspieI would appreciate it if you unban me in the main channel. I apologize for what I have done.10:40
Arab_Aspiek1l_ ^10:42
ikoniawhy do you want access to the channel ?10:43
ikoniayou don't appear to have any ubuntu need and just want to post troll links ?10:44
Arab_AspieIt helped me once.10:44
ikoniawhy do you want access now ?10:46
k1l_Arab_Aspie: i will not unban you today, since i dont trust you to not immediately start with that again.11:05
k1l_Arab_Aspie: and since no other op seems to see it another way come back in the next days. thanks11:05
Arab_AspieOh wow ...11:05
Arab_AspieI was only joking...11:07
Arab_AspieWhy would I start it again11:07
ikoniabecause you did it in other channels too11:30
ikoniasuggesting your intention was to cause a problem/spam channels11:30
ikoniaso you did it on purpose, so as you don't need to use #ubuntu at this time, I'd rather you just sayed out and talked to us when you really do need something11:31
ikoniathats just my opinion though11:31
Arab_AspieSo when I need something you would unban me and then you would ban me again until I need something then?12:20
ikoniado you have a need to use #ubuntu ?12:23
Arab_AspieWhy aren't you giving me any choice?12:24
ikoniado you have a need to use #ubuntu ?12:24
Arab_AspieIf I wanted to know things about my operating system...12:24
ikoniaat this moemnt in time do you need to use #ubuntu yes/no12:24
Arab_AspieMaybe? :/12:24
ikoniayes or no12:25
Arab_AspieWhy? You would only unban me when I need it?12:25
ikoniaok - lets leave it there then12:25
Arab_AspieI would like to learn new stuff about it so why not12:25
ikoniabecause you joined to troll12:25
ikoniathats why not12:25
ikoniaso unless you have a need to use the chanel - I don't want you using it12:25
Arab_AspieI haven't joined to troll12:26
ikonia10:33 < Arab_Aspie> #bakchodi is a fun place where you can troll all you want. Join it and start trolling! ;)12:26
ikoniaplease tell me how that is not trolling12:26
Arab_AspieI told you it helped me once12:26
ikoniayou joined a channel with 1600 users in and told them to join a channel to troll it12:26
ikoniayou did this in other channels on the freenode network too12:26
Arab_AspieI won't do it again12:26
ikoniaso it's clear your intention is not to use the channels but to invite people to troll and cause a problem12:26
Arab_AspieNo, not really12:27
Arab_AspieI rarely do that anyway12:27
Arab_AspiePlease give me a choice12:27
Arab_AspieWhy do you have to ban immediately?12:28
ikoniayou've done this before12:28
ikoniausing the nickname "I_am_bored"12:28
ikoniaso lets not waste any more time12:29
Arab_AspieI don't remember well12:29
ikoniaI suggest you find somewhere else to "learn"12:30
ikoniait was only a few days ago12:30
Arab_AspiePlease unban me12:30
ikoniaso I think I'd rather you stopped using the #ubuntu channel12:30
ikoniaI don't believe what you say12:30
ikoniayour intention appear to be trying to cause a problem12:30
ikoniaso find another channel12:30
Arab_AspieNo, I don't want to cause any problems12:30
Arab_AspieI don't get it12:31
ikoniawhat is not clear12:31
Arab_AspieWhy didn't you kick me that time12:31
Arab_Aspieinstead of banning?12:31
ikoniastop wasting time12:31
ikoniaplease leave and find another channel12:31
ikonia@mark Arab_Aspie #ubuntu-ops toll - same person as I_Am_Bored12:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:32
kaplanhi guys12:36
kaplanA friend of mine was errnously banned in #ubuntu and from here, can you unban her?12:36
k1lso you are showing us now all the fake accounts you made on freenode? i think the staffers might be interessted in that, too12:36
ikoniakaplan: please ask her to join this channel and we'll work it through with her12:36
ikoniak1l: it's not a problem, I'm talking to the IRCCloud staff at the moment12:37
kaplanShe says she is banned from here too12:37
ikoniawhat is the users name12:38
ikoniaas I suspect they have many nicknames12:38
ikoniasorry - that's not open for discussion12:38
ikoniakaplan: please inform your friend they will not be unbanned12:38
ikoniayou can /part the channel now12:38
kaplanikonia, why not?12:38
ikoniakaplan: it will not be discussed with someone else12:39
ikoniaonly the usr12:39
ikoniaCurious_M: do you need something ?12:40
k1lhi J[]12:53
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops Curious_M user kaplan Arab_Aspie same user - reported to irccloud12:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:55
J[]what did he/she do?12:56
k1lJ[]: acted again against the guidelines to spoil the supportchannel run by volunteers. so we are not the trashbin for people who are bored.12:57
k1lJ[]: is there anything we can do for you, besides that ban, that will not be lifted?12:58
J[]was he/she spamming?12:58
k1lyes. and not the first time.12:58
J[]fair enough12:58
k1lso where channel are you and them from?12:59
J[]lol she is just one bored 16 year old, new to linux.13:00
J[]p.sure she is harmless13:00
k1ldont blame us for her actions.13:01
J[]yeah i understand13:01
k1lif she cant act according to the guidelines because she is bored, its not out fault, that she is banned now.13:01
J[]shd have just set +q13:02
k1lif you all know here why didnt you just make sure she doesnt ruin other channels?13:02
k1ldont blame us13:02
k1lrepeating trolling and spamming in #ubuntu is not "come on, that was just fun, she is bored, let her in again to troll again"13:03
k1lso is there anything else you want to talk about, besides telling us to let users troll there and plan that in other channels?13:04
ikoniaso the multiple identities are about to kick off in #ubuntu-offtopic I suspect13:15
ikoniathis happened with the I_AM_Bored user13:15
ikonialooks like it's the same with this id too13:15
jpdskaplan: Hello again.13:35
kaplanjpds, Why can't Arab_Aspie not contest the ban here?13:35
k1lkaplan: we explained to them, that since its not the first time of breaking the guidelines there is no unban today.13:36
jpdskaplan: Already explained that to them.13:36
k1lkaplan: all the drama afterwards is not going to help anyway13:36
kaplanbut she hasn't been banned before?13:36
kaplanThis is her first time13:36
k1lkaplan: dont blame us for actions of them.13:36
kaplanI think you are mistaking her for the wrong person13:37
k1lkaplan: dont blame us13:37
k1lits her in the first place to stick to the guidelines.13:37
kaplanBut she didn't break any rules as far as I am aware13:38
k1lits not us making the problem here. if she did act according to the guidelines we would not have to kick or ban her. so now telling us we are doing a failure is not the way its getting better13:38
k1lkaplan: than she did not tell you the truth13:39
kaplanHmmn, I'm not sure13:40
kaplanDid you mistake her for the nick changing troll?13:40
k1lkaplan: just because she is bored is no reason to spoil the support channel, again. since its not the first issue the ban is justified.13:40
k1lkaplan: nope.13:40
kaplanalright, I guess I have a misunderstanding13:41
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops Arab_Aspie evading a ban by setting up yet another irccloud account14:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:50
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jsmith-argotec said: ubottu: 3.3 is the updated version15:48
rww@comment 66092 twitcoin spammer and scammer, 1d22:51
ubottuComment added. 66092 will be removed after 1 day.22:51

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