
zequenceSomeone is selling Desktops with Ubuntu Studio 14.04.1 preinstalled http://www.solidstatedelivery.com/09:58
holsteinyou can ask for it at most of the resellers..16:46
zequenceholstein: To have a custom Linux distro installed, or particularly Ubuntu Studio?23:05
zequenceI told him to get in touch if he had any feedback, the guy behind the custom PCs. 23:06
zequenceI'm a little surprised he's using AMD processor with integrated graphics. Just yesterday I had a laptop that I couldn23:07
zequence..couldn't get the extra VGA or HDMI to work at all23:07
zequenceI haven't tried with non-free drivers yet, but still, I often find AMD graphics to pose a problem23:08
holsteinzequence: correct.. you can specify you want studio, or xubuntu.. or whatever23:39
holsteinat least, thats what i was told on the phone with the few i called.. 23:39

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