
madjoBonsoir à tous !00:30
madjoj'ai un gros soucis, qui devrait pouvoir être résolu facilement je penses00:31
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:31
fantasai_Hi! I just installed xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, and it seems to have booted me into Ubuntu. How do I boot into XFCE? Or use .xsession?00:32
bekksfantasai_: Did you install Ubuntu before?00:32
fantasai_this should have been a clean install on a blank partition00:32
* fantasai_ formatted the partition00:33
bekksThen you dont need to install Xubuntu, all you'd need is installing the package xubuntu-desktop00:33
Unit193Installing the task is better than package, so apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^00:33
fantasai_bekks: will that change the login manager so I can get to non-Ubuntu desktops?00:33
* fantasai_ doesn't actually use XFCE, but uses most of its utilities00:34
Unit193fantasai_: Both use lightdm, one uses lightdm-gtk-greeter but both work.  The important part is selecting the Xubuntu session.00:34
bekksfantasai_: It will not change the login manager but provide you the ability to choose which desktop environment you want to use.00:34
fantasai_okay, that's fine, as long as I can choose XFCE or .xsession :)00:34
* fantasai_ punches in the install instruction00:35
fantasai_Seems a bit confusing that the Xubuntu download comes without Xubuntu, no?00:35
fantasai_There wasn't even a warning "Type this thing after you're done installing!!!!"00:35
bekksWhich warning?00:35
fantasai_well, if I was downloading "xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso", I'd expect it to install Xubuntu, right?00:36
bekksYou booted into you Ubuntu ;)00:36
fantasai_no, none of the packages were installed... it's got 300+MB to download00:36
fantasai_so it had no choice but to boot into Ubuntu! That was the only option installed.00:37
bekksWhich proves that you booted into your Ubuntu, not into your Xubuntu.00:37
Unit193xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso has Xubuntu, Xfce, and not Unity nor GNOME...00:37
bekksAnd the grub menu is hidden by default.00:37
fantasai_Then I have no idea what happened.00:37
bekksfantasai_: You booted into øur Ubuntu. :)00:37
xubuntu09wI just bought a Dell Poweredge 1950 running Xubuntu and I can only access the guest account.  Is there any way that I can reset the server to wipe out the user passwords00:37
fantasai_bekks: but where did I get Ubuntu?00:37
fantasai_bekks: I installed off of xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso00:37
Unit193xubuntu09w: I'd recommend a reinstall, but...00:38
bekksfantasai_: You said you installed Ubuntu before.00:38
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword00:38
xubuntu09wI dont have the reinstall discs00:38
fantasai_bekks: Yes. Before. And then I told the installer to format the partition and install Xubuntu.00:38
bekksxubuntu09w: you need a live cd.00:38
xubuntu09wI dont even know exactly what version I am running00:39
fantasai_bekks: or whatever was on the LiveCD. It was an Ubuntu liveCD, afaict while running it00:39
fantasai_bekks: but I downloaded it off Xubuntu's website...00:39
bekksfantasai_: If it was an Ubuntu livecd, it will not install Xubuntu.00:39
fantasai_bekks: Okay, then where am I supposed to get the Xubuntu liveCD?00:39
madjohey guys, i will try to explain my problem in my best english, i had selected the 'save session when logout' with the command : xfce4-settings-manager i did that because i was trying to launch compiz automaticly on startup witout doing compiz --replace, but now, i have NOTHING ! just my wallpaper, no right click menu, no icons, no desk bar nothing... i came here with irssi in the console, i need the terminal command to dis00:40
bekksfantasai_: All you need to do is installing the xubuntu-desktop package which you already did.00:40
fantasai_Yeah, yeah. My problem is fixed. What about other people who try to download the Xubuntu LTS?00:40
bekksfantasai_: Xubuntu isnt LTS, technically.00:40
fantasai_Not all of them know that it's really an Ubuntu LTS image00:41
bekksfantasai_: Only the core packages are.00:41
fantasai_and that you have to find a terminal to apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on startup00:41
bekksfantasai_: And The Ubuntu ISO isnt the Xubuntu ISO.00:41
fantasai_I downloaded xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso00:41
fantasai_If that's not the Xubuntu ISO, what is?00:41
bekksfantasai_: It isnt an ISO error, you just installed Ubuntu, NOT Xubuntu.00:41
Unit193fantasai_: What link did you use?00:42
bekksYou downloaded the xubuntu iso, but you used the Ubuntu Livecd for installing.00:42
Unit193bekks: And, Xubuntu has 3 year LTS, but still LTS.00:42
brainwashmadjo: use "rm -r ~/.cache/sessions" to clear the current session cache00:42
bekksUnit193: Oh, does it? TIL.00:42
* fantasai_ tries to dig that up00:43
Unit193`ubuntu-support-status` can be a helpful command.00:43
madjo2sorry, i accidently quit the terminal can you repeat the command to clear the session cache please ?00:45
fantasai_The file was called xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, but I can't find the original URL in Transmission ...00:45
* fantasai_ tries to dig it out of browser history00:45
ubottuMagnets for Xubuntu 14.04.1 (i386) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b84ef35a9dbf503703f069ebcdcfaedaee326c1c&tr=http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce (amd64) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1b5fad4d440f07546fdf9e519b1f254352cd4680&tr=http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce00:46
bekksfantasai_: Which doesnt help you in choosing the right medium when booting ;)00:46
bekksfantasai_: You downloaded the xubuntu iso, but you used the Ubuntu Livecd for installing.00:47
fantasai_How's that possible?00:47
bekksBy inserting the wrong cd into the drive, for booting.00:47
fantasai_I don't have an Ubuntu CD00:47
fantasai_I have a USB stick I just bought00:47
fantasai_that was completely empty00:47
fantasai_that I installed the image onto00:47
fantasai_the last time I installed Ubuntu was several years ago00:47
fantasai_and I lost that USB00:47
madjo2can you repeat the command to clear the session cache please ?00:47
bekksHow did you install the image onto it?00:47
bekks0205 014239 < brainwash> madjo: use "rm -r ~/.cache/sessions" to clear the current session cache00:48
madjo2thanks you vm00:48
Unit193fantasai_: ...Did it take long enough for that to download an ISO?00:48
bekksfantasai_: Then you created an Ubuntu USB bootable. :)00:49
fantasai_from a file called xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ?00:49
bekksHooray, correct download, wrong install medium.00:49
* fantasai_ doesn't understand your logic here00:50
knomefantasai_, usb-creator-gtk downloaded an ISO for you00:50
knomefantasai_, you need to explicitly tell it to use the ISO you downloaded00:50
fantasai_I did that00:51
fantasai_at least, I thought I did00:51
fantasai_oh, you were asking me how long it took to make the uSB, not how long it took to download the file?00:52
* fantasai_ doesn't remember, both things took awhile00:52
madjo3ok excuse-me again, i cant move nor quit a terminal, so i cant disconnect my self from irssi everytimes i open a new terminal, thats why im 3 times in the channel :S    i can't clear the cache, the terminal tell me there is no such file or directory, maybe is there a command to restart xfce4 ? like the compiz --replace but with xfce ?00:53
knomemadjo3, you can run "xfwm4 --replace" to make sure the xfce desktop is running00:54
madjo3ok (if i do this i will have to reconnect again as madjo4) so please dont ban me :/   i will try and come back..00:55
madjo2okay now i can move the windows00:57
madjo2but i still have no desk bar...00:58
madjo2(xfwm4:4611): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossible de trouver le moteur de thème dans module_path : « hcengine »00:58
madjo2Waiting for current window manager (Compiz) on screen :0.0 to exit: Done00:58
madjo2(xfwm4:4611): xfwm4-WARNING **: Unmanaged net_wm_state (window 0x3601fd2, atom "_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED")00:58
madjo2(xfwm4:4611): xfwm4-WARNING **: Bottom strut value for application window 0xe00004 confined to 76800:59
knome!pastebin | madjo300:59
ubottumadjo3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:59
knomemadjo2, ^00:59
madjo2i have no interface, i cant send any screenshots unfortunatly...00:59
knomethat was referring to multi-line text pastes00:59
knomemaybe you want to run xfce4-panel01:00
madjo2now that i can move windows and copy/paste, maybe i will be able to do something like that yes..01:00
xubuntu29whello? hola?03:20
holsteinxubuntu29w: welcome03:21
xubuntu29wthanks! I need a littlehelp03:22
holsteinxubuntu29w: sure.. just ask.. a volunteer may volunteer assistance03:24
ObrienDavexubuntu29w, we can't help you if you don't state what the issue is03:27
* ObrienDave closes eyes and nods off to sleep03:28
xubuntu29wfirst sorry for my bad english03:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:31
xubuntu29wI will send a link with a image03:32
xubuntu29wof my desktop03:32
xubuntu29wlookto the icons of the right on top03:33
ObrienDaveplease use a different image service like imgur.com03:38
holsteinwell, i see the image03:38
holsteinxubuntu29w: i see the image, and the icons.. whats up?03:38
holsteinxubuntu29w: have you customized your icons? and dont like them?03:38
xubuntu29wicons now have a white square around03:40
holsteinsure.. is that unwanted?03:40
holsteinwhere did you get them?03:40
knomexubuntu29w, which GTK theme do you use?03:40
knomexubuntu29w, do you use a PPA or any version that is not in the repositories?03:41
holsteinmaybe one of the drop in .deb deals.. its not familiar, visually, to me03:41
knomexubuntu29w, and have you restarted after this happened?03:41
xubuntu29wfaba mono iconset03:42
knomeso which gtk theme are you using, under appearance?03:43
knomeis it the one from the repository?03:43
xubuntu29wyes the default one03:43
knomeand which xubuntu version do you use?03:44
xubuntu29w14.04 lts03:46
knomexubuntu29w, theoretically i should have the same bug, but don't...03:49
xubuntu29wtoday it work fine03:49
xubuntu29wthe I run the Apt-get update03:50
xubuntu29wapt-get upgrad03:50
xubuntu29wand this appeared03:50
holsteinxubuntu29w: you have re-applied the theme?03:51
xubuntu29wthis bug03:51
xubuntu29wappears in every theme03:51
xubuntu09wCan anyone recommend the best way for me to learn how to use Ubuntu, I just got a server with Ubutu on it04:56
cfhowlettxubuntu09w, download issue #0 of www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads.    Read.  Get issue #01.  Read.  Repeat >>> issue #9304:57
xubuntu09wThank you cfhowlett, this is like me trying to read Chinese Hahaha05:04
Unit193There's the Xubuntu docs, and should be a crash course somewhere.05:05
xubuntu09whow do I run exe files on Ubuntu, I am trying to install a virus protection05:05
cfhowlettxubuntu09w, there's a Server collection: http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issueSE01_en.pdf05:06
cfhowlett!virus | xubuntu09w05:06
ubottuxubuntu09w: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:06
xubuntu09woh ok, I didnt know that05:06
xubuntu09wI have always been a windows person05:06
cfhowlettxubuntu09w, you're installing windows virus protection on ubuntu?  ummm, no, that ain't right...05:06
xubuntu09wno, it's the Linux/Umbutu version of NOD32 by Eset05:07
cfhowlettxubuntu09w, the LINUX version is NOT .exe ...05:07
xubuntu09woh I see what it was trying to do, eset wanted to install THEIR downloader05:09
=== vista__ is now known as vista-
vista-hey, anyone here also encountered trouble with laptop lid behavior acting weird?05:49
vista-I already did the config change for systemd so that xfce's power manager handles lid behavior05:51
vista-but I am still having trouble with it05:52
vista-what I want it to do: lock the session and turn of screen if on AC and suspend & lock when on battery05:52
vista-the battery part works, the AC one gives me the headaches05:53
vista-if I set the power manager to lock, but not suspend, it suspends & locks05:53
vista-it also suspends if I manually lock the session and then close the lid05:54
brainwashvista-: you could try another screen locker and see if it helps08:18
xubuntu68wI am using Xubuntu 14.04 on a netbook with an external keyboard. After a session pause, login fails using the external keyboard, works using the built in one. Apparently the login module does not provide the right keyboard layout. Does someone have a clue?12:28
xubuntu68wP.S. that happens only on the login after a pause. The initial login works perfectly.12:30
GeekDudeI've put Xubuntu onto a family computer. Should I get some kind of anti-virus, or is relying on the fact that it's linux and I have adblock fine?12:41
knome!virus | GeekDude12:42
ubottuGeekDude: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:42
GeekDude... ubottu is disagreeing with the article?12:43
GeekDude"Why do I need anti-virus software?": "Linux virus infections are theoretically possible."12:44
knomethat always requires the root access, which the viruses will have hard time getting unless you use your computer in a non-safe way (eg. type the sudo password without thinking what the system needs it for)12:45
knomeattacks via bugs in software are the worst threat, but an antivirus software isn't really useful for that12:45
knomekeeping your software up-to-date is the best thing to do against that.12:46
GeekDudeYou don't have to be root to install spyware extensions on browsers12:46
xubuntu68wLINUX infections are a reality in the server world...12:46
knomeGeekDude, no, but they need user approval; if the user behaves in a non-safe way, there's no way the system can fix that.12:47
xubuntu68wOn the desktop one doesn't really need to be paranoid. Not YET.12:47
knomexubuntu68w, same thing with servers; if the software is up to date, you're safe12:48
GeekDudeI don't pirate, but isn't "With pirated programs you can never be sure of what extra stuff has been added and may often end up getting malware or viruses." a bit misleading with the wonderful world of checksums?12:49
cfhowlettGeekDude,  or screwy sites ...12:50
knomeGeekDude, that looks like bad editing, it's talking about the windows world in that paragraph12:50
GeekDudeWell, the paragraph does start "With windows"12:50
xubuntu68wIn fact, you're never completely safe. Especially when you don't understand the scripts you have been cutting and pasting into your terminal.12:51
GeekDudeI'd say it would apply more to cracks than straight programs, and should be edited to something of that effect. "With pirated, and often cracked programs"12:51
knomeGeekDude, it's a wiki, you can edit it12:52
* GeekDude looks for the edit guide 12:52
xubuntu68wMay ask another question? In my XFCE panel the notifications diappeared and these notifications are greyed out in the panel processing dialog. Has someone got a clue?13:00
GeekDudeI'm having a bit of trouble finding the edit feature now that I have an account13:00
knomeGeekDude, make sure the page is hard-refreshed and look at the left top13:00
knomeright... did you hard-refresh the page?13:01
GeekDude^F5, yes13:02
knomethat's not hard refresh.. try ctrl+shift+R13:02
GeekDudehttp://stackoverflow.com/a/385491 says "CTRL-F5 is used to force an update, disregarding any cache." That being said, Ctrl-Shift-R didn't change the page any more than Ctrl-F513:04
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
knomeGeekDude, no need to get offended.. i didn't acknowledge you were using ^ to imply ctrl13:05
knomeGeekDude, how did you log in?13:05
GeekDudeI hit "Login to edit" and made a new account in the page it sent me to13:06
GeekDudethen I opened the verification email13:06
GeekDudeIt said I was verified, so I browsed back to the antivirus page13:06
knomewas that page on login.ubuntu.com or launchpad?13:06
GeekDudelooks to be login.ubuntu.com looking at my history13:07
knomeGeekDude, ok, login to launchpad with your newly created account to link a username toit13:08
knomethen log in again to the ubuntu wiki13:08
GeekDudeknome: It worked!13:11
knomeGeekDude, unfortunately, the problem you described is a known, reported bug...13:14
xubuntu514hi people19:03
xubuntu514nice chanel!19:04
elfyxubuntu514: do you have an issue ?19:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:07
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:07
* xubuntu514 loves xubuntu19:08
xubuntu514have already fixed19:10
xubuntu514I have never installed xubuntu before. Desctope looks pretty good.19:11
xubuntu514many useful features19:11
elfygood - I'm sure the team will be pleased :)19:12
xubuntu514they did a good work19:12
xubuntu514no unity, it's fantastic19:12
xubuntu514I'm really enjoying19:13
xubuntu514I can use my pc with no pain19:14
xubuntu514verry happy19:14
xubuntu514I'm from Mapusa19:15
xubuntu514some people call it Mapuca19:16
xubuntu514good weather19:17
xubuntu514how are you doing today?19:17
xubuntu514I am going to reboot my pc, will be soon19:21
guest2anyone else having complete system slowdown after 5-10 minutes with 14.04 with (cpu and mem iddling at 5% and 20% respectively)20:04
guest2it started to happen after a recent update, does that mean you should never update your distro if you want to use it for more then a week?20:09
xubuntu86wAfter an update, my default keyboard disposition became English. How can I change it because actually everytime I must type "setxkbmap fr". I think it's because of an ibus update.20:30
xubuntu86wAnd also a keyboard icon apparead with only "English"20:30
brainwoshxubuntu86w, was ibus installed before the update?20:33
brainwoshif you don't actually need it, just remove it20:34
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: I don't know at all my friend but I know I see   Available input methods: ibus xim20:35
brainwoshibus is not installed by default in xubuntu20:35
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: It can be a dependecy20:36
xubuntu86wIs there any command to determine which packet needs ibus?20:36
xubuntu86wOr I just remove it to see if there is any error20:36
brainwoshthat would be the easiest way20:36
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: i'm purging it20:38
elfyif it is a dependency - it'll be a dependency of something you installed :)20:38
xubuntu86wAnother question: when I pass from a video to an another on Youtube everytime I must reload the page to have to sound if not I have the image but not the sound20:39
xubuntu86wIs it a flash or a pilote problem ? any solution ?20:39
xubuntu86welfy: yes you're right I'll see20:39
brainwoshcould be the flash player or html5 player, maybe the web browser20:40
brainwoshyoutube uses the html5 player by default now (in most cases)20:40
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: I don't use html5 on youtube and no youtube don't use html5 by default only if flash is not installed20:41
xubuntu86wand I use firefox with the last update I don't understand this problem20:41
brainwoshtest with chrome or another browser20:44
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: what is interresting this problem comes on with youtube20:44
brainwoshno clue, it works fine here20:45
brainwoshyou will have to test different options/browsers20:46
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: do you think it's an audio driver problem or a video driver problem ?20:46
brainwoshmissing sound a video driver problem? nah20:46
brainwoshdoes the html5 player trigger this problem?20:47
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: already tested the same problem20:48
brainwoshdid you try anything else to solve it? I'd guess that you can find many possible answers on askubuntu, ubuntuforums,...20:50
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: I tried nothing20:51
brainwoshyou should give chrome or chromium a try then20:52
xubuntu86wbrainwosh: you're right20:53
brainwoshto see if it's a general issue20:53
=== GeekDude is now known as GeekAfk
=== GeekAfk is now known as GeekDude
xubuntu10wI have problems installing viber22:46
xubuntu10wThe package is of bad quality22:47
xubuntu10wand then it crash at around 80-90%22:47
xubuntu10wCan someone help me with this?22:48
brainwashxubuntu10w: you could contact the package creator22:49
=== xubuntu10w is now known as anonymous_mk
brainwashdid you re-download the package to make sure that it is not broken?22:50
anonymous_mkyes i've tried that22:50
anonymous_mkdo you think it may be xubuntu specific issue?22:50
anonymous_mkbecause they would have noticed if it was corrupted package by now22:51
brainwashnot xubuntu specific, it does not even look ubuntu specific22:51
anonymous_mkhmm, its strange for such a big company to have broken package22:51
brainwashunexpected end of file means in many cases that the downloaded file is somewhat corrupted22:52
brainwashmaybe they've just uploaded a new package version22:53
anonymous_mkI've re-downloaded like 5 times and its always the same22:53
brainwashyou could try to install it on another machine (hardware or virtual)22:53
anonymous_mkits strange that this doesnt work also22:55
anonymous_mkzip file22:56
anonymous_mkFinally the zip file worked!22:58
brainwashgreat :)22:58
anonymous_mkthanks for trying to help @brainwash22:59

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