[05:38] ahoneybun, Noskcaj and that includes our images as well [05:38] we also seemed to have picked up unity-control-center stack in our trusty 14.04.2 images [13:23] Hi! I am trying to update Gnome shell extension to 3.14 or 3.15, but have been unable to do so using the staging PPA. [13:27] are you on vivid? [13:27] can you pastebin whatever error you're getting? [13:28] i'm on trusty [13:28] There's no error. dist-upgrade just installs 3.12 only [13:29] I stumbled upon this http://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/2j5rp9/how_do_i_safely_update_ubuntu_gnome_to_314/ [13:29] I'm on trusty; I've upgraded to 3.14 using gnome-staging [13:29] there are no 3.15 packages for trusty, as far as I know [13:30] eixie's answer is correct: you need both ppas (gnome3 and gnome3-staging), and then apt-get update [13:30] you may want to start with just gnome3 [13:31] yes i did that. [13:31] gnome3-staging is less stable [13:32] when you say "dist-upgrade just installs 3.12 only", what specific package do you have in mind? [13:32] (then again gnome3 has gnome 3.12 and gnome3-staging has 3.14 and you want 3.14 so you'll have to risk it) [13:32] i didn't get it, come again please [13:33] Yeah, i get that. I want to use ledd stable 3.14 [13:33] ok [13:33] *less [13:33] so: have you enabled both PPAs? [13:33] umm i guess when you add those repos [13:33] aren't they automatically enabled by running a apt-get update? [13:34] yes, they are [13:34] ok [13:34] ok, can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy gnome-shell'? [13:34] okay [13:34] mine looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10091737/ [13:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10091755/ [13:35] it says you already have 3.14 installed [13:35] so... ? [13:36] we're done here? :) [13:36] gnome-shell: Installed: 3.12.2-0ubuntu0~trusty2 [13:36] Umm.. This isn't 3.14 right? [13:36] I'm sorry, I'm an idiot [13:37] I mixed up the code names :( [13:37] And your pastebin shows you are using utopic [13:37] trusty is 14.04, utopic is 14.10 [13:37] I'm on utopic [13:37] yeah! [13:37] gnome 3.14 isn't packaged for trusty [13:37] if you want it, you'll have to upgrade to utopic [13:37] Okay. [13:37] but beware: having the ppas enabled can break the upgrade [13:37] Sure, thanks! [13:37] it's safer to run ppa-purge on both PPAs [13:37] yeah ill purge them. [13:37] then upgrade, then add them back [13:38] thanks! [13:38] apologies for wasting your time initially :( [13:38] :) [13:39] And i just want to confirm. There aren't any wifi issues in gnome? [13:39] Because i have been facing them a lot. Since I moved from unity. [13:41] the desktop environment shouldn't have any effect on wifi [13:41] both gnome and unity use the same system components (network manager) [13:43] Allright! Thanks. (sorry for wasting your time :P) [14:49] hi all [17:57] System sound effects doesn't obey setting in 15.04. Sounds are enabled no matter what set in Sounds -> Sound Effects -> Alert volume. Is this already known bug? If not, against which package I file it? === prth is now known as prth|away [23:11] Noskcaj, can you find out if debian plan to package wayland 1.7 (1.6.92 currently) in experimental anytime soon [23:22] sure [23:24] would be good to sync to vivid, keeps our options open for 3.16 [23:43] Noskcaj, we will need to update mutter/shell at the very least if they land gtk 3.16