
phunyguyle sigh03:01
rwwDestine, ninedragon: Per our channel /topic, please don't idle in here, as we like to keep the channel clear for when people have questions. If you're interested in what goes on, there are public logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com . Thanks :)04:50
Destinerww, OK. Thanks.04:51
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (david__ malicious commmand suggestions, ban requested)13:08
ikoniadealt with13:08
k1lseems like the school again13:10
Picibazhang: 12.04.2 was an older point release15:21
Piciand that kernel version is in-line with what is in the precise repositories15:21
bazhangPici, with the 3.20 kernel?15:21
Picirmadison linux: linux | 3.2.0-23.36   | precise          | source15:22
Pici3.2.0, not 3.2015:22
bazhanghuge misread, my bad15:23
Picinp :)15:23
bazhangthe 'yo sista' distracted me15:23
PiciI actually wanted to see where they kept the old isos anyway, since it isn't immediately clear on cdimage.u.c15:24
bazhang<vikas> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next15:46
bazhangdont apt-add and add-app work the same15:46
bazhangerp ugh15:46
Picibazhang: actually, I'm pretty sure that add-apt and apt-add both work15:49
bazhanghow could the software centre have a PPA for vikas to search15:49
bazhangVersion 5:84ubuntu4 is kde-plasma-desktop15:51
bazhangwouldnt a ppa be redundant15:51
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=== ROAR is now known as ninedragon
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (spider__)16:51
=== ninedragon is now known as double-oh-nine
=== double-oh-nine is now known as ninedragon

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