
mappsagain pi taking ages00:07
mappsinstalling mysql on ..stopping mysqld' just hanging00:07
daftykinsbest get a Pi v2.000:07
mappscan access the web server but it's also taking ages http://parrots.zapto.org00:07
mappscant ssh in00:07
mappsyea but the other pi i have is fine?00:08
mappscant find any suggestions00:08
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsmem usage and logs00:16
mapphi all05:04
mapphad a guy tell me tonight apple is now windows05:05
mappas they use intel cpus05:05
mappand its all microsoft05:05
daftykinsplus that was like, 8 years ago?05:13
mappwhy do i have to work05:29
mappisnt fair05:29
daftykinsthat's a bit of a 12 year old comment sir ;D05:33
mappa girl wants to go out for a drink with me back in UK..but im not there anymore..and she has  2 kids ..should i avoid?05:44
daftykinshell to the yes05:46
daftykinsprobably another money borrower eh05:46
mappi would expect so05:47
mappand not even that05:47
mappeven if i liked her..do i want 2 kids that aint mine?05:47
mappand her ex boyfriend around all the time?05:47
mappi say..no!05:47
mappbut people say im rude and snobby?05:47
mappI'd be embarassed to go to anywhere with my family and say this is my partner with her 2 kids from 2 men05:47
daftykinsi would not get involved with a situation like that05:48
daftykinsbut i'm against kids in general05:48
mappmy dad lives in Knightsbridge..so no single mums;p council wont pay that rent..my uncle was in the MET05:48
mappall from stable families05:48
mappsame mum/dad no step kids and that stuff05:48
mappit's all very foreign to me05:48
mappI grew up in a loving environment ...ideal family (in my opinin) a boy and a girl ..me and my sister and my parents05:49
daftykinssounds good to me05:49
mappeverytime i meet a girl with kids they have SO MANY STORIES05:49
mapp'my ex beat me'05:50
mapp'i was raped'05:50
mappand I'm left just thinking..what to do..do i ignore it and think ok theyre nice and think i can help them05:50
mappor the normal..and think they;d bring me a lot of hassle?05:50
mappand i think really its the 2nd?05:50
daftykinsi'm sure there are some hard done by, but there are plenty of fish in the sea05:51
mappmy dad always says 'you never know what happened the guy might've walked out on them'05:51
mappand while thats true05:51
mapplike..the dad will somehow be in the scene ..they aren;t my kids05:52
mappand these people are always known to the police and social services (something i'd rather not be)05:52
daftykinsi don't even think i can be bothered to learn someone news story if they don't even have kids :)05:54
daftykinssadly got given the heave-ho by a childhood sweetheart of 15 years recently05:54
mappwhat do you mean learn someone news story?05:55
daftykinsas in meeting someone new05:55
daftykinsnot sure i cba with that a lot of the time :D05:56
daftykinsmapp: check out my nasty shingles ;D06:03
daftykinsnearly cleared up now 0o06:03
mappwill do in sec daftykins06:18
knightwisemorning peeps06:19
mappmorning Knightmare06:20
knightwisehow are you guys doing today :)06:21
mappnot bad..sleep for me in an hr or so:D06:21
mapp726am for me06:22
mappin euro time:)06:22
daftykinsnot bad ty sir06:24
knightwise same here06:33
knightwisemapp: Where you at?06:33
mappI'm in Gibraltar mate06:41
knightwiseBelgium :)07:11
knightwiseThere , episode with fossdem interviews all done and uploaded07:11
knightwisenext up  : Record a new HPR episode07:11
mappknightwise are you english?07:12
knightwiseNope :) I'm as Belgian as they come .. why ?07:13
mappjust wondered07:14
mappypou're in a -uk chan:P07:14
mappso i assumed maybe english heh07:14
mappive been to Belgium many years ago07:14
mappalso been to Holland..mention as you both speak the dutch:D07:14
knightwiseI have more English/us/uk friends on line then belgian ones. I do an english - speaking podcast , read english books etc07:14
knightwiseI speak dutch, french, german and english07:15
mappfrench sucks:D07:15
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
balorIt's not specifically mentioned in the article, but this is the kind of thing that Ubuntu helps happen in Eastbourne http://bit.ly/1Km9zzz We coudn't do it without open-source.08:24
bashrcon the article, my experience from the last few years is that there isn't necessarily an IT skills shortage, but there is a problem with IT recruitment practices08:37
bashrci.e. recruiters having unrealistic expectations, strange HR pre-screening, etc08:38
balorbashrc, I agree, and more.08:46
balorbashrc, companies need to understand that a good Java programmer can be a decent .Net programmer if you give them a month (and vice-versa).08:46
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
knightwisehas any of you ever tried using Mutt with multiple Gmail accounts ?09:46
bashrcI use mutt, but not with gmail09:46
knightwisehmm.. its tricky to get multiple accounts working09:47
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Doodle Day! :-D10:01
zmoylan-piit's a friday, that's good enough for most10:02
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, it's also Working Naked Day.10:03
zmoylan-piyeah, have you looked at your co workers lately? :-)10:04
JamesTaitNot in person since December... but on hangouts, weekly at least. ;)10:04
JamesTaitSeeing those in the southern hemisphere wearing tshirts and strappy tops while my teeth are chattering - not sure that has quite the morale-boosting qualities intended. :-P10:06
Seeker`JamesTait: yeah, but when they've got their dull overcast winter weather, they'll get to see your dull overcast summer weather! Think how jealous you'll be!10:25
Seeker`*they'll be!10:25
* JamesTait chuckles at Seeker`10:27
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:28
brobostigonmorning bashrc10:30
bashrca bit of fun: https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term10:30
NET||abusemornin all.10:33
NET||abusejust finished the hardware reconfiguration of the microserver, have the 16TB's of storage ready to configure, thinking of using btrfs, but not sure10:33
NET||abusepopey: did you flash your n40L 's bios to get higher speeds on the optical bay sata interface?10:33
popeybut I know people who have10:33
NET||abuseyeh, was debating if i need to, but, i have a 1TB wd green as my system disk (it's a bit big but it's what i had :)  )10:34
popeyMORNING! (btw)10:34
NET||abusei'm not sure if i need the performance on that disk,10:34
popeyi have sata as my system disk, attached to internal ssd10:34
popeyer, sata10:34
NET||abuseso reverse that last sentence? You have ssd as system disk? attached to internal sata?10:35
NET||abuseyeh, well, that interface will be running at a pretty slow ide speed rather than full ahci mode?10:35
NET||abuseso if you were looking for read performance from the ssd, not sure you're getting any10:35
NET||abusebut yeh, it's the system disk, so not sure we need any real high performance there.10:37
NET||abusei'll leave it10:37
NET||abusemight lengthen boot time a bit, but how often do you do that.10:38
popeyi try not to boot it too often10:40
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledangchq was breaking the law. who knew?10:56
diddledanthe guardian has more info: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/feb/06/gchq-mass-internet-surveillance-unlawful-court-nsa11:04
knightwiseoH realy ?11:06
knightwiseits not like the havent been doing it ever since WW111:07
diddledanI saw a good youtube video on the history of the nsa a week or so ago. explained that it was set up essentially to retain the powers that were provided during wartime under censorship law11:08
diddledanmy youtube history suggests it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9txt1TGt811:14
DJonesHeh, poundland buying 99p stores, wonder if they'll get the 1p change11:52
diddledanDJones, that's worrying - it means that everything in the 99p stores will go up by 1%11:53
DJonesCould well do11:54
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
moreatididdledan: they'll add a special offer, buy 99 get 1 free12:31
NET||abuseok, i'm thinking of using the native btrfs raid setup for my 4 disk array, but the internet says btrfs raid5 support is experimental13:14
NET||abuseis there any major reason to use mdadm to raid under btrfs ? and just do a stripe then on top of the mdadm volume?13:14
diddledanbtrfs stripe on-top of an mdadm won't do anything unless you have multiple mdadm volumes13:21
diddledanstripe requires at least two block devices13:22
diddledanyou should either use mdraid OR btrfs-native raid NOT both13:23
NET||abuseahh ,well, what i mean is, mdraid 5 on 4 disks, and then btrfs, well if i have raid then why use btrfs?13:25
diddledanbtrfs adds more than just raid13:26
NET||abusewould you bother with mdraid? Or just use native btrfs-raid setup?13:27
NET||abusethis i sjust for my home server, so its' partly just an effort to experiment.13:28
NET||abusebut also if i do a setup, i dont know when i'll be able to take the content offthe array again.13:28
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mapparghhhh still cant make this pi any quicker16:33
zmoylan-piattach rockets...16:34
diddledanmapp, are you sure it can do so?16:36
diddledanyou could try liquid nitrogen and extreme overclocking it16:38
diddledanbut as with most processors there is a limit to how fast it can go. I've yet to see a computer with unlimited procesing capability16:39
diddledanI suppose the question is "why do you want it to go quicker?"16:40
zmoylan-pisomeone got a z80 up to ludicrous speeds using frozen vodka as heat sink16:41
diddledanmethinks liquid nitrogen would do a better job :-p16:42
zmoylan-pinot as easy to get hands on16:42
diddledanI'm not sure you're supposed to put your hand in it16:42
shaunoeh, sounds about right to me.  vodka coolant = potato engineering16:44
zmoylan-pipotatos powering it, potatos cooling it16:45
diddledanshauno, you're irish16:45
diddledanso the oo! buntu! phone has been announced16:58
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
daftykinsjust wait for the swathes of great unwashed descending upon #ubuntu - only to find that it's off topic in there.16:59
daftykinsand allegedly nobody in #ubuntu-phone replies17:00
daftykinser #ubuntu-touch i mean17:00
diddledanthen they'll end up here17:00
diddledanspeaking broken engrish expecting native-language support :-p17:00
diddledanok, willcooke, if you insist17:01
* diddledan does his hobbies17:01
diddledanin related musing, how about them current affairs, eh?17:01
daftykinsthat's ok, they only go for popey ;)17:01
daftykinsoh, like how 'bout that $sports_team?17:02
zmoylan-piin further news there will be weather17:02
diddledanyeah, that sports team are awesome. I quite like the sports person17:02
daftykinsso blustery here :(17:04
daftykinshowling winds17:04
diddledandaftykins, you've got weather?17:04
daftykinsi have!17:04
daftykinsin spades, sir17:04
diddledanI like weather17:04
diddledanweather is fun17:04
diddledanunless you're outside17:05
shaunothe weather here is entirely average.  it's not cold, it's not warm.  not windy, not still.  somewhere between light grey and dark grey.17:05
daftykinsno truer word was on this day spoken17:05
daftykinsoh hey guys how about this for a technological achievement17:05
daftykinsmy home insurance company is 2 doors up from me17:06
shaunowith gaps I hope?17:06
zmoylan-pii'm in dublin, we have rain, wind, sun, hail, sleet, fog today and then the weather station blew up17:06
daftykinsamusingly their policy renewal letter goes from town to the centre of the island where the post office HQ is, to come back out to me right beside17:06
shaunoeg, if you burn down, they don't?17:06
daftykinsaaaand i just paid my bill online ;D17:06
daftykinsshauno: mmm, my neighbour would get it, but i think they'd survive yeah17:06
shaunoI'd probably do it online too.  better record-keeping.  plus I don't need pants online.17:07
diddledanyou mean there's the possibility of IRL interaction?!17:08
diddledanthat's scary17:08
daftykinsi was totally going to go in, but then i saw that i needed to shave and it was already half 417:08
diddledandaftykins, shaving takes over an hour?17:08
daftykinsthere was more besides :)17:08
diddledanyou must be seriously hairly17:08
daftykinshaha nah, i'm very under developed in the facial hair department17:09
zmoylan-pihe's 1/4 hungarian?17:09
diddledanzmoylan-pi, like granville?17:09
zmoylan-pitwas a line in scrubs17:09
shaunodoes any of this make sense to anyone else?17:10
daftykinsi'm kinda smiling and nodding right now17:10
daftykinsgah, 5pm - death of the many retail options that surround me17:10
daftykinsi think i've run out of cereal :P17:11
shaunowell, good news, it's not breakfast time :)17:12
daftykinsbad news, on my schedule it is :(17:12
zmoylan-piunless you work night shift17:12
diddledaneh? "islamic state claim us female hostage killed in a coalition air strike in syria"17:14
diddledansurely they'd rather take the credit themselves, no?17:14
zmoylan-pipeople would want to see gruesome video...17:14
diddledanlike "we killed her, but we're gonna blame you"17:14
* daftykins always does17:14
daftykinsi've always had such a morbid curiosity17:15
diddledanI avoid them17:15
daftykinsi don't think seeing things on screen is anything like the reality though17:15
shaunoit probably works in their favour to discredit coalition actions17:15
diddledanI don't mind it in movies but when I know it's actual harm I have issues17:15
diddledanalthough, technically I have "issues" anyway17:16
shaunoquelle surprise!17:17
* daftykins gives shauno's translator a spot of percussive maintenance17:17
diddledanwhy can I not read french without using a french accent?17:18
zmoylan-pithere are famous pictures from vietnam with a prisoner been shot or a monk self immolating that are readily available. on the one hand it's someone dying but censorship doesn't seem right either17:18
diddledanoh, I agree censorship is bad17:18
diddledanit's up to the individual as to whether they want to see it or not17:19
zmoylan-pibut do you want a 10yo clicking on a link to that?17:19
shaunoI think there's a huge leap from that, to snuff propoganda17:19
diddledanor the individual's parents if under age17:19
diddledanis snuff a real thing then? I always figured it was invented17:20
zmoylan-piit was the moral crusade of the 80s when vcrs became common17:20
daftykinsdoes seem a bit weird17:20
diddledanlike "wanna sex me? I'm gonna kill you, is that ok?"17:20
zmoylan-pii don't remember any convictions from that time. reckon they would have been huge if they did happen17:21
shaunoI just mean there's quite some difference between documentary evidence, and propoganda.  the idea that there's an audience waiting for their next "PR stunt" is quite disgusting17:21
zmoylan-pijackass did well for a few seasons...17:22
diddledanjackass is still going, no? wasn't "bad grandpa" one of theirs17:22
daftykinssilly won't die17:23
diddledanit completely didn't appeal to me17:23
diddledanbashrc, damn that peer17:24
diddledanbashrc, damn that peer17:24
diddledantoo quick :-p17:24
diddledanwhy do peers insist on reseting connections so often?17:24
daftykinsone day we'll get that guy17:24
daftykins /whois peer17:25
diddledannon existant17:25
diddledannickserv sais they were last seen 38 weeks ago17:26
diddledanalthough their alter-ego is online now17:27
diddledanthat's their username17:28
diddledan/nickserv info peer17:28
daftykinsit would be quite amusing to be 'peer' just to see how much abuse you get in a given week17:28
diddledanespecially if you hang-out in the freenode channel17:29
shaunothat's like saying it'd be fun to be kevin costner :/17:29
diddledanshauno, wow, that's harsh, man, harsh17:29
zmoylan-piand you'd never be allowed buy a hamster...17:29
* daftykins doesn't get it17:30
zmoylan-pidon't look it up17:30
daftykinsis there a connection between hamsters and kevin costner?17:30
zmoylan-pian internet urban legend.  completely untrue17:30
daftykinsso shall us four get a table at the next ubuntu event and demonstrate our amazingly on-topic values? :D17:31
diddledanI vote we bring-along a rent-a-hamster17:31
zmoylan-pilook for the table discussing who's the best star trek captain... :-)17:32
diddledanoh god17:32
diddledanthat's so obviously Jonathan Archer17:33
zmoylan-pithe best klingon captain just to be niche17:33
diddledanand T'Pol the best first officer17:33
zmoylan-pionly because of the decontamination scences17:33
diddledanheck yeah17:33
daftykinsi'm still working on TOS with a friend, we're half way into what he calls 'the turd season' atm17:34
zmoylan-pidon't forget star trek animated after that.  voices of original tos crew17:34
diddledannext gen kinda lost me with the whole Q stuff17:34
diddledanif not for Q the series woulda been fine17:35
zmoylan-pii loved q.  q was special. he toyed with humans for his own amusment but did ultimately help us17:35
diddledanI enjoyed his part but I didn't think it really fitted with the rest of the storyline17:35
zmoylan-pijust tng has dated17:35
shaunoI did like Q.  he was basically the universe's bofh.17:35
zmoylan-pithe whole we can talk out all our problems picard17:35
zmoylan-pihere deal with a god17:36
diddledanjaneway did away with that by shooting everything17:36
zmoylan-pijaneway did show the borg not to mess with humans17:36
diddledanI liked the borg-vs-voyager story17:36
daftykinsQ brought along the seemingly endless court scenes, omw i could've done without those17:37
zmoylan-piseven was fun.  trying to be human and never quite fitting in17:37
shaunoeh, they weren't as bad as "holodeck episodes"17:37
zmoylan-pibut that made a lot more sense in the last episode of the tng17:37
daftykinsshauno: how to write a holodeck episode: 1) safety protocols are off 2) go nuts!17:37
zmoylan-pihumans are always been judged by the q.  ie. keeping you on your toes17:38
shaunoI just skipped most of them :/  especially when Voyager went to Mayo ..17:38
diddledanblack-and-white holodeck ftw17:38
zmoylan-piprofessor moriarity on the holodeck creating a ship in the bottle was good17:38
diddledanlol. modern download speeds scare me - I would hate to have MartijnVdS' connection17:39
diddledan500ish KByte per second ftw17:40
* daftykins sees diddledan screeching at progress bars17:40
* zmoylan-pi remembers 300baud modems...17:40
daftykins"what's that sound?" - "just dan downloading again"17:40
diddledandaftykins, I need to recreate the modem noise17:40
shauno"everybody look what's going down"17:41
daftykinsshauno: Voyager? Mayo?17:41
shaunoyou gave up before that?17:41
daftykinsdidn't realise they had a condiment surplus episode17:41
daftykinsi've actually not done a marathon of Voyager17:41
zmoylan-pibooooooo boooooooop, boooooooooooooooooooo booooop, boooblelelelelelelelele /favourite zx spectrum game...17:41
diddledanzmoylan-pi, that's dialup, too17:42
zmoylan-pivery different sound.17:42
zmoylan-pidial up is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee,eeeeeee, eeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp17:42
zmoylan-pii often had to listen to the connections to work out why they weren't talking to each other... :-)17:43
daftykinsno that's Celine Dion17:43
diddledandear god man17:43
diddledanthat's evil17:43
diddledandaftykins, zmoylan-pi had to listen to celine dion to work out why they weren't talking to each other?!17:44
daftykinshorrible, horrible job :(17:44
* diddledan puts titanic theme on spotify17:44
shaunokinda obligatory at this point, http://www.windytan.com/2012/11/the-sound-of-dialup-pictured.html17:44
zmoylan-piit was either that or install windows 95 from floppies17:44
shaunoheh, I've done that!  but only once17:45
shauno(and it's not as bad as it sounds.  it's a lot less disks than you'd expect)17:46
diddledanshauno, I wonder if that phone number still exists?17:46
zmoylan-pii did it twice.  and then i made it my lifes mission to learn how to install a cd rom on every computer known to humankind17:46
diddledanCDROMs running of the soundcard were evil17:46
diddledanluckily I missed those mostly17:47
daftykinsfrom what i understand this still happens on xDSL right, we just don't hear it since the tech uses inaudible tones typically?17:47
zmoylan-pirunning them off weird propietary parallel ports wasn't fun either but if that was the only way to not have to swap floppies...17:47
daftykinsthe 25 floppies we had for some early office version were pretty painful17:48
diddledanand. soundcards pre Plug-n-Play with jumper switches to select IRQs17:48
daftykinsone in the set required you to partially hold the eject button as it read, that was the only way it worked 0o17:48
* daftykins bows to the APIC17:48
diddledanAsia Pacific Internet Coalition ftw17:49
zmoylan-pimy 486 had extra serial cards, parallel, modem, scanner, network AND soundcard inside it.  when you unscrewed the lid it would pop off. my boss looked inside once when in a hurry and just said 'i'll let zmoylan-pi do it monday'17:49
diddledanI like how he used your handle :-p17:50
daftykinsyeah that would've been an odd interview17:50
zmoylan-pithe trick was to share the dma of the devices that you would never use at the same time.  soundcard and parallel and scanner17:50
shaunowho in their right mind would use an internal modem?!17:50
zmoylan-piand do a cold boot after using one of them17:50
daftykinsi loved my little Lasat Safire17:50
diddledaninternal modems are mostly winmodems IIRC?17:50
zmoylan-pithey were ast pcs. they used the worst uart chip known to human kind which made speeds over 19200 impossible17:51
zmoylan-pithey were internal usr sportster modems.  really solid modems17:51
daftykinsi had the model on the right, but 56k17:52
diddledanI've still got a zoom 56k modem somewhere in here17:52
zmoylan-pioooh, had a zoom.  good modem but not as good as the usr's17:52
shaunoI honestly can't remember what I had.  I just asked for the cheapest modem they had that used a serial cable17:53
daftykinsfor months on our Pentium 1 'dan' PC, we only had the 9 pin serial cable so we had to pick between modem or mouse17:53
daftykinseventually the old man brought home a 25 to 9 pin converter17:54
shaunothat'd be terrible.  no null-modem Doom games?!17:54
daftykinswell, said adapter enabled that too :>17:54
zmoylan-piwe had pcs connected via novell network for doom17:55
shaunowell aren't you fancy (/old)17:55
zmoylan-piused to play in the office 3 against me.  i still won17:55
diddledanI played doom on a 10Mbit/s ethernet hub17:55
zmoylan-piwe were on coax17:56
daftykinsfancy pants17:56
daftykinsyeah i had coax at home too :(17:56
daftykinswith the Arnie terminators17:56
zmoylan-picoax gave us little grief.  we were just careful i guess17:56
daftykinsi think i was just too young to understand networking at the time17:56
diddledanboth coax and hub would have suffered the same issue with collision17:56
daftykinsi don't even know what would've provided the IP addressing, i don't recall ever entering any for the first couple of years17:57
diddledanmy hub had a little led to show collisions17:57
diddledanit flashed a LOT17:57
daftykinsi remember those yeah :D17:57
zmoylan-pithough my favourite 'networked' game was f29 retaliator.  connect 2 pcs with laplink cable for 2 players to play against each other17:57
shaunowe used to play a combat sim too.  it was f-something, but I think Raptor?17:58
zmoylan-pii used to humilate my bosses on that game. shooting them down with missiles that wouldn't lock onto their aircraft.17:58
zmoylan-pif29 retaliator is the one17:58
daftykinswhy no lock on?17:58
shaunoyup, 22 it is, http://www.mobygames.com/game/f-22-raptor17:59
zmoylan-pithen his on board computer would warn him.  whereas a really slow air to ground missile would barely crawl towards them before blowing them out of the sky.  much more difficult.  much more fun18:00
zmoylan-pihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwJmlWdmP2M f2918:01
shaunothat was quite fun for multiplayer.  mostly because we played at a friends house, with the PCs in two different rooms.  so you'd be hurling expletives at each other across the house18:01
shaunohad a stealth bomber one on the amiga too, but that didn't age well, at all18:02
shaunoin unrelated news, my Pi still hasn't arrived :(  I was really hoping it'd make it before the weekend18:03
zmoylan-piit's out there, lonely and os-less18:03
diddledanmine came today18:04
shaunoit seems post to ireland still involves 7 weeks at sea18:05
diddledanshauno, it must be coming from britain, then?18:05
shaunoI hope so18:06
daftykinsthe Ireland post ship must be captain'd by that no legs guy from Blackadder18:06
daftykins"ye have a woman's purse!"18:06
zmoylan-pi5 working days gets from most of uk mainland to dublin or vice versa18:06
zmoylan-piif you live outside the pale however...18:07
shaunoyeah.  I don't hate myself to live in dublin.  I'm off in the wilds somewhere18:07
diddledandon't forget shauno 's address doesn't exist18:07
diddledanor was that your place of work?18:08
zmoylan-piwell places in ireland don't need an address. it's more of a challenge for the postmen that way18:08
shaunoit exists sometimes :)  that one that was addressed to Cork got here18:08
diddledanwell it would18:08
shaunoit's just not in whatever database Tesco use :/18:08
zmoylan-piah well sassenachs like tescos wouldn't understand18:09
diddledanwho was it mentioned gpg earlier? http://go.bwlh.at/1ukaQmM18:09
diddledanthat's a bad link18:10
diddledanlinux.com is evil aggregator18:10
diddledantry this one: http://go.bwlh.at/1ukb8di18:10
shaunoI still think that's all a bit weird18:11
daftykinsyay for a result \o/18:11
diddledanI guess the guy can go on holiday now?18:12
diddledanmaybe buy a new car?18:12
diddledanand some nice jewellery18:12
daftykinsdon't be silly, nobody misappropriates funds!18:13
diddledanhow does italy be italy then?18:13
zmoylan-pihe's german, he'd turn him self in afterwards if he did18:13
shaunothey can't help it, proximity to Greece18:13
* daftykins shivers18:16
daftykinsthey really should've gone with matte screens18:42
shaunoI like glossy screens :(18:43
daftykinsjust joking at how it's used to show the actor :D18:43
shaunoexactly.  how else would I know when it's time to shave?18:44
diddledanshauno, it's never that time18:46
shaunooh it is.  I don't grow man-beards.  I grow teenager-beards.  plural.  3 disconnected teenager-beards.18:46
daftykinsdon't make me link you to more shingles snaps...18:48
daftykinsi'll do it!18:48
shaunoI know you will.  But I'm under no obligation to click :)18:48
diddledanyeah, he'll label it as something you do want to click tho18:51
diddledani.e. not shingles-omg-evil.jpg18:51
diddledanmore like l00k-bewbies.jpg18:52
diddledanspeaking of which, why do ebay spammers think that putting "l00k" on their listing will make you click on it?18:52
shaunonewb.  its l@@k!18:53
diddledanyeah, that too18:53
diddledanI suppose they use @ because that makes it look like eyes18:54
diddledanbashrc, quit quitting!18:55
daftykinsthese dialup impressionists are rather tiresome18:55
diddledanI just don't get why people don't leave their connection on 24/718:55
diddledanbouncers or irssi-proxy-like things are great18:56
bashrcI think the internet connection at work was dodgy18:56
shaunoreminds me, o2 broke my dongle :(  no internets at work :(19:06
diddledanI hate breaking my dongle - it's painful19:07
daftykinsshauno: O2 broke it? 0o19:07
daftykinsdiddledan: don't worry, you don't use it :)19:08
shaunoyeah.  they changed my contract, and now it won't connect.  I called them, and they told me to go get a new sim card19:08
shaunojust a bit grrr.  if they'd told me they were going to break my internets, I would have told them to leave it alone19:09
daftykinshow rude19:09
daftykinsugh this wind is making my uninsulated roofspace bedroom super cold19:09
daftykins-1 deg C windchill!19:09
shaunoalas poor Chris, I barely knew you19:09
diddledanowner died?!19:10
daftykinsbit extreme isn't it19:10
diddledanI like how there's a number for such an instance19:10
daftykinsi wonder what 129 and 131 are19:11
diddledan131 is armageddon?19:11
shauno131 is E_NONEXTKIN19:11
shaunoI swear these updates are getting bigger.  1.3GB for a point release?19:12
diddledanwhat you updating?19:12
shaunoosx, again19:12
shauno10.10.3.  yay.19:13
diddledanaah 319:13
diddledanI only got that today under non-disclosure?19:13
diddledani.e. I'm not allowed to tell you what's in it - I don't think it prevents me telling you that I got it19:13
shaunosure you are :)19:15
shaunoyou don't actually read the agreements, do you :)19:17
diddledanlol, well, no I don't19:17
diddledanwhich begs the question as to how legally binding they are if I haven't read it19:18
shaunoInformation that otherwise would be deemed Confidential Information but (a) is generally and legitimately available to the public through no fault or breach of yours [b,c,d,e] will not be considered Confidential Information under this Agreement19:18
shaunoonce it's on teh internuts, it's no longer your problem :)19:19
diddledanhmm, so if I let slip in an anonymous post then I can attribute a non-anonymous post?19:19
shaunoluckily there's enough sites salivating over apple's every nose twitch, I've never had to consider that19:20
shaunohm, I may have to purchase fire tonight19:27
diddledanhow does one purchase fire?19:33
shaunoin the shop :)19:42
diddledanreally? http://www.macrumors.com/2015/02/06/oral-b-pro-smart-toothbrush-review/20:36
zmoylan-piit's the absolute tooth20:46
diddledanzmoylan-pi, I think that comment received a brush-off21:03
shaunolol what the21:04
shaunothey seem to be missing the most important feature.  cranky the music up because I can't hear it when the damned thing is vibrating my skull21:05
diddledanhttp://www.macrumors.com/2015/01/28/marissa-mayer-safari-yahoo/ <-- I thought yahoo was just a front-end to bing21:09
ali1234they keep switching21:10
shaunoI'm pretty sure they can boil that down to "yahoo would love it if anyone still used it"21:10
shaunothey're one of those companies, like AOL, where you just have to stare at them, and wonder how on earth they still exist21:11
diddledanyahoo are propped-up entirely by flickr21:12
diddledanand even that leg is a bit wonky these days21:12
shaunoit is.  especially now that they break your account if you don't login enough21:15
diddledanI've not logged-in in years so I wonder what they've done to me21:17
shaunoI think it's 6 months, they'll expire your account for inactivity21:17
diddledando they delete your photos?21:17
shaunoI don't believe so21:18
shaunoI was reading about someone who was annoyed because he couldn't login to download his own21:18
shaunoso I assume21:18
shauno(lots of assume here, flickr is my only exposure to yahoo.  because it's 2015)21:19
diddledanI still can't get kodi into my head instead of xbmc22:04
shaunothen symlink it and move on with life :)22:05
diddledanunfortunately my brain doesn't support symlinks22:06
diddledanit's got an old-school filesystem22:06
shaunoI believe there's a fix for that22:08
shaunoit probably involves a fine thread, and railroad ties22:08
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
m0nkey_Today is one of them days I'm so happy I'm not putting up with the family drama back in England.23:03
mappthe americans is a pretty good series23:12

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