
=== marvin is now known as Guest92823
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest17209
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest42247
=== max is now known as Guest47311
lordievaderGood morning.09:42
rysiek|plhi all10:11
rysiek|plI am having a weird issue on kubuntu 14.0410:11
rysiek|plmy physical eth0 interface is claimed to be non-existent by dumpcap (and hence I cannot use wireshark on it)10:12
rysiek|plwondering, what might be happening10:13
lordievaderrysiek|pl: What is the output of 'ip a s'?10:17
rysiek|pllordievader: http://wklej.org/id/1627438/10:17
lordievaderNever mind, didn't look at your paste yet...10:17
lordievaderLets say it is still early...10:17
rysiek|plit is, too early10:18
lordievaderrysiek|pl: Your eth0 is down.10:18
lordievaderrysiek|pl: sudo ip l s eth0 up10:18
rysiek|plnothing's changed10:19
rysiek|plI *think* this might have something to do with the docker0 interface, but am not entirely sure10:20
rysiek|plalso, "no such device exists" seems to be a different issue than "interface is down"10:21
rysiek|pllordievader: ^ ^ ^10:21
lordievaderrysiek|pl: Fair enough, does tcpdump show the same behaviour?10:22
rysiek|pl# tcpdump -i eth010:22
rysiek|pltcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode10:22
rysiek|pllistening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes10:22
rysiek|plwhat the...10:23
lordievaderDoes dumpcap drop privileges?10:23
rysiek|plhow can I check that10:23
lordievaderrysiek|pl: Err, no idea. Must say that I never have used dumpcap. tcpdump suits my needs.10:24
rysiek|plnothing in the manpage10:24
rysiek|plwireshark run as root does have the same problem though10:24
rysiek|pland it doesn't drop privs AFAIK10:24
lordievaderrysiek|pl: You shouldn't run wireshark as root. It is perfectly capable as running as a user.10:25
rysiek|plI know10:26
rysiek|plbear with me, trying to debug this bastard10:26
* lordievader if I disappear, I mucked up my client's firewall10:26
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
BluesKajHiyas all12:22
=== me is now known as Guest3299
Guest3299Hello i have a problem with the kubuntu system settings, call anyone help me12:28
BluesKajGuest3299, yes, just state your issue12:29
lordievaderGuest3299: Could you describe the problem?12:29
Guest3299theres nothing in it!12:29
Guest3299I've search for it a lot12:30
lordievaderGuest3299: Could you send a screenshot?12:32
Guest3299i need like 5min thanks12:32
Guest3299sorry i have the picture how do i send it12:36
lordievader!paste | Guest329912:38
ubottuGuest3299: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:38
Guest3299thanks ubottu, http://imgur.com/4fmWv7E12:47
lordievaderGuest3299: Hmm, yes that is rather empty. Do you get output when you start it from the Konsole?12:48
Guest3299also nothice i have no desktop, alt + f2 works but nothing is found12:48
lordievaderAh, is plasma broken?12:48
lordievaderGuest3299: How did you install your os?12:49
Guest3299I installed Ubuntu, then selected kde-full from synaptics, then removed it, then i selected it from select by task> kubuntu...12:50
lordievaderGuest3299: Can you reinstall the 'kubuntu-desktop' package. That will likely pull in the missing packages.12:51
Guest3299how do i reinstall/repair kde and its dependencies without reinstalling the whole os12:51
lordievaderGuest3299: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop12:52
BluesKajGuest3299, or install kde-workspace12:53
Guest3299kde-workspace is installed12:56
drawkward`can anyone suggest me good video tutorials to learn the KDE libraries?12:56
Guest3299how do i reload kde without loosing the konversation, you know s.th. like setsid unity13:02
Guest3299*kde workspace13:02
BluesKajlogout and in again?13:03
=== me is now known as Guest28188
Guest28188i loged off and in, the system setting is still empty13:09
=== kevin is now known as Guest36252
Guest28188anyone can help with the empty system settings13:14
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
drawkwardthe help feature in my qt creator is not working. i googled for offline qt help files. but i cannot seem to find one. can anyone tell me where can I get a .qch help file?14:09
wookhey do u guys know where i can find a chat to ask questions about python?14:24
Captain_Haddockwook: #python?14:25
wookyes i know to try #python, but is there an official chat for it that anyone knows?14:25
Captain_HaddockWell try it and ask in there?14:26
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest14410
Shaika-DzariHi everyone16:10
Shaika-DzariI need to reinstall Kubuntu on my laptop and I'm unsure which version I should download16:10
Shaika-DzariI'm an experience Linux user so don't really fear running bleeding edge stuff and report bugs16:11
Shaika-DzariHow would you describe the latest iso (alpha 2 I think)16:12
Shaika-DzariMajor blocker or just minor annoying stuff from time to time?16:12
BluesKajsh if you want bleeding edge kubuntu, try this, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/16:14
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: No, a development version is never recommended.16:15
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: That said, if you know what you are doing and do not mind having broken things from time to time, then please do test Vivid :D16:16
Shaika-DzariI don't mind the crash from time to time. It's my personnal laptop and there is nothing critical on it. My work laptop is running 14.10 so I can switch if I need to... :)16:19
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: Then please do help us in testing 15.04 :D16:21
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: Would you like to become part of the Kubuntu Testers team?16:22
Shaika-DzariWhat do I need to do?16:23
Shaika-DzariI found that...16:24
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: That is the one. From time to time you are asked to test new Kubuntu iso's, see if they install correctly and report bugs if you find them. Please ping Riddell in #kubuntu-devel ;)16:27
Shaika-Dzariok, I'll read it and see if I can help. I must admit I don't have a lot of free time (already working a lot as webapp dev) but I'll gladly report bugs if I can.16:30
lordievaderShaika-Dzari: It would be great if you could :D16:30
=== steve___ is now known as Guest30689
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
keithzg_tablethmm, I am completely baffled as to how to get audio recoding working in this brave new world of PulseAudio. I even have the modules loaded that get PA to present a sink and a source for JACK, but they appear to do nothing; I can see the vu meter for the pulseaudio device for my soundcard's input, and it's definitely hearing stuff from my mic, but that never seems to get through to jack.21:14
keithzg_tabletIt's infuriating to see things so close to working, yet in practice completely useless. Tempted to just dig out my old used iMac with an older Kubuntu version on it and use that instead of my shiny laptop . . .21:16
keithzg_tabletSigh. All I want to do is use QTractor to record audio from my microphone. Apparently that's too much to ask in the year 2015, arghhh22:09
=== CyberSix_ is now known as CyberSix
pet0hello i need help with installing graphics drivers22:53
pet0i downloaded official nvidia drivers and its a .run file22:53
pet0and it doesnt run22:53
pet0opens it in libre office22:53
pet0can someone help me to install them ?22:53
keithzg_tabletpet0: Firstly, that's not how you run them. Secondly, you probably shouldn't do it that way!22:53
keithzg_tabletInstall the drivers from the repos.22:54
pet0can you help me with the name of package?22:54
pet0its been some time i used linux with gui22:54
pet0i was following a guide btw22:55
pet0the problem is however that my flash application keeps blinking22:55
pet0it keeps showing hidden polygons22:56
keithzg_tabletWhich release of Kubuntu are you running? I think for 14.10 the latest package in teh repos is "nvidia-331"22:56
pet0it happens when there are more polygons22:56
pet0latest dled it yesterday22:56
pet0and updated22:56
pet0its intalling22:57
pet0*installing.. i only read that it might be graphics driver problem22:58
pet0but everything works ok movies too just the flash doesnt22:58
pet0when it loads bigger data22:59
pet0so it might be only flash related22:59
pet0i get some error messages at the end23:02
pet0is that bad? sounds bad23:10
keithzg_tabletpet0: heh, yeah, it complaining it has no space seems worrying. Do you indeed have free space?23:14
keithzg_tablet(specifically on /boot?)23:14
pet0 /boot has 100mb23:14
pet0ill check again23:14
keithzg_tablet100mb free may not be enough...23:15
pet0how to change/fix23:15
pet0its an ssd drive23:15
pet0will i have to reinstall ?23:16
pet0its sda1.. sda2 is /23:16
keithzg_tabletNaw. Personally I'd probably just do away with having a separate /boot partition.23:16
pet0how should i do it23:17
pet0i think the bootloader is there too23:17
keithzg_tabletHmm. You sure you didn't install to the MBR? I guess these days with EFI you may well not have.23:18
keithzg_tabletYou might just want to try and free up some space there then; see http://askubuntu.com/questions/89710/how-do-i-free-up-more-space-in-boot for some examples of how you might do so.23:19
pet0it asked and i picked sda123:20
pet0how should i check ?23:20
pet0thanks it worked23:23
pet0i had two versions of files there23:23
pet0now it installed so ill try to restart23:23
pet0thanks sofar23:23
keithzg_tabletno problem, and fingers crossed23:24
pet0didnt help.. so its flash related or idk23:28
keithzg_tabletHmm. Can't really help you there, then; I've made a point of not caring about flash for a while now, heh.23:30
keithzg_tabletAlthough, I guess it's worth asking, is this flash as installed as a plugin, or flash as it comes bundled with Chrome?23:30
pet0i found some guides on flashplugins too so ill try them23:30
pet0i have firefox23:31
keithzg_tabletI'd honestly give Google Chrome a shot (it's proprietary, but hey, so is flash itself) at least to help diagnose the problem.23:31
keithzg_tabletIf it works with the version of flash that ships built into Google Chrome, then you know it's specifically the version or config of your flashplugin installation, at least.23:32
keithzg_tabletpet0: seriously, do give Google Chrome a shot and see if the flash bundled with it exhibits the same problems.23:34
pet0chrome works fine23:42
pet0ill fix the flashplugin then23:42
pet0thanks for help23:42
pet0also i have an another question23:43
pet0i have multiple monitors.. when i plug them in and boot the screens remain black23:43
pet0it only works with one23:43
pet0they are all hdmi plugged into one card23:44
valorieboo, no helpful hints23:44
valoriepet0: does kscreen see them in systemsettings?23:45
pet0they are not connected23:45
pet0if i startup the computer with them it wont load the login screen23:45
pet0just blank black screen23:45
pet0i reintalled the drivers now so i should maybe try again23:46
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5

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