
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
AstalaHello everyone !01:06
Astalai have a litle problem, i simply want to change the Windows bar font color, i found many links on the web telling that i need to edit a file called Themerc, but i have no idea where it is...01:07
Astalaits a config file for xfwm401:08
knomedo you mean the window border color?01:08
Astalano the windows text font color ^^'01:08
knomesorry, i meant the window border font color...01:08
Astalaexactly, for example, the one that says Terminal-Roots blablabla01:09
knomeok, here's what you ideally want to do:01:09
Astalathe description of the windows01:09
Astalayes ?01:09
knomego to /usr/share/themes and find your theme01:09
knomecopy that directory (eg. Greybird) to /home/yourusername/.themes01:09
knomeif the .themes directory does not exist, you can create it01:09
knomeafter copying, change the name of that directory to something else, like Greybird-modified01:10
knomeyou'll find the themerc file under that directory in "xfwm4"01:10
Astalait exist, but i dont see my theme insode ...01:10
knomeread the instructions again01:11
knomeyou want to find your theme under /usr/share/themes first01:11
knomeand copy it to ~/.themes01:11
Astalagive me a sec, my english is not very good ^^'01:12
AstalaOw i have to find the Windows bar theme in usr/share/themes ?01:12
Astalanot the main xfce theme ?01:12
knomeyes, the window border theme01:13
Astalaokay i found it !01:15
knomenow copy it under /home/yourusername/.themes01:15
Astalaso now if i change it, the modification will be done directly or do i have to do something else with it ?01:15
knomedon't change the theme in /usr01:16
knomecopy it under .themes01:16
knomeand change the name01:16
Astalayep its done01:16
knomethat way you can always revert if you change your mind01:16
knomeonce you've done the modifications, just pick the new theme name from the settings manager01:16
Astalain the windows themes manager ?01:17
Astalait will appear even if it is on home/name/themes ?01:17
knomeyes (but note that it needs to be /home/name/.themes with the dot)01:18
Astalaow okay so i will ad the dot01:18
Astalammh strange it say i cant rename it because the file already exist01:18
Astalamaybe its hidden ?01:19
knomethen you probably have a .themes directory already01:19
knomeyes, directories and files that start with a dot are hidden01:19
knomeyou can show them from the view menu in thunar01:19
Astalamh sorry but what is thunar ?01:19
Astalathe file browser ?01:20
knomethe default file manager in xubuntu01:20
AstalaOw okay i found : view show hidden files01:20
Astalaokay done01:21
Astalaa last question01:21
Astalathe colors configuration need something like this #dcdcdc01:21
Astalawhere can i find the correct code for other colors ?01:22
knomeyes, that's the hex value of the color01:22
knomelook for hex values, there are also tools that compute you those01:22
Astalalike this : http://www.color-hex.com/01:23
knomeyes, for example01:23
Astalayeah i think that's it !01:23
Astalawell, my friend thanks you very much for your help !01:23
knomeyou're welcome01:23
Astalai will try this =D01:23
Astalaknome, thanks you again, everything where fine, it looks amaizing !, thanks for you reactivity and you help, see ya !01:28
knomeno problem, enjoy xubuntu01:29
not_dammitwould an incorrect default terminal setting be considered a bug?01:33
not_dammit256-color terminals is broken out of the box because $COLORTERM is set to gnome-terminal01:34
knomethough it isn't that for me...01:35
not_dammitI don't think I did much set-up before I tried to colorterm01:36
not_dammitmight be an isolated case01:36
knomewhich xubuntu version are you using?01:36
not_dammitunicorn I think01:37
knomei'm running 14.04 too, and i've upgraded a long way, and i still don't have that01:38
knomedid you happen to install gnome-terminal before looking at the variable?01:38
not_dammitwould changing the default terminal cause this?01:38
not_dammitI use terminator01:38
not_dammitprobably just an isolated issue then01:38
knomeyes, on a very fresh vivid (development) installation, i have xfce4-terminal01:39
not_dammitwould you recommend changing the variable in the default config or in the user's .bashrc01:40
knomedepends on your usecase01:40
knomeif other users need it to be something else, then users, if not, then change the global value01:41
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=== trello is now known as bluesabre
xubuntu36wI am trying to install xubuntu for the first time can some one give me quick steps09:57
cfhowlett!install | xubuntu36w,09:57
ubottuxubuntu36w,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:57
xubuntu36wThanks a lot09:58
hubert_Hello, i have trouble getting wlan stick to run on desktop pc, this is the output of some wlan info script i found http://paste.ubuntu.com/10107040/ (got xubuntu 14.04 and TP Link T2UH ac600, which should nativly work on ubuntu)10:28
hubert_got disconnected, did somebody answer me?10:53
brainwashhubert_: no. it's not a xubuntu specific question, so you could also ask in #ubuntu10:55
brainwashin case no one here knows an answer10:56
natusmy isp blocks irc and bittorent but I want to know how, any command or program that can help me?12:43
natusWhen I mean Irc it's not webirc12:45
Humieis there a similar panel icon in xubuntu?? https://en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=File:OpenSUSE_12.1_Xfce_Update_Notifier.png&filetimestamp=2011110411214313:33
spupyhi, im in a computer lab using some xubuntu. I want to change the behaviour of capslock. I dont think xmodmap is an options, but I *think* there used to be a control panel that allowed such modifications to mod keys. Do i remember correctly? Cant find it..14:23
lduroshi, how can I upgrade to 14.10 from 14.04, running update-manager -d throws an error when trying to do something with the sources16:12
ldurosBesides I don't think I need to run it with -d, since it's not a development version, correct?16:12
Unit193lduros: You don't want -d  grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:13
ldurosaaah, Prompt=lts16:14
ldurosthat's why16:14
ldurosit's set to fetch long term only16:14
ldurosI guess I should switch it to normal then16:14
ldurosUnit193: good to know! i'll edit the file to have it use normal16:14
ldurostrying again to run update-manager16:15
lduroslooks like it's prompting me, awesome!16:15
ldurosit failed as "Setting new software channels" earlier, but it looks like it's running now16:15
ldurosoh no, still got the error16:16
lduros"Could not calculate the upgrade"16:16
ldurosthis is the full msg16:16
Unit193That doesn't really help much. :P  Can you either check logs or run do-release-upgrade  ?16:18
ldurostrying do release upgrade first16:18
ldurosthere are lots of errors with dl.google.com, which I think is because I installed Chrome from there16:20
ldurosNeeded both Chromium and Chrome for testing something16:20
ldurosoddly enough there are other errors: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Translation-en_US16:21
Unit193I'd guess it's the additional repos/PPAs.  I'd just follow along with what it says, or check any logs under /var/log/dist-upgrade/16:22
lduroshmmm, ok, i'll investigate this later, thanks :) I thought it would be a quick thing looks like i'll have to postpone this :). thanks again16:24
Mobbadhi im having problems whit samba on xubuntu 14.04 some willing to help?19:28
baizon!ask | Mobbad19:35
ubottuMobbad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:35
MobbadHi, im having file sharing problems between my xubuntu and win8. I can find the comp and brows it but i cant see any folders, and samba won´t start. Can any one point me in the right direction ?19:37
sidiMobbad, i'm not a Xubuntu user so cannot actually help but you need to describe whether you're trying to see Ubuntu files from Windows or the other way around20:03
sidias a matter of fact, Windows is unable to read some of the filesystem formats used by Linux, such as ext3/ext4. You'd need to put your shared data on a FAT32 or NTFS share most probably. Note that these filesystems formats do not support symbolic links.20:03
Mobbadim trying to see my shared files on my windows comp from my xubuntu comp20:05
Mobbadas i said i can see the windows computer on the network and connect to it. but i see no files on it.20:08
sidiMobbad, probably a permission problem on your windows computer then20:11
Mobbadok, will check that later when i get permission to sit on that computer from the mrs20:15
Mobbadthanks for the taking the time to answer anyway :)20:17
sidiyou're welcome20:26
GeekDudeI've put a TV tuner card into my desktop, and I'm using the composite input on it. I can't get VLC to show anything, but it does show up (with interlacing and kinda blurry) in xawtv21:54
GeekDudeI've tried to no avail to get it to play in both VLC and mplayer, but I just can't get it to work21:54
GeekDudeDoes anyone here have any tips I could try?21:54
GeekDudeSeems the "tvtime" application works as well, and it gives a much better pictures22:05
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dchilanohi everyone23:41
dchilanoI just downloaded an install binary for securstick and nothing happened when trying to execute it.23:42
dchilanohow can I be sure that it just didn't run and that perhaps it isn't something malicious?23:42
GeekDudeTry checking in the task manager if its process is running or not23:43
dchilanohow do I check the task manager?23:44
GeekDudeopen the whisker menu, type task manager, run task manager, and scroll through the process list looking for the name of the file you tried to execute23:44
knomedchilano, generally, never download binaries or applications from sources you don't completely trust23:45
dchilanoknome: I don't know what I was thinking23:45
dchilanoknome: what do you think? http://snag.gy/5lZmu.jpg23:50
knomedchilano, about what?23:51
dchilanoabout the proccesses named "SecurStick-linux"23:51
dchilanoif, you don't mind my asking?23:52
knomewell i think you have processes named that running23:52
knomei don't know what they are supposed to do23:52

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