
=== mfisch is now known as Guest22817
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=== Guest22817 is now known as mfisch
smoserharlowja_at_home, ping16:39
smoseryou want to be on a cloud-init talk submission for ods-vancouver16:40
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/10144643/ <-- abstract16:40
harlowja_at_homeyo yo, will check when i get into work, bb17:11
larskssmoser: are new commits still going to lp:cloud-init, or has all work (even maintenance) moved to github?17:35
smoserlarsks, my plan is to keep cloud-init 0.7.x on launchpad/bzr for near term.17:36
larskssmoser: Thanks.17:36
robjoHi, how do I prevent host key regeneration?17:55
robjoThe situation is that I am trying to switch running instances from initialization framework $HOMEBREW to cloud-init17:56
robjoafter reboot the host key is regenerated, but there was a hostkey already, and I need to prevent this from heppening?17:56
harlowjasmoser whats up dawg18:04
larsksrobjo: it looks like you should be able set 'ssh_deletekeys' to 'false' to prevent cloud-init from deleteing and re-generating keys.18:06
robjolarsks: thanks will test this18:06
smoseryou want to be on a cloud-init talk submission for ods-vancouver18:07
smoserharlowja, ^18:07
harlowjasmoser ohhh, sureeee18:08
harlowjasmoser like a talk or like a presentation?18:08
harlowja*not a session right?18:08
smoserpresentation, yeah.18:09
smoseras in https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2015/call-for-speakers/TalkDetails/18:09
smoseri need a catchy title.18:09
harlowjaClick and Clack talk Cloud-init18:10
harlowja*u can be click18:10
harlowjai'll be clack18:10
smoseri didn't realize californians listened to npr18:12
* harlowja not in a while, ha18:13
harlowjasometimes :-P18:13
harlowjai thought car-talk over though18:13
robjolarsks: Thanks, worked :)18:35
larsksrobjo: \o/18:36
jseunhi! I am facing a strange behaviour with cloud-init: it seems that I cannot change the default username 'ubuntu' in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file to something else.  I get a bunch of error like Failed to set passwords, etc... as if the user creation failed earlier in the boot process.19:12
jseunbut naming it 'ubuntu' again works flawlessly19:13
larsksjseun: what version of cloud-init is in use?19:22
jseunlarsks: 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.319:27
larsksjseun: Interesting.  If I boot a Trusty image on my openstack environment, using this user-data file: http://chunk.io/f/c170788bd870459185833da5fbcfd3b819:31
larsks...it just works.  That is, the 'example' user is created instead of 'ubuntu',  and I can log into the 'example' account using my ssh key.19:31
jseunlarsks: interesting indeed.  I'll disable clearing the console so I can see what's going on19:33
jseunthanks for having a look19:33
jseunhmm.. I did not use that syntax, larsks (looking at your user-data)19:34
jseun  default_user:19:35
jseun    name: docker19:35
jseunthat's how I specified the default user19:35
jseunI'll try your way19:35
larsksHope it works! :)19:35
smoserjseun, that should work also19:57
smoserand actually is the "new" er way to do that.19:57
jseunsmoser: neither worked for me. cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints.py and friends fail if I change the default username, which is strange.  I am trying to get more debug informations from the console buffer since I am locked out.20:01
smoserjseun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10147330/20:04
smoserthat just "worked for me" on a trusty instance20:04
smoserjseun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10147350/ and that one for vivid20:05
jseunsmoser: allright, so it does work.  I'll have to see what happens on my side.  I am using cloud-init to configure a custom live CD image based on Ubuntu Core 14.04 (see http://github.com/jseun/ucldh)20:10
harmwharlowja: any experience with glusterfs?20:10
harmw(or anyone else, for that matter)20:11
larsksharmw: a *litttte* experience with glusterfs.20:13
harmwok, fair enough20:13
harmwand how was that experience :)20:14
larsksharmw: well...it seemed super easy to setup, and I was happy with my little experiement.  I wasn't doing anything performance (I was using it to provide shared storage in a test kubernetes cluster).20:14
harmwhm hm hm20:15
larsksharmw: there is a #gluster channel, too :)20:15
harmwsure, but I'm not after biased answers :P20:15
harmwI had a tiny ceph deploymnt that worked, kinda20:16
harmwinterested in gluster, if it's any good to replace ceph20:16
smoserjseun, ah. nice. maybe you're not finding a datasource?20:17
smoserjseun, one thing i might do for debuggin is use 'backdoor-image' 20:17
smoserbasically will just inject another user (backdoor user) into a system20:17
smoserinto an image or into a target root directory20:18
jseunoh yes! that's just what i need right now20:18
smosersee the usage http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/backdoor-image/view/head:/backdoor-image20:18
* harmw cloud insert some random NSA-based joke here20:18
* harmw allows harlowja to do just that20:18
* harlowja runs away20:19
smoserwell, that tool by default inserts the user 'backdoor', so it tries to be up front about everything20:19
smoserHEY! i'm putting a backdoor into your system !20:19
smoserthen later, you say:20:19
smoser hm... why is there a user 'backdoor' here... i wonder if thats a good thing.20:19
harmwconsipiray and clever mindtricks20:19
jseunsmoser: i could not add the docker user because the docker group already exists : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10147940/20:54
jseunhaving docker group in primary-group directive should fix it i think20:55
jseunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10148316/ <-- how would you guys tell cloud-init to create this default user with a primary-group already created?21:20

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