
=== codebugmx is now known as varonX
floowndougl: I have desactivated the 3D acceleration and it works now00:17
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mattnpatSomeone talked?02:08
mattnpatHave you tried turning it off and on?02:08
mattnpatEdit fstab.02:08
Guest15259help exit02:08
mattnpatHelp exit?02:08
mattnpatYou need to exit something?02:08
Guest15259i am from brasil02:09
mattnpatOh, I understand.02:09
mattnpatDescribe the problem.02:09
Guest15259no sping ingles02:09
Guest15259no ingles02:09
mattnpatYou don't speak english?02:10
mattnpatAm I scaring you away?02:10
Guest15259yes, no speak english02:10
mattnpatI don't believe you?02:10
mattnpatI think?02:10
Guest15259bay, bay02:11
mattnpatJesus christ, I should get my shit together.02:11
mattnpatI don't even fucking use Kubuntu.02:12
mattnpatQuassel just connected to this channel by default.02:12
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James0ris this the channel for kde 5 support/talk ?06:45
James0rhaving issues with kwin repeatedly crashing when i enable compositing. had no issues on kde406:46
valorieJames0r, more on #ubuntu+106:56
valorieand issues with kwin, probably best on #plasma06:56
valorievery early morning for the kwin devels though06:57
James0rright right. i'm out in asia so used to long waits for replies :)06:58
James0rvalorie: thx. i'll try #plasma06:59
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lordievaderGood morning.08:41
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soee_good morning09:15
lordievaderHey soee_, how are you?09:20
soee_lordievader: im fine, you :) ?09:21
=== kevin is now known as Guest85931
lordievaderStruggeling with a radeon driver.09:22
soee_and i can't help you here :) i had never in my life any ati cards09:23
lordievadersoee_: It's also on gentoo.09:23
soee_oh, even more unknown zone for me09:23
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LynoureI have a weird network manager problem11:15
LynoureWhen I now try to connect to a VPN, the network manager says "Needs authorization" (that's normal), but the window asking for password does not show anywhere on either of my Activities11:16
LynoureHow can I find it?11:16
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:42
Captain_HaddockHi BluesKaj11:43
BluesKajHey Captain_Haddock11:43
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designbybeckWhy do media keys on keyboards work out of the box with Ubuntu but not Kubuntu?14:52
lordievaderdesignbybeck: Because nothing has been bound to them?14:57
lordievaderdesignbybeck: Also please don't crosspost.14:59
designbybecknot everyone is in the same channels... and them not being bound doesn't explain why they work in Ubuntu, but not Kubuntu. I don't know why that isn't a standard default in Kubuntu14:59
likemindeadBeen a Xubuntu user for many years. Looking to try Kubuntu. Convince me?15:16
Captain_Haddocklikemindead: That's what the Live DVD is for :)15:27
designbybecklikemindead, I do recommend trying out the Numix theme! Here is a good video showing how to set it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzlJsIXStg015:28
likemindeadMy laptop is eight years old, a Lenovo 3000 N100. I upped the RAM to the max 2GB. Think it will run Kubuntu well?15:30
=== 5EXAAGD9V is now known as ayushpix
lordievaderlikemindead: Yes. Though browsers with a lot of tabs open will likely kill it.15:37
lordievaderMy old laptop was a c2d with 2Gb ram, ran fine.15:37
likemindeadScore. I don't do much on here. Web browser, XChat, occasional LibreOffice, & some NES/SNES/SEGA emulation.15:38
lordievaderlikemindead: Should suffice then ;) Try a live-dvd/usb I'd say.15:42
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ngaioWhat do I need to install to browse the Qt 5 docs? Qt 4 Assistant?17:43
wxlso if i turn my bluetooth mouse off and back on, it doesn't connect. is that to be expected?17:53
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rghvdbergok, I'm stupid ... can't change wallpaper of the desktop18:46
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alkethow do you mount the SSD from HDD ?20:24
bprompt_alket:   come again?20:29
alketbprompt_: actually problem is even deeper20:29
alketi have 14.10 in SSD , 14.04 in HDD , when i boot with SSD , it starts as 14.10 but ends up with 14.0420:29
bprompt_well... posting only a segment of the story, won't help eithetr20:29
alketbprompt_: what i want ,is to transfer my files from HDD to SSD , im in SSD now, KDE Partition Manager shows SSD , but Dolphin doesn't20:33
bprompt_alket:      what does kde partition manager say about it?   is it empty, does it have a partition in it? is it full?  does it have any data in it?20:36
bprompt_about the hdd that is20:36
alketbprompt_: https://paste.kde.org/pb21akoc220:37
bprompt_hmmm that doesn't look like the kde partition manager :/20:42
mattnpatCome again?20:43
alketalso this https://paste.kde.org/pjkbna22n20:43
mattnpatDo you have gparted?20:43
bprompt_hehee, the paste above20:43
alketnow i tried from konsole20:43
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alketsince/dev/sda1 looks like iit20:43
mattnpatI'm not good with these things.20:43
alketyeah, talk about it20:44
mattnpatWhat what?20:44
mattnpatOh, sorry, wrong IRC.20:44
mattnpatI'm using quassel.20:44
mattnpatI'm supposed to be on some IRC for people with video games or something.20:45
=== soee_ is now known as soee
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