
wxlpleia2: hope it went well!04:39
rwwit did :)04:41
wxlhow many people did you have?04:41
rwwabout 1204:41
wxl(perhaps we should take this to -offtopic since it's not necessraily support related)04:41
=== TheSchaf2 is now known as TheSchaf
fishcookerhttp://picpaste.com/Selection_065-HOIco0J9.png too many battery indicator11:54
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cinimoon1Trusty. GeForce 8400 GS. seconds after GUI loads horizontal squiggly lines pixels to 3 centimeters long appears and computer freezes. There is enough time to login and load the desktop sometimes. Freeze can be avoided by switching to virtual terminal.16:41
DirksonHey all. Whenever lubuntu asks for a password (gksudo??), it allows you to select a user - And displays the wrong user. How do I change which user it defaults to?18:20
wxlDirkson: more specific example, please. what steps are necessary to reproduce the problem?18:23
Dirksonwxl: Near as I'm aware, have more than one user and try to do anything gui-related that requires superuser permissions.18:24
wxlDirkson: like opening synaptic, for example?18:24
DirksonYup, that'll do 'er : )18:24
wxli don't remember it showing a user18:25
wxlthe user should be YOU18:25
DirksonWell, I do have more than one user on the system. It does not appear to default to the currently logged in user.18:25
wxlit sure should18:25
DirksonThat would be fine, if it could be made to do that : )18:26
ianorlinwaht would the bug be filed against?18:26
wxlit should be a default18:26
wxlok i see where it asks for the user18:26
wxlmine defaults to the standard user18:26
ianorlinI think it is in alphabetical order18:26
wxlwhat version are you running?18:26
Dirksonwxl: 14.something? Freshly installed18:27
wxlDirkson: lsb_release -a18:27
Dirksonwxl: 14.04.1 LTS18:29
Dirksonianorlin: My list is currently "Dirkson" and "Andy", and it defaults to "Dirkson"18:30
ianorlinhmm might be by user number then18:30
DirksonAndy is user 1000, dirkson is user 100118:31
DirksonAndy also comes before dirkson in /etc/passwd18:31
wxli have user foo (1000) and user bar (1001) and foo (currently logged in user) pops up18:34
wxli.e. i cannot reproduce18:34
Dirksonwxl: Well, does whatever this tool is have a configuration I could be editing?18:40
wxlDirkson: not that i'm aware of, but i'm investigating further18:40
wxlso i used my other user and it defaults to the original one18:41
wxlbut my user isn't in there either18:42
wxlsince i'm not in sudoers18:42
Dirksonwxl: Interesting18:44
wxlok now i can confirm that behavior18:45
wxlnon-sudo users will not show up in the list18:45
Dirksonwxl: I did have to recreate the 'andy' user, because it somehow got corrupted. So it may technically be the 'second' user as far as this thing is concerned. (Although I don't know how it determines that)18:45
wxlbut, the default is not necessarily currently logged uer18:45
DirksonI would really rather keep the dirkson user around, so I can log in remotely and fix things for him.18:46
=== dzho is now known as joebio
Dirksonwxl: Ah! It's the order in which users appear in the 'sudo' group of /etc/group18:48
wxlDirkson: there ya go. pkexec is doing the heavy lifting, fwiw.18:49
Dirksonwxl: Interesting ^^ Thanks for walking through it with me - I would never have thought to check the groups file if you hadn't mentioned sudoers18:50
wxlDirkson: as far as pkexec is concerned, i found that by looking at what grep Exec /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop was, which was synaptic-pkexec which is a shell script calling pkexec18:51
pleia2wxl: the jam wen't quite well! someone even showed up with another G4 Mac! Unfortunately we couldn't get it working in a live session (alternate booted, but he didn't want to install, just wanted to do live testing)  and he didn't know the specs of the machine to report the failure :\19:06
wxlpleia2: trusty or vivid?19:07
pleia2wxl: vivid19:07
pleia2my PPC G4 works fine, but it always does since I do testing here and there :)19:07
wxlpleia2: hm. curious. what exactly happened?19:08
pleia2get to standard boot> prompt in the cd, then black screen forever19:08
wxlpleia2: many thanks for that, by the way. i've got a new ppc machine being kicked down to me and i'm looking to give it to someone (or give them the g5 tower)19:08
wxlpleia2: sounds like graphic issues. did you try opening a virtual terminal?19:09
pleia2no, just tried using the alternate vo= whatever options in the boot menu19:09
wxlyeah that's probably your problem19:09
wxlbasically if you get a blank screen (but not the old flashing cursor), try opening a virtual terminal. if you get one, it's definiately a grpahics issue19:10
wxlwherein the answer lies here somewhere https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Configure_graphics19:10
pleia2good to know, I'll follow up with him to suggest it, the ctl+alt+f-key way to get to virt terminal?19:10
pleia2thanks :)19:11
wxlalthough i think in mac you have to add a key in there19:11
wxlcommand or something19:11
wxlit's been a while :)19:11
* pleia2 nods19:11
pleia2I'll have a look19:11
wxlif the user has further problems, please have them get in touch19:11
pleia2will do :)19:18

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