
=== wojdev_ is now known as wojdev
=== Tribaal_ is now known as Tribaal
roaksoaxmpontillo: you dont sleep ? :)10:17
mpontillogood morning ;-) not today.. I keep thinking I should...!10:18
mpontillo(did you just wake up or do you stay up that late?)10:18
roaksoaxmpontillo: haha its 2 for you isnt it? you should go get some rest :)10:18
roaksoaxmpontillo: i just woke up10:19
mpontilloroaksoax: 5am is early for me, but I'm trying to think of how to shift my hours for optimal communication. I seem to do better staying up late than waking up early10:24
roaksoaxmpontillo: yeah. we can talk about that later, although the only thing i could.offer is a pontential.early start10:25
roaksoaxmpontillo: but we can talk later10:25
roaksoaxmpontillo: go get some rest :)10:25
mpontillowill do - night all =)10:25
dimiternmpontillo, hey, welcome to the team! :)10:48
gadagowonder if anyone can help...12:27
gadagoI'm just trying to get started with maas, and have been following the guide here https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/index.html12:28
gadagoI've got to the point where my node PCE boots and appears to go through the commissioning stage12:29
gadagoit now has a status of ready in the nodes list, but upon booting it, it just seems to go through the enlisting process again, then shuts down12:29
gadagonow I'm stuck in that cycle and not sure what to do12:29
gadagocould anyone help?12:30
dimiterngadago, what are you trying to do?12:37
dimiterngadago, once the node is in ready state, you can use it with juju or something else, but you need to acquire it via the MAAS API (juju will that for you); if you simply try to boot it, it won't work, as maas does not know you want to allocate this node and thinks it needs to re-enlist it12:38
gadagodimitern, I think the issue is cause I didn't allocate a SSH key to it yet12:39
gadagoit seems to be doing something now12:40
dimiterngadago, you also need to allocate the node to yourself in maas, so it becomes "Allocated to myuser", rather than ready12:40
gadagoI'm trying to understand the concept of maas...12:40
dimiternthen you can safely boot it and maas won't interfere12:40
gadagowill the server always pxe boot, or will it install one of the images to the local disk?12:41
gadagoit seems to be going through the ubuntu installation process at the moment.12:42
gadagothe ultimate objective here is to build an openstack environment, so I'm just trying to make sure I go in the right direction12:43
dimiterngadago, so the initial phase of discovery, when maas probes what nodes are on the network, via pxe booting, commissioning, etc. ends up with a node being "ready" to allocate for workloads12:45
dimiterngadago, then, when it's ready and allocated, you can start it via maas, which will trigger the machine to boot the image you requested (via the MAAS) api, and install that cleanly on the first boot12:46
dimiterngadago, then, maas releases the control to that machine to you to do whatever you see fit; rebooting the node after that process has completed will cause the node to boot from the local disk rather than the network12:47
dimiterngadago, and finally, when you're done with the node, you deallocate it via maas so it becomes ready again12:48
gadagodimitern, thank you for the explanation12:50
gadagodimitern, could you point me in the direction of where to go to do the openstack part? I'm after a quick-start guide just so I can grasp the basic concepts, bit of a howto if you like12:51
dimiterngadago, how many physical machines are you planing to deploy openstack with maas on?12:53
gadagoI have 4 compute nodes, with another virtual environment to be able to set up controller/network nodes etc12:54
dimiterngadago, you could do it on 2 machines (even 1, but that's too extreme) - one for compute (with enough ram to be able to run nodes in kvm containers), one for everything else12:56
dimiterngadago, unfortunately I don't have ready links for how to do that in steps, but if you search for deploying openstack with maas on two machines, there are a bunch of guides12:57
dimiterngadago, also, consider looking into autopilot12:57
dimiternyou'll need a few more machines I think, but it lets you deploy openstack really easy on maas12:58
gadagodimitern, thank you for your help12:58
dimiterngadago, no worries, I hope you get it working12:59
gadagodimitern, is it best to install openstack (landscape) onto a different server to the maas server?13:05
dimiterngadago, I can't say for sure, but please join #ubuntu-autopilot and I'm sure somebody there can help you further13:07
gadagoLooks like it can be a separate machine :)13:08
=== medberry is now known as med_
=== Noob is now known as Guest1765
=== kiko changed the topic of #maas to: MAAS: Ubuntu's bare-metal provisioning tool | 1.7.1 released: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/1.7.1 | Docs: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.7/ | Mailing list https://launchpad.net/~maas-devel
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== wojdev_ is now known as wojdev
=== mwenning is now known as mwenning-rr5

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