
Mirvbzoltan_: strange. my last full test run was I think on Wed, and all I experienced was some test essentially stalling so I needed to kill a process to continue. some other runs completed without interaction06:09
bzoltan_Mirv: For me it is Vivid exclusive ... like vivid image + vivid desktop07:26
bzoltan_Mirv:  do you know anybody around who could ack the UITK landing?07:26
Mirvbzoltan_: sure I could find, but I'm looking at the gles package first for it07:45
Mirvbzoltan_: test build went fine, I'm now doing the real build07:54
Mirvvery weird, it's as if it would pick bzoltan_'s other MP (completely different, rtm) watch file or something..08:08
Mirvoh, no, I had wrong MP myself08:09
bzoltan_Mirv:  Ohh man, I did indeed forget about the gles package. Sorry.08:39
sil2100ricmm: hey, hm, where did silo 8 for rtm go?08:43
sil2100ricmm: ah, I see, Ricardo pushed it without landing the silo08:43
Mirvbzoltan_: both built and published. synced the packaging changes too.08:48
sil2100john-mcaleely: hey, can you please be on the morning landing meeting? Since those changing factory requirements are starting to get confusing08:55
bzoltan_Mirv:  I just simple love you man :) Thanks a bunch09:19
john-mcaleelysil2100, ack09:27
popeyoSoMoN: do we have a bug to track the "download android app" popup we get in the HERE webapp?09:53
popeyI couldn't find one.09:53
oSoMoNpopey, I thought we did, but a quick search didn’t yield any results09:54
popeyoSoMoN: I'll file one. lp:webbrowser-app ?09:55
oSoMoNpopey, yes please09:56
sil2100ogra_, john-mcaleely: binaries copied, but I had to copy them to -proposed in 14.09-factory since it didn't permit me to upload directly ;p09:57
popeyi updated my krillin this morning and now adb shell refuses to connect - i just get "error: device not found"10:05
popeytried rebooting and unplug/replug10:05
popeyoSoMoN: found it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/141402910:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1414029 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "HERE asks to download the Android app on first launch" [Low,Confirmed]10:06
popeylow seems inappropriate to me10:07
oSoMoNpopey, ha, thanks. lp bug search sucks, I did a search for webbrowser-app project with "here" keyword, and it didn’t find it10:07
oSoMoNpopey, do you happen to know who our POC at here is? this is something that should be fixed on their side, really10:09
popeyoSoMoN: I don't. victor p probably does.10:09
oSoMoNyeah, I’ll ask him10:10
popeyogra_: is there some udev nonsense that hasn't made its way to vivid (on my laptop) which prevents my adb from working?10:11
ogra_popey, with what device ?10:13
ogra_no, we havent  changed anything around this in a while10:13
popeywonder why I suddenly can't adb in10:13
popeykinda blocks me doing anything.10:13
ogra_did you unlock the screen ?10:14
john-mcaleelypopey, is your screen locked?10:14
popey :)10:14
ogra_heh, do that then10:14
popeyyes, you to, no to john-mcaleely10:14
popeyadbd is running (checked in terminal)10:14
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab$ adb shell10:15
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ logout10:15
ogra_works here10:15
popeyadb devices shows nothing10:15
ogra_(and i just upgraded 20min ago or so)10:15
popeyrunning 230 from 1409-proposed10:15
popeytried disabling / re-enabling developer mode10:15
* ogra_ is on 230 too10:16
ogra_did you try restarting the adb server on the PC ?10:16
popeyjust done again10:16
ogra_do you see USB connect events in syslog or dmesg when you connect it ?10:17
ogra_very strange10:18
popeymtp works fine10:18
ogra_if you: adb kill-server ; sudo adb devices ...10:18
ogra_does it show then ?10:18
popeyyes :(10:19
ogra_yeah, sounds like udev10:19
ogra_i wonder if anything in udev iself changed on vivid10:19
rvrpopey: Hey10:19
ogra_ask pitti perhaps10:19
popeyrvr: hey, will look at your music thing once I get past this adb issue10:19
popeythanks ogra_10:19
rvrpopey: Ok10:20
rvrsil2100: john-mcaleely: I will be testing the hot fix. Ping me when the channel is ready, please.10:20
rvrsil2100: Do you have any ETA?10:20
sil2100rvr: hey!10:25
sil2100rvr: we should have the channel finalized soon, which means we'll be able to build a new image with the 2 fixes in the rootfs10:25
sil2100ogra_: I think we didn't have an ubuntu-rtm image with the 2 hot-fix packages, right? Or is it only my commitlogs lying?10:26
rvrsil2100: Ack10:26
sil2100ogra_: maybe it would be good to kick a new ubuntu-rtm image to have a standard 14.09 image to test against with the new device and custom bits?10:27
ogra_yeah, let me check10:27
sil2100Since we anyway need to land those 2 tarballs for 14.09 as well, not only for the new 14.09-factory10:27
ogra_imgbot, status 23010:28
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-02-09 03:02:17 UTC, Finished: 2015-02-09 03:53:45 UTC10:28
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch/+build/1953610:28
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/230.changes10:28
ogra_sil2100, 229 had it10:29
ogra_imgbot, status 22910:29
popeyrvr: confirmed url-dispatcher crash10:29
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-02-07 20:09:02 UTC, Finished: 2015-02-07 21:01:00 UTC10:29
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch/+build/1948410:29
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/229.changes10:29
popeyrvr: will file a bug.10:29
sil2100Crap, right!10:29
sil2100ogra_: yeah, indeed, didn't see it as it wasn't noted as a CI Train landing10:30
rvrpopey: Ok, I will mark the card as failed in trello.10:30
popeythanks rvr10:30
sil2100ogra_: thanks for double-checking10:30
ogra_sil2100, yeah, i think rsalveti had to dput10:30
ogra_(seeing the packlog)10:30
cjwatsonFYI folks, the URLs for proposed-migration output have changed a bit - for ubuntu-rtm, they now have the series prepended.  see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ubuntu-rtm/10:45
cjwatsonneeded to do that in order to support 14.09 and 14.09-factory both being live in parallel10:45
Chipacatrainguards, could I have a silo for row #83? sil2100 this includes the merge from rtm and a fix to the FTBFS in vivid.10:48
sil2100Chipaca: let me take a look10:51
sil2100john-mcaleely, ogra_, jibel: I'm building the first 14.09-factory image right now11:08
jibelsil2100, k11:09
sil2100My first build job ever started, a bit rough but I think next time I'll just use screen for it ;)11:09
sil2100As recommended by Colin11:09
ogra_sil2100, haha, he recommends that to me too since years ...11:11
ogra_(and i havent managed til today to use screen for more than serial terminals in my workflow ... )11:12
sil2100I use screen most of the time locally, I put my irssi clients in those out of habit11:12
sil2100Was very useful when I was testing new unity/compiz packages back in the old days11:12
sil2100Of course, it's better to have an IRC shell, which I also use sometimes11:13
ogra_yeah, many do ... i never got into that and just plaster my desktop with terminal windows :)11:13
ogra_(i guess thats just the gamer in me needing a reason for three monitors)11:15
sil2100Only working on a dual-screen here11:16
john-mcaleelysil2100, device tarball, as discussed ^11:22
sil2100john-mcaleely: passed your QA \o/ ?11:26
john-mcaleelysil2100, yes11:26
sil2100john-mcaleely: ok, then let's get those 2 device tarball changes + the custom tarball into QA11:26
sil2100jibel, rvr: hey guys, so the plan is:11:27
sil2100jibel, rvr: we have a 14.09-factory-proposed image building (the snapshot-based image + the rootfs fixes for the hot-fix)11:27
sil2100jibel, rvr: we need the device and custom tarballs tested for both the 14.09-proposed and 14.09-factory-proposed images11:27
sil2100jibel, rvr: 14.09-factory-proposed is still building, but in the meantime you coudl already start testing the change on standard 14.0911:28
sil2100jibel, rvr: once the 14.09-factory-proposed first build finishes, then you could double-confirm it's all alright on that one as well11:29
cjwatsonSo you still want the first factory image to be with the older device/custom tarballs?11:29
sil2100After we get those 2 +1's from you, we'll push the tarballs11:29
sil2100cjwatson: with the ones that are currently available - it's what's happening now, right?11:30
rvrsil2100: Ok, so I need the instructions to test with 14.09-proposed.11:30
sil2100Since the new tarballs didn't get published anywhere in public right now11:30
cjwatsonWell, I haven't saved the new system-image configuration yet11:31
sil2100cjwatson: ah, ok :)11:31
cjwatsonBut it was what I previously understood the plan to be, so was checking11:31
john-mcaleelysil2100, build one with the old tarballs we have time11:31
sil2100cjwatson: ^11:31
sil2100cjwatson: well, it doesn't matter anyway as we will be only testing 14.09-factory-proposed with the new tarballs11:32
sil2100But yeah11:32
sil2100Best if first it fetches the old ones, it will make testing easier11:32
sil2100We won't be publishing anything in blind then11:32
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!11:32
cjwatsonSeparately FYI, there'll be rolling LP builder downtime in a bit since we're doing a launchpad-buildd upgrade11:33
cjwatsonPlease let us know if there are any super-urgent builds that mustn't be interrupted11:33
rvrjohn-mcaleely: sil2100: To test with 14.09-proposed, what do I need to do?11:35
john-mcaleelyrvr do you want to test the custom & device together, or separately?11:35
john-mcaleelysil2100, ^11:36
rvrjohn-mcaleely: What are the changes in the custom and in the device?11:37
john-mcaleelyrvr are you on qa-team mailing list?11:38
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Yes, reading the emails11:38
sil2100rvr: so first you upgrade to the 14.09-proposed latest image on you krillin - the actual upgrade of the tarballs I guess john-mcaleely can help you with11:39
sil2100rvr: thanks!11:39
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Ok, so device tarball enables factory wipe, and custom tarball allows to reboot, wipe (I suppose this needs device tarball) and power off.11:43
john-mcaleelyrvr yup11:44
rvrjohn-mcaleely: I'll test device+custom at the same time.11:45
john-mcaleelyrvr, I've emailed you11:55
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Received11:55
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john-mcaleelysil2100, The device tarball above ^ is the one to land in #17, and is the one rvr has a pointer to :-)11:57
sil2100john-mcaleely: got the e-mail, thanks for forwarding all communication :) Let's get this tested and released11:58
Chipacatrainguards, silo 8 (row 83) ready to go12:06
MirvChipaca: ok12:09
Chipacasil2100: fyi the bug seems to be a bug in go 1.3's c-stack garbage collector. Still digging some more, and will file a bug with go when we've got it pared down a bit more.12:10
MirvChipaca: MP not top-approved12:10
ChipacaMirv: 'tis now :)12:11
cjwatsonsil2100: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed krillin #2 exists now12:11
sil2100cjwatson: \o/ Thanks for confirming12:12
sil2100rvr: so, once you're done with testing 14.09-proposed, you can flash to ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed and sanity-check if all is ok as well?12:13
* sil2100 needs to jump out for lunch12:13
sil2100I'll be reading this IRC if anything urgent pops up12:13
MirvChipaca: thanks! :)12:14
davmor3MIRV: I'm not here today you might want to recommend someone else12:25
Mirvsure thing dave12:27
jgdxtrainguards: Halp! I can't install rtm silo 7. Basically, u-s-s says it depends on >= 0.70 of a package and the candidate is 0.70-ppa-etc.12:37
Mirvjgdx: the u-s-s dependency is wrong, instead of "qtdeclarative5-ofono0.2 (>=0.70)," it should be "qtdeclarative5-ofono0.2 (>=0.70~),"12:42
Mirvso, it needs a rebuild with that12:42
jgdxMirv, ah, k. Thanks12:42
jgdxMirv, and that change is picked up automatically…12:52
rvrjohn-mcaleely: I installed 14.09-proposed with device tarball (alone), and did touch /data/.factory_wipe. How is it triggered? Rebooting didn't reset the system.13:02
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Mirvjgdx: hm? I see you update the MP, so yes now you should try a rebuild13:08
jgdxMirv, k13:08
cjwatsonsil2100: Should we switch over to the new URLs in order to get an updated build in parallel with QA?13:09
Mirvjgdx: ubuntu-system-settings in PACKAGES_TO_REBUILD13:10
jgdxMirv, right13:11
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john-mcaleelyrvr, *#0704#* in the dialler13:41
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sil2100cjwatson: what do you mean?14:04
cjwatsonsil2100: Well, AIUI QA is currently testing 14.09-factory-proposed krillin #2, which uses the old device and custom tarballs, but we want to deliver an image using the new device and custom tarballs by end of day Spain14:09
cjwatsonsil2100: Shouldn't we be building such an image kind of NOW, even if QA is still testing the old one?14:09
om26erbzoltan_, is silo5 ready now ?14:13
bzoltan_om26er:  yes, it is14:13
om26erbzoltan_, do you have the latest testing results14:14
bzoltan_om26er: duuude :) it takes 8-10 hours ... for vivid landing it took 48 because of the reboot loops14:14
sil2100cjwatson: QA is testing the new tarballs as well, they usually do it by installing the old image and manually getting the tarballs on top of it14:15
sil2100cjwatson: that way they can test if it's good to land without us having to revert the tarball uploads in case of any problems14:15
sil2100cjwatson: so let's wait for their test results and then built it once it's all ok :)14:16
cjwatsonsil2100: Can I assume that this is all in your hands now and I don't need to mangle configuration, then?14:16
bzoltan_om26er:  unless if you agree that this change -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/haptics-feedback-singleton/revision/1148 wil not effect the test results and accept my previous tests14:16
sil2100cjwatson: all is ok so far, thanks :)14:16
cjwatsonWith sensible capitalisation14:17
om26erbzoltan_, the change looks simple enough, though I am not the expert there.14:17
om26erbzoltan_, i'll just go ahead with my verification and cross my fingers.14:18
bzoltan_om26er: if you want i can run the test plan... it will just take time. Earliest by tomorrow morning... with some luck14:18
rvrsil2100: john-mcaleely: Sanity tests pass on 14.09-proposed + device tarball (not proposed-customized + device + tarball).14:20
om26erbzoltan_, I think the risk here is probably we could see a crash with that change in some case. So perhaps running the test plan again will help us be sure.14:21
john-mcaleelythanks rvr14:21
rvrjohn-mcaleely: I asked about how to check device tarball with proposed, since I understand it doesn't have the MMI fix.14:21
john-mcaleelyrvr, ah, I see. sorry, I don't know a wau14:21
rvrjohn-mcaleely: I touched /data/.factory_wipe and rebooted hoping it will do something, but it didn't.14:22
rvrricmm: ping14:22
rvrjohn-mcaleely: And ricmm must be resting... Ok. I am flashing custom-proposed with device tarball.14:25
john-mcaleelyrvr, sounds good14:31
sil2100rvr: could you also repeat the same tests for 14.09-factory-proposed?14:32
rvrsil2100: What's the difference between that and proposed-customized?14:33
sil2100rvr: proposed-customized? I mean, now you took the tarballs and installed them on top of an image from the ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed channel, right?14:35
sil2100rvr: we would need the same tarballs tested against an image from ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed, which is has basically everything as the last image we promoted14:35
sil2100rvr: we need it tested on that as this will be what will be sent out to the client essentially14:36
rvrsil2100: I installed the device tarball +  ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed, but the custom tarball is only available as an image in 14.09-proposed-customized.14:36
sil2100john-mcaleely, cwayne: is there any way to install the custom tarball on an image from a different channel?14:37
rvrdevice tarball contains only a couple of changes to allow factory wipe, the other fixes are in the custom tarball.14:37
john-mcaleelysil2100, no14:38
cwaynethat's why we suggested to test device + custom in one go :)14:38
john-mcaleely(well, not in any sane way)14:38
cwayneyeah, there's some hacky ways to do it, but i'd feel more comfortable having it tested from the channel14:38
sil2100So basically we cannot test the custom tarball on top of the last promoted image, right?14:38
sil2100Ok, then it's a bit sad, but I guess we can assume it's ok, get the tarballs published and then just test the new ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed image14:40
sil2100Which will have both tarballs in place14:40
john-mcaleelysil2100, yeah, I think so14:40
sil2100rvr: did you finish all the tests regarding custom and device already, or is there still something left to do?14:41
rvrversion device: 20150129-c75dcfb14:41
rvrversion custom: 20150207-538-29-18314:41
rvrjohn-mcaleely: The version doesn't match, device is 20150209-094615f14:42
john-mcaleelyrvr, yes, that's the behaviour with --device-tarball14:42
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Ok14:42
john-mcaleelythe UI doesn't see the updated version, sadly - it believes the server14:42
john-mcaleelyyou can look at /etc/device-build to be sure14:43
john-mcaleelyrvr, ^14:43
rvrsil2100: I only checked the device part with proposed, now checking the whole thing in proposed-customized14:44
rvrjohn-mcaleely: That file reports the correct version14:44
john-mcaleelyrvr, :-)14:45
rvr"Do you want to reset your phone?" Not translated, but not a big deal, I guess ;D14:47
rvrOk, I can see the wizard. Now waiting 2 minutes.14:49
rvrThis was faster14:49
rvrjohn-mcaleely: It did power off, but I see the red light14:50
rvrIs that right?14:50
john-mcaleelyrvr are you plugged in?14:50
john-mcaleelyrvr, then yes, it goes to charge mode automatically14:50
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rvrWipe also worked14:56
rvrjohn-mcaleely: sil2100: So, features do work as expected. Running sanity suite on proposed-customized + device tarball.14:57
pmcgowanis someone already validating the pay-ui fix15:03
rvrpmcgowan: In the qa team, not that I know. I am pinging them to check.15:04
pmcgowanrvr, thanks as thats also high priority15:05
sil2100rvr: \o/15:06
rvrpmcgowan: om26er will check it.15:07
sil2100rvr: then waiting on your final +1 - once we have that, we get both tarballs in place and then we would again need to get this validated for the -factory image... ;(15:07
rvrsil2100: Ok15:07
dobeyoh ok. was just going to ask if all the qa people were away on national holiday or something today, as the "under testing" column of trello is empty :)15:09
om26erdobey, for pay-ui fix do I need to buy an app using paypal ?15:09
dobeyom26er: just going up to the point of needing to ender the username/password on the paypal page is enough to verify the specific fix, but yes, an app would need to be purchased to test the full flow (that it exits and the app starts installing after a succesful purchase)15:11
om26erdobey, I don't have paypal, I'll make sure to test the plan to the point where I don't need to buy anything with paypal, probably you can help me with that part ?15:13
dobeyom26er: there is a link at the bottom of the paypal page that says "Cancel and Return to 'Canonical Store'" or something like that15:14
dobeyom26er: tapping that should cancel the purcahse15:14
om26erdobey, right, what I want to say is that if we need to test a real purchase perhaps you could do that.15:14
dobeyand back arrow in the toolbar will return to the payment methods page of pay-ui15:14
* dobey can't wait to get refunds implemented15:16
om26erdobey, can you name a few paid apps in the store15:22
pmcgowanom26er, wallet lightener pro15:23
dobeyom26er: search for "price:2.99" (capitalization important there)15:24
sil2100bzoltan_: approval needed https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/small-templ-fix/+merge/249056 !15:24
dobeymaybe i should update the testplan to just say to search for price:foo15:24
dobeyand done15:26
sil2100zbenjamin: https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/small-templ-fix/+merge/249056 <- can you get this approved?15:45
zbenjaminbzoltan_: ^^^15:45
jgdxkenvandine, "testing only" in rtm silo 7, what's the plan?15:55
kenvandinejgdx, have you been able to test all the pieces?15:56
jgdxkenvandine, oui15:56
kenvandinei think it was hard to do that before, because we needed all the packages15:56
jgdxit was15:57
sil2100rvr: how far are you with testing?15:59
sil2100john-mcaleely: how much more time do we have for the image to be released?16:08
john-mcaleelysil2100, not long16:08
sil2100Then I suppose on 14.09-factory we'll only ask rvr to perform tests checking if the new functionality works16:09
rvrI'm finishing with proposed-customized16:09
john-mcaleelysil2100, makes sense16:10
rvrIt took longer because I had a problem with video recording, that cannot reproduce16:10
rvrReflashing takes time16:10
sil2100I'll flash my krillin to 14.09-factory to see if all looks ok with those images on first glance16:10
rvrsil2100: john-mcaleely: Sanity tests passes on proposed-customized16:17
john-mcaleelyrvr, sil2100 \o/16:17
sil2100john-mcaleely, cwayne: could you please upload your tarballs?16:18
john-mcaleelysil2100, I guess it's time for me and cwayne to do some pushing16:18
john-mcaleelysil2100, ack16:18
sil2100IIUC those should be also found and imported to the 14.09-factory-proposed channel16:18
rvrjohn-mcaleely: sil2100: I had a problem with video recording, playing them showed a black screen. But I reflashed with and witouth the tarball and couldn't reproduce.16:18
john-mcaleelyrvr, noted. can you raise a barajas bug - probably a one-off, but worth checking16:19
john-mcaleelysil2100, device tarball pushed16:20
cwaynecustom pushed16:20
rvrjohn-mcaleely: 14.09-factory-proposed needs also --device-tarball, right?16:21
sil2100cjwatson: to double confirm, the tarballs that have been pushed to 14.09-proposed will be also visible now and picked up in 14.09-factory-proposed, right?16:21
john-mcaleelyrvr, now or once there's been one more build?16:23
john-mcaleelyrvr if you wait ~10 mins, I think there will be a build with the right tarball in place16:23
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Ok16:24
* sil2100 just hopes that the importer is enabled16:24
john-mcaleelysil2100, looks like it's dopne16:25
john-mcaleelybuild #3 in factory-proposed is looking good. agreed cwayne ?16:26
john-mcaleely$  ubuntu-device-flash query --show-image --channel ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory --device krillin16:26
john-mcaleely ubuntu-device-flash query --show-image --channel ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed --device krillin16:26
cjwatsonsil2100: should do yes, the URLs matched16:26
rvrjohn-mcaleely: sil2100: jibel has been able to reproduce the problem with the videos16:26
cwaynelooks right to me16:26
john-mcaleelyrvr, ok, so lets see if it's in build #3 of factory-proposed16:27
john-mcaleelysil2100, #3 looks like the promotion candidate, right?16:27
john-mcaleelyrvr, we can hope the video issue is just in current RTM16:30
rvrI only happened with proposed-customized16:33
jibelrvr, I'm bootstrapping rtm/16, it seems to happen only on first boot16:34
cwaynethere's *nothing* in the tarball that could even possibly affect video recording16:34
cwayneso it may be intermittent16:34
jibelcwayne, could the factory reset trigger such a bug?16:35
john-mcaleelyjibel, no, I don't believe so16:35
jibelcwayne, it's only on first boot after a reset16:35
john-mcaleelyjibel, fwiw, I record and play a video with every device tarball16:35
john-mcaleelyjibel, and does the type of reset matter? (through the UI, or through the dialler short code?)16:36
jibeljohn-mcaleely, no idea, I'm trying on rtm/16 and will compare with factory/316:37
john-mcaleelyjibel, makes sense16:37
rvrjibel: I did a factory reset, and video plays fine this time.16:41
sil2100john-mcaleely: hm, #4 should be the candidate I suppose?16:42
john-mcaleelysil2100, er why?16:43
sil2100john-mcaleely: since the image I built in the morning was #2 from what cjwatson said, and we had 2 tarball uploads16:43
jibelrvr, john-mcaleely same problem on #16, I cannot record/play a video on first boot, so not a regression but something to fix ASAP.16:43
john-mcaleelysil2100, #3 has both tarballs16:43
sil2100So I suppose it should trigger 2 builds?16:43
sil2100Oh, nice16:43
john-mcaleelysil2100, I guess it optimised16:43
sil2100Maybe because it got in on one importer run16:43
jibelrvr, can you file a bug if not done already?16:44
john-mcaleelyor maybe #4 will arrive shortly as a dupe...16:44
sil2100Anyway, yeah, then #3 is the candidate ;)16:44
rvrjibel: Yup16:44
john-mcaleelyjibel, ack. bug please :-)16:44
john-mcaleelyrvr, nice catch :-)16:44
sil2100jibel, rvr: thanks for finding and confirming ;)16:45
sil2100rvr: then if you could simply check if the modifications still work on the 14.09-factory-proposed image number #3 it would be awesome :)16:48
sil2100We could then promote it basically16:48
rvrsil2100: Is the image already available?16:48
sil2100rvr: it seems it's there, john-mcaleely says that #3 has both the tarballs16:49
sil2100So it's the promotion candidate for today16:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1419875 in camera-app "Recorded video in black" [Undecided,New]16:49
jibelKaleo, ^ on first boot on rtm/1616:53
jibelthe generation of the thumbnails fails too16:54
john-mcaleelyjibel, aha. I never record more than 5 sec or so in my testing16:57
popeysil2100: no landing call?17:00
Kaleojibel, thanks17:01
sil2100popey: I'll be there in a minute17:01
popeyfscking hangouts17:01
popeycrashed again, I give up17:11
sil2100popey: we just finished :)17:12
sil2100popey: you published the music-app, right?17:12
popeyi did17:12
jibelsil2100, no landing meeitngs?17:12
ogra_jibel, we had it17:13
jibelogra_, ah, I was that late, sorry.17:13
rvrFactory reset via dialer app works17:36
rvrScopes are there, apps are there, phone works, camera works...17:45
rvrjohn-mcaleely: Looks good to me.17:45
rvrsil2100: ^^17:46
pmcgowanjohn-mcaleely, ship it!17:48
sil2100rvr: yeah, looks fine here as well17:49
john-mcaleelypmcgowan, jsut as soon as it's promoted :-)17:49
sil2100pmcgowan: it's shipped ;) We need ogra_ to promote it17:49
sil2100ogra_: ping!17:49
* ogra_ shades his ears17:49
sil2100ogra_: rvr tested ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed image #3 and it seems to be all good17:50
sil2100Can you promote it to the stable channel as #17 ?17:50
ogra_ok, i assume i should only promote krillin ?17:50
sil2100Yeah, no other changes for any other devices17:50
sil2100hm, ok, there are changes, but not relevant17:50
ogra_/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 krillin 317:51
ogra_sil2100, ^^^ this is what i'm calling now17:51
ogra_it is copy-image <source channel> <dest. channel> <arch> <source channel version>17:52
ogra_as cdimage user on nusakan17:52
john-mcaleelyoh, and devices are arches?17:52
ogra_well, subarches17:53
ogra_we used to have a theme back when we still did sane images :)17:53
john-mcaleelysanity is overrated17:53
ogra_so in the old ubuntu image world it would have been armhf+krillin17:53
sil2100ogra_: thanks :)17:53
cjwatsonShall I deactivate the importer for the 14.09-factory-proposed channel, as previously discussed?17:54
cjwatsonOr would it be convenient to leave it on for a bit?17:54
sil2100cjwatson: I think we're good now, so disable it for now - we can get it re-enabled in case of another emergency build17:55
john-mcaleelythanks cjwatson17:55
ogra_=== RTM IMAGE #17 promoted !! ===17:57
john-mcaleelyjoc_, ^17:58
john-mcaleelythank you!17:58
ogra_sil2100, in case you need it /home/ogra/rtm-promo.log has all the promotion commands for all images as copy/pastes that i used17:59
sil2100Ouuu yeaaa18:00
ogra_ouya ?18:00
sil2100ogra_: thanks :) I'll try doing the next promotion myself, but it all seems straightforward18:00
ogra_thats a game console :)18:01
ogra_sil2100, it is, you just need to get the numbers straight18:01
ogra_btw ... popey when did you last use yours ?18:02
ogra_mine is collecting dust18:02
popeyogra_: its sat next to me here, the kids play with it now and then18:06
popeythere's a few really great multi-player games18:06
ogra_oh, wow18:06
popeywe play like 4 games on it18:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
sil2100I saw the ouya in a nearby store some time ago, was a nice surprise as it's not really popular in Poland18:08
popeyyeah, they were in some game shops here for a while18:11
popeysil2100: did we promote an image today?18:12
sil2100popey: yes :) #17 krillin for ubuntu-rtm18:13
ogra_popey, 20 lines above, yeah18:13
popeymy hilight failed18:13
dobeycihelp: can someone please upload https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-builder-vivid-armhf/288/artifact/output/com.canonical.payui_0.4.5_armhf.click to the store?18:18
john-mcaleelysil2100, should this also go to ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en ?18:21
sil2100john-mcaleely: hm, not sure how we now setup the channels now, let me check18:25
sil2100slangasek: ^ ?18:25
ogra_see what i meant in the meeting ?18:25
john-mcaleely(Not time critical, just need to sort before next promotion)18:25
ogra_its already starting .... and we have only one phone out !18:25
john-mcaleelyand it's only half out!18:25
sil2100Well, I wonder if we use ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris already18:30
sil2100john-mcaleely: according to the latest discussions it might indeed make sense to put that in there, but I'm not sure if we're supposed to use it already - do you know if there's anything in the channel already?18:32
john-mcaleelysil2100, I agree, and I don't know18:32
dobeyplars, or fginther?18:43
fgintherdobey, yeah, one moment18:47
plarsfginther: dobey: sorry, was grabbing a bite18:53
dobeyah ok, no worries.18:53
fgintherplars, dobey, just got it uploaded (was also grabbing food)18:54
dobeyfginther: for adding the test info to manifest.json in pay-ui, is it possible to run the jenkins job against a branch that doesn't have an MP yet, as a means of testing the job?19:02
fgintherdobey, yes, that can be done. I was experimenting with this myself, just haven't made it very far.19:04
fgintherdobey, FYI, I was playing with the change in this branch: lp:~fginther/pay-ui/enable-autopkgtests19:05
dobeyfginther: can you try it with https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/pay-ui/adt-run-ap ?19:08
fgintherdobey, trying19:10
fgintherdobey, it's running here: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-click-autopilot-vivid-touch/131/19:13
sil2100cyphermox: hey! Just making sure - did Robert ping you about trainguard replacement? :)19:51
cyphermoxsil2100: not this week?19:51
sil2100cyphermox: ah, since he mentioned as if he did - so it seems he has a national holiday today19:52
sil2100cyphermox: could you do some CI Train maintenance today? :)19:52
sil2100Would be greatly appreciated19:52
sil2100Not much velocity though19:52
cyphermoxbut I can't cover as late as Robert usually does, I have karate class tonight19:53
sil2100No worries :)19:53
dobeywell, that's interesting19:54
cyphermoxsil2100: any gotchas I need to be aware of?20:03
om26erkenvandine, how long is the expected time for technology switch of SIM card slot ?20:05
om26erre: silo 00720:05
sil2100cyphermox: no, I think all is as normal20:05
kenvandineom26er, a few seconds20:07
kenvandineom26er, unless you're hitting the network-manager bug 141807720:07
ubot5bug 1418077 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NM fails to create a cellular data connection for a unacceptably long time" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141807720:07
om26erkenvandine, yes, saw that once, had to reboot phone20:08
kenvandineom26er, which we think only affects vivid20:08
kenvandineit's a terrible bug20:08
om26erkenvandine, with the presence of that bug, is this silo still viable for landing ?20:09
kenvandineom26er, are you hitting that in rtm?20:09
kenvandineom26er, well that bug isn't specific to this silo20:09
kenvandineor shouldn't be20:09
om26erkenvandine, I did see something similar20:10
om26erkenvandine, hmm, that's good to know20:10
kenvandinethat bug is NM waiting a really long time to try to reconnect after the change20:10
kenvandinenothing todo with how we change it20:10
kenvandinenot a regression20:10
kenvandineom26er, but i was not able to reproduce it in rtm20:10
kenvandineif you can, please make sure you note that in the bug report20:11
om26erkenvandine, ok, I will try.20:11
kenvandinethat'll definately make it get more attention20:11
kenvandineit's super easy to reproduce in vivid20:11
kenvandineand i tried a bunch of times in rtm, and couldn't20:11
kenvandinebut that was last week...20:11
om26erkenvandine, how long has the technology switch code stayed in vivid ?20:12
om26eris it well tested ?20:12
om26erkenvandine, Also the design sucks for this feature :D20:14
kenvandineactually we haven't landed it in vivid yet, because testing it we hit this terrible bug20:14
kenvandinethe branch isn't just about tech switch, that isn't new20:14
kenvandinebut this silo lets us change which modem has 3G20:15
kenvandinethat was tested pretty extensively in vivid, just didn't land it yet because of that other bug, was hard to feel good about it when everytime we change it there was 10 minutes of downtime :/20:16
kenvandinewhich shouldn't be happening in rtm20:16
kenvandineit might take 20s or so actually20:16
kenvandineand the UI doesn't make it very obvious20:16
popeyfginther: whoever made pay-ui should update the framework. It's only a warning, but we should bump it.20:18
popey        'ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3' is deprecated. Please use a newer framework20:18
popey        http://askubuntu.com/questions/460512/what-framework-should-i-use-in-my-manifest-file20:18
fgintherdobey, See comment above from popey20:18
popey /ignore popey20:19
fgintherok :-)20:19
* dobey ignores20:22
popeydobey: sorry, misread comment from fginther , the framework does need updating20:32
dobeypopey: to just drop the -dev3? can you file a bug against lp:pay-ui for that?20:34
popeysure thing20:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1419984 in pay-ui "Using outdated framework" [Undecided,New]20:36
camakofginther, in an attempt to catch Mir bugs earlier, we 'd like to have the U8 AP tests run for Mir silos, and MPs against our devel branch and trunk. I understand this will further slow down the jenkins but nevertheless it'd be useful for us (and I'll let you worry about adding more devices/machines).  So who should I make a formal request to?20:48
camakofginther, I am open to any creative suggestions you might have on the topic20:50
camakoe.g. running on the emulator instead of Mako, etc20:50
jgdxom26er, how's it going? :)20:52
dobeycamako: do the u8 ap tests verify trusted sessions behavior?21:06
camakodobey, I am not sure about the u8 AP tests, but mir has acceptance tests for it21:07
om26erjgdx, inprogress ;)21:08
dobeycamako: sure. i'm just curious as with the stuff i've been working on, trusted sessions behavior has been a bit of an annoyance to me. though i noticed recently that it seemed to be doing the right thing now on vivid, when the screen goes off while a trusted session is up and running :)21:09
camakodobey, o yeah, I remember a fix landed for that not long ago... Feel free to raise a bug if you think it still has problems...21:11
dobeycamako: do you know if that landed in rtm also?21:11
dobeycamako: though, i do think "run this other test suite of this thing that depends on us" is the start of a very slippery slope :)21:12
camakodobey, yes it did land in RTM..21:13
jgdxom26er, thanks!21:13
camakodobey, we run the U8 tests to make sure Mir is not breaking U8... Today it's manual... We'd like to automate it... Nothing new..21:14
om26erjgdx, Hey21:44
om26erjgdx, on my krillin, 3g is only working on SIM1.21:45
fginthercamako, I'll take a look at that request and see if it can be done with just a configuration change to the jenkins job definition. Might not be, but worth checking into21:50
camakofginther, sounds good21:51
racarrtrainguards: Need a core dev to ack debian directory changes in mir 0.11 landing https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/0.11/+merge/248221 can someone help?21:52
fgintherdobey, Here are the results on that pay-ui branch : http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/765/23:08
dobeyfginther: yeah, it's not working so well23:09
fgintherdobey, ok, let me know if you need to rerun that23:10
dobeyfginther: probably will tomorrow sometime. time to go now. later :)23:10
dobeythanks again23:10
cyphermoxracarr: will review now23:17
racarrcyphermox: Thanks :)23:18
cyphermoxracarr: why is there no mir-client-platform-android-dev?23:24
cyphermoxracarr: changelog should also include details of the changes made to debian/control re: packages provided/replaced and whatnot.23:29
racarrcyphermox: w.r.t mir-client-platform-android-dev afaik its just not required. What I mean is mir has to publish some headers in order to integrate to the mesa EGL layer23:43
racarrbut with android EGL its the other way around and the android EGL layer publishes the interfaces23:43
racarrit's a little weird. Both are drivers not system libraries so to speak23:44
racarrcyphermox: I will update debian/changelog and comment on mp. Thanks :)23:45

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