[00:45] Hey check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt_hkSKQp6k pretty interesting first time use of 14.10 by a illiterate user [06:21] Good morning [06:22] Laney: hm, it's running here, so bug report appreciated; stgraber or hallyn are certainly interested === darkxst is now known as darkxst__ === darkxst_ is now known as darkxst [07:28] good morning [07:28] didrocks, morning [07:59] bonjour didrocks ! [07:59] didrocks: as-tu eu un bon voyage ? [07:59] pitti: bof, le train est parti avec 15 minutes d'avance sur l'heure prévue [08:00] pitti: donc obligé de prendre un thalys pour Paris, changer de gare du Nord -> gare de Lyon à Paris avec le RER [08:00] pitti: puis TGV Paris -> Lyon [08:00] arrivé avec ~2h de retard par rapport à l'heure prévue initiallement [08:01] didrocks: uh, trop de neige ? [08:02] pitti: non, juste qu'ils ont changé l'horaire du premier train sans prévenir personne [08:03] nous avons eu quelque rétard hier à cause de la neige [08:03] pitti: là, c'était parti en avance, (de 15 minutes), pas en retard :) [08:07] good morning desktopers [08:07] hey didrocks pitti [08:07] bonjour seb128, ça va ? bon voyage chez toi ? [08:08] re seb128! [08:08] pitti, salut, oui, très bien, le train c'est facile :-) [08:08] pitti, et toi, bon w.e ? [08:10] seb128: oui ! nous sommes allès à Zurich, pour visiter un ami [08:10] seb128: he had a new theater play (he has done amateur acting for quite some years now) [08:12] oh, nice [08:12] did you have fun there? [08:13] seb128: yes, we did indeed! he had 6 guests altogether, so nice theater play and some Zurich sightseeing plus some nice drinking and fun in the evenings [08:13] sounds fun indeed [08:13] great! === mfisch is now known as Guest22817 [08:49] Ggood morning, desktop! [08:50] o/ [08:52] hey seb128 didrocks [08:52] seb128, did you have a try of my totem build with menus? [08:53] Morning desktoppers [08:53] hey darkxst, mlankhorst, willcooke [08:55] everyone made it back home safely? [08:55] darkxst, hey, not yet. Where is it again? And what's the status with the new depends, grilo, etc? [08:55] mlankhorst, hey, yes! how is your fosdemflu, feeling better? [08:55] seb128, gnome3 ppa [08:55] just a cough remaining [08:55] grilo-plugins MIR is approved pending split [08:55] I patched totem to make the tracker plugin optional [08:58] seb128, bug 1394731 [08:58] bug 1394731 in grilo-plugins (Ubuntu) "[MIR] grilo-plugins" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1394731 [08:58] darkxst, so without those it just behaves as a "normal" player? [08:59] seb128, no without those the recents/channels view is completely broken [09:00] you would only be able to play things by passing the video file as an argument [09:00] hum [09:00] is that something we consider acceptable? [09:02] seb128, no, its needs grilo-plugins [09:02] but we will split them so there is not a whole lot of random/useless plugins in main [09:03] seb128, but consider the tracker plugin a soft-dep [09:03] k [09:03] well, ideally I would like to try with the minimal set to see what's working and not and how much it pulls in [09:03] seb128, I summarised required plugind in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grilo-plugins/+bug/1394731/comments/2 [09:03] Launchpad bug 1394731 in grilo-plugins (Ubuntu) "[MIR] grilo-plugins" [Undecided,Incomplete] [09:04] I guess e.g youtube doesn't add much extra depends? [09:04] in which case we should probably seed it as well [09:04] the feature is useful [09:05] seb128, not sure they even pull in any extra deps [09:05] the only thing in universe is dleyna-server and that is suggests [09:06] k [09:06] (alot of the earlier discussions were based around tracker but that is in main anyway now, and its only one small lib for non-GNOME environments, that is already there) [09:07] yeah, as long as it doesn't force us to run the disk indexer... [09:08] seb128, only if you have tracker-fied your system [09:09] HEY! [09:09] it's a Laney! [09:10] hey Laney, how is u.k today? had a good w.e? [09:10] hey Laney [09:11] morning Laney! [09:13] Laney, re Gtk+ looks like we need a full core update for GNOME [09:14] and wouldnt even consider that really until after .90 or .91 but thats well FFe territory [09:14] there's somethign terrible going on with my interwebs, one second [09:14] buh [09:14] had to restart n-m [09:14] just curious, why a gtk update enforces a GNOME update? [09:15] darkxst: do you know what the problem is there? [09:15] seb128, gtk window decorations [09:15] GTK is supposed to be abi/api compatible, what did they change? is that theming? [09:15] it'd probably be enough to make us not do it I guess, don't want to ruin your stuff [09:15] not going to make larsu happy :-( [09:16] seb128, GTK is now drawing window decorations for GNOME theme [09:16] and hello, yes I had a good weekend! [09:16] darkxst: what's your problem with that? You need to update your theme? [09:16] we did some DIY in preparation for a bike shed ;-) [09:16] what color does it have? [09:16] larsu, no mutter 3.14 don't support that [09:16] darkxst, how does that work? if you don't update g-s, etc, can't you just get decoration drawed the way they currently are? [09:17] seb128, gnome theme is packaged in gtk+ now [09:17] can't we undo that easily? [09:17] we could backport the old theme, and loose any fixes made [09:17] e.g keep using adwaita [09:17] or just update mutter? [09:17] larsu, well, that's what he meant by update GNOME [09:17] update mutter != update gnome [09:17] larsu, they don't want an out of sync versions between g-s etc [09:17] but meh [09:18] larsu, there has been another major reworking of input device handling [09:18] but you know how things up when you try to mismatch components [09:18] +turn [09:18] I don't feel comfortable splitting on mutter and g-s-d with that [09:18] lolz, bugzilla seems busted [09:18] seb128: fair enough [09:18] Laney, Maintenance [09:18] ah some kind of upgrade [09:18] Laney: scheduled updatd [09:18] status.gnome.org [09:19] darkxst: is this a problem because adwaita is in gtk now? [09:21] Laney: old problem [09:21] darkxst: i don't get why old mutter couldn't go on drawing the decorations. is it because they'd mismatch the theme? [09:21] Laney, well partly, but the main reason we use Adwaita is because upstream keep it in sync [09:21] that's sort of a problem we already had for server-decorated windows [09:22] desrt, they scrapped the metacity window themes, and switched to gtk/css [09:22] darkxst: ya.. .i get that [09:22] mutter- 3.14 knows nothing of that [09:22] but you seem to want to keep the old matter [09:22] *mutter [09:22] desrt, I am all for updating to 3.16 [09:22] but not now [09:22] so it will still have the code for drawing old themes.... [09:23] i just don't understand why it would possibly cause a problem to upgrade gtk now [09:23] desrt, theme issues I guess [09:23] they didn't remove the mutter theme drawing code from gtk... they removed it from mutter [09:23] darkxst: ya... so the theme will be slightly out of sync... but nothing more than it was before [09:23] desrt, they changed the adwaita theme to accomadate the new decorations that is the problem [09:24] desrt, its pretty broken black titlebars etc [09:24] darkxst: if you're planning to upgrade mutter later in the cycle anyway, then is a slight theme mismatch during development really a huge issue? [09:24] ... something else sounds wrong [09:25] because if mutter is drawing server-side decorations then it should still be using the old theme (ie: nothing gtk does could affect it) [09:25] desrt, there is no metacity theme anymore [09:25] adwaita is packaged in gtk+ [09:26] only the gtk css [09:26] add it back?! Doesn't sound that hard [09:26] the metacity theme is in gnome-themes-standard-data [09:26] as an xml file in /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1 [09:35] desrt, maybe as an intermin solution [09:35] well -- yes.... the longterm solution would be to upgrade to the new mutter [09:35] and until then there is no sense in blocking a gtk upgrade because of one little xml file [09:35] (okay... it's not particularly little, admittedly....) [09:36] and it may not be that simple either [09:36] though I havent tried [09:47] ARGH! I cant live like this any more.... [09:47] darkxst: only non-focused titlebars are black for me [09:47] I'm going to have to [09:47] darkxst: same for you? [09:47] tidy my desk [09:47] willcooke: happy monday!? [09:47] \o/ [09:48] larsu, yes [09:48] I love Mondays, they are so good and lovely. Not tired at all, happy to wake up early! [09:48] Monday decisions! [09:48] larsu, my "office" looks like a bomb went off in a rubbish dump and then a pig went to live there [09:48] xnox: you're not welcome here. [09:48] xnox: not with this attidude [09:49] *attitude [09:49] who is this xnox guy? [09:49] >:| [09:51] darkxst: I wonder how this can happen with a gtk update - gtk is not involved in drawing those at all, is it? [09:51] (before mutter 3.16, I mean) [09:51] * pitti ^5s xnox [09:52] desrt: yo, how do send you glib patches? [09:52] xnox: bugzilla.gnome.org [09:53] desrt: connection is not private [09:53] This server could not prove that it is bugzilla-test.gnome.org; its security certificate is from nagios.gnome.org. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. [09:53] uh oh [09:53] desrt: looks like it has hick-ups [09:53] sounds like some upgrade troubles [09:53] no [09:53] scheduled update [09:53] http://status.gnome.org [09:54] so wait [09:54] bugzilla.gnome.org is maintained as a launchpad.net project? [09:54] this is delicious [09:55] err, what? [09:55] https://launchpad.net/bugzilla.gnome.org [09:55] lol, last commit message: "I think I am merging here, but I don't really know" [09:56] ya..... apparently they ended up using git to coordinate the merge due to some bzr fail [09:56] not sure what their plan will be going forward [10:00] i wonder what this is going to do to my bug downloader [10:00] probably ruin everything :) [10:16] larsu, I suspect it the theme updates that are the problem [10:16] darkxst: which ones? [10:16] larsu, adwaita is packaged with gtk+ these days [10:19] darkxst: even the metacity parts? [10:59] larsu: I assigned to you the u-c-c task as we discussed on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-v-bluez5 [11:00] larsu: seems that robert-ancell still have the indicator-bluetooth task, but I guess he stopped working on it? [11:00] seb128: did you chat recently with him on this? ^ === didrocks1 is now known as didrocks [11:06] didrocks: I guess he did. I'm fine working on both [11:06] larsu: doing the paperwork then, thanks man :) [11:07] sane behavior on pip at last, checking other package managers \o/ [11:07] aquarius would be happy [11:08] maybe he is? [11:09] larsu: seems not from the email I forwarded to you from a month and half, but he started working on it, I guess he just didn't both with changing the blueprint status [11:12] Erk. Click new email in GMail and Google suggest perhaps I'd like to send money to someone with my debit card. [11:12] How about Noooo [11:14] thanks willcooke, donations really appreciated :) [11:15] * willcooke sends didrocks 1 pence [11:16] willcooke: that's how all rich long path started I guess \o/ [11:16] :) [11:18] eaten up in currency conversion fees, sorry, better luck next time [11:24] Just followed up with bjkeyser re: new theme. It's officially on the list now for 15.10 [11:24] I will follow up again in a couple of months to make sure it's on track [11:29] nice! [11:30] sweet! [11:30] willcooke: did they schedule working on the wallpaper for 15.04 too? [11:32] Laney, emailed JohnLea_ - I will follow up again once he's back from his sprint [11:32] righto [11:46] * Sweet5hark still accepts donations for his director-helicopter. [11:46] Only helicopter I've donated to is: https://londonsairambulance.co.uk/2nd-helicopter [11:49] jpds: admittedly, thats a much better use of a helicopter. [11:50] Sweet5hark: Did you always have the 5? [11:50] jpds: nope [11:52] jpds: sad story actually. Me irrsi was running on a pandaboard and it failed boot through one day. So as a temporary solution I used pidgin from my notebook. [11:53] Sweet5hark: What you need is a raspberry pi 2. [11:53] ah, I use a cloud for that ;-) [11:53] There is nothing as permanent as a temporary solution. [11:53] though for a while I used pandaboard as my bedtime computer [11:54] jpds, where is the irissi snap package for that RPi2 ? [11:54] :) [11:54] mlankhorst, to cuddle with it before sleeping ? [11:55] no because it drew so little power I could just keep it on, only had to move the mouse to get it to respond === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [11:56] I only stopped using it because I no longer sleep in that bed :P [12:34] didrocks, no, didn't talk to robert_ancell recently [12:38] seb128, didrocks - I'm going to talk to him tonight if you have anything you want me to ask [12:42] willcooke, ask what he's working on/if he still plans to help on the transition to bluez5 (and please mention that larsu is about to pick that up because it has been stucked for a while, to make sure they don't dup work) [12:46] ack [12:46] thanks willcooke :) [12:47] willcooke: I'm planning to pick it up when I get back to Berlin (so starting on Wed) [12:50] willcooke, please tell Robert to hand over to larsu if he can/if there is anything to handover [12:50] like status update email, making sure to push what he had [12:50] thanks! [12:53] kk [12:55] seb128: I already forwarded some weeks ago to larsu robert's latest branches (which didn't change since) [12:56] didrocks, did you ask robert if he had offline work he didn't push? [12:56] just in case [12:56] doesn't hurt to ask, we never know [12:58] seb128: asked a week ago, nothing more, but I may have missed his answer [12:58] didrocks, email? [12:59] well, anyway, if willcooke gets a reply that should do [12:59] seb128: IRC [12:59] we have little overlap with robert [12:59] yeah [12:59] seb128: last email was quite clear that he would stop working on this, I was just surprised to see the WI status didn't change though [12:59] didrocks, k, all good then [12:59] didrocks, thanks for tracking it! [13:00] yw! :) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === ara is now known as Guest94549 === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:31] I apt-get install'd ubuntu-gnome-desktop on a standard ubuntu-14.10 install (thinking I could switch between standard ubuntu desktop and gnome) and it's messed up ubuntu desktop - it's now half unity (panel, background, title bars etc) and half gnome (the system panel/tray, the system theme terminal is using etc). [13:31] How do I fix unity, and can I have both unity and gnome co-exist independantly so I can switch at login? [13:40] ichilton, hey, try #ubuntu for user questions [13:41] thanks === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [14:44] seb128, does ubuntu's theme on vivid has support for GtkHeaderBar ? [14:45] xclaesse, what do you mean by "support"? [14:45] make it look like ubuntu [14:45] not really [14:45] also unity doesn't handle csd well [14:45] so you get no border on the windows using gtkheaderbar as decorations [14:45] they are difficult to resize as well [14:46] ok, was trying gedit master in jhbuild on ubuntu 14.04, csd is indeed not well supported [14:46] was wondering if on vivid I would get nicer result [14:46] http://people.collabora.com/~xclaesse/tmp/gedit.png [14:46] xclaesse: did you try with the Ambiance theme, like I suggested in #gtk? [14:47] larsu, that's why I asked here, they don't theme GtkHeaderBar, so that won't gain much [14:47] well, on the tabs it will probably [14:47] xclaesse: "they"? I added support for those a while ago. Not sure if it landed in utopic, though [14:49] larsu, GTK_THEME=Ambiance doesn't change anything, but I think I have to install the theme in jhbuild, no? [14:49] maybe some symlinking could do the trick [14:50] xclaesse: no, just include /usr/share in gedit's XDG_DATA_DIRS [14:51] or run it with GTK_DATA_PREFIX=/usr GTK_THEME=Ambiance [14:51] (iirc) [14:51] ah... bah just did ln -s /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/ /opt/gnome/share/themes/ [14:51] ok indeed that's way smaller now [14:54] hey larsu, do you know anything about GdkVisual? https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=4cf6edda55edb57228e9a1b545dd72c90c3d22af breaks opacity on the 'flash' thing that gnome-screenshot has [14:56] it sets one here https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-screenshot/tree/src/cheese-flash.c#n98 and that makes _set_opacity not get called after that gtk+ commit [14:56] seb128, don't forget about silo 7, whenever you have time [15:04] Laney: not sure why they'd explicitely set the default visual - it should always be that [15:04] Laney: what happens if you take the set_visual() line out? [15:05] works but sometimes there's another white flash when the fade is finished [15:05] eek [15:05] the comment says something about shadows, could be that [15:06] * larsu wonders why setting a visual will cause it not to render shadows [15:06] I think GTK_WINDOW_POPUP should do that [15:07] hm, they set a notification type hint as well [15:15] Laney: seems to work for me?! [15:15] Laney: are you testing on a composited wm? [15:16] i'm using compiz [15:16] are you on a new enough gtk? [15:16] kenvandine, oh, right, thanks for the reminder [15:16] seb128, thank you! [15:16] Laney: what's new enough? [15:16] I'm on the one in the ppa [15:16] 3.15.something [15:16] ya, that is [15:17] I see the same problem as you, but commenting the set_visual() line seems to make it work [15:18] ugh, the fallback code is wrong :/ [15:18] puts events on the main loop and then unrefs the object [15:19] * larsu found out while trying to debug with a longer flahs [15:19] Laney: about to head out now (there's still sun!), but I'll take a look at it [15:19] Laney: is it urgent? [15:19] * larsu might sit down in a cafe for a while [15:19] not hugely [15:20] something which breaks with 3.15 [15:20] kenvandine, is that rtm7 or vivid7? [15:20] I noticed that the callback is called forever too [15:20] because of some double comparison lolz [15:20] Laney: ok. I'll try to get something until tomorrow when I step out of the plane (afternoon) at the latest [15:20] that's the reason it's displayed forever [15:20] the visual thing just causes it not to fade in [15:20] out* [15:20] in and out? [15:21] seb128, was trying gtk master, the file chooser does recursive search on type ahead. Ubuntu thanksfully reverted that in nautilus. Will you consider reverting that in gtk as well please? :D [15:21] Laney: ya, it's all kinds of messed up :/ [15:21] Laney: I guess just nobody tested the fallback [15:21] xclaesse, not typeahead anymore?! [15:21] since it's all gnome-shell now [15:21] seb128, vivid [15:21] larsu, Laney, ^ btw, might be another issue with new gtk [15:21] I guess so [15:22] kenvandine, anything specific you want me to try? [15:22] the bluetooth fixes at least [15:22] you know how to test those, i think [15:22] k [15:22] yeah [15:22] if you can test the translation fix too :) [15:22] sure [15:22] which i think is basically all the fixes :) [15:22] seb128, didn't try vivid, but with gtk master in jhbuild when I type ahead in the file chooser it lookup in all sub-dirs [15:23] seb128, so I get thousands of matches [15:23] seb128, and I cannot simply naviguat my folder hierarchy [15:23] I'll look into it [15:23] xclaesse, do you know if that's a setting we can turn off? [15:23] seb128, didn't investigate anything, was about to open an upstream bug to tell it's unusable, but bugzilla is down :p [15:24] hehe [15:24] please do what's it back up [15:24] scheduled maintenance [15:24] seb128, but given that's the default on nautilus as well upstrema, I guess it makes sense... in a way... [15:24] yeah [15:25] doesn't seem to be a setting [15:25] https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=de4427304c680c4d111ba92477a30f70befa2d06 [15:26] not sure what that setting ^ does but looks like it could be it [15:26] setting in browse rather than search? [15:27] seb128, note that ctr+f does bring the old type ahead [15:27] seb128: looks like it, thanks. Maybe we'll need a small patch to make the old behaviour the default [15:27] right [15:27] seb128, but IMO the default should be the old way, then ctr+f for a recursive search [15:27] +1 [15:27] that's how it's made in nautilus on ubuntu [15:28] and IMO it makes much more sense [15:28] xclaesse, thanks for pointing it out [15:28] you're welcome :) [15:44] kenvandine, bah, sorry, I screwed the translation one, they changed the order of context/text, pushed a fix for that to https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/security-use-ctr/+merge/248771 [15:44] kenvandine, I tested with that fix, should be fix, bluetooth, etc work as expected [15:45] ok, i'll rebuild [15:45] kenvandine, thanks, and sorry about that [15:45] np [15:45] kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/categories-no-effect/+merge/248272 should also be trivial if you want one more [15:46] i'll do that one separately... already got 5 branches in this silo [15:46] but if not that can be in the next round [15:46] and i already clicked build :) [15:46] k [15:46] wfm === Guest22817 is now known as mfisch === sabdfl_ is now known as sabdfl [16:12] test failed email → click link → "oh look, transient failure, let's retry" → connect to vpn → click private link → "Started by user Martin Pitt" [16:12] this guy is too fast :-) [16:13] "Started 1.8 sec ago", ha! [16:15] he is! :) [16:27] cyphermox, hey [16:27] seb128: hey [16:28] cyphermox, have some minutes to talk settings/bt? [16:28] sure [16:28] cyphermox, remember https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-system-settings/unbreak-hid/+merge/243592 ? [16:28] cyphermox, I'm pondering adding that function back, wanted your opinion first [16:29] hum, what for? [16:29] cyphermox, currently it lists all device, but if you try to pair with i.e a laptop, it's going to hit the [16:29] default: [16:29] qWarning() << "Nothing to connect: Unsupported device type."; [16:29] return; [16:29] case [16:30] which means you click on "connect" in the ui and it brings you back to the device list [16:30] without any feedback on what happened and why [16:30] hum, there is that [16:30] that's not good user experience :-) [16:30] but perhaps a better idea would be to grey the connect button in that case [16:30] rather than not showing the devices at all [16:30] well, that's what that the code you dropped was doing [16:30] oh [16:30] it was showing the device by disabled [16:31] sure, we could move to disable the connect instead [16:31] right [16:31] I should maybe first try what happens if I add the computer type to the case [16:31] maybe pairing a computer works [16:32] hmm, not sure [16:32] even if we can't do much once it's paired [16:32] even if it did pair [16:32] yeah ;) [16:32] e.g no file transfert or anything [16:32] hum [16:32] there's no one good answer for this, there's a couple of ways we can handle these devices we "don't support yet" [16:32] if I pair my laptop to my android phone I can use it to play music [16:33] yeah [16:36] cyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1419866 [16:36] Launchpad bug 1419866 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[bluetooth] Computer pairing is unimplemeted but the UI still let you try it" [High,New] [16:37] cyphermox, opened that and assigned to mpt [16:37] just as a fyi [16:37] cyphermox, thanks for the feedback :-) [16:37] argh [16:38] so yeah, we really do need mpt or someone from design to make a decision :) [16:39] cyphermox, indeed [16:41] cyphermox, also my krillin advertize itself as a computer on bt, is that right? [16:41] cyphermox, my android phone advertize itself as a phone [16:41] yeah [16:42] we need to fix up bluez to split out the config in two separate packages, make one for a "I'm a phone" and another one for "I'm a computer. [16:42] k [16:42] otoh, much of that will be done automatically once we're on bluez 5 [16:43] by way of systemd and some updated system code [16:43] cyphermox, oh, also it seems that the device is always discoverable, where the spec states it should only be when you are on the bluetooth screen [16:43] is that known? [16:43] it shouldn't be always discoverable no [16:43] and where should it be reported? [16:43] that was working fine [16:43] mark it against u-s-s, bluez by itself doesn't usually put devices discoverable [16:43] but I wonder if that might be different based on the bluetooth driver [16:45] cyphermox, not a settings issues, I just rebooted my device [16:45] it's discoverable as soon as it boot [16:45] I didn't use/unlock it yet [16:45] yuck [16:45] can't be setting since that never ran [16:45] heh, bluez then [16:45] thanks [16:45] but I'm pretty sure we had tried this and it was working properly [16:45] that one might be an important issue [16:46] that's why it seems like it's possibly a driver issue [16:46] isn't that sort of a security problem? [16:46] also use power? [16:46] well, yes [16:46] it's bad [16:46] someone will need to figure out why that is [16:46] were you testing this on mako? [16:48] cyphermox, no, bq [16:48] cyphermox, who do you recommend pinging about the issue? [16:49] hum, you already pinged them I guess [16:50] cyphermox, if them is you :-) [16:50] yeah [16:50] I didn't mention it out of here, well out of the bug [16:50] maybe let ChickenCutlass know too. I see he doesn't seem to be here [16:51] I'll see if I get the same thing on my mako, at least so I know whether bluez is really busted of if it's a driver thing like I really hope it is [16:54] boo, it seems good here on mako :/ [16:54] at least, according to bluez-test-adapter [16:55] what is that command supposed to say? [16:56] $ bluez-test-adapter discovering [16:56] 0 [16:56] on the bq [16:57] hum [16:57] that seems to always return 0, on desktop as well [16:57] yes the device still shows up elsewhere? [16:57] visibility turned off or on [16:57] yes [16:57] my laptop lists it [16:57] well, it behaves correctly on my mako [16:57] 1 when u-s-s bt page is open, 0 otherwise [16:58] well, 0 here [16:58] but the device is listed by other computers [16:58] right [16:58] so that flag is not respected [16:58] driver issue I guess? [16:58] possibly, but I'm not done testing :) [16:59] gah [16:59] still getting the right behavior on mako :/ [17:00] cyphermox, thanks for testing [17:00] this is not good, I don't like driver issues like this [17:01] the android drivers are already busted enough as it is that we don't need to find more issues ;) [17:01] cyphermox, is "bluez-test-adapter discovering" supposing to return 1 when visibility = true? [17:02] cyphermox, because on my vivid desktop it always returns 0, even when I toggle the visible switch in the indicator or gnome ui [17:02] no [17:02] bluez-test-adapter discoverable [17:02] oh [17:03] cyphermox, that returns 1 on krillin [17:03] without using settings [17:03] discovering is for whether you're currently running a scan, but that part is more less simple [17:03] yeah, I believe you [17:04] seb128, I get 0 on krillin right now [17:04] cyphermox, "disoverable off" works [17:04] pmcgowan, what happens if you open the settings bluetooth page and close settings? [17:05] seb128: ok [17:05] seb128, seems to work right, 1 when on page and 0 otherwise [17:05] pmcgowan, hum, k, I wonder what is wrong on my krillin [17:05] oh let me do what you said [17:05] pmcgowan, do you run rtm or vivid? [17:06] seb128, aha if you close settings while on the page it stays on [17:06] k [17:06] seb128, silo 7 is rebuilt, can you mark it as tested on the spreadsheet? [17:06] cyphermox, is something storing the state accross reboots? [17:06] seb128: it's not supposed to be saved [17:06] seems to be [17:06] hum, I was on vivid though [17:07] pmcgowan, ^ I guess that's the issue maybe? [17:07] pmcgowan, like if you do that it stays to 1 [17:07] and that persists over reboot for me [17:07] seb128, let me reboot and see what it is [17:07] seb128: you are right, it's saved in /var/lib/bluetooth/
/config [17:07] pmcgowan, ^ [17:08] seb128, confirmed both, stays set over reboot and in the config file [17:09] cyphermox, pmcgowan, commented on the bug [17:09] seb128: I wonder if you had a bad crash while the bt window was open? [17:10] cyphermox, no, I just worked on that panel and it's easier to swipe settings out and restart [17:10] rather than exit the panel and close it [17:10] e.g I use the switched and close it from there [17:10] switcher [17:10] hum [17:13] kenvandine, done [17:14] seb128, thx [17:15] need to drop offline for a bit, back in less than half an hour === rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3 === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:15] and with all those tests passing, have a good evening everyone! [18:30] ahahah! I have learned another new C thing. "a++" increments after the action, where as ++a does it first. So my strings were getting null terminated 1 character too long [18:41] that's very basic C knowledge :) [18:43] I am very basic [18:47] goto 10 [18:48] Now your talking my language [18:48] :) [18:48] except it should all be in caps [18:49] Can we have COBOL now? :P [18:50] :D [19:34] morning robert_ancell [19:34] willcooke, hi [19:40] hey robert_ancell, how are you? [19:40] seb128, hi good. otp at the moment [19:40] robert_ancell, just saying hello, I didn't see you for a while! we missed you in Brussels [19:41] seb128, yeah, me too [20:22] g'night [20:22] * willcooke -> EOD [20:22] seb128, looked like you guys had fun! [20:22] seb128, and you've grown quite a beard there :) [20:24] robert_ancell, indeed! got the beard a bit shorter after coming back from Brussels though, it was starting getting a bit too much :-) [20:26] seb128, are you going for the hobo look with the beard? [20:26] * seb128 slaps chrisccoulson [20:26] :) [20:28] chrisccoulson, hobo-chic [20:28] heh