
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosmorning all05:05
nhainesGood morning!05:06
tsegagood morning05:09
Kilosnhaines  tsega has joined #ubuntu-africa from ethiopia05:10
nhainesThat's good news!05:13
dholbachgood morning07:26
Kiloshi dholbach  07:26
dholbachhi Kilos07:27
Kilosnhaines  ty ubuntulog is online by us14:39
Kiloscan you guys help me with a domain name for a site please ubuntu-africa.? .org if possible14:43
Kilosi want to build the site same as our za site14:45
=== hL1sxa is now known as jason_kr
=== a7med is now known as Neo31
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest8839
mhall119Kilos: we can chat in here too21:27
Kilosoh yay21:28
mhall119Kilos: can whoever created and maintains https://ubuntu-za.org/ create this new site for you?21:28
Kilosnope that has nothing to do with our ubuntu21:29
Kilosubuntu is used all over for community spirited missions21:29
mhall119right, I'm just looking for someone to take ownership of it21:29
Kilosnhaines  evening can you help me explain the project please21:29
mhall119Kilos: who's idea was it to make a pan-african site?21:32
Kilosdiscussed with superand our loco21:33
Kilossorry im used to tab completing him21:33
mhall119Kilos: ok, so then can you register the domain yourself?21:33
Kilosi personally cant , im disabled and unemployed21:33
Kilosand the idea was to have it under the ubuntu banner21:34
Kilossame as the irc channel #ubuntu-africa21:34
mhall119well it can still be under the ubuntu banner even if Canonical isn't the one who registered it21:34
mhall119Kilos: if cost is a concern, it can be paid for out of the community donations budget21:35
Kilosoh im not sure about all of this. can canonical give me a domain name for the project21:35
mhall119Kilos: not a *.ubuntu.com domain, no21:36
Kiloswe can host it and build it21:36
mhall119and anything else, like ubuntu-africa.org, can be registered by anybody who wants to put up an Ubuntu-related site21:36
Kilosdo you perhaps have any suggestions of what other route i can follow21:37
inetprohi everyone 21:37
mhall119Kilos: my advice would be to talk to the people you're working with on this, decide on an available domain name, register it yourselves, and if you want request money from the community donations fund to pay for the registration fee and/or hosting cost21:38
mhall119http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/ 21:38
Kilosinetpro  comment?21:38
inetpromhall119: we really just need guidance on the registration part, ubuntu-za.org for instance was registered by canonical, as far as I have it 21:39
mhall119inetpro: ah, I didn't realize that21:39
inetprowe can host it ourselves, no problem with that 21:40
mhall119inetpro: I don't know why Canonical registered that one, but you don't need Canonical to register things like that, you can do it yourselves21:40
inetprosure but there's costs involved and we do not have such resources available 21:40
mhall119inetpro: we can help with cost, file a request here: http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/21:40
inetprothis Ubuntu Africa project really needs your support 21:41
mhall119inetpro: our concern is just the responsibility of being the domain owner, we don't want to be responsible for someone else's domain21:41
mhall119inetpro: we like having our community take ownership and control of their sites and projects21:42
inetproI think Kilos is on to something here 21:42
mhall119we'll gladly help fund it, even promote it, but it's your initiative so we want you to own it21:42
inetproKilos, you see that? 21:43
inetpronew challenges I guess 21:43
Kilosdont understand it all completely21:43
mhall119and opportunities :)21:43
inetprosounds like fun :-) 21:43
* inetpro really needs sleep now 21:44
Kilosisnt the approval of the irc channel and a site for the same thing to pull the whole of africa under the ubuntu banner the same thing?21:44
inetproKilos: we can do it 21:45
mhall119Kilos: the IRC channel registration is just logistics with the servers and permissions21:45
mhall119and ubuntulog needed Canonical because those log files go up on irclogs.ubuntu.com21:45
Kilosok then mhall119  ty for your help. we will see what we can do and let you know21:46
inetprowe just need to make a request for the funding 21:46
Kilosfor interests sake21:46
mhall119Kilos: good luck, and feel free to ping me again if you have more questions21:46
Kilosty very much mhall119  21:46
inetprogood night 21:46
mhall119inetpro: just make your best estimate of the cost when you make the request21:47
inetprosure 21:47
inetprothanks for the guidance 21:48
Kilosty mhall119  night all21:49
inetprohmm... 22:07
inetprotoo much thinking 22:07
inetpromhall119: we really need that phone for a review at ubuntu-za, how do we get it? 22:08
* inetpro pushing his luck 22:10
nhainesinetpro: still http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/22:11
inetproah same process, I'll tell superfly 22:12
nhainesIt's better if someone with Ubuntu membership files the request, but the phone can then be shipped to superfly.  He's really done some fantastic work on the website and it already looks quite good on the Ubuntu browser.22:16
inetproyep, he's one of our keys to success for sure 22:18
inetproone of these days I will hopefully be a member as well 22:19
mhall119inetpro: we might be able to get some we can loan out for reviews and showing off at events, but it's going to take us some time22:22

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