
gubersbut the sources are exsist in the ubuntu site unter http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/00:00
gubersi just need to set it in the installetion.00:01
bekksgubers: 6.06 is EOL.00:01
bekksgubers: No chance to install it.00:01
bekksgubers: Did you try installing 12.04?00:01
gubersi tried 10.04 - to new for me.00:01
ikonia"too new"00:02
ikoniain what way ?00:02
ikonia(10.04 is also EOL)00:02
bekksgubers: Why? Which exact error messages did you get?00:02
gubersollllld computer.00:02
ikoniastop saying that00:02
ikoniaanswer the questions00:02
ikonia"what was the problem with 10.04"00:02
daftykins10.04 server is good for 2 more months :D00:03
gubersit's stay and wait....00:03
ikoniaI've just lost interest in pulling information00:04
daftykinsgubers: either offer a system specification or you are unlikely to get help00:04
bekksMe too.00:04
gubersi dont need security support it is a locale system.00:04
ubuntulivesorrowbeen trying for the last hour to mount a hard drive in Ubuntu 14.04 live via USB drive booting, my paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133617/00:04
ubuntulivesorrowdoes not mount with read/write access, only read-only00:05
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda5"00:05
daftykinsyou probably need to fsck it00:06
gubersi can't install it without the internet??00:06
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, that worked with no errors, but what is the default mount path?00:08
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: you must have already mounted it, since it was complaining. the error you pastebin'd was saying *exactly* what was wrong. "df -h" to confirm what is where, or "mount"00:09
ubuntulivesorrowyea, I have succeeded in mounting it many times, just with no r/w00:10
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: yep so you didn't need to tell it where to mount to anymore, just that you wanted that mount point "-o remount,rw"00:11
marsjeediting my fstab gave me a "no space left on device" and my fstab is 0 bytes now :(00:11
daftykinsmarsje: impressive, are you still booted in?00:12
marsjedaftykins: no...00:12
daftykinsso your installation is lost to you, right now?00:12
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, brb, I messed up something now I cannot umount, restarting this liveCD session00:12
daftykinsmarsje: boot a live session and you can recover it by checking free space, then writing a new fstab if it really is gone00:13
marsjedaftykins: I guess it won't boot with a zeroed fstab, right?00:13
marsjedaftykins: I put the drive in my desktop system now, so I can access the drive00:14
daftykinsmarsje: hmm, ok - you can write a new fstab by using "sudo blkid" to view the UUIDs of each partition, then recreating them in a custom fstab if you can work out which is which00:15
marsjedaftykins: uuids suck when you are in a console where you cannot use a mouse...00:16
daftykinstrue, although if you were to write out blkid into a text file, you could edit them in-place without too much trouble00:17
marsjedaftykins: I made a screenshot (with my camera), so I have all the info00:17
marsjebut I'm thinking about reinstalling the whole system as it was old00:17
marsjethe only problem was that it was a carefully configured xbmc to work with my not so well supported ati video card00:18
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, I am back, so... I am in a freshly booted liveCD session, have not attempted any mount commands... what did you say is the best way to mount my /dev/sda5 ('/home' parition FYI) with write permission?00:18
marsjethat only seemed to work well with an older ubuntu00:18
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: well lets start from the beginning, why are you doing this?00:19
daftykinsmarsje: eww, old AMD card huh? also now it's Kodi :(00:19
marsjedaftykins: yeah, so I'd like to install a afresh kodi, but I doubt my video card will work well00:20
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
daftykinsmarsje: which is it?00:20
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins,  I am about to install ubuntu to the HDD, I do not want to have the overwrite/format my home partition, I want to delete the .config folder and other folders with settings that will interfere with the new install, and I wanted to remove them with a LiveCD while the OS is not running00:21
marsjedaftykins: I forgot... one that doesn't have support anymore in the latest radeon drivers00:21
marsjedaftykins: and I doubt the new open source drivers will support it, but haven't checked00:21
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: rename of /home/username to /home/usernameold would make far more sense. so yeah, "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda5 /mnt" assuming it's sda500:22
marsje"working" meaning having hardware accelerated video00:22
daftykinsmarsje: actually when it comes to XBMC/Kodi - radeon the open source driver is the best choice. anything 4xxx or older is unsupported by fglrx, yes00:22
marsjedaftykins: maybe I should give it a try... tomorrow :)00:23
lasagn4do any of you know how I grep so I get only the second word of each line and to skip the rest of the words on each line?00:23
marsjetoo bad I'm still completely in the dark why my ubuntu insists my drive is full while it doesn't look at all full00:23
daftykinslasagn4: nope, but if nobody gives a clue here, #bash might be helpful00:25
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, tried the line, results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133926/00:25
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, still no r/w access : /00:26
* marsje is going to get some sleep00:26
stairwaynew ubuntu user here.00:26
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: no you've got that all wrong.00:26
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ls -al /mnt | pastebinit"00:27
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133988/00:29
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: yeah, see right now it doesn't recognise the user that was from that install, because it's a live session. from inside /mnt/user/, try "sudo mv .config .configold"00:31
daftykinsnever delete, rename is far more safe00:31
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, ok cool, brb00:31
incognito2Hi, Can someone help me find the solution to my problem? I got the big red dot in my gnome panel and I got this error message in synaptic and/or apt-get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133475/00:31
incognito2Red dot with a minus sign in it00:32
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, nope, still receive a "permission denied"00:32
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, do I have to run a 'chown'?00:32
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: i wouldn't think so, but you could try.00:34
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, I cannot create directories either in that path: '/mnt/user'00:36
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, is there an argument for the mount command to r/w the device I am mounting?00:37
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: mount -o remount,rw <mountpoint>00:37
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: you don't even KNOW that it's read only right now. "mount | pastebinit" before running anything further00:37
TheNetdoes dropping all ports that aren't in use in iptables offer any protection?00:38
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10134144/00:39
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: yeah see, it's already rw00:40
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, son of a gun...00:40
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, well now I am growing gray hair over the fact I cannot actually 'write' or remove a few files00:40
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: it looks like a permissions problem? i've not read what you were writing before though..00:41
MortezaE hi, i want to set such a wifi connection on my computer, that i can connect to it and transfer some files to it trought FTP. I have nothing to do with internet. What should i search in google? AP Hotspot?00:41
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133988/00:41
MortezaE(I wanna connect to my pc by mobile and sent files to it)00:42
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: sudo chown -R root: /mnt/00:42
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: that's ls -l /mnt ?00:42
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, yes00:43
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: what are you doing to get the permissions error?00:43
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, going to try and run that command00:43
daftykinsi suggested ubuntulivesorrow run "sudo mv" on some file or folder, i forget which00:43
daftykinsEriC^^: ^00:43
daftykinsbe right back00:43
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133926/ I ran 'rm -rf <file>'00:43
EriC^^daftykins: ok00:43
ubuntulivesorrowdaftykins, ok00:44
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: type sudo rm -rf <file>00:44
incognito2Hi, Can someone help me find the solution to my problem? I got the big red dot with a big white minus sign in it in my gnome panel and I got this error message in synaptic and/or apt-get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133475/00:45
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10134214/   to my surprise, that did not work either00:46
daftykinsincognito2: whilst i'm gone, have a look if that file exists.00:46
k1l_incognito2: open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". the error sign just says it had a problem with the updates from the ubuntu servers00:47
incognito2Thanks guys00:47
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: type chmod u+x /mnt/user/.xsel.log00:47
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: wait, you didn't do sudo rm -rf00:48
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10134245/00:49
incognito2kll I don't think I can upgrade because it's 12.04. I will try sudo apt-get update, but I don't know if I can run dist-upgrade00:49
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: type sudo rm -rf /mnt/user/.xsel.log00:50
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: add sudo to the start of the command00:50
k1l_incognito2: the 2nd command will not upgrade the ubuntu release. its need to ship all package updates for 12.04 like new kernels etc.00:50
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.00:50
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: actually just type sudo rm /mnt/user/.xsel.log00:51
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, finally!! after like two hours, I can now delete, thank you and daftykins thank you also00:51
ubuntulivesorrowthe sudo worked00:51
EriC^^ubuntulivesorrow: is that your home directory?00:51
ubuntulivesorrowso after I reinstall, chown those files back?00:51
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, yes, that is my /home I mounted00:52
esantos3hello. i am  new here i have a question00:52
ardan_ /join #nomads00:53
daftykinsubuntulivesorrow: my pleasure!00:54
daftykinsEriC^^: ^5 go team :D00:54
EriC^^daftykins: ^5 :D00:54
incognito2kll thanks, okay. Yeah I did google the problem and found that solution before I came to the chat room, but I was afraid to run it, so now I am confident to run it at your recommendation00:55
Audiowhat can I do with the foloing error? how to repair my sound?00:56
Audio# amixer -D pulse sset Master 50%00:56
AudioALSA lib control.c:953:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL pulse00:56
Audioamixer: Mixer attach pulse error: No such file or directory00:56
ubuntulivesorrowEriC^^, daftykins I will be sure to come back after I am fully re-installed but under my regular IRC name of "JargonNode" ...working on my Linux LPIC-1 certification, so I will be able to be of help too one day soon, you guys rock00:56
incognito2daftykins yes that file exists. I will go ahead and run the command kll suggested and will report back.00:57
daftykinssounds good00:57
incognito2kll after running those commands ( I did it all in one line just like you wrote it ) I get the same error message.00:59
k1l_can you pastebin?00:59
incognito2kll this is the error I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/10133475/01:00
k1l_incognito2: and its possible the mirror server you get connected to just hangs in between a update and that will be fixed after some time. or you switch mirrors if you want it asap or the issue is there on next day01:00
incognito2kll okay, so if I google "how to switch mirror server for ubuntu updates," then I can find what you are talking about. Right?01:02
EriC^^incognito2: open the dash and type software & updates, change the mirror01:03
k1l_incognito2: on system settings .> updates and software and then there01:04
incognito2EriC^^ Thanks. I use gnome, but you have given me enough info to find it01:04
incognito2kll thanks for your help01:04
k1l_should be the same on gnome.01:06
failfarmhello, is it feasable to get a debloated version of ubuntu? IE: minus all laptop & wireless packages, printers, bluetooth, amazon, ect/01:09
somsip!minimal | failfarm01:09
ubottufailfarm: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:09
k1l_failfarm: start from the minimal and install what you need. yes01:11
k1l_failfarm: with some more research and effort you could even remove there more stuff you dont want01:11
MortezaEhow to find my wireless driver address?01:12
incognito2kll actually it's not the same on gnome, but when I switched to unity it wasn't there either. So I realized that it's probly because it 12.04. I wondering if I can get that file with wget?01:13
daftykinsMortezaE: 'address' of a driver? what do you mean? :)01:13
MortezaEi mean it's /dev/ address daftykins :)01:13
EriC^^incognito2: it should be in settings in 12.04 as well01:14
daftykinshmm, can't say i've ever considered such a thing.01:14
EriC^^incognito2: if you type software-properties-gtk in the terminal does it open?01:14
takkunhi could someone help me install Ubuntu on windows 801:15
daftykinstakkun: 'on' - you mean beside? dualboot?01:15
incognito2Eric^^ yes thanks.01:15
takkundaftykins: yes dafty. my teacher would like me to dual boot01:16
takkundaftykins: I remember attempting to install it a few months back, and things went horribly wrong D:01:16
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daftykinstakkun: so what has happened since then? has this system been reinstalled, or is there a mess to deal with?01:17
takkundaftykins: yes, I am a Comp Sci Major and taking a Linux Programming class. Um Since then I have gotten the system factory restored. So its like brand new.01:18
daftykinstakkun: alright, where are you now? in Windows?01:18
takkundaftykins: yes, i currently have windows 8.1 installed. and I have 2 partitions. My main partition which contains the OS, and a 2nd one which holds the system recovery for my laptop.01:19
daftykinstakkun: yep, so you need to resize the Windows C: to leave enough space for an Ubuntu partition(s) after it01:20
daftykinstakkun: run diskmgmt.msc and share a screenshot of what you see01:20
daftykins!paste | takkun01:20
ubottutakkun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:20
sp3ckhi, is there a way to create a software RAID 0, with one disk and add the second disk later?01:23
larry_1975New to Ubuntu 14.04 - Does anyone know if Cedega will work on this? Mine is x64. I tried to install earlier today and it corrupted my Software Center.01:23
daftykins!pm | kaleo_01:23
ubottukaleo_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.01:23
daftykinssp3ck: nope, do it propery first time.01:23
daftykins*properly too01:23
takkundaftykins: hey dafty, here is a screen shot. http://imgur.com/f8DsUZK01:23
daftykinssp3ck: also, RAID 0 is striping - maybe you meant RAID 101:23
sp3ckdaftykins, yeap sry i meant 101:24
xanguatakkun: you can use your tab key to autocomplete names01:24
incognito2EriC^^ is there a way to revert back to the default mirror after I change it. I cannot tell which mirror it is using. None of the mirrors are selected when I view the select list.01:24
xanguaooh i ready just dafy :P going for my glasses01:25
EriC^^takkun: wow, those are a lot of partitions O.o01:25
daftykinstakkun: ideally, if the Windows install has it, you want to create some ISOs and burn off discs for that Lenovo recovery partition01:25
EriC^^incognito2: the mirror is in /etc/apt/sources.list , default is archive.ubuntu.com01:25
sp3ckdaftykins, thnx. I was hopping on this wild guess...01:25
takkundaftykins: how would i do that?01:26
EriC^^takkun: search in windows for recovery disks01:26
daftykinstakkun: there might be some kind of Lenovo program installed for recovery disc creation, does this laptop/desktop have a DVD drive? usually they can create DVDs or ISOs for it01:26
takkundaftykins: Oh i know what you're talking about. Unfortunately Lenovo does not provide such a program. I have called them and asked for some Cd. But they were charging 70 dollars. So I didn't get them.01:27
EriC^^takkun: they don't give dvd's anymore, but you can make your own01:28
EriC^^it's that last 20gb partition01:28
daftykinstakkun: ah ok, hmm it's quite annoying when dealing with a system like that - there are so many messy partitions there01:28
takkunEriC^^: The program that daftykins is talking about is unfortunately not available for my laptop.01:29
EriC^^takkun: open the search in windows and type recovery , you should get recovery usb and recovery dvd and other apps01:29
daftykinsEriC^^: were it me i'd be tempted to delete the D:, then the two 450MB chunks then resize C: - but we don't know what they might do :( so perhaps resizing C: is the only idea01:29
takkundaftykins: Yeah, im not sure why so many partitions exist to be honest. But it is the default setting.01:30
daftykinsi know, OEM windows 8 is messy01:30
EriC^^daftykins: if he can make the recovery dvd's that'd be great, otherwise he can still manually recovery later using the .wim file in the recovery partition01:31
daftykinsEriC^^: mmm, to be honest i'd sooner link to the Microsoft page that allows download of a Windows 8 image01:31
EriC^^( which he might have to do cause as you know the recovery program is going to get picky about the partition table getting modified )01:31
daftykinstakkun: so what will you be doing with Ubuntu? development you said? we need to estimate what kind of disk space you'll want with it before resizing01:32
daftykinstakkun: maybe try making yourself up a Windows reinstall disc before proceeding - http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/create-reset-refresh-media01:33
EriC^^daftykins: those iso's are pretty hard, i tried a dozen and ended up using my wim file, but i guess it's cause my windows edition is rarer than US versions etc.01:33
takkundaftykins: Couldn't i pick the install along side windows 8 option? As for what I'll be doing. Tbh I think I might need a fair bit of space. The professor actually recommended we install fedora. Because he said it comes prepackaged with a lot of useful things that we will need for class.01:34
daftykinsah, obscure language? :)01:34
EriC^^daftykins: nah it's in english but it's just called differently for developing countries, core single lang or something , so none of the isos online would work01:34
daftykinstakkun: well, it depends if you want to keep making use of that recovery partition then. personally, i'd nuke it since i'm comfortable with obtaining (well i already have) working windows 8 media01:35
stairwayI need some help adding a server01:35
daftykins"adding a server" is a very broad statement01:35
stairwayI'm using x chat gnome01:36
takkundaftykins: What exactly does the program you linked do? Create an ISo of my C drive or give me a plain old windows 8.1 iso01:36
daftykinsstairway: #freenode would be better for IRC client support01:36
daftykinstakkun: well i actually haven't used this one, but a friend recommended it :) i figured it downloads it, not sure01:37
daftykinstakkun: you can't just install beside no, you need to at the very least resize C: first01:37
daftykinsWindows 8 gets very angry if you resize its' drive and you haven't safely rebooted out of Windows 8 first01:38
takkundaftykins: One of the core problems I was having when i first attempted this is that, I could only boot into Ubuntu if i turned off UEFI mode, and used Legacy, but this would make it so i could no longer boot into Windows. So i would constantly have to switch back and forth.01:39
EriC^^takkun: why couldn't you boot ubuntu with uefi?01:39
daftykinstakkun: sounds like you need to resolve UEFI booting a flash drive of 14.04 first, then01:39
takkunevery time i attempted to install Ubuntu with UEFI the Usb or Cd would boot, but then remain at a black screen forever.01:40
=== Diana is now known as Guest85448
Guest85448mi first time in Ubuntu01:40
daftykinstakkun: sounds like your graphics hardware requires...01:40
daftykins!nomodeset | takkun01:41
ubottutakkun: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:41
daftykinsGuest85448: neat, this is an OS support channel only - #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat :)01:41
bennypr0faneHey guys, if I wanna remove all files with the ending .v1 from the curretn directory and its subdirs, will this command work:  rm -r *.v101:42
EriC^^find . -iname "*.v1" -exec rm '{}' \;01:43
bennypr0faneEriC^^: why not?01:43
bennypr0faneugh, what's that01:43
bennypr0fanewill it also work for sub-subdirectories?01:43
somsipbennypr0fane: find all files recursively from the current dir and whith each path execute rm on it01:43
bennypr0fanewow, so the find command can call other commands itself?01:44
somsipbennypr0fane: the -exec bit01:44
bennypr0fanewhat's the '{}'\; seems like specifying a lot01:45
somsipbennypr0fane: refers to the 'with the path of the found item' bit01:45
bennypr0faneI'm just asking bcs I'f like to try and understand the command a bit before I run it01:45
somsipbennypr0fane: run with ls instead of rm first to see the effect01:46
failfarmwhat version is the current nvida driver ubuntu uses? could i install a newer version say like 346.3501:47
daftykinsfailfarm: only from manual download or a PPA01:47
bennypr0fanesomsip: great idea, will do01:47
daftykinsi believe 331 is the latest nvidia driver in-repos01:47
daftykins!find nvidia-01:47
ubottuFound: nvidia-prime, nvidia-settings, nvidia-settings-304, nvidia-settings-304-updates, nvidia-settings-310, nvidia-settings-310-updates, nvidia-settings-313-updates, nvidia-settings-319, nvidia-settings-319-updates, nvidia-settings-experimental-304 (and 54 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia-&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all01:47
somsipbennypr0fane: other options than ls, but that's usually good enough for a sanity check01:47
failfarmdaftykins: does that install along side the additional drivers or no?01:47
daftykinsfailfarm: does what?01:47
failfarmexcuse me let me word that better01:48
daftykinsfailfarm: what card do you have, why are you after 346?01:48
failfarm346 for opengl 4.5support and a 6804gig01:48
daftykinsfailfarm: 6804gig? what?01:48
failfarmdaftykins: i wanted to know if i install a newer driver would it show up in the additional drivers apt or no01:48
bennypr0faneOMG that took only like 2 seconds!01:49
failfarmmsi gtx 680 4gig edition01:49
bennypr0faneeven though it was A LOT of files...01:49
bennypr0faneThanks, EriC^^!01:49
DerekBerchtoldDoes anyone how to connect this client with Twitch TV?01:49
daftykinsfailfarm: waste of time trying to get a newer driver than 331 for that. so you want to know if manually installing a driver will allow it to appear in the options window offering drivers? that's a bit of an egg and chicken situation no? :)01:50
daftykinsDerekBerchtold: "this client" ?01:50
daftykinsDerekBerchtold: IRC has nothing to do with twitch01:50
daftykinsdefine "this client"01:50
DerekBerchtoldXChat - GNOME01:51
daftykinsyeah, xchat has nothing to do with twitch.tv01:51
daftykinsunless you're asking if they have a chat channel01:51
somsipDerekBerchtold: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/719/tutorial-connecting-to-twitch-tv-via-xchat-mirc/?page=1#1001:51
somsipdaftykins: apparently there is some bridge. ^^^01:51
DerekBerchtoldI need to get a IRC client that can connect to a Twitch channel on Lenix01:52
somsipDerekBerchtold: I've given you a link, but that's all the help you'll get here. Ask in the twitchtv support channel01:52
DerekBerchtoldthank you01:52
failfarmdaftykins: I was just wondering. I was thinking of switching from fedora to ubuntu mate. I currently have driver 346.35 which gives me access to opengl 4.5, 4.5 has some newer tools that make my life easier01:53
DarwinSurvivorI'm trying to PXE install ubuntu 14.10 (amd64) but can't get the installer to connect to the network01:54
daftykinsfailfarm: then with ubuntu you would install the driver manually from nvidia's website, or you would add a PPA that provides it such as xorg-edgers :) all of this would be manual though01:54
DarwinSurvivorThe PXE part works fine, but I get a "network autoconfiguration failed". I've tried bringing the interface up manually and even setting static ip/dns to no avail01:54
daftykinsDarwinSurvivor: sounds like you're not running a DHCP server01:56
DarwinSurvivordaftykins: PXE (which requires both DHCP and TFTP) work fine and all my others devices connect to my dhcp server01:58
DarwinSurvivordaftykins: also, even setting static IP does not work (cannot ping *anything*)01:58
incognito2EriC^^ kll thanks guys, problem solved. Will document the problem so I don't have to come back here and ask.02:00
nicomachusWhen I'm configuring SSH, do I set the "listen address" to the source PC or target PC?02:00
daftykinsDarwinSurvivor: oh well, no experience of that02:00
DarwinSurvivormichael_mbp: the IP address of the SSH server you are configuring02:01
DarwinSurvivormichael_mbp: you can also tell it to listen to an interface instead of an IP (which helps if your IP might change)02:01
azizLIGHThow can i measure my logged in time?02:01
nicomachuswhy are you typing michael_mbp?02:01
FuwieHi guys, I need some help. In Ubuntu 12 my bluetooth worked fine, I upgraded to 14.04 now and it isn't working anymore. Any help?02:01
MortezaEHi, how to find my wireless card's driver name?02:02
DarwinSurvivordaftykins: I found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/459721/14-04-server-pxe-installation-fails-at-configure-the-network-page but neither the biosdevname nor /etc/network/interfaces edits helped02:02
daftykinsazizLIGHT: get used to writing it down :P02:03
nicomachusDarwinSurvivor: MAC address too?02:03
FuwieHi guys, I need some help. In Ubuntu 12 my bluetooth worked fine, I upgraded to 14.04 now and it isn't working anymore. Any help?02:04
somsip!patience | Fuwie02:04
ubottuFuwie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:04
daftykinsyeah we saw the first time, Fuwie :)02:05
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: what about the MAC address?02:06
nicomachusThere are two lines for "ListenAddress" in the config file, one was pre-filled with, so I know that's where the IP goes. The other is pre-filled with ::02:07
daftykinsnicomachus: no, 0's mean listen to all02:07
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: if you leave those as they are, it will always listen no matter what its ip address is02:08
nicomachusah, ok then.02:08
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: the ssh server should work with all default settings, though you may want to make some changes to increase security (different port, only specific users can connect, key-auth only, etc)02:09
nicomachusDarwinSurvivor: I set it to key-auth only. Thought there was something else I needed to do in the config file to get it working.02:09
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: nope, just make sure you start it :)02:11
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: also, you'll need to generate some keys to use02:11
nicomachusI just ran "ssh nicomachus@hostname" and all I get is cursor blinking.02:12
daftykinstry IP02:12
daftykinsassuming you're going internally on a LAN02:12
nicomachusauthenticity can't be established02:12
nicomachuswhen using the IP02:12
nicomachusLaptop on wi-fi, pc on ethernet, going through the router.02:13
nicomachusI got a crossover, but I'd rather get the SSH figured out because that'll be good for me to know.02:14
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: did you test it before dissabling password authentication?02:15
LeonsDenHi room02:15
DarwinSurvivornicomachus: also, try ssh'ing to localhost from the same machine02:16
Blasterwhat's the best way to stream X11 from my Ubuntu machine to my OSX box.02:16
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: could you be more specific?02:16
nicomachusoh, wow, i didn't even realize it was asking me if I wanted to continue. I hit yes and it add it to the list of known hosts02:17
BlasterThe OSX is just a small 13" laptop and the Ubuntu machine has like 3 monitors, I just want a way to see those screens from my laptop.02:17
LeonsDenWhats the best way to load balance internet connection02:17
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: what do you want to show up where (entire ubuntu desktop on mac, single application, etc)02:17
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: sounds like you want something like vnc02:17
BlasterEntire desktop.02:17
BlasterAnd a way to display only one of the screens at a time.02:18
BlasterSince the client would be a laptop and the host would be the desktop that has 3 screens.02:18
BlasterAnd I want it to just run in the background like sshd.02:18
DarwinSurvivor!give vnc | blaster02:18
EriC^^!vnc | Blaster02:18
ubottuBlaster: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:18
Fuwieis it safe to remove gnome-bluetooth?02:18
DarwinSurvivorthanks EriC^^ been a while since I used ubottu02:19
DarwinSurvivorFuwie: if you don't use bluetooth, but make sure you check what else it will remove before hitting "yes"02:19
FuwieDarwinSurvivor I just read that bluez and gnome-bluetooth don't play well together, so I have to remove one or the other I guess for my bluetooth to work?02:20
BlasterWhich port do I need to forward for VNC using Gnome's desktop sharing?02:20
BlasterI want to connect remotely from outside of the network.02:20
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: 5900 I believe02:20
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: oh, in that case do NOT open port 590002:21
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: you'll want to tunnel it over SSH if you are going over the internet, which should be explained in the link from EriC^^/ubottu02:21
BlasterOho k.02:21
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: because VNC is EXTREMELY insecure and other than the password itself has absolutely no encryption02:21
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: it is a VERY fast way to get you machine hacked02:22
=== btiefert2 is now known as btiefert
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: instead you'll want to set up SSH (preferrably with key-only authentication or a high port number), then connect to that and create an SSH tunnel to port 5900 for your VNC connection02:22
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: See the "SSH Port Forwarding" section of the link you were given02:23
BlasterYeah my box has an sshd already.02:23
BlasterJust need to figure out the port forwarding stuff.02:24
BlasterThat's pretty cool, didn't know you could do that.02:24
BlasterSo SSH is completely encrypted, when you're using it on a public wifi there's no way to sniff the packets?02:25
daftykinsof course there is, there's always the potential for man in the middle attacks :)02:25
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: yes it is encrypted. To be really secure though, you'll want to connect from a trusted source and get the server's public key into your .known_hosts file.02:28
BlasterSo this SSH forwarding for VNC should work out of the box then if I'm running remote desktop, just need the right arguments for the forwarding on the client?02:28
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: that makes it much harder for someone to Man-In-The-Middle you02:28
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: yes02:29
DarwinSurvivorBlaster: also, you'll probably want to restrict your vnc server (vino is the default in gnome) to localhost only, so that you can only connect to it remotely via ssh02:29
trn450Hello - for whatever reason I only get 100Mbps on my Gigabit network on my Ubuntu install. Would anybody be able to help me troubleshoot? thx02:31
studio__how groovy, i am banned from ubuntu-touch *lol*02:32
trn450Oh, and ethtool says gigabit is supported.02:33
studio__they don't like questions about ubuntu and ubuntu-touch with its security :)02:33
studio__so i can still use android?02:34
daftykinstrn450: using an inferior cable?02:34
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trn450daftykins: no the cable is satisfactory. gigabit in windows on same machine.02:36
trn450daftykins: broadcom chip, defaulted to tg3 module by install02:36
nicomachushow do I set the password for the remote host?02:38
trn450nicomachus: in what context? how are you connecting?02:38
daftykinsi don't think you're using the right terms02:39
daftykinsin the context of an SSH connection, the remote host is the one you're logging into - therefore the password is the one you set the system up with, for the given user02:39
daftykinse.g. i SSH to 'computername', i login with 'username' and 'password' because it's my system02:40
nicomachusyea, that's not working...02:40
daftykinsmore details, where are you connecting to, from where?02:40
trn450nicomachus: if the user exists on your system already and you cannot connect: 1 ensure sshd is installed, 2 make sure port 22 is open in your firwall02:40
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nicomachusi just don't even know anymore...02:42
trn450nicomachus: have you installed the openssh package?02:42
nicomachuson both machines.02:42
trn450okay. so do this:02:44
trn450ps aux | grep sshd02:44
trn450Tell me if you see the following in there: root ... ... ... ... /usr/sbin/sshd -D02:44
trn450okay, now: sudo ufw status02:45
trn450does it show port 22 enabled?02:45
nicomachusStatus: inactive02:45
trn450sudo ufw enable02:45
trn450sudo ufw allow 2202:45
trn450then retry: ssh user@ip02:45
trn450obviously for the remote host02:46
nicomachuswell ok then.02:46
trn450ufw is the "uncomplicated firewall"02:46
trn450great tool, learn to use it before moving on to understanding iptables.02:47
trn450nicomachus: did it work?02:47
nicomachusJust an FYI: I've been trying to do that since 10:00am this morning.02:47
nicomachusYes, it worked.02:47
trn450haha. we've all been there! ^_^02:47
trn450you can always check which ports are open with nmap02:47
trn450that'll tell you if you've got the correct ports open02:47
trn450it's not installed by default, but you can apt-get nmap02:47
nicomachuswow. that was entirely too easy, thank you trn45002:48
daftykinswhat time is it now, nicomachus? ;)02:48
nicomachus8:48 pm02:48
trn450nicomachus: absolutely. Now that you're in the IRC channel, you'll find that answers come sooner. lol02:49
nicomachustrn450: I've been in the IRC channel all weekend...02:49
nicomachusI've had hardware issues, kernel issues, live disc issues, usb boot issues, PLoP issues, installation issues, stability issues, and ssh issues.02:50
trn450nicomachus: lol @ pic02:52
trn450nicomachus: why so many issues? :/ i've not had that many issues on any of my ubuntu installs.02:53
nicomachusthrift store PC. 7-8 year old mobo. replaced the CPU and GPU to get up to video streaming capable.02:54
nicomachusbut the PSU wasn't strong enough, so the CPU kept failing.02:54
nicomachusreplaced that. got a new HDD to replace the 80gb. then had to reinstall with a shitty DVD drive and a BIOS that wouldn't boot from USB.02:55
RazielHello. i have fucked up and need help02:56
xangua!language | Raziel02:56
ubottuRaziel: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:56
Razieli apologize02:56
xanguaok ;()02:57
Razielmy desktop is MIA. but it pops up when i click the trash icon02:57
Razieland when i try to access my Files launcher, it appears for about 5 seconds then goes away02:57
RazielAny idea?02:58
xangua"MIA" ?02:58
Razielalso, i can't click any icons on the background desktop when trash opens.02:58
RazielMissing in action02:58
Razielthe background picture is there, but i can't click anything and all icons on it are gone.02:59
Razieli can't even make the squares by dragging and moving.02:59
Razieli have no idea how to fix this03:02
Mr_SheeshAlt-Tab work? Just in case. No expert on Linux atm03:03
craigbass1976I ran into this last night ans don't remember how I got around it.  Box1 has a directrory called remote.  Box2 runs sshfs user@box2:/home/user/remote/ mount-point/  Then does sudo touch mount-point/1.txt  and gets a permission denied error.  I've chowned (on box 1) the remote dir to root, but still no love03:03
razielsorry about that03:05
razielanyway. Any idea?03:05
[1]MN22:04] <[1]MN> Team any one has a solution of implementing my personal search engine03:05
[1]MN[22:04] <[1]MN> which searches exactly as google does from online03:05
studio__so, is it "worth" to change to ubuntu-touch without the security i know from ubuntu?03:06
=== raziel is now known as R0bbie
R0bbienickserv wasnt happy with my last name03:07
daftykinsR0bbie: test the guest session, if that works fine, we know it's your account03:08
GraemeLionstudio__: Worth it to change what to Ubuntu touch?03:09
R0bbieill try03:09
R0bbieguest session has no issue03:10
R0bbieso its my account. i think i deleted something important but i restored it from the bin03:11
R0bbiebut my problem persisted03:11
craigbass1976I've also got the directory in question chmodded to 77703:11
R0bbiewhen i try to access any folder (pictures/videos/home/whatever) it disappears in like 5 seconds03:12
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daftykinsR0bbie: hit ctrl+alt+F1, log in, type "mv ~/.config ~/.configold" then "sudo shutdown -r 0" and see if it's fixed03:15
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R0bbiecan you copy/paste that last response?03:18
R0bbiehaving issues lol.03:18
R0bbieoh nvm03:19
R0bbiei can scroll03:19
bruxChow would I go about adding a group to a directory without affecting the pre-existing permissions03:22
bruxCis that chmod +R 775 groupname /etc/filepath03:22
bruxC(new to linux/ubuntu)03:22
R0bbieit's asking for a login. i don't remember making a password for my disc on this. i think i only made one login for this account..03:23
R0bbieand its not working. is there a default password?03:24
trn450sorry, i missed first part03:24
trn450for root?03:24
daftykinsbruxC: chown -R user:group /path03:24
trn450by default you do not make a root password. your primary login is the admin with sudo priveleges.03:24
trn450So, you can do:03:24
R0bbieis there any way i can do that through terminal Dafty? i have access to that?03:24
trn450sudo passwd root03:24
trn450and then give root a password03:24
bruxCthe user:group part... my username is "user" and my group is "sonarr" so would that be user:sonarr?03:25
daftykinsR0bbie: that's what the whole "ctrl+alt+F1" pressing is about.03:26
trn450in Ubuntu, by default users are given a primary group of t heir own name. So, if sonarr was your username your default group would be sonarr as well.03:26
R0bbietrn450, the issue im having is my desktop has disappeared along with all icons. and when i click files it shows up for 5 seconds and disappears. sorry dafty im bad at this lol03:26
R0bbiectrl alt f1 just took up my whole screen. did not know it was term03:26
trn450R0bbie: what happened prior to this? did you make ssytem settings changes?03:26
daftykinstrn450: we do not advise people to ruin the entire design principles behind ubuntu in here, you should not be telling them to set a password for root.03:26
daftykinsR0bbie: you do not log in as root. you log in as your username.03:27
trn450daftykins: I understand. However, it was my understanding he asked and there is nothing wrong with that knowledge. By design GNU/Linux was made to be hacked.03:28
daftykinsthere is nothing 'hacking' about trashing their install's security03:29
trn450daftykins: IMO all discovery counts :)03:30
R0bbiethat did not work at all03:30
daftykinsyou might want to narrow down what you mean?03:30
R0bbieit changed my background back to original and readded the side icons but it didnt fix my problem03:30
R0bbiethe side icons i deleted*03:30
daftykinsso what, clicking the trash?03:31
daftykinsyou're gonna have to describe03:31
R0bbiealso, when i click on trash, my desktop icons return but it closes in 5 seconds and nothing stays03:31
bruxCso my issue is sonarr, I've been trying to get this damn thing to auto-start but no luck. Can someone help me. I'm pretty positive it's permissions based i'm just really struggling with all things linux/ubuntu.03:31
R0bbiealso i know what root is and how it's really easy to demolish your system with it so i never use it03:32
R0bbiei just have an issue and really have no idea how to fix it03:32
R0bbiei deleted the folder Templates because i thought it was useless prior to this issue if that helps03:33
R0bbieim guessing i effed up big time if that is the cause of this03:33
daftykinsno idea, i don't even use desktop so my experience here is limited03:34
R0bbieyou don't use your desktop?03:34
R0bbiealso, your config thing made my browser lose all of its bookmarks03:35
daftykinsi don't use Ubuntu desktop.03:36
daftykinsyeah you can get that back easy enough03:36
R0bbiethis is killing me03:39
omgz00ri installed ubuntu03:41
omgz00rand now my system boots straight into ubuntu instead of giving me an option between windows and ubuntu03:41
omgz00rlike, why won't it dual boot03:41
omgz00rthe windows installation is still there03:41
omgz00rit hasn't been deleted03:41
omgz00ris everyone in here an irc bot or something03:43
omgz00rwhy no tlak03:43
Bashing-omomgz00r: Try: -> sudo update-grub <- .03:44
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EriC^^omgz00r: were you here earlier?03:44
Guest40252hello all ...03:45
Guest40252I have a quick question - how do we communicate issues to the developers ?03:45
somsip!bug | Guest4025203:46
ubottuGuest40252: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:46
Guest40252err ... apologies ... my channel didn't join03:46
Guest40252please ignore03:46
gunarm_I notice that kodi (previously) xbmc can't remove addons, and I look in the logs and it says it can't delete the files which apparently are in /usr/share/kodi/addons/04:01
gunarm_i don't get how that's even *supposed* to work... am I supposed to be running kodi with sudo?04:02
EriC^^gunarm_: i doubt04:03
daftykinsgunarm_: not relevant here, just 'cause nobody is replying in #kodi ;)04:04
iqbalkhanHello All04:05
gunarm_daftykins, well, it kinda is!04:05
iqbalkhanI have installed the ubuntu variant04:05
iqbalkhanit is Cylon OS04:05
iqbalkhanIt based on 12.04 ubuntu04:05
rwwiqbalkhan: We don't supported "based on ubuntu" here, just Ubuntu itself.04:05
gunarm_daftykins, and maybe I don't understand I don't understand how linux works like I thought I did if kodi is trying to write to /usr/share04:05
rww(and official derivatives, which that isn't)04:06
gunarm_daftykins, isn't everything in /usr supposed to be off limits to non admin processes?04:06
daftykinsplease stop highlighting me04:06
iqbalkhanrww, ok. I thought i can get help here04:07
gunarm_daftykins, oh ok, well please do not speak to me if you don't wish to be spoken back to04:07
daftykinsthat's a really stupid statement :)04:07
gunarm_no, it isn't04:08
Dylan_Hi guys. I'm unfortunately dealing with an Excel sheet for my work that has embedded macros that won't translate properly to LibreOffice. Short of simply installing Excel in a dualboot with Windows, does anyone have a better idea how I can access these macros in my spreadsheet?04:20
Dylan_Hi nuget.04:20
nuget102Anyone able to help me? It appears Ubuntu is unable to find my bluetooth adapter, and all the fixes I've seen don't work...04:20
OerHeksDylan_, online office?04:20
Dylan_OerHeks: What's that?04:21
OerHeksDylan_, the free online version of office/excel, see https://office.live.com/start/Excel.aspx?omkt=en-US04:22
Dylan_Just found it.04:22
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OerHeksnuget102, is this a bt usb adapter connected by usb3 by any chance?04:23
jamie_okay, yet again i am running into a problem... i go to install ubuntu via live usb and it keeps returning an error04:24
nuget102It worked fine, until I upgraded from ubuntu 12.04:24
dcopehey all. i just took a logrotate config down from keeping 52 to 14. i wanted to test this so i ran logrotate with -d but it looks like it wont automatically delete the old logs that exceed 1404:24
jamie_failed to load com32file gfxboot.c3204:24
dcopeis this the case?04:25
x41what is the correct way to add a compressor or limiter to a source (input) device threw PA?04:25
OerHeksnuget102, Use rfkill to ensure there isn't any hard/soft block on your bluetooth deivce. open terminal:  rfkill list04:26
somsipdcope: that is the case. It only looks at the 'rotate' number of files and you need to manually delete the others04:27
nuget102OerHeks I only see Wireless LAN connections, nothing about my bluetooth.04:27
jamie_this is the second time I have ran into this problem, I searched it up and it says that it is a bug in unetbootin, but i have tried both startup disk creators, and also unetbootin and dd04:27
dcopesomsip: oh ok, thank you04:28
Dylan_OerHeks: do you know how to upload a local spreadsheet to Online Office?04:28
somsipdcope: np. did the same thing myself last week :)04:28
OerHeksDylan_, nope, i used powerpoint only, isn't there an option to upload? maybe you need skydrive for that ..04:29
Dylan_I'm looking for an upload option but I'm not finding one...04:30
nuget102OerHeks but if I do sudo lsmod |grep blue I get sudo lsmod |grep blue as a result. But if I didn't have bluetooth I shouldn't be doing that? So I think it's software, not hardware. And my laptop DOES have bluetooth...04:30
nuget102So frustrating.04:30
Dylan_"Open" only seems to access the cloud itself.04:30
Dylan_Googlin' it now...04:31
OerHeksnuget102, BT works fine here, but it was a fresh install, one guy wrote "I got it fixed via Ubuntu software center.... I had every bluetooth software (blue icon) installed except the manager. I just had to install Bluetooth Manager from the Ubuntu Software Center. " http://askubuntu.com/questions/490346/bluetooth-not-working-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts04:31
jamie_any ideas on how to solve this problem04:31
Dylan_Oi. Figure it out and "The file can't be edited using Online Office."04:32
Dylan_Back to my original question then:04:32
Dylan_I'm unfortunately dealing with an Excel sheet for my work that has embedded macros that won't translate properly to LibreOffice. Short of simply installing Excel in a dualboot with Windows, does anyone have a better idea how I can access these macros in my spreadsheet?04:32
nuget102OerHeks I have literally every bluetooth icon installed as well, still not working. The Bluetooth Manager comes up with "Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function" and I click "enable bluetooth" but it doesn't work.04:32
nuget102And this is a fresh install as well I do bleieve.04:33
jamie_nuget102: are you on a laptop04:33
nuget102jamie_ yes.04:33
nuget102No it's not the switch thing that turns of bluetooth04:33
jamie_nuget102: you may need the drivers04:34
OerHeksnuget102, is the BT service running ? sudo service bluetooth start04:34
bliblookiing for a good quality compact+light,  mic+speaker combo that will work on arm + ubuntu. Any suggestions?04:34
nuget102OerHeks it says it's already running04:34
nuget102jamie_ where can I find the drivers? I mean they should already be installed, I think? But it's worth a shot.04:35
OerHeksnuget102, then i am out of ideas04:35
nuget102Thanks anyway OerHeks04:35
jamie_nuget102: what type of laptop04:35
nuget102I've literally spend two days trying to fix this crap04:35
nuget102jamie_ Dell Inspiron n403004:35
jamie_nuget102: one sec04:36
nuget102Thanks. :_04:36
OerHeksnuget102,try:  dmesg | grep -i blue   # is there a line that says  Bluetooth: Firmware file "your number" not found04:37
nuget102OerHeks I can paste what all it says?04:38
nuget102But, not that I see.04:38
jamie_nuget102: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=TTW58&fileId=3176083194&osCode=W764&productCode=inspiron-14-n4030&languageCode=EN&categoryId=NI04:38
OerHeksnuget102,  sure, use paste.ubuntu.com please04:38
nuget102jamie_ wait, do I have to have windows to install those drivers? If so I can't install them. No Windows...04:38
jamie_nuget102: you should, let me doubble check real fast04:39
nuget102OerHeks http://paste.ubuntu.com/10136708/04:39
jamie_nuget102: i mean you should be able to not on windows, but im checking right now04:39
OerHeksno windows drivers needed, maybe linux-firmware-nonfree04:39
nuget102OerHeks ??04:40
OerHekslooks like it should work..04:40
nuget102Good evening agent_white04:41
jamie_nuget102: im still checking sorry04:42
OerHeksnuget102, this solution is worth a try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1283003/comments/1504:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283003 in Ubuntu "[Bluetooth + 14.04] Bluetooth headsets are not working after last couple of updates" [High,Confirmed]04:43
nuget102It's okay jamie_04:43
nuget102And thanks OerHeks04:43
nicomachusif my home folder is encrypted, can I still use rsync to send a folder via ssh04:44
nuget102Guess I have to restart?04:44
daftykinsservices running atop the host are on the other 'side' of the encryption04:44
nuget102So uh, brb guys. :p04:44
OerHeksnuget102, no, restart bluetooth service04:44
TiKreboots what are you using windows? :)04:45
nuget102How do I do that? :/04:45
nuget102Not great with linux, sorry.. It's more my girlfriends thing.04:45
OerHeksnuget102, sudo service bluetooth restart04:45
nicomachusI'm trying to send my entire /home/username/music/ folder over to another pc via ssh and rsync, but I keep getting a "failed: No such file or directory"04:45
nuget102Aaand nope.04:45
nuget102I still can't turn on bluetooth, and still no adapter found04:46
TiKjust cp -a it are you running samba?04:46
TiKnicomachus: run samba and cp =a it04:46
nicomachusTiK: no, I was going to use rsync because it's a rather large folder.04:46
TiKcp -a04:46
TiKwell you are having problems that way so setup a network and cp it04:46
TiKthat is what I would do...04:47
nicomachuscp or scp?04:47
TiKcp after you get the network set up04:47
agent_whitenicomachus: It's good to use rsync, actually. Just due to featurs it has like recovering disconnected tranfer and stuff.04:48
nicomachusthat's why I was using that instead of scp.04:49
jamie_nuget102: are you on 14.0404:49
nuget102jamie_ Yes.04:49
nicomachuseven with scp I get "no such file or directory"04:50
nuget102We upgraded to 14.04 because the latest version of Google Chrome lets us watch Netflix without any stupid workarounds. :p04:50
jamie_nuget102: http://askubuntu.com/questions/490346/bluetooth-not-working-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts04:50
nuget102Which, afaik, is only available on 14.0404:50
nicomachusI'm just directing it to /home/nicomachus/music it shouldn't be that hard, right?04:50
jamie_take a look at that04:50
agent_whitenicomachus: What is the exact command you are typing in?04:53
nicomachusagent_white: scp -r /home/nicomachus/Music xenophilius@
nicomachusoh. my. god.04:54
nicomachusyou have GOT to be kidding.04:54
daftykinsyeah you need to type path.../.04:54
nicomachusIt's because I didn't have the M in Music capitalized.04:54
daftykinsyep welcome to Linux04:54
agent_whitenicomachus: Use dat auto-complete ;)04:54
daftykinsyou can't autocomplete a remote path04:54
nuget102I think I found it, thanks so much.04:55
nuget102jamie_ thanks so yea04:55
jamie_also people does anyone know what the cause of this error     failed to load com32 file gfxboot.c3204:55
agent_whiteTrue. I assumed he was mispelling it locally.04:55
jamie_nuget102: did that work for you04:55
nuget102Nope. xD04:56
nuget102Still trying though.04:56
jamie_dam..... :\04:56
nuget102Give me another few minutes.04:56
nicomachusAnd of course rsync works fine now, too, with the capitalization...04:57
nicomachuswell, time to go to bed and let those 150gb transfer.04:57
nicomachusnight all, thanks for the help and for pointing out my stupidity.04:57
jamie_nuget102: lol im still searching for a solution04:58
fry__When I try to install ubuntu, like click 'try ubuntu before install' or 'install' the screen flashes, then comes back to grub and freezes. Does anyone know what's going on?04:58
nuget102thanks jamie_ , I've been looking for 2 days. About to give up...04:59
jamie_nuget102: NEVER!!!!04:59
nuget102jamie_ how do I install that dell driver btw. I'm going to go ahead and try that maybe?05:00
jamie_i dont know if that will work due to its a .exe file05:00
daftykinsthis is Linux, you don't install drivers like in Windows land05:00
xanguayou don't install windows driver even...05:01
OerHeksdaftykins +1 no windows drivers needed, maybe linux-firmware-nonfree05:01
new0theruseranyone familiar with mutt here?05:02
jamie_Im looking for the linux drivers because i know there are some05:02
nicomachusfry__: are you using a cd or usb?05:03
new0therusermutt keeps attaching my message versus inlining it--is this desired or a result of gpg?05:05
fry__nicomachus: usb05:05
jamie_i am also have a problem with install, but totally different05:05
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jamie_I have tried to get help with the problem before on here but we came to no resolution to the problem05:20
RahulANcitroniks, Hii05:25
jamie_nvm people ill try again later I guess05:27
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LopeHi, my encrypted home dir got a little bit corrupt. It still works, but I've had some errors. How can I run fsck on it?05:38
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bmelcher84hey everyone05:58
lotuspsychjebmelcher84: welcome mate05:58
bmelcher84lotuspsychje: whats up buddy05:58
bmelcher84where abouts are you from?05:59
lotuspsychjebmelcher84: this channel is used for ubuntu support only, not regular chat05:59
bmelcher84lotuspsychje: i understand, but we are human after all, not robots06:00
bmelcher84so i am looking into installing ubuntu on my raspberry pi06:00
bmelcher84know much about this, or should i look for a raspberry pi channel?06:01
lotuspsychje!alis | bmelcher8406:01
ubottubmelcher84: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:01
lotuspsychjebmelcher84: maybe this can help mate: http://askubuntu.com/questions/212346/can-a-raspberry-pi-run-ubuntu06:02
dingus1I like it. I need to get a raspberry Pi 2.06:04
dingus1It is faster than my old dell desktop 866. And it is quad core at 900 Mhz06:05
JargonNodedaftykins:  I am back up and running, we chatted earlier with my nick being "ubuntulivesorrow"06:06
bmelcher84dingus1: i agree06:06
bmelcher84JargonNode: I was not here, but whats up buddy06:06
dingus1$35 USD, not bad for a toy.06:07
JargonNodebmelcher84:  was just thanking daftykins and EriC^^  ... I was using hexchat via a Ubuntu LiveCD, they helped out with the mystery of not being able to remove files from a mounted volume that I was needing to do prior to a reinstall06:08
bmelcher84JargonNode: Ah, okay, well glad you got everything working06:09
JargonNodebmelcher84:  all is better now, my script to reinstall all my packages worked like a charm, got all my profiles/settings copied back to save time06:09
JargonNodebmelcher84:  it was good experience, trying to get LPIC-1 certified soon06:09
JargonNodebmelcher84:  you have certs?06:10
bmelcher84never needed them, if you know it you know it, and i have always been hired06:11
bmelcher84so i guess no need06:11
JargonNodebmelcher84:  what's your current title/duties if you don't mind me asking06:12
bmelcher84JargonNode: director of IT06:13
TiKcerts are the way to go if you know it get a piece of paper sayting you do :P06:13
TiKpeople lie all the time06:13
dingus1Dumb question: "Is there a ubuntu channel for support of the rasperry Pi 2?" I am kinda of a unix guy. mostly engineering systems Sun, SGI.06:14
somsipdingus1: #raspberrypi06:14
dingus1And I have no certs. :(06:14
bmelcher84TiK: i agree, and i may go that way now since i can have it paid for, but before I never had the funds to keep them up06:14
bmelcher84dingus1: pm me06:15
fishcookeri have itegno modem on /dev/ttyUSB0  i want to link it to something eg: /dev/modem06:20
fishcookerhow to do it?06:20
eiquiis it possible to use Timeshift to restore ubuntu after re-partitioning the drive?06:29
trn450So, i compiled a new driver for my ethernet card and installed it. I created the deps with depmod, and the used modload to load it. I confirmed that the new version was running. On reboot, everything was broken :/ So, I removed the new driver and confirmed loading the old one in recovery mode. But, still no dice. Any recommendations? thx06:35
bmelcher84trn450: sounds like my every day with linux :/ lol06:42
lotuspsychjetrn450: did you blacklist the old driver06:42
lotuspsychje!blacklist | trn45006:43
ubottutrn450: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »06:43
lotuspsychjetrn450: maybe fix broken packages from grub recoverymode can also help you06:44
trn450bmelcher84: lol, I feel ya.06:47
trn450lotuspsychje: I did not blacklist, no.06:47
trn450ubottu: Thanks, I'l give that a try.06:47
ubottutrn450: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:47
trn450ubottu: I could make an argument that's all we truly are :)06:47
ubottutrn450: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:47
lotuspsychjetrn450: how come your ethernet driver isnt recognized on ubuntu setup in the first place?06:48
trn450lotuspsychje: it was recognized. But I was only getting 100Mbps and I thought it might be a driver issue. (Windows on same machien gets full gigabit)06:50
lotuspsychjetrn450: with what did you test the speed?06:50
trn450i was transferring a 20gb file and it was painful to watch it.06:50
lotuspsychjetrn450: maybe try other transfer ways to test06:51
trn450The math also worked in terms of time it took to transfer.06:51
lotuspsychjetrn450: the ##networking guys might be able to help speed issues06:52
trn450thanks! I'll give them a try. For now, I'm going to attempt one last ditch effort to salvage the install. So easy to clean install I can't bring myself to do too much work to fix a broken os. lol06:53
trn450lotuspsychje: thanks for your help.06:53
trn450It's working now :) Thx again for your help. Blacklisting didn't resolve it for whatever reason, but just doing apt-get update && upgrade worked07:04
lotuspsychje!yay | trn45007:04
ubottutrn450: Glad you made it! :-)07:04
trn450ty ty07:05
lotuspsychjetrn450: did you enable internet + updates during ubuntu setup?07:05
trn450lotuspsychje: this is a relatively old install. but yes, those things were enabled at that time. I broke it, Ubuntu did a fine job providing me with something working. I just didnt' like seeing the limited bandwidth.07:06
lotuspsychjetrn450: ah maybe some old leftovers brought driver problems07:07
trn450lotuspsychje: definitely some driver problems. I'm now running at just over 10 Mbps :/07:07
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | trn450 can i recommend you this:07:07
trn450That's worse than how I started.07:07
ubottutrn450 can i recommend you this:: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (utopic), package size 249 kB, installed size 1930 kB07:07
lotuspsychjetrn450: wich ubuntu version is this?07:08
trn45012.04 (Elementary OS)07:08
lotuspsychjetrn450: maybe its time for a 14.04 LTS fresh install07:08
lotuspsychje!elementary | trn45007:09
ubottutrn450: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.07:09
trn450Their IRC channel is dead :/ lol07:10
trn450lotuspsychje: perhaps. I just enjoy the elementary os altogether and theri 14.04 is still beta07:10
lotuspsychjetrn450: im sure a 14.04 ubuntu fresh install could fix all your driver issues07:11
lotuspsychjeso its up to you :p07:11
OerHekstrn450, elementary has its own issues07:14
trn450except for nvidia drivers :/ elementary os has a very good solution for nvidia proprietary drivers. on 14.04 lts that was definitely a challenge for me07:14
OerHeksgood luck07:14
trn450OerHeks: I can see you're correct :) lol. Maybe i'll run their beta.07:14
trn450This is intolerable though. Uploading at 1.6MB/s to my server is terrible.07:15
ce_Nakaljoin #banjarmasin07:17
fpghost84Hi, I seem to be having issues connecting to my VPN. Looking at the logs shows http://paste.ofcode.org/caT65XPtVKDEeaWS2FTmMF  ....If I logout/login it does work however. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?07:19
fpghost84I'm on 14.0407:19
NEI4U2Khi, i did erase disk and install ubuntu, but when i start the computer, there's a windows 7 option07:21
dannyaltNo matter what i do, i cant get rid of the Lubuntu splash screen. the options to boot are also still lxde lubuntu openbox or ubuntu.07:21
NEI4U2Kand I can choose it, and it will show some errormessage. How do I fix this? Thanks07:22
lotuspsychjedannymic_: you can try edit grub erase "quiet splash" to ""07:24
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: try sudo update-grub07:25
NEI4U2Klotuspsychje: it says command not found07:26
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: from terminal: sudo update-grub should do the trick07:26
NEI4U2Ksorry, typo,07:27
amesomebody please help my clients are not booting and saying update initramfs07:32
NEI4U2Klotuspsychje: it didn't work.07:34
NEI4U2Ki just restarted. windows 7 is still there07:34
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: can you check your fstab07:35
lotuspsychje!blkid | NEI4U2K07:35
ubottuNEI4U2K: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:35
DamienManyone wants to chat?07:40
DamienMpm me07:40
OerHeks!ot | DamienM07:42
ubottuDamienM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:42
OerHeksNEI4U2K, seems like you didn't fully wipe the drive07:43
NEI4U2Kdifferent drives.07:43
NEI4U2Kis it because it's NTFS? I can't install android studio.07:43
OerHeksNEI4U2K, do you want to keep win7 ?07:46
NEI4U2Kalready did erase disk and install ubuntu. should I reinstall ?07:47
OerHeksNEI4U2K, oh i see now, you installed ubuntu on the 2nd hdd sdb07:48
OerHeksno wonder win7 appears ..07:48
NEI4U2Ki thought I chose the smaller drive? the ssd?07:49
NEI4U2Kya. what did i do wrong?07:49
OerHeksNEI4U2K, hard to say which one is the ssd07:51
NEI4U2KOerHeks: sdb is correct.07:53
NEI4U2KOerheks : except when i check it on system monitor, it only has 23 gb, it's supposed to have 32 gb T_T. nvm that. ummm... Thanks?07:54
NEI4U2Kit says found windows 7 on sda3.07:58
NEI4U2Ksystem reserved.07:59
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, that would be the win7 restore partition07:59
NEI4U2Kshould i just delete the partition?08:00
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, sorry, that's windows boot partition.08:00
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NEI4U2Kyes, i dont think i have windows anymore. Is it ok to delete the partition?08:01
NEI4U2Knvm I deleted and resized the partition already, see how it goes :D08:02
svetlanaHi all. do-release-upgrade does not pick up 14.10 for some reason. I am on 14.04.08:02
cfhowlettsvetlana, *sudo* do-release-upgrade08:02
auronandacesvetlana: check your settings, it may be set to detect lts releases only08:03
svetlanacfhowlett: that's what I did.08:04
Crom_anyone get picoLCD running on a mini-box.com 20x2 display?08:05
cfhowlettsvetlana, and your settings?  as aurondance suggested08:05
Crom_lucid 10.04 here08:05
svetlanaI'm looking -- not sure where these settings are. (I have no gui stuff on this despite using it as a desktop.)08:05
cfhowlettCrom_, lucid desktop?  completely end of life and non-supported08:05
cfhowlettsvetlana, understood.  wait 108:06
cfhowlettsvetlana, actually, ask #ubuntu-server      about this.  t'is a simple command which I've completely forgotten08:06
inerkickI have flash installed in my ubuntu 14.04 but still I get "A plugin is needed to display this content" this. What to do08:07
hateballinerkick: What browser are you using? Make sure it hasnt disabled Flash08:08
studentttuhello, can I run ubuntu on macbook air and if yes, will I have compatibility issues?08:09
studentttuI heard using OSX and windows identically reduced battery life by 50% on windows due to stuff not being optimizied08:10
cfhowlett!mac | studentttu, long answer short = "it depends".  see the !mac resources08:11
ubottustudentttu, long answer short = "it depends".  see the !mac resources: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:11
nabnI installed solarized colorscheme in gnome terminal. doing an 'ls' shows a funny character at the begining. What's going wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10138824/08:13
nabnP.S. I am using zsh with antigen08:13
studentttucfhowlett: the link you provided refers to 13.10 ubuntu, so I assume everything should work as good on the new version of ubuntu, 14 ?08:13
cfhowlettstudentttu, as I understand it, yes.  I've tested 14.04 on mac air at the apples store.  use the standard 64 bit .iso boots without issue.  the broadcom chip for wifi required about 30 seconds of work in the terminal to enable.08:15
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OerHeksCrom_, maybe this page is any help, http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=7943308:23
Crom_lucid since I'm trying to run LinuxCNC08:24
Crom_well finally got picoLCD running... now trying to figure remote code..08:25
Crom_OerHeks, earlier someone said lucid was EOL08:26
OerHeksCrom_,  yes, lucid desktop is EOL.08:26
xanguadesktop is is and server soon will join08:26
OerHeksserver is supported for another few months08:26
Crom_for picoLCD I needed to add an enviroment var for lib dir08:26
Crom_I need 10.04 for linuxcnc08:26
trn450OerHeks: I think you were here earlier wheN I was complaining about my xfer speeds. This getting very interesting. lol08:27
trn450Anybody have any idea why through nautilus i get a fraction fo the smb transfer speeds I get when I go through the smblclient in the CLI?08:27
OerHekstrn450, wrong channel dude, join #elementary to complain08:27
trn450Yeah, sorry, that place is empty. And, this is a Ubuntu based OS. Not so much complaining as inquiring, but thx anyway.08:29
anumpatelHow can I share my wifi Network with WIFI hotspot?08:34
aeon-ltdanumpatel: you want to use your laptop (i assume?) as a wifi hotspot?08:38
alessandroalb@all : buongiorno a tutti09:00
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lonixi have a apache web server hosting a blog, in addition i have a few raw text files with a version number in it (for updates check). Webalizer works well in informing on my blog's stats and whatnot, but it does not care about my "version" file being curled, anyone have any ideas ?09:32
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vahid2Anybody knows about Ubuntu phone ?09:45
Guest88920ina hamashoon kharejian kos khola?09:46
Guest88920Yes I know about it09:46
popeyvahid2: specifically?09:46
cfhowlettvahid2, read the news.   many announcements available09:46
vahid2popey, rlease date ?09:47
popeyvahid2: first device, this week.09:47
vahid2or Is it runable on LG G2 or Samsung S4 ?09:47
aeon-ltdfirst release phone is a little weak on specs, even compared to midrange android phones09:47
cfhowlett!english | Guest88920,09:47
ubottuGuest88920,: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:47
cfhowlett!touch | vahid2, you're asking a question about ubuntu !touch not !ubuntuphone09:47
ubottuvahid2, you're asking a question about ubuntu !touch not !ubuntuphone: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:47
vahid2OK, tnx09:48
NEI4U2Khi, i was editing this .bashrc file and it seems that I made errors. it's saying the command could not be located because /usr/bin is not included in the path environment variable.09:49
NEI4U2Kand gedit: command not found.09:49
NEI4U2Khow do i repair this?09:49
popeycfhowlett: same thing.09:50
aeon-ltdNEI4U2K: post your bashrc to pastebin09:50
NEI4U2Ki can't open it09:50
cfhowlettpopey, question was about running the OS on alternate platforms ...09:50
popeyNEI4U2K: /usr/bin/gedit ~/.bashrc09:50
NEI4U2Ki dont know how. terminal is saying gedit: command not found09:50
popeycfhowlett: I saw the question. I'm saying "ubuntu touch" and "Ubuntu phone" are the same thing.09:51
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, run this:   dpgk -l | grep gedit09:51
cfhowlettpopey, k09:51
NEI4U2Kcfhowlett, http://www.pasteall.org/pic/83550 the same message09:54
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, dpkg -l | grep        will tell you if gedit is even installed.  I suspect it's not.09:55
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, also: WHY are you in root?!09:55
NEI4U2Kno need to type sudo all the time :D09:56
cfhowlettNEI4U2K, sudo -i         NOT ROOT!!!09:56
aeon-ltdNEI4U2K: type /usr/bin/nameofapplication instead for now until we fix the path problem09:58
NEI4U2Kaeon-ltd: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=8355310:00
jle`hi all. i think i had an upgrade fail or something and now whenever i try to sudo apt-get install anything, it appears to try to update ubuntu and fail again10:00
jle`instead of letting me install the package i wanted10:00
NEI4U2K/usr/bin/gedit ~/.bashrc is what I did.10:00
Ben64jle`: pastebin what you see10:01
aeon-ltdNEI4U2K: space after gedit, what you are doing is calling the program with the complete path instead of bash doing it for you10:01
aeon-ltdNEI4U2K: oh wait, bad formatting i misread10:02
NEI4U2Kthere is a space.10:02
aeon-ltd^ :)10:02
* aeon-ltd should probably change font settings10:02
NEI4U2Ki can open gedit though dash. but i doubt it can open ~/.bashrc10:03
aeon-ltdhave you tried?10:04
NEI4U2Kis there a way to browse to ~/.bashrc?10:04
NEI4U2Kgedit is open now.10:04
NEI4U2Kbut not root mode10:04
NEI4U2Kit works10:04
NEI4U2Ktype a file name. just typed. and it works10:04
jle`oh it looks like it was cause i was passing in -y implicitly all the time10:05
NEI4U2Kit has a different bashrc file10:05
NEI4U2Konly root .bashrc is affected.10:06
NEI4U2Kfixed it. installed gksu and opened gedit through that10:10
NEI4U2Kthanks for the help.10:10
* hd1 is trying to figure out how to see a partition on ec2 that's supposed to be available at /dev/sdf10:11
hd1any ideas?10:11
NEI4U2Khd1 gparted10:13
NEI4U2Khd1, try gparted *10:13
dibblegoI saw a forum post that emulationstation is in the "Ubuntu Software Center" and yet when I search for it, I do not see that — any reason why?10:14
Ben64dibblego: doesn't seem like it is there10:16
dibblegoBen64: I agree!10:16
QueensMelonsi officially switched over to ubuntu on my laptop :D10:19
aLeSDhi all10:20
QueensMelonshow do i join the ubuntu club?10:21
aLeSDmy harddrive goes very slow some times10:21
aLeSDI am using 14.0410:21
ablest1980me too10:21
jattdo you have SSD10:21
QueensMelonsaLeSD: you sure it is your HDD?10:21
ablest198014.04 lts10:21
QueensMelonsbecause slowdowns are mostly caused my lack of ram or CPU working too hard.10:22
ppfdefine slow10:22
ppfit might be because your drive goes to sleep when you're not using it for a while, and to access it again requires it to spin up beforehand10:23
jattinstall SSD->problem solved10:23
QueensMelonsunity is NICE!10:23
QueensMelonsit is really snappy on my laptop10:23
QueensMelonswhich is nice10:23
QueensMelonsconsidering GNOME 3 lagged10:23
aLeSDQueensMelons: dunno10:23
aLeSDI have 16 GB10:23
QueensMelonsi dont like the interface that much10:24
QueensMelonsi think ill switch to using bspwm10:24
aeon-ltdQueensMelons: did you ever get bar working?10:24
QueensMelonsaeon-ltd: yes10:24
aLeSDI mean all the accessed to my disjk drive are slow10:24
aeon-ltdnice to hear10:24
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aLeSDand top does not show heavy usage of CPYU10:25
aLeSDmaybe it's a bug in the kernel10:25
ppfpossible, but not probable10:26
QueensMelonsnevermind my comment about snappiness :P10:29
QueensMelonsit slowed down again10:30
QueensMelonslooks like ill be using a window manager10:30
QueensMelonsor perhaps cinnamon10:30
ppfQueensMelons: mayne try something lightweight, like xfce?10:34
QueensMelonsppf: tried xfce once. didn't like it.10:35
QueensMelonsif i plan on going lightweight, ill go i3 or bspwm10:35
QueensMelonsor openbox10:35
=== konrad is now known as Guest2584
QueensMelonshmm, perhaps LXDE?10:36
ppfjust one or two more, and you'll have enumerated all major available window managers :)10:36
catphishwhat is the correct way to install the kernel headers 1) for the currently running kernel and 2) for the current kernel branch so that all future kernel upgrades also  have headers10:37
QueensMelonsppf: haha i know, im very indecisive :P10:37
ppfcatphish: install linux-headers-generic10:37
QueensMelonsim using bspwm on desktop with arch, but im not sure if i want tiling on laptop10:37
catphishppf: will that work if the system isn't running -generic?10:37
catphishppf: for example the system i'm testing on is running -virtual10:38
catphishbut i'd like a catch-all approach10:38
catphishgiven that this command is run before every compile of the drivers, i might just stick with "linux-headers-$(uname -r)"10:39
catphishsadly i dont think having the headers auto-updated is any advantage when the drivers are not10:39
catphishactually, dahdi is in the repos now, i'll just use that!10:40
catphishwell the dahdi in the repos doesn't work :( it requires the kernel headers but doesn't depend on them :(10:42
k1lcatphish: dont you have the linux-generic metpackage installed?10:49
k1lthat should be on a regular ubuntu install10:50
catphishin fact i don't have linux-virtual installed either, i wonder what the installer did10:50
catphishthis test machine was created with vmbuilder10:51
k1lbecause that meta package linux-generic will deoend on the latest kernel and latest headers.10:51
catphishah, i do have "linux-image-virtual"10:51
k1lso its a special setup and its not a regular ubuntu install10:51
catphishits a virtual install made by vmbuilder, i wouldn't call it special10:52
catphishbut not standard from disk10:52
catphishanyway, it seems that vmbuilder installs linux-image-virtual but not the linux-virtual metapackage10:52
catphishanyway, i'm not sure if this matters any more10:53
w_awith the command taskset you can lock a prosess to a core/tread but it is posible to use that command when starting a program so you lock it to a cpu from start of program ?  i have 4 game servers i want to use treads 4 to 8. each time i start them up. (sorry for bad english)10:53
amehi i have wrongly saved a directory in /tmp but unfortunately my computer gets restarted and i lost the folder....How to recover the folder??10:57
ameIts nearly 12 GB10:57
jattame: recover the file from your backup10:57
amejatt:I dont backup the server at the time10:58
jattame: if you had no backup for that file then the file was not important10:58
jattame: as far as I know there is no other way to recover the file10:58
amejatt:i have searched my backup but i cannot find the directory10:58
ameI have installed an application name freecad in chroot...If i run that from client its start running and gone away..11:01
w_alook at http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/ mihgt help you11:01
MOUDHey all11:19
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breadmonsterUmm, so I installed GNOME on my PC and I use it instead of Ubuntu.11:42
breadmonster*instead of unity.11:42
breadmonsterIs there a way to make the log in screen use my current GNOME wallpaper?11:42
breadmonsterNot the default Ubuntu 14.04 wallpaper?11:42
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:42
sebsebsebcirc-user-DpTJK: hi11:47
dmtarmeyhi iv been though sound card troubleshooting still not work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting11:57
ubuntubozopeople use this12:05
cfhowlettubuntubozo, this channel is for support.  for chit-chat = #ubuntu-offtopic12:06
BluewolfHi all, anyone know how I can set my Libre Office and Gimp to using the Adwaita Dark Theme as everything else. GnomishDark is the only other theme I know of which does it, yet I do not prefer it?12:06
curseramy ubuntu precise all updated but my mouse gets stuck from time to time   i get this type info on dmesg . atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xbe on isa0060/serio0).12:08
ubuntubozoinstall windows12:09
ubuntubozogoto run12:09
ubuntubozotype cmd12:09
jpdsubuntubozo: Hi.12:09
dmtarmeyanyone fancy running me though troubleshooting my sound card pls?12:09
ubuntubozothen when that launches, type format C:12:09
cfhowlett!ops | ubuntubozo, ban request: malicious commands12:09
ubottuubuntubozo, ban request: malicious commands: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:09
ubuntubozoubottu is a bozo12:09
ubottuubuntubozo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:09
jpdsThat quickly got boring.12:10
BluesKajdmtarmey, in the terminal, cat /proc/asound/cards ..what is the output?12:10
cfhowlettjpds, moving on12:10
dmtarmey 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel12:11
dmtarmey                      HDA Intel at 0xf0000000 irq 4312:11
dmtarmeyBluesKaj !!!12:13
BluesKajdmtarmey, in the terminal, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, there will be no output if the driver loads properly, then reboot12:13
circ-user-DpTJKwant to install mod-evasive for apache2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10141528/ is process right?12:15
dmtarmeyBlueKaj no output12:15
dmtarmeyBluesKaj no output12:16
BluesKajdmtarmey, ok good , now reboot then check your audio12:18
dmtarmeyBluesKaj cheers will do12:18
circ-user-DpTJKis SecRequestBodyLimit related to php-ini upload limit?12:21
dmtarmeyBluesKaj im back and still no sound12:22
BluesKajdmtarmey, ok, now opem a terminal and type alsamixer,  navugate with the arrow keys and make sure automute is disabled12:24
* BluesKaj puts on his glasses12:25
dmtarmeyit is enabled BluesKaj12:28
BluesKajdmtarmey, then use up or down arrow key to disable it12:29
dmtarmeydone that12:29
BluesKajof course turn youe master volume up ro at least 80%12:30
dmtarmeyBluesKaj done that12:30
dmtarmeyBluesKaj done that12:32
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dmtarmeyBluesKaj ????12:35
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BluesKajdmtarmey, install pavucontrol , then set up your outputs in it12:38
heidelbergHi all, I'm running ubuntu 12.04 and I get signing errors while updating:  "BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key" and http://pastebin.com/Xh8xpGFW12:38
heidelbergany clues on how to fix this?12:38
heidelbergI've already rebooted and changed to the main mirror, with no effect12:39
dmtarmeyBluesKaj iv got pavecontrol installed and it seems to be showing sound in coming into the system but no sound out of the speakers12:41
parth__ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER parth__ edwijbqoiiuh12:45
Fuchsparth__: no spaces in front of the /12:45
BluesKajdmtarmey, maybe a bad speaker connection...did your audio work previous to an upgrade for example?12:45
kestasjk /msg nickserv help ghost parth__ edwijbqoiiuh12:46
BluesKajkestasjk, do that in the server textbox12:46
kestasjkBluesKaj, naw Im not 13 any more12:47
Fuchskestasjk: that wasn't his password12:47
Fuchskestasjk: and if you actually do this if it was, rest assured that you will get thwacked by staff, because you're an arse.12:47
kestasjktoo many hypotheticals there12:48
BluesKajkestasjk, did I say you were? just a freindly reminder for your security's sake12:48
undernetbrasilian server webmaster12:48
dmtarmeyBlueKaj yes worked before updating12:56
BluesKajdmtarmey, have you checked your sound settings in whatever desktop you're using ?12:59
dannymichelI purchased an SSD mainly to improve performance in games on Windows, but i use Ubuntu as a secondary OS for work etc. It's only 250GBs and I was wondering if I would get close to the same performance if I were to run the / partition on the SSD and run /home on the old hard drive.12:59
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kestasjkdannymichel, sounds reasonable, but you might want to have /var and /usr on the ssd too really, and it depends what you do with /home13:02
dannymichelso 3 partitions - /var /usr and / on SSD and /home on old HDD13:03
dannymichelHow big should those 3 partitions be if i plan on having the install for a while and install a decent amount of things on Ubuntu?13:04
kestasjkdannymichel, if youre running a massive mysql database the answer will be different than if youll be installing hundreds of large apps13:05
dannymicheli won't be running huge databases, and maybe mid-size applications13:05
kestasjkdannymichel, I dont know, these days if youre short on space you might as well use a single / partition and just have seperate partitions for your large high-latency/stream files13:07
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dannymicheli think ill make /var /usr and /home combined 60GBs and /home like 100gbs on the old HDD13:08
ukernyanzHi, I have a problem with my power management settings in Cinnamon desktop. All settings (timer, sleep, screen power off) that I have done are ignored13:08
ukernyanzNothing happens after idle13:09
kestasjkmakes sense13:09
dmtarmeyBlueKaj what do you mean, im trying to play yourtube and it sound level is on mAXIMUM13:11
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dannymichelkestasjk quick question. Which partitions generally get bigger in size order for /var /usr and /13:15
dannymichelis / the largest?13:15
OpenTokix /usr is usually bigger then /13:16
OpenTokixie. - if you divide / and  /usr - /usr will be the bigger of the two13:16
kestasjkon a linux desktop13:17
dannymichelso ill do 20GB for /usr/ 20 for / and 10gb for /var13:17
kestasjkis there any reason these days to split partitions by the way?13:17
kestasjk(when theyre on the same disk?)13:17
OpenTokixyes, esp. /var - since if you fill up / and /var is there - your machine can be.... weird13:17
PiciIMO, split off /home/ leave the rest on /13:17
yorwos<yorwos> in my power options , sleep is greyed out i cant select it , any ideas ? i just enabled all power savings options in bios. using ubuntu studio 14.0413:18
dannymichelmy main thing is i want to keep performance from my new SSD but also have space Pici  so i wanted to run some on the sad and /home on the old HDD13:18
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kestasjkwhats weird is I didnt notice much of a performance gain from my ssd I have to say13:20
dannymichelwould / on the SSD and /home on the old HDD give me performance close to what i would have if it was all SSD Pici ?13:20
kestasjkit depends what you are accessing on the /home drive -_- if is a huge number of tiny / random access files then no it won't perform as well, if it's a bunch of movies and music it will13:21
dannymichelmaybe ill leave everything on the SSD and just put the 16gb swap on the old HDD13:23
k1ldannymichel: do plan to use swap for swapping?13:23
dannymicheluh yeha i guess13:24
k1lbecause swap is really really slow in comparison to todays ram.13:24
k1lso headless compiling etc is fine. but on gui programs you will see slowing down with swap used.13:24
kestasjkdannymichel, since youre using the hdd for swap space perhaps you could use the ssd for .tar archival?13:25
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circ-user-DpTJKI want to use logrotate and mysqldump simultaneously but in vain.13:27
circ-user-DpTJKbut shows only this results. any idea?13:28
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ichilton_I installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop on an ubuntu-14.10 install (think I could switch between standard ubuntu desktop and gnome) and it's messed up ubuntu desktop - it's now half unity (panel, background, title bars etc) and half gnome (the system panel/tray, the system theme terminal is using etc).13:29
ichilton_How do I fix unity, and can I have both unity and gnome co-exist independantly so I can switch at login?13:29
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asdpewHi, how to set mask for folder ?13:30
lotuspsychjeichilton: you could try the fix broken packages from grub recoverymode13:32
lotuspsychjeichilton: to make ubuntu desktop work properly again13:32
zmbmartinAre many problems encountered when upgrading from release to release? I have always used a rolling release linux like gentoo or arch.13:33
lotuspsychje!release | zmbmartin13:35
ubottuzmbmartin: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases13:35
lotuspsychjezmbmartin: wich release to wich do you want to do?13:36
ichiltonlotuspsychje: I can boot/use the system fine - it's just the desktop is half-half13:36
lotuspsychjeichilton: you want to use both?13:38
ichiltonlotuspsychje: I wanted to switch between them (at login)13:40
lotuspsychjeichilton: can you try to create a new user, to test if that also corrupts unity ?13:41
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kc4zvwHow does one change the init runlevel in the boot process?13:44
ikoniayou should always boot to 213:44
ikoniathere shoulnd't be a need to change it13:44
ikonia(using ubuntu's model)13:44
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ichiltonlotuspsychje: Created a new user and it's messed up there too.13:46
circ-user-DpTJKdoes logrotate don't run in group writabe directories?13:47
circ-user-DpTJKI saw mailing lists " This is not true. It would appear that files are also ignored because of  some unspecified "bad" file modes, which include being group writeable. "13:48
OpenTokixI usually have everything on the ssd, then I make a partition mounted in my home as /home/user/dump where I symlink things like a tmp, Download etc.13:48
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MusseHey, i wonder if i can install an ubuntu os on my ready installed windows 8 machine and have both on them on my pc and use them in UEFI mode with downloading  from internet?13:48
ikoniaubuntu can dual boot just fine13:49
MusseHey! anyone can help me?13:50
MusseI wonder if i can install an ubuntu os on my ready installed windows 8 machine and have both on them on my pc and use them in UEFI mode with downloading  from internet?13:51
ikoniaMusse: you've just asked, ubuntu can dual boot just fine13:52
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frobarUsage: !help <command>. Use !commands to list commands.13:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:52
zmbmartinlotuspsychje: I mean latest to latest? Are many problems encountered when doing that?13:53
valantiW: Failed to fetch http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ubuntu/archive/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch13:53
valantiW: Failed to fetch http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ubuntu/archive/dists/trusty-updates/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch13:53
valantiW: Failed to fetch http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ubuntu/archive/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch13:53
valantiW: Failed to fetch http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ubuntu/archive/dists/trusty-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch13:53
valantiE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:53
kc4zvwI have built a virtualbox image using Vagrant and updated to 14.04.1 LTS and add gdm and gnome-panel packages13:55
lotuspsychjezmbmartin: should work fine, but upgrades can always hold risks...13:56
kc4zvwan X-windows session does get start but with a blank bg and a cursor and nothing else ... what's missing?13:56
zmbmartinlotuspsychje: OK thanks!13:56
somsipkc4zvw: no WM specified in .xinitrc IIRC13:56
kc4zvwsomsip:  What utility or package missing will make a valid .xinitrc?13:59
somsipkc4zvw: a WM13:59
kc4zvwsomsip: like metacity?14:00
kruxfluxbox / openbox / pekwm14:01
somsipkc4zvw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_window_managers But it might be helpful to describe what you've done to get to this point14:01
undecimdoes apt-p2p search LAN? i.e if no internet connection is available, will it still find local peers?14:01
benibadboyHow can I find out what the GID of a certain group is?14:02
somsipbenibadboy: cat /etc/group perhaps?14:02
Picibenibadboy: also: getent group somegroupname14:03
kc4zvwsomsip:  The goal is/was to build a vbox image with Drupal dev tools (running desktop other than Unity)14:06
El-OsmodivsHello. Where can I find a list of all user permissions, I want to add them all in my user account. Currently this is the ones I have> groups administrador14:09
El-Osmodivsadministrador : administrador adm lp cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers14:09
El-OsmodivsI want them all14:09
PriceyEl-Osmodivs: That's a bad idea. Why do you think you want to do that?14:09
lduroshi, I have an ext4 formatted external hard drive which is connected to a laptop in my private network. I would like to set up a file server so that I can access the external drive from elsewhere on the network. What package would be best to use for this?14:10
El-OsmodivsPricey, yesterday I was trying to find my printers ink level, but could not because I was in the printers group, I dont want to have that issue again with other hardware or whatever14:11
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.14:11
ldurosalright, thanks14:11
PriceyEl-Osmodivs: That's probably the correct way to go about it. Don't just blindly give yourself e.g. the disk group as that will cause demons to appear and eat your kittens.14:12
hariomHi, I am using virtualbox for running Ubuntu 12.04 server edition. The command line screen is very small despite install guest addition. How to increase size of the command line screen?14:12
El-OsmodivsPricey, Is that a RAM issue_14:13
PriceyEl-Osmodivs: Quite probably.14:13
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lotuspsychjekernik: you want !security ?14:14
kernikmuch disappointments, very bot :(14:14
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server14:15
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:15
kc4zvwhariom:  In the view menu make the virtualbox full screen14:15
kernikI'm looking for debsecan alternative14:16
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lotuspsychjekernik: what is debsecan exactly?14:16
jattapt-cache show debsecan14:17
netzhauthey there. Quick question: has anyone else here the problem that the CPU *regularly* clocks down to 200-300 MHZ ?14:17
hariomkc4zvm: Already in full screen mode. I have installed downloaded VirtualGuestAddition.iso and ran the file. Do I need to install anything else? I have dkms, build-essential etc installed.14:18
rafaelcpalmeidaCan anyone help me with reverse proxy and virtual hosts using apache?14:18
netzhautI've explicitly turned off speed step in the BIOS so I can get the default speeds always14:18
hariomkc4zvm: Note that I don't have gui. Its all command line Ubuntu.14:18
netzhautbut cpufreq-info regularly reports that my CPUs run at 200-300 MHZ instead of 1.9 GHZ14:18
jattcpu scaling14:18
netzhautjatt, see above. I turned speed stepp off in the bios14:19
VRockerhi all :)14:19
netzhautjatt, and even if it were on... 200 MHZ?! Come one...14:20
netzhaut*Come on14:20
VRockerwondering if someone could help me... anyone good with serial ports?14:20
jattnetzhaut: that looks fishy indeed14:20
netzhautmaybe I'll turn speed step back on and see how it behaves then14:23
hariomkc4zvm: Virtualbox guest addition only works for graphics environment and not text environment?14:24
VRockerso, anyone know why internal serial ports dont work unless they're set to use irq 0 using setserial?14:28
Guest27374Hello. Ubuntu website says "The world’s first Ubuntu phone is now available for sale all over Europe, direct from the manufacturer, BQ" but I cannot find it. Can somebody give me the link from where I can purchase it?14:30
lotuspsychje!touch | Guest2737414:30
ubottuGuest27374: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:30
abadayhi, how do I check what interface a packet with a specifik destination address will go through?14:32
SAKUJ0udisks, it can only mount after logging in and starting a session, correct?14:32
SAKUJ0(usb pen drives, external hard drives etc.)14:32
abadayI remembewr there was some command like "route", but this one doesnt work14:33
lotuspsychjeabaday: you mean traceroute?14:33
abadaylotuspsychje: no, some other14:33
Piciabaday: 'route' and 'ip route' will both show how your routes are setup.14:34
BluesKaj abaday  sudo netstat -tapen, maybe?14:34
BluesKajabaday, if you know the IP14:35
tmktI've got 2 drives, pvscan shows the volume groups, but no matter what I try I can't get LV's to show up14:35
abadayeven if there was no cable connected to the interface, the output would show ethe interface the packet would go out from14:36
CheatermanHello buddies, hope you're doing good today :-)14:36
CheatermanI'm about to use the boot-repair utility to repair a Win7 MBR from Ubuntu Live, and noticed there's no IRC channel specific to it14:37
hariomkc4zvm: http://www.mikeplate.com/2011/11/08/change-virtual-console-resolution-on-ubuntu/14:37
CheatermanAs it seems to be a Ubuntu-specific tool, I figured I could come here :-)14:37
EriC^^abaday: routel ?14:38
k1lCheaterman: so you want grub or the windows boot thingy?14:39
EriC^^Cheaterman: boot-repair can fix windows mbr?14:39
CheatermanEriC^^: Well :/ according to some forum entries, yes, but it does it by using the good ole SysLinux :-)14:40
Cheatermank1l: Windows thingy - I don't have any partition to install GRUB's stage214:40
k1lCheaterman: if you want to repait the windows thingy you will need windows support. grab a cd or usb from them and run their repair tool14:41
Cheatermank1l: That's correct, however my download speed is horrible :-) I'm currently downloading something that could help, but in the meantime, I figured I could try some hacks14:41
EriC^^Cheaterman: wait a second14:42
EriC^^what are you trying to do here, get a boot loader or you want to restore the windows mbr?14:42
CheatermanWell, we borked the stage2 of Windows' bootloader, so I'm merely trying to get the OS to boot :-)14:42
Cheaterman(we had a partition to format, unfortunately there was a leftover bootsect there, and even more unfortunate - it was being used hehe.)14:43
EriC^^oh ok14:43
CheatermanWow that boot-repair utility is very good, it saved all relevant data inside the partition14:45
CheatermanI have logs of what happened, backups of the old mbr, etc etc14:45
alipoor90How I can change "foo="some stuff here"" to "foo="bar"" with sed?14:48
Cheatermanalipoor90: sed 's/foo="some stuff here"/foo="bar"/g'14:48
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Cheatermanalipoor90: that would do it multiple times per line if it encounters foo="some stuff here" more than once per line :-) hence the g14:49
CheatermanHmm... I can't find the syslinux config14:54
Segfault_Hi. I'm upgrading some desktops running Xubuntu remotely. Is there a way for me to trigger a reboot prompt? I don't want to force a reboot, just politely ask the user to reboot their desktop. Most update managers have this feature, I just don't know how to trigger it manually. Can anyone here help me?14:54
CheatermanSegfault_: xmessage? ^^"14:54
=== benibadboy is now known as kanuku
jattSegfault_: wall14:58
kanukuHow can I add an existing user to a group? When I do : [useradd -G docker jenkins] I gent an error [useradd: user 'jenkins' already exists]15:00
Cheatermankanuku: Oho.15:01
CheatermanTwo techniques15:01
VRockerkanuku: usermod -a -G docker jenkins iirc15:01
Cheatermanthe most common is gpasswd -a GROUP USER15:01
VRockersomethign along those lines anyway15:01
Cheatermankanuku: But like VRocker said, I usually do usermod -aG GROUP USER15:01
kanukuCheaterman: Usermod, that is what I was looking for!! Thnx 2 both15:02
CheatermanNo problems - it has to be noted the two solutions we gave you are _strictly_ equivalent, with gpasswd being the most commonly used nowadays :-)15:03
CheatermanThat boot-repair thing is just AWESOME15:04
CheatermanSysLinux used to be a PITA to configure, without a nice GUI like that15:04
CheatermanNow time to fix the BIOS to set the proper boot device, should be painless enough15:05
CheatermanI was laughing hard when I told him "worst case scenario, we'll use GRUB to load your Windows"15:06
kanukuCheaterman: it is the other way around -> gpasswd -a USER GROUP. Thnx again :D15:06
CheatermanBut actually, I'm now using syslinux xD15:06
Cheatermankanuku: OH sorry! you're correct!!!15:06
CheatermanSince gpasswd by definition operates on the group, the "last" argument is the group :-) makes sense15:07
Cheatermananyways you're very welcome kanuku, glad I could help ^__^15:07
machtyi'm a devops noob trying to do things manually for the time being15:10
machtywondering where should i put my server code?15:10
machtyi figure i will pull periodically from a git repo15:10
machtyand have some upstart scripts monitoring the server15:10
machtybut i don't actually know where i should put this server code that's "idiomatic"15:10
machtyperhaps in /opt/appcode ? somewhere else?15:11
somsip!fhs | machty15:11
ubottumachty: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier15:11
saleemhi, how to play a mkv file in ubuntu? i tried vlc, mplayer,umplayer but none seems to be able to play it15:12
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Safa_[A_boy]Hello. How can I reload the joystick configurations?15:13
auronandacesaleem: if i recall correctly mkv is a container format, it could be any codec that made the video15:14
auronandacesaleem: all the mkv files i got play with vlc fine on ubuntu15:14
kruxsame here15:14
saleemauronandace, ok i will look for codecs format on synaptic but im sure i have installed all the possible codecs already15:15
kruxsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc15:15
saleemthanks krux will try this as well15:15
CheatermanHahaha /me parted #windows with « Linux is easier than Windows nowadays »15:16
kruxor try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras15:16
Netham45Cheaterman, You're special.15:16
CheatermanSo yeah, just letting y'all know, syslinux can boot a Windows stage2, and "boot-repair" utility does it nicely15:16
CheatermanNetham45: Am I though :P15:16
saleemvlc-plugin-esd isnt available15:16
saleemim on ubuntu precise15:16
CheatermanSo gratz to Ubuntu for having that utility ^__^ really helped me today!15:16
DrFooIs there a way I can see what a previous DNS lookup resolved to?15:16
CheatermanDrFoo: Simply ping it, if it's still cached :-)15:17
CheatermanGoodbye #ubuntu and see you later for more adventures ^__^15:17
DrFoocheaterman: Thank you!15:17
CheatermanYou're welcome :-)15:17
abadayis this a broken disk? smartctl -A /dev/sda http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=p3viwaWz15:18
bill_Hi guys! I have connected an Intel Edison with my ubuntu 14.04 32bits machine, but i think it is not mounted properly! I can see its contents through terminal but there is no edison device in my devices! Any help? iI need to copy some files into Edison's directory15:19
auronandaceabaday: from that table looks like an old disk close to failing15:19
abadayauronandace: what in the table is showing this?15:20
DrFooIf I update  /etc/hosts, do I have to reload it somehow?15:21
auronandaceabaday: the type column15:21
auronandace!hosts | DrFoo15:22
auronandace!hostname | DrFoo15:22
ubottuDrFoo: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:22
abadaysmartd[6729]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from15:22
abaday104 to 11015:22
chphello here15:23
chpI have asked help on three chans so far, and nobody is there. can someone help me with my sound card(s)  please?15:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:24
chpI have installed ubuntu studio 14.04 and I have no sound so far.. :/15:24
chpthanks xangua15:24
auronandacechp: have you checked alsamixer to see if any channels are muted?15:24
chpyes, all checked, and removed pulse-audio too, so it does not interfere15:25
chpstill no sound15:25
chpthinking ; should I force reload?15:25
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chpauronandace, here outputs of lspci and lsmod (filtered) http://pastebin.com/0rMbzu7r15:27
chpthere are two sound cards, and two graphic cards, intricated it seems. how do I deal with that ? (under w7 sound works... :/ )15:28
auronandacechp: that is useful information but i'm afraid my sound expertise is somewhat lacking, sorry I can't help15:30
chpthanks anyway15:30
chpauronandace, is this chan logged? I'm not home right now, I'll have to leave soon...15:30
k1l!irclogs | chp15:30
ubottuchp: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.15:30
auronandace!cookie | k1l15:31
ubottuk1l: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:31
chpk1l, thank you15:31
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fengshaun_can I get glibc 2.17 on 14.04 or not?15:45
fengshaun_how would I be able to get it?15:45
matthewWhat is that menu that pops up, showing all my active windows, and how can I access it, rather than it randomly popping up?15:46
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b3h3m0thunable to check apt-cache : http://pastebin.com/0mbGkMNL15:49
EriC^^b3h3m0th: sudo rm E: Problem opening /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages15:50
EriC^^b3h3m0th: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages15:50
EriC^^then sudo apt-get update15:51
HoloPedhi all, how do I see all the ports in the system? I'm trying to find the serial port on a MinnowBoard Max15:52
HoloPed<-- linux noob15:52
cfhowlett!ports | HoloPed15:53
ubottuHoloPed: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall15:53
VRockerHoloPed: tried dmesg | grep tty?15:53
jason^^i've been noticing that my notifications are coming in as a colored banner on the very top left of my screen. Is there a way to switch that back to normal one15:53
HoloPedVRocker, that did nothing15:53
HoloPedthat means the port is not .. installed ?15:54
HoloPedor something ?15:54
VRockersounds like it isn't detecting it, or it's named differently but i'm pretty sure serial ports always start with tty15:55
icloudhi all i used usermod to change my username15:55
icloudbut lightdm is caching the old login name, i can't get rid of it15:55
ikoniausermod won't change the username15:56
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RLGydeHello, when I run do-release-upgrade -d on a Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS I get "No new release found", both when I have normal and lsb in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, any sugestions?15:56
ikoniaRLGyde: because there is no development release for you15:57
ikoniaRLGyde: a.) 10.04 is EOL b.) there are no development releases for you15:57
RLGydeikonia: 10.04.4 LTS have EOL April 2015 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases)15:58
auronandaceRLGyde: that applies to servers15:58
ikoniaRLGyde: yes ?15:58
RLGydewitch I am running...15:58
icloudikonia: usermod -l will change username15:58
icloudthat part is working fine, i just have issue with lightdm15:59
RLGydeikonia auronandace: I am runing server15:59
b3h3m0thEriC^^: will apt-get update skip to the later repos if one of them is down ?15:59
ikoniaicloud: fair point15:59
ikoniaRLGyde: ok - then "there is no development release available"15:59
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EriC^^b3h3m0th: i dont think so16:00
RLGydeikonia: I get the same error if I do it without -d16:00
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, "later" repos?16:00
EriC^^b3h3m0th: it will complain they aren't there and stop i guess16:00
ikoniaRLGyde: what error ?16:00
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, "can't retrieve, ignoring for now"16:00
RLGydeikonia: No new release found16:01
b3h3m0thIn the sense I have 5 repos in /etc/apt/sources.list and the 3rd one is blocked in my college firewall (say tor repo). Then will apt-get update run for 4th and 5th ?16:01
auronandaceRLGyde: have you refreshed the repos?16:01
ikoniaRLGyde: are you marking LTS-> LTS, or LTS->non-lts ?16:01
VRockerso, now the channel seems a bit more active i shall bring my question up again. anyone know what would cause internal serial ports to not work when using their default IRQ but work fine (i use the word 'fine' loosely) when they're set to IRQ 0?16:02
Goose_So, everytime I go into suspend on my laptop, or just close the lid, my VPN diconnectes, anyone know how to fix?16:02
RLGydeikonia: LTS->LTS preferably16:02
Goose_Or just make my VPN automatically connect when I go online16:02
b3h3m0thI dont know how but my sources.list is now empty16:03
b3h3m0thhow do I retrieve it ?16:03
ikoniaRLGyde: what is it set to - not what are you trying to do16:03
RLGydeikonia: I have tryed both16:03
ikoniaRLGyde: how are you setting it16:03
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit         and paste the url16:03
RLGydeikonia: in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:04
ikoniaRLGyde: if you do sudo apt-get update what do you get16:04
b3h3m0thcfhowlett: http://pastebin.com/311MZ6Xb16:05
cmullinaxGood morning! I was wondering if I could get some assistance with how to update bios on a dell xps 13 (9333) under 14.10?16:05
cmullinaxNew-ish to Ubuntu16:05
RLGydeikonia: http://pastebin.com/j1MbFmgX16:06
ikoniacmullinax: the dell does not have bios tools for ubuntu16:06
ikoniacmullinax: you need a windows/dos boot media16:06
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, ah, you've got your pastebin set to default ... not to paste.ubuntu.com.  strangely/sadly default pastebin is blocked here in china.   copy and paste your output to fpaste.org16:06
RLGydeauronandace: with apt-get update yes16:06
ikoniaRLGyde: looks solid, and if you do an "apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:06
RLGydeikonia: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:07
ikoniaRLGyde: so it's current too16:07
ikoniaRLGyde: most odd16:07
ikoniait should offer 12.0416:07
RLGydeikonia: yes... that where what I where hoping for...16:08
[1]MNHey all Gru Rocks16:09
RLGydeikonia: It did start out with this error in do-release-upgrade: proxy 'false' looks invalid16:09
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, ok, yeah your sources list seems to be gone.  best to check in with the mint channels for support.  can't support mint in ubuntu16:09
ikoniaRLGyde: what do you mean it did start out ?16:09
rayyanhello friends, pls can anyone tell me how to install cobaltsrike on backbox?16:10
bazhangask backbox support rayyan16:10
RLGydeikonia: I did get rid of that error by removing Acquire::http::Proxy "false"; from /etc/apt/apt.conf16:10
ikoniaRLGyde: why did you remove that16:10
ikoniaRLGyde: proxy:false tells it to not use a proxy16:10
RLGydeikonia: and yet, when I run do-release-upgrade with that one on it says: proxy 'false' looks invalid16:11
cfhowlettrayyan, backbox linux is not supported here in ubuntu.  contact backbox for support of their distro.16:11
bazhang!alis | rayyan16:11
ubotturayyan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:11
RLGydeikonia: so I have tryed both16:11
ikoniaRLGyde: what happens if you run it without that line16:12
rayyanhello room is anyone here, pls i need help16:13
cfhowlettrayyan, the answer to your question was ask backbox for help.  not supported here.16:13
rayyanis backbox not ubuntu based16:14
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RLGydeikonia: http://pastebin.com/UmFPN9CX16:14
ikoniarayyan: it's not ubuntu - they have their own channel on a different IRC network16:15
auronandacerayyan: ubuntu is based on debian but you can't get ubuntu support in debian16:15
rayyanalright ikonia, thanks a lot16:15
ikoniaRLGyde: can I see the output of uname -a please16:15
RLGydeikonia: 2.6.32-32-server #62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 20 22:07:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:16
RLGydeikonia: ahhh mabey reboot, first?16:17
ikoniaRLGyde: you can try, don't see why that would have an impact thoug16:17
tewardnm-applet just crashed on my 14.04, any way to get it back?16:17
RLGydeikonia: I am trying ... I don't see why ither... but hey16:18
teward... nevermind16:18
azizLIGHTdo people get paid to support here16:20
VRockergetting paid to idle on irc would be awesome16:21
BluesKaj!volunteers | azizLIGHT16:21
ubottuazizLIGHT: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:21
cfhowlettcanonical offers paid support.  irc --- no.  but feel free to buy me a cuppa.16:21
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BluesKajhmm the bot info is different for the volunteer prompt that was used a while back16:23
cfhowlettBluesKaj, yeah, they changed quite a few of more useful factoids16:23
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu16:24
RLGydeikonia: didn't help16:25
* givemefive911 waves holoped16:25
RLGydeikonia: any sugestions ?16:27
c4ptselling computers and a monitor16:28
ikoniaRLGyde: sorry was just away from desk16:28
ikoniaRLGyde: what's the current status ?16:28
cfhowlettc4pt  no spam please.16:28
auronandaceRLGyde: could you pastebin: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:28
cinimoon1Trusty. GeForce 8400 GS. seconds after GUI loads horizontal squiggly lines pixels to 3 centimeters long appears and computer freezes. There is enough time to login and load the desktop sometimes. Freeze can be avoided by switching to virtual terminal.16:29
RLGydeauronandace: http://pastebin.com/fSNchyt016:30
RLGydeikonia: I get "No new release found" when I try and do a LTS-LTS on a Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS Server16:31
ikoniaRLGyde: if you do an lsb_release -a what do you get (pastebin pleasE)16:31
RLGydeikonia: http://pastebin.com/2aSGBRWf16:32
ikoniaRLGyde: annoying so it even knows it's at 10.04.04  "current"16:32
RLGydeikonia: ya... and I have been searching abit arround before comming asking here...16:33
EriC^^RLGyde: maybe try to set Prompt to lts in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:34
EriC^^not sure if that'd help, it's worth a shot i guess16:34
auronandaceEriC^^: he already has16:34
EriC^^oh, ok16:35
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ikoniaRLGyde: just thinking - not forgotton you16:36
RLGydeikonia: thanks... :-)  I am just googeling some more...16:37
jroesis there a magical flag I can pass to apt-get to not install X dependencies for a package?16:37
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auronandaceRLGyde: you posted the output of apt-get update earlier, have you tried removing the ppas before doing do-release-upgrade? probably a long-shot16:38
EriC^^RLGyde: did you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade earlier?16:39
EriC^^RLGyde: type apt-cache policy update-manager-core16:40
EriC^^!info update-manager lucid16:40
ubottuupdate-manager (source: update-manager): GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (lucid), package size 782 kB, installed size 1636 kB16:41
EriC^^!info update-manager-core lucid16:41
ubottuupdate-manager-core (source: update-manager): manage release upgrades. In component main, is standard. Version 1: (lucid), package size 194 kB, installed size 5540 kB16:41
RLGydeauronandace: No I have not tryed that....16:44
RLGydeEriC^^: yes I did and also dist-upgrade16:44
RLGydeEriC^^: output of apt-cache policy update-manager-core: http://pastebin.com/fyFtZL3d16:46
rpp601hey guys, isn't there an easy way to make 'ls' do 'ls -l' every time i run it?16:47
auronandace!alias | rpp60116:48
EriC^^rpp601: type ll16:48
ikoniaalias ls16:48
rpp601so alias ls "ls -l"?16:48
EriC^^rpp601: just use ll16:48
rpp601ll wth lol16:48
EriC^^it's already aliased, type alias to see aliases16:48
rpp601i had no idea that was there16:48
rpp601EriC^^: thanks!16:49
auronandaceEriC^^: RLGyde> EriC^^: output of apt-cache policy update-manager-core: http://pastebin.com/fyFtZL3d16:49
EriC^^auronandace: thanks16:49
auronandaceEriC^^: i noticed you exited16:49
EriC^^yeah laptop's battery16:49
* RLGyde give's EriC^^ more juice :-)16:50
rpp601long ago i had an app i ran on my server, where i could ssh and join a running session. i could leave my irc client running, etc.16:52
rpp601it had multiple 'windows' or sorts you could swap between16:52
EriC^^rpp601: tmux? screen?16:53
rpp601EriC^^: screen, that was it16:53
rpp601thanks again. +2 for EriC^^16:53
arjun_I have upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and I feel that my system is now slower,  could you please suggest some ways to improve the speed , other than hardware upgrade :)16:55
rpp601arjun_: where does it feel slower?16:55
arjun_Will installing xubuntu-desktop help?16:55
anonymous_alguem de  brasil16:55
k1l_!br | anonymous_16:55
ubottuanonymous_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:55
arjun_The launch of applications, like if I ctrl + Alt+t16:56
pawsdoes anyone know of any cloud storage that has file retention ? i am using ownCloud but it does not have retention (ie. if i delete a file off the cloud i still want to able to go back and see it)16:56
arjun_It is slower to launch terminal16:56
arjun_Also If I launch lens and type, say firefox, it takes a long time to find it16:56
RLGydeEriC^^ ikonia auronandace: now I did try with another mirror... no luck there...16:57
k1l_arjun_, what hardware?16:57
ikoniaRLGyde: can't see it being a mirror as it confirms you are "up to date"16:57
SAKUJ0hey, does udisks mount after logging in via display manager and starting a session?16:58
SAKUJ0or does it already mount when fstab drives are being mounted?16:58
RLGydeikonia: I can't ither... but I don't mind trying stuff out ;-)16:58
arjun_Intel® Core™ i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz × 416:58
arjun_4 gb ram16:59
anonymous_nao consegui botar pra  falar  portugeus16:59
k1l_!pt | anonymous_16:59
ubottuanonymous_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:59
k1l_arjun_, well that should not be slow at all. not super highend but ok for modern desktops17:00
nuget102Hey guys, I need help fixing my bluetooth in ubuntu?17:00
arjun_yeah it is not that lagging but there is a noticeable difference from 12.04 to 14.0417:00
arjun_The slowest is to search something in lens17:01
BluesKajanonymous_, /j #ubuntu-pt17:01
auronandacearjun_: you could go into settings, security and privacy and turn off the online search results (unless you want them on)17:06
nuget102Hey guys, my bluetooth adapter isn't being found by ubuntu. It worked in 12 but now it's not working in 14.04, I upgraded recently. Really thinking about downgrading again... So can anyone help?17:08
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arjun_Thanks k1l_  and auronandace17:10
arjun_I will try that17:10
CatRolBonjour,j'suis nouveau sur ubuntu :D <317:13
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rand000Hey - just wondering if it is bad practice to make a new 'solved' thread on Ubuntuforums.org, posting a better solution to an earlier problem posted in the forum?17:21
rand000... the earlier problem could not be posted to because it was 'solved'17:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums17:23
rand000ah will have a look there17:23
Daniel_Olivareshi... i have a little problem... i'm trying to instal ubuntu touch on my nexus 7 2012 but isn't working17:25
Daniel_Olivaressome one can help me?17:25
Marcello-MiXDaniel_Olivares, try #ubuntu-touch17:26
OerHeksDaniel nexus 7 2012 or 2013 ?? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices17:27
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DocTraxworks the amd64 version also with intel 64?17:42
DocTraxok ill try17:43
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit17:43
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ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:45
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)17:47
DocTraxwhy is this?17:48
bazhangwhy is what17:48
DocTraxwhen i do a dist-upgrade the whole system is upgraded17:49
DocTraxisnt it?17:49
bazhangno it's not17:49
Pici!dist-upgrade | DocTrax17:49
ubottuDocTrax: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:49
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DocTraxis ubuntu for smartphones also virus endangered like googles android17:54
RiplyIt seems to have worked nice - but now, when I place the HDD into the box, it tries to boot, gets to some of the services, but gives me the following error: fsck.ext4 unable to resolve 'UUID......"17:55
cmullinaxwoot! solved my bios issue17:55
DocTraxRiply: do cat /etc/fstab and ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and compare them17:58
pratikWhat is WRONG with this UBANTU ??????? It just hanged when I just pressed Windows Key to open Dash screen , then it got hanged. I had to reboot my lappie. What kind of Operating system you have made ??? Are you really proud of your work ????? I am pissed off bcoz of the hanged Operating system!17:59
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Riplyrigh, I have done that - what am I looking for? :)18:00
OerHekspratik, does winkey work now?18:00
pratikI think its Ok right now , but it hanged PC last time !18:01
pratikWhat if i am on skype and such thing happens ?18:01
EriC^^Riply: compare the numbers from UUID= in fstab to the respective partitions in /dev/disk/..18:01
pratikon skype with my client18:01
DocTraxRiply: look if there are wrong uuids in fstab18:02
OerHekspratik, i guess you come here and complain again.18:02
RiplyEriC^^, I understand the instruction, I am just not sure what I am meant to do with the information :) I have never had to use UUIDs before - I don't even know what they are..18:02
[RO]Danielit's verry strange pratik, it's a thousand things that could trigger that, not necesary ubuntu's fault18:02
EriC^^Riply: it's just an id that identifies a partition18:02
pratikSee it is your fault that you have made Issues in O.S. Not my fault.18:02
pbxpratik, this is a peer support channel, not a corporate customer complaint line18:03
GraemeLionpratik: It is not our fault if you don't file bug reports, though.18:03
EriC^^Riply: instead of using /dev/sdxY in fstab ( which is arbitrarily assigned depending on the disks plugged in ) uuid's provide a more constant way to mount partitions18:03
[RO]Danielanyway you should thank this guys for theyre VOLUNTARY hard work, and ask for help/clues/trac problem resolve not to come and say those things18:03
pratikok please tell me how to file the case ?18:04
OerHekspratik, if it did occured again now, i would advise to file a bug, what do you want us to do now?18:04
RiplyEriC^^ & DocTrax, thanks for the explination :)18:04
DJones!bug | pratik18:04
ubottupratik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:04
nithinI have an issue with my desktop18:04
pratikOk sorry i would contact software engineer thanks18:04
[RO]Danielin order to do that you must know what did you do when that happend...nevermind guess youre too turn on against everything now :)18:05
nithinI got an update for flash player recently.. I have updated it and restarted the computer. After that when I switch the online flash media to full screen, my computer screen goes black and I can't do anything. I have to hard reset the laptop to regain the access.. Anyone faced the same issue or is there any solution available for this issue?18:06
[RO]Danielim curious how many times did u complain to microsoft about all the problems they have (and they have a lot, and you pay for that software) pratik18:06
Riplyalright, so I have the 2 'command's details open here.. on the fdisk, there are 3 UUIDs, however on the /by-uuid there are only 2?18:07
pratik@[RO]Daniel Sorry dude , I just forgot that18:07
nithinanybody there to help me out?18:07
DocTraxRiply: usally this means that u removed a hdd - an external one maybe?18:08
BluesKajnithin, which browser?18:08
nithinits chromium.18:08
nithinit happens in chromium..18:09
[RO]Danielfor chromium you better use pepperflash plugin18:09
BluesKajtry chrome instead, it has builtin flash that actually works18:09
RiplyDocTrax, nope, there's only one HDD in it now.18:09
azusHi everybody18:09
nithinso I should disable the flash player from chromium and have to use pepper flash instead. am I correct?18:10
nithinbut it is a work around right.. not a fix.. the funny thing is that how could a flash player block the access to my computer..18:11
DocTraxRiply: so do sudo fdisk -l , are there 3 partitions?18:11
nithinthe screen went black and I could not do anything18:11
EriC^^Riply: what's the mountpoint of the missing uuid? ( second column )18:11
nithinhad to hard reboot the laptop..18:11
azusi want to uninstall opera which i have installed with the debian paquage . How can i do ?18:11
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RiplyDocTrax, there is a sda1 sda2 and sda318:12
utopiahello dear people....18:12
assemblyxwho here has a virus protection installed for linux?18:12
daftykinsazus: installed with what?18:12
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:12
daftykinsassemblyx: ^18:13
RiplyEriC^^ is is the /boot mount point18:13
assemblyxI KNOW RIGHT!!!!18:13
[RO]Danielsometimes happends on some hardware with the flash plugin, maybe because conflicting with something on clean install should work fine, but anyway on chromium pepper flash works best18:13
EriC^^Riply: ok, and if you type sudo blkid , the UUID doesn't show up?18:13
azusdaftykins, with the debian paquets18:13
utopiai have a question.... Every time my computer got sleep or i reboot it, i need to reset my router, cause the internet connection, wi fi, does not work anymore...after reinitiating my router, yand my notebook, then works perfectly18:13
assemblyxso the company im working for is telling me i have no choice but to install END POINT protection or i cant use the network with my development laptop18:13
nithinThank you Daniel...18:13
daftykinsazus: yeah what is that? you can't use the same words as the first time and expect it to provide more understanding :)18:14
RiplyEriC^^correct! Does that mean it's not mounted?18:14
[RO]Danielyou welcome18:14
EriC^^Riply: are you in the installation right now?18:14
nithinI will try the pepper flash...18:14
assemblyxthese guys have people convinced linux needs virus protection18:14
EriC^^Riply: type mount or df to see what's mounted18:15
assemblyxand now im going to have to downgrade my ubuntu cause they dont support 14.1018:15
nithinone more question?18:15
assemblyxpure jokes do you agree?18:15
nithinis pepper flash a good software.. I mean it won't steal any personal information like credit card information. Right?18:15
daftykinsassemblyx: yeah, installing non-LTS was a mistake18:15
assemblyxim a noob though18:16
nithinTell me Daniel..18:16
assemblyxit was the default installation on ubuntu page18:16
[RO]Danielpepperflashplugin-nonfree is from UBUNTU Software Center18:16
assemblyxlike i know way more now18:16
assemblyxwhat does LTS stand for?18:16
[RO]Danielso...anything is from ubuntu software center its safe18:16
Pici!lts | assemblyx18:17
ubottuassemblyx: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)18:17
[RO]Danielit's by default, it's there after ubuntu check it and so on18:17
nithinalright.. thank you so much Daniel.. take care..18:17
[RO]Danielabout ppa's you should be carefoul/suspicious, but software center no problem18:18
assemblyxok, but they are not supporting 14.04 and that is LTS18:18
[RO]Danielyou welcome18:18
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nithinthank you Daniel....you were very helpful.. have a great day... Take care.. bye18:18
assemblyxand i am 14.04 my bad18:18
OEPSo in automount from 12.04 to 14.04, I used to be able to leave off the map-type and it would guess (correctly) that my map type is LDAP. Has something changed? It doesn't do that any more.18:18
assemblyxjust checked the stats18:18
assemblyxphew, had me freaked out for a second18:18
[RO]Danielim glad i was able to help, u 2 bye18:19
hiohi i installed the nvidia binary driver but when i log in it shows no side bars and no top bar18:19
assemblyxk, so if a company claims to support software for Ubuntu wouldnt it mean they should be supporting Trusty Tahr 14.04?18:20
RiplyEriC^^ sorry was afk - I am not in the installation, no. But I have it running next to me, in a shell.. so I can run commands.18:20
OerHeksassemblyx, ask them?18:20
hiodo i absolutely need to install ccsm to enable the unity plugin?18:20
RiplyEriC^^ "mount doesn't work - it says that /etc/mtab isn't accessible however 'df" works and says that /dev/sda2 is mounted (that's all)18:21
assemblyxask them what? im talking about ethics, if you say you are going to support Ubuntu and they come out with a new LTS wouldnt ethics say you need to support it?18:22
netzhauthey. has anyone an idea why my fans never change speed? I've tracked my issue with the CPU slowing down to 200-300 MHz to intel_pstate18:22
netzhautbasically, it's slowing down the CPU when it gets hot18:22
netzhautI suspect that happens in conjunction with thermald18:22
OEPassemblyx: 12.04 is still supported by Canonical too; it just isn't the latest.18:22
netzhautthe weird thing is, my fans *never* change speed, as I would expect them to18:22
OEPlatest LTS*18:22
netzhautthis is on ubuntu 14.1018:22
OerHeksassemblyx, this is not the channel for other company's ethics. ask them, okey ?18:23
assemblyxwhat am i asking htem though?18:23
OerHeksassemblyx, by the way, clam-av is pretty up2date.18:24
assemblyxguess i need to install 12x18:24
assemblyxso silly18:24
kokut1Hello, anyone knows how to add network applet to cairo dock?18:25
assemblyxforgive my ignorance ok, i know very little about anti virus stuff, my client tells me in order to connect to their network I need end point technology, ClamAV offers End Point?18:27
rdfileassemblyx - they're likely referring to symantec endpoint protection18:28
rdfileThat's a specific product offered by symantec18:28
Riplyassemblyx it really depends what they understand by 'end-point' security18:29
rdfileIt's available for linux it appears18:29
assemblyxrdfile ya, but i have to downgrade ubuntu18:30
Riplyassemblyx they are more than likely asking you: can your CLAM AV be deployed from a server onto the clients / make sure that it has it installed before allowing it on to the LAN18:30
assemblyxim running 14.04 they only support 1218:30
assemblyxRiply, ya you are right, some type of server communication that tells the server i have updated virus protection18:31
Riplyassemblyx, so what kind of OS are they running on the LAN (on the client side ie desktops)?18:32
assemblyxall i know is they are running windows something18:33
rdfileYou should tell them to switch to ubuntu :)18:34
assemblyxcentos, red hat, anything but windows18:35
rdfileRecuce their OS costs and AV.18:35
utopiahello....dear people18:35
utopiamy ask something again18:35
utopiai need some help18:35
utopiawill be grateful and wonderful18:35
Exagone313hello, i've a problem with apt-get update, i'm blocked with 100% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8c01::18)]18:35
Exagone313should I try to use ipv4 dns ?18:35
utopiai have a question.... Every time my computer got sleep or i reboot it, i need to reset my router, cause the internet connection, wi fi, does not work anymore...after reinitiating my router, yand my notebook, then works perfectly18:36
DJonesutopia: No need to ask, as long as its an Ubunto support question, it'll be fine in the channel18:36
assemblyxwell thanks for letting me rant, was just frustrated and wanted to know if i had a logic argument in regards to supporting an operating system18:36
rdfileutopia - what is the output of your ifconfig after you reboot?18:36
daftykinsassemblyx: might wanna get a full set of requirements from your employer before setting up a machine in future :)18:38
assemblyxdaftykins, no kidding, lesson well learned18:39
daftykinsubottu: wb!18:39
assemblyxim their first linux developer though so odds are they would nto have foreseen this endpoint issue either18:41
assemblyxbtw, clamav does support end point security18:44
daftykinsassemblyx: might be best you allow the channel to return to support only with the more general chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:45
assemblyxoh k, sorry, thanks18:45
assemblyxthis entire conversation should have been in that channel, thanks for pointing that out18:46
daftykinsno problemo :)18:47
lotuspsychjeim looking to change the boot text color to green, where can i edit this?18:47
lotuspsychjeim booting with "quiet splash" off by the way18:48
NEI4U2Kplayonlinux wont start. help18:52
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: you have an error?18:52
NEI4U2Ki tried running through terminal. it goes import error no module named wxversion18:52
=== pcupgrades is now known as `hypermist`
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: you got python installed?18:54
NEI4U2Ki believe so . 2.7.9 to be exact18:54
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165848918:54
lotuspsychje!find wxgtk18:56
ubottuFound: libwxgtk-media2.8-0, libwxgtk-media2.8-dbg, libwxgtk-media2.8-dev, libwxgtk-media3.0-0, libwxgtk-media3.0-0-dbg, libwxgtk-media3.0-dev, libwxgtk-webview3.0-0, libwxgtk-webview3.0-0-dbg, libwxgtk-webview3.0-dev, libwxgtk2.8-0 (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wxgtk&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all18:56
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=== sleeepypc is now known as `hypermist`
dinosaurOK. I've basically broken my Ubuntu from top to the bottom. Can I automatically repair it without reinstalling?18:59
daftykinscan you be a little more specific?18:59
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SAKUJ0dinosaur, would you even want to if you broke it down *from top to bottom*?18:59
lotuspsychjedinosaur: try grub recoverymode then fix broken packages18:59
lotuspsychje!info python-wxgtk2.8 | NEI4U2K can you try installing this19:00
ubottuNEI4U2K can you try installing this: python-wxgtk2.8 (source: wxwidgets2.8): wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding). In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 3480 kB, installed size 21370 kB19:00
dinosaurlotuspsychje: I can log into it and work into graphical environment, but packages are broken, sound does not work, package manager is partially broken, compilers are broken19:00
doodOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit.I have a slow internet connection.(Webpages loading slowly).No problem at Windows 8.What can be the issue?19:00
dinosaurSAKUJ0: don't get you at all19:00
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dinosaurSAKUJ0: did you correct my English or what?19:01
dinosaurSAKUJ0: so don't get you19:01
lotuspsychjedinosaur: can you detail out, ubuntu version, clean install, upgrade..19:01
SAKUJ0i was suggesting you do a clean install19:01
SAKUJ0if your system is *that* broken19:01
NEI4U2Klotuspsychje: it says python-wxgtk2.8 is already the latest version.19:01
lotuspsychjeNEI4U2K: ok mate, then im out of ideas on this...maybe reinstall python/playonlinux/wine?19:02
dinosaurlotuspsychje: it's possible to do upgrade so it would clean *everything* ?19:02
dinosaurlotuspsychje: without reinstalling?19:02
NEI4U2Ki purged play on linux just now.19:02
NEI4U2Kand reinstalled19:02
lotuspsychjedinosaur: can you please give us more details about what you did exactly?19:02
lotuspsychjedinosaur: did you upgrade, wich ubuntu version do you have19:03
dinosaurlotuspsychje: I could if I only knew19:03
SAKUJ0dinosaur, without more details the clear answer is: don't bother attempting to upgrade a broken system. do a clean install19:03
dinosaurdammit. not good19:03
SAKUJ0dinosaur, the upgrade procedure to a new release is pretty good if you don't change too much19:03
lotuspsychjedinosaur: you dont know wich ubuntu you installed?19:03
doodOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit.I have a slow internet connection.(Webpages loading slowly).No problem at Windows 8.What can be the issue?(Changed router recently)19:03
SAKUJ0dinosaur, if you gave us more info (as many people requested) we might be of further help19:03
harsh_coderGuys this is our university's annual CTF contest. $700 cash prizes to be won!19:04
lotuspsychjedood: maybe ethernet card drivers19:04
dinosaurlotuspsychje: I know which I've installed but right now it's irrelevant, so broken it is. It is Ubuntu 12.04, but don't believe it.19:04
doodlotuspsychje, it acts the same(wifi and ethernet)19:04
doodlotuspsychje, can you help me?19:05
lotuspsychjedinosaur: try what SAKUJ0 suggests, fresh install, maybe 14.0419:05
dinosaurthank you19:05
SAKUJ0dinosaur, you can read up about keeping most your settings etc19:05
SAKUJ0it could be as easy as to keep your home folder19:06
SAKUJ0but again we don't know what you messed up19:06
dinosaurSAKUJ0: basically make depend gcc19:06
SAKUJ0well then you should be able to keep your home dir for instance19:06
doodOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit.I have a slow internet connection.(Webpages loading slowly).No problem at Windows 8.What can be the issue?19:06
dinosaurSAKUJ0: is it possible to recover without reinstalling?19:06
SAKUJ0that part i don't know maybe the other people know more19:07
daftykinshmm dinosaur was patient19:10
doodOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit.I have a slow internet connection.(xchat,firefox,update manager).All of them respond very slowly in matter of internet.For example i download something from ubuntu software center and i wait far too long at 0%,then loads normally.Sorry but i could not explain it better19:10
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daftykinsdood: where in the world are you?19:11
dooddaftykins, you mean country?19:12
daftykinsdood: yep19:12
dooddaftykins, greece19:13
daftykinsdood: so i take it you run another OS that works fine with your router?19:13
daftykinsand you don't share this connection with many more devices that would affect it?19:13
dooddaftykins, in windows 8 has no problem19:13
dooddaftykins, no i don't share it19:14
daftykinsare you using wireless from a laptop or wired from a laptop/desktop?19:14
dooddaftykins, tried both,same result19:14
rdfiledood what are you using for DNS? telco? google? other?19:14
doodrdfile, idk19:15
rdfilewhat's the output of your /etc/resolv.conf file?19:15
dooddaftykins, the funny thing is that firefox has problem in matter of internet responsivness while google chrome works fine19:15
daftykinsrdfile: that hasn't been used in ubuntu for a while now :)19:16
daftykinsyou, you19:16
rdfileI'm out of date I guess19:16
rdfileAlso can't type.19:16
tewarddaftykins: it can still give an idea to what dns nameservers are set... no?19:16
daftykinsteward: nope, it points to localhost for dnsmasq19:17
rdfileWhere can you pull it from?19:18
dooddaftykins, rdfile to our point guys if you can help me please. :D19:18
daftykinsi genuinely don't know, i don't use desktop with all this automagic confuse-me-please nonsense19:19
daftykinsalso a mix of browsers operating differently is a bit suspect19:19
rdfiledood: you can find the info in the network manager19:19
kokut1Hello, I need to add text and change some titles to a couple of PDF files, are there any good editors for ubuntu?19:19
daftykinsdood: tried setting the firefox proxy setting to definitely off, instead of auto?19:20
dooddaftykins, yes nothing19:20
daftykinsdood: then i'd go down the route of manually specifying IP settings and use custom DNS to see if it affects it19:21
daftykinsuse network manager to set this19:21
daftykinsand test with the wired interface, to rule out wireless woes19:21
dooddaftykins, well i don't know how can i do that19:21
rdfiledood google set DNS manually ubnutu19:22
daftykinsdood: is this standard ubuntu with unity?19:22
dooddaftykins, yes19:22
rdfileAnd use google DNS server
daftykinsdood: so click on the little network icon top right and use it to edit the settings :)19:22
dooddaftykins, rdfile here? http://s30.postimg.org/rcmu621o1/cyta.png19:24
daftykinschange method to static and enter the details19:25
dooddaftykins, in what tab?19:25
daftykinsas an example, (but this will be different for your network), netmask, gateway, DNS and DNS2
daftykinsthe one you're on :)19:25
dooddaftykins, there is no static lol :]19:26
daftykinswell, it should be pretty obvious something other than auto19:27
m3n3chm0hello guys, why is so slow Firefox in UBuntu ¿? anybody knows if i need to disable Pango library export MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1 in my .bashrc ¿?19:27
dooddaftykins, manual?19:27
daftykinsdood: correct19:27
dooddaftykins, then?19:27
daftykinsdood: i already told you19:28
dooddaftykins, i don't know what these settings are.I am blind now :]19:28
daftykinsdood: depends what you have set right now, run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ip a | pastebinit" in a terminal.19:28
dooddaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10146870/19:29
dinosaurbut we should have command repair-ubuntu internet which should assume that it's possible to download packages from the Internet, then go download the ones which are necessary to recover the system to the original state and just do it19:30
daftykinsdinosaur: it's all well and good to talk how you want it now, but it's better if you just deal with it based on what *is* possible19:30
daftykinsdood: so click "Add" beside the 'Addresses' area, then enter for address, for netmask and for gateway19:31
daftykinsdood: then for DNS, put in
daftykinsdood: that should be enough, then click save and do a restart - but by the looks of it you're editing the wireless connection which isn't what i said to do19:31
dooddaftykins, yeah my mistake on that19:32
dooddaftykins, should i change it to ethernet,i don't believe it affects it19:32
dinosaurdaftykins: quite true. For the time being I'm trying things like apt-get --force, remove --force to get things better19:32
daftykinsdood: try either, up to you. don't set the same settings as above on wired though19:33
daftykinsdinosaur: you still haven't told us what you did or what's going on :)19:33
dooddaftykins, rr19:33
budHey guys. Just installed 14.10 desktop. Install went fine. It boots to a desktop with a mouse cursor. No icons or anything else. Where should I go from here?19:33
dinosaurdaftykins: I said that. make depend gcc has screwed up the system.19:33
dooddaftykins, brb19:33
daftykinsbud: what graphics hardware?19:34
dinosaurdaftykins: as to what is going on, I wish I could tell you, but I have no idea19:34
daftykinsdinosaur: backup and reinstall then19:34
budStock for this dell dimension 960019:34
daftykinsbud: which is?19:34
bud9200 rather19:34
budHang on I'll have to find out.19:34
daftykinsbud: ctrl+alt+F1 and "lspci" after logging in would give the game away19:35
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dooddaftykins, no luck19:36
daftykinswas that after a restart?19:36
dooddaftykins, yes19:36
daftykinsdood: does the guest account suffer from the same slowdown?19:37
dooddaftykins, before that i want to tell you that in google chrome i have no problem19:37
daftykinsyou said that already, yes19:37
dooddaftykins, i changed the router recently and ISP19:38
dooddaftykins, the ISP forced me to use a specific router19:38
dooddaftykins, so i am stuck with it19:38
daftykinsalright, well as long as it has up to date firmware19:38
daftykinshad a nice factory reset and is setup well19:39
budDaftykins, my bad lol control shift f1 is giving me lots of these (xxx.xxxxx) nouveau e(xorg) failed to idle channel.  The video hardware is a radeon x130019:39
daftykinsbut since the browsers play differently, none of this can probably be relevant19:39
daftykinsbud: hmm i don't think so, since nouveau is the open source nvidia driver. can you boot the live session from your install media again and come on here from it? would rather see a proper lspci output19:39
dooddaftykins, i can't understand how google chrome has no problems,it bugs me19:40
tewarddood: any plugins in firefox or anything?19:40
daftykinsdood: yeah, i don't know what to say to that19:40
teward(that might impact performance)19:40
doodteward, i tried with fresh install no plugins nothing,same result.19:40
daftykinsthat's why i suggested trying the guest session, as it'd rule out any /home backups19:40
budDaftykins let me see, the live boot didn't work so I rebooted and installed it.19:40
dooddaftykins, i can't understand how this can happen.19:41
daftykinsbud: it was able to run 'install' but not 'try' ? very weird19:42
dooddaftykins, i am trying the guest session19:42
budWhat can I do from the grub menu to get it to boot to command line?19:42
dooddaftykins, brb19:42
daftykinsbud: you could boot a recovery mode entry instead, get a root shell, then run "lspci" from there19:43
dinosaur_OK. How can I reduce the system to the bare minimum?19:43
daftykinsreally need to confirm that graphics card before trying anything.19:43
dooddaftykins, nothing19:43
daftykinsdinosaur_: install from mini.iso19:43
budDaftykins k doing that now19:43
daftykinsdood: k well i give up19:44
daftykinsdood: what version is it?19:44
dinosaur_daftykins: it's going upwards, while I was thinking in the terms of going backwards, but thanks for the suggestion anyway19:44
doodtried both 14.10 + 14.0419:44
dooddaftykins, no don't give up :\19:45
budDaftykins OK, lspci says nvidia geforce 7300 le19:45
daftykinsdinosaur_: 'going upwards' ? what?19:45
daftykinsbud: yay, ok are you still at the root prompt?19:45
daftykinsbud: got a working network connection from there?19:45
daftykinsyou're gonna wanna run "mount -o remount,rw /"19:45
daftykinsthen "apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-304"19:46
dinosaur_daftykins: I understand that you suggest I go remove the whole system and reinstall it from mini ISO CD whatever it is. But if I'm gonne remove the system completely, I can as well make complete reinstallation.19:46
budDaftykins done19:46
daftykinsbud: installed the package fine?19:46
daftykinsdinosaur_: well yeah i figured that was your intention anyway, so correct. there is no shortcut.19:47
budOh sorry didn't see the second command there daftykins 1 sec19:47
dinosaur_daftykins: perhaps there is, I'm seeking for that19:47
daftykinsdinosaur_: also, if this is a hassle, make a separate /home partition so that this is always easier in future19:47
budDaftykins turns out I don't have network connection. It's a USB adapter that worked during install but not from shell I suppose19:49
putahi guys19:49
daftykinsbud: dooooooh19:49
putais it possible to install the ib32stdc++6 on ubuntu 64bits?19:50
daftykinsbud: well if you repeatedly try to boot and try to get to a console with ctrl+alt+F1 through F6 you might get lucky eventually19:50
puta*32bit libs on 64bit ubuntu19:50
budDaftykins k I'll try19:51
daftykinsbud: actually since you've not successfully logged in once, it won't be connected to the wifi at all will it =|19:52
putaon new ubuntu you removed the lib32 compat :/19:52
daftykinsnew ubuntu is multiarch19:52
OerHeks"puta" you might want to change your nick, if you want people take you seriously.19:53
putaok, it was my lack of imagination19:53
=== puta is now known as noimagination
noimaginationandorid development kit, requires the 32bit libs19:54
koding123!spam | ioria19:54
ubottuioria: Please don't spam19:54
BluesKaj!multiarch |puta19:54
noimagination!multiarch noimagination19:55
ioriaok sorry !19:55
auronandaceBluesKaj: i checked in pm with ubottu, i thought that used to be a valid factoid too19:55
bud(daftykins) done, installing package19:55
noimaginationOerHeks: now I'm serious19:56
BluesKajauronandace, it's multiarch-support in the repos19:56
BluesKajdunno about the bot info tho :)19:57
bud(daftykins) success19:58
noimaginationi should use archlinux19:58
daftykinsbud: boots in fine now huh?19:58
noimaginationarch comunity are more helpful19:58
daftykinsnoimagination: cya then19:58
budDaftykins just installed the package. Wasn't sure if rebooting was the next step19:59
daftykinsbud: sure is, should boot normally now19:59
BluesKajdaftykins, he'll be back once he finds out what a dog's breakfast installing arch can be :)20:00
budDaftykins brilliant thank you so20:01
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daftykinsBluesKaj: ^_^20:01
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daftykinsbud: no problemo!20:01
=== Krisp_ is now known as VoidWhisperer_
budDaftykins do you use unity?20:02
daftykinsbud: nah20:02
budI don't figure. On my old pc it was xfce but this one is more powerful. Any suggestions? I've heard unity is a little heavy.20:03
daftykinsbud: what's the rest of the system spec?20:04
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bud2ghz core 2 duo with one gig of memory20:05
daftykinsbud: ouch, yeah i would've gone with xubuntu on that20:06
daftykinsthough i wouldn't force my worst enemies to run on 1GB RAM20:06
budI still can20:06
budThanks again! I'll tinker with it and see20:07
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FastElbowMy first computer was running on 640KB without pain. having said that nowadays it would be  a little bit  on the low side20:11
FastElbowAnd my first pc update was an astonishing 1MB (But you only could use the first 640 KB)20:14
daftykinsplease, computer nostalgia conversations are better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic20:15
daftykinssupport only in here :)20:15
FastElbowtrue but sometimes  it is good to put things in perspective20:16
daftykinsFastElbow: give the next person a gift card for more RAM ;)20:17
krooyhhi, can't boot live cd, getting black screen, nomodeset don't help. can anyone give a hint? i switched graphic card to gtx 960, live cd is ubuntu 14.1020:20
daftykinskrooyh: if it's an intel setup with onboard graphics, install with that then put the card in after perhaps20:21
krooyhi had installation wich i deleted becouse of same problem20:22
daftykinskrooyh: how does that affect my above reply?20:22
krooyhthat my installation won't boot anyway I think20:23
krooyhafter install without card20:23
FastElbowIs the live cd working correct in another computer?20:24
Bashing-omkrooyh: Nvidia suggest the 346 driver for that card : http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us . That driver is not available in the software repo. But sad for me that if you can not boot the system I do not know of a means to install the driver .20:25
gauthierhave you a pb?20:25
krooyhi have ubuntu live cd, kubuntu, etc, open suse don't work either20:28
daftykinshow are you making them, from what OS?20:28
krooyhthose I have from linux magazine20:29
krooyhcan check for other wich i burned ofc20:29
tewardgauthier: do you have a support questoin?20:29
daftykinskrooyh: so you're not using flash drives?20:30
krooyhshould I?20:30
daftykinsoh, nasty.20:30
tewardgauthier: do you have a support questoin?  (test)20:30
daftykinskrooyh: absolutely, it's roughly 100x better20:30
gauthierteward: no I don't have support question20:32
krooyhok I'll try20:32
Goose_so, everytime i go into suspend my VPN disconnects. Anyway to fix that?20:34
gauthierteward, why?20:35
Bashing-omdaftykins: krooyh :: Used to be that we could force vesa as the driver. Now vesa has been depreciated, is there another means to get the fall back video driver to load from grub ?20:36
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tewardgauthier: you joined and asked this but it didn't sound like a support questoin: [2015-02-09 15:25:12] <gauthier> have you a pb?   (this channel is for Ubuntu support, not general chat)20:37
teward!offtopic > gauthier20:37
ubottugauthier, please see my private message20:37
krooyhso I got back old card and installer started20:38
krooyhbut graphics are bad and something is not right, looks like it have low refreshing lateency20:39
gauthierteward, yes but FastElbow say "Is the live cd working correct in another computer?"20:39
krooyhI'll be right back than20:40
krooyhI'll check it20:40
tewardgauthier: ahhh, okay.20:40
Bashing-omkrooyh: What card -> lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA <- ? Did a driver load -> sudo lshw -C display <- .20:41
Exagone313hello, i've a problem with my server, resolving no mroe works20:42
Exagone313i don't know what to do20:42
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Exagone313seriously i am stuck20:44
jhutchinsExagone313: No DNS?20:45
Exagone313i edited resolv.conf and it does not work20:45
Exagone313i tried to edit this file to solve this problem20:45
jhutchinsExagone313: What error do you get?20:45
Exagone313oh i know20:46
jhutchinsExagone313: How do you know it's not working?20:46
Exagone313dig: long wait20:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:46
Exagone313znc: unable to resolv (something like this)20:46
Exogarhey guys, good evening20:46
jhutchinsExagone313: Can you paste your resolv.conf?20:46
Exagone313i have nothing to paste20:46
Exagone313it's not the problem20:47
Exagone313i removed dnsmasq20:47
alkethi, can someone help me with this https://paste.kde.org/pjkbna22n20:47
Exogarcan somebody help me with getting java-jdk working on ubuntu 14.04 ? I cannot use 'javac' but for some reason my eclipse is running fine20:47
Exagone313because it does not fix my resolv.conf like I want20:47
jhutchinsExagone313: That's not what dnsmasq does.20:47
Exagone313i just want to fix my namesrevers with and
anonymous_AttaCKwas geht ab20:48
jhutchinsalket: WHat filesystem is it?20:48
krooyhboth cds work fine20:48
alketjhutchins: ext420:48
Exagone313since i removed dnsmasq, dns resolving does not work, same if i've just nameserver
jhutchinsExagone313: You can ping those, right?20:48
Ben64!de | anonymous_AttaCK20:48
ubottuanonymous_AttaCK: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:48
Exagone313yes i access to the server with ssh so internet works20:48
Exagone313yes i can ping 8...20:49
Exagone313should I reinstall dnsmasq?20:49
jhutchinsExagone313: No.20:49
NikeshIs Ubuntu capable of utilising the touchscreen on a laptop?20:49
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:49
Exogarhey guys, can someone help me getting 'javac' to work? I have a running eclipse and it works fine, however i cannot use 'javac' or 'java' from terminal20:49
Exagone313i try this just to see if dns works20:49
jhutchinsNikesh: SOmetimes.  There are a lot of touchscreen standards to choose from.20:50
Nikeshjhutchins: Well, not with a tablet or phone, but I mean the kind of laptops that come with touchscreen20:50
gauthierok guys, I have a problem with the flashplayer in my Ubuntu 14.1020:50
Exagone313ok it does not work20:50
gauthierWhen I read stream video on youtube, vimeo,... and put the fullscreen, the video bug and freeze in black. the sound it's ok, but not the video, and I can't close the fullscreen, and I must restart...20:50
gauthiersomeone for help me?20:50
jhutchinsExagone313: so in your resolv.conf you have nameserver\nnameserver
jhutchinsExagone313: can you use dig and specify the nameserver?20:51
jhutchinsExagone313: dig @ google.com20:51
Exagone313no I can't O_o20:51
jhutchinsExagone313: Why not?20:52
Exagone313long wait20:52
Exagone313no reply20:52
jhutchinsExagone313: Sounds like something else is wrong then.20:52
Exagone313i restart the server to try20:52
jhutchinsgauthier: Can you switch to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F1)?20:54
Exagone313ok now it works20:55
Exagone313thanks for help jhutchins now i can launch znc :)20:55
jhutchinsExogar: Good luck, glad it works!20:56
jhutchinsgauthier: Do you have another system you can try to connect with via ssh?20:56
jhutchinsgauthier: Which web browser, which flashplayer?20:56
Exogarjhutchins: Did you mean Exagone313 ?20:58
jhutchinsExogar: Yes, but random good luck to you as well.20:59
Exagone313he replied to my "thanks"?20:59
Generator_hello people, http://ur1.ca/jos39 any idea what is happening ?21:03
buddaftykins, good call on xubuntu. i'm running that now.21:13
Exogarhey guys, can someone help me getting 'javac' to work? I have a running eclipse and it works fine, however i cannot use 'javac' or 'java' from terminal21:13
daftykinsbud: \o/21:13
daftykinsExogar: which java did you install?21:14
Exogarjava jdk 721:14
buddaftykins, going from 12.04 to 14.10 via 'upgrade'... should i do this?21:14
daftykinsExogar: as in, oracle?21:14
Exogarfrom sudo aptitude21:14
daftykinsbud: nope, hang on you just installed 12.04? wat21:14
buddaftykins, i installed xubuntu 12.04 because i had the disk handy. didn't know if upgrading to 14 was worth it or if i should just run what i got21:15
Exogarsudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre and sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk21:15
daftykinsbud: you can dist-upgrade to 14.04.1 which is also LTS, if you run the appropriate upgrade. i'd do that21:15
kokutHello, anyone knows a good PDF editor i can use to edit some text in a couple of PDF files?21:15
budthere's a little button in the software update that says 'upgrade'... is that what you're talking about? lol21:16
jhutchinskokut: You're aware that the whole idea of PDF is that you can't edit the text?21:16
daftykinsExogar: sudo update-alternatives --config javac21:16
redemptionsongIs there a way to take a copy pasted list from a web page and format it so all the words are single space separated and on one line? I have a list of probly 50 words I got from an internet glossary that I want to use as tags for something.21:16
daftykinsredemptionsong: ask in #bash21:16
redemptionsongdaftykins: thx daftykins21:16
Exogartim@tim-V5-131:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac21:17
Exogar[sudo] password for tim:21:17
ExogarThere is only one alternative in link group javac (providing /usr/bin/javac): /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac21:17
ExogarNothing to configure.21:17
kokutjhutchins: oh well, i didn't know that, is it funny that an employer just send me a PDF i have to fill?21:17
daftykinsExogar: have you logged out and back in since installing openjdk?21:17
daftykinsExogar: or re-opened the terminal21:17
daftykinskokut: those ones with editable fields typically only work well in Adobe21:18
kokutdaftykins: well I don't even know if it has editable fields, should check in windows then21:18
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daftykinsExogar: btw it was from the first google result - http://askubuntu.com/questions/117189/apt-get-install-openjdk-7-jdk-doesnt-install-javac-why21:19
Exogari relogged twice since installing the alternatives, I used sudo update-java-alternatives -a21:20
jhutchinskokut: With that understanding, there are a number of editors that might work in linux.  OpenOffice might be able to handle it, and a search of "linux pdf editor" should turn up the others.21:20
jhutchinskokut: I think scribus works with some of them.21:20
Exogaryeah i got mine from google aswell, but it didnt help x.x however eclipse is running fine which i cannot understand tbh21:20
daftykinsprobably because it's hard linked in some way21:21
daftykinsExogar: well there are other ideas on that page, so go nuts! :D21:21
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Exogarguessed so aswell even crazier is that only one of my eclipse distros is running...21:22
Exogaryeah looked up the links at /etc/ and wherever else they are placed in this dynamic linked jungle21:22
kokutjhutchins: dude i cant even open pdf files with open office?21:23
Steve_JobsI got a message I got kicked from the channel.. but I'm still here21:23
Steve_Jobsanyone else got that?21:24
ExogarSteve_Jobs: thats what you get from stealing a whole company ._.21:24
kokutjhutchins: nvm i managed to open it with libre office draw and it looks like its going to work. Thank you.21:25
jhutchinskokut: xlnt.21:26
Thetadidn't mean to, I thought I hit "/"21:28
blizzowI wanted to display the output from my machine on my coworkers' box.  So I did an xhost + on his machine and then went to mine and did export DISPLAY=  then tried to run xclock.  I get error: Can't open display:   Anyone know how to get X tunneling re-enabled?21:38
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icloudi am getting SRST error 16 on boot.21:40
icloudi can load grub but doesn't load lightdm21:40
icloudi am still able to load windows21:41
daftykinsicloud: bad disk?21:41
daftykinsuse Windows to run crystaldiskinfo and see what it says21:41
iclouddaftykins: yeah somehow seem to be a disk issue but the raid setup report it to be healthy21:41
daftykinsoh RAID you say... provided by what?21:42
daftykinsintel chipset?21:42
FastElbowblizzow: I use ssh -XC name@machine21:42
iclouddaftykins: fakeraid via dmraid21:43
daftykinscheck the SMART info from a live session of each disk maybe21:43
daftykinsi have no experience with such RAID though21:43
iclouddaftykins: yeah dmraid is not even being maintained anymore, but its a old box with windows on another partition...maybe i just need to redo everything with software raid21:45
Bashing-omicloud: Often a hardware issue, but ... I multi boot and I had that error, when I finally got my grub configured correctly the error went away .21:45
icloudBashing-om: what flag did you use in grub?21:45
blizzowFastElbow: that would require me logging into my machine over SSH from his.21:46
daftykinsicloud: there's always checking older kernels as well i suppose if it started after an update21:46
Bashing-omicloud: Like I say, I multi boot on this box, my solution - for my use case - is not conventional .21:47
wldcordeiroIs there a way to update Guake to 0.5.2 instead of the 0.4.4 from the software center without building from source?21:48
wldcordeiroLike a 3rd party ppa?21:48
daftykinsif you can find one, maybe21:48
daftykinswhat ubuntu version?21:48
iclouddaftykins: yeah maybe i try another kernel, this started after i got lazy and powered off my box by holding down power button21:48
Bashing-omicloud: What you might so, is make sure Windows boot code is good, and also (re-)install grub ... just to make sure grub's configs are not at fault .21:48
daftykinsicloud: oh dear.21:49
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iclouddaftykins: maybe i can boot into livecd and force a diskcheck..not sure if that does anything.21:50
Bashing-omicloud: ^^^, yeah, we also talking doing a file system check. files systems left open when forcing a power off, not a good thing !21:50
daftykinspresent icloud is probably quite angry with past icloud for that laziness :>21:51
daftykinspresent icloud might have to have words21:51
Bashing-omdaftykins: icloud's back side might be somewhat lighter afterward .21:52
FastElbowblizzow: Sorry than I have not enough background to help you21:56
blizzowNo problem.  I just want to pop the same window across all my NOC/company displays.21:57
NikeshWhat should I look for in a Chromebook if I want to run Ubuntu on it? I like the hardware appeal of the lightweight design, but I really prefer Ubuntu21:59
ikoniaNikesh: nothing21:59
ikoniaNikesh: the chromebook doesn't run ubuntu21:59
ikoniait runs it's own os22:00
Nikeshikonia: i know. but it is possible to put ubuntu on a chromebook, and it seems easier to put it on some than others22:00
ikoniano it's not ubuntu22:00
ikoniait's still the core OS with ubuntu parts wrapped around it22:00
ikoniaand it's not supported22:00
DaghdhaHi, how can i change the account a daemon runs under?22:02
Daghdha1st install it asked me. So i uninstalled and wanted to reinstall under new role. But it doesn't ask me anymore22:02
ikoniaDaghdha: it will depend on the daemon22:02
Daghdhabtsync daemon22:03
ikoniaisn't that just a line in the config file which user it uses22:03
daftykinsBashing-om: hehehe :)22:04
Daghdhaconfig file is empty22:04
Daghdhaat least the one i am looking in is22:04
Daghdhacd etc22:04
DaghdhaYes, thisis not a shell. apparently22:04
Daghdhacd /22:05
EriC^^Daghdha: you could try to purge the package and then reinstall, i guess22:06
sweettearm -rf22:06
Bashing-omsweettea: UNfunny, execise greater care, please.22:08
sweetteaRM DASH RF OMG22:08
iclouddaftykins: haha yeah, super lazy, but will probably do it agian.  yep fsck too22:08
ikoniait loks like btsync is in the users home dir22:08
ikonialooks like22:08
ikoniaDaghdha: look in ~/.config/btsync22:08
Daghdhanah it is installed as a daemon22:09
FastElbowblizzow: btw should not be export DISPLAY=  (note the extra 0)22:10
ikoniaDaghdha: which user runs the daemon22:10
Daghdhaeric: purge also kills config?22:10
Daghdhathe btsync:btsync user22:10
EriC^^Daghdha: yeah22:10
* Daghdha hugs EriC22:11
* EriC^^ hugs Daghdha 22:12
blizzowFastElbow: That last zero is not extra.  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/16815/what-does-display-0-0-actually-mean22:13
blizzowGranted.  Not too many people are using multiple "screens", but adding the zero helps alleviate any ambiguity.22:14
bizancioHello. Does anyone experienced an issue with PulseAudio, mono mic and google hangouts? I'm unable to make it work, because Google Hangouts restart my Pulse Audio configuration and mess all.22:20
bizancioThe thing is, I don't know why, PulseAudio shows stereo in the internal mic of my netbook, which brokes the behavior unless I put the sound down of one of the channels.22:21
andreas_Hello, my computer has been running very slow today (Internet), and I'm not torrenting, video etc is also lagging.22:21
andreas_so I downloaded an app called EtherApe to monitor my network22:21
andreas_and I wondered, could any one help me tell me if I am in a botnet?22:21
daftykinsthat's a bit of a leap, don't you think?22:22
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andreas_my computer seems to be connect to hundreds of other computers22:23
andreas_and I can't see why it should be doing that22:23
OerHeksandreas_, could be, do you have ssh installed with passwords instead of keys ?22:23
jhutchinsandreas_: Nothing readable on my display at that link.22:23
jhutchinsandreas_: netstat -an is probably more realistic.22:24
jhutchinsandreas_: ps ax and research what every running program is supposed to do.22:24
jhutchinsandreas_: It's a great way to learn about linux.22:24
andreas_OreHeks I have an FTP server without password that I set up yesterday. vsftpd, but I did not configure it beyong sending some stuff over lan22:25
DocTrax__andreas_: do u have a router with firewall?22:26
andreas_it has a default firewall, I think.22:26
DocTrax__so then it cant be accessed unless you set up your router22:26
andreas_http://pastebin.no/350a netstat22:27
DocTrax__andreas_: sudo netstat -nlp22:27
DocTrax__paste this pls22:27
jhutchinsandreas_: nmap shows you have 554 and 7070 open and 998 filtered ports (that looks like a router).22:28
OerHekslots of :443 and :8022:28
andreas_just a second22:29
jhutchinsandreas_: 90% chance it's a Linksys running their Linux code.22:29
sweettearm -rf22:30
andreas_I have an asus rt-n556u22:30
sweetteals -lrta22:30
sweetteacd ~22:30
sweetteaps aux | grep windows22:30
andreas_I connect to my schools ssh and ftp. secure. I set up the ftp yesterday but did not think I connected it to the internet.22:30
OerHekssweettea, do you have an ubuntu support question ?22:30
DocTrax__andreas_: whats that Plex Plug-in22:30
sweetteaapt-get install centos722:30
andreas_plex is my media server, I use it to stream movies to my chromecast22:31
OerHeksandreas_, and plex is getting those movies from the internet, no ?22:32
andreas_they are streamed locally22:32
andreas_but plex has an option to send movies out 'into the world', I never use that though so I can block it22:32
andreas_my computer has been blazing fast for mounths22:33
DocTrax__why do you run ntpd?22:33
andreas_now it's slow, internet is very slow and something is ..of22:33
andreas_doesn't the OS?22:33
EriC^^gr33n7007h: falling asleep on the keyboard?22:33
=== isifreek is now known as DrIsiFreek
DocTrax__not by default22:34
DocTrax__it makes no sense22:34
andreas_|I can stop it with ps x, how do I 'perm' stop it ?22:34
andreas_kill -9 ID would just kill it now, I think. still slightly new at this.22:34
DocTrax__this is network time protocol daemon, so that other computer can sync the time with yours22:35
andreas_yeah, reading a wiki on it now.22:35
DocTrax__makes no sense22:35
cheapieSo *this* is the channel that's making my client play those "another user opped/deopped" notifications. I should probably turn those off.22:36
andreas_but it needs to run to sync the time, and thus needs an open port?22:36
DocTrax__you only need a client22:36
andreas_right, any hints on how to stop it now and to stop it from re-starting?22:37
andreas_sudo apt-get purge ntpd22:37
DocTrax__no risk22:38
daftykinsandreas_: you might want to look up instructions for your IRC client, which we don't know what is without running some impolite commands :)22:38
andreas_I just wondered if I should purge or remove : )22:38
andreas_Maybe I'll just re-install on sunday and borrow a nice book on iptables22:39
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OerHeksJust got an update for ntp, coincidense?22:42
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gr33n7007hEriC^^, you got it :/22:47
EriC^^gr33n7007h: happens to me sometimes ;)22:47
EriC^^i chat from bed most of the time22:48
Bray90820When was rhythmbox 3 released22:52
xanguaProbably when gnome 3 was22:54
OerHeksBray90820, 25-May-2014 08:2422:56
freerouteEriC^^: oh man the number of times I've woken up staring at documentation I was reading... of which 80% forgotten :p22:56
Bray90820DerHeks Thnks22:58
spl0itHow do I share an image of an error?22:58
EriC^^freeroute: :D22:59
xanguaspl0it: upload it, share the link22:59
spl0itimgur or something i guess22:59
freeroutespl0it: you mean screenshot? If you just push the PrtSc button on your keyboard it should make a screenshot.22:59
freerouteyeah imgur is good for this purpose22:59
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k1l_!paste | spl0it23:03
ubottuspl0it: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
spl0itI have an issue when I put a TV tuner card in my desktop. I want to be able to boot and use it. I have an nvidia card in my pci-e slot and I'm putting the tv tuner card in the PCI slot. When I boot and it gets detected ubuntu tries to use it to display video I believe and my system halts.  See output when system freezes here: http://imgur.com/DGw9RE3  Any suggestions?23:04
k1l_spl0it, if you can copy the text its best to use a pasteservice23:04
spl0itI can't23:04
spl0itsystem dies23:04
gblshi all. I have a question about nfs mounts - I am having trouble setting it up23:06
Bashing-omspl0it: Bios setting. I know some bios have the ability to prioritise the graphics display contoller "megatrend' for 1 . might take a look in bios ans see what ya can find.23:08
spl0itBashing-om: I did set it to use pci-e.  That crash happens half way through boot. Ubuntu says [using] ... and dies23:08
spl0itBashing-om: Figured I need to somehow tell ubuntu to prioritize pci-e as video? or something like that...23:09
OerHeksspl0it, that should be set in you Bios23:10
gblswhen I try to mount the nfs drive I get access denied by server while mounting server:/directoryt23:11
spl0itOerHeks: maybe there's another issue because I already set it in BIOS. Can't boot with the card in - freezes everytime with that text (recovery boot)...otherwise I see nothing and it just dies...23:11
gblsspl0it have you tried running from a live disk?23:12
spl0itnope; I could grab a new one and try23:13
OerHeksspl0it, sure that card works oke?23:13
spl0itOerHeks: nope - think its bad?23:13
gblsspl0it might be an idea - if the latest live disk works then it is a problem with software - otherwise it is hardware23:14
OerHeksspl0it, and check your IRQ settings in the Bios ? set to auto ?23:14
spl0itOerHeks: I'll check that - thanks23:14
spl0itglbs: thanks23:14
spl0ittime to reboot - thanks23:15
gblsOerHeks - do you klnow anything about nfs ?23:15
MACscrlol, what am i doing wrong here? cant seem to ping a particular host on my network from a new system i just setup: http://pastie.org/pastes/9932476/text?key=64zwgd2c8ok1qd1ydgpa23:34
MACscrer, ping it by hostname that is23:34
muiijnaHi guys, little question: I did a big mistake with a command "sudo chown -R pi:pi /" , Now my whole system is corrupt, can I do something to fix or should I work with new image?23:35
gblsmuijna - it is probably best to start again it would be impossible to set ut up so that it was secure again23:36
muiijna@ gbls, okay thank you. I had a samba server for /home/user , but I want to edit all files like /var/www via my computer (per samba), how I can open the whole raspberry for samba?23:38
muiijnaI thought I could do it with chown -R, but that was a fault :P23:38
gblsMacscr - you will have to be more specific23:39
MACscrgbls: did you look at my pastebin?23:39
gblsmuijna is your other computer a windows or linux box23:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:44
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gblsmuijna changing permissions wont help you - you do not want others to get access to your account from your html - so leave the /var/www directory as is and try to make samba work in that directory23:45
getwaymay undermine quarkcoin with VPS? I have 52 VPS to undermine23:46
MACscrgoogle translator fail?23:46
getwayhave 52vps23:47
getwayhave mining vps?23:47
getwaywat criptomoneda ?23:48
getwaymining vps?23:48
gblssorry macscr I cant help you23:48
MACscrgbls: just not sure of whats wrong or there is missing info that I am not providing or what?23:49
gblsmacscr - I am not sure what is wrong and I think your skills are better than mine in that areaa23:49
MACscrno problem. Thanks for looking into it anyway23:50
MACscrweird. it just magically started working again. lol23:50
gblsmacscr - you wouldnt happen to know about nfs23:50
MACscrthat to many people use it in the wrong way?23:51
MACscri dont have to much experience with it. Whats your issue?23:51
MACscri can scroll up if you recently explained it23:51
gblsok - so I am trying to connect and I get an error message access denied by server while mounting server:/dir23:52
MACscrok, so what do the logs on the destination server say?23:52
MACscrsyslog and auth23:52
gblsI am going through a fire wall23:52
gblsI cant find a log with an error23:52
MACscrcan you access the ports?23:52
gblsyes the nfs and the mountd d are fine23:53
gblsi can showmount it but i cant mount23:53
gblswhere do i look in the log23:53
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MACscrdoes it work from other systems?23:55
gblsMACscr it works from inside the firewall23:56
MACscrthis is all on a lan though, right?23:56
gblsno over remote23:56
MACscruh, why the F would you do that?23:57
gblsor shhould I be using sshfs23:57
MACscrwhich still isnt that great, but one of your few options23:57
gblswhat others are there?23:58
MACscrwhats the ms between the two locations?23:58
gblslots 1000+23:58
svetlanagbls, what server is this specifically - I lack context.23:58
MACscrits over 1000ms ?23:59
MACscryou have to be joking23:59
ki7rwubuntu 14.04 64 bit nvidia-331 driver - mouse randomly stops responding - ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-f7 restores mouse operation - nvidia driver bug?23:59

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