
elfypleia2: :D07:10
bluesabre!team | friendly reminder, feature freeze / debian import freeze in 10 days https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule12:49
bluesabre!team : friendly reminder, feature freeze / debian import freeze in 10 days https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule12:49
ubottubluesabre: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:49
bluesabrenever seem to get that right :/12:50
ubottubluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19312:50
bluesabresee above12:50
bluesabrealso, light-locker 1.6 just released, will package that early this week, planning a release for lightdm-gtk-greeter this week as well12:51
bluesabrecatfish and mugshot will probably land this weekend12:51
bluesabreochosi: can you check with andrew p to see if he has anything else to add before we wrap that release up?12:51
ochosiphew, well i guess he rebased the screenshoot branch12:52
ochosiso that would be mergeable12:52
ochosibut you said you don't want that12:52
bluesabrealrighty, will probably go ahead and add that12:52
ochosiso better reply to that MR then12:52
ochosithen let's merge that and then release12:52
bluesabrethere are a few coverity bugs (very few), will fix those tonight most likely12:52
bluesabreand now its time to go to work, bbabl12:55
pleia2elfy: my brain froze on actually recording how many folks at the jam submitted tests, but it wasn't so bad18:44
pleia2we did have trouble with new users logging in who didn't have launchpad/SSO though :(18:44
pleia2http://princessleia.com/temp/Screenshot_2015-02-08_16-42-16.png couldn't figure out how to get around that18:46
pleia2the openid switch from launchpad to Ubuntu SSO has been such a disaster18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1416893 in Ubuntu QA Website "cannot login to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/" [High,Triaged]18:54
pleia2and there were the typical complaints about the bug sorting mechanism being horrible (hover over to see bugs, bugs from unrelated tests being included in the list)19:00
pleia2it was overwhelming and frustrating to newcomers, so I told them to ignore it and we'd sort out duplicates later19:00
elfypleia2: I am probably out of the 7 billion people in the world one that you shouldn't expect any sort of positive comment about SSO from :D19:08
elfybut thanks for what got done :)19:08
pleia2I'll write up a full report of pain points (plus some sugar! people really loved the event) to the -quality list19:09
elfyyea read you telling balloons that :)19:09
pleia2there is a bug report for "hovering over bugs is the worst UI ever" right?19:10
pleia2cannot find19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366581 in Ubuntu QA Website "Testcase Report page enhancements" [Undecided,In progress]19:11
pleia2great, thanks19:11
elfywelcome :)19:12
elfypleia2: so has the california loco got a mail list or something?19:12
elfypleia2: if you're a mod - kill the elfyesq one please :D19:19
elfyreally should be more observant - but I'm not :p19:21
pleia2I do it all th time too19:22
elfybrainwash: just went to verify 1292290 - no xfce4-settings available to update19:53
elfythat said I couldn't confirm the bug either - so wouldn't have actually been able to verify it one way or the other anyway19:53
elfybluesabre: is there anything floating about currently that you'd like to see testing done for? 20:11
ecsooboontoo-alis #xubuntu-verbose20:12
elfywhat are you trying to do? 20:13
ecsooboontooelfy: I'm trying to learn how to use irc. Sorry if this has interfered with you channel.  20:16
elfyno - I just wondered what you were trying to do :)20:17
elfyyou might be better doing it in #xubuntu-offtopic though 20:17
ecsooboontooelfy: yes, thankyou. 20:19
ecsooboontooelfy: I found what I was looking for, I looking for the command to add another channel using webchat client. On a side note: I very much appreciate the work you and all the other programmers do for Xubuntu. I was thinking of signing up as a tester, but I do not know I would be suitable, as I run a very stripped down version of Xubuntu. I have, though, download 14.04 point two daily-build and run it from a USB-memory-stick20:49
elfyecsooboontoo: well - as far as testing is concerned, if you can test things like that from usb's - that's good for us :)20:50
elfyI'm sure people will be happy to see you appreciating what they do - I for one am not a coder at all :)20:51
ecsooboontooIf I can clean out a spare HDD that I have, I will be able to install properly. The current HDD that I'm using has several versions of ?ubuntu on it, which is in a pretty sad state of affairs, mainly because it's trying use the same /home partition for all versions. 21:00
elfyI've been there 21:00
elfyI prefer now to use seperate partitions for data and symlinks - firefox and t-bird I just modify the config file 21:01
dkesselGood evening. I just changed my xubuntu-docs PPA to point at the correct branch.21:08
Unit193Howdy, dkessel.21:08
elfyhello and cya dkessel 21:08
elfynight all 21:08
dkesselNow the build fails with validation errors in the Spanish translation21:08
dkesselNight elfy21:09
dkesselHey Unit193 21:09
brainwashbug 129229023:21
ubottubug 1292290 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu Utopic) "[SRU] Window manager keybindings don't work after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129229023:21
brainwashelfy: xubuntu-default-settings was patched, not xfce4-settings23:21
elkypleia2: i just realised i didn't link you to that installer-not-showing bug yesterday for me-too-ing. it's bug 141955523:22
ubottubug 1419555 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "initial install/try window is not displayed on netbook screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141955523:22
brainwash!info xubuntu-default-settings trusty-proposed23:22
ubottuxubuntu-default-settings (source: xubuntu-default-settings): default settings for the Xubuntu desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.04.8 (trusty-proposed), package size 18 kB, installed size 208 kB23:22
pleia2elky: oh yes! thanks, me-tooed :)23:26
brainwashelky: the bug description is not clear. which install medium did you use?23:27
elkyusb. my netbook doesn't have a cd drive.23:27
pleia2was created with usb-creator-gtk, same usb drive worked fine on other laptops23:28
* pleia2 makes note of that in bug23:28
elkyyeah i didn't know what you made them with :)23:28
brainwashI meant that there is no hint about the iso file which was used for installation23:29
brainwashthere is the link to the tracker23:29
elkyi'm sure lyz will make note of what she used23:30
brainwashnot a big deal23:30
brainwashI guess guess we should be worried about the actual bug :)23:31
elkyit's probably been there a while :P23:31
brainwashfixing bugs in the installer usually takes some time23:31
pleia2is the tracker link not sufficient?23:31
brainwashyeah, but the reader needs to click on the link :o23:32
brainwashthe first impression is that it's a bug with default ubuntu23:33
pleia2ah, should bug titles include the distro?23:33
pleia2I guess if ubuntu-bug was used to submit it would have all info in the bug text23:34
brainwashyeah, that's odd23:34
elkypleia2: lol that bug with the tracker and pasting the bug number isn't happening on my dell...23:35
* elky gets out the netbook23:35
pleia2elky: dell netbook?23:35
elkyno, dell was the big laptop i had23:35
brainwashcan this be reproduced in a small wm window?23:35
brainwashvm I mean23:35
brainwashvirtual machine23:36
pleia2ah yeah, I think it's some kind of resolution issue with netbooks23:36
pleia2brainwash: haven't tried! :)23:36
elkybrainwash: let me confirm on the original device first23:36
elkywah i have 3 active pointing devices on my desk my brain hurts trying to get the correct one23:40
elkypleia2: the bug number isn't disappearing today on the netbook23:43
pleia2finicky tracker23:43
elkyyeah, i'm guessing my browser probably cached a corrupted js file or something23:44
elkyi did try clearing it yesterday but meh23:44
pleia2canonical tends to put pretty aggressive (broken!) caching on a lot of their sites too, the iso tracker may be caught in that23:44
elkyonly differnece on my end is a. network, b. i'm running off installed not live23:45
elkyand im doubting either of these make a difference23:46
elkynetwork _could_ but i'm going to assume gandi doesn't have ridiculous network filtering like the average corp'n or gov't office23:46
pleia2yeah, I don't think they had anything weird going on there23:49
elkyi once worked in a gov't site where js files with x in the name were filtered.23:51
elkywe were using a js framework with x in its name23:51
elkythis resulted in amusing discussions with infra23:51

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