=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away | ||
jseun | guys, where's the .py file that plays with networking configuration, especially, /etc/network/interfaces ? | 13:42 |
jseun | ok, this is handled in distro classes | 13:47 |
jseun | it looks like cloud-init writes to /etc/network/interfaces from a template where eth0 is not marked as auto. a) can I tell cloud-init to not alter /etc/network/interfaces ? or b) where can I modify the template, if any? | 14:18 |
jseun | I have put eth0 configuration into /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 and would like cloud-init to not overwrite /etc/network/interfaces unless I put some configuration directive in my meta-data file | 14:20 |
larsks | jseun: are you booting with a config drive? Or just using the metadata service? With a cursory glance at the source, it looks as if cloud-init only ever writes that file when using config drive, nocloud, or OpenNebula data sources. | 14:39 |
larsks | ...but I could be wrong. | 14:39 |
jseun | larsks: it's meta-data and user-data file written to an ISO, I guess this is NoCloud | 14:40 |
larsks | No, that's config drive :) | 14:40 |
jseun | ah! :) | 14:40 |
larsks | Huh, it *looks* as if the network configuration is only written if your metadata includes network configuraiton information. I'm looking in cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py, around line 215. | 14:41 |
larsks | Similarly, in .../DataSourceNoCloud.py around line 186. | 14:41 |
larsks | I'm actually not sure which data source you're hitting :/ | 14:42 |
jseun | larsks: my meta-data file does not specify any network configuration, yet /etc/network/interfaces got smashed | 14:42 |
larsks | Hmmm, in the nocloud datasource, there is also a check against (self.dsmode in ("local", seeded_interfaces)), and I don't know the code well enough to know what that does. | 14:43 |
larsks | I guess I would stick some debugging code in there and run it from the command line to see what happens. | 14:43 |
jseun | I fixed it, for now, having auto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp\n in the meta-data file | 14:44 |
smoser | that is config drive' | 14:44 |
smoser | meta-data and user-data. | 14:44 |
smoser | cloud-init in 0.7.X really expects that eth0 is 'auto' in the OS. | 14:45 |
larsks | Weird, then, because it looks like the network config is only written if there is a network_config key available. | 14:45 |
smoser | networking is one thing that really needs improving. | 14:46 |
smoser | it is complex though, to block system boot waiting for networking information from somewhere that might not be there... | 14:46 |
smoser | at least for making generic images, and the goal for ubuntu is "one image that works everywhere". | 14:46 |
jseun | any ways I could provide the eth0 ip address in final_message or is it more a runcmd thing? | 15:04 |
=== rcj is now known as Guest25083 | ||
tennis | hi.... How can you determine what cloud-init thinks is the default user? | 21:36 |
tennis | That is, how can I be sure my "default_user" parm in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg worked? | 21:38 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10164529/ | 22:01 |
smoser | harlowja, arent we missing the return on the not case tehre? | 22:02 |
harlowja | surely would seem like it, lol | 22:02 |
harlowja | good catch | 22:02 |
tennis | smoser: Does my above query make any sense? | 22:03 |
smoser | tennis, /var/log/cloud-init.log has a line like: | 22:04 |
smoser | 2015-02-10 21:37:24,737 - __init__.py[INFO]: User ubuntu already exists, skipping. | 22:04 |
tennis | smoser: ah, ok. Thanks! | 22:04 |
smoser | harlowja, lp:~smoser/cloud-init/py2-3 we're closer. | 22:14 |
harlowja | woot | 22:14 |
harlowja | progress | 22:15 |
smoser | i'm down to a failure around random_seed. | 22:15 |
smoser | i really hate bytes and strings and encode and decode | 22:15 |
harlowja | :) | 22:15 |
harlowja | ya | 22:15 |
harlowja | me too | 22:15 |
harlowja | waste of my life, lol | 22:15 |
smoser | alright. | 22:17 |
smoser | i hope to upload to vivid tonight. | 22:17 |
smoser | later. | 22:17 |
harlowja | cool | 22:22 |
harlowja | lata | 22:22 |
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