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gonssal | Hi. Since a couple of days ago, Akregator permanently freezes everytime I start it or I switch to its tab in Kontact. The errors when I launch it from console can be found here: http://pastebin.com/530ZumxE | 05:47 |
gonssal | Any ideas why this is happening? I didn't change anything, just started happening. | 05:47 |
gonssal | Also it keeps eating 50% CPU while freezed. | 05:50 |
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ussher_ | I've just installed Kubuntu 14.04 LTS. When i reboot it works fine until up to the login screen, then the loader icons. After that the screen fails like the graphics drivers are wrong and I cant see anythign except colors. I can get to ctrl+alt+F1 from the login screen, but if i use the GUI, after it logsin ctrl+alt+F1 stops working. ideas? | 06:25 |
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kass | bonjour , qui habite a france ? | 08:18 |
valorie | !fr | kass | 08:34 |
ubottu | kass: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 08:34 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:38 |
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Lynoure | Is there a good Activities Howto somewhere? | 09:42 |
Walex | Lynoure: hopefully not :-) | 09:45 |
Lynoure | Walex: why? | 09:46 |
Walex | Lynoure: activities are of somewhat questionable value I think. | 09:46 |
Walex | Lynoure: they are one of those fancy ideas that look fine but are not that useful in practice. | 09:47 |
Lynoure | Walex: As someone who has one laptop for work and private life, I would find them very useful | 09:47 |
Walex | Lynoure: I would recommend something far more radical then... | 09:47 |
Lynoure | Walex: but people say things like one being able to have same apps in different states in different activities, and I have not found quite how. or even how to get windows without title bar into a spesific activity | 09:48 |
Walex | Lynoure: you can run *two* X servers with two KDEs and different logins | 09:48 |
lordievader | Lynoure: I agree, it is nice to get a separation in your tasks. | 09:48 |
Lynoure | Walex: that adds a lot of time waste in switching. | 09:48 |
lordievader | Running two X servers is just plain ugly. | 09:48 |
lordievader | And asking for trouble. | 09:49 |
Walex | Lynoure: problem is all the activity-specific stuff works only for KDE apps, and I never use *just* KDE apps. | 09:49 |
lordievader | https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities | 09:49 |
lordievader | Walex: Activity specific stuff? | 09:49 |
Lynoure | Walex: I wonder if there would be a way to change that, somehow. | 09:49 |
Walex | Lynoure: the difficulty is that the config is not activity-dependent | 09:50 |
lordievader | Walex: Firefox, chromium, thunderbird, virt-manager work fine with activities. | 09:50 |
Lynoure | lordievader: I have not found a way to get Chromium do different user profiles in each... but I have not yet tried making a different alias that uses different config dir. | 09:51 |
Lynoure | lordievader: that's not quite a detailed howto. :) | 09:51 |
lordievader | I know... | 09:52 |
Lynoure | with Chromium+hangouts, I cannot even tell what Activity the hangouts window should go to (as no title bar) | 09:52 |
lordievader | Lynoure: That you can enable. | 09:52 |
Lynoure | There is probably some trick, I just don't know. | 09:52 |
lordievader | Lynoure: Right click and set it to use system borders. | 09:52 |
Lynoure | lordievader: right click does nothing | 09:53 |
lordievader | Lynoure: Right click the space next to the tabs. | 09:53 |
Lynoure | lordievader: what tabs? | 09:54 |
Lynoure | lordievader: I mean the hangouts window | 09:54 |
lordievader | Ah, I thought you were talking about Chromium... | 09:54 |
Lynoure | lordievader: the one that is a gray box with (") | 09:54 |
lordievader | I never use Hangouts. | 09:54 |
Lynoure | lordievader: I have the same problem with steam | 09:54 |
lordievader | Hehe, another thing I do not use. | 09:55 |
kass | Hi , who is from france ? | 09:57 |
lordievader | !france | 10:00 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 10:00 |
lordievader | kass: Probably people in #ubuntu-fr ;) | 10:00 |
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kass | thanks . | 10:08 |
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soee | good morning | 10:48 |
lordievader | Hey soee | 10:49 |
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:59 |
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cmt29 | In the wicd wireless_settings.conf file, the manpage says that use_settings_globally should be 0|1. The KDE WICD gui automatically configures this as False|True. Does this matter? | 14:21 |
ngaio | what is the expected way to launch Qt Assistant when I have only Qt 5 development files installed? On my system I have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/assistant (which works), and /usr/bin/assistant (which is looking for the Qt 4 version, and fails) | 14:50 |
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vigneshrajkumar | test | 15:00 |
pet0 | hello | 15:05 |
pet0 | is there a way to get photos of iphone without installing apple software? | 15:05 |
Captain_Haddock | pet0: What happens when you plug the iPhone into your Kubuntu box's USB port? | 15:08 |
akiva-thinkpad | Hey all: Live Ask Ubuntu Anything live in 50 minutes: http://ubuntuonair.com | #ubuntu-on-air | 15:09 |
Captain_Haddock | What does that mean akiva-thinkpad? | 15:10 |
akiva-thinkpad | Captain_Haddock, its a google plus live session where you can ask the engineers of ubuntu any question, | 15:11 |
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akiva-thinkpad | except support questions, like how can I clear my browser cache | 15:12 |
ngaio | akiva-thinkpad, is it a good place to ask how to submit a bug report regarding a kernel crash? | 15:15 |
Captain_Haddock | akiva-thinkpad: Thanks. | 15:15 |
akiva-thinkpad | ngaio, Not a bad question; you would get an answer, but not a tutorial if that makes sense :) | 15:15 |
ngaio | akiva-thinkpad, is there a tutorial already up somewhere? I read about it a few weeks ago, but I got lost in all the detail | 15:16 |
akiva-thinkpad | ngaio, woah good question... I think you may be best to ask on #ubuntu-kernel | 15:16 |
ngaio | akiva-thinkpad, okay great thanks! I'll do that | 15:17 |
akiva-thinkpad | ngaio, Likewise; Submitting a good quality bug report is very important to the open source eco system. | 15:18 |
ngaio | akiva-thinkpad, I agree! I have an external USB 3 drive that crashes the kernel 14.10 every time I insert. I'll now see if it does the same on 15.04. If I go offline then you know why hehehe | 15:22 |
spawn57 | lol | 15:23 |
akiva-thinkpad | ha | 15:23 |
akiva-thinkpad | :S | 15:23 |
ngaio | oh wow it didn't crash... very good :-) | 15:24 |
pet0 | Captain_Haddock: the photos folder seemed to be there but was empty | 15:32 |
pet0 | gphoto2 downloaded the photos tho | 15:32 |
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mevar | CIAOOOOOOO | 16:54 |
genii | !it | 16:55 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 16:55 |
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MMAAUU | CIAOOOO | 17:48 |
MrSassyPants | I may have shot up my NetworkManager config, it no longer seems to work. How do I make it work again? (And I mean the kde applet that lets me look up & join wireless networks and stuff) | 18:13 |
MMAAUU | CIAOOO | 18:22 |
MMAAUU | !LIST | 18:22 |
ubottu | MMAAUU: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 18:22 |
beakus | Hello, I am trying to get my dual monitors going but system settings montitor/display does not give me the option | 20:47 |
beakus | Is there another way I can set up dual monitors, like command line? | 20:48 |
lordievader | beakus: How are they connected? | 20:49 |
beakus | through the monitor plug thingy | 20:50 |
beakus | Both to my desktop | 20:50 |
lordievader | beakus: Physically I mean. | 20:50 |
beakus | I never had this issue with them before | 20:50 |
beakus | It has 18 pins | 20:52 |
beakus | and a horizontal line | 20:52 |
beakus | So those times two | 20:52 |
lordievader | beakus: Vga, dvi, hdmi, display-port, etc... | 20:53 |
beakus | Maybe I need another distro, this distro probably stopped supporting dual monitors... | 20:54 |
beakus | Who uses that anymore? | 20:54 |
lordievader | beakus: Can you answer my questions please? | 20:55 |
beakus | the thing with the 18 pins and t he horizontal lines | 20:56 |
beakus | dvi | 20:56 |
lordievader | beakus: This one? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/DVI_Connector_Types.svg/2000px-DVI_Connector_Types.svg.png | 20:56 |
beakus | dvi | 20:56 |
lordievader | beakus: Right, okay. What is the output of 'xrandr'? | 20:57 |
lordievader | !paste | beakus | 20:57 |
ubottu | beakus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:57 |
beakus | No protocol specified | 20:57 |
beakus | Can't open display :0 | 20:57 |
lordievader | beakus: Do you have X running? | 20:58 |
beakus | yeah | 20:58 |
rberg_ | are you running xrandr as a different user then you are logged in as? | 20:58 |
beakus | no | 20:59 |
beakus | just the one user, me | 20:59 |
rberg_ | and not running it as root? | 20:59 |
beakus | no, just me | 20:59 |
rberg_ | ok, becuase that can cause the error you got | 20:59 |
beakus | when I get into terminal, I still have to do sudo su | 21:00 |
lordievader | beakus: There is the error. | 21:00 |
lordievader | Why are you doing that? | 21:00 |
beakus | If I need to make a material change to the system, I do it as root | 21:00 |
beakus | Like install stuff | 21:00 |
lordievader | beakus: But you don't need it now. Just run xrandr as a mortal user. | 21:01 |
rberg_ | if you insist on running xrandr as root then as your user run "xhost +" | 21:01 |
lordievader | Don't run xrandr as root, that is simply a bad idea. | 21:02 |
beakus | http://pastebin.com/h2KkcyPZ | 21:03 |
lordievader | Hmm, kscreen should detect them just fine. Anyhow with xrandr you can configure your displays from the command line: man xrandr | 21:04 |
beakus | ugh | 21:07 |
beakus | There is no kscreen | 21:09 |
beakus | just display and monitor | 21:09 |
beakus | must be a kde bug | 21:10 |
lordievader | beakus: That is kscreen ;) | 21:10 |
ehammer | Hi - I am new to linux. I installed kubuntu on a hp2133 and really like the program but can't get my wireless card to work. I try to activate it and it goes to 3% before it stops. Any help would be awsome ty | 21:19 |
lordievader | ehammer: What wifi chip? | 21:20 |
ehammer | brodecam | 21:21 |
lordievader | ehammer: Heh, your in luck. Those are the worst. What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Networking'? | 21:22 |
lordievader | !paste | ehammer | 21:22 |
ubottu | ehammer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:22 |
ehammer | broadcom corporation bcm4311 802.1a/b/a(rev 02) | 21:25 |
lordievader | ehammer: In a terminal: sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer" | 21:27 |
ehammer | do I need to be connected to the internet? ty | 21:28 |
ehammer | I see I do, okay hang on going to the modem | 21:29 |
ehammer | ty | 21:29 |
lordievader | ehammer: Yes. | 21:29 |
lordievader | That would be preferable. | 21:29 |
ehammer | okay, I did it, installed | 21:39 |
ehammer | what do I do next? | 21:39 |
lordievader | ehammer: Reboot, then you should be done. | 21:39 |
ehammer | okay, will check | 21:40 |
ehammer | now it is going to 50% and then circiling and showing the card again. I press apply again and the same thing happens. any ideas? | 21:54 |
ehammer | ty | 21:54 |
lordievader | ehammer: Hmm, what goes to 50%? | 21:56 |
ehammer | Driver managemt software | 21:58 |
lordievader | ehammer: Could you send a screenshot of that? | 21:58 |
lordievader | !screenshot | 21:59 |
ubottu | Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here. | 21:59 |
ehammer | okay hang on | 22:04 |
ehammer | what do you want a screen shot of the terminal and the software management? | 22:05 |
lordievader | ehammer: I want a screenshot of what you are doing. | 22:07 |
ehammer | okay, one min | 22:09 |
ehammer | okay, got the wirelss card to work, but how do I set it up to input the password? | 22:36 |
ehammer | ty | 22:36 |
ehammer | re did the command you sent me, took the second time I guess | 22:36 |
=== soee__ is now known as soee | ||
ehammer | Hi, can anyone tell me how to setup the network card ty all | 22:50 |
ehammer | Can anyone tell me where I go to signup to my internet on kubuntu? I am new to it. ty. I am used to windows where it is on the side but don't see where to do it here | 23:35 |
ehammer | ty | 23:35 |
soee | ehammer: signup to internet ? | 23:36 |
ehammer | I recently got my wireless card to work, ty to the previous user, but now I don't see where I can select my wireless ssid to log onto | 23:38 |
ehammer | ty | 23:38 |
soee | ehammer: you should see available wirless connections in network manager, | 23:39 |
soee | there should be an icon on your panel in systray | 23:39 |
ehammer | havent seen it but let me look again | 23:42 |
soee | :] | 23:44 |
soee | ehammer: also what Kubuntu version are you running ? | 23:44 |
ehammer | one other question, I installed zorin before kubuntu and didn't realize I didn't format the drive, now when I boot I have the option of kubuntu or zorin, does anyone know how I can get rid of zorin without having to format the entire drive ty | 23:45 |
ehammer | I am not sure on the version, how do I find it? | 23:45 |
soee | got to System Settings -> About | 23:46 |
soee | or press Alt + F2 | 23:46 |
soee | and type kinfocenter | 23:47 |
soee | there will be link to About sction | 23:47 |
ehammer | version 4.14.1 | 23:48 |
ehammer | 32bit | 23:48 |
soee | no no, not this :) | 23:49 |
ehammer | I don't see the network manager, do you know where it is located? | 23:49 |
ehammer | is that a bad version? | 23:50 |
soee | ehammer: press ALT + F2 and type: about-distro | 23:52 |
ehammer | kubuntu 14.10 | 23:54 |
ehammer | sorry, see what you mean now, looked at the wrong part :p | 23:54 |
soee | valorie: can you help him ? i have to go | 23:54 |
ehammer | sometimes if I had a brain I would be dangerious ;) | 23:54 |
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