=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:37 |
MooDoo | morning | 08:03 |
czajkowski | popey: will it be locked to their network http://www.bq.com/es/ubuntu.html | 11:14 |
popey | its not locked to any network | 11:15 |
czajkowski | ohhh nice | 11:15 |
czajkowski | :D | 11:15 |
czajkowski | popey: can you put in a seperate memory card ? | 11:17 |
czajkowski | popey: intergration with G+ can you do hangouts on it ? | 11:18 |
popey | It has an SD card slot | 11:18 |
popey | No hangouts yet. | 11:18 |
czajkowski | bugger | 11:18 |
popey | Sorry, microSD card slot. | 11:18 |
czajkowski | hmm so could get it and just make sure I'm near my tablet or laptop for hangouts or bluejeans for calls | 11:18 |
czajkowski | popey: just got asked by someone - will the docking feature ever happen | 11:24 |
popey | yes | 11:24 |
popey | just not yet | 11:24 |
popey | not finished | 11:24 |
czajkowski | gotcha | 11:25 |
czajkowski | can go and pass that on now | 11:25 |
czajkowski | chromium on ubuntu is a royal pita, for ubuntu on air says format not recognised :( | 16:02 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: yeah, chromium has gone downhill over the last few months, I finally gave up and switch to Firefox and then to Chrome | 17:18 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: on the latest images you can actually enable windowed-mode on a phone, so from there it's just a matter of getting video output to a monitor (I'm told Bluetooth mouse/keyboard already works) | 17:19 |
dholbach | hangout works for me in chromium? | 17:32 |
dholbach | I use it all the time | 17:32 |
czajkowski | hangouts yes | 17:33 |
czajkowski | but not via ubuntu on air | 17:33 |
dholbach | bizarre - that worked for me too | 17:33 |
* dholbach calls it a day - see you all tomorrow! | 17:35 | |
belkinsa | popey, have you e-mailed UW Mailing-list on how to get involved in Ubuntu Phone Project? | 18:09 |
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin | ||
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
balloons | belkinsa, how'd the global jam go? | 21:14 |
belkinsa | It went well but I learned some lessons from it. | 21:27 |
balloons | belkinsa, if you have any feedback about the process, or just want to share feel free to mail the list. I'd love for some folks to send along info and share experiences | 22:07 |
belkinsa | I will. I thought one blogging it though as a Lessons Learned post | 23:53 |
pleia2 | perhaps start with the list and then link the list post to the blog? it's really hard to respond to a blog post link on a mailing list | 23:54 |
pleia2 | err, link the list post *from* the blog | 23:54 |
belkinsa | Good point. | 23:54 |
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