Whac-A-Retro | Ha | 06:26 |
Whac-A-Retro | Tony isn't even in #ubuntu-ops | 06:27 |
rww | Something we can help you with today, Whac-A-Retro? | 06:27 |
Whac-A-Retro | Yup | 06:27 |
Whac-A-Retro | tonyyarusso isn't living up to his OP in #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:29 |
Whac-A-Retro | He fails to be in #ubuntu-ops | 06:29 |
Whac-A-Retro | Why don't you /invite him? | 06:30 |
rww | Okay. Anything else? | 06:30 |
Whac-A-Retro | Yea | 06:30 |
Whac-A-Retro | I'd like a ban removed | 06:30 |
Whac-A-Retro | The ban doesn't even say what I did | 06:31 |
Whac-A-Retro | Be nice if it had a message~ | 06:31 |
elky | you were told why before it happened | 06:32 |
rww | et voila | 06:32 |
Whac-A-Retro | Please re-enlighten me | 06:33 |
tonyyarusso | You can't be harassing other users... | 06:33 |
Whac-A-Retro | How was I harassing others? By sending something they can't see? | 06:34 |
tonyyarusso | By trying to talk to people you know don't want to talk to you. | 06:34 |
Whac-A-Retro | I'm trying to be a friend | 06:35 |
tonyyarusso | They don't want to be your friend. | 06:35 |
Whac-A-Retro | If they don't talk to me, how am I supposed to know they don't want to be friends? | 06:35 |
elky | thinking you're on /ignore is a good indicator | 06:36 |
tonyyarusso | Yup. | 06:36 |
Whac-A-Retro | I don't know why I was on /ignore | 06:36 |
elky | it doesn't matter why | 06:37 |
elky | at all | 06:37 |
elky | in the slightest | 06:37 |
Whac-A-Retro | Spam, enter key is not punctuation | 06:37 |
elky | well i'm certainly not unbanning you now | 06:37 |
Whac-A-Retro | Then I'd hope somebody else does | 06:38 |
elky | giving cheek to any of us isn't going to make any other op want to unban you, so you'll need a lot of good luck or a very large amount of bribery money | 06:38 |
rww | alrighty, enough of that | 06:39 |
rww | Whac-A-Retro: for start: have you been drinking tonight, or is this sober behavior? | 06:39 |
rww | just so I have a better understanding of what's going on here | 06:39 |
Whac-A-Retro | I'm sober. My ADHD medicine is wearing out | 06:39 |
rww | Alrighty. Do you know what incident led to chu ignoring you? | 06:40 |
Whac-A-Retro | Probably me reinstalling lots | 06:40 |
rww | Alrighty. Given that, poking him when you reinstall is perhaps not the best idea. For now, poking him in general is probably also not a good idea. | 06:41 |
rww | Apart from that, now would probably be an excellent time to modify some of your other behavior, but I'd need to talk to other ops to pursue that line of reasoning. | 06:43 |
Whac-A-Retro | I'll go take my night time pill | 06:43 |
Whac-A-Retro | Back | 06:44 |
rww | So yeah, specifically relating to chu: best leave him alone unless he starts talking to you again. Regarding the channel in general: perhaps tone it down a bit, and stop changing your nick (since that makes it harder for people to ignore you if they wish to. | 06:47 |
rww | Do those sound reasonable? | 06:47 |
Whac-A-Retro | Yes | 06:47 |
rww | tonyyarusso: anything else you'd like to add and/or are you fine with unbanning? | 06:48 |
tonyyarusso | rww: I think I'm good for now as long as it doesn't repeat, yup. | 06:48 |
Whac-A-Retro | I'll go and unpack to the dishwasher while my medicine kicks in~ | 06:49 |
rww | @mark Whac-A-Retro discussed recent behavior, agreed to leave chu alone, stop changing nick, tone it down a bit in general | 06:49 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 06:49 |
tonyyarusso | May actually be progress on someone. Nifty. :) | 06:50 |
Whac-A-Retro | Anything else rww ? | 06:54 |
tonyyarusso | Whac-A-Retro: Not for now. Just behave and you'll be fine. :) | 06:55 |
Whac-A-Retro | Okay | 06:55 |
tonyyarusso | Thanks. | 06:55 |
Whac-A-Retro | Your welcome. | 06:55 |
Whac-A-Retro | Why is it you become OP only when you need elevated access? | 08:15 |
Myrtti | per freenode's catalyst guidelines | 08:16 |
Whac-A-Retro | Oki, thanks | 08:17 |
=== idleone_ is now known as io | ||
svetlana | ninsei is join/quit flooding in #ubuntu | 12:05 |
k1l | is freenode flaky? i see a lot of users with (Excess Flood) quiting just after connection | 12:15 |
=== jpds is now known as Guest49936 | ||
Pricey | Not aware of any issues. | 14:55 |
bazhang | <mlindner> Whoever designed how alt + ~ works in Ubuntu deserves to be shot.... | 15:34 |
Guest49936 | bazhang: That doesn't actually do anything? | 15:36 |
k1l | i dont know what he is on about, too | 15:39 |
bazhang | raging for its own sake | 15:39 |
bazhang | that nick looks familiar | 15:40 |
Jordan_U | Do we support Ubuntu Phones in #ubuntu? | 19:01 |
Pici | I believe we typically ask them to go to #ubuntu-touch | 19:04 |
bazhang | <prpl> so I add new user to the group of printer and window washer, I believe | 19:05 |
bazhang | windwaserslowplzhlp | 19:05 |
DJones | On the basis that its an "offical release" I don't see why it shouldn't be supported, however usage there is likely to be minimal so I'd say it'd be better to point them to -touch for specialised help | 19:05 |
io | official, but not exactly a desktop OS. better they go to -touch | 19:13 |
Pici | aye | 19:16 |
popey | +1 | 19:34 |
ilhami | Hello | 20:25 |
ilhami | Anyone here now? | 20:26 |
ilhami | can you unban me now? I am waiting patiently. | 20:27 |
Pici | I'm here, but I'm not familiar with the situation. | 20:28 |
ilhami | Pici, basically ikonia told me to come back here today and he said he would unban me if I behaved well. | 20:29 |
Pici | ilhami: I see something from 2 days ago where you indicated that you intended to evade a ban. Nothing relevant from yesterday, unless this happened somewhere other than this channel. | 20:30 |
ilhami | Pici, it was in a PM. | 20:31 |
ilhami | at least the conversation with ikonia. | 20:31 |
Pici | ilhami: that sounds reasonable. | 20:32 |
Pici | Seeing as how I don't have anything from ikonia here that says that, I'll have to defer to his judgement though. | 20:32 |
ilhami | but of course he is not here when we need him. :) | 20:33 |
ilhami | Are you American Pici? | 20:34 |
Pici | ilhami: seems that way. | 20:34 |
ilhami | Only Americans use the word "defer". :P | 20:35 |
ilhami | you have watched too much NFL. | 20:35 |
Pici | Not that it makes a difference, but I don't really care for american or other footballs. | 20:35 |
ilhami | Good. :) I like that you are not a nationalist. | 20:36 |
ilhami | should I get the open jdk or the oracle jdk? | 20:39 |
Whac-A-Retro | I have a suggestion | 20:42 |
Whac-A-Retro | Why not have a channel for EOL versions of Ubuntu? For people who can't upgrade... | 20:42 |
Unit193 | You mean to say, why not have a channel to support releases that are no longer supported? | 20:44 |
ilhami | lol | 20:44 |
Whac-A-Retro | yea x3 | 20:44 |
* genii ponders #ubuntu-classic | 20:44 | |
Pici | wow | 22:05 |
io | ? | 22:23 |
ikonia | the csh guy back again | 22:24 |
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