
rbasakjamespage: may I have your opinion on bug 1411030 please? I'm not sure an SRU is appropriate, unless there is a special need here?00:07
YamakasYok, I can telnet to a webserver on 443 but not curl on it00:09
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lordievaderGood morning.08:39
jamespagezul, coreycb: bumping eventlent to 0.16.1 - new base for kilo-210:06
ktosiekI see a strange behaviour in DNS name resolving: I want to resolve a subdomain (say, api.blah.com). host api.blah.com says "connection timed out". host -r -a api.blah.com tells me there are 2 NS records for blah.com, and show A records for those NSes in ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION10:09
ktosiekfirst of those IPs does, in fact, time out. But the second works10:09
ktosiekshouldn't the resolver fall through to the second one?10:09
ktosiekoh, and "dig api.blah.com" works instantly10:11
ktosiekwait, no, dig only gives me an empty result10:12
ktosiekdang it10:12
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coreycbjamespage, thanks12:35
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coreycbjamespage, zul:  can one of you take a look at this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/vivid/pylibmc/enable-tests/+merge/24910813:05
coreycbzul, jamespage : and this too please: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/vivid/python-nose-exclude/enable-tests/+merge/24919413:17
rbasakjamespage: opinion on bug 1411030 please?13:23
rbasakCeph/Apache related13:23
jamespagerbasak, hmm13:38
rbasakjamespage: will need TB approval I presume. But is this something we want to pursue?13:38
jamespagerbasak, I was aware to the switch upstream between fastcgi mods13:45
jamespagerbasak, but not of this specific requirement13:45
rbasakjamespage: other options are to require trusty-backports and put a newer Apache there, or to make users use Utopic or later, or to wait until the next LTS. I'm not sure I understand the background of which of these might be acceptable.13:46
rbasakjamespage: for example, could we make the Trusty ceph charm pull from backports?13:46
jamespagerbasak, the trouble is that upstream target 14.04 as a supported release13:47
jamespageI can understand they don't want to hold and apache fork over and above ubuntus13:47
rbasakThis is where I get frustrated and rant again.13:48
rbasakThey target 14.04 because it's stable, but they want to change it?13:48
jamespagerbasak, welcome to my world :-)13:48
rbasakInstead of forking, they could use trusty-backports instead.13:48
coreycbzul, jamespage: this needs a look too please: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/vivid/python-elasticsearch/enable-tests/+merge/24919513:48
rbasakThat should be a better option than forking in all circumstances I think.13:48
rbasakjamespage: on another note, I see that corosync migrated to vivid earlier. Is there any further testing you think we need to do?13:50
coreycbzul, jamespage: can we bump python-django to 1.7?13:56
jamespagecoreycb, zul: I did take a peek at that13:56
jamespageI think there was a requirement for a new MIR13:56
jamespagebut I had an outstanding question on how we deal with pypy related packages13:56
coreycbjamespage, it's already in main, it would need a new MIR?13:57
jamespagecoreycb, new dep13:57
jamespageI have the merge from debian locally - but I ran out of time to look at the deps13:58
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zuljamespage:  newer python-migrates need that as well btw14:01
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coreycbzul, jamespage: good assumption that python-pip does not belong in main?14:39
zulcoreycb:  hehe...yes14:39
coreycbzul, yeah, sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme has it in it's build-depends for some reason14:40
jamespagecoreycb, hey - re pylibmc15:16
jamespageso - you need to run 'update-maintainer'15:16
jamespageand I'd not wrap and sort on this one15:16
jamespageit will make merging from debian harder in the future15:16
coreycbjamespage, ok15:17
jamespagecoreycb, commented on MP as well15:17
jamespagecoreycb, you may want to try pylibmc in a PPA - I think it needs a running memcached to work properly (tests_15:20
coreycbjamespage, ok15:27
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coreycbjamespage, yeah so pylibmc tests fail in ppa build but not in my local builds15:39
coreycbjamespage, I think that must  be a false positive15:49
jamespagecoreycb, do you have memcached running locally?15:50
coreycbjamespage, no and I'm running in pbuilder chroot but it doesn't actually have any test output other than "ran 21 tests ... OK"15:51
jamespagecoreycb, hmm15:51
jamespagecoreycb, I get15:53
jamespageRan 21 tests in 4.066s15:53
jamespageFAILED (errors=11, failures=6)15:53
coreycbzul, jamespage: I think this got lost in the shuffle, needed for juno - https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/utopic/python-eventlet/0.13.0-1ubuntu3.1/+merge/24896017:21
jamespagecoreycb, already uploaded17:31
coreycbjamespage, thanks!17:52
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baggar11Anyone know how to get the fileinfo php extension installed on 14.04?20:02
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Slingbaggar11: how have you tried to install it?20:26
SG-PXEwould anyone be able to help me with a PXE question? i want to install ubuntu via PXE using a downloaded local CD, currently the PXE goes out on the internet and pulls from the archive site20:30
Slingbaggar11: looks like this package is about 9 years old, I would strongly recommend not using it20:32
Slingits removed from current php for a reason :)20:32
sarnoldhmmm, the php 'file' repository is practically the 'file' upstream these days20:33
xibalbathis message is presented to me upon login: /dev/xvda1 should be checked for errors : I dont have console access to this box, how can i force a fsck on bootup?20:40
Slingxibalba: sixth field in each fstab line20:41
Slingsee man fstab20:41
xibalbai found touch /forcefsck20:41
xibalba6th field is 020:42
xibalbai forgot what column that is20:42
Slingso give the partition you want to check a '2' so its checked, the root filesystem probably has '1'20:43
Slingthis determines the order of checking20:43
Sling(1 for first one, 2 for all others)20:43
Sling0 means never check during boot20:43
xibalbaah thats right20:43
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xibalbainteresting someone mentions the shutdown -F command but i didn't find it in the man page20:44
Slingas usual more than 1 road to rome :)20:44
Slingbut the fstab method is pretty generic20:45
xibalbathat reminded me of the road map to moscow i was looking at the other week20:45
xibalbadoing a screen grab for iit20:45
xibalbaall roads lead to a meglomanianc named putin20:48
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baggar11Sling: got any ideas on how to get the extension enabled?21:56
Slingbaggar11: nope, tried for a few mins, it wont even compile manually21:57
Slingwhy do you want it in the first place?21:57
SG-PXEwould anyone be able to help me with a PXE question? i want to install ubuntu via PXE using a downloaded local CD, currently the PXE goes out on the internet and pulls from the archive site22:12
YamakasYhi guys, I have unmet dependencies when I want to install openjdk-8 using the ppa22:53
YamakasYI didn't had that yesteday22:53
teward!ppa | YamakasY22:58
ubottuYamakasY: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:58
tewardkeep that in mind22:58
teward(also, 'ppa' is ambiguous - you don't specify the PPA you use)22:58
YamakasYyes but for openjdk8 you need it22:59
YamakasYI don't have restricted in my repo's22:59
YamakasYI might need that22:59
sarnoldwhy not just apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade && apt-get install openjdk-8 ?23:00
YamakasYmhh I hav restricted23:00
YamakasYbecause it can't ?23:00
YamakasY8 is not in the default repo's of 14.0423:00
sarnoldI thought you said you added someone's ppa with an openjdk-8 package?23:01
YamakasYbut I get unmet dependencies, yesterday I didn't23:01
YamakasYso I wonder23:03
YamakasYis there a recommended ppa for openjdk-8 ?23:05
YamakasYI now use ppa:openjdk-r/ppa23:06
YamakasYthis is what I get:  openjdk-8-jre-headless : Depends: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.9+ckbi-1.82-0ubuntu4) but it is not going to be installed23:09
YamakasYI hate this, why is Ubuntu so far behind with java every time23:12
jpdsYamakasY: Because Oracle refuse to allow others to redistribute java?23:12
sarnoldYamakasY: wow, that doesn't look like it's been updated since september. there've been dozens of security issues found in java since then...23:13
YamakasYjpds: yeah oracle sucks23:14
YamakasYsarnold: mhh23:14
YamakasYok need to to find a better ppa!23:14
YamakasYsarnold: all are do damn old23:16
sarnoldYamakasY: you might have to deal with oracle's downloads directly on this one23:16
YamakasYsarnold: no found one23:17
YamakasYI want puppet :D23:17
sarnoldYamakasY: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jsp-138363.html23:18
budmanAny helpers in? Ive got an odd issue, ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04, install docker, run some containers and then reboot... The boxes hang on press s to skip or m for manual to mount /sys/fs/cgroup (then it repeats with other mounts including root etc..) eventually boots but everything is read only mode. I can livecd boot and mount the drive no issue read/write...23:21
budmanwhat am I missing ;)23:21
YamakasYok, this one works :D23:23
YamakasYhappy installing23:23
bdxsmoser: Are you around?23:29
YamakasYwhy does ubuntu messes up from time to time with filling up /boot with kernels23:56

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