
firemedic624I am trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (n8013) and I am wondering how hard it would be to use the newest vivid build?00:56
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices00:57
firemedic624I saw that earlier but noticed that it was for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z.  Is that interchangable with the Galaxy Note 10.1?01:00
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
rsalvetikenvandine: there is no way to turn the mic volume down atm (afaik the hal doesn't support it), but I know we're missing some audio mixing with mako01:12
rsalvetikenvandine: bfiller: we have the bug open for mako, but unfortunately not enough time to invest on it01:13
rsalvetimost of the time was to make sure krillin was fine01:13
nhainesfiremedic624: your guess is as good as mine.  The answer is almost always "no".01:15
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
nhainesEven the Nexus 7 and the 2013 Nexus 7 are (computer part-wise) completely different devices with no similarities!  :)01:15
krabadorok, here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting the guide are deprecated, it will be a new guide soon?01:16
kenvandinersalveti, thx, updating the radio firmware fixed the robot voice :)01:18
kenvandinebut the volume is still super high01:18
kenvandinedo you see that too?01:18
kenvandinereally whoever i talk to can just put their phone down and walk away01:18
rsalvetisorry, don't use mako for calls usually, but I know it had that issue, yeah01:18
kenvandinethey can hear me01:18
rsalvetiwhich firmware did you install?01:18
rsalvetiwow, that happened with the firmware from 4.2 afaik01:19
kenvandinetoday i updated it to the 5.0.101:19
kenvandinesame thing01:19
kenvandinethe robot voice is fixed though :)01:19
kenvandinethat was in 4.2 i think01:19
rsalveti=\, will try to take a look later this week and see01:19
kenvandineif we can just turn the mic volume down now01:19
rsalvetihard when you have so many criticals to work on :-)01:19
kenvandineit'd be great01:19
kenvandinevoice calls are great on krillin01:19
kenvandinebut... sucks for data, can't live on edge anymore01:20
rsalvetiindeed, that sucks hard01:20
kenvandineso i'd rather have 3g and annoy people on the phone01:20
kenvandinethan have edge :)01:20
kenvandinei tried playing with pactrl set-source-volume01:21
kenvandinechanging the volumes did nothing01:21
rsalvetiyeah, because the hal ignores it01:21
rsalvetineed to check if that is indeed possilble01:21
rsalvetidon't even know if you can do that on android01:22
kenvandinersalveti, i'd appreciate it :)01:22
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bazzi'm trying to use sudo on my phone, but when give the password as "phablet" it doesn't work.  whoami gives phablet.  running vivid-development build 9505:11
bazzany ideas?05:11
marcustomlinsonbazz: hey, the password will be the code you use to unlock your phone05:14
bazzmarcustomlinson: ahh, thanks!  that did it.  how come all the guides say to use "phablet"?05:18
marcustomlinsonbazz: which guide are you looking at?05:18
bazzguess that's old release notes, sorry05:19
bazzi should have looked at which version it was for05:19
bazzi couldn't find anything newer though :)05:19
marcustomlinsonhmmm, yeah, not sure if that is explained anywhere on the website05:22
bazzhrmm, now i can't update anything because / is mounted read only.  can i just remount it rw?05:24
marcustomlinsonbazz: exit adb, then run "phablet-config writable-image" with the phone plugged in05:25
marcustomlinsonbazz: this is explained in: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/05:25
bazzmarcustomlinson: i don't run ubuntu on my laptop, so i haven't installed phablet-config...05:26
bazzahh, nm, i found where i can get it though :)05:26
bazzmarcustomlinson: arg, lots of dependencies.  is there a way to enable writable without phablet-tools or do i have to install it?05:28
marcustomlinsonbazz: let me see05:29
bazzmarcustomlinson: thanks, i appreciate it05:29
marcustomlinsonbazz: from adb shell do: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=com.canonical.PropertyService /com/canonical/PropertyService com.canonical.PropertyService.SetProperty string:writable boolean:true05:36
bazzcool, that did it, thanks :)05:37
marcustomlinsoncool :)05:38
bazzso is that why enabling developer options requires setting a passcode?05:39
bazzmakes sense for the first time, but then why can't i turn it back off and keep developer mode on.05:44
marcustomlinsonbazz: possibly because ssh is autoconfigured with the same security. Kinda dangerous leaving yourself open to ssh attacks. Thats my guess05:49
bazzmarcustomlinson: wouldn't ssh just take the password i set the first time?05:50
marcustomlinsonbazz: yeah, but update if you change the password right? Removing the password is technically an update05:51
bazzmarcustomlinson: ohh, so when i turn off the security it changes my password back to nothing?  i guess that makes sense then, although it's super annoying to have those tied together.  i hate having a pin to unlock my phone, but i want to mess around with adb/ssh etc05:51
marcustomlinsonbazz: yeah, I'm with you there. I just set a really simple passcode 0000 or something05:52
bazzmarcustomlinson: yeah, heh, exactly what i do too.  which is like, almost worse, because now if i'm attacking something i know is an ubuntu phone i'm gonna try simple passcodes like that05:54
marcustomlinsonbazz: hense the big warning image when setting to dev mode ;)05:54
bazzmarcustomlinson: yeah, good point.  anyway, so what happens if i enable dev mode, install ssh, then turn off lock screen security?  can i ssh in with no password?05:55
marcustomlinsonbazz: that sounds like a fun project :)05:56
marcustomlinsonbazz: haha, not sure, give it a try05:56
bazzmarcustomlinson: will give it a go :)05:57
marcustomlinsonbazz: no amount of policing can stop a guy shooting himself in the foot at home alone in his room05:57
bazzmarcustomlinson: yeah for sure.  i just think tying those things together is a poor choice and will encourage foot shooting05:59
marcustomlinsonbazz: right05:59
marcustomlinsonwell perhaps someone else on this channel has any thoughts ^06:00
bazzmarcustomlinson: ahh, seems ssh is set to not allow password authentication :)06:05
marcustomlinsonbazz: hence the passcode I suppose06:06
marcustomlinsonbazz: so you can ssh in but can't screw around without the code06:06
bazzmarcustomlinson: yeah, kinda makes sense actually, temporarily use adb to set sshd up and running and put your public key there, and then use ssh after that06:07
rainfyrehey folks. i'm looking into installing ubuntu touch on my 2nd gen nexus 7 and i'm wondering if it's going to overwrite my existing twrp recovery07:07
dholbachgood morning07:40
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
levd1Hi there, any one interested in porting Ubuntu Touch to RK3288 development board ?08:19
antoniuthi guys09:20
antoniutdo you know when the bq phone with ubuntu will be put to sale?09:20
popeyantoniut: this week09:21
popeyantoniut: follow http://twitter.com/ubuntu and http://twitter.com/bqreaders to find out when09:22
antoniutpopye: thanks :)09:30
uhhimhereso hows the aquarius e4.509:32
mcphailAs #ubuntu-phone appears to be a closed channel, is this the correct place to lurk for announcements about sales of the BQ device?09:32
popeyfollow http://twitter.com/ubuntu and http://twitter.com/bqreaders to find out when09:32
popeymcphail: #ubuntu-phone should redirect here09:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Extraterrestrial Culture Day! :-D09:33
mcphailpopey: thanks - unfortunately twitter is blocked at work so was hoping to use IRC instead ;)09:33
popeymcphail: Ok, we'll update the topic here09:34
popeyonce we have a link09:34
mcphailpopey: you're a star09:34
uhhimherewhy is ubuntu-phoine closed?09:35
uhhimherebut srsly whats the deal with the e4.5?09:37
uhhimherehas anybody tried it?09:37
popeyuhhimhere: the channel redirects here, it's not closed09:38
popeyuhhimhere: we redirected a bunch of channels here, rather than have too many channels09:38
ogra_uhhimhere, only 30 ppl have it in their hands yet ... til the first flash sale starts this week09:38
uhhimherewhats with this flash sale anyways?09:38
uhhimherereminds me of the sega saturn "launch"09:38
ogra_most of them post on social media, you should be able to find videos etc09:39
popeyIt's a common method of selling new devices with chinese companies09:39
mcphailcertainly a good way to build excitement about a product09:41
ogra_well ... it is more than marketing strategy :)09:41
ogra_for a small phone manufacturer the margin you earn on a phone isnt actually big09:41
mcphailsure - but this isn't a new device for BQ so the risks aren't so high in manufacturing09:42
ogra_if you have to pay 1€ per week as storage costs for devices you want to sell, thats a lot of money for them09:42
ogra_it is a different production09:42
ogra_(no android buttons on the glass for example)09:42
mcphailogra_: interesting - didn't realise that09:43
ogra_so you only pre-produce a certain amount ...09:43
uhhimhereso is it ubuntu w/ libhybris09:43
uhhimhereor is it ubuntu ubuntu09:43
ogra_its a phone .... since you know what libhybris is i guess you can answer that yourself ;)09:43
ogra_there is no way to make HW work on a phone without binary blob drivers09:44
uhhimherei can but id rather err on the side of optimism09:44
ogra_optimism that we developed free drivers for undocumented modem HW ?09:45
ogra_(or sensors, GPS, graphics ... make your pick)09:45
ogra_we arent better than jolla or firefoxOS in that regard, all of us need to use the drivers available09:46
mcphailuhhimhere: i think we're a few years away from open firmware for a popular phone. With the recent explosion in Linux-based mobile operating systems, that day might come09:47
uhhimhereyeah but since ubuntu OS aims to be a dockable system ; its going to be competing with the likes of intelHD so openess in alot more than baseband would come in handy09:47
ogra_but while jolla integrates them in their rootfs and uses hybris ... and friefox even wrapped their whole OS around them without using hybris, ubuntu phone boots directly into a clean ubuntu ... all android bits are inside an lxc container that gets started on demand during boot09:47
ogra_(you *could* turn it just off and run your phone as i.e. a webserver with a clean ubuntu installation)09:49
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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Scooty-looHey I'm new here. Just a quick question, will Bq aquaris e4.5 be able to flash ubuntu touch?09:56
ogra_i heard bq plans to release images for that, yes09:57
ogra_not sure when though ... i guess onbly after the first devices have been sold09:57
Scooty-looCool! Anymore details?09:57
ogra_nope, thats all i know09:58
Scooty-lookay thanks, dropping back in after a while bye guys09:58
Scooty-looAnd ladies09:58
uhhimherewill there be any vivante based ubuntu phones?09:59
uhhimherewould be cool to see ubuntu-touch running with etnaviv drivers on the gfx side10:00
ogra_convince vivante to port it ;)10:00
ogra_or make them ask canonical10:00
ogra_(or port it yourself)10:01
uhhimherehuh? port what10:01
ogra_ubuntu for phones ;)10:01
rpadovanioSoMoN, o/10:01
uhhimhereim confused10:01
uhhimherethey dont make phones10:01
oSoMoNhey rpadovani!10:01
rpadovanioSoMoN, unfortunately I'll not be able to join wed hangout, 'cause I do on wed afternoon laser surgery to eyes, so I think until saturay I'll not able to be at computer10:03
rpadovanioSoMoN, anyway tonight I try to do a first submit for setttings ui10:03
oSoMoNrpadovani, awesome, and don’t worry about missing the hangout, we can catch up later (I’ll be off on Thursday and Friday, which is why we moved the weekly catchup this week)10:04
robertoperHi! I would like to try Unity8 on my desktop. And It worked one time in the past, but now It doesn't log in. It shows the LightDM but when I click on the login button it only shows the lightdm again with blank login window. Any idea?10:04
ogra_uhhimhere, well, while that would be a step forward you still wont get around using a modem on a phone ...10:04
popeyrobertoper: probably best asking in #ubuntu-desktop10:04
rpadovanioSoMoN, cool, thanks!10:05
robertoperpopey: Ok, thanks10:05
uhhimhereogra_, dont matter if i could dual boot10:14
ogra_dual boot ?10:14
ogra_how would that solve the closed driver issue10:14
uhhimhereogra_, one factory image one not-factory image10:14
ogra_i still dont see how that helps10:15
uhhimhereone image specifically for desktop computing10:15
ogra_you wont be able to do anything with the phone without drivers10:15
uhhimherethat doesnt require RF specific drivers10:15
ogra_true ... but why would you use two images for that ?10:16
uhhimherebecause its now a desktop-ish platform; therefore I can10:16
ogra_whats a desktop-ish platform ?10:16
uhhimherewhat is a phone?10:16
ogra_(how would apt-get install be different on desktop vs phone)10:17
ogra_(and why would i care ... if i want a desktop experience i could just install it, no need for an extra image)10:17
uhhimhereim talking about the hardware not the OS10:18
ogra_now i lost you i think ... i thought we talk aboout phone hardware10:18
ogra_running ubuntu ...10:19
uhhimherekomodo dragons!10:19
=== Neo31` is now known as Neo31
elimisteveHi everyone. I'm in the US and am interested in running Ubuntu Touch on a phone. Do you think buying a used Nexus 4 is my best bet, or would you recommend waiting for the new phones coming out?10:31
elimistevethe Nexus 4 has similar specs to the Aquaris10:31
elimistevesounds like whatever Meizu releases will have better specs10:32
ogra_the nexus4 definitely has higher specs than the aquaris ;)10:32
elimistevedouble the RAM is the big one10:32
elimistevebut the battery, screen size, and processor speed are very similar10:33
ogra_more performant CPUs is the other ;)10:33
ogra_and it has a way higher res display ...10:33
ogra_... yet ... ubuntu performs a lot better on the bq10:33
elimistevethe video I saw made it look like there was similar performance between the Aquaris and the Nexus 410:33
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
elimistevethe Nexus 4 will run on US networks, but I'll probably just tether to my Nexus 5 anyway, and any of these phones will support wifi, so having 3G or 4G working isn't much of a concern10:34
ogra_there are images for the nexus5 by the community10:35
elimisteveDoes it seem like it'll be feasible to get an Ubuntu phone -- either the BQ one or the Meizu one -- in the US within the next 3 months?10:35
ogra_iirc even multirom ones10:35
elimisteveogra_: I looked into the Nexus 5 image a few months ago and it sounded too buggy to be a daily driver yet10:35
ogra_i'm not sure about the distribution to US, the meizu will support is frequencies though10:35
ogra_the bq doesnt, you will be bound to edge10:36
Rubesmani use it on my nexus 4 as daily driver10:36
elimisteveRubesman: interesting, even without 4G?10:36
ogra_yeah, the N4 should run fine ... there is just not as much optimization of the HW stack as there is in the bq10:36
elimisteveogra_: think the Meizu will support US frequencies? I hadn't heard anything fully confirmed about their device10:36
ogra_i'm pretty sure it will10:37
svijthe Meizu one will be the MX4 running ubuntu10:37
elimistevesvij: isn't that still a rumor at this stage? A year ago it looked like the MX3 would be running Ubuntu10:37
ogra_but i cant tell you if/when there will be US distribution channels ...10:37
elimisteveand some has speculated that the M1 Note will run Ubuntu10:37
ogra_a lot has been speculated :)10:38
elimisteveogra_: the Nexus 4 has been the only officially-supported phone to run Ubuntu for a long time. Are you sure it's not as optimized as the Aquaris?10:38
ogra_elimisteve, yes10:38
elimisteveogra_: a lot has, which is why I'm trying to figure out what's confirmed10:38
svijelimisteve: well cristian parrino and jane silber told me that10:39
svijthat it is the MX410:39
elimistevesvij: do you know if the MX4 is confirmed? I saw a nicely-made/almost-official-looking video made of the MX4 running Ubuntu10:39
elimistevewell they would know :-)10:39
elimistevethey said that recently?10:39
svijon fridays ubuntu phone launch event, yes10:40
ogra_the only officially confirmed thing is the aquaris ... the semi official thing is what svij told you :)10:40
elimisteveokay :-D thanks10:40
svijthey even told that during an interview with me, which I will publish soon10:40
elimisteveRubesman: how do you like your N4 running Ubuntu Touch?10:41
ogra_but again, you might need someone in europe to buy it for you if you want it urgently ... it might still take a while for US distribution10:41
elimistevesvij: excellent, thanks. Do you havea Twitter feed or blog where you will announce this?10:41
svijelimisteve: @svijee on twitter, svij.org or just planet.ubuntu.com10:41
elimisteveogra_: I have a friend in London who may be able to buy it for me...10:41
elimistevesvij: great thank you10:41
ogra_elimisteve, cool10:41
elimistevehmm, decisions decisions10:42
elimistevesounds like the Meizu phone will be announced within the next month or so, yes?10:42
svij(they also told me, that the release for US is planned hopefully for july)10:42
svijelimisteve: MWC10:42
elimisteveI think I looked up the MWC dates and it's in a month or so10:42
elimistevesvij: you think the US release is that soon?! For the MX4?10:43
Rubesmandoes somebody know if were likely to get the new today and nearby scopes on the nexus 4?10:43
ogra_well, selling the bq in the US wouldnt make much sense ;)10:43
ogra_Rubesman, perhaps cwayne can tell you ... he is in a US timezone though, you might need to wait10:43
svijelimisteve: not sure if its the mx4, need to listen to that interview again10:44
ogra_if bq releases them i doubt they wil do it before the first devices are sold though10:44
elimisteveRubesman: on an Ubuntu On Air episode I saw a week or so ago, they talked about sending out OTA updates to all Ubuntu phones every 4 weeks10:44
ogra_elimisteve, yep, thats the plan10:45
elimisteveevery other 2-week release10:45
ogra_ubuntu fo phones is a truely rolling release10:45
ogra_the frequency of releases only depends on the speed that QA can be done10:46
Rubesmani think thats the best thing to do with a mobile operating system10:46
elimisteveogra_: think the Ubuntu desktop will soon be a rolling release?10:47
elimistevethat's also rumored10:47
ogra_i truely hope so10:47
ogra_once the phone and desktop use the same underlying technology10:48
=== _salem is now known as salem_
mcphailIm not so sure about rolling release for phones. Frequent updates (with lots of QA) are fine, but rolling release with the potential for breakage is not so fine10:48
Scooty-loocell phones too much random hardware10:48
Rubesmanhm maybe10:49
ogra_mcphail, if your QA is good there is no breakage10:50
Scooty-looSo another question, currently commercially available ubuntu touch, can ones install command line/daemon stuffs from it's repo? Like lighttpd, screen, nano etc.10:50
Rubesmanyou have to do a rather conservative and restrictive RR10:50
mcphailogra_: no QA is close to perfect. We've had a few occasionas of brokX on the desktop release. Broken phone is much more serious10:51
Scooty-loosounds cool, less hassle to deploy those on android10:51
ogra_it means that you review and test every new line of code *before* it even enters the image10:51
Rubesmanscooty: should be possible would think10:51
ogra_then again in context of the image10:51
ogra_and then again in context of alkl other changes that land in the same image10:52
ogra_if oyu pass these tests it is releasable10:52
mcphailogra_: I admire your optimism!10:52
ogra_adn indeed each new functionality can only land if a proper test comes alongside10:52
ogra_mcphail, i'm describing what we do :)10:52
ogra_this is 100% different from how the desktop is produced10:53
mcphailogra_: I don't doubt your process, but I think your faith in testing is misplaced. Tests never cover every situation.10:53
ogra_no, they dont10:54
ogra_which is why you have step-wise-miletones and dogfooders10:54
elimisteveogra_: relying on QA isn't good enough; don't want to brick 10,000 phones in a day. Transactional updates sound perfect and much-needed10:54
ogra_snappy is the next step :)10:54
elimisteveI sure hope so10:54
elimistevethat's awesome10:55
mcphailogra_: i think a 2 weekly schedule might just work. OTOH, the cyanogenmod chaps manage to break android with alarming frequency with a 4-weekly release10:55
ogra_we have a 2 weekly schedule for milestones ... based on daily builds ... one of these 2 werekly milestones becomes the monthly release10:56
ogra_(and at some point we have snappy with rollback and transactional updates that will cover for any possible issue that might slip throuh)10:56
svijthat sounds cool10:57
mcphailyes - snappy should be great10:57
svijand snappy and ubuntu phone are merging in some kind of way, right?10:57
Rubesmanah forgot to answer elimisteve: I love ubuntu on my n4. It gets almost everything done quietly. Everything works rather smoothly10:58
ogra_well, snappy is an evolution of the current phone technology, yes, the plan is to merge it back in10:58
elimisteveRubesman: that's great. What do you think is the single biggest thing Ubuntu Touch is missing right now?10:58
elimisteveI want encrypted SMS and IMing10:58
* ogra_ whispers whatsapp :P10:58
Rubesmanfor me it would be textsecure10:59
elimistevesounds like neither exist right now (encrypted SMS nor IMing)10:59
ogra_(not that i ever used it, but thats the biggest request we get)10:59
elimisteveobviously https://whispersystems.org/blog/whatsapp/ is awesome10:59
elimisteveany idea if that's fully rolled out?10:59
ogra_elimisteve, on the auqaris telegram is preinstalled10:59
Rubesmanyeah but telegram should be doing encrypted texting right?11:00
elimisteveif I can use WhatsApp and know my messages are encrypted, I'm happy11:00
Rubesmani dont like the whatsapp thing11:00
Rubesmangot out of that one or two years ago11:00
elimisteveRubesman: why?11:01
Rubesmaneven if whispersystems teams up with them11:01
Rubesmanits still closed source11:01
rubenlaguselimisteve, how can u know the messages are encrypted?11:01
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: | Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Installing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting guide (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bugs filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Nexus Status: http://bit.ly/18kIrhM | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | Changelog: http://bit.ly/1ljube1 | On sale 20150211!
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: | Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Installing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting guide (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bugs filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Nexus Status: http://bit.ly/18kIrhM | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | Changelog: http://bit.ly/1ljube1 | On (flash)sale 20150211!
Rubesmanits just not my idea of encryption, security and so on11:03
Stskeepsgood luck!11:03
* mcphail hopes for a non-twitter link he can access at work...11:03
popeythere you go11:04
svij"We're excited to announce that limited Ubuntu phones will be available to buy between 9am - 6pm (CET) tomorrow via @bqreaders #ubuntuphone"11:04
elimisteverubenlagus: you can try sniffing your own traffic to see if your messages are encrypted. How is this different from any other app? Although... WhatsApp is closed source, huh :-\11:04
elimistevepopey: thank you!11:05
popey\o/ telegram11:05
elimisteveUbuntu Store is growing every day. Although apps like WhatsApp, Google+ or Candy Crush aren´t here yet, you get many others such as Telegram, HERE Maps, Cut the Rope and web apps like Facebook and Twitter.11:06
rubenlagusIt would be better (imo) if I could check in sources that nothing is sent "undercover"... That's why I prefer Telegram11:06
elimisteveinteresting salespitch...11:06
Rubesmanis it really growing?11:06
elimisteverubenlagus: Telegram's crypto hasn't been really vetted has it? Lots of criticisms of its competition thing where they'll pay people who find vulnerabilities11:07
popey^ growing :)11:07
Rubesmanseams more like plus one or two apps a week11:08
Rubesmannot my idea of growing11:08
ybonwe more and more need the "last apps" feed ;)11:08
popeyybon: seen https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/apps ?11:08
elimistevepopey: in what area do you think is Ubuntu Touch most deficient, app-wise? And which apps do you think are needed that you fear won't be released for a while?  In short, what's important and not being done?11:08
popeyhas a "sort by newest first" option11:08
ogra_svij, lol (G+)11:08
popeyelimisteve: games games games11:09
svijogra_: couldn't resist ;)11:09
ybonpopey: han, no, never seen that, very nice, thanks :)11:09
popeysvij: nice!11:09
ogra_yeah, if enough people re-share it your stream looks like a website from the 90s11:09
elimistevepopey: I'm a Go developer who doesn't like games :-). What else is missing? Communications? Productivity? Seems like music is well-covered...11:10
rubenlaguselimisteve, I like that way of "test" encryption. People use to work harder when there is a price. Even though, during last context, noone was able to break it11:10
Scooty-loosounds like there are enough apps already to switch over from iPhone already, but might get a second hand android e4.5 in the mean time if the image is released11:10
Rubesmanelimisteve: what i really really dont like besides not having textsecure is the rather barebone web browser11:10
Rubesmanis there a plan for rolling out firefox or chrome (-ium)11:11
elimisteveRubesman: I heard a positive comment about the browser before. Is it fast but not full-featured enough? What's missing?11:11
elimisteverunning FF or Chromium -- open source only! -- would rock11:11
elimisteveRubesman: I understand that it's a basic WebKit-based browser11:11
ogra_no, it isnt11:12
Rubesmanelimisteve: yeah fast but no custom search engine afaik, no adblock functionality, ...11:12
ogra_it uses our own engine ... called oxide, based on blink11:12
mcphailpresumably you can edit /etc/hosts for adblocking?11:12
ogra_(way way faster than any webkit solution)11:13
elimisteveogra_: I dug around in https://launchpad.net/webbrowser-app and read something about webkit, I believe11:13
Scooty-looogra:oh my yet another fork11:13
Rubesmanhow to change standard search engine?11:13
ogra_elimisteve, it started on webkit 2 years ago ... probably there are still fragments11:13
popeyelimisteve: I'd also like to see some frameworks ported.11:13
elimistevepopey: what kinds of frameworks?11:13
ogra_Scooty-loo, fork ? its development from scratch11:13
popeyelimisteve: rather than individual apps, port frameworks (e.g. like kivy, love [when talking about games specifically]) so others can port their games easily11:14
elimisteveI see11:14
elimistevethink there will be Unity3D support any time soon?11:14
Scooty-looogra_:I mean the web engine11:14
popeythats my personal opinion anyway11:14
elimisteveI assume not11:14
mcphailpopey: does it have SDL2?11:14
ogra_Scooty-loo, yeah, me too11:14
Scooty-looogra_:hmm kay11:14
popeymcphail: yes, sdl2 supports mir11:14
mcphailcool - my pong game is going stright on my phone when i get it!11:15
ogra_Scooty-loo, it uses blink as a base and adds bits on top, i doubt anyone else does something like that or uses blink at all (well, except google)11:15
Rubesmanyay! pong rocks!11:15
Scooty-looogra_: So the blink part could be updated independently11:16
elimistevepopey: sounds like there aren't very many scopes yet. I hope they get leveraged to great effect so that people feel like Ubuntu Touch has something unique and valuable11:16
elimisteveogra_: Opera uses Blink now, or at least they said they would be11:16
ogra_Scooty-loo, oxide could ... yes11:17
Rubesmanyeah scopes have great potential i think11:17
ogra_Scooty-loo, if you update blink you indeed have to re-build the whole engine :)11:17
Rubesmangot used to using them already but id love to get the today scope11:17
mcphailI'm very keen to hack for this OS, but until I get my hands on a device I don't really understand the best approach11:17
ogra_mcphail, on what level do you want to hack on it ?11:18
Scooty-looogra: got the idea, thanks11:18
Rubesmanhow difficult would it be to develop scopes? im not really into that stuff but open to learning it11:18
popeyRubesman: http://chrismwayne.com/?p=277 "Create an Ubuntu Scope in minutes"11:18
elimistevemcphail: same here. Been looking at Go + QML, and it's cool and impressive (thank you niemeyer ), but I need to buy a Nexus 4 or something so I can spot shortcomings for myself and get excited about filling in gaps and hopefully genuinely innovating11:18
davidcalleRubesman, there is a pretty easy path right now, but limited to a certain type of scopes : http://chrismwayne.com/?p=27711:18
mcphailogra_: that's the thing: whether to write "apps" or not. I'm not sure how these "scopes" work yet and whether that approacgh is better11:19
ogra_mcphail, read the link popey posted :)11:19
elimisteveogra_: popey I've installed ubuntu-sdk and an emulator. Is there full OS emulation, or do we just run individual apps?11:20
davidcalleRubesman, if you want to dive in further : take a look at this tutorial (even if you don't know C++, it covers the full process) https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/scopes/tutorials/write-a-json-scope-in-cpp/11:20
ogra_mcphail, thats the easy way ... you could indeed do plain C++ development if you like11:20
elimisteveif the whole OS image is the same in the emulator as it is on physical devices, then mcphail and I can learn a ton in the emulator before we have devices11:20
Rubesmanmany thanks again!11:20
mcphailogra_: the development process isn't the hurdle - I just haven't got the concept of what scopes actually _do_ yet. Until I get a device to play with I'm a bit stuck11:21
cyberjunkiehey all11:21
Rubesmanagain, get your hands on a nexus 411:21
elimistevemcphail: sounds like we can run the full OS in the emulator!11:21
mcphailelimisteve: have you used the emulator? Does it run better than the android one?11:22
Rubesmanshould be pretty cheap to by second hand right now11:22
davidcallemcphail, if you are running 14.10 or 15.04, you can install unity-scopes-tool to try some of the new scopes (without a full blown emulator, just the scopes part)11:22
ogra_mcphail, nope, it doesnt11:22
mcphaildavidcalle: do i need to be running unity-8 for that? just crashes on my box11:23
elimisteveRubesman: ~$125-160 USD for a used Nexus 4 where I am (California)11:23
davidcallemcphail, nope works well under unity (probably other desktops too)11:23
mcphaildavidcalle: ok - will check that out when I'm back home tomorrow11:24
mcphaildavidcalle: thanks11:24
davidcallemcphail, np11:24
Rubesmangot mine for 120 € about a year ago, so i guessed it wouldve decreased in price11:24
Rubesmanscopecreator should be loaded to the AUR to get arch users more involved id think, they seem to be rather active, even if theyre not so into the ubuntu concept11:27
elimistevescopecreator looks amazing11:27
Rubesmanellimisteve: yep, ill be trying that thing i think11:28
elimistevepopey: I've been thinking how Ubuntu Touch can effectively compete against Android, and was wondering if there are effective ways to run Ubuntu desktop apps on the phone, so that, just like with Scopes, we don't _need_ hundreds of thousands of new apps to be created. And if using existing GUIs isn't possible, is it possible to auto-generate them, or automatically port them somehow?11:30
elimisteveI'm a programmer but don't understand the lay of the land as far as X/Mir/Wayland/Unity 7/Unity 8 and how all that affects which GUIs can run where11:31
popeyin theory you can, with xmir11:31
popeywillcooke made a funky video showing it I think11:31
elimistevewillcooke: you ran Ubuntu desktop apps on Ubuntu Touch?11:31
elimisteveis there a major performance hit when running xmir on Ubuntu Touch? Why do you say "in theory" :-)11:33
elimistevenot a good idea for some reason?11:33
mcphailelimisteve: there are a few rough edges with conventional ubuntu desktop applications (dialog boxes extending over edges of small screens etc) which are irritating on desktop but would be awful on a phone.11:33
elimisteve"XMir has been around for a while to run legacy X applications atop Mir"11:33
popeyin theory because we dont ship xmir by default11:33
ogra_you could ship it inside your click package ...11:34
elimistevemcphail: I know there would be some usability issues. Like small buttons that could be feasibly clicked but not tapped11:34
mcphailelimisteve: and sliders...11:34
ogra_not sure if apparmor lets you run it then though11:34
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elimisteve"Will Cooke, the Ubuntu Desktop Engineering Manager at Canonical, posted to his Google+ page today about the progress in running X apps on Ubuntu Phone." https://plus.google.com/u/0/+WillCooke/posts/eNUArFBzh3W11:35
elimisteve"we're doing a lot of work in Gtk to allow it to work on Mir natively, so no need for Xmir (not quite there yet)"11:36
mcphailIs this channel logged with the other #ubuntu-* channels? Lots of links I need to check out tomorrow11:36
ogra_elimisteve, right, Qt an GTK will work natively11:36
ogra_mcphail, yes, itz is11:36
elimistevepopey: so it's possible to make GTK and Qt run on Mir natively, and not have to change every individual GTK/Qt-using desktop Ubuntu app so that it can run on Ubuntu Touch?11:36
ogra_elimisteve, exactly ...11:37
elimisteveogra_: sweet!11:37
ogra_elimisteve, XMir is for the rest of applications11:37
ogra_so that you can still run xfig and xpdf :)11:37
ogra_(and libreoffice or firefox)11:38
elimisteveah okay11:38
ogra_not to forget the always importan xeyes indeed11:38
ogra_and xteddy !11:38
elimisteveogra_: do you think XMir + Firefox + MX4 would be performant enough to use?11:38
ogra_elimisteve, yes, but not a pleasure :)11:38
elimistevedue to speed or some other factor?11:39
ogra_due to needing a looking glass for finding window borders etc11:39
mcphailelimisteve: firefox on arm is slow and really needs a couple of GB of RAm to get going11:39
ogra_mcphail, i used firefox on my pandaboard just fine for a while11:39
elimisteveha, that's OK though; full-screen is fine11:39
ogra_its not that slow11:39
mcphailogra_: I've never been so lucky11:40
mcphailogra_: i like the mobile browser on android, though11:40
ogra_i love the ubuntu browser on ubuntu :)11:40
* mcphail would love to try it :)11:41
ogra_stillö has some UI bits that could be solved better, but its fast and slim11:41
Riddellwould anyone have pointers on how to remix the ubuntu touch images like is done on this server? http://system-image.tasemnice.eu11:41
ogra_Riddell, that server just uses the rootfs from the ubuntu one11:41
ogra_the only thing it "remixes" is the device tarball11:42
ogra_the rest is just mirrored and re-signed11:42
Riddellright, and for a kubuntu image I want to take the tasemnice remixed device tar and remix the rootfs11:42
ogra_Riddell, you want to talk to Tassadar (if he shows up, i have seen him rarely around recently) ... he runs that server11:42
ogra_heh, thats a remix remix :)11:43
elimistevemeta ftw11:43
Riddellam I right in thinking ubuntu-system-image is used to setup the files on the system-image server?11:43
ogra_Riddell, so i guess you want to simply do the same he does (there was a blog post how he set up the server) and just pull in a different rootfs tarball11:44
elimisteveI looked around and couldn't find any mention of a voice-to-text feature on Ubuntu Touch11:44
elimisteveogra_: is the UT keyboard any good? No voice input though yet, right?11:44
ogra_if a new tarball shows up at the source location, it pulls that in, unpacks it, diffs it against the last images and packages that up11:45
ogra_elimisteve, yeah, no voice yet, the keyboard is fine imho11:45
elimisteveogra_: anyone tried copying Swype? SwiftKey?11:46
ogra_i dont think so ... and due to the nature of click apps it would be hard to push to the store atm11:46
elimistevepush keyboard apps to the store?11:47
popeyswype is based off maliit isn't it?11:47
popeyyeah, apps are confined.11:47
ogra_click apps are not allowed to replace system components and run in a confined environment11:47
popeysome app categories haven't been worked out uet11:47
elimistevepopey: worked out as far as security/permissions?11:47
elimisteveogra_: yeah I was reading about AppArmor and app confinement11:47
Elleoelimisteve: saidinesh5 is working on an open source swype implementation with a maliit plugin11:47
ogra_you could easily create an unconfined click package ... but thatz wouldnt be allowed into the store ... you would have to sideload it11:48
elimisteveogra_: good to know, thanks11:48
mcphailogra_: any plans to change that - with whatever union/overlayfs is currently fashionable, for example?11:49
elimisteveElleo: very cool. saidinesh5: think your Swype clone keyboard app be done within the next, say, 6 months?11:49
saidinesh5elimisteve: i hope so. the engine part is almost over. the maliit part is left11:49
elimistevesaidinesh5: very cool11:50
Riddellogra_: do you know where Vojtech Bocek's blog post is? I can't find his blog11:50
ogra_mcphail, i doubt there will ever be direct access to anything on the phone ... you will have to go through interfaces ... not all of them are defined yyet11:50
saidinesh5obligatory link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o0g6Ks6sg1Y :P11:50
elimisteveRiddell: https://tasssadar.github.io/ ?11:51
elimisteveogra_: using interfaces sounds clean and secure11:51
ogra_elimisteve, right11:51
elimisteveIs it possible to set new default apps for, say, web browsing?11:52
elimisteveWhere can I read about the UT intent system, or whatever it uses?11:52
elimisteveMultiROM is a multi-boot solution for several devices, I officially support Nexus 7 2012 & 2013, Nexus 4 and Nexus 511:53
elimisteve"It can boot any Android ROM as well as other systems like Ubuntu Touch, once they are ported to that device."11:53
elimisteveawesome. Anyone here tried using Android 4.4 + MultiROM + Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 5?11:53
Elleoelimisteve: I think there's quite a few people using multirom and ubuntu touch on nexus 5s (not sure about specific android versions)11:54
Elleoelimisteve: one thing to be aware of that the nexus 5 image is a community port, and while it's probably the best community port it does have some issues with hardware support (e.g. I don't think it handles deep sleep at the moment, so battery life isn't great)11:55
saidinesh5elimisteve: just don't do apt-get upgrade on a multirom11:59
saidinesh5well apt-get is a little weird on multirom, because if it tries to update /boot/ your device is bricked11:59
ogra_Riddell, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg06721.html12:00
Scooty-loosaidinesh5:does mount ro helps?12:00
seb128how does an application get to call something when focussed out?12:00
Riddellogra_: ooh lovely thanks12:01
elimisteveElleo: thanks. I've read that bluetooth isn't supported either on the Nexus 5, but that may be old info12:01
saidinesh5by default it is mount ro afaik. you can do apt-get update only if  you enable the developer mode12:01
Scooty-loosounds like stick to a single kernel is way safer. Talking about that, 'how android' still is ubuntu touch?12:02
ogra_Riddell, iirc there were two more mails from him on the ML one with more detailed setup info later12:02
Elleoseb128: do you mean call something as it loses focus? if so you can connect to a chance in Qt.active12:03
Scooty-looBeen a while looking into the details since I don't have any nexus devices, does ubuntu touch still use android style boot image as a standard?12:03
Elleoseb128: but you only have a couple of seconds to do something in before being suspended12:03
seb128Elleo, is that being called as well if somebody close the application for the switcher?12:04
Elleoseb128: I'm not sure12:04
seb128Elleo, I'm going to try the Qt.active thing, thanks12:05
seb128Elleo, do you know if we have an example of code doing that?12:05
muyiscoiI can't seem to get bluetooth to work on my nexus 4.12:05
muyiscoiWhen I toggle the switch from the notification panel, it goes back off on its own12:06
muyiscoiI'm on Ubuntu 14.10 (r15)12:06
Elleoseb128: I can write an example quickly, I think there's a few apps that monitor it as well (like machines vs machines for switching off music, etc.)12:06
seb128Elleo, don't bother, I think I can figure it out, thanks!12:07
Elleoseb128: okay, cool12:07
popeymuyiscoi: when you toggle it, leave it for a moment, it may toggle back off then on again12:08
Elleoseb128: sorry, that should be Qt.application.active not Qt.active12:08
elimistevesaidinesh5: apt-get update? or do you mean upgrade? mean upgrade?12:09
saidinesh5upgrade itself. basically any update to the kernel /grub etc...12:09
saidinesh5anything that touches the /boot/ partition12:10
ogra_you should only use apt if you dont plan to actually use the phone as a phone ...12:11
ogra_or writable-mode rather12:12
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muyiscoi@popey it came on after I put the phone off and on. Restarting the phone didn't do anything. Had to power off and on12:13
Scooty-looogra: interesting, are security updates delivered in another way?12:13
ogra_Scooty-loo, yes, as image diffs ... as soon as you switch to apt or writable mode image diffs will break whatever you do ... apt upgrades will break as well at some point12:14
Scooty-looogra_: oh my, sounds nasty12:15
ogra_apt and writable mode is fine if you want to work on the plumbing layer of the phone or do some "special" stuff (someone here runs a tomcat server on an N4 for their company) ;)12:15
Scooty-looogra_: tomcat jre arm and floating point programs12:16
ogra_but then you cant count on being able to upgrade anymore12:16
mcphailogra_: it would be great if you could union-mount a writable layer over the base layer, thereby allowing binary diffs of the stock image but preserving the ability to apt-get over the top12:17
ogra_if you apply the image diff on top of a writeble image your apt database gets overwritten with an empty one from the diff12:17
ogra_mcphail, then you lose control about what is writable (which would be fine, apparmor could handle that with a complex config) ... and it makes it really hard to port since your kernel must support whatever unionfs implementation is in use12:18
Scooty-looogra_: why do apt-get breaks eventually when ones only update non boot related packages? Like locking up boot related packages12:18
ogra_that latter bit is quite a showstopper with the kind of kernels you find on a phone12:18
mcphailogra_: but the kernel layer wouldn't have to change from stock, and whatever union/overlayfs is supported would provide the writable layer over /usr and /etc12:19
ogra_Scooty-loo, to unpack a deb on upgrade, dpkg needs to create hard links ... the wriable bits in the image are all bind mounts into a writable space on disk (different partition) ... hardlinks do not work across partition boundaries ... so your unpack fails12:20
ogra_this will happen to you the first time an installed package that uses any writable bits gets upgraded12:21
ogra_so with luck you can use apt-get upgrade 10 times ... the 11th one fails because there is such a package in the update12:21
elimisteveogra_: but apt-get update and installing other packages is fine, right? Are you just saying that kernel upgrades are the dangerous part?12:22
ogra_the current setup makes it easy for you to hack ... but in "hack mode" it isnt really suited for using it under the original purpose (as a phone)12:22
Scooty-looogra_: hmm...but, like the mediatek chip BQ is shipping out, they are not too happy with sources. Would it be a bit more time consuming if one update requires BQ doing them job...and how hard is it to put everything back to a single partition?12:22
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ogra_elimisteve, you can indeed install other packages, but if you would do an image upgrade your apt db is wiped ... the package manager wouldnt know about the packages you installed anymore12:23
ogra_and if you use apt for upgrading it will eventually break for the above reasons12:24
elimistevekk thanks12:24
ogra_so technically you lose the ability to upgrade by making the system writable12:24
Scooty-looogra_: I mean, mtk is not happy with their sources most of the time, so far only more open to Android ONE12:24
ogra_Riddell, ^^^ there is Tassadar :)12:24
mcphailogra_: sounds as if the first problem could be solved with an incron job to back up the apt db on changes and a script to restore after image upgrade12:25
Scooty-loomcphail: but new image ships with new packages ie. edited database12:25
mcphailScooty-loo: that sounds like a poor design decision12:26
svijis it known, that ubuntu phone displays one WLAN-SSID twice, if it is running on two different channels?12:26
Scooty-looogra_: but again, why even ship it with apt, when it's only used for cooking the image. IMO, apt should be staying on the user data partition12:26
ogra_mcphail, you could "solve" it in tons of hacky ways ... point is that ubuntu phone is not designed for apt use ... it is a nice extra feature for developers and hackers though12:27
ogra_Scooty-loo, apt will go away eventually ... snappy doesnt ship apt or dpkg12:27
mcphailogra_: fair enough12:28
Scooty-looogra_: ugh, then it's more like an android phone isn't it...12:28
ogra_not really :)12:28
ogra_it will just use the next generation package manager then :)12:29
ogra_you do snappy install libreoffice ... instead of apt-get install libreoffice12:29
mcphailogra_: I had imagined the setup would be more like the desktop live CDs where you had a base image and a union-mounted FS which could be hacked and upgrade on top12:29
ogra_and wont need to make anything writable at all12:29
Scooty-looogra_: Sorry but it's the first time I heard about it, is there a documentation about snappy?12:29
ogra_mcphail, as i said, that would mean heavy kernel patching12:29
ogra_Scooty-loo, sure, there is even an irc channel next door ;)12:30
Scooty-looogra_: got it, thanks12:30
Scooty-looogra_: cheers12:31
elimisteveogra_: how long you think till the phone uses snappy?12:31
mcphailogra_: if i was, say, writing a game in C on SDL, and needed a particular library as a dependency would that have to be statically linked or can snappy provide the shared libraries?12:32
ogra_elimisteve, no idea ... we will start porting it soon, but hard to say how long that takes12:32
ogra_mcphail, either :)12:32
ogra_mcphail, up to you ... you can either link statically or ship the libs inside your snap package12:32
mcphailogra_: OK - so each game would ship with a whole runtime within the package? Does snappy perform deduplication to save space?12:33
ogra_snappy allows frameworks so you could indeed have your python based snap just use the python framework12:34
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ogra_(and ship only the additionally needed python plugins in your package)12:34
Scooty-looogra_: sounds like something would make debian admins confused for a moment when switching on a random day tho ha12:35
mcphailScooty-loo: ogra_: yes - just a different way of working. I like the idea of containers etc12:35
ogra_the cool thing about snaps is that you can put *anything* insdie them ... it could be a whole OS install running in a container12:35
Scooty-looogra_: I mean like me, who never heard of snappy, decided to give ubuntu a test run on a random day12:36
ogra_so effectively that makes it a lot easier for admins12:36
ogra_snappy install my-webmail-server12:36
Scooty-looogra_: Hey I thought ubuntu runs debian *confus*12:36
uhhimherehows that any diff from apt-get12:36
Scooty-looogra_: nah just the initial confusion12:36
uhhimhereso is aptitude officially dead then?12:36
ogra_and look you gotr a kolab instance up and running fully configured with mysql, apache, imap and smtp server12:36
mcphailuhhimhere: it is just pining for the fjords12:37
k1lisnt aptitude dead since some time now? i thought after that issues with multiarch12:37
ogra_and if you want you make your snap depend on the docker framework and it runs inside a container12:37
mcphailk1l: no - it is back, apparently12:37
ogra_aptitude was never really alive in ubuntu :)12:37
ogra_(it was there because a part of the installer used it though ... )12:38
uhhimherei still use aptitude to search and show12:38
uhhimherebut dont have the guts to use it to actually install anything12:39
Scooty-looI thought we use dpkg to look into packages12:39
ogra_butr no, apt or aptitude wont go away12:39
ogra_nor will dpkg12:39
mcphailuhhimhere: I've been assured in #ubuntu it is fully supported again and the multiarch issues are resolved12:39
ogra_the archive as you know it will go on to exist12:39
ogra_(snappy images are still built from it)12:39
ogra_and we cant really force all flavours to use snappy if tehy dont want ... like we dont force anyone to use Mir12:40
ogra_so the existing archive will persist12:40
mcphailHaving said all this, when I get my hands on a BQ device and break it on day one by using apt, is it simple to reflash to stock?12:42
Scooty-looright, flavors like xubuntu which I'm using. grabbing a kvm image to test it out tho12:42
Scooty-loomcphail: bq still haven't release any image12:42
mcphailScooty-loo: that's a worry :)12:42
Scooty-loomcphail: http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html12:43
popeyScooty-loo: "still" - they haven't shipped a device yet :)12:43
ogra_mcphail, yes, it is trivial to re-flash12:43
Scooty-loomcphail: but they are preparing their page, which is kinda hidden atm12:43
Scooty-loomcphail: just randomly found it poking URLs12:43
ogra_you can just use ubuntu-device-flash to flash an image from the ubuntu server12:44
k1lScooty-loo: starting the sale tomorrow12:44
ogra_for the preinstalled bq phones that is12:44
mcphailogra_: nice12:44
ogra_for the android version it will need a bq flahs image initially12:44
ogra_then you can do the same12:44
mcphailogra_: can you cache the image locally? I spend a lot of time away from internet access12:46
ogra_it gets cached on disk, yeah12:46
Scooty-looogra_: a mtk-flash-tool package would sound nice too12:46
ogra_and thanks to delta uprades it is usually also very small if you regulary update12:46
mcphailogra_: so a further "ubuntu-device-flash" wouldn't always need net access?12:46
ogra_it might need to check versions etc from the server, not sure12:47
popeybe nice to have an offline mode for u-d-f12:47
mcphailogra_: an offline mode would be great12:47
ogra_but it wont do any downloading if the tarball or diff tarball is on disk already12:47
ogra_well, i think if you give it an image number that is on disk already it wont need network12:48
ogra_i just have never tried that :)12:48
Scooty-loo#ubuntu-touch hype12:48
mcphailogra_: ha :)12:49
ogra_i see a --download-only option in the help too12:49
ogra_so i guess it works, but you need to hand over the version to supporess netwrok lookups12:50
ogra_sergiusens could tell ... but he is off today12:50
Scooty-loo$ ubuntu-device-flash12:50
Scooty-looThe program 'ubuntu-device-flash' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:12:50
Scooty-loosudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash12:50
mcphailogra_: good to know12:50
ogra_Scooty-loo, you dont want it from the archive though ... thats most likely outdated ...12:50
ogra_there is the phablet-tools PPA on launchpad wheer the recent versions live12:51
Scooty-looogra_: whoops, will be updated when bq's model's out?12:51
* ogra_ would even prefer to drop it from the archive 12:51
ogra_backporting SRUs is quite some paperwork ... PPAs are better in that regard12:52
Scooty-loowait is it not in 14.04's repo?12:54
Scooty-loowell guess time and dev's efforts will sort everything out soon, especially with the release if the first consumer ubuntu phone13:06
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svijis it known, that ubuntu phone displays one WLAN-SSID twice, if it is running on two different channels?13:17
ogra_svij, ask Wellark_ :) he maintains the network-indicator13:30
sviji hope he sees it here13:38
rpadovanioSoMoN, o/ In the settings ui, to enter in a subsection, do you want I use a new component (like it's history now) or do you want I do a custom implementation of ExpandablesColumn?13:39
rpadovaniactually, of Expandable13:39
oSoMoNrpadovani, I have not thought about it, whatever fits best the design and results in the least amount of code :)13:41
rpadovaniokay, thanks for the trust :-)13:42
zzarris freenode slow or is it my internet?13:43
ogra_scrolls fine here :)13:43
zzarrgood :)13:43
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zzarrI have a Motorola Droid 4 (xt894) running Android 4.1.2, is it possible to install (build and install) Ubuntu touch on it?13:45
popey!devices | zzarr13:48
ubot5zzarr: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:48
zzarrI know, but that page isn't updated in forever13:49
zzarrMy device is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/maserati13:50
Scooty-loowell go ahead then, the link to the install guide is on there. Mind you, on the page you linked it says the porting is incomplete, got WIP parts13:51
Scooty-looand install will usually remove all android data13:51
Scooty-looso good luck and have fun13:51
ogra_it is very likely the port is outdated though13:52
ogra_most are13:52
zzarrit's almost 2 years old13:53
ogra_that was still early developemnt13:54
ogra_try it, but i wouldnt expect to much13:54
zzarrI can try it, but not with a recent release13:54
Scooty-looany build guide on there?13:55
ogra_not any recent one13:55
ogra_things were changing to fast and everyone was busy13:55
ogra_so whats there is pretty outdated  ... pretty much on the level of the above port13:55
Scooty-looguess some hacky job to done zzarr if you wanna try the latest release13:56
zzarrhow's drivers handled on a Ubuntu touch phone compared to a normal computer?13:57
Scooty-loothey are hardware specific13:57
Scooty-lookernel source from supplier13:57
Scooty-looI don't think there's a generic image13:57
zzarrokey, that's a problem I guess13:57
zzarris it possible to use a recent version of the CM kernel?13:58
Scooty-loothink you need to make your own ramdisk13:58
ogra_you need a lot more13:59
Scooty-loonot sure if it will help, if you wanna do hacky thingy go see the old guide13:59
zzarrcould I use the ramdisk from CM?14:00
Scooty-loocould be a reference where you can start14:00
ogra_you need the complete android HAL (hardware abstraction layer) ... that is ... binary drivers and a few daemons used to make them work14:00
Scooty-loowell you need android with runtime shaved, which is in the system partition14:00
ogra_we shave all unnecessary bits though, not just the runtime14:01
zzarrokey, dose it matter what version of android I shave?14:01
Scooty-looand the the ubuntu part, as well as modified ramdisk to not load any android runtime bot launch chroot ubuntu14:01
Scooty-loolook at that old guide..14:02
zzarrI will14:02
Scooty-loolooks like my knowledge with it stayed at 1.0 guide haha14:03
zzarrlucky me I have safe strap :)14:03
zzarrdid you port a phone?14:03
muyiscoiDoes the phone support Bluetooth headsets? It's not recognizing mine and I can't seem to perform data transfer over bluetooth as well14:03
zzarrUbuntu touch to a phone14:03
Scooty-loomind you tho guide is old14:03
ogra_muyiscoi, works fine here14:04
ogra_i use hedsets and BT speakers regulary14:04
ogra_i never tried data transfer though14:04
Scooty-loobut it is indeed the current way of implementation, where there's android in a container to do daemon and drivers14:04
zzarrIt might work.... and if it dosn't... well it was worth a try14:04
Scooty-loogood luck have fun14:05
ogra_zzarr, note that we moved from CM to AOSP14:05
ogra_so if you only have a CM tree that might mean some extra work14:06
zzarrahh, so I should use AOSP14:06
muyiscoiogra_: hmmm... wonder if its just mine. But mine works with my ubuntu laptop as well as Android. I guess I have to test it some more14:06
ogra_muyiscoi, what phone is that ?14:06
eithnehello, is it possible to install ubuntu on the S4 mini in some way?14:07
Scooty-loolol everyone started asking if xyz device is supported14:08
Scooty-looif there's source code, while no one on internet attempted porting as told by Google, it's time to try it yourself14:09
ogra_Scooty-loo, because its not a beginner task and badly documented :)14:10
Scooty-looogra_: yea...14:11
Scooty-looeithne: still if you wanna try, I think samsung got the kernel sources and pieces you need to trial and error :c14:12
zzarrwell, it looks like a big task, I'll have a go :)14:12
zzarrbut first... coffee :)14:12
ogra_zzarr, you rock :)14:12
eithneuhm..... I read on an italian site that an user succefully installed it on the S4 mini by modifying the build.prop14:14
eithneBut I have no more infos about it14:14
muyiscoiogra_ Nexus 4. Ubuntu 14.10 r1514:14
ogra_muyiscoi, ah, i havent used an N4 in a while, perhaps it is broekn there14:14
muyiscoiogra_: ah! ok. are you using it on the BQ phone?14:15
ogra_davmor2, ^^^ have you heard anything about broken BT on N4 ?14:15
ogra_muyiscoi, yep14:15
Scooty-looeithne: doesn't sound like it, unless that device can have init.sh enabled through build.prop, that that guy killed android afterwards, chroot ubuntu touch components and start it14:16
Scooty-looeithne: in theory that is14:16
Scooty-looeithne: that's how people deploy DESKTOP EDITION ubuntu on mobile most of the time14:16
ogra_yeah, that will not work for the phone edition14:17
davmor2muyiscoi: what are you trying to do with bluetooth?14:17
ogra_davmor2, headsets ... file transfers14:17
ogra_(see above)14:17
=== alan_g|lun is now known as alan_g
kenvandineBT was working for me on mako with vivid-proposed over the weekend14:17
muyiscoidavmor2: I tried pairing my stereo bluetooth headset and it wasn't recognized.14:18
eithneIdk what he did, but I know he followed that http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=258782314:18
adrian47Boot animation was changed?14:18
muyiscoidavmor2: then, i paired it with my nexus 5 and tried doing a file transfer, but couldn't find any way to do that. Then nexus 5 (running android) only recognized it as an audio device14:18
davmor2muyiscoi: it is connecting to headsets here, computers for me are all greyed out that is fixed in vivid though14:19
ogra_muyiscoi, you might want to switch to a different image channel14:19
ogra_14.10 r15 sounds like the RTM channel14:20
muyiscoidavmor2: Ok. I'll test it out more later today. Don't have the phone on me ATM. I'll report back if its still not working14:20
kenvandineall i did was connect a BT speaker and played music14:20
kenvandineworked great14:20
muyiscoiogra_ yeah, if all else fails, i'll try changing to the dev channel14:21
Scooty-looeithne: seems that he's install nexus4 version of ubuntu touch on it. you can just follow it if you got the guts, and, well, odin14:21
dobeyogra_: sounds like stable channel. i'd hope stable was stable and bt was working there. could just be the headset is doing something weird and the bluez configuration doesn't like it, too.14:21
Scooty-looeithne: I have no knowledge of the similarity of mini s4 and n4 so, well14:21
ogra_dobey, well, stable just means "doesnt move"14:22
ogra_which at the pace of fixes we roll isnt really an advantage (it will be one day, but not yet)14:22
Scooty-looeithne: I wouldn't recommend you to keep going tho, as the thread's op mentioned, he got an optimus G, which is basically n4's brother14:23
dobeyogra_: well, it means "QA tested the image and approved it" so it should mean that connecting to a headset or such was done in that testing14:23
dobeybut maybe that's not being tested right now14:23
* dobey blames davmor2 14:23
Scooty-looeithne: and dual boot is actually placeing ubuntu's boot image onto recovery, with partition work and stuffs, which will basically break your mini s414:24
ogra_dobey, QA tested what was there, right14:24
davmor2dobey: it is14:24
ogra_but we havent released something in stable for quite a while14:24
davmor2dobey: the RTM channel is the most tested channel14:24
dobeyour numbering scheme is a bit annoying too. it's hard to keep track of what's what when compared to other devices and such14:26
ogra_well, most tested for krillin14:26
davmor2dobey: it has gone through, silo, sanity, sanity for promotion (Mako, krillin, emulator), and then a 60 hour regression suite and then gets promoted and bluetooth is tested in sanity and regression and any silos :P14:26
Scooty-loowell hope that eithne got the idea and not waste the time to break that mini s414:26
ogra_as lon as he knows how to fix it :)14:27
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dobeyalthough, now i'm wondering how to build an ubuntu-touch seed image for a panda board14:27
Scooty-loomeh still a waste of time to go in completely trial and error14:27
adrian47What should I have in /var/lib/ubuntu-location-service/config.ini ? (porting)14:31
davmor2ogra_: how does your code every run when you can't type a single sentence without randomly dropping letters ;)14:31
davmor2ever even14:31
Scooty-loowell I'm going enjoy ubuntu touch y'all while I will wait for more news on the e4.5, as well as it's android brother14:31
ogra_typoing in such a question is pure irony :)14:31
ogra_davmor2, interpreters and compilers are clever, they tell me ;)14:32
davmor2ogra_: hahahaha14:32
Scooty-loodavmor2: and IDE14:32
ogra_my IDE is vim :)14:32
davmor2Scooty-loo: real coders use vim :)14:32
davmor2emacs at a push14:32
Scooty-looI ain't gonna do android apps with vim14:33
Scooty-looyou can't make me14:33
Scooty-loojust no14:33
ogra_vim is great to make ubuntu apps ;)14:33
ogra_(but the SDK is too i heard ... never used it)14:33
Scooty-loohaha well bye14:34
Penseecrowded there, HI ALL !!!14:34
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Penseenewbee question (BQ phone), is it a voip software out yet (kind of xlite) ?14:36
ogra_not yet, nope14:36
Penseeis it a mail software to come ?14:39
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ogra_there is dekko in the store, its an awesome IMAP client ... still lacking some bits (i.e. encryption) though14:39
ogra_and there is a gmail webapp14:40
Penseethank ogra_ you are very helpfull14:40
rvrbfiller: Silo 9 has been approved.14:51
bfillerrvr: thanks14:53
Mirv...and published14:57
kenvandinejgdx, are ready to land the other vibrations branch in vivid?15:19
jgdxkenvandine, not yet15:19
jgdxkenvandine, or, u-s-s is15:19
kenvandinejgdx, i see all the other branches have been merged15:19
jgdxkenvandine, not the last uitk one, though?15:19
kenvandinebug 135861015:20
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1358610 could not be found15:20
kenvandinethe uss vivid branch is the only one linked that isn't merged15:20
kenvandinethere isn't a uitk branch for vivid linked15:21
dobeyogra_: do you think it would be easy to build a phone/tablet image that runs on a pandaboard, or would it make more sense to use the armhf desktop-next iso?15:21
jgdxzsombi, could you link all vivid branches to bug 1358610 ?15:21
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1358610 could not be found15:21
kenvandinejgdx, ok, then no worries from me... whenever it's ready can you just add a silo for it?15:21
ogra_dobey, neither will work, there are no drivers15:21
ogra_or rather no kernel that supports an of the existing drivers15:22
jgdxkenvandine, Yeah, really want this on vivid.15:22
ogra_panda is dead an buried15:22
zsombijgdx: what do you mean? ^ bug bot didn't find that bug :)15:22
dobeyogra_: oh. :-/15:22
ogra_it went out of production over 2 years ago15:22
jgdxzsombi, bugbot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/barajas/+bug/135861015:22
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1358610 not found15:22
dobeyso did nexus 4 :P15:22
kenvandinejgdx, i think rtm silo 7 needs a rebuild since the other vibrations silo landed15:22
ogra_yeah, but there were a few more N4 sold than pandas15:23
jgdxkenvandine, we're waiting on a fix for that one, so we need one anyway15:23
zsombijgdx: both UITK MRs are linked for loooong time to it :)15:23
dobeybut anyway, i have a panda board laying around that i won in orlando at UDS, and thought it might be good as a test platform for a device i want to build15:23
dobeybut i guess not15:23
jgdxzsombi, not the haptics-feedback-singleton@vivid though?15:24
ogra_panda should still work wioth the armhf d-i images if you supply the right devicetree to it15:24
kenvandinezsombi, there are no branches linked for trunk15:24
ogra_and i think lool was plainning a snappy port once he finds time :)15:24
ogra_(probably never then)15:24
zsombijgdx: well, that is the same as this one, and it is not even MR-ed to Vivid, the RTM fix will be merged automatically on next Vivid landing15:24
dobeyi thought the upstream kernel had drivers for it15:25
ogra_so for non graphical stuff the panda will likely still work15:25
kenvandinezsombi, we need that so we can land uss in vivid15:25
jgdxzsombi, woah, okay.15:25
ogra_dobey, sure, juts no 3D15:25
zsombikenvandine: I don't get it... the two MRs were proposed for RTM, when those land there, those will be merged to trunk with a next staging landing15:25
zsombikenvandine: so then Vivid will get it15:25
zsombias well15:25
ogra_for EGL/GLES you need the binary drivers ... and these need kernel patches the mainline kernel doesnt have15:25
kenvandinezsombi, yeah, but when?15:26
dobeyi guess mir requires 3d though15:26
adrian47So I got bootlogo now (porting), can someone help with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10159865/15:26
kenvandinewe want to land the uss change in vivid15:26
kenvandinewe usually land in vivid before rtm, opposite of the uitk15:26
zsombikenvandine: after they land to RTM, we merge to staging, and then we land the current staging to Vivid, so few more days and it's there15:26
kenvandinezsombi, so when will uitk get the landing in vivid?15:26
dobeyogra_: is there a good cheap armv7 board that has open 3d drivers? or are they all binary?15:26
ogra_they are all closed i think15:27
zsombikenvandine: there's a Vivid landing from staging even now, we used to do landings as soon as we get something to land15:27
kenvandineok, it has landed in rtm15:27
kenvandinebut just this morning15:27
adrian47What should I fix first?15:28
akiva-thinkpadHey all: Live Ask Ubuntu Anything live in 30 minutes: http://ubuntuonair.com | #ubuntu-on-air15:28
* dobey wonders if the new raspberry pi 2 requires binary drivers15:28
zsombikenvandine: fione, so then we proceed with merging to staging15:29
kenvandinei guess if the staging branch gets linked to the bug we'll know when it gets merged15:29
kenvandineso we can land15:30
zsombikenvandine: yes, I can link those to the same bug if you want, though we also have a mirroring bug on UITK15:30
jgdxplease do, then we can track, and then we can land :)15:31
kenvandinezsombi, i'd appreciate it15:31
jgdxand then open beers15:31
kenvandinei'm just trying to make sure our side doesn't fall through the cracks15:31
Scooty-loomeh it will be mid night after 30 minutes and I have school tomorrow haha15:31
kenvandinejgdx, that too :)15:31
zsombikenvandine: but you can land the scheme and uss separately, it won't make any harm...15:31
kenvandineyeah, but i don't want the setting UI to show up before it'll work :)15:31
zsombikenvandine: as UITK landing may come with 2-3 days delay...15:31
kenvandinethen we get bug reports for it, etc15:31
zsombikenvandine: why not ;)15:32
ogra_adrian47, looks pretty good, if you dont get graphics i'd start looking at the lightdm logs in /var/log and perhaps ask in #ubuntu-mir15:32
zsombikenvandine: it is iterative development ;)15:32
kenvandinei really don't understand why uitk doesn't land in vivid first, it is our development branch :)15:32
kenvandineseems backwards to me to land in rtm before development, but that's a different topic15:32
zsombikenvandine: because it has been requested with HI prio to RTM, and I don't know how's your code, but the toolkit code started to be pretty different, so cherry picking from Vivid would be painful15:33
dobeyoh i guess i can use the new armv7 raspberry pi15:33
zsombikenvandine: we've introduced shadow build support in Vivid, and that means some heavy changes in the scripts, project files, etc15:34
zsombibeside some other stuff that made the toolkiit codebase to differ15:35
kenvandineyeah, our delta has gotten pretty big15:35
kenvandinebut we're still able to cherry pick15:35
adrian47ogra_: thanks, if you can look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10159985/  and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10160002/15:35
ogra_adrian47, hmm, the first one actually looks like Mir started15:36
zsombikenvandine: not saying that we couldn't, but it takes more time than to integrate the RTM fixes into Vivid15:36
kenvandinei just prefer getting more testing in devel before cherry picking to rtm15:37
ogra_adrian47, you should see a spinning ubuntu logo if i read the second correctly15:37
kenvandineanyway, that's a different topic :)15:37
ogra_adrian47, if thats not the case then -> #ubuntu-mir15:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
adrian47ogra_: yes i see spinning logo, it is suspending after some seconds and i can suspend it with power button too15:39
ogra_oh, so your session simply doesnt start15:39
bzoltan_kenvandine: cherry picking from the vivid UITK become a really heavy operation. Usually we need to dig down 3-4 MR deep. Not a cool thing.15:39
adrian47ogra_: wake works too15:40
ogra_adrian47, there are upstart logs for all the session bits in ~/.cache/upstart/ take a look around there ... if you got the spinner you are 90% there :)15:41
Scooty-looadrian47: just curious, what device is that?15:44
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ogra_~ actually means /home/phablet btw ...15:49
adrian47ogra_: few logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10160233/15:54
mandelElleo, https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/test-space-left/+merge/249093 updates, thx for the input.. that check against 0..  lord what was I thinking!15:54
adrian47Scooty-loo: DHD for now, what will be next..  I'm not sure :)15:55
Elleomandel: my guess was that you subconciously were thinking you'd be dividing by the spaceFree and so were trying to avoid a divide by zero15:56
mandelElleo, that is the only logical explanation hhehe15:56
Scooty-loowhao that 5 years old phone sure get much community care!15:56
Elleomandel: what's the best way to test it?15:56
mandelElleo, well, add lots of music to your device to have less than 100mb left and try to download an img with the browser15:57
mandelElleo, you should get an error in that case15:57
Elleomandel: okay15:58
mandelElleo, thx16:01
seb128calendar event reminders are supposed to have notifications with actions (snooze, dismiss) right? I currently don't get those on my krillin rtm... does anyone know how to debug?16:01
Scooty-loohttp://ubuntuonair.com/ lol he scared me as I left it on the background16:01
Scooty-looand gtg16:02
tsdgeosrenatu: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/address-book-app/aim_is_not_aim/+merge/24916116:03
adrian47oh, I pasted bad apparmor.log16:07
renatutsdgeos, thanks16:07
ogra_adrian47, thats all system stuff ... the bits from /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/ are far more interesting16:07
ogra_since you have issues with session startup ... session logs are all kept there16:08
adrian47ogra_: sorry I copied bad logs16:08
adrian47ogra_: I am usign rootstock installer that insterts all in system.img if it changes anything16:09
adrian47ogra_:  .cache folder in /home/phablet doesn't exist16:12
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
ogra_adrian47, hmm, thats weird16:13
ogra_mterry, do you have any idea what coudl be wrong ? adrian47 is porting to a new device, he gets the spinner but no session seems to start16:13
ogra_lightdm looks okayish16:14
mterryadrian47, ogra_: normally in my experience that means no unity8 or not unity-system-compositor16:14
mterryFor a new device, I'm guessing Mir/unity-system-compositor is the culprit16:14
mterryThough you are still getting the spinner.  So USC isn't completely dead16:15
Scooty-loooh have one curiosity, is bq's ubuntu touch based on MTK's 3.4.67 kernel source?16:15
anpok_hm animated spinner means, usc runs but no unity8 connection to switch too?16:15
ogra_mterry, i would expect u-s-c to work if the spinner does16:16
ogra_(which it obviously does)16:16
mterryogra_, yeah I tend to agree, but some part of nested Mir code may be having fits with two sessions16:16
mterryanpok_, by and large yeah.  I wouldn't say Mir is obviously blameless, but u8 is a good guess16:17
ogra_note that i think that apparmor isnt properly working with that kernel yet16:17
ogra_but thjat shouldnt have impact on the unconfined parts16:17
mterryanpok_, but if it's getting that far (to try and fail with u8), I would expect something in ~/.cache16:17
mterryanpok_, just to confirm, USC has its own log in /var/log/lightdm/.  Make sure it looks good16:18
anpok_mterry, you mean adrian47 ^16:18
mterryanpok_, yup!  I do.  :)16:18
mterryanpok_, saw an "a" person in the conversation and my brain switched  :)16:19
ogra_"a" with number :)16:20
adrian47mterry:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10159985/  and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10160002/ :)16:20
Scooty-looon ubuntu live they are talking about how long will ubuntu-touch be supported16:22
Scooty-loosaid 5 years16:22
Scooty-loosounds like 5 years with same kernel 3.4.67 with mediatek...16:22
Scooty-loobtw 3.4.67 is just my guess, since that's what manufacture used to ship android 4.4~4.4.416:23
mterryadrian47, all those "Seat seat0 changes active session to " lines look weird at the end, but besides that, it's normal16:24
mterryadrian47, but what about the unity-system-compositor.log in that same directory?16:24
adrian47mterry, i think that it is good http://paste.ubuntu.com/10160002/16:26
mterryadrian47, yeah, shows that it never got a unity8 session request too16:27
mterryadrian47, but the lightdm.log shows that it tried to start an upstart session for the user16:27
mterryadrian47, so I'd look at why upstart isn't kicking off u8 and leaving logs about it16:27
mandelChickenCutlass, => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-system-settings/download-checksum/+merge/24921416:29
ogra_Scooty-loo, well, we might get security fixes for the kernels in case there are serious gaping security holes ... but beyond that there is no need for newer kernels if the HW doesnt change16:31
ogra_(which it likely never will on a phone :) )16:32
Scooty-looogra_: true c:16:32
Scooty-looLooks like I can't keep watching the stream, good day or good night depends on where you all are16:35
adrian47mterry, thanks, it can be caused by readonly mounted system.img?16:41
ybonDo we know how many phones will be selled tomorrow?16:42
ybon(I'm being asked)16:42
mterryadrian47, that's getting more foundations-y than I'm used to.  Isn't readonly mounted system.img normal?  It'll still have /home/phablet as rw I thought16:42
dobeymterry: well if $HOME is ro, then it will be impossible to have any logs in ~/.cache (or pretty much anything running as that user)16:52
dobeysince pretty much everything about the user session requires being able to write to $HOME16:52
mterrydobey, yeah sure.  But I thought we mounted $HOME as rw separate from how system.img is managed16:52
mterryadrian47, in "mount" output, how is /home/phablet listed?16:52
dobeymterry: yes, there are several mount points which are rw so that the system will work properly16:53
adrian47mterry, where is "mount" output?16:58
mterryadrian47, run "mount" in a terminal with no arguments16:58
adrian47I am using rootstock installer which insterts everything in system.img (2GB), it's mounted at boot with touch script17:00
adrian47i don't have usb connection at boot so i can do mount only from recovery, it will help?17:01
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dobeyadrian47: no, the recovery is a different image; you need to check in a booted/running environment17:05
adrian47i will try to modify touch script17:10
adrian47how long 1st boot should take?17:16
adrian47mterry, dobey, mounting it as rw didn't changed anything17:25
ogra_adrian47, edit the line with "start on" in /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf17:28
ogra_make it something like: start on (runlevel [2]) or android17:28
adrian47i found .cache/upstart ! :)17:28
ogra_and make sure to set a password for the phablet user (or a pin) using the passwd command ... then you shoudl be able to use adb17:29
adrian47ogra_, thanks i see now error: user has no password set, can not start adbd17:31
ogra_yeah, you somehow need to get a password set17:32
ogra_do you have working network ? you could hack ssh to start by default17:33
adrian47here are my .cache/upstart/ logs: paste.ubuntu.com/1016140417:37
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
ogra_adrian47, thats all ?17:42
ogra_no unity8 log or anythin ?17:43
adrian47ogra_, yes thats all17:44
ogra_well, it would be good if you could get some kind of shell access to the running system17:46
ogra_so you couzld try out something like running "start unity8" and see what happens etc17:47
ogra_sadly our adbd is a bit locked down for production, i need to provide a developer version of it for such cases17:47
adrian47the passwd is stored in some file? maybe i can modify it17:49
ogra_adrian47, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/adbd replace /usr/bin/adbd in your install with that one17:50
ogra_that might work (no promises)17:50
adrian47ogra_, thanks i wil try17:53
wxljust got a nexus 4 with touch on it. if i want to change channels, must i use desktop to do this, or can this be done on the device itself?17:53
ogra_wxl, system-image-cli --help18:00
ogra_see the --switch switch :)18:00
wxlogra_: so tl;dr you can do it on the device's terminal18:00
bzoltan_ogra_:  I have an insane question (like always)  How acceptable would be to install a complete sysroot to the /var/lib/schroot/chroots and make the click to use is?18:00
ogra_yeah, if your fingers are small enough to not make you go insane typing :)18:00
ogra_bzoltan_, what /var/lib/schroot/chroots ?18:01
ogra_on the phone ?18:01
wxlogra_: hahah okie dokie. one other thing. for testing images, since the iso tracker doesn't link download images, how do you ensure that everyone's testing the same image?18:01
bzoltan_ogra_:  not on the desktop18:02
ogra_wxl, the QA team coordinates in #ubuntu-ci-eng usually ...18:02
adrian47ogra_,  it's still offline on adb devices18:02
ogra_jibel, ^^^ some community testing wanted ?18:02
wxlogra_: okie dokie, thx!18:02
ogra_adrian47, bah18:02
ogra_bzoltan_, why would i care :) install what you like :)18:03
bzoltan_ogra_:  dude :)18:03
ogra_bzoltan_, i always use qemu-deboostrap for armhf chroots on my desktop18:03
ogra_and create full system chroots18:03
ogra_bzoltan_, how do you do it today ? what would be the difference18:04
bzoltan_ogra_:  that is fine .. but for the SDK it is a major pain to see the bootsrapping process and wait18:04
bzoltan_ogra_:  Today it is a pretty smple chroot creation... regular as an espresso18:04
bzoltan_ogra_:  what would be better is  to wget a binary blob what is API equivalent with the #NUM image18:05
bzoltan_ogra_:  or apt-get ubuntu-sdk-15.04-rev255-armhf18:05
nagus-zeki have installed ubuntu touch on nexus4 ... it works good ... but my  proximity sensor is broken ... is ist possible ... so the display goes black when i call or i get a call ... is it possible to disable this function?18:06
ogra_bzoltan_, wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/vivid-core-armhf.tar.gz ; untar ... ; cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static untarred_dir/usr/bin/; chroot untarred_dir ... ; apt-get install $my_build_deps18:06
ogra_bzoltan_, that saves you from debootstrap18:07
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bzoltan_ogra_:  and if I want an i386 chroot... I guess it is the same18:07
ogra_ChickenCutlass, ^^^ do we have any way to override the prox. sensor for nagus-zek ?18:07
adrian47ogra_, sdin: is not tty   -su: /usr/bin/adbd: Permission denied18:08
ogra_bzoltan_, right ... just s/armhf/i386/ in the download18:08
ogra_adrian47, oh, make it exacutable :) i guess you pushed it via adb in recovery ?18:08
ogra_that removed the exec bit from files ;)18:08
bzoltan_ogra_: okey, after that all I need is to feed it to schroot18:08
ChickenCutlassogra_ not sure, whould have to remeber if we can mock those results.18:09
adrian47ogra_, hah :)18:09
ogra_bzoltan_, yeah ... btw, i noticed the fat package discussion ... you should make sure that your reqs are covered in snap packages ... they will eventually replace click18:09
nagus-zekbzoltan: during the call the display goes black until  finish the call ...18:10
bzoltan_ogra_:  that is new, but thank you for the heads up18:10
ogra_bzoltan_, yeah, both teams kind of work in their own corners, only phonedations is working across the boundaries atm ... the phone will at some point move to a snappy base18:11
ogra_which means snap packages too18:11
bzoltan_ogra_: sounds cool18:11
ogra_yeah, then you can just snappy install apache :)18:11
adrian47ogra_, chmod 777 will be ok?18:11
ogra_on your phone ;)18:11
ogra_adrian47, yeah18:12
adrian47ogra_, it works! :)18:14
ogra_i sadly need to leave you alone with that ... my GF kills me if i dont appear at the dinner table :)18:16
ogra_but just try some bits and pieces like running start unity8 (as phablet user) (and watch the log in ~/.cache/upstart etc)18:17
ogra_probably you find something obvious by poking around18:18
adrian47ogra_, it's ok, bon appetit :)18:18
ogra_heh, thanks :)18:18
adrian47many thanks for help18:18
ogra_welcome :)18:18
adrian47start unity8 :: start: Unknown job: unity818:20
zer01Hi, did somebody know supported languages for ubuntu phone?18:27
dobeyzer01: c++/qml+js/go are really the "supported" ones18:30
zer01sorry, I mean interface, like UK, Czech, Italian18:30
dobeyzer01: there are 112 languages installed by default in /usr/share/locale on the image for the nexus 4, i think the same are available on the bq phone as well18:33
zer01Exelent, I thought this as well.18:34
dobeydoes anyone know how i can run qmlscene directly and have it work, under Mir? is there some way i can run aa-exec to get it working?18:36
dobeytedg: ^^ any ideas how i could do that?18:40
svijanyone knows who long the bq phone is supported with updates? Is there any fixed time?18:43
dobeysvij: i suspect for as long as bq chooses to continue supporting the device.18:47
dobeysvij: or as long as someone continues to build images for it, after that point, at least.18:47
svijdobey: isn't canonical doing that?18:48
dobeysvij: canonical/ubuntu just provides images. when bq stops supporting the hardware it probably won't make much sense to necessarily continue building images for it, though it's possible it may happen for some time after that. but just like previous devices that we've stopped building images for (galaxy nexus, nexus 7 2012), there will be a point where it probably doesn't make any sense to continue providing updates for the aq18:50
john-mcaleelydobey, there are 100 languages on an image 12 aren't used in the UI for various reasons18:50
dobeyjohn-mcaleely: sure. and some of them are the same language in different regions18:51
svijdobey: i see, thanks :). I just hope bq isn't dropping the support fastly18:51
dobeysvij: bq is manufacturer first level of support. if you want answers about support life of the device, bq is who will have to answer that :)18:52
svijdobey: right, thx :)18:52
SidPaytonQUESTION: Will the new scopes (Today, NearBy, etc) be available to the Nexus 4 users? If so when?18:54
SidPaytonQUESTION: What happend to the VLC app and 8tracks scope which where announced a year back? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/vlc-lastpass-coming-ubuntu-touch18:55
bzoltan_ogra_: I love you man! Next time I see you I will give you a big hug :) I just made a click chroot out of a static rootfs.18:57
dobeySidPayton: you'll have to ask the developers of vlc and 8tracks where they are. those announcements are from them, not ubuntu/canonical, afaict18:58
dobeyi don't know about if/when those scopes will be on other images19:00
SidPaytonthanks dobey. do you know who might know?19:00
dobeyi'm not sure. olli, pmcgowan: ^^ do you know anything about getting the new aggregator scopes on other device images?19:01
pmcgowandobey, I am checking, first answer I got was they are not available, which I didnt like :)19:02
dobeyright, they aren't currently19:02
pmcgowanor not planned to be available19:03
SidPaytonyeah, but they should be. I want to show off my Nexus 4 with Ubuntu on it to friends and the scope experiance with the new aggregator scopes makes most of it19:04
dobeyyeah i don't know if there are some business/contract thing about that. above my pay grade :P19:04
pmcgowanI agree, will try to find out19:07
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zbenjaminogra_: do you know if there is some documentation for the snappy package format?19:35
mterrypete-woods, robert_ancell and I are seeing "No data sources available" in the infographics screen on our nexus 4 devices19:40
mterrypete-woods, where does libusermetrics log things, if we wanted to see what the fault is?19:40
mterrypete-woods, slash, have you seen this before?19:40
pete-woodsmterry: I've heard about the data going missing before19:42
pete-woodsit was always due to some sort of partitioning error19:42
pete-woodsi.e. the /var/lib/usermetrics mount had got messed up by an image upgrade19:42
pete-woodsI can't remember where the log file goes19:42
mterrypete-woods, huh... let me see what mount says19:42
zapa_good day!19:43
pete-woodsit's a system dbus service, started by dbus19:43
zapa_anyone know if there are any examples for native C++ support on Ubuntu Touch?19:43
adrian47mterry, i have now upstart logs when tried to "start unity8" from adb paste.ubuntu.com/10162969/19:43
zapa_looking to port MOAI and some of my games made with it19:43
mterrypete-woods, /dev/mmcblk0p23 on /var/lib/usermetrics type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,nodelalloc,data=journal)19:44
pete-woodsso the log goes, er, wherever you'd expect that log? (is it dmesg?19:44
pete-woodsmterry: I think it was the folder ownership19:44
pete-woodsit should be owned and writable by the usermetrics user/group19:44
pete-woodsthere was an image upgrade that hosed the ownership of the /var/lib mounts at some point19:45
mterryadrian47, what log file is that?19:45
robert_ancell$ ls /var/lib/usermetrics/ -ld19:45
robert_ancelldrwxr-x--- 2 messagebus systemd-journal 4096 Jul 10  2014 /var/lib/usermetrics/19:45
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pete-woodsthat looks like the issue19:45
pete-woodsa bit of chowning should fix it up19:45
mterrypete-woods, drwxr-x--- 2 messagebus systemd-journal 4096 Aug 21 12:38 /var/lib/usermetrics/19:45
adrian47mterry, all 3 logs have the same text, they are from .cache/upstart19:45
mterryadrian47, what are the filenames?19:46
robert_ancellpete-woods, do you know the correct ownership/flags?19:46
pete-woodsusermetrics:usermetrics is the owner19:46
mterrypete-woods, robert_ancell: testing after a "sudo chown usermetrics:usermetrics /var/lib/usermetrics/"19:46
pete-woods660 will probably do for hte owner19:46
pete-woodssorry, permissions19:47
adrian47mterry, upstart-dbus-session-bridge.log ; upstart-dbus-system-bridge.log ; upstart-file-bridge.log19:47
mterryadrian47, huh19:47
pete-woodsthe folder and the database file both need fixing19:47
pete-woodsanyway, I'm only signed on still by accident, (8pm here)19:48
mterryadrian47, looks like dbus is having problems, but those error messages aren't super helpful19:49
mterrypete-woods, oh ok, thanks for the help!19:49
pete-woodsso let me know if the chowning fixes it :)19:49
robert_ancellrebooting now19:49
pete-woodsI'm pretty confident it will, it worked for other people19:49
adrian47mterry, i see that spinning logo is not spinning smothly until adb shell started :)19:49
robert_ancellpete-woods, mterry, worked great, thanks!19:49
robert_ancellunfortunately I guess the metrics are empty since they couldn't be written to19:50
pete-woodsbut take a quick picture and you should see an update19:50
robert_ancellIn a month it will look good :)19:50
robert_ancell"1 photos taken today". Nice grammar :)19:51
pete-woodsnot my string19:51
mterrypete-woods, it's not?19:51
pete-woodsit's provided by the apps19:51
mterrypete-woods, it's not u8's, right?  Is that the camera's fault?19:51
pete-woodsat the risk of having the coversation again19:51
pete-woodsthe numbers are all floats19:52
zbenjaminOerHeks: thx19:52
pete-woodsand gettext doesn't support floats19:52
pete-woodsthe idea was for e.g. "walked 1.2 miles today"19:52
pete-woodsand floats + plural forms just isn't support by anything19:52
pete-woodsbut we were supposed to switch to the slightly less personal19:52
pete-woodsPictures taken today: 119:52
pete-woodsto avoid the pluralisation issue19:53
pete-woodsbut yes, those strings are in, e.g. camera-app, telephony-service, music-app, etc19:53
pete-woodsanyway, EOD for me19:54
pete-woodsglad the fix worked for you guys :)19:54
robert_ancellWhen I show the phone to random people I'll stop getting what's "No data sources mean" questions now19:54
TopGearHello guys. I am wondering whether one can use the BQ phone as a mobile hotspot. Do you know?19:55
zapa_didn't see any hotspot options in ubuntu touch on my nexus 419:58
zapa_lemme check to be sure19:59
zapa_nope, can't find anything TopGear20:00
rickspencer3TopGear, that feature is on the list, but it has been implemented yet20:00
pmcgowanTopGear, zapa_ its in the works, but pretty sure you can set it up manually20:00
SturmFlutpmcgowan, TopGear: At least on the Nexus 4, hostapd worked20:01
zapa_do i need to do anything on the nexus 4 to get it to show up in Ubuntu SDK device list?20:02
SturmFlutzapa_: Enable developer mode20:02
zapa_thank you SturmFlut20:04
tedgdobey, You can use ubuntu-app-test20:04
tedgdobey, Do you know how to get that?20:04
tedgSorry, I missed your ping.20:04
TopGearThank you guys! rickspencer3, you say it hasn't been implemented yet - do you expect it to arrive via the updates?20:06
rickspencer3TopGear, when the feature is complete and fully tested it will indeed be pushed out in an update20:07
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rickspencer3since it's all "just linux" under the covers, as pmcgowan ways, there may be a way to enable it now, but it wouldn't be the full feature20:07
TopGearrickspencer3, Good, that's good news. Is there a list somewhere with pending features?20:07
rickspencer3TopGear, hmmmm20:08
rickspencer3TopGear, I know that we discuss them in great detail at each UOS, but not sure how they are captured20:08
dobeytedg: is it packaged in the archive?20:08
pmcgowanwe could do better to publish a planned list even if without dates20:08
tedgdobey, No, https://launchpad.net/~ted/+junk/ubuntu-app-test20:09
tedgdobey, Probably should though20:09
rickspencer3pmcgowan, definitely *without* dates :)20:09
TopGearrickspencer3, All right then, no problems. I will see if I pre-order it tomorrow.20:09
rickspencer3pmcgowan, TopGear I was hoping that we could put out some kind of feature list and let early adopters vote them up and down to help us prioritize, but ...20:09
rickspencer3I know WIFI Hotspot is already high on the list20:09
pmcgowanit is20:10
dobeytedg: though i'm not sure if having it in the archive will help for the case where the tests get run on real phones20:10
TopGearThat'd be nice indeed. A bit like askubuntu where the best solutions are upvoted.20:10
rickspencer3TopGear, yeah, it was just a pipe dream I had20:10
tedgdobey, Well, it'd be easier to install along with the autopilot stuff.20:10
dobeytedg: indeed20:11
TopGear(I'm off fixing some posts on a forum.)20:11
tedgIs brainstorm still running somewhere?20:11
dobeytedg: does that fail when Mir isn't in use (ie, when running under x)?20:11
dobeylol brainstorm20:11
tedgdobey, Yes, it requires Mir.20:11
tedgBasically it sets up a trusted session on a an app that it starts, and then starts your qmlscene over top of it.20:12
dobeytedg: i think we need something that works equally under both mire and X (at least until we get a virtual framebuffer driver for Mir)20:12
kenvandineyum, trusted session20:12
tedgkenvandine, They're good for you! Eat two daily!20:12
kenvandinei'm eating one now :)20:12
* tedg hands kenvandine some floss20:13
kenvandinetedg, speaking of which... is there anyway to test it on the desktop?20:13
SturmFlutIf you are going to buy a Bq Aquaris E4.5 tomorrow, and add a second item to your shopping cart, you get a 15% discount. That means that if you buy a phone and the cheapest pastic cover, the total prices for both items drops to about 152 €20:13
tedgkenvandine, As long as you're running Mir on the desktop… ;-)20:14
kenvandineSturmFlut, cool!20:14
zapa_SturmFlut: thanks for the info!20:14
kenvandinetedg, you're lucky you're not close by20:14
kenvandinei have a sharp instrument with your name on it20:14
* tedg can feel the love20:14
kenvandinei'm trying to untangle my busted armhf chroot20:15
kenvandineso i can build this for the device20:15
tedgYeah, was looking at that boards project from Linaro.20:15
tedgCurious if I can't get a little builder for my desk.20:15
kenvandinei think my drive is actually failing throwing errors20:15
kenvandinewhich is causing my chroot to choke20:16
tedgThis: https://www.96boards.org/20:16
kenvandineunfortunately i don't have the free space on my ssd to create a chroot :/20:16
dobeytedg: is there a sane way to detect if mir is required?20:16
tedgdobey, Running or required?20:16
tedgIf you have a MIR_SOCKET environment variable you probably have Mir running.20:17
dobeytedg: running i guess20:17
SturmFluttedg: Yeah, I was interested in the HiKey board too at first, but then I realized that they want 129$ for a board that comes with only 1 GB of RAM, 4 GB of Flash, only Cortex-A53 cores, without SATA and without Ethernet.20:20
matv1evenin everyone20:20
matv1i have been dealing with a lot of unresponsive shells lately. at this moment again. A lot means roughly once a week, maybe 2 weeks. This I guess would be unity8 but i am not sure if this ought to be filed under an existing bug or not.20:20
tedgSturmFlut, Yeah, was thinking I'd use the USB ports… not ideal, but 8 64-bit ARM cores might be worth it.20:21
matv1well not entirely unresponive: just the right and left swipes. So i am always locked into the app that has focus. (i can apply screen lock and unlock again but that doesnt change the frozen shell ).20:21
matv1can anyone relate that to a known active bug?20:22
SturmFluttedg: And most stuff on that board is "non-standard" too. 12V power supply instead of the usual 5 V USB plug, 1.8V serial ports (seriously?), 2 millimeter pin spacing instead of 2.54 etc.20:22
varikonniemican the bq phone output video via microusb?20:23
SturmFluttedg: I doubt you would have much fun with eight cores and only 1 GB of RAM20:23
tedgEh, yeah. Perhaps the 96 boards project will result in more boards.20:24
varikonniemiiow can ubuntu touch do it, since the android version can20:24
tedgTechnically the schematics are there…20:24
kenvandinei love having an SSD for my root and / file systems, but 120G just isn't very much20:24
kenvandineso having to add space with an old school drive sucks20:25
tedgvarikonniemi, No, not yet.20:25
dobeyvarikonniemi: ubuntu doesn't have otg video support yet, no20:25
SturmFlutvarikonniemi: The Bq Aquaris E4.5 has no MHL output, so no.20:25
kenvandinei guess time to replace that old spinning drive20:25
kenvandinethen create new chroots20:25
varikonnieminot yet or not ever? geekaphone says aquaris4.5 has video out via muusb20:26
kenvandinei should buy a hybrid drive, but i need to get back up and running20:26
varikonniemiso if usb gives video out and bluetooth gives kb&mouse, i see no reason why this phone should not be able to run the desktop20:27
dobeyit is running whatever you are calling "the desktop"20:27
dobeyit's just a very small screen in portrait orientation20:28
dobeywell, not 'very' small i guess. it's still pretty big20:28
varikonniemino, the desktop ui is not yet released20:28
dobeyunity8 is unity820:28
SturmFlutvarikonniemi: where does geekaphone state that, I can't find it. Every source I know, including the Bq website, states that it doesn't support MHL.20:29
varikonniemifor isntance there20:29
varikonniemiVideo out 20:30
varikonniemiMicro USB20:30
dobeythat is not the e4.520:30
matv1anyone at all :) ?20:31
dobeymatv1: i don't know :)20:31
varikonniemii did not know e4.5 is different from 4.5, every source has only talked about 4.520:32
matv1dobey doesnt sound familiar either? (on mako rtm proposed)20:33
kenvandineeverything i've seen has said e4.520:33
kenvandinevarikonniemi, http://www.bq.com/es/ubuntu.html20:33
dobeymatv1: i haven't had that on my nexus5 no20:33
kenvandinenot sure why they have a 4.5 and an e4.520:33
dobeykenvandine: well, it also has different camera resolution and storage amounts20:34
kenvandinejust overloaded name20:34
kenvandinecan be confusing20:34
matv1ok. kgunn would be the one to know i guess20:34
dobeyor whoever put the info on geekaphone doesn't know what they're talking about20:35
* matv1 just wonders if he should file a bug or not20:36
SturmFlutHas anybody already found out how to flash Ubuntu Touch on an Android E4.5? Bq confirmed that they will provide the necessary images, but didn't say when20:44
matv1Sturmflut if they will then these 'limited flash sales' are kinda meaningless. anyone could buy an android version and of the e4.5 and flash it :)20:51
SturmFlutmatv1: I think they are just doing the flash sales because they can't deliver enough pre-flashed phones at the beginning. And marketing.20:55
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matv1sturmflut yes that could be it21:00
dobeysturmflut: you won't be able to flash an android e4.5 until they provide the tools to do so21:17
sturmflutdobey: They already provide the tools, right under "Drivers and Tools" on the product page21:21
sturmflutdobey: It's a standard tool for MTK processors, written in Qt, for Windows, but according to the start screen there is a version for Ubuntu x86 too21:22
dobeymaybe my spanish is really that bad, but i don't see anything about how to repartition the android phone and flash it with ubuntu on that page21:24
sturmflutdobey: Just a moment, I am taking a screenshot21:25
sturmflutdobey: I had to download the whole stuff and run it in Wine to find out how everything comes together21:26
dobeythe duo case is kind of weird though :)21:27
sturmflutdobey: You download both the "Firmware hard reset" and "Drivers&Tools" archives. The first one contains one dump file per partition and a layout file called "MT6582_Android_scatter.txt" . The second archive contains the MTK flash tool. You load the MT6582_Android_scatter.txt file into the tool, and now the tool knows how many partitions to create, the size and location of each partition and which dump corresponds to which21:30
sturmflutdobey: Then the tool flashes everything directly into the eMMC.21:30
dobeysturmflut: ok. but i don't see where those are on the page21:31
sturmflutdobey: at the bottom21:31
dobeyoh on the android phone page21:32
sturmflutdobey: Oh, yeah, I didn't think that you might look at the Ubuntu page21:32
dobeysturmflut: the phone has to be repartitioned21:32
dobeysturmflut: until bq provides the image that lays out those partitions correctly, you can't flash ubuntu onto an android version of the phone21:33
sturmflutdobey: I could someone who already owns the Ubuntu version into telling me his partition layout ;)21:34
dobeysturmflut: i don't think it works that way :)21:34
dobeyback to trying to figure out wtf is wrong with autopilot21:35
kenvandinedamn... failing hard drive isn't my only problem... can't build content-hub in a chroot, cmake causes it to hang21:40
kenvandinei thought this had been fixed21:40
* sturmflut goes back to removing ownCloud from all servers21:40
masakooHello everyone21:43
masakooHow are you today?21:44
sturmflutterve, masakoo o/21:46
masakooEn oo hyvä koodari mutta kääntäminen onnistuis ehkä ajan kanssa jos tartette apua. My question is about ubuntu on samsung android phone. Do you have experiences. Is it good and working?21:48
Prezidentwhich model do you have?21:49
masakooGalaxy trend plus21:49
PrezidentNever tried that one.21:49
masakooDo you like ubuntu phone?21:49
sturmflutmasakoo: According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices there is no port yet for that model.21:51
masakooOk. Thanks22:03
matv1sturmflut not trying to be nosy but any particular reason why you all ditching all your ownCloud servers? Are there any security issues I should be aware of? :)22:31
k1l_someone told me today that the hoster stopped his server because owncloud went mad on an eclipsebackup. (too much tiny files?!?!)22:33
Penseethe BQ ubuntu edition is a different hardware than Android edition, the difference is no front buttons, so not so good for a swich between OS !22:49
nhainesPensee: stock Android doesn't use hardware buttons either.22:50
aSheepieHi, stupid Q regarding the SDK - I've used bzr to grab the source for the core twitter app and I want to open it with the SDK, but I can't because there isn't a project file.  Do I need to create a new (webapp?) project and import the source, or is there something I'm missing? thx22:50
PenseeStill can't make my mind about BQ phone, does anyone have a link to the store to see what software is available22:57
kgunnmatv1: sorry for laggy reply..."unresponsive" shell...but with edges working, sounds actually like this one23:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1410191 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/unity8-dash:11:data:qGetPtrHelper:d_func:get:QQmlBoundSignalExpression::function" [High,In progress]23:06
kgunnwhich basically is the unity8-dash crashing23:07
matv1kgunn hi np! I shouldnt even bee allowed to ask after 10 at night :)23:11
* matv1 reading up on that bug23:11
kgunnmatv1: i actually logged one last night that ended up being a dup of it....basically, if i went to the store, selected an app preview, hit "install" it would crash23:12
matv1kgunn I can say that selecting an app to install triggers it. I Have nbot experienced that23:17
matv1kgunn also I am not quite sure what you mean by step 2 in the bug.23:18
matv1Do you mean that a call to a registered online account is made?23:18
ogra_Pensee, https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/apps (not the official store but it pulls info from there)23:18
matv1kgunn that bug description is kinda sparse and I am not allowed to see the detailed error page.  (assuming I would understand it at all)23:23
kgunnmatv1: yes, hitting install before any account is setup brings up settings app for the user to enter credentials23:24
kgunnyeah...gah, they automatically have those error pages private, in case somone logs sensitive info23:25
kgunnmatv1: if you think you're seeing something different, take a video, that would be awesome...23:25
kgunnthen also you can check your crash files (just check timestamp to make sure it's relevant in time to what you experience23:26
kgunnthen you can apport-cli <crash file>...and upload it...it will process it and give you a link to follow onto launchpad to complete the process23:26
matv1kgunn okay I will try and do that. Thanks!23:31
kgunnmatv1: hey thanks for the help in finding bugs23:32
kgunnlet me know if you need a pointer on anything23:32
zapa_SDL is not supported on Ubuntu Touch right?23:32
matv1kgunn ok Ithink ill be alright in extracting crashfiles a doing the apport. I am just not altogether sure we are on the same page over the nature over this bug.23:33
kgunnmatv1: understood23:34
matv1but i will let you guys decide :)23:34
kgunnsure :)23:34
kgunnzapa_: hmmm, maybe ? i mean bschaefer is working on it...but not sure if it needs "other stuff" that might not be default installed in the touch image23:34
koding123so what is the point of using Ubuntu Make instead of a package specific PPA?23:35
RobbyFHey guys, where would i look for the latest galaxy nexus image? (i know it's no longer supported)23:36

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