
wxlc_smith: you didn't take photos at the jam did you?18:57
sgclarkwoops, we prolly should have. I had fun btw :)19:34
wxlyeah well there's a lot of stuff i should have done19:34
wxloh well19:34
wxli'm glad you had fun, especially given i was talking about stuff you already knew :)19:35
sgclarkwe need to do more, practice makes perfect! and hey I did learn some new stuff :)19:43
wxloh that's cool!19:46
wxlwhat did you learn?19:46
wxlif brian learned something, then i'd *REALLY* be excited, but yeah, no.19:46
sgclarkI have not dealt with SRU's yet19:46
wxloh cool!19:46
wxlyeah you can thank brian on that one19:46
wxli didn't know either19:46
wxlso much new stuff to deal with over here19:46
wxlbetween srus and my new nexus 4 XD19:47
wxli have canonical to thank for that one19:48
wxltesting is a totally different process tho19:48
wxli hope to do some development eventually too19:48
sgclarkhow does one get involved in that?19:48
wxllearning qt will be good for my two favorite flavors :)19:48
wxlis your question "how do i test touch" or is your question "how do i get a device from canonical?"19:49
sgclarkboth lol19:49
wxl1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing19:50
wxlunlike normal images, testing is mostly exploratory19:50
wxlwith bugs potentially leading to autopilot test development19:50
wxlwhich i'm really excited about19:51
wxl2. https://forms.canonical.com/cda/19:51
wxli also used that for the food for our jam19:51
wxland for lubuntu-qa images which are coming soon19:51
sgclarkahh cool, same process I use for akademy19:52
wxlthe little bit on the bottom of the front is going on the sleeve19:53
wxlplus they're going to use ubuntu font19:53
wxlthe quote is from a local rapper and one i found particular fitting and cute19:53
sgclarkomg I want one lol19:53
wxlcome do some work for us and you'll earn one XD19:54
wxli'm doing it to honor and encourage work among the team19:54
wxlwhoa i oversteeped my mandarin pu-erh phew!19:54
sgclarkwhat areas do you need help in?19:55
wxlwell testing is always important but i need more help in bug triage19:56
wxli need another bug control member, really19:56
wxli've created two triagers but i haven't yet been able to convince them to go all the way19:56
wxlalthough, sgclark, we could always use development help, too, but that might be more than you want to sign up for XD19:58
sgclarkmm, I think I may be suitable to help there :) just need to sort out time lol. tho I do have time in our evenings as most of kubuntu is asleep lol19:58
sgclarkirc channel is ?19:59
wxl#lubuntu-offtopic is where everything non-support happens19:59
wxlalso a lot of lubuntu folks hang out and talk at #phillw20:00
wxlphillw was a community member that did a lot of work for lubuntu20:00
wxlthat's also "offtopic" for #linuxpadawan, if you had seen that mentioned on planet20:00
sgclarkok, I will start by putting lubuntu on a computer20:01
wxljust not 14.04.2!!!20:01
sgclarkwow snappy, brought this old pc back to life.20:43
* sgclark goes off to resurrect more old pcs20:43
wxlsgclark: yeah lubuntu is great for that21:03
wxlslangasek: i see you are contact for the oregon debian group. want to come talk at our lug in eugene about packaging in ubuntu/debian?21:41

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