
ChinnoDogI don't think there is a way. I'm going to have to dd an lv. Sigh.00:19
ChinnoDogI'm still looking for a way. It is so dumb this command doesn't exist. I found that there is a command that does this when using lvm on AIX but the linux equivalent is MIA.00:58
ChinnoDogI have an SSD and a hard disk in the same VG. I need to move the LV on the SSD to the hard disk. After I move it to my new laptop I will need to move the LV onto a new SSD.00:59
ChinnoDogI realize I can use pvmove to evacuate the current SSD, but there will be no way for me to move the LV to the new SSD without creating a brand new LV on the new SSD and using dd to copy it.01:00
ChinnoDogI want the SSD and HDD in the same VG so I can use LVM caching when it becomes available.01:01
jthan /rantover01:42
JonathanDWhats up waltman12:56
JonathanDJason is installing wordpress.13:09
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, hamsters and everything else13:30
lazyPowerhttps://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes - if someone has 5 minutes, a brief once over and a "yes i feel confident i have enough information to dive in with this readme" would be great.  we're having a bit of an internal debate on how much wall of text we need to add here  or if its a no - pointers to what you feel are hazy is invaluable to me15:38
ChinnoDogEverything is so tiny on my 4K screen18:52
* ChinnoDog squints18:52
pleia2tough life :P18:52
pleia2bleh, do not like +O but only freelancer317 can remove it18:54
ChinnoDogUnity doesn't have a scaling option. The window scaling options just make icons and title bars big. :-(18:55
pleia2change the resolution?18:56
ChinnoDogThen things will be fuzzy. I want the 4k, I just don't want to go blind trying to use it.18:56
pleia2ah, I thought the point of 4k was so it didn't have such problems18:58
ChinnoDogI guess it would be less fuzzy than other LCDs running at non-native resolutions because the pixels are so small but I want the screen real estate.18:59
waltmanpoints are points, no?18:59
waltmanoh wait, no.19:00
waltmanshouldn't a 12 point font be the same height everywhere?19:00
waltmanChinnoDog: We got a flat 4k display for my lab's conference room. It's attached to a computer running win7. You need to go into accessibility settings and change fonts/mouse pointer/etc in order to see them.19:02
ChinnoDogHmm. Well, that changes more than the display settings.19:05
ChinnoDogThings like web browsers are still microscopic though.19:05
ChinnoDogThe only option to make it bigger is "large text" which is either on or off.19:06
ChinnoDogMaybe I should just mount a fresnel lens on my screen.19:07

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