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belkinsa | #startmeeting Feb 2015 meeting | 17:59 |
meetingology | Meeting started Tue Feb 10 17:59:15 2015 UTC. The chair is belkinsa. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 17:59 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 17:59 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Tuesday January 13h at 18:00 UTC | Feb 2015 meeting | Current topic: | ||
belkinsa | Who is all for the meeting? | 17:59 |
amani_glugcal | me | 17:59 |
belkinsa | Agenda: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/Agenda?action=show | 17:59 |
Mikaela | o/ | 17:59 |
belkinsa | Okay! Let's get started. | 18:00 |
belkinsa | #topic Blueprint for Vivid cycle: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-1411-ubuntuwomen | 18:00 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Tuesday January 13h at 18:00 UTC | Feb 2015 meeting | Current topic: Blueprint for Vivid cycle: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-1411-ubuntuwomen | ||
belkinsa | Does anyone have updates? | 18:00 |
belkinsa | Okay, if none of you guys do, I will share mine. | 18:02 |
belkinsa | I reviewed the Harvest bugs ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/harvest) and found all but six being still good to work on. | 18:02 |
amani_glugcal | I have a few things to do ... will be delayed | 18:02 |
amani_glugcal | great | 18:02 |
belkinsa | Alright | 18:02 |
amani_glugcal | how difficult are those? | 18:03 |
belkinsa | They seem to not hard ones for ones who know to code in python. | 18:04 |
amani_glugcal | ok for newbies? | 18:04 |
belkinsa | I think so. | 18:04 |
belkinsa | I also e-mailed the developers to see if there are some who are still active and just found one who is still willing to help. I heard nothing from Daniel though. | 18:05 |
amani_glugcal | many women are interested in gsoc etc ... and want to get their feet wet | 18:05 |
amani_glugcal | I will mention this in systers | 18:05 |
belkinsa | Thank you. | 18:06 |
belkinsa | #action amani_glugcal mention Harvest coding in systers | 18:06 |
meetingology | ACTION: amani_glugcal mention Harvest coding in systers | 18:06 |
belkinsa | And I will work on restarting the harvest-dev team | 18:06 |
belkinsa | #action belkinsa Work on Restarting the harvest-dev team | 18:07 |
meetingology | ACTION: belkinsa Work on Restarting the harvest-dev team | 18:07 |
belkinsa | Anything else on Harvest? | 18:08 |
belkinsa | Okay, moving on. | 18:09 |
belkinsa | Does anyone have updates on the Questionnaire? | 18:09 |
amani_glugcal | we decided on coordinating with the other team | 18:10 |
belkinsa | Which team? | 18:10 |
amani_glugcal | developer | 18:10 |
dolasilla | (sorry for delay) | 18:11 |
belkinsa | Ubuntu? Or which develiper team? | 18:11 |
belkinsa | developer* | 18:11 |
belkinsa | dolasilla, (it's cool) | 18:11 |
amani_glugcal | there was a mailing list discussion | 18:12 |
belkinsa | Oh, I don't recall. Anyways, I'm cool with that since outside help is good for our group. | 18:13 |
amani_glugcal | and somebody had done some work independently | 18:13 |
belkinsa | I guess it's ready to be hosted to be tested? | 18:13 |
amani_glugcal | but the work done was not good enough | 18:13 |
amani_glugcal | so we use the code | 18:13 |
belkinsa | Okay | 18:14 |
amani_glugcal | that is for our questionnaire team to complete | 18:15 |
belkinsa | How hard is the code to work with? | 18:15 |
amani_glugcal | I haven't seen...dolasilla? | 18:16 |
dolasilla | amani_glugcal: what is the question, how complex is the code of the questionnaire? | 18:17 |
belkinsa | dolasilla, yup. | 18:17 |
dolasilla | it's some js inside an html page, it shouldn't be that hard to adapt. We have to have clear the flows of questions, but done that it should be quite easy | 18:17 |
belkinsa | Alright | 18:18 |
dolasilla | there was diego already working on it, no? | 18:18 |
dolasilla | maybe he's done something already, I have no news, though | 18:19 |
belkinsa | I heard nothing from him for awhile now. | 18:19 |
belkinsa | But I can ask him. | 18:20 |
dolasilla | I would suggest to check with him first before doing twice the same | 18:20 |
dolasilla | ok, thanks :) | 18:20 |
belkinsa | #action belkinsa Check with Diego on coding of Questionnaire | 18:20 |
meetingology | ACTION: belkinsa Check with Diego on coding of Questionnaire | 18:20 |
belkinsa | Are we set on the updates for Questionnaire? | 18:21 |
belkinsa | Alright. | 18:23 |
belkinsa | #topic Any Other Business | 18:23 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Tuesday January 13h at 18:00 UTC | Feb 2015 meeting | Current topic: Any Other Business | ||
amani_glugcal | how to work with new talent/women contributors | 18:24 |
belkinsa | Would informal mentoring, like Linux Padawan, work or are you thinking about something else? | 18:27 |
amani_glugcal | should we have mentors within UW | 18:27 |
amani_glugcal | and how many people will be willing to help? | 18:28 |
belkinsa | Yes, and we had that, but it failed. Because it was formal not informal, I think. | 18:28 |
Mikaela | I think I would feel more safe with mentors within UW as I know too many of Linux Padawan people elsewhere and not with very good way | 18:29 |
amani_glugcal | Ubuntu Women Guides | 18:30 |
belkinsa | Good name. | 18:30 |
belkinsa | But we need guidelines on how to do this. | 18:32 |
amani_glugcal | ok we will discuss and finalize on mailing list | 18:33 |
belkinsa | Alright, do you want to start it? | 18:34 |
amani_glugcal | yes | 18:34 |
belkinsa | #action amani_glugcal Start discussion about Ubuntu Women Guides on ML | 18:34 |
meetingology | ACTION: amani_glugcal Start discussion about Ubuntu Women Guides on ML | 18:34 |
belkinsa | Okay, anything else? | 18:36 |
belkinsa | Okay. | 18:37 |
belkinsa | Thank you all for coming to the meeting | 18:37 |
belkinsa | #endmeeting | 18:38 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Tuesday January 13h at 18:00 UTC | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Tue Feb 10 18:38:00 2015 UTC. | 18:38 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2015/ubuntu-women-project.2015-02-10-17.59.moin.txt | 18:38 |
belkinsa | I will do the post meeting work to update for the next meeting after class. | 18:38 |
amani_glugcal | Thanks | 18:38 |
belkinsa | See ya all | 18:38 |
amani_glugcal | Bye all | 18:39 |
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