svetlana | I would use the free version of nvidia driver, and ask at its channel if it has issues, ki7rw . (nouveau) | 00:00 |
svetlana | otherwise you have to ask nvidia folks for help probably. | 00:00 |
gbls | Australia has a shitty network | 00:00 |
svetlana | it's closed source and impossible to debug. | 00:00 |
ki7rw | svetlana, the nouveau driver is doing it also | 00:01 |
svetlana | ki7rw: ok then I would ask #nouveau | 00:02 |
svetlana | while also idle here | 00:02 |
MACscr | gbls: i know NZ isnt more than 250ms to most of the world | 00:02 |
MACscr | you must be on some sort of wireless or sat | 00:02 |
gbls | Macscr - alright maybe it is less but it is crap and I'll be going through a hotel network so I am expecting epic lag | 00:04 |
MACscr | its not going to work | 00:04 |
MACscr | you are going to get FS corruption like mad | 00:04 |
MACscr | why the heck do you want do do it? | 00:05 |
gbls | damn - was looking for easy way to deploy to website | 00:05 |
MACscr | uh, sftp | 00:06 |
k1l_ | gbls, us ssh. like scp or sftp | 00:06 |
k1l_ | *use | 00:06 |
gbls | ok thanks MAc and k1 | 00:06 |
bud | hey there, can anyone help me fix my sound? | 00:26 |
FergusL | anybody fighting this as well ? updatedb.mlocate causing full IO load | 00:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1190696 in mlocate (Ubuntu) "updatedb.mlocate uses 100% of the hdd IO. The OS is completely unusable." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:28 |
OerHeks | FergusL, seems like a common linux issue, make a cronjob for it? | 00:32 |
FergusL | it *is* a cronjob! | 00:33 |
FergusL | just trying to look for "nice" solutions, not just disabling it ! | 00:33 |
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc | ||
jmauro | BOa noite | 00:35 |
jmauro | alguem pode me dar uma ajuda? | 00:35 |
OerHeks | !pt | 00:36 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 00:36 |
=== qwerty is now known as Guest63113 | ||
jmauro | instalei um programa no ubuntu 14.04 até já achei onde estão as linhas de comando parar executar este programa mas naõ sei como criar um lançador para executá-lo. | 00:37 |
daftykins | !english | jmauro | 00:37 |
ubottu | jmauro: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 00:37 |
jmauro | ok | 00:38 |
jmauro | I had installed a new program in ubuntu 14.04. I found the comand lines to execute it, but I dont know how to create a launcher to execute it | 00:39 |
krtek | Hello! I wonder if anyone from the Ubuntu team is online? | 00:49 |
Bashing-om | krtek: Which team ? | 00:50 |
krtek | I do not know. That depends whether the thing I deal with is a bug or if I am missing anything... | 00:51 |
krtek | I purchased an application called Filebot through Ubuntu Software Centre, but it does not install. USC is stuck on installing... | 00:52 |
=== blubberbop is now known as phoenixz | ||
daftykins | krtek: tried via command line? | 00:53 |
krtek | Synaptic does not even start and the command line does not work either | 00:53 |
daftykins | we tend to like output logs here, as fun as "it dun work" is to diagnose :) | 00:53 |
daftykins | !paste | 00:53 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:53 |
krtek | command line states [working 0%] and gets stuck there | 00:53 |
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii | ||
Bashing-om | krtek: A 1st poke: sysop@1404mini:~$ apt-cache show Filebot >> N: Unable to locate package Filebot >> E: No packages found . | 00:55 |
krtek | It is not in repositories, it is paid and costs some $9. I found out that it gives the URL from where it tries to download the package | 00:57 |
=== Razor-Home is now known as razorsharph | ||
daftykins | krtek: my browser offers a user+pass dialogue for that, can't you enter that and download it that way? | 00:58 |
krtek | However when trying to access the website from browser it wants credentials. I put there the ones I used when logging into Ubuntu One when purchasing application, but it does not work | 00:58 |
daftykins | ah well | 00:58 |
trism | krtek: I've had issues where an app in usc gets stuck but succeeds in adding the creds to a file in /etc/apt/ and then you could just try: sudo apt-get install filebot; | 00:59 |
kostkon | krtek, you could clear your cache first, sudo apt-get clean | 00:59 |
krtek | trism: could you please write me how to add credentials into /etc/apt ? | 01:00 |
trism | krtek: no USC adds the creds when you buy the app (and adds the ppa), but sometimes it fails to install. if that happened, you could just try the command: sudo apt-get install filebot; and see if it works | 01:00 |
krtek | I already cleared the cache. command line states [working 0%] and is stuck there, probably has the same problem with authentisation | 01:02 |
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose | ||
kostkon | krtek, update your sources sudo apt-get update then try again | 01:03 |
krtek | btw. I don't believe it is important, though it could be... it asks me to install package without verification, I have to answer Y to proceed... | 01:04 |
krtek | kostkon: I have done that already, no success | 01:04 |
krtek | Could you maybe please tell me how to update /etc/apt/sources.list or another file so the PPA is like a repository with authentification? trism ? | 01:07 |
dani | hello | 01:07 |
krtek | hello dani | 01:12 |
TheOne | hi, I need some help to find correct unity component for a bug report | 01:14 |
trism | krtek: it probably already added the ppa to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and the creds to /etc/apt/auth.conf | 01:14 |
TheOne | the launcher has a feature in right click menu with "Keep in launcher" | 01:14 |
trism | krtek: I found | 01:14 |
TheOne | this will generate a *.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications | 01:15 |
TheOne | today I used that to create a sticky panel item for eclipse | 01:15 |
Und | Hi, i install ubuntu on my pc, with the same version i try to install it also on my laptop but somethings wrong with instalation when i should choose partiotion, instalator crash, when i try to use this ubuntu without instalation its work fine, gparted see my disk and i cann make partition, but when i run installation i cannt add mount point, anyone know is it fault of sdd disk or maybe something with EFI ? | 01:15 |
TheOne | but the generated *.desktop file is full of crap | 01:15 |
TheOne | so can anybody tell me what component of unity is responsible for the generation of such a *.desktop file? | 01:16 |
Snickz | und if you're not dual booting, you should use gparted to format the drive and let the ubuntu installer create and manage the partitions | 01:17 |
krtek | trism I checked and it added authentisation to /etc/apt/auth.conf, but there is no file for PPA itself inside /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder or /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:18 |
trism | krtek: what is: apt-cache policy filebot; | 01:19 |
=== Marcello__ is now known as Marcello-MiX | ||
Und | Snikz yes i dont want to dual boot on that laptop, so i i dont need to make ex4, swap etc. just make one partition ? | 01:19 |
krtek | trism oh sorry I just found the file withing sources.list.d/ I am blind | 01:20 |
krtek | Thank you all for your help! I managed to install it finally. It seems there was problem with authentication so I had to log into Ubuntu One in the browser and installation went ok after that. | 01:24 |
krtek | trism special thanks to you! | 01:24 |
Und | its really strange gparted see and cann do anything with partitions but installer had problems (crash internal error) | 01:25 |
Bashing-om | !yay | trism | 01:25 |
ubottu | trism: Glad you made it! :-) | 01:25 |
rpp601 | hay guys. can someone help me with my sound? | 01:26 |
krtek | Und I found the problem with EFI is sometimes that grub does not have enough space. Gparted by defaults starts first partition /dev/hda1 or /dev/sda1 after 1Mb of free space for MBR, but I usually leave 2 or 3Mb before the start of the first partition. | 01:27 |
Und | krtek ty i try it | 01:28 |
krtek | und good luck! | 01:28 |
NEI4U2K | hi, i can't import scipy and numpy after installation. | 01:30 |
NEI4U2K | how do i fix this? | 01:30 |
Und | krtek that didnt help, whatever i do ('press +'.. ) instalator crash "the installer enoutered unrecoverable error..." | 01:34 |
Horge | Hi All! I have a quick question. I am fairly new to ubuntu and am running unity. I set up zfs and samba shares and I thought I had everything dialed. I made a group for the users and created a few users. One of the users created a folder and now I, the admin, cannot write to it, but I can copy from it just fine. Is there a way to have a user create folders with write permissions granted to all | 01:35 |
Horge | registered users? | 01:35 |
Stanley00 | Horge: you can use group permission or using acl if your filesystem support it (ext4 will, don't know about others) | 01:37 |
rpp601 | i need to set up some shared folders on a server, they are already shared with samba but nothing appears when i 'browse network' accept 'windows network' | 01:39 |
Horge | okay I thought already used group permission, how do I go about doing that or making sure such is set up correctly? | 01:39 |
Stanley00 | Horge: well, let assume you grant write permission to group G, just add all registered user to group G. There's groupmems command, or so... | 01:41 |
krtek | rpp601 are all the machines that will access the shares linux? | 01:41 |
rpp601 | krtek: only one. thats why the folders i'm sharing on it already are shared with samba | 01:43 |
rpp601 | so, ubuntu server sharing folders with samba, it's clients are all windows accept this one machine i'm on. | 01:43 |
Horge | Stanley00: I've done that already to the main folder and added the users to the group. If a user creates a folder, I can read but not write unless I'm that user. If I (admin) create, it works fine, and all users can write to it | 01:44 |
daftykins | rpp601: map drives by IP and share, not GUI browsing | 01:45 |
Horge | what is groupmems? I'm like SUPER green behind the ears man. linux is a completely different beast for me and I'm working through it | 01:45 |
Stanley00 | Horge: ah, I see, for creating new folder, you need acl then. group permission can not be inherited by child folders, acl can. | 01:46 |
=== lasagn42 is now known as lasagn4 | ||
krtek | rpp601 well, in that case the best thing to do is to configure the samba properly, which is **pain** I am afraid... The problem is that every distro and desktop seem to have different ways how to set it up :-( | 01:46 |
daftykins | samba is easy | 01:47 |
Stanley00 | Horge: here's where you should start, , and also manpage of getfacl and setfacl too | 01:47 |
Und | I solved the problem in gparted i create partition table "gpt" and now instalator see that disk :D | 01:48 |
Kion | can somebody explain to me, why do we still have a little cloud icon on the task bar with a link to ubuntu one that is no longer working? | 01:48 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
krtek | rpp601 maybe try to add users to group samba, chmod and chown everything in shared directories reclusively so you get the correct privileges and manually check smb.conf to make sure everything is as it should. It may take you some time though | 01:49 |
krtek | Und Thanks for saying. I will remember that one! | 01:51 |
Und | ty for helping and thats why i share it | 01:51 |
krtek | Kion you can remove it if you don't like it ;-) Ubuntu One is dead but you still need an account in order to purchase software from Software Centre. | 01:51 |
beast101 | hey guys ..Do any one of you know how to fix this continuous "beep-beep" sound on system start-up ? | 01:52 |
=== parwork is now known as parsnip | ||
Horge | Thanks Stanley! I'll check it out | 01:55 |
beast101 | hey guys ..Do any one of you know how to fix this continuous "beep-beep" sound on system start-up ? | 01:56 |
Kion | krtek: why is it there? with all the ubuntu one file related menus | 01:57 |
Stanley00 | beast101: mostly bios/hardware problem, you should check your bios' homepage to decode what that beep is | 01:59 |
beast101 | okay Thanks mate | 02:00 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off | ||
canaima_ | buenas noches | 02:03 |
canaima_ | hola ruben | 02:03 |
Prometheian | I installed the guest services after installing them once and now when I try to boot my ubuntu vm it just crashes. | 02:14 |
plasmasnake | does anybody know why installing the xserver-xorg-lts-utopic package in 14.04 removes the ubuntu-desktop package? is it no longer needed? | 02:14 |
plasmasnake | maybe #ubuntu-desktop is a better place to ask that... | 02:15 |
Prometheian | me? | 02:15 |
plasmasnake | no sorry, i was referring to my own question | 02:15 |
Prometheian | oh lol | 02:15 |
EriC^^ | plasmasnake: it shouldn't remove it | 02:15 |
bazhang | plasmasnake, never mix version repo packages | 02:16 |
plasmasnake | i'm installing it from the trusty repo | 02:16 |
plasmasnake | it's the backport | 02:16 |
bazhang | plasmasnake, you said utopic | 02:16 |
plasmasnake | ya | 02:16 |
plasmasnake | linux-generic-lts-utopic and xserver-xorg-lts-utopic | 02:17 |
plasmasnake | every time a new version gets released, it gets backported to the LTS | 02:17 |
plasmasnake | they're in the trusty repo | 02:17 |
bazhang | ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package there is no harm in having it removed | 02:17 |
plasmasnake | it removes a couple of other things too like cheese and indicator-bluetooth.. weird | 02:18 |
daftykins | i think we should address the more major issue... | 02:18 |
EriC^^ | what do you need it for anyways? | 02:18 |
daftykins | plasmasnake: why are you polluting a lovely LTS distro with utopic packages? :P | 02:19 |
plasmasnake | because Xorg 1.15 has horrible glamor performance lol | 02:19 |
=== gms is now known as Guest62121 | ||
daftykins | sounds like a reality TV show | 02:19 |
plasmasnake | oh glamor is the opengl-based 2d-acceleration used for desktop animations and so on | 02:20 |
plasmasnake | it's used on newer cards | 02:20 |
plasmasnake | so when you're moving around windows, resizing, etc. | 02:20 |
daftykins | in unity? | 02:20 |
plasmasnake | in any desktop environment that uses GPU acceleration | 02:21 |
plasmasnake | AMD's GCN-based cards all use glamor | 02:21 |
plasmasnake | so really crappy performance in XOrg 1.15 | 02:21 |
plasmasnake | it's improved like 200-300% or something in Xorg 1.16 | 02:21 |
EriC^^ | did they change it's name? | 02:21 |
EriC^^ | :P | 02:22 |
daftykins | sounds to me like an optional thing, not the standard | 02:22 |
plasmasnake | i think before glamor there was exa or something, if i remember right | 02:23 |
plasmasnake | GPUs used to have dedicated 2D hardware | 02:23 |
plasmasnake | but now they cut that out | 02:23 |
rpp601 | my sound isn't working :( | 02:23 |
plasmasnake | and just use OpenGL to render 2D using 3D hardware | 02:23 |
plasmasnake | so that's where glamor comes in | 02:23 |
daftykins | that doesn't make much sense, but nevermind i'm off | 02:24 |
daftykins | if you want to fiddle with such things maybe you should commit to a full upgrade | 02:24 |
plasmasnake | here: | 02:25 |
plasmasnake | "Glamor is a generic 2D acceleration driver for the X server that works translating the X render primitives to OpenGL operations, taking advantage of any existing 3D OpenGL drivers, proprietary and open-source." | 02:25 |
=== Harrowed_ is now known as Harrowed | ||
Und | wow linux is so batter now, boot in less than 1sec | 02:27 |
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
NEI4U2K | hi, i have this problem with scipy installation | 02:32 |
NEI4U2K | export PYTHONPATH=/home/dev/python-files | 02:32 |
NEI4U2K | | 02:32 |
plasmasnake | NEI4U2K: are you sure that's the directory it goes in? | 02:38 |
rpp601 | ok if you just want to share folders form one ubuntu machine to another, how do you do that... | 02:38 |
plasmasnake | seems unlikely that installing a package via apt-get would use your /home directory | 02:38 |
plasmasnake | rpp601: if you're using unity, right-click on the folder and click "local network share" | 02:39 |
rpp601 | plasmasnake, using xfce - any idea how to do it with that? | 02:40 |
plasmasnake | rpp601: no idea... there is a command-line way to do it as well but i don't know it off the top of my head | 02:40 |
Bashing-om | rpp601: <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'ubuntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1). | 02:41 |
rpp601 | Bashing-om: thx | 02:41 |
plasmasnake | here's the command-line way to create a samba share:,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way! | 02:41 |
EriC^^ | Holy%20Cow! | 02:42 |
plasmasnake | haha | 02:42 |
EriC^^ | :D | 02:42 |
rpp601 | sigh... that would work but i'm looking for a permanent share. i can't believe it's easier on windows. | 02:44 |
plasmasnake | rpp601: you can do that with the link i shared | 02:44 |
plasmasnake | via command-line | 02:44 |
EriC^^ | rpp601: maybe sshfs ? add it to fstab or something | 02:44 |
rpp601 | looking at that link. | 02:45 |
plasmasnake | samba will be accessible by linux/windows/mac machines | 02:45 |
NEI4U2K | plasmasnake please check the photo. I have no idea what I am doing. | 02:45 |
plasmasnake | you can use nfs as well | 02:45 |
NEI4U2K | | 02:45 |
Und | is it sens to use c# inder linux? | 02:46 |
plasmasnake | but nfs is only *nix (and some pro versions of windows) | 02:46 |
EriC^^ | NEI4U2K: what are you trying to do? | 02:46 |
NEI4U2K | learn scipy. I can't even import it after installing. | 02:47 |
NEI4U2K | T_T | 02:47 |
plasmasnake | hmm | 02:48 |
plasmasnake | i've got scipy installed too, and it seems to work for me | 02:48 |
plasmasnake | NEI4U2K: what version of ubuntu? | 02:49 |
Kira9204 | rpp601: if you want to share folders between tho Linux boxes why not use SSH? | 02:49 |
Kira9204 | just add something similar to your fstab sshfs#<username>@<server>:<remote path>/ /mnt/<local dir> fuse noauto,reconnect,workaround=all,uid=erik,allow_other,users,defaults,transform_symlinks 0 0 | 02:49 |
NEI4U2K | 14.04 . yes, there was some problems with python yesterday, some programs wont start and after googling some sites say its due to python different version or some sort. I think i purged python. booted with no desktop and somehow got lucky and using it. but still no luck with scipy | 02:50 |
plasmasnake | NEI4U2K: oh i see, my python version is 2.7.6, yours is 2.7.9, so maybe configured differently | 02:50 |
rpp601 | Kira9204: if that seems easier, i just want to be able to browse all my files on this ubuntu box on my network. also change the files. | 02:51 |
Kira9204 | rpp601: all files owned by your user on the remote box will work just fine | 02:52 |
plasmasnake | rpp601: it's probably easier, but sshfs is slower than samba or nfs... could be ok for casual use, no harm in trying i guess | 02:53 |
Kira9204 | just user :/home/<username> | 02:53 |
rpp601 | plasmasnake: i'll just use samba | 02:53 |
rpp601 | if i can figure it out | 02:53 |
plasmasnake | if you only have linux machines though, nfs or sshfs would be easier to set up | 02:54 |
rpp601 | when i go to 'network' in my file manager right now nothing shows up. i'm vnc'ing to the server now to try and set up the shares | 02:55 |
plasmasnake | rpp601: do you have any windows or mac machines at all? | 02:55 |
rpp601 | plasmasnake: there are windows machines that currently use samba to do business with the server yes | 02:55 |
Kira9204 | sshfs is just like sitting at the other computer with that user... But if you really need samba use something like this at the bottom of oyur /etc/samba/smb.conf | 02:56 |
Kira9204 | [Downloads] | 02:56 |
Kira9204 | writable = yes | 02:56 |
Kira9204 | read only = no | 02:56 |
Kira9204 | path = /home/erik/Downloads/ | 02:56 |
Kira9204 | public = yes | 02:56 |
teward | !pastebin > Kira9204 | 02:56 |
ubottu | Kira9204, please see my private message | 02:56 |
DalekSec | teward: Bot already PM'd. | 02:57 |
Kira9204 | | 02:58 |
Kira9204 | i think that all it takes on standard samba cfg | 02:58 |
Kira9204 | oh, and service smbd restart | 02:58 |
chavez | buntu studio splash screen size is incorrect, i did try with grub file | 02:59 |
Kira9204 | if you want to automatically mount the share at startup, or just simplify it use fstab | 03:00 |
chavez | i want to change the resolution of my splash screen | 03:02 |
chavez | How i can do it? | 03:02 |
=== S-USA is now known as littlebunnyfufu | ||
rpp601 | ok i fixed it | 03:11 |
rpp601 | thanks all, anyone care to take a stab at my sound not working? | 03:11 |
rdfile | @rpp601 which sound card are you working with? | 03:16 |
rpp601 | lemme look rdfile | 03:17 |
rpp601 | Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 03:17 |
rdfile | @rpp601 do you ever get sound out of it? | 03:18 |
rpp601 | never | 03:18 |
rdfile | What kind of outputs are you working with? | 03:19 |
rpp601 | just the ones on the pc, let me try the back output instead of the front | 03:19 |
rpp601 | nah still nothing | 03:21 |
rdfile | Is this a custom build or a manufactured PC? | 03:21 |
rpp601 | stock dell | 03:22 |
rpp601 | demension 9600 | 03:22 |
stone_64 | hi | 03:24 |
rpp601 | hi | 03:24 |
stone_64 | whats up | 03:24 |
rpp601 | trying to fix broken things | 03:24 |
stone_64 | like ? | 03:25 |
buddd | virtual machine question: there are errors in the configuration of this machine. please fix the following errors and try again: vm: *the box 'ubuntu/trusty32 could not be found | 03:25 |
rpp601 | stone_64: my sound isn't working. | 03:25 |
rdfile | which ubuntu versopm are you running? | 03:25 |
rpp601 | stone_64: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) on a stock dell demension 9600 | 03:25 |
rpp601 | me rdfile? | 03:25 |
rdfile | yes | 03:26 |
rpp601 | 14.10 | 03:26 |
stone_64 | i dont have that problem | 03:26 |
rdfile | rpp601: can you dump lsmod | grep snd plz? | 03:27 |
rpp601 | 1 sec | 03:27 |
rpp601 | | 03:28 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
rpp601 | rdfile: | 03:31 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off | ||
[Ex0r] | Anyone here have a galaxy s5 ? | 03:33 |
rpp601 | s4 here | 03:34 |
buddd | i have galaxy s5 | 03:35 |
[Ex0r] | buddd- Do you have 4g ? | 03:35 |
[Ex0r] | and who is your carrier ? | 03:35 |
buddd | wait no i have 4s | 03:35 |
buddd | last model | 03:35 |
=== gerald is now known as Guest65330 | ||
[Ex0r] | oh, err | 03:36 |
[Ex0r] | ok | 03:36 |
auzty | can we renice a daemon and their subprocess? | 03:44 |
auzty | i try renice -g pid , but the child of child process didn't get effect | 03:44 |
lahwran | I just switched to xfce, and now my computer is disconnecting from wifi regularly | 03:56 |
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as dumbledore | ||
Banano | that's not really a question | 03:58 |
Loshki | auzty: did you use the correct process group id (not the process id) | 03:58 |
auzty | Loshki : yes, all of their child got renice, but if their child run other daemon, the process didn't follow their grandparent :D | 04:13 |
Loshki | auzty: I think that is by design. I seem to recall daemon code that would deliberately fork twice on startup, so that the resulting grandchild isn't affected if the parent dies. I suppose you have to chase those pids down some other way, and kill them. | 04:16 |
Loshki | s/parent/grandparent/ | 04:16 |
vcoinminer | hi. guys. may I ask? what is the easiest way to backup mounted disk. I need to move whole from vps A to vps B | 04:19 |
krabador | vcoinminer, dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 | 04:20 |
vcoinminer | I need to backup and transfer it as tar, iso, or whatever to vps B. so dd might now work? | 04:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !info rsync | vcoinminer | 04:24 |
ubottu | vcoinminer: rsync (source: rsync): fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.1-2 (utopic), package size 331 kB, installed size 786 kB | 04:24 |
vcoinminer | ubottu does it works on mounted disk? | 04:25 |
ubottu | vcoinminer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:25 |
live_ | Is there a way to check a burned DVD to see if it has burned properly? | 04:29 |
live_ | Not sure how to look it up in Google searches. | 04:30 |
live_ | PC rebooted just after the DVD was made. | 04:30 |
Bashing-om | The 'buntu liveDVD has "check disk for defects" in the boot options screen . | 04:32 |
live_ | Okay. | 04:32 |
Bashing-om | live_: Boot options screen: soon as bios screen clears depress the right shit key -> language screen, escape key to accept default -> boot options screen . | 04:33 |
Bashing-om | shift* | 04:34 |
live_ | Okay I wil try that. | 04:34 |
live_ | Thank you. | 04:34 |
Loshki | live_: or you can do the same thing manually. If it's a ubuntu image, it will have a published md5sum. | 04:36 |
Bashing-om | Loshki: Uhmmm . no, not the same. the md5sum verifies the .iso .."check disk for defects" verifies the burn . | 04:39 |
live_ | I wanna verify it made the DVD properly before it poofed on me. | 04:39 |
live_ | Waiting for the copy I am doin to complete. About 5 minutes | 04:40 |
Loshki | Bashing-om: you can generate an md5sum from a burned disk. It should match the iso, which should in turn, match the official md5sum. | 04:40 |
Bashing-om | live_: as Loshki advised, 1st check the md5sum of the downloaded .iso file . | 04:40 |
live_ | Okay I will do that. | 04:41 |
Bashing-om | Loshki: Well ! As I live and learn.. thanks .. will give that a test drive ! | 04:42 |
Loshki | Bashing-om: I learned it the hard way, burning bad disks! | 04:44 |
u-max | What's that about ruining DVD-R disks with broken ISOs? | 04:49 |
=== def_jam is now known as eb0t | ||
Loshki | u-max: we're just espousing the conventional wisdom: md5sum check your isos, and then md5sum check your burned disk also. | 04:51 |
auzty | ohhh thx Loshki :) that's clear everything :D i will look into code :D | 05:03 |
Bashing-om | Loshki: reading is good ! | 05:20 |
somsip | django debug shell | 05:25 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | Hello1 | 05:34 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | With what command can I upgrade spamassassin manually on Ubuntu's? | 05:35 |
tester | dsjfkasjkl | 05:36 |
tester | dsafsadf | 05:36 |
Guest91054 | hello | 05:40 |
tester | ubutu !!! | 05:42 |
tester | ubuntu !!! | 05:42 |
somsip | !test | tekk | 05:46 |
ubottu | tekk: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) | 05:46 |
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=== not-pyon is now known as Snake2k | ||
TrivialGravitas | I can't figure out what is using 3 gigabyes worth of memory here. | 05:58 |
TrivialGravitas | is the memory in use not what's under 'res'? | 05:59 |
MDTech-us-- | hello | 06:00 |
TrivialGravitas | oh | 06:00 |
TrivialGravitas | RES is onyl the non swap | 06:00 |
MDTech-us-- | an hour after boot I start getting strange messages on my console | 06:01 |
MDTech-us-- | like Journal has aborted | 06:01 |
TrivialGravitas | that's a file system error | 06:01 |
TrivialGravitas | what exactly does it say | 06:01 |
MDTech-us-- | end_request: IO_error | 06:01 |
Ben64 | sounds like a dead/dying drive | 06:02 |
MDTech-us-- | also, just to note, its a VM on Xen | 06:02 |
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino | ||
TrivialGravitas | I've also seen a similar errors when somebodies root partition was full | 06:04 |
MDTech-us-- | | 06:05 |
MDTech-us-- | roop partition is only 15% full | 06:05 |
MDTech-us-- | *root | 06:05 |
TrivialGravitas | Yeah tht's a corrupt filesystem | 06:05 |
Ben64 | io error usually points to hardware problem | 06:06 |
TrivialGravitas | fsck *might* fix it, but it's been a dead drive every time I've seen a corrupt filesystem that wasn't NTFS | 06:06 |
TrivialGravitas | no wait, once it was a dying motherboard | 06:07 |
StarOnD | how can i install the pickle module for python in ubuntu 14 | 06:07 |
MDTech-us-- | well, let me try fsck | 06:07 |
MDTech-us-- | I would need a live cd to boot into, woun't II? | 06:08 |
MDTech-us-- | I | 06:08 |
TrivialGravitas | MDTech-us--, no | 06:08 |
MDTech-us-- | TrivialGravitas: how then? | 06:09 |
TrivialGravitas | you can flag it to run on next boot | 06:09 |
MDTech-us-- | how? | 06:10 |
TrivialGravitas | looking through man | 06:10 |
MDTech-us-- | ok | 06:12 |
TrivialGravitas | shutdown -rF now | 06:13 |
MDTech-us-- | ok | 06:14 |
TrivialGravitas | warning: in case of failing harddrives sometimes a filesystem check works, then the drive fails anyway, back up after this runs | 06:16 |
MDTech-us-- | hmm | 06:16 |
MDTech-us-- | I got this pretty picture for a sec then black screen | 06:16 |
MDTech-us-- | still have the screen of black nothingness | 06:17 |
TrivialGravitas | I've never seen anything like that | 06:17 |
MDTech-us-- | I think it died | 06:18 |
Loshki | MDTech-us--: sounds like it. In your place, I would boot a live cd, and see if you can prod the disk back into life. If so, backup anything valuable immediately. If not, you lose, sorry... | 06:33 |
MDTech-us-- | as I said before, its a xen vm hosted on nfs | 06:37 |
MDTech-us-- | is seems the nfs is going haywire | 06:38 |
Loshki | MDTech-us--: ah, didn't read that bit. Anything *unusual* about your nfs protocol/server/client? Where's the disk behind it all? | 06:39 |
MDTech-us-- | the server is running ubuntu (too) | 06:40 |
MDTech-us-- | nfs is working from nfs-kernel-server | 06:40 |
MDTech-us-- | strange that it would just stop working | 06:40 |
Loshki | MDTech-us--: anything in the server logs (like a dying disk drive?) Also, you can check nfs statistics, but I'm not sure how to interpret them. | 06:44 |
MDTech-us-- | where are theses staticstics? | 06:44 |
MDTech-us-- | *these | 06:44 |
MDTech-us-- | I don't see anything noteworthy in dmesg | 06:45 |
junbuntu | Hello | 06:46 |
junbuntu | I'm following some instructions on how to install oracle and in those instructions its says to "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle' ...what does this do? | 06:47 |
lotuspsychje | !java | junbuntu | 06:48 |
ubottu | junbuntu: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see about how to install one of three current implementations. | 06:48 |
MDTech-us-- | junbuntu: it sets an environment variable | 06:48 |
MDTech-us-- | Loshki: ? | 06:48 |
Loshki | MDTech-us--: On the server, nfsstat, on the client nfsiostat. I think it's a red herring though. | 06:48 |
MDTech-us-- | red herring? | 06:49 |
rdfile | MDTech: something that looks like it's the cause of the problem but is not | 06:50 |
Loshki | MDTech-us--: A 'red herring' is a false lead, that sets you off in the wrong direction and wastes lots of your time.. | 06:50 |
Loshki | Must be British... | 06:51 |
rdfile | lol | 06:51 |
lotuspsychje | im trying to change boot test color here: | 06:51 |
lotuspsychje | | 06:51 |
junbuntu | MDTech-us--: thanks boss :) | 06:51 |
lotuspsychje | but i cant find the [OK] in my file | 06:52 |
NEI4U2K | hi, the disable touchpad while typing is not really working for me. Is there a way to improve the results? | 07:11 |
Jasonrj | Newbie question. I see all these tutorials that say to install stuff using apt-get install [program name]... How do you know what you're going to get with that program name, is there like a list of those somewhere? | 07:32 |
rdfile | jasonjr: apt-cache search "name" shows the packages. | 07:33 |
Ben64 | Jasonrj: the software center is a friendlier way of finding stuff | 07:33 |
Jasonrj | I will look at those, thanks. | 07:34 |
awawawa | I'm trying to run "sudo apt-get install fail2ban" on my VPS machine as root and I'm getting this message: | 07:34 |
awawawa | Any ideas? | 07:34 |
Jasonrj | awawawa: Blind leading the blind here as I'm a newbie, but I've had that when I forgot to put sudo before the command. | 07:36 |
Ben64 | awawawa: partition mounted read only, some weird quota thing or acls or something, out of space | 07:36 |
awawawa | Jasonrj: I've remembered to put sudo before the command | 07:37 |
awawawa | Ben64: How can I check if the partition is mounted read only? And what about the acl? | 07:37 |
Ben64 | awawawa: hopefully you'd know if you had acl's. what is the output from "mount" ... pastebin it | 07:38 |
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest97271 | ||
awawawa | Ben64: I can't paste it from this SSH client :/ Give me a minute, sorry | 07:49 |
vp18 | hello. can zorin os 9 work on a touchscreen laptop? | 07:50 |
newb | Hello | 07:52 |
jamil | Hi all, some time when I switch to a window via alt-tab, windows is black: | 07:52 |
jamil | I have seen this happening in nautilus and evince | 07:52 |
newb | I am trying to upgrade a teamspeak3 server and i need to over write all files in the old dir with the new versions i use this command tar -zxvf teamspeak3-server_linux-x86- --overwrite -C /opt/ts3 | 07:53 |
newb | but it don't work | 07:53 |
newb | any ideas ? am i using tar the wrong way ? | 07:53 |
jamil | newb: you are the owner of /opt | 07:54 |
jamil | ? | 07:54 |
newb | Should be i run that command as root | 07:54 |
jamil | newb: run ls -l /opt to see if root owns it | 07:54 |
jamil | newb: if yes, use sudo | 07:55 |
newb | the owner | 07:55 |
newb | is a user that is called | 07:55 |
newb | teamspeak | 07:55 |
newb | is that why it won't work ? | 07:55 |
jamil | newb: what does the permissions look like ? | 07:56 |
somsip | newb: if you just untar the new archive, you may find you have an installer or setup program. What does TS website say about this? | 07:56 |
newb | I have tired to find it, but all the documents for upgrading is windows speak | 07:56 |
newb | all the say is that i should just overwrite with the new files | 07:57 |
newb | and run it again | 07:57 |
newb | In my ts3 install i have made it so the user teamspeak owns it | 07:57 |
newb | so it don't run under root | 07:57 |
Th34rchitekt | useradd -G teamspeak yourusername | 07:58 |
xspyderx | Ive got a ubuntu box with a boned kernel, its headless and i can get to a usb port. whats a good thumbdrive distro that'll boot up with sshd enabled from the get go so i can chroot in and fix this??? | 07:58 |
newb | Th34rchitekt: the user is already in the system it was made using | 07:59 |
newb | adduser --disabled-login teamspeak | 07:59 |
Th34rchitekt | newb: this command adds your user to group teamspeak | 07:59 |
newb | so root is part of the teamspeak group ? | 08:00 |
Th34rchitekt | will be if you run useradd -G teamspeak root | 08:00 |
newb | is that a good idea to do ? | 08:00 |
newb | do you think i can overwrite the files then ? | 08:01 |
newb | =) | 08:01 |
Th34rchitekt | you can try | 08:01 |
Ben64 | newb: no way for us to know, that software is manually installed, do what you did last time | 08:02 |
newb | Okay | 08:02 |
newb | yeah i didn't get it from a .deb | 08:02 |
newb | as it don't seem like they are kept up2date | 08:02 |
leeyaa | hello | 08:11 |
leeyaa | how to install nis server on ubuntu 14.04 lts ? | 08:12 |
leeyaa | cant find it via apt | 08:12 |
Th34rchitekt | leeyaa: You can download .deb package (matching your architecture) and install it manually | 08:14 |
leeyaa | Th34rchitekt: i prefer if i dont install it manually. why use package manager other wise | 08:15 |
leeyaa | otherwise* | 08:15 |
leeyaa | nvm i figured it | 08:15 |
=== WilliamDoTAT is now known as WilliamDotAT | ||
Crazydrift | i've got sound problems, while switching the current played song in vlc, the audio output resets to default (2.0 instead of my intended 5.1). (i'm on mint) | 08:16 |
=== WilliamDotAT is now known as WilliamDotSI | ||
Crazydrift | help? | 08:18 |
Loshki | xspyderx: Seen this: | 08:19 |
leeyaa | where is //etc/init.d/nis on 14.04 ? | 08:30 |
leeyaa | how to restart nis if it is missing | 08:30 |
jamil | any fontconfig guru around | 08:37 |
jamil | ? | 08:37 |
jamil | How can I make fontconfig use a particular font a particular charset ? | 08:38 |
cfhowlett | !fonts | jamil | 08:38 |
ubottu | jamil: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: | 08:38 |
jamil | cfhowlett: Well issue not installation font but making sure it is picked up by application | 08:39 |
jamil | cfhowlett: I have an font for arabic script that I want to use but fontconfig always picks up helvetica font font for arabic script | 08:40 |
jamil | s/an/a | 08:40 |
cfhowlett | jamil, over my head, sorry | 08:40 |
jamil | cfhowlett: np | 08:40 |
svetlana` | Hi all. | 08:52 |
=== mahesh is now known as citroniks | ||
m1dnight_ | Hi, is there anyone here who has issues with the FN keys in ubuntu 14.01? they all work for me, except the disable touchpad button, the one I use the most :p | 08:58 |
m1dnight_ | ive googled around but not much helped | 08:58 |
m1dnight_ | since it's not an actualy device either | 08:58 |
m1dnight_ | im thinking about building a bash script to do it, unless there is a fix | 08:58 |
svetlana` | They are called keys. Buttons are software buttons, keys are keyboard keys. -- Probably the existing driver does not detect that key then. | 08:59 |
svetlana` | You may map by hand, probably, yeah. | 08:59 |
svetlana` | I mean if it detects but doesn't know what to do with it. | 08:59 |
|--| | Can anyone help me access a Windows Share from Ubuntu ? | 09:00 |
svetlana` | I can try. What is the problem? | 09:01 |
svetlana` | |--|? | 09:03 |
|--| | svetlana, I want to access a Windows shared folder on Ubuntu | 09:03 |
|--| | I was working smb://<address> | 09:04 |
|--| | but when I tried to share a Ubuntu folder it asked to install something I did that after which it is not working at all | 09:04 |
svetlana` | Yeah, |--|? That sounds okay. | 09:05 |
|--| | svetlana`, but it is not working anymore | 09:05 |
|--| | I would not list the files | 09:05 |
svetlana` | Details?? | 09:05 |
|--| | PM ? | 09:05 |
m1dnight_ | PNP0C14:01 000000ff 00000000 this is what acpi listen gives me | 09:05 |
svetlana` | No, let's do it in here. | 09:05 |
m1dnight_ | not sure if it it's a proper output | 09:05 |
|--| | Ok | 09:05 |
svetlana` | Thank you. | 09:05 |
|--| | svetlana`, what do you want ? | 09:05 |
svetlana` | Everything. | 09:05 |
|--| | Like? | 09:05 |
|--| | I don't know what to tell you unless you help me | 09:06 |
svetlana` | Error message text, for example. | 09:06 |
svetlana` | I am assuming it does not just show the Windows share as empty with 0 errors. | 09:06 |
|--| | svetlana`, ya but it use to show before I actually tried sharing an Ubuntu folder | 09:07 |
|--| | it asked me to install some service and thereafter it is not working | 09:07 |
svetlana` | I would try to stop that service and see if it works then possibly. | 09:08 |
|--| | svetlana, it was samba probably | 09:08 |
|--| | bbl | 09:09 |
svetlana` | Ok. | 09:09 |
=== doh is now known as Guest21185 | ||
x_ | list | 09:15 |
svetlana` | x_, yes? | 09:16 |
svetlana` | oi. oi. | 09:16 |
m1dnight_ | hmm, i tried creating a new binding to PNP0C14:01 000000ff but that doesnt seem to be recognized | 09:17 |
m1dnight_ | anyone have an idea? | 09:17 |
fsdasd | I can't install anything because I don't have permission to do anything in /usr/bin, while using sudo. I don't know how the permissions got changed, but how can I fix this? I'm not good with this stuff at all. | 09:17 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type sudo -l | 09:18 |
svetlana` | m1dnight_: there is a program which tell you whih key you are pressing. but I do not remember its name. would take some time to find it. | 09:18 |
EriC^^ | svetlana`: xev | 09:18 |
antoniut | hi guys | 09:18 |
svetlana` | m1dnight_: xev. | 09:18 |
svetlana` | antoniut: hi. | 09:19 |
antoniut | do you know whet the bq phone with ubuntu will be put to sail? | 09:19 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: Do you want me to put the output on pastebin? | 09:19 |
svetlana` | antoniut: ask #ubuntu-touch . | 09:19 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: yes | 09:19 |
vlt | Hello. On my Ubuntu machine I have a problem with chromium. It's the only program where I can't input some characters (like umlauts, most AltGr chars or numbers from the num block). Firefox, editors, office, even terminal work just fine. Any idea what to check first here? | 09:19 |
m1dnight_ | svetlana`: yeah i tried that but it isnt giving me much to go on | 09:20 |
antoniut | svetlana': thanks | 09:20 |
m1dnight_ | so i tried acpi_listen and that gives me that funky output | 09:20 |
m1dnight_ | so i tried to add a functino for it in /etc/acpi/events but it doesnt get triggered | 09:20 |
svetlana` | antoniut: it's ok | 09:20 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: Ok, just a minute | 09:21 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: Okay here. The reason I logged in as root is because I have to use VNC to copy and paste from my VPS and it's not working on my regular user for some reason but I'm more concerned about not being able to install anything right now | 09:23 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: But it says the same when I run the command under my normal user under remote desktop SSH console thingy | 09:24 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: if you try installing as root, you get the same error msg? | 09:25 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: Yes | 09:25 |
EriC^^ | what's the error msg? | 09:25 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: You want me to put that on pastebin as well? | 09:25 |
fsdasd | sec | 09:25 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: | 09:27 |
sky_flyer | greetings to all computer technicians and superuser of ubuntu ...... I need help to solve a little problem happened last night with ubuntu 14.04 | 09:27 |
svetlana` | m1dnight_: you were chasing a key? you went too fast, I do not know what these things do. | 09:27 |
svetlana` | m1dnight_: there is a program which shows what key you're pressing, does it figure out the weird key? | 09:28 |
sky_flyer | thank you in advance | 09:28 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: I'm pretty sure it's an issue with permissions but I've got no idea how to fix those and I never messed with them | 09:28 |
somsip | svetlana`: xev | 09:28 |
svetlana` | sky_flyer: hi! ask | 09:28 |
somsip | !ask | sky_flyer | 09:28 |
ubottu | sky_flyer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:28 |
sky_flyer | ok | 09:29 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type ls -l /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 | 09:30 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1222 Apr 4 2014 /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 | 09:30 |
EriC^^ | looks fine | 09:31 |
EriC^^ | try touch /usr/bin/blabla | 09:31 |
EriC^^ | then rm /usr/bin/blabla | 09:32 |
fsdasd | touch: cannot touch '/usr/bin/blabla': Permission denied | 09:32 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type ls -ld /usr/bin | 09:33 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 45056 Feb 9 21:55 /usr/bin | 09:33 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: you ran the touch command as root right? | 09:33 |
sschueller | ~ | 09:33 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: ye | 09:34 |
svetlana` | m1dnight_: do you see that key in xev? | 09:34 |
svetlana` | EriC^^: maybe you can help m1dnight_? he mentioned some command with underscore but I crashed a bit and I neither remember nor know it. | 09:34 |
akis | hi all. my modem-router has enabled an ftp usb storage facility. is it possible to use this port for printing too? | 09:36 |
EriC^^ | svetlana`: sorry, no idea about his problem | 09:36 |
netzhaut | hi there. has anyone else found intel_pstate + thermald to be unusable on laptops? | 09:36 |
EriC^^ | maybe try xinput to get more info? | 09:37 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: that's pretty odd O.o | 09:37 |
netzhaut | performance degrades *very* quickly as soon as I start doing any work really, e.g. coding | 09:37 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: try touch /blabla; rm /blabla | 09:37 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: It's on a VPS and I was emailed a few hours ago that it was bruteforced (due to lack of security). They said they removed the infection and such but do you think maybe the malware messed up something and now I can't do anything in /usr/bin/? If that's the case do I just have to ask them to roll it back or what | 09:38 |
=== eduardo is now known as Guest30296 | ||
fsdasd | EriC^^: That worked just fine | 09:38 |
netzhaut | i.e I've got an XPS 13 which is on the "warm" side of laptops anyway, and as soon as I start compiling and the temperature hits 80 degrees, thermald throttles the CPU to 200-300 MHz without spinning up the fans. Which is ... counterintuitive. Had to remove thermald from 14.10 and set `intel_pstate=disable` in grub to get back pre-14 performance | 09:39 |
netzhaut | is this worth reporting somewhere? | 09:39 |
sveinse | On 14.04, how can I enable symlinks across filesystems in samba? I've tried "follow symlinks = yes", "wide links = yes" and "unix extensions = no", but without any resolution | 09:41 |
=== svetlana__ is now known as svetlana | ||
EriC^^ | fsdasd: is /usr on a separate partition? | 09:42 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type df | 09:42 |
EriC^^ | or mount, check whether it's mounted ro | 09:43 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: I'll do both and put it on pastebin | 09:43 |
Guest30296 | hello i need some help connecting to webdav... i cant find connect to server in ubuntu 14.04 | 09:43 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: | 09:44 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: | 09:44 |
Guest30296 | | 09:44 |
Guest30296 | i cant connect to webdav server it doesnt appear .. any ideas '' | 09:47 |
mindbender1 | How can I enable sending files via bluetooth from the file manager? | 09:48 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type lsattr /usr | 09:49 |
mindbender1 | I have gnome-bluetooth installed but right clicking on a file does not present the send via bluetooth option. | 09:50 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: | 09:50 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: the "i" attribute is set for /usr/bin , this is usually set if a machine has been compromised i guess that they've set it so | 09:52 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: So the people I rent the VPS from set that? Should I take it off, if so how? Once this is done I'll be setting security things for SURE | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: you could remove it with chattr -i /usr/bin | 09:54 |
vlt | Hello. On my Ubuntu machine I have a problem with chromium. It's the only program where I can't input some characters (like umlauts, most AltGr chars or numbers from the num block). Firefox, editors, office, even terminal work just fine. Any idea what to check first here? | 09:55 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: Okay, I'll do that since I need it to be "unlocked" so I can install security things. Thank you so much for the help | 09:56 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: no problem | 09:56 |
johelish | Greetings. I've just realized that my Ubuntu server stored the key like this "/root/.ssh".. the problem is now that I've created a new user named "apa" the same key isn't stored at "/apa/.ssh" | 09:58 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: I also get the same error for /etc/. Do I just do the same? =) | 09:58 |
vlt | johelish: The home directories of all non-root users are in /home by default. | 10:00 |
johelish | vlt: alright.. adduser didn't add a home directory tho | 10:01 |
johelish | vlt: but I guess I can add that after | 10:01 |
Guest30296 | any ideas about webdav '' | 10:02 |
Guest30296 | ?? | 10:02 |
Guest30296 | anyone there ? i need some help... | 10:11 |
hateball | !ask | Guest30296 | 10:12 |
ubottu | Guest30296: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:12 |
Guest30296 | | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: yeah, check with lsattr | 10:13 |
Guest30296 | in my university i had to download different documents... they told me to connect to webdav | 10:13 |
Guest30296 | but i cant find it in 14.04... connect to server but it doesnt appear the option of Webdav | 10:14 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: I have but I'm having an issue when trying to install fail2ban, I don't know what I'm meant to change. It doesn't give me any path to remove -i from. | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: you can use lsattr -d /etc just like ls, | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | this is mine ----------I--e-- /etc | 10:14 |
Guest30296 | its in catalan but easy to file server connecto to server.. and then configure Webdav service with the data... | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: probably /etc/rcX.d | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: type lsattr -d /etc/rc?.d | 10:16 |
akis | hi all. my modem-router has enabled an ftp usb storage facility. is it possible to use this port for printing too? | 10:17 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: They all have i. Do I just do chattr -i /etc/rc?.d | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: you could do that yes | 10:19 |
Guest30296 | hateball uboutto | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: i wonder if they recursively set +i to all dirs though | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | fsdasd: you could chattr -R -i /etc if you want | 10:20 |
=== Neo31` is now known as Neo31 | ||
fsdasd | EriC^^: it spammed with operation not supported while reading flags | 10:20 |
EriC^^ | yeah it does that on some files | 10:21 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: so with that command ran on usr and etc I should be all good? | 10:21 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 10:21 |
fsdasd | EriC^^: those commands* | 10:21 |
fsdasd | Thank you! | 10:22 |
fsdasd | :> | 10:22 |
EriC^^ | no problem :) | 10:22 |
fsdasd | I'm very new to this especially with VPS so thanks for being so patient | 10:22 |
aaron_ | hi | 10:22 |
aaron_ | hi | 10:22 |
EriC^^ | np at all | 10:22 |
zerOnepal | hi there all, what is the best way to completely remove a installed packaged on ubuntu ?? Eg: # apt-get remove --purge nginx doesn't remove nginx-core and nginx-common installed before by # apt-get install nginx , Also the nginx process keeps running even after removal. | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | zerOnepal: hmm try sudo apt-get autoremove | 10:24 |
=== gervasio is now known as Swinc | ||
zerOnepal | Eric^^ what if I installed nginx as: # dpkg -i nginx.deb | 10:24 |
Swinc | join ##crawl | 10:25 |
balareth | #sexo | 10:25 |
EriC^^ | zerOnepal: it's the same i guess, if the packages aren't needed it might say so | 10:25 |
zerOnepal | EriC^^ shouldn't apt-get or dpkg responsible for complete removal of pkg: Eg nginx, and its dependencies {nginx-core, nginx-common} | 10:27 |
zerOnepal | EriC^^ I mean with apt-get remove | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | zerOnepal: *shrug* | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | zerOnepal: apt-get needs a remove all dependencies recursively feature, like pacman has, maybe some day i guess.. | 10:29 |
vlt | vlt: Goto chrome://settings/fonts and change from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. | 10:31 |
dreamcat4 | EriC^^: use defoster to keep track of your packages, and use 'apt-get autoremove' to uninstall orphaned dependencies | 10:31 |
zerOnepal | EriC^^ are you arch user too ?? | 10:31 |
rajnish | guys anyone know open source vxml browser | 10:31 |
rajnish | plz help me | 10:31 |
dreamcat4 | sudo apt-get install debfoster deborphan ; man debfoster | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | zerOnepal: have it in a vm | 10:31 |
rajnish | debfoster ? | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | dreamcat4: thanks i'll check that out | 10:31 |
dreamcat4 | it's the best way i've found, trust me | 10:32 |
zerOnepal | EriC^^ thanks dude | 10:32 |
rajnish | plz guys i need to install open vxml browser and want to play vxml file plz help | 10:33 |
mcphail | Doesn't aptitude solve this problem automatically? | 10:34 |
svetlana | rajnish: hi. | 10:35 |
svetlana | rajnish: it does not appear to be packaged for Ubuntu, does it? | 10:38 |
svetlana | rajnish: vxml, if I interpreted correctly, is a voicexml thing -- a spec, not software. If not, please clarify what you're referring to. | 10:39 |
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rajnish | ok .. i want to run vxml file and i am looking for vxml browser which is to be install in any linux machine currently vxml file is running in cisco ios browser and i am looking for free open source solution for vxml | 10:42 |
rajnish | svetlana | 10:42 |
rajnish | hi svetlana plz help me | 10:42 |
jazon | Hello, I come here for some help with bind9 on Ubuntu12.04 LTS, since I upgrade bind9 start failing, I search on google some help but all I found don't work. | 10:50 |
jazon | My paste of apt-get install -f : | 10:50 |
cfhowlett | !in | rajnish | 10:50 |
ubottu | rajnish: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India | 10:50 |
jazon | I want to do dist-upgrade but I don't know if what I had to do before, I fear about lost data | 10:52 |
k1l | jazon: apt-get dist-upgrade will not upgrade to the new ubuntu release | 10:53 |
jazon | k1l, I read (I don't remember where) that upgrade Ubuntu in 14.04 LTS | 10:54 |
k1l | jazon: what is your goal? what is your actual ubuntu? | 10:54 |
jazon | 12.04 LTS | 10:54 |
k1l | and you want to upgrade to 14.04? | 10:55 |
jazon | my goal : first fix bind9, second why not upgrade to the last LTS. It's my web server so I thing it can be good to upgrade | 10:56 |
jazon | (Sorry if my english isn't very good, I'm French and not very good in English | 10:56 |
cfhowlett | jazon, 12.04 is still supported. if it works for you, keep it. if you choose to upgrade, sudo do-release-upgrade will bring you to 14.04.1. BUT 12.04 is supported until 2017. choose wisely. | 10:57 |
cfhowlett | !fr | jazon | 10:57 |
ubottu | jazon: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 10:57 |
k1l | yes, sudo do-release-upgrade is th command to do a cli upgrade | 10:57 |
jazon | cfhowlett, I don't know 12.04 is supported until 2017, I think it's no more supprted since 14.04 | 10:58 |
cfhowlett | jazon, LTS is supported for 5 years :) | 10:59 |
jazon | so, I just want to fix bind9 if 12.04 is supported :) | 10:59 |
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k1l | jazon: better ask in the french channel. i dont speak french. but the error message from bind9 is important to fix the issue | 11:01 |
JumpY | !de | 11:05 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 11:05 |
stevenm | If I have an app that'll open PNG... is the process of associating that app with Mime Type image/png just a case of adding MimeType=image/png; to the desktop launcher? | 11:17 |
svetlana | !mime | 11:22 |
svetlana | sorry, ignore that | 11:22 |
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cfhowlett | svetlana, /msg ubottu !triggergoeshere will trigger ubottu to you privately | 11:28 |
evgeniy | Hello, guys help me install driver wi-fi rtl8723be thanks | 11:36 |
ceka | hi, do i need this program running on my vps box? /usr/sbin/saslauthd | 11:39 |
ceka | is it somehow related to sshd service? | 11:40 |
svetlana | evgeniy: hi. | 11:45 |
svetlana | evgeniy: a few minutes please. | 11:45 |
svetlana | evgeniy: this driver is included in the linux-firmware package starting from 1.127.4. Check your version using this command: «sudo dpkg -s linux-firmware | grep -i version». | 11:50 |
nbedi | HIII | 11:51 |
nbedi | ubuntu is my fav os | 11:52 |
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest23407 | ||
nbedi | why everyone is sleeping? | 11:53 |
nbedi | :"""""" | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | nbedi, this is a support channel, not chat | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | !ot | nbedi | 11:53 |
ubottu | nbedi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:53 |
svetlana | people don't ask questions, must be having a nice day :) | 11:53 |
svetlana | i.e. nothing broken, no need to pull hair, etc | 11:54 |
nbedi | thanks for telling but i am having a problem in ubuntu video | 11:54 |
cfhowlett | !details | nbedi | 11:55 |
ubottu | nbedi: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 11:55 |
nbedi | nobody is chatting so how i know | 11:55 |
mcphail | nbedi: ask your question. If someone knows they will answer | 11:55 |
nbedi | i am trying to play vlc video and its generating error | 11:55 |
nbedi | input output | 11:56 |
cfhowlett | nbedi, bad video. try a different one | 11:56 |
nbedi | i have installed ubuntu restricted | 11:56 |
svetlana | nbedi: what if you open terminal and type "file /path/to/the/video_file" replacing it with a real path? | 11:56 |
nbedi | yeah i have used pre installed video player but not working | 11:56 |
nbedi | i am sure my video file is ok | 11:57 |
nrdb | I have a several VMs on a remote computer, when I connect with libvirt -- how do I increase the resolution when I connect with VNC? | 11:57 |
cfhowlett | nbedi, try a different video | 11:57 |
* svetlana sighs | 11:57 | |
svetlana | nrdb: I suspect whatever server the VMs run needs to specify the resolution. | 11:57 |
nbedi | is there any new files for playing mp4 | 11:58 |
nbedi | i am downloading dagon player | 11:58 |
nrdb | svetlana, ok -- I have been looking (on google) for how, I have yet to find where this is done. | 11:58 |
nbedi | i wanna tell you guys ubuntu have best support | 11:59 |
uovobw | hi *, i am looking for it everywhere but i cannot find it, where is the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR env variable set? tia | 11:59 |
svetlana | nrdb: what gui server are the VMs running, -- vnc? | 11:59 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:59 |
svetlana | if so: which vnc server software specifically? | 12:00 |
nrdb | svetlana, it seems so. | 12:00 |
nrdb | svetlana, yes | 12:01 |
svetlana | nrdb: right, a lot depends on which vnc server it is :) | 12:01 |
nrdb | svetlana, I managing (on the server) with virsh. | 12:02 |
svetlana | nrdb: virsh is a virtualisation platform... what software are the vms themselves running? | 12:04 |
svetlana | nrdb: what virsh does is mentioned at briefly, it does not do remote desktop :) | 12:04 |
nrdb | svetlana, ubuntu 14.04 server | 12:04 |
svetlana | nrdb: okay, I would check the process list on one of the VMs and look for a vnc server there -- then figure out which vnc server it is, specifically | 12:05 |
nrdb | svetlana, ok | 12:05 |
ceka | do i need this program running? /usr/sbin/saslauthd | 12:06 |
agent_white | Ohno | 12:07 |
ceka | ? | 12:07 |
svetlana | ceka: hi. «sudo dpkg -S /usr/sbin/saslauthd» will tell you which package it belongs to. | 12:07 |
Vinnie24 | Jordan_U: hey man you on ? | 12:07 |
svetlana | ceka: then «apt-cache show package_name» will give you information (including a description, and whether the package is optional or not). | 12:07 |
k1l | ceka: its used for mail encyryption etc. | 12:07 |
svetlana | k1l: I am trying to give people fishing rods. :) | 12:08 |
k1l | ceka: well, not encryption of the mail, but encrypted transport and auth methods | 12:08 |
ceka | hmm so if i dont use email outside world i dont need this | 12:08 |
k1l | ceka: there might be other services you run that need this. i dont know what you run on your system etc | 12:10 |
nrdb | svetlana, the VMs are not running a vnc server at all. I thought it was something to do with the virtual graphics card being accessed though the vnc protocol. | 12:10 |
svetlana | hmm, vnc protocol involves a server running somewhere tho | 12:10 |
ceka | sshd & fossil-scm | 12:10 |
ceka | oh and pptpd | 12:11 |
svetlana | nrdb: maybe ask your host for more help? | 12:11 |
svetlana | ceka: fossil-scm isn't builtin, it being there means that someone is running a small website or a repo -- and it is optional :) | 12:11 |
agent_white | k1l: To further that note -- would is there ways to see all the services using that package? | 12:11 |
svetlana | ceka: | 12:12 |
ceka | Package: sasl2-bin | 12:12 |
svetlana | ceka: (and I came to that page by typing 'fossil scm' at a web search engine, | 12:12 |
nrdb | svetlana, unfortunately I am it. | 12:12 |
k1l | ceka: i bet pptpd is using that. but svetlana gave you some commands to lookm after that | 12:12 |
llutz | agent_white: "aptitude why sasl2-bin" | 12:12 |
ceka | svetlana: yes, i comiled it from source (fossil) | 12:12 |
k1l | ceka: and pptpd is not secure anymore. | 12:13 |
ceka | compiled* | 12:13 |
svetlana | nini all, I will come back next evening | 12:13 |
agent_white | llutz: Ooo nice! Thank you. | 12:13 |
k1l | ceka: i really would change to another vpn protocol | 12:14 |
llutz | agent_white: that won't tell you what service needs it, but at least what packages. finding out the rest is homework :) | 12:14 |
ceka | k1l: what happened? | 12:14 |
ceka | with pptpd? | 12:14 |
ceka | nvmd | 12:14 |
k1l | ceka: its from 2005. so i doubt you ever had a secure vpn running the last 10 years. | 12:14 |
Vinnie24 | can someone please help in installing printer drivers ? | 12:15 |
Vinnie24 | its a canon | 12:15 |
ceka | k1l: hah, glad i never had pptpd installed only once this time | 12:16 |
Vinnie24 | downloaded the driver files but got no idea what to do wit them | 12:16 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: I doubt you need drivers for a canon printer. | 12:16 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: Just go in to printer configuration and add printer, - all modern printers can talk CPL | 12:17 |
Vinnie24 | well i want to connect to it wirelessly | 12:17 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: it is still CPL, and you search for a network printer. | 12:18 |
Vinnie24 | did that | 12:18 |
Vinnie24 | it didnt find it | 12:18 |
OpenTokix | Add ip of the printer | 12:18 |
Vinnie24 | how do i know it | 12:18 |
OpenTokix | Have you connected the printer to the wireless network? | 12:18 |
Vinnie24 | yes | 12:19 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: I would use nmap and just can your network. - Is this your homenetwork? | 12:19 |
Vinnie24 | yep | 12:19 |
cfhowlett | !patience | Vinnie24 | 12:19 |
ubottu | Vinnie24: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 12:19 |
Vinnie24 | cfhowlett: ? | 12:20 |
ceka | thanks, pptpd removed. | 12:20 |
Vinnie24 | OpenTokix: and how do i access nmap after installing it | 12:21 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: terminal | 12:21 |
Vinnie24 | and whats the command ? | 12:22 |
OpenTokix | cfhowlett: I am currently helping him | 12:22 |
agent_white | Vinnie24: Zenmap is the GUI frontend to nmap. | 12:22 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: if you home network is 192.168.1.X -you write: nmap | 12:22 |
agent_white | If you prefer. | 12:22 |
cocoa117 | anyone know any cli program that generate ubuntu system information, such as hardware and kernel version, disk partition, ip address etc... | 12:22 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: will take a while, but then in the list you look for your canon printer | 12:23 |
hateball | !info hardinfo | 12:23 |
ubottu | hardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 210 kB, installed size 486 kB | 12:23 |
Ben64 | cocoa117: depends exactly what you want. lshw, uname, parted -l, ifconfig | 12:23 |
cocoa117 | Ben64, would there be one can generate all, lshw is only hardware related, but i need more software level | 12:24 |
Vinnie24 | weird | 12:24 |
llutz | OpenTokix:faster is " nmap -sP... " no need for portscanning | 12:24 |
Vinnie24 | some of the smart phones and TV showed in the house, not my iphone and printer though | 12:24 |
Ben64 | cocoa117: what do you mean more software level | 12:24 |
OpenTokix | llutz: yes | 12:24 |
OpenTokix | llutz: I was thinking of minimizing typo-issues | 12:25 |
cocoa117 | Ben64, more OS level, how much swap is set, disk partitions, ip address, routing tables | 12:25 |
hateball | cocoa117: inxi is nice | 12:26 |
hateball | !info inxi | 12:26 |
ubottu | inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.28-1 (utopic), package size 108 kB, installed size 496 kB | 12:26 |
Ben64 | cocoa117: again, if you ask exactly what you want you'll get a better answer. free, parted, ifconfig, route | 12:26 |
cocoa117 | hateball, thanks i google it | 12:27 |
hateball | cocoa117: no need to google, apt-get install inxi && man inxi | 12:27 |
elm669 | exit | 12:31 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: I am guessing your printer is not on the wifi yet. - And your phone is often "hidden" - ie. dont answer on ping | 12:33 |
Vinnie24 | OpenTokix: well it already is because when i first configured it a spent a while trying to connect it, and when i had window sinstalled i had to do was install the drivers and everyting would work fine, so it already is connected to the network | 12:45 |
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OpenTokix | Vinnie24: ok, and you dont know the ip of the printer- If the printer have a display, you can probablyu navigate thru the printer menu t see it | 12:46 |
Vinnie24 | tried that | 12:47 |
OpenTokix | And? | 12:47 |
Vinnie24 | idk man | 12:48 |
Vinnie24 | cant find it | 12:48 |
Vinnie24 | im going into options | 12:48 |
Vinnie24 | think i got it | 12:49 |
Vinnie24 | its ipv4 address right ? | 12:49 |
footer | Hi all. I build emacs using dmg package | 12:51 |
footer | Can anyone please tell me how can I wipe all the data it set? | 12:51 |
footer | and remove it completely | 12:51 |
fr0ggie | I need a kernel from 25 nov or newer, what are my options? I'm needing a working tw68 driver | 12:53 |
Vinnie24 | OpenTokix: its the ipv4 right ? | 12:54 |
choki | I dont know, but my ubuntu is slow. I have lots of files on my desktop. May this be the problem? | 12:54 |
Vinnie24 | should it be something like this ? | 12:54 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: yes | 12:54 |
OpenTokix | Vinnie24: yes | 12:55 |
Vinnie24 | yeah well when i click on find | 12:55 |
Vinnie24 | nothing shows up | 12:55 |
k1l | fr0ggie: what specifically do you need? | 12:55 |
hikenboot | hi, let me start by saying this is in no way bashing linux...I love it. However I have always had one major complaint. I always thought the windows file manager (as it is in server 2012r2 is significantly better. I have tried nautilus and dolphine and the one with there anything better in the way of installable file managers? | 12:55 |
choki | hikenboot: i use pcmanfm all the time and im really happy with | 12:55 |
LigH | Hello. Can you suggest me any public FTP archive with really a lot of files and subdirectories? I need to test a crash in a tool and can't publish a corporate's FTP access details... | 12:56 |
fr0ggie | k1l: tw68 driver, as i said above. | 12:56 |
k1l | fr0ggie: the latest build on 14.04 is from 15.12.2014. | 12:56 |
fr0ggie | Because on upgrading to 14.04 the tw68v2 driver no longer builds | 12:56 |
k1l | fr0ggie: so you might be more specific than just "i need a kernel newer than 15.11.2014" | 12:57 |
fr0ggie | k1l: | 12:57 |
fr0ggie | [media] vb2-dma-sg: move dma_(un)map_sg here … | 12:57 |
fr0ggie | Hans Verkuil authored on Nov 24, 2014 mchehab committed on Nov 25, 2014 | 12:58 |
k1l | fr0ggie: yes, but which kernel? | 12:58 |
fr0ggie | No clue. | 12:58 |
hikenboot | thanks for that info choki | 12:58 |
k1l | fr0ggie: did you file a bug for ubuntu for that? | 12:58 |
mcphail | fr0ggie: you can install a kernel from the mainline repo or build from scratch | 12:58 |
k1l | fr0ggie: maybe they can ship that i patch in the regular kernels | 12:59 |
fr0ggie | k1l: In newer kernels the driver is in the mainline kernel | 12:59 |
mcphail | fr0ggie: only security fixes are likely to be backported to the stock kernel | 12:59 |
k1l | fr0ggie: yes but what kernels exactly? | 12:59 |
fr0ggie | No idea. Not sure where to find what version it went mainline, sir. | 12:59 |
k1l | fr0ggie: you know the kernels are numbered, right? so which kernel do you need? | 12:59 |
kulwantSingh | hello | 13:00 |
kulwantSingh | wanted help | 13:00 |
kulwantSingh | ? | 13:00 |
fr0ggie | k1l: Dont know and i'm not really feeling the whole download random kernel source tarballs and look for drivers/media/pci/tw68/ ;) | 13:00 |
k1l | fr0ggie: i strongly suggest you file a bug so the kernel team know that and can ship the patch with the regular kernels. | 13:01 |
kulwantSingh | how to change the brightness on ubuntu 13.10 machine ? | 13:01 |
k1l | fr0ggie: in the meantime you can use a most recent mainline kernel | 13:01 |
k1l | !mainline | fr0ggie | 13:01 |
ubottu | fr0ggie: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at | 13:01 |
fr0ggie | There is not a patch. | 13:01 |
k1l | ... | 13:02 |
mcphail | fr0ggie: if there is a git commit there is a patch ;) | 13:02 |
kulwantSingh | hello everyone new to channel need help! | 13:02 |
kulwantSingh | not able to change the brightness in ubuntu 13.10 | 13:02 |
kulwantSingh | ? | 13:02 |
k1l | fr0ggie: either you ask for help or you tell me what to do. but both at the same time doesnt work :) | 13:02 |
k1l | kulwantSingh: upgrade to 14.04. 13.10 is not supported any more. so i dont think anyone will fix something on software that is dead anyway | 13:03 |
kulwantSingh | thanks @k1l | 13:03 |
=== jpds is now known as Guest49936 | ||
Fib0112358132134 | Greetings. | 13:05 |
LigH | Hello. Can you suggest me any public FTP archive with really a lot of files and subdirectories? I need to test a crash in a tool and can't publish a corporate's FTP access details... | 13:06 |
archer__ | uit | 13:06 |
archer__ | quit | 13:06 |
archer__ | clear | 13:06 |
archer__ | exit | 13:06 |
OpenTokix | LigH: | 13:06 |
OpenTokix | archer__: /quit | 13:07 |
footer | Hi I installed emacs with dpkg how can I remove that? | 13:09 |
LigH | OpenTokix: Thanks ... now looking for a directory with ~1000 entries ... | 13:09 |
k1l | footer: you did install from a .deb package? | 13:09 |
footer | k1l: yes | 13:10 |
k1l | sudo apt-get remove packagename | 13:10 |
footer | k1l: package 'emacs' is not installed | 13:10 |
footer | k1l: but emacs is installed | 13:11 |
k1l | footer: search dpkg for what its called: dpkg -l | grep emacs | 13:11 |
k1l | or grep -i emacs if its written with some capital letters | 13:11 |
footer | hmm, don't see it | 13:11 |
footer | strange | 13:11 |
footer | no output | 13:12 |
k1l | dpkg -l | grep -i emacs | 13:12 |
footer | k1l: oho wait I built it | 13:12 |
footer | with make and make install | 13:13 |
k1l | make uninstall? | 13:13 |
OpenTokix | LigH: | 13:13 |
footer | aha done, k1l | 13:14 |
footer | that's it? | 13:14 |
k1l | footer: depends on what the dev put into the uninstall script. | 13:14 |
JovanJ | Hello, does any one knows why my localhost redirects to ? | 13:15 |
footer | k1l: i see thanks :) | 13:15 |
=== moppers is now known as moppers_ | ||
JovanJ | I havent changed anything except I runned command sudo a2enmod rewrite | 13:15 |
moppers_ | Hello. I've messed up really badly and zeroed the superblock on both drives of a raid mirror. Nothing else was changed. I can't figure out how to get the data back. | 13:16 |
k1l | JovanJ: seems you ran a howto and did blindly copy the commands? | 13:16 |
JovanJ | k1l , I've found that command here: | 13:17 |
k1l | JovanJ: no, before that | 13:17 |
LigH | OpenTokix: Thank you, that may have helped. | 13:18 |
JovanJ | k1l , no I haven't added anything really. | 13:18 |
OpenTokix | LigH: yw | 13:18 |
k1l | JovanJ: come on. how did you setup the whole system? | 13:18 |
JovanJ | k1l I've this apache on my linux for few years. And today I tried to enable mod-rewrite so I can use it for clients site, nothing else. | 13:19 |
k1l | JovanJ: so you did set it up some years ago using a howto and didnt change the example adress to your real adress. | 13:19 |
k1l | JovanJ: see this tip: | 13:20 |
JovanJ | No. I've used localhost as adress for a long time, and now I am stuck with that redirect. | 13:20 |
Annabel_ | Does anyone know of an alternative to "onboard" (on screen keyboard) please? :) | 13:21 |
=== vishal_ is now known as Mysterio | ||
moppers_ | Hello. I've messed up really badly and zeroed the superblock on both drives of a raid mirror. Nothing else was changed. I can't figure out how to get the data back. | 13:31 |
lathiat | moppers_: have you saved the output of proc/mdstat or mdadm --examine anywhere? | 13:33 |
moppers_ | lathiat: Not from before the superblock was wiped | 13:33 |
lathiat | moppers_: ohac tually being a raid mirror, thats not so bad | 13:35 |
lathiat | moppers_: its worse with a raid5 | 13:36 |
lathiat | moppers_: basically, in theory, if you re-create the array with the same parameters, you should still be able to read it | 13:36 |
moppers_ | lathiat: Yes that is my thought. | 13:36 |
JovanJ | Why my localhost redirects to ? | 13:37 |
moppers_ | lathiat: Thew last time i did this, we had the older mdadm and you could just remove the superblock and mount the disk. I didnt know it had changed and now i cant mount it | 13:37 |
fr0ggie | k1l: looks like 3.19 is needed for this, since it came somewhere between 3.17.1 and 3.19 *and* isnt enabled as a module by default, even thought dang near every other driver in drivers/media/pci is... so i get to build a kernel and have everything get screwed up when apt-get decides "Oh hey there's a newer kernel not containing all the drivers you need" and updates me. Smh. | 13:38 |
lathiat | moppers_: | 13:38 |
fr0ggie | Also -- Linux camserv 3.14.4-031404-generic #201405130853 SMP Tue May 13 12:54:33 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 13:38 |
lathiat | moppers_: Build Mode | 13:38 |
fr0ggie | #201405130853 *raised eyebrow* | 13:38 |
JovanJ | Please someone help me how I can fix my problem. | 13:40 |
tau | hello. which packages do i have to install on linux to have wireless working? i have the wicd-gtk but the wi-fi isn't being listed when i scan. | 13:40 |
lathiat | moppers_: also check /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf it may have the raid config | 13:41 |
lauksas | Hello all. Can someone give some information of how do I suggest a feature on Ubuntu? | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | !contribute | lauksas | 13:41 |
ubottu | lauksas: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | !wireless | tau | 13:42 |
ubottu | tau: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 13:42 |
moppers_ | lathiat: yes it has the old config info in mdadm.conf but it's just the uuid of the raid and confirmation of 1.2 superblock | 13:42 |
lauksas | Thanks @ubottu | 13:42 |
moppers_ | lauksas: Oh, and the array name as well | 13:42 |
hazarda | wtf | 13:43 |
moppers_ | so if i build with the same name and superblock format, it should be ok? | 13:43 |
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lathiat | moppers_: yeah so basically use that info to recreate it and you should be OK, I would use --assume-clean to stop it syncing in case you get somethign wrong | 13:43 |
hazarda | teach me a zenmap | 13:43 |
cfhowlett | hazarda, check your channel. this isn't a teaching channel | 13:44 |
lauksas | moppers_ didn't get it. | 13:46 |
moppers_ | Didn't get what? | 13:46 |
lauksas | What does an array has to be with contribution? | 13:46 |
moppers_ | lauksas: Oh that wasn't meant for you. Please ignore it. | 13:47 |
lauksas | No problem moppers_ | 13:47 |
vishnu | how can i install hadoop in ubuntu 14.04\ | 13:50 |
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Guest16607 | please help me | 13:50 |
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cfhowlett | !ask | Guest16607 | 13:51 |
ubottu | Guest16607: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:51 |
Guest16607 | any one here | 13:51 |
Guest16607 | please help | 13:51 |
cfhowlett | Guest16607, ASK - YOUR - QUESTION | 13:51 |
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest81929 | ||
bruxC | Hello, needing help with what I believe to be permission based issues with sabnzb attempting to making (writing) files in a directory. I'm extremely new to linux and I've tried a few things but to no avail. | 13:57 |
=== Annabel_ is now known as annabel_ | ||
Guest39241 | hello | 14:05 |
Guest39241 | i need some help with configuring access to webdav | 14:07 |
cmt29 | In the wicd wireless_settings.conf file, the manpage says that use_settings_globally should be 0|1. The KDE WICD gui automatically configures this as False|True. Does this matter? | 14:18 |
saleem | !nvidia | 14:19 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 14:19 |
saleem | hi, how can i properly install nvidia driver on precise? sudo apt-get install nvidia-current installs the driver but im not getting a proper display , im on nvidia NVIDIA Corporation GF119 [GeForce GT 520] (rev a1) GPU | 14:22 |
annabel_ | Go to settings -> additional drivers | 14:23 |
annabel_ | | 14:23 |
k1l | on newer ubuntus its called: systemsettings -> software and updates -> last tab | 14:24 |
saleem | annabel_, i tried that at first but it failed to install the driver for me so i installed it manually | 14:24 |
annabel_ | i don't know then sorry, i have a 760 on my hac, but i never put linux on that and a 210 on my media server that works great with settings -> additional drivers | 14:25 |
k1l | saleem: what error? | 14:26 |
k1l | and what did you install manually then? | 14:26 |
hateball | saleem: if you dont use the GUI it wont (I think) blacklist the nouveau driver if you install binary packages | 14:26 |
hateball | lsmod will reveal the truth | 14:26 |
backbox | hi | 14:27 |
saleem | hateball, here is lsmod paste | 14:27 |
saleem | i will blacklist nouveau myself if that is must | 14:28 |
k1l | saleem: honestly i would try to get the ubuntu driver to work. so you get updates and dont need to reinstall every time a kernel upgrade comes in | 14:29 |
hateball | k1l: if I understood it right he didnt use a ppa, rather apt-get official repo | 14:30 |
saleem | k1l, yes thats what i want myself not messing with graphics drivers everytime | 14:30 |
k1l | hateball: i think he installed the driver from nvidia website | 14:30 |
saleem | no i used ppa | 14:30 |
hateball | at any rate, neither nvidia nor noeveau driver appears loaded | 14:30 |
k1l | what ppa? | 14:30 |
moppers_ | lathiat: couldnt get the raid to work. just going to restore from backup :( | 14:31 |
saleem | this one | 14:31 |
k1l | and what ubuntu is it? | 14:31 |
saleem | precise | 14:32 |
k1l | ah well, 12.04 is pretty old with kernel and drivers for recent video cards | 14:32 |
moppers_ | think i will lose 6 months worth of torrents (yea right, like i care) and about 2 weeks worth of code i wrote | 14:32 |
saleem | i have multiple precise and trusty installations , this is new openbox installation that started giving me display issue , never faced it previously | 14:33 |
williamrocker | where can i get support for program written in c? | 14:34 |
williamrocker | where can i get support for program written in c? | 14:34 |
k1l | saleem: well, the reports i see tell that this card should run with the standard nvidia driver shipped by ubuntu 12.04 | 14:34 |
williamrocker | where can i get support for program written in c??? | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | williamrocker, ##c iirc | 14:34 |
k1l | williamrocker: dont spam | 14:35 |
williamrocker | okay sorry | 14:35 |
cfhowlett | this ^^^ | 14:35 |
williamrocker | but no one answers in ##c | 14:35 |
williamrocker | : | 14:35 |
williamrocker | :( | 14:35 |
k1l | williamrocker: this is absolutely no reason to spam this channel which is not related to ##c | 14:35 |
cfhowlett | williamrocker, not an ubuntu issue | 14:35 |
Pici | williamrocker: Perhaps because they have a quiet on unidentified users... so they can't see your questions. Register and identify first. | 14:35 |
williamrocker | Okay thanks Pici :) to others im sorry if I upset you | 14:36 |
williamrocker | oh how can i register myself in #ubuntu channel? | 14:37 |
williamrocker | so no one uses my users name | 14:38 |
hateball | !register | 14:38 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 14:38 |
williamrocker | thx | 14:38 |
Bombo | hi | 14:39 |
backbox | hiii | 14:41 |
jamil | hi all, some times windows refuse to render as in:,S7FipJz | 14:41 |
k1l | saleem: so i would start with using ppa-purge to get rid of that ppa and install the ubuntu original nvidia-current with "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" and see what errors pop up there. so we can dig to the issue behind that | 14:41 |
saleem | k1l, yes i will give this try as well | 14:42 |
natuzi | I changed my dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf. If I use a VPN, the dns connection is between my vpn connection and my isp or my real connection adn my isp? | 14:47 |
OpenTokix | natuzi: Depends on your routing table | 14:48 |
ceka | thanks for help & info. | 14:49 |
Bombo | i changed the alternative for gl from mesa to nvidia with this command: 'update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf' to '/usr/lib/nvidia-331/ 8604 Auto-Modus' but after reboot it's again set to '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ 500 manueller Modus' and the nvidia driver is not used. how can i fix this? | 14:50 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3015 | ||
Bombo | (using ubuntu 14.04) | 14:50 |
Bombo | i don't see where it is changed at boot | 14:51 |
natuzi | OpenTokix: Thanks I'll look closer and try to learn this routing table thing | 14:52 |
OpenTokix | natuzi: what do you want to do? | 14:52 |
natuzi | OpenTokix: I just want to know if the dns connection is taken by my vpn or not. I heard that you can have a vpn connection but if your dns is set up by your isp, they can know your web history. | 14:54 |
=== kpease_ is now known as kpease | ||
OpenTokix | natuzi: yes, but it might be hard to connect to your vpn-provider if you dont have any dns-records. | 14:54 |
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest29068 | ||
=== williamrocker is now known as williamrocker94 | ||
=== williamrocker94 is now known as williamrocker | ||
natuzi | OpenTokix: If I just change it to opendns (change the permissions of resolv.conf to read only) and set up a vpn connection, is it ok? | 15:00 |
OpenTokix | natuzi: why read only? | 15:01 |
OpenTokix | natuzi: configure your network correctlyu instead. - opendns is ok, but not optimal | 15:02 |
JovanJ | Does anyone knows why localhost works for me, and when I add folder and file to var/www for example localhost/clients does not works? | 15:02 |
vatrinux | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER vatrinux gmgofvczjvha | 15:03 |
natuzi | OpenTokix: I said "read only" because in the resolv.conf file I can read (noobly): "YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN". Do you know better dns servers instead of opendns? | 15:04 |
MonkeyDust | vatrinux change your password! | 15:04 |
MonkeyDust | vatrinux and make sure you enter you credentials in a safe irc windows | 15:05 |
niee | how to export ssl sertificate from google chrom in my Ubuntu? | 15:05 |
niee | any one to help me please? | 15:05 |
MasterOfDisaster | niee: uhm... a trusted CA cert? a personal cert? | 15:06 |
realBigfoot | Guys, is there a way to black list packages that ubuntu suggest to update ? | 15:08 |
genii | !pinning | realBigfoot | 15:08 |
ubottu | realBigfoot: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 15:08 |
realBigfoot | genii: thanks... there is an update do xorg server for intel... which I have intel/nvidia. last time i have updated this... i could not use more nvidia.... | 15:11 |
realBigfoot | genii: do you know how safe it is to update it ? | 15:11 |
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
genii | realBigfoot: No idea, sorry. A lot I think would depend on specific video cards and so on. | 15:14 |
realBigfoot | genii: I see... i should blacklist this one :) thanks... | 15:14 |
SonikkuAmerica | Sometimes I walk in here and think all the Ubuntu users bought a machine that utilizes NVIDIA Optimus | 15:14 |
realBigfoot | SonikkuAmerica: lol | 15:15 |
realBigfoot | Nvidia optimus and ubuntu, doesn't combine... | 15:15 |
SonikkuAmerica | If you use Bumblebee, it should | 15:15 |
realBigfoot | it just gave me headaches :P | 15:15 |
realBigfoot | SonikkuAmerica: bad call.. i have already tried this one... and ok... it worked | 15:16 |
boodllebat | i need little bit of help with sockets | 15:16 |
realBigfoot | but i lost support to display driver | 15:16 |
realBigfoot | s/display driver/display port | 15:16 |
=== williamrocker is now known as williamrocker94 | ||
realBigfoot | and i use display port on my monitor... if I use vga I can't reach max resolution... | 15:16 |
imbezol | is it possible to create additional ecryptfs mountpoints that will automount on login? | 15:17 |
JovanJ | Why var/www/html file is locked? | 15:17 |
realBigfoot | JovanJ: because you need to be root or have permission to read/write/execute.. on /var/* | 15:18 |
boodllebat | JovanJ: chmod it to whatever you want | 15:18 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol yes, you can create mountable partitions, as separate files | 15:18 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol what do you want to do with it? | 15:19 |
imbezol | MonkeyDust: i want to create a new directory on a sata drive to move a lot of longer term storage type stuff into | 15:19 |
imbezol | MonkeyDust: thus freeing up more ssd for higher performance stuff | 15:20 |
niee | MasterOfDisaster yes. this is the text | 15:20 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol all right, moment, here's what you do (looking it up) | 15:20 |
imbezol | MonkeyDust: but i'd like both my existing homedir and the new one to automount on login | 15:20 |
niee | MasterOfDisaster i try to export, but not undarstand how to export, and import after that. | 15:21 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol in a terminal window: dd if=/dev/zero of=mydisk count=2048000 <-- creates a partition of 1GB, change the size as needed | 15:22 |
imbezol | MonkeyDust: rather than create a loopback, can I just use a directory like a standard ecryptfs setup? | 15:23 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol then: mkfs -t ext4 mydesk; mkdir ~/mount_point; sudo mount -o loop mydisk ~/mount_point | 15:23 |
MonkeyDust | imbezol i'm not familiar with encryption, explore the options to find out | 15:23 |
Whitor | Hi all. I'm on 14.04 using Firefox 35.01 on two different computers. I'm trying to sync open tabs... but everything -but- open tabs is syncing. I have verified that tabs is checked on the source side... and even enabled it on the other side as well. no go. any ideas? | 15:24 |
cfhowlett | Whitor, ask mozilla | 15:24 |
Whitor | I tried over in #firefox, but no response yet | 15:24 |
Whitor | I'll try mozilla, thx | 15:25 |
Whitor | #mozilla is invite only :( | 15:25 |
Whitor | over to the googles | 15:25 |
Whitor | :) | 15:26 |
HoloPed | Hey all, I need to use TTYS0 serial port, how do I disabled the serial console so it's not locked anymore ? | 15:26 |
realBigfoot | genii: Instead of pinning i got using apt-mark hold... :) and worked smoothly .. thanks helping me out | 15:26 |
horaciosmitch | hey | 15:27 |
horaciosmitch | that's it | 15:27 |
Whitor | figgured it out. ... common issue / question. tabs dont sync, they simply appear in a menu list called 'Tabs from other devices' | 15:29 |
steel767 | hi | 15:31 |
philip | hello pls i installed wireshark but when i try using it i get this message:The capture session could not be initiated on interface 'wlan0 | 15:33 |
mlindner | Whoever designed how alt + ~ works in Ubuntu deserves to be shot.... | 15:33 |
mlindner | Don't throw random number generators into user interfaces | 15:33 |
steel767 | I installed havp and clamav. I want to see how much RAM havp process is using. So, I type in terminal ps -u havp -ly --sort rss. And then I sum all values of RSS and it turns out that sum of all theese values is about 20 GB, but I have only 4 GB RAM. Please answer, how is that possible? | 15:34 |
steel767 | p.s. sorry for my english | 15:34 |
imbezol | mlindner: i haven't used unity in some time but there used to be a trick to disable it completely | 15:35 |
imbezol | mlindner: it would allow alt-tab to scroll through everything normally rather than group | 15:35 |
auronandace | steel767: try looking at top or htop | 15:35 |
imbezol | mlindner: i think it was a unity plugin | 15:36 |
steel767 | auronandace: the same situation with "top" :( | 15:37 |
philip | hello pls i installed wireshark but when i try using it i get this message:The capture session could not be initiated on interface 'wlan0 | 15:37 |
auronandace | steel767: are you sure these separate processes are not just sharing the same memory between em? | 15:38 |
HoloPed | Hey all, I need to use TTYS0 serial port, how do I disabled the serial console so it's not locked anymore ? | 15:39 |
natuzi | I'm doing a symbolic link every reboot to use a function of mplayer, how can I do a permanent symbolic link? | 15:43 |
guywhoneedshelp | Hi. My laptop's hard disk crashed and I was thinking of using an ubuntu LiveUSB to create a disk image before attempting repair. However, being an windows user, I'm not sure if I've gotten the commands right. Can someone please tell me if the steps at seem right? Thanks :) | 15:48 |
MonkeyDust | guywhoneedshelp better ask in #bash, i guess | 15:58 |
WangWL | hello eveyone, I am on ubuntu-mate 14.10, and trying to add a windows 8 local printer, i installed samba packages, but no way, Any idea? | 16:03 |
=== Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis | ||
=== KlausedSource is now known as KlausedSource_ | ||
Whitor | WangWL, are you sure the printer is shared on the w8 machine? | 16:07 |
WangWL | Whitor, i went to that comp, and selected share it | 16:10 |
|--| | file sharing using nautilus don't work, it says No Permission on other Ubuntu Systems and on Windows | 16:10 |
|--| | What could be the problem ? | 16:11 |
mathias____ | Hey | 16:12 |
WangWL | I am on ubuntu-mate using caja, should be a ubu common problem | 16:12 |
mathias____ | Is it possible to get help here with a wifi trouble? | 16:12 |
MonkeyDust | is mate in the repos, in 14.10? | 16:13 |
auronandace | mathias____: if your wifi trouble is on ubuntu then sure | 16:13 |
bazhang | !find mate-desktop | 16:13 |
ubottu | Found: libmate-desktop-2-17, libmate-desktop-2-17-dbg, libmate-desktop-dev, libmate-desktop-doc, mate-desktop, mate-desktop-common, mate-desktop-dbg, mate-desktop-environment, mate-desktop-environment-core, mate-desktop-environment-extra (and 1 others)§ion=all | 16:13 |
bazhang | MonkeyDust, ^ | 16:14 |
WangWL | MonkeyDust time ago. | 16:14 |
WangWL | | 16:14 |
mathias____ | Yea it is. I am sometimes gaming and i have noticed like every minute the player on the game starts lagging like micro. I have tried with a wired connection and this doesnt appear then. I have had the same problems on windows but solved it by installing this program: | 16:15 |
mathias____ | How can i solve this on ubuntu? | 16:15 |
curlyears | help, please? | 16:15 |
auronandace | curlyears: you'll need to explain the issue before people can help | 16:16 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears start with a question | 16:16 |
sauraedron | i have a xml based file with different extension, earlier it used to open in my browser, now when i double clic to open it, it downloads it. i want to view that file in browser rather than downloading it.. not sure how to do that.. need help | 16:18 |
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FBI | right click -> open with | 16:19 |
sauraedron | FBI, it opens with firefox but does not display it.. it again asks me " What should firefox do with this file" | 16:19 |
curlyears | help, please? | 16:20 |
curlyears | I just got out of a long hospitaliztion, and I can't remember how to find out which version of Ubuntu I am using | 16:20 |
cfhowlett | curlyears, open a terminal and do this command: lsb_release -a | 16:20 |
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii | ||
Ryukia | hola | 16:21 |
Ryukia | dd | 16:21 |
mathias____ | Yea it is. I am sometimes gaming and i have noticed like every minute the player on the game starts lagging like micro. I have tried with a wired connection and this doesnt appear then. I have had the same problems on windows but solved it by installing this program: How can i solve this on ubuntu? | 16:21 |
Ryukia | hola | 16:21 |
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest92003 | ||
Ryukia | hablan español | 16:22 |
Ryukia | ?? | 16:22 |
somsip | !es | Ryukia | 16:22 |
cfhowlett | !es | ryu91835 | 16:22 |
ubottu | ryu91835: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 16:22 |
Ryukia | spanish? | 16:22 |
ubottu | Ryukia: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 16:22 |
BluesKaj | !es | 16:22 |
ibe | ibi | 16:22 |
ibe_ | boone | 16:23 |
ibe_ | boone | 16:24 |
ibe_ | boon | 16:25 |
MonkeyDust | ibe_ it works, we see you | 16:25 |
k1l | ibe_: ibe please stop that. there is #test for testing with irc. | 16:25 |
ibe_ | midgygjhtjiutrohrigrf!!(h'yuegergyujutgnbetufr§d!tgru!gyrtguh!rdhç!trghrtgythf§h!u(§yuçr(y iohniftri jfe n jlscdbb;hc jbc jmb, v;fhj, dd buvfngggggggg sùfjgmburpzurptu'iàar((tèt((t(((t(rehygcnfjhhjv fnnnfgk hugiygityugthfjfd | 16:26 |
ibe_ | aithpmog(tptyk | 16:27 |
aarobc | Just got my system76 machine. it's a beast. | 16:33 |
|--| | aarobc, do you know how to share a folder in Ubuntu ? | 16:37 |
aarobc | |--|: depends what you mean by share. Are you talking about over a local network? | 16:38 |
aarobc | like with a windows machine? | 16:38 |
aarobc | Or are you talking about permissions between two users? | 16:38 |
hardtail | does anyone have experience installing the native linux package of autodesk maya? | 16:48 |
omid | hi | 16:51 |
nitish | hi | 16:51 |
MonkeyDust | hardtail i read here, autodesk maya is supported by red hat and fedora | 16:51 |
nitish | i am new | 16:51 |
cfhowlett | nitish, ask your support question | 16:52 |
omid | welcom nitish | 16:52 |
MonkeyDust | hardtail "On Linux, the supported distributions are Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, 64-bit.[19] While Autodesk acknowledges that the application may run on other distributions, it does not support them. " | 16:52 |
=== bean_ is now known as Guest67238 | ||
hardtail | monkeydust thanks, I saw on the AUtodesk forums some users have it up and running. was just curious if anybody here has done the same | 16:54 |
hos | hi | 16:54 |
mathias____ | Hey guys | 16:55 |
hos | i'm using apache server status for Virtualhosts | 16:55 |
mathias____ | Can anyone private msg me for help with wifi. I have found a guide but i dont really understand it. I need guidance. Here is the guide: | 16:55 |
hos | but it display all requests for other Vhosts | 16:55 |
bazhang | !wifi | mathias____ have a read | 16:56 |
ubottu | mathias____ have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 16:56 |
mofi | hi | 16:56 |
mofi | hi can anybody help me? | 16:57 |
cfhowlett | !ask | mofi, | 16:58 |
ubottu | mofi,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:58 |
genii | mofi: Details firs of your problem does help :) | 16:58 |
mofi | gmail is available for ubuntu 14.04 says package missing | 16:59 |
mofi | sorry not avai;able | 16:59 |
cfhowlett | mofi, gmail isn't an app ... | 16:59 |
nitish | i want to know protocol | 16:59 |
mofi | sorry im new in linux | 16:59 |
nitish | mee to | 17:00 |
cfhowlett | nitish, protocol for WHAT? | 17:00 |
mathias____ | I still dont find the solution to my problem :/ | 17:00 |
nitish | i want to know how it work cfhowlett | 17:00 |
cfhowlett | nitish, IT? no idea what you're talking about | 17:01 |
pbx | mathias____, give a detailed description of your problem, including what you have tried and what happened when you did. include pastebin links to error messages and other relevant terminal data. tell us what hardware you are using. tell us if you have successfully used the hardware with another OS. look to get help from the room, not private chat | 17:02 |
mofi | does anybody here make apps using wpf for windows? | 17:02 |
nitish | cfhowlett, i want to know what is protocol | 17:02 |
somsip | mofi: what does that have to do with ubuntu? | 17:02 |
somsip | nitish: start here | 17:03 |
cfhowlett | !details | nitish, before you ask anymore questions READ THIS | 17:03 |
ubottu | nitish, before you ask anymore questions READ THIS: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 17:03 |
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz | ||
mofi | ok for ubuntu i want to use macbuntu,can u help me how to do this?? | 17:04 |
somsip | !mac | mofi | 17:04 |
ubottu | mofi: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 17:04 |
cfhowlett | !mac | mofi READ this link | 17:04 |
ubottu | mofi READ this link: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 17:04 |
mofi | thnx guys | 17:05 |
mofi | guys can i ask a question regarding to some programming language? | 17:06 |
cfhowlett | mofi, ask in the language channel, e.g. #python | 17:07 |
somsip | mofi: there are dedicated channels for most languages. Ask here, but you may be told to go elsewhere | 17:07 |
mofi | ok i can't see the channels how to find it? | 17:08 |
somsip | !alis | mofi | 17:08 |
ubottu | mofi: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 17:08 |
sauraedron | mofi google them | 17:09 |
bazhang | sauraedron, that wont help here, alis is the way to go, and saying google it is not welcome here at any rate | 17:10 |
dmtarmey | hello i went through troublshooting my sound, but it still dosnt work, it was working before i updated any suggestions as i cant watch youtube or any videos or music | 17:10 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, with pavucontrol and padevchooser? | 17:10 |
bazhang | sauraedron, for example /msg alis list python will show the python channels here on freenode network | 17:11 |
MonkeyDust | *python* would, with the asterisks | 17:12 |
sauraedron | bazhang, sorry | 17:12 |
bazhang | MonkeyDust, no more wildcards needed, it has changed | 17:12 |
ecdhe | a coworker updated Trusty on his lenovo last night and all his USB3 ports stopped working. Booting a previous kernel from GRUB solves the issue. | 17:12 |
ecdhe | Where should I send the USB3 root hub model number and the version of the broken kernel? | 17:13 |
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bazhang | !bug | ecdhe | 17:13 |
ubottu | ecdhe: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 17:13 |
ecdhe | bazhang, what's the package for the kernel? | 17:14 |
redhot_ | Hi there! How can I build dependency on service startup if service1 needs service2 running before start? But if service2 is not present on system, then service1 runs anyway | 17:15 |
bazhang | ecdhe, linux-image-generic-versionhere? like that? | 17:15 |
ecdhe | bazhang, thanks! | 17:15 |
dmtarmey | hello i went through troublshooting my sound, but it still dosnt work, it was working before i updated any suggestions as i cant watch youtube or any videos or music | 17:16 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, with pavucontrol and padevchooser? | 17:16 |
dmtarmey | bazhang pavucontrol and padevchoosergot them cant see the problem with them | 17:16 |
dmtarmey | bazhang ??? | 17:18 |
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dmtarmey | ubuntu isnt for newbies is it ? | 17:24 |
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OerHeks | dmtarmey, i don't see why not | 17:25 |
Vge | it's the hardest of win/mac/linux, it's easiest of linuxes | 17:25 |
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dmtarmey | i think you need to be a little more advanced because every time you make a little change to your system it seem to break somethink else, and i try for days to fix it and seem to end the day with no result, | 17:27 |
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bazhang | dmtarmey, tried a guest user yet | 17:27 |
dmtarmey | who is guest user? | 17:28 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, are you using wine as well as youtube skype and the like as well | 17:28 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, its a guest user account you create | 17:28 |
dmtarmey | i have got wine on my system and skype yes | 17:28 |
dmtarmey | no didnt know about guest user account i will find out about it cheers | 17:29 |
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mofi_ | hiii | 17:30 |
dmtarmey | iv also changed to xubuntu as my system slowed down | 17:31 |
dmtarmey | bazhang how do i re load unity to see if this is part of the problem | 17:32 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, I am not on unity currently, sorry | 17:34 |
dmtarmey | bazhang what u using | 17:34 |
bazhang | dmtarmey, gnome-shell | 17:34 |
OerHeks | dmtarmey, how about logout, change dm to unity and login ? | 17:34 |
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felino | jo | 17:41 |
daftykins | greetings | 17:42 |
Learner | How do I find the C Shell Linux source command syntax,source <file name> argument please? | 17:44 |
kjantin1 | Can you recommend a way to record one's desktop on Linux Mint? | 17:44 |
bazhang | ask mintsupport kjantin1 | 17:45 |
bazhang | !mintsupport | 17:45 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 17:45 |
daftykins | Learner: you can disguise yourself with a different nickname, but this is still _off topic_ and i bet you're still using 13.04, too. | 17:45 |
daftykins | Learner: please take it elsewhere as you were told last time. | 17:46 |
OerHeks | man csh | 17:47 |
daftykins | (it's that user from intel again) | 17:48 |
divBy0 | hey anybody know about using the 'Theme Configuration' app from software center? I don't understand what the names correspond to and I can't find documentation for it | 17:51 |
divBy0 | Custom highlight colors, custom panel colors, custom menu colors | 17:51 |
EriC^^ | does anybody know how i can get wma files to play? | 17:51 |
divBy0 | vlc media player | 17:51 |
EriC^^ | i tried that, no dice divBy0 | 17:51 |
EriC^^ | let me try again | 17:51 |
divBy0 | EriC^^: error message? do you have all the gstreamer updates | 17:52 |
Exogar | hey guys, got a problem getting eclipse luna to work with ubuntu. Is this the right place to ask for help? Terminal output here: | 17:52 |
daftykins | WMA would play fine if they don't contain DRM | 17:52 |
kjantin1 | ubottu: ok thanks. I thought Ubuntu and Mint were related. Yes I am in that room, it's just very small and quiet. :) | 17:52 |
ubottu | kjantin1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:52 |
daftykins | EriC^^: ^ | 17:52 |
daftykins | kjantin1: it's on a different network, are you sure you're connected to the other server? | 17:52 |
ikonia | `/window 26 | 17:52 |
ikonia | oops | 17:52 |
EriC^^ | divBy0: daftykins yeah i downloaded all the gstreamer stuff and restricted-extras | 17:53 |
divBy0 | its gtk-theme-config | 17:53 |
kjantin1 | daftykins: you mean, i can't access #linuxmint-help via irc.freenode server? | 17:54 |
EriC^^ | vlc just keeps starting in a loop, no error msgs or anything | 17:54 |
daftykins | kjantin1: correct. if you read ubottu's factoid, it states | 17:54 |
LabCoatNomad | hey guys, two questions. One how do I downgrade VituralBox 4.3 to 4.2? ive done some google searches but nothing easy seems to come up. can i apt-get install a specific version? | 17:55 |
jhutchins | EriC^^: You can launch vlc in a console window so you can see error messages. | 17:55 |
kjantin1 | daftykins: I just tried that it told me that my account name is rejected. | 17:55 |
some-ubuntu-user | ok, so... ubuntu 14.10... no changes to anything with the system for like over a week. no recent updates to anything driver or kernel related, mainly just git and image magick. not been having any issues at all in the past. went afk for like 5 minutes, came back and the monitor was in sleep mode and i couldn't get it out. | 17:55 |
jhutchins | EriC^^: Sounds like it might be a bad file. | 17:55 |
divBy0 | EriC^^: run vlc from a terminal and look at the output | 17:55 |
EriC^^ | jhutchins: just tried that, nothing, i tried a bunch of files, ill try more | 17:55 |
some-ubuntu-user | i had to REISUB to restart. when i restarted it went into sleep mode again right after the grub screen | 17:55 |
yalchin-38 | всем привет !! | 17:55 |
some-ubuntu-user | anybody have any ideas? | 17:56 |
daftykins | kjantin1: i think you need to look up some info on how to connect to another server with your chosen IRC client. this isn't on topic here, you might ask #freenode for some help | 17:56 |
kjantin1 | daftykins: Right. Will try to find support on how to find support. This stuff is so easy. :( | 17:56 |
daftykins | some-ubuntu-user: boot recovery and pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if X even gets as far as starting | 17:56 |
daftykins | kjantin1: welcome to running Mint instead of Ubuntu. your choice ;) | 17:57 |
EriC^^ | divBy0: it doesn't mention anything except that it can't find the artist name at | 17:57 |
EriC^^ | vlc shoots up to 100+% in top | 17:57 |
divBy0 | EriC^^: how big is this file? | 17:57 |
divBy0 | anyone know how to use gtk-theme-config? I don't know what the different settings change : | 17:58 |
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daftykins | EriC^^: would another sample be of any use to you? :) | 17:59 |
EriC^^ | divBy0: jhutchins daftykins nevermind it was a bad file :D thanks! | 17:59 |
Exogar | hey guys, got a problem getting eclipse luna to work with ubuntu. Is this the right place to ask for help? Terminal output here: | 17:59 |
daftykins | Exogar: so i guess it's not working as well as you claimed recently, eh? :) | 18:00 |
daftykins | Exogar: someone might reply, but java dev channels would probably be more useful since people have probably dealt with that before | 18:00 |
abd | ciao | 18:00 |
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abd | !list | 18:00 |
tubbo | is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 14.10 without needing to use the GUI? | 18:00 |
ubottu | abd: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 18:00 |
tubbo | i have a server and i'd rather not take it down since i can't repeat its configuration, that i wish to upgrade to ubu 14 | 18:01 |
abd | !list | 18:01 |
daftykins | tubbo: you can't go direct. you have to go to 14.04 first, then to 14.10 - but why leave LTS? | 18:01 |
abd | !list | 18:01 |
daftykins | abd: do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 18:01 |
abd | !list | 18:01 |
abd | !list | 18:01 |
OerHeks | abd, all torrents are here friend | 18:01 |
tubbo | daftykins: that's ok, i can deal with 14.04...i just want the apt repos to have up-to-date versions of my software... | 18:02 |
daftykins | tubbo: well you should make a backup regardless of your plan, it's not guaranteed to be flawless | 18:02 |
tubbo | daftykins: yeah i definitely wil | 18:03 |
tubbo | will* | 18:03 |
some-ubuntu-user | daftykins: | 18:03 |
Exogar | daftykins, well i got one problem solved recently but they keep stacking up x.x | 18:03 |
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some-ubuntu-user | my guess is it's something to do with: radeon_dri2_flip_event_handler: Pageflip completion event has impossible msc.. as those are the last lines | 18:03 |
tubbo | daftykins: it's just an IRC bouncer so no biggie if i lose data...i just don't have a chef cookbook for the box so i can't simply kill the old one and rebuild it as 14 | 18:03 |
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daftykins | some-ubuntu-user: if you have multiple kernels try booting an older one *just to see* | 18:05 |
divBy0 | anyone here good with editing gtk? | 18:05 |
MortezaE | Hi. wanna buy a USB Dial-up modem. Which Chip has Ubuntu better support for? | 18:05 |
divBy0 | gtk theming | 18:05 |
some-ubuntu-user | daftykins: i'll see if it's listed in grub, thanks | 18:05 |
evilrob | I'm trying to create an unattended install iso for 14.04, but I've not found a working example. | 18:06 |
evilrob | does anyone have some pointers to working examples or troubleshooting for such things? | 18:06 |
divBy0 | if someone could help me just find the documentation for it i just cant figure out what these lines are referring to and what i'm editing without trial and error /* Default color scheme */ | 18:07 |
divBy0 | @define-color bg_color #202020; | 18:07 |
divBy0 | @define-color fg_color #bbbbbb; | 18:07 |
ki7rw | my mouse randomly stops responding but if i do this key sequence the mouse starts responding again: ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-f7 - ubuntu 14.04 64 bit currently using nvidia-331 driver (the nouveau driver does the same thing) | 18:13 |
ki7rw | after the key sequence the desktop sometimes comes back quickly and sometimes very slowly | 18:13 |
ki7rw | | 18:13 |
pyoor | Hi all. I'm having an issue importing a certificate. When I try to import the cert, I get an alert to enter in my password for the gnome2 key storage. I apparently lost this so I deleted my keyring but after setting a new password, it still won't let me unlock this keyring | 18:14 |
MrSassyPants | I may have shot up my networking configuration, NetworkManager no longer seems to work properly. Is there some procedure to restore it to working order? | 18:14 |
pyoor | I've deleted the ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring to no avail | 18:15 |
pyoor | any ideas? | 18:15 |
m3n3chm0 | anybody here is using Firefox on Ubuntu, Xubuntu in my case or any other derivate Ubuntu distribution ¿??? | 18:15 |
m3n3chm0 | please confirm in that case :) | 18:15 |
* ki7rw uses firefox | 18:21 | |
ki7rw | and chrome | 18:21 |
OerHeks | m3n3chm0, so what is your real question ? | 18:24 |
teward | m3n3chm0: that's not really a support question, what specifically is your question? | 18:24 |
m3n3chm0 | my problem is just inmy Xubuntu laptop Toshiba a660 13T with 4GB and Nvidia dedicated 1GB ram my Firefox is a holy crap about the speed or charge... I've tested all tips found on the NET without success.. pipelining, deactivating all addons (i only use ublock, and two or three more of them..)) | 18:25 |
m3n3chm0 | so i'm findind out what exactly the problem is... | 18:25 |
m3n3chm0 | i'm in a laptop xubuntu 63 bits and also firefox 64 i guess... i tried to install firefox 32 bits but the results were the same :S | 18:25 |
m3n3chm0 | it's lagging a bit time.. about 3-4 seconds charging the webs it's strange... | 18:26 |
m3n3chm0 | as you know in windows Firefox is working like a charm , in this same machine | 18:26 |
m3n3chm0 | i tested more distros... but Xubuntu is very light i think about the XFCE no problems... so why is Firefox having this bad performance ??¿¿ | 18:26 |
m3n3chm0 | OerHeks teward ?= | 18:27 |
OerHeks | m3n3chm0, yes, FF is awefully slow. | 18:27 |
OerHeks | crap imho | 18:28 |
teward | m3n3chm0: that's not new. you could go and install chrome or something, which does run faster | 18:28 |
m3n3chm0 | yes but my question is why in windows is running well in linux FF not ?¿ | 18:29 |
m3n3chm0 | very anoyed | 18:29 |
teward | m3n3chm0: FYI you didn't actually *ask* that question, and you're comparing apples and oranges | 18:29 |
m3n3chm0 | so anybody is using Firefox here ? a faster firefox i guess in order to know what exactly the configuration of that person is ? :) | 18:30 |
jhutchins | !es | 18:31 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:31 |
OerHeks | m3n3chm0, don't compare win & linux. totally different OS and FF build. | 18:31 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: It's probably your network configuration. | 18:31 |
MonkeyDust | m3n3chm0 try this | 18:32 |
prpl | hi, I installed xubuntu 14.04 to usb using unetbootin and am having a hard time with password at localhost:631 | 18:32 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: How much ram do you have? | 18:32 |
OerHeks | jhutchins, happens here also, ff takes a lot of time to open a simple webpage. | 18:32 |
m3n3chm0 | jhutchins no way... i just tried pipelining ipv6 diasbled and a hundred and 50 more tips from the interent forums etc... | 18:32 |
m3n3chm0 | jhutchins 4GB intel i5 | 18:32 |
m3n3chm0 | 1gb nvidia with propietary driver.. | 18:33 |
m3n3chm0 | MonkeyDust ok, i'm going to see that post thanks for the help | 18:33 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: Maybe it's vodaphone. | 18:33 |
Kanerix | on 14.10, where is PATH= declared? It's not in .bashrc and I can't find it. | 18:34 |
jhutchins | ipv6 DNS can be a problem. | 18:34 |
m3n3chm0 | jhutchins vodafone ? mmmm maybe | 18:34 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: There are other browsers. | 18:34 |
m3n3chm0 | but in chrome chromium going well FF not... | 18:34 |
m3n3chm0 | i Know but i would like to continue using firefox jeje | 18:35 |
m3n3chm0 | jhutchins how much MB do you have with google fiber ¿? | 18:37 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: I have 1Gb. | 18:37 |
m3n3chm0 | :O wow :) | 18:37 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: On a fairly new system with ssd I get pretty close to that up & down, on older systems with real hard drives I get about 500M down, 750M up. | 18:38 |
WangWL | !en | 18:38 |
ubottu | Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 18:38 |
jhutchins | m3n3chm0: In practice I rarely get over 400M down limited by the remote and the net. | 18:39 |
WangWL | XD | 18:39 |
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Kanerix | jhutchins, that's the problem I have with just 125 megabit. I'm almost always limited by the remote server | 18:39 |
evgeniy | guys can someone faced with the problem of network driver rtl8723be | 18:41 |
evgeniy | need ur help | 18:41 |
pureshors | hello i serach a french canal | 18:42 |
daftykins | evgeniy: ask a full question with detail to start with, please. (on one line) | 18:42 |
daftykins | #ubuntu-fr - pureshors | 18:42 |
pureshors | ok thank you | 18:42 |
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Kanerix | Where is $PATH initialized? My .bashrc files do not have it. | 18:45 |
OerHeks | Kanerix, Global environment variables of your system are stored in /etc/environment. | 18:47 |
OerHeks | Any changes here will get reflected throughout the system and will affect all users of the system. Also, you need a Reboot, for any changes made here to take effect. | 18:47 |
OerHeks | User level Environment variables are mostly stored in .bashrc and .profile | 18:47 |
Kanerix | Thank you! | 18:47 |
OerHeks | have fun | 18:47 |
KlausedSource | is there any good texteditor for X that has syntax highlightning the way vim has (syntax for config files, etc...)? | 18:48 |
Kanerix | OerHeks, that has been pissing me off for the past hour and I haven't been finding the solution anywhere | 18:49 |
prpl | hi, I installed xubuntu 14.04 to usb using unetbootin and am having a hard time with password at localhost:631 | 18:49 |
maesrin | my favourite non-vi editor is sublime , but is not free | 18:49 |
OerHeks | !editor | 18:49 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 18:49 |
OerHeks | !ide | 18:49 |
ubottu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator | 18:49 |
daftykins | prpl: you mean you're in a booted live session? | 18:50 |
prpl | yes | 18:50 |
OerHeks | KlausedSource, Netbeans and Eclipse are oke, AFAIK | 18:51 |
prpl | with persistence | 18:51 |
daftykins | prpl: tried "ubuntu" for user and blank pass? | 18:51 |
daftykins | oh. | 18:51 |
prpl | nope... | 18:51 |
daftykins | ah well, good luck with that :) | 18:51 |
prpl | ty | 18:51 |
intute | Y ubuntu is slow in my pc | 18:51 |
daftykins | intute: give us some hardware specifications to answer that, our crystal balls are still on back order sadly. | 18:52 |
OerHeks | intute, hard to say out of the blue, what are the specs of your machine? | 18:52 |
usr0 | What is better: Squid or 3proxy? | 18:52 |
daftykins | the better one is the one you get working first. | 18:52 |
intute | gb ram intel i5 processor | 18:53 |
intute | 3gb ram | 18:53 |
prpl | daftykins....ubuntu as user, no password doesn't seem to work at "CUPS login" | 18:53 |
intute | If i open any ide then i cant even use any other prgms | 18:54 |
daftykins | prpl: yeah i got that from when you said 'nope' before | 18:54 |
Kanerix | intute, top | 18:54 |
OerHeks | prpl, on your machine or remote? | 18:54 |
prpl | no...I mean ..I went at tried at your suggestion | 18:54 |
intute | I tried all ways to speed it up but no use | 18:54 |
prpl | local network printer | 18:54 |
daftykins | prpl: create a new user that does have a password | 18:54 |
MrAlex | hey | 18:55 |
prpl | never thought of that...i will give that a whirl daftykins....tanks | 18:55 |
daftykins | prpl: said new user would have to be a member of identical groups though | 18:56 |
intute | Any one has Solution to speed up ubuntu 14.04 | 18:56 |
daftykins | intute: not until you respond to the people helping you | 18:57 |
OerHeks | intute, and what videocard? onboard intel ? | 18:57 |
intute | Yes onboard intel oerheks | 18:58 |
MonkeyDust | intute try this | 18:58 |
intute | Thanks MonkeyDust ill try that.. | 18:59 |
intute | Any one got hands on to BQ New Ubuntu phone ...?? | 19:00 |
_Trullo | not me | 19:00 |
OerHeks | intute, this channel is for support only, no polls please. | 19:01 |
intute | Ok sry | 19:01 |
prpl | so I add new user to the group of printer and window washer, I believe | 19:03 |
Haswell | anyone knows if "Ubuntu 14.04 32 bits" OS can read GPT NTFS partitions ? | 19:04 |
OerHeks | Haswell, sure ubuntu can | 19:06 |
Haswell | ok OerHeks | 19:09 |
Voyage | Hi, I have added this in the crontab -e : * * * * * curl &>/home/ubuntu/test.txt But I dont see anything the test.txt | 19:13 |
MonkeyDust | Voyage * * * * * won't work | 19:14 |
Voyage | MonkeyDust why? | 19:14 |
MonkeyDust | Voyage because the first * * is too short a delay, i guess... i tried it too | 19:14 |
Voyage | MonkeyDust its every minut | 19:14 |
Voyage | no? | 19:14 |
Pici | yes. | 19:17 |
Pici | Voyage: You're right, it should be every minute | 19:17 |
EriC^^ | Voyage: ^^ it's cause you added & after curl i guess | 19:17 |
Voyage | Pici EriC^^ & is for run it in background. so the url stil pings? dont i need to put and ' ' ? | 19:18 |
Voyage | Pici EriC^^ & is for run it in background. so the url stil pings? dont i need to put any ' ' ? | 19:18 |
Pici | Voyage: pings? | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | Voyage: just curl > ~/test | 19:18 |
Voyage | ping = hit | 19:18 |
Voyage | k | 19:19 |
Someguy123 | hey guys, how can I get overscan/underscan without installing anything? | 19:36 |
Someguy123 | trying to use the ubuntu live cd to do some maintenance, but half of my screen is outside of the area | 19:36 |
Someguy123 | can't install AMD drivers because this is the live cd (on a USB) | 19:37 |
daftykins | is this a TV? | 19:37 |
Someguy123 | yes, and every other OS has native overscan settings | 19:37 |
Someguy123 | my windows and mac deal with this overscan fine, ubutnu seemingly has no settings for it unless I install AMD drivers | 19:37 |
daftykins | 9 times out of 10, it can be corrected by very hidden TV settings. whilst overscan options exist, it's often unnecessary | 19:37 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: I checked, this is a tesco value TV | 19:38 |
daftykins | yes because you install proprietary drivers on Windows and Macs ship with them | 19:38 |
daftykins | you'll need to install fglrx | 19:38 |
Someguy123 | it has basically no options, and struggles with any resolution that isn't 1080p | 19:38 |
Someguy123 | but it works really well as long as I keep it on 1080p, and have overscan settings | 19:38 |
daftykins | ouch, supermarket TVs heh | 19:38 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: Technika, tesco's own brand of electronics :P | 19:38 |
daftykins | yeah i'm ok without that info (: | 19:39 |
Someguy123 | but yes there's no overscan settings, there's vertical and horizontal alignment, but that doesn't even go far enough to make the sidebar or top menu visible | 19:39 |
Someguy123 | it also means the bottom right gets cut off instead | 19:39 |
daftykins | ok, i get it - how about installing fglrx then? :) | 19:40 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: this is a live USB, I'm not installing it | 19:40 |
Someguy123 | there's also no persistence | 19:40 |
daftykins | ah right, yeah unless you can find anything online you're SOL. | 19:40 |
Someguy123 | using it for maintenance tasks, rather than installing it | 19:40 |
daftykins | presumably 'radeon' is in use then | 19:41 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: lsmod confirms that | 19:41 |
Someguy123 | ubuntu is seemingly the first to overflow the screen however | 19:43 |
tvoss_ | gs | 19:43 |
Someguy123 | windows and mac simply just don't fill the screen | 19:43 |
Someguy123 | while ubuntu floods the screen, leaving the sidebar and menu non-visible | 19:43 |
daftykins | Someguy123: honestly, stating the issue 5 times in a row won't really get us anywhere nearer to a result | 19:43 |
daftykins | have you played with xrandr as per ? | 19:44 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: he doesn't list how to fix overscan | 19:47 |
Someguy123 | only the resolution, which isn't the problem | 19:47 |
daftykins | i'm suggesting to try it regardless, actually | 19:47 |
daftykins | also what version is this? | 19:47 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: I just did | 19:48 |
Someguy123 | 14.04 | 19:48 |
daftykins | .1 ? | 19:48 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: where can I check on ubuntu? | 19:48 |
daftykins | cat /etc/issue | 19:48 |
daftykins | or lsb_release -a | 19:48 |
Someguy123 | yes .1 | 19:48 |
daftykins | or look at the original ISO you downloaded | 19:48 |
Someguy123 | 14.04.1 | 19:48 |
daftykins | consider booting with nomodeset then, that might give a workable screen | 19:49 |
daftykins | !nomodeset | 19:49 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 19:49 |
htrmeira | Hey guys, does anyone knows the irc channel of simplestreams? | 19:49 |
daftykins | or just xrandr other resolutions | 19:49 |
Someguy123 | other resolutions just make the issue worse | 19:49 |
daftykins | !alis | htrmeira this channel is not a freenode directory | 19:49 |
ubottu | htrmeira this channel is not a freenode directory: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 19:49 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: I'm using unetbootin, am I still able to change that parameter? | 19:50 |
daftykins | Someguy123: don't know, i avoid that. | 19:50 |
daftykins | with good reason (: | 19:50 |
htrmeira | daftykins: i think they does not have one... thanks. | 19:51 |
eldwin | Can any compsci whizzes explain to me how the bash parameter -r/R is recursive? What is it about searching through subdirectories and their own subdirectories that is "recursive"? | 19:54 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: well, that worked, but my screen is now 800x600 and I'm unable to change it | 19:55 |
Jamie_1 | eek kernal panic! | 19:55 |
daftykins | *kernel | 19:55 |
Jamie_1 | still... ahhh | 19:55 |
daftykins | Someguy123: yep, well either make a drive with persistence to install drivers, or cope as-is :) | 19:55 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: support only in here please, no death screams | 19:56 |
Jamie_1 | Lil sorry | 19:56 |
Jamie_1 | lol stupid auto correct | 19:56 |
daftykins | eldwin: entering a directory, then entering another... then another... | 19:56 |
Jamie_1 | I am on my phone..... but what info do you need to help | 19:57 |
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Jamie_1 | I have never had a kernel panic till now | 19:58 |
eldwin | daftykins: So, what you mean is, if I were to run grep -R <whatever> /home/<me>/*, the program would execute like grepCode(<whatever> /home/me/), then grepCode(<whatever> /home/me/<some subdirectory>), and so on? | 19:58 |
daftykins | eldwin: dunno, look at it's source to be 100% :) | 19:59 |
daftykins | *its | 19:59 |
eldwin | daftykins: Where can I find the source code for grep and other bash commands? | 19:59 |
daftykins | pass. | 19:59 |
WangWL | Someguy123 i had being some problems with current unetbootin version on uvbu, try to download last one from unetbootin web | 20:00 |
Whitor | eldwin, I've heard that the internet has these documents *sorry* :) | 20:00 |
daftykins | better yet, don't use unetbootin at all | 20:00 |
WangWL | your choce Someguy123 | 20:01 |
eldwin | Whitor: I looked on Stack Overflow and apparently grep uses automata theory, which is a third year course where I'm going to college | 20:01 |
Jamie_1 | someguy123: trying to do a new inttall and runnubg into faild to load file com32 | 20:01 |
Whitor | eldwin, cool. grep is Open source, so I'm sure you can find it. | 20:01 |
tortho | Hi, Can anyone please have a look why the following rc.local does not work in ubuntu 14.10. The fing command works in terminal.. | 20:02 |
Jamie_1 | does any one know what to do with a kernel panic? | 20:03 |
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Jamie_1 | the only thing I know to do is do a fresh install.... but I would loose everything | 20:06 |
Whitor | Jamie_1, talk to it softly in a low calm manner | 20:06 |
Whitor | what caused the panic? | 20:06 |
Whitor | any thing change right before? | 20:06 |
Whitor | Jamie_1, what version are you running? | 20:06 |
Jamie_1 | 14 | 20:07 |
genii | com32 does not sound like linux | 20:07 |
Jamie_1 | 14.10 | 20:07 |
Jamie_1 | it shut down earlier in had assumed due to heat from sitting on a couch.. so I went to bed and got up and booted into a kernal panic pd | 20:09 |
Jamie_1 | pd not meant | 20:09 |
milamber | tortho: is the file marked executable? | 20:10 |
Whitor | Jamie_1, Have you tried a hard (full) poweroff? followed by a power on? does the issue persist? | 20:11 |
Jamie_1 | Whitor: yes | 20:11 |
tortho | @milambert yes it is.. | 20:13 |
milamber | tortho: how are you trying to execute it and what is the output? | 20:14 |
Whitor | Channel... Does anyone know how to force the grub menu offering "safe mode" or equivilent for 14.10 ? ^ Jamie_1 | 20:14 |
tortho | @milamber yes it is | 20:14 |
milamber | tortho: what are you typing into the terminal and what is the output? | 20:14 |
Jamie_1 | last line on screen is [ 1.234029] ---[ end of kernel panic - not syncing: VSF: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) | 20:15 |
Jamie_1 | if that helps | 20:15 |
milamber | Whitor: i believe it is the right shift button | 20:15 |
Whitor | milamber, will try thank you.. | 20:15 |
daftykins | left shift | 20:15 |
Jamie_1 | one sec | 20:16 |
Jamie_1 | think my computer took a dump | 20:17 |
Someguy123 | so can anyone here tell me what this metadata on Win8 drives is? supposedly I can use ntfsfix to allow me to edit the drive, but what are the dangers of that? | 20:17 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: that isn't appropriate talk here | 20:17 |
Whitor | daftykins / milamber ... neither shift worked... when do I press it? and do I hold it down or tap repeatedly? | 20:18 |
daftykins | Someguy123: what are you trying to achieve? | 20:18 |
Someguy123 | my windows 8 system is infected, and I want to backup my drives, but every single drive has the so called "unclean state" from windows 8 fast boot | 20:18 |
tortho | @milamber the whole sudo fing line and it logs it output to the html file in var/www..... | 20:18 |
daftykins | Someguy123: you'd be better off booting windows media and chkdsk'ing the volumes first. | 20:18 |
Someguy123 | daftykins: it's not corrupted, it's unclean from fast boot | 20:18 |
daftykins | Someguy123: they'll help you with that in ##windows - it is unadvisable to carry on with Ubuntu | 20:18 |
Jamie_1 | when I hit the power button and now my charging light is just flashing... I think in gonna cry... | 20:18 |
daftykins | Someguy123: yes i know what it means, can you please stop second guessing my replies :P | 20:19 |
milamber | tortho: what happens when you do sudo /etc/rc.local | 20:20 |
milamber | ?? | 20:20 |
jento | Hello i have a Canon MG5250 Printer and i try to use it in the Wlan | 20:22 |
jento | but CUP dont find the printer | 20:22 |
jento | i see ist run the wlan | 20:23 |
jento | dies is the adress from the printer | 20:23 |
jento | how i can install on CUP | 20:23 |
Jamie_1 | okay made it to recovery menu | 20:24 |
Jamie_1 | I don't know what i did but its now working!!! | 20:28 |
tortho | @milamber it then asks for password, when I enter that it runs the fing command as it should... seems like rc.local is not started at boot.... | 20:28 |
milamber | tortho: have you restarted? | 20:29 |
Jamie_1 | and it started right, it all of a sudden a few days ago started up saying kubuntu instead of Ubuntu studio | 20:30 |
Jamie_1 | and now says Ubuntu studio again :) | 20:31 |
Jamie_1 | sorry for the panic | 20:31 |
treck471_ | h | 20:33 |
tortho | @milaber yes, several times, still no joy.. | 20:34 |
rat_tar | hi | 20:34 |
rat_tar | yo i just got ubuntu like a week ago what are cool things to do | 20:35 |
phaidros | hideho, I upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 now my postfix-sasl setup broke, anyone familiar with upgrade issues there? | 20:36 |
milamber | tortho: | 20:38 |
tortho | @milamber thanks a lot for your help, will see if I can figure out the upstart thing or any other way to get this started at boot. | 20:40 |
tortho | or use th eother rc.local :-) | 20:41 |
milamber | tortho: the part towards the end is probably closer to what you want. it looks like ubuntu systems may need the script in /etc/init.d (make backups of all original files) (really do that) (always!) | 20:41 |
jarvis_ | gsoc | 20:41 |
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold | ||
spacekookie | Question. I'm trying to install a package (libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev). but it's telling me: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev : Depends: libclutter-1.0-dev (>= 1.13.10) but it is not going to be installed" Can anyone maybe help me with this? :( (RUnning Kubuntu 14.10) | 20:48 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: What is your end goal? | 20:49 |
spacekookie | install | 20:49 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: Any reason you're not using the ppa? | 20:51 |
spacekookie | Well...I'm trying to use the PPA but adding that doesn't seem to work. Or I'm not using the right link/ syntax | 20:52 |
spacekookie | add-apt-repository ppa:valama-daily | 20:52 |
beakus | Hello, I am trying to get dual screen monitor set up | 20:53 |
beakus | I no longer have the option it seems | 20:53 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: Did that command give any error message? | 20:53 |
cmullinax | Hi, has the keyboard unresponsive on suspend been addressed in 14.10 for laptop users? | 20:53 |
spacekookie | Yea, it made it crash with lots of python stack traces | 20:54 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:valama-dev/valama-daily". | 20:55 |
cmullinax | This has been an issue for 14.04.1 and trying to see if moving to 14.10 with kernel 3.16 | 20:55 |
spacekookie | Jorgan_U | 20:55 |
Jordan_U | !tab | spacekookie | 20:56 |
ubottu | spacekookie: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 20:56 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: That's not the command that I asked you to run. | 20:56 |
spacekookie | Jordan_U, sorry, what command was that? | 20:57 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:valama-dev/valama-daily". | 20:58 |
spacekookie | (I'm currently at a hackerspace and am trying to do 3 things at once | 20:58 |
spacekookie | Thanks | 20:58 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: You're welcome. | 20:58 |
spacekookie | Jordan_U, ah thanks, that worked | 20:58 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: Note that I used the exact name listed at , "You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:valama-dev/valama-daily to your system's Software Sources." | 20:58 |
spacekookie | The c-base says "thank you" : | 20:59 |
spacekookie | * :p | 20:59 |
Jordan_U | spacekookie: You're welcome :) | 20:59 |
=== ALFA is now known as Guest53604 | ||
dmtarmey | can someone tell me how i can restore my copy of abuntu back to factory setting iv so messed it up | 21:06 |
Jordan_U | dmtarmey: Re-install? | 21:07 |
dmtarmey | my hole system if messed up | 21:08 |
dmtarmey | Jordan_U starting to think my system will never run well under ubuntu | 21:09 |
dmtarmey | ubuntu reporting intenal errors | 21:09 |
freonyfreet | Hi there , I have a question and i hope someone help me with ! I want to make a URL that can redirect visitors to two websites one after an other , is there any way i can do that or any tool that will generate such a URL ?? | 21:10 |
dmtarmey | Hi Jordan_U !! | 21:11 |
ikonia | freonyfreet: url re-write, round robin dns anything | 21:12 |
freonyfreet | ikonia : sorry , can you explain more ?? | 21:12 |
ikonia | freonyfreet: what part is not clear ? | 21:13 |
=== tms is now known as tms_ | ||
freonyfreet | <ikonia> whats the name of a tool if there is one ?? that can do url rewrite thing ?? | 21:14 |
ikonia | it's not a "tool" | 21:14 |
ikonia | its configured within the web server | 21:15 |
ikonia | or infront of the web server | 21:15 |
ikonia | or a form of load balancing | 21:15 |
ikonia | you can do it any of those 3 ways | 21:15 |
genii | freonyfreet: Probably want to look up how to use mod_rewrite for apache webserver | 21:15 |
luis_ | lol | 21:18 |
luis_ | ¿Y esto qué es? xD | 21:19 |
genii | !es | 21:19 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 21:19 |
luis_ | pero qué locura más grande | 21:19 |
luis_ | HI? | 21:20 |
luis_ | there's anyone there | 21:20 |
genii | luis_: Hello. If you can ask your question in english, this channel is probably best. | 21:20 |
luis_ | oh | 21:20 |
luis_ | ok | 21:20 |
luis_ | may you tell me what is this? | 21:21 |
genii | luis_: This channel is for the support of Ubuntu Linux | 21:21 |
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luis_ | oh right | 21:21 |
OerHeks | luis_, time to read topics before enter an irc channel | 21:22 |
luis_ | but I don't even know what's this xD | 21:22 |
=== RandomSvetlana is now known as svetlana | ||
luis_ | I could not read nothing because I didn't know that this chat existed | 21:23 |
luis_ | how cool | 21:23 |
daftykins | luis_: so yeah, support - not a chat channel. chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:23 |
luis_ | ok | 21:24 |
genii | luis_: When you enter an area or channel in IRC, some of the text that shows when you enter is the topic of the channel | 21:24 |
luis_ | thanks so much | 21:24 |
Rick-BA | Hi im currently having some issue with fail2ban, im getting the following in my logfile fail2ban.filter : WARNING Unable to find a corresponding IP address for # | 21:25 |
Rick-BA | i have followed the guidelines on this site here > | 21:25 |
Rick-BA | without any success though | 21:25 |
Rick-BA | most probably its related with reverse dns lookup for the actual banned hosts | 21:26 |
Unicum | hello | 21:26 |
svetlana | hi Unicum | 21:27 |
masakoo | Hello | 21:31 |
masakoo | How are you today? | 21:31 |
svetlana | hi masakoo :) | 21:31 |
svetlana | Rick-BA: hi! can you ask at #netfilter, please? | 21:31 |
Rick-BA | svetlana: okay ? | 21:31 |
Rick-BA | svetlana: okay will do, thanks | 21:32 |
Rick-BA | :) | 21:32 |
masakoo | I like to install ubuntu to my galaxy trend plus but I can't find solution how to restore back to android | 21:32 |
masakoo | Anyway I like ubuntu because it works!! | 21:34 |
acidrain | guys i need some serious help. | 21:35 |
acidrain | there is a single directory on my computer, that just happens to be the most used, that SOMETIMES throughout the day sudo cannot access. only a restart seems to fix the issue | 21:36 |
acidrain | this directory is critical to me. i need help determining if this is a harddrive failure, or if something else is involved | 21:36 |
EriC^ | acidrain: what do you mean can't access? | 21:36 |
masakoo | Is it windows or linux directory? | 21:37 |
Myrkur | Hi, computer won't shutdown using suhtdown now | 21:37 |
EriC^ | Myrkur: it's shutdown -h now | 21:38 |
hexch | Myrkur, use halt -p | 21:38 |
Myrkur | oh cool thanks a lot | 21:39 |
acidrain | EriC^: i mean i can see the contents of every directory under that one directory. but i cannot read/write to them | 21:41 |
EriC^ | acidrain: is it on a different partition? | 21:41 |
masakoo | Do somebody have ubuntu on samsung android phone? Is it working good? | 21:42 |
acidrain | EriC^: no | 21:42 |
EriC^ | acidrain: wait, you said you can't read? | 21:42 |
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acidrain | EriC^: actually yes. its on a different drive | 21:42 |
OerHeks | masakoo, join #ubuntu-touch for phone things | 21:42 |
acidrain | fak | 21:42 |
masakoo | Thank you | 21:43 |
KGemini22 | Hello. | 21:44 |
acidrain | EriC^: any ideas? | 21:45 |
KGemini22 | Does anyone have any documentation on deploying ubuntu using a Raid System Configuration for the OS, and then a secondary raid/storage volume for lamp stacks data storage? | 21:45 |
acidrain | im actually backing everything up right now while i can | 21:45 |
Apachez | backup is for chickens | 21:45 |
Apachez | real men pay IBAS to get data back if needed ;) | 21:45 |
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RAKNUS | sono italiani qui? | 21:46 |
ole_ | test | 21:46 |
EriC^ | acidrain: no idea man | 21:47 |
OerHeks | !it | RAKNUS | 21:47 |
ubottu | RAKNUS: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 21:47 |
EriC^ | acidrain: if it was only write i'd say maybe it's getting remounted ro somehow | 21:47 |
=== ole_ is now known as oz7t | ||
EriC^ | acidrain: next time it happens check mount and dmesg | 21:47 |
secr3ts | heyyy | 21:47 |
secr3ts | my niggas wassup | 21:48 |
EriC^ | acidrain: and backup is a good idea | 21:48 |
acidrain | EriC^: how can i check this mount and dmsg? | 21:49 |
acidrain | to check mount its just 'mount' right? | 21:49 |
EriC^ | acidrain: open a terminal and type mount, look for the mountpoint and it should say if it's rw or ro, also type dmesg in a terminal to view the log | 21:49 |
EriC^ | yeah | 21:50 |
KGemini22 | Wassup | 21:50 |
acidrain | k, EriC^ so if the drive mysteriously is ro, we can assume hdd failure | 21:50 |
acidrain | right? | 21:50 |
acidrain | EriC^: no. it wont even let me read | 21:51 |
OerHeks | acidrain, not always failure, you might need to check the filesystem | 21:51 |
acidrain | i can see with my own eyes, the contents of each directory. but even as sudo, cannot open these directoies | 21:51 |
acidrain | i mean | 21:51 |
acidrain | shit | 21:51 |
EriC^ | acidrain: try a fsck on it | 21:51 |
acidrain | i can see the contents of the directories. i cannot read the files in these directoies | 21:51 |
EriC^ | ( while it's unmounted ) | 21:52 |
NegativeFlare | acidrain: also, watch the language. | 21:52 |
acidrain | sry | 21:52 |
acidrain | under critical stress | 21:52 |
masakoo | If it is windows partition. You umount it from graphic environment. And then mount by ntfs-3g by console. Have you tried? | 21:52 |
acidrain | EriC^: im getting alot of these errors: rsync: read errors mapping "/var/www/jkdf2/JKBot/JKArchive/JKDF2/Game Files/jkmp/": Input/output error (5) rsync: read errors mapping "/var/www/jkdf2/JKBot/JKArchive/JKDF2/Game Files/jkmp/": Input/output error (5) | 21:55 |
acidrain | thats an example | 21:55 |
masakoo | acidrain: if there was not partitions you can try recover by testdisk. But read instructions. I have recovered lot of data by that software. | 21:55 |
acidrain | "testdisk"? | 21:56 |
acidrain | ill cehck it out | 21:56 |
EriC^ | acidrain: smartctl can probably tell you if the disk is going bad, sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | 21:57 |
masakoo | Yeah. But if there is partitions it may mean so.ething else | 21:57 |
acidrain | k, thanks guys | 21:57 |
OerHeks | EriC^, smart is buildin in 'disks'now, isn't it? | 21:57 |
EriC^ | i've seen it there, now that you mention it, yeah | 21:58 |
PSGroup13 | How can I mail a file to an email address on the Ubuntu command line please? | 21:58 |
jatt | mailx | 21:58 |
ikonia | mail $user@domain < file | 21:58 |
ikonia | or mailx | 21:58 |
jatt | mailx -s 'This is a file' < file | 21:59 |
secr3ts | hey guys :) | 21:59 |
tim | ikonia, I just happened to see this conversation and I'm curious. Are there options for creating a subject line and some text content with that command? | 22:00 |
masakoo | mkdir /mnt/temp if it is ntfs then: mount --force -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdxy /mnt/temp. X is disk letter and y is partition number | 22:00 |
secr3ts | Does the irc actually show the real ip? lol | 22:00 |
jatt | yes | 22:01 |
secr3ts | whats my ip then | 22:01 |
EriC^ | secr3ts: you're using kali, right? | 22:01 |
secr3ts | yeah eric | 22:01 |
EriC^ | that's a sane assumption based on your identd | 22:01 |
EriC^ | and the fact that you're in this channel :P | 22:02 |
secr3ts | oh | 22:02 |
secr3ts | u use kali too? | 22:02 |
EriC^ | no | 22:02 |
secr3ts | oh ok lol | 22:02 |
secr3ts | I wanna use Parrot OS | 22:02 |
secr3ts | but my god dam windows got corrupted ugh | 22:02 |
neems | 14:03:07 oOo bmacnaughton has quit Ping timeout: 246 seconds | 22:03 |
k1l_ | secr3ts: this is ubuntu support. for kali support see their channels | 22:04 |
k1l_ | !kali | secr3ts | 22:04 |
ubottu | secr3ts: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 22:04 |
secr3ts | i see | 22:04 |
secr3ts | thanks | 22:04 |
EriC^ | secr3ts: anyways it's really bad practice to login to root and use irc | 22:04 |
nrml1 | so I'm running Server Version: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu), what kind of problems you think I'll have if I upgrade to the current stable? | 22:04 |
secr3ts | thanks guys | 22:04 |
k1l_ | nrml1: what gives you "lsb_release -d"? | 22:05 |
nrml1 | Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS | 22:05 |
EriC^ | :D | 22:05 |
nrml1 | yeah I know :/ | 22:06 |
k1l_ | nrml1: oh, you are really late then. 10.04 looses support in a few months, too. you need to makt eh 8.04 -> 10.04 and then 10.04 -> 12.04 update at least. | 22:06 |
OerHeks | nrml1, i think you want a fresh install, as there is an grub update after that version | 22:07 |
Pantsu | probably less work to backup and reinstall | 22:07 |
k1l_ | nrml1: and i think you will be better of with a clean install of 14.04 and set that to the needed configs. | 22:07 |
nrml1 | well its in the works, I just want to upgrade apache for the vulns | 22:07 |
OerHeks | no heartbleed fix and such .. | 22:07 |
Pantsu | nrml1: you can roll your own apache package, but there is a lot of other open exploits... | 22:08 |
Baribal__ | Hi. I'm drowning in (scientific) papers. Is there a good self-hosted system to manage them by adding tags? | 22:08 |
nrml1 | damn | 22:08 |
Baribal__ | A feature for scanning PDFs for tags/keywords would be a big plus. | 22:08 |
Pantsu | kolab, exo and a bunch of others | 22:09 |
PSGroup13 | The command, mail $user@domain < file, does not work. I did the command, man mail, it says 'No manual entry for mail'. How do I mail a file on the command line on Ubuntu please? | 22:11 |
Pantsu | most are sadly java and/or php though | 22:11 |
trism | Baribal__: | 22:11 |
EriC^ | PSGroup13: install mail | 22:11 |
nrml1 | so I can't upgrade apache then huh | 22:12 |
k1l_ | nrml1: well, that will be manual work | 22:12 |
nrml1 | you mean using the tarball? | 22:12 |
k1l_ | nrml1: i doubt there is a PPA for 8.04 since 8.04 is dead along time. | 22:12 |
k1l_ | and mixing the repos will obviously not work because that will be depency hell | 22:13 |
nrml1 | damn true | 22:13 |
PSGroup13 | EriC^: I got the output file of "man csh | less -p 'source name'". Can I see the file on the website? | 22:14 |
k1l_ | PSGroup13: ubuntu manpages are online, yes | 22:14 |
k1l_ | PSGroup13: | 22:15 |
EriC^ | PSGroup13: not sure what you mean, but | 22:15 |
Criten | Can anyone help me get my g700 logetech mouse working? Seems to have a window focusing issue? | 22:16 |
Criten | I can only click on unity elements (the app bar in unity) | 22:17 |
Criten | and i cant click within any windows | 22:17 |
Criten | moving the cursor works fine | 22:17 |
PSGroup13 | EriC^: After entering the command, man csh | less -p 'source name', I see the output. I can save the output to a file. I would like to see the same contend on a website. | 22:17 |
EriC^ | PSGroup13: ok, but dont you want to show that source can't be used on ubuntu using source argv1 ? | 22:18 |
EriC^ | PSGroup13: i think you want something related to what Jordan_U spoke of the other day, that there are 2 versions of csh etc. etc. let me grab that for you | 22:19 |
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EriC^ | <Jordan_U> There are two common implementations of "csh", berkely-csh (Ubuntu grabs the source for this from OpenBSD) and tcsh. tcsh supports positional arguments to source, historical and current OpenBSD csh does not. | 22:20 |
EriC^ | PSGroup13: ^^ | 22:21 |
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PSGroup13 | EriC^++: Thanks! Now, I would like to have the output file from the command, man csh | less -p 'source name'. Is it on the website? | 22:23 |
Zerock | What's the future of legacy MySQL in Ubuntu? MariaDB has made some decisions in their packaging that cause my build scripts to fail, so I'm considering dropping support for it. | 22:26 |
ikonia | Zerock: I wouldn't expect it to go away, even if it moved away from being the default choice | 22:27 |
Zerock | Basically, MariaDB no longer serves as a drop-in replacement. It's going its own way, and the change is already breaking in Debian. | 22:28 |
ikonia | Zerock: still serves as a drop in replacement as of the current maria/mysql version | 22:28 |
Zerock | Not in Debian Sid. | 22:28 |
Zerock | Which will eventually affect Ubuntu. | 22:28 |
ikonia | Zerock: worth following percona too | 22:28 |
ikonia | as they seem to be along with maria feeding up stream into mysql | 22:28 |
ikonia | Zerock: I'd discuss with the debian teams why this is the case | 22:29 |
ikonia | Zerock: is it their packaging, their choices, | 22:29 |
Zerock | MariaDB implements the same functions, but they have changed library names and include paths, so my build scripts have to accommodate it. | 22:29 |
PSGroup13 | EriC^: I apologize that I was disconnected. If you you replied my question, would you please send it to me again. "EriC^++: Thanks! Now, I would like to have the output file from the command, man csh | less -p 'source name'. Is it on the website?" | 22:29 |
jayjo | How can I give permissions to a group that I'm not a part of, namely www-data (the apache user) | 22:29 |
ikonia | jayjo: use sudo | 22:30 |
EriC^ | jayjo: permissions to what? | 22:30 |
jayjo | I want www-data to have the permssions of a directory, the way I know to do it is using chmod and the -g flag but it gives my user group the persmissions, right? | 22:31 |
jayjo | I want to give the www-data group the permissions, along with myself | 22:31 |
ikonia | jayjo: chmod won't change the group | 22:31 |
ikonia | chmod changes the access permissions, not the owner | 22:31 |
EriC^ | jayjo: you can add it as a acl, setfacl -m g:www-data:rwx <directory> | 22:32 |
testar12345 | join #nas | 22:32 |
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bennypr0fane | hello, I have files in my trash tha tI can't delete for some reason. I would try to remove them in the command line with sudo, but I actually don't know what the path to the trash folder is... | 22:41 |
ikonia | !trash | bennypr0fane | 22:41 |
ubottu | bennypr0fane: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device. | 22:41 |
bennypr0fane | ikonia, thanks, but what does .../.Trash-userid/ mean? | 22:43 |
ikonia | bennypr0fane: your userid | 22:44 |
ikonia | bennypr0fane: if you look on the file system - you'll see it | 22:44 |
xcyclist | Is there an ftp client that can be used like scp, so that you can program with a script rather than having to do stuff interactively? | 22:44 |
bennypr0fane | no, i mean the three dots before /. where is that? | 22:44 |
bennypr0fane | .../ doesn't ring a bell | 22:44 |
EriC^ | it's like /media/user/hdd/ or whereever it's mounted | 22:44 |
ikonia | bennypr0fane: one layer up from the old location | 22:44 |
Wug | I don | 22:45 |
Wug | I don't suppose anyone has gotten a recent gparted iso to live boot? (without burning to a CD first) | 22:45 |
davidmaness | can anybody help me with lmms? | 22:45 |
Wug | The instructions for configuring grub2 to boot it on the gparted website produce a non-bootable configuration | 22:46 |
bennypr0fane | anyway, my ~/.local/share/Trash/ is empty | 22:46 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: there should be a files dir there with the files | 22:47 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: um, sorry, yes, there is, but that one'S emtpy. My trash folder in the GUI file manger is not though | 22:47 |
bennypr0fane | so how can I find out where those are stored? | 22:48 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: how did you access the dir? | 22:48 |
Ben64 | ubottu told you where they are... | 22:48 |
ubottu | Ben64: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:48 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: type ls -al ~/.local/share/Trash/files | 22:49 |
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bennypr0fane | is it ok to paste three lines here? | 22:50 |
EriC^ | use | 22:50 |
jayjo | If I run ls -l on a file and the output is "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root" and that's the only user listed, does that mean 'www-data' does not have access to execute the file? | 22:52 |
bennypr0fane | | 22:52 |
EriC^ | jayjo: he does | 22:53 |
Kira9204 | jayjo: sudo chown -R <user>:<group> <directory/file> (R for recursive) | 22:54 |
Kira9204 | sudo can do anything | 22:55 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: can you take a screenshot of the Trash in nautilus? | 22:56 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: I don't get what this means with regard to my problem | 22:58 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: yes. will you look at it even though it's Dolphin? I'm actually on Kubuntu, but no one answering over there | 22:58 |
EriC^ | yeah | 22:59 |
Mtik1 | i have very old laptop DELL d600 | 23:02 |
Mtik1 | with intel 1.4 1mb cash | 23:02 |
xcyclist | I'd like an ftp client that would take u/p from switches, like ftp -u myusername -p mypassword myfiledirectory myhostname: | 23:02 |
Mtik1 | what is good version Ubuntu for my laptop? | 23:02 |
Mtik1 | who version i can install? | 23:03 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: grab Lubuntu | 23:03 |
xcyclist | I use just plain 14.04.1 on my Thinkpad T410. | 23:03 |
Mtik1 | k1l grab Lubuntu support my WFI card | 23:03 |
Mtik1 | intel 2200bg | 23:03 |
Mtik1 | ? | 23:03 |
xcyclist | It's been fine for years. I suspect I started it with 12 something. | 23:03 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: its the same as ubuntu just with a lightweight desktop and some parameters for old hardware | 23:04 |
Mtik1 | i want create router of my DELL D600 | 23:04 |
k1l_ | !lubuntu | Mtik1 | 23:04 |
ubottu | Mtik1: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 23:04 |
Mtik1 | i have 1GB ram | 23:04 |
pbx | sometimes when i unplug from my external monitor, the Terminal app gets "lost in space" -- new windows don't appear on the laptop screen. i have to force-quit it from the launcher and relaunch. just one of those things? | 23:04 |
Mtik1 | on this laptop | 23:04 |
Mtik1 | some live UBUNTU for me | 23:04 |
Mtik1 | ? | 23:04 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: here: | 23:05 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: | 23:05 |
Mtik1 | I have an old Dell Latitude D600 using USB boot Ubuntu 12.10. When booting, it said that I have the wrong kernal for my CPU | 23:06 |
Mtik1 | why? | 23:06 |
Mtik1 | k1l give me good kernel | 23:06 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: 12.10 is dead anyway | 23:06 |
pbx | i concur. run the System Monitor app to see what memory consumption is like (because if you hit swap, things will start to get sloow) | 23:06 |
Mtik1 | for this laptop | 23:06 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: do you even read? | 23:06 |
* pbx was concurring with lubuntu suggestion | 23:06 | |
pbx | Mtik1, ^^ | 23:06 |
Mtik1 | k1l_ lubuntu have live version | 23:07 |
Mtik1 | ? | 23:07 |
k1l_ | pbx: that machine is that old. you dont want to run anything that is no labled lightweight | 23:07 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: yes | 23:07 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: did you even look at the link i gave you= | 23:07 |
Mtik1 | give me link for download please | 23:07 |
Mtik1 | usb live version | 23:07 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: read! i already gave you a link | 23:07 |
Mtik1 | OK. | 23:07 |
OerHeks | Mtik1, just scroll back | 23:07 |
k1l_ | dont press enter that much and read what you get as answers. that would make you come faster to your goal | 23:08 |
Mtik1 | i found lubuntu 14.10 i386 | 23:08 |
Mtik1 | does this version work on dell d600? | 23:09 |
k1l_ | i dont have a dell d600. so try it | 23:09 |
Mtik1 | for my cpu i need i386 version? | 23:10 |
k1l_ | yes | 23:10 |
Mtik1 | k1l, before install i can try live version? | 23:10 |
k1l_ | yes | 23:10 |
Mtik1 | about 700mb is file | 23:10 |
Mtik1 | OK. | 23:10 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: that's pretty odd, try find ~ -iname "*one of the file names here*" | 23:11 |
Mtik1 | i'm goind to download | 23:11 |
SG-PXE | would anyone be able to help me with a PXE question? i want to install ubuntu via PXE using a downloaded local CD, currently the PXE goes out on the internet and pulls from the archive site | 23:11 |
ikonia | !trash | bennypr0fane | 23:11 |
ubottu | bennypr0fane: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device. | 23:11 |
Mtik1 | k1l_ can I share wifi internet over LAN with Lubuntu? | 23:11 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: yes. | 23:12 |
Mtik1 | And if lubuntu not detected my wifi card | 23:12 |
Mtik1 | can i manual download driver | 23:12 |
Mtik1 | for | 23:12 |
Mtik1 | Intel 2200BG? | 23:12 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: stop using that much lines | 23:12 |
kshah | A process (gem binary) on my VPS is dying, and before I wrap it with process supervision I’d like to know the exact reason why. I’m assuming the VPS is occasionally running out of memory (possibly during backups) and it’s getting kernel killed. What low level tools exist (that I’m as of yet unaware of) will help me determine this? Trying to avoid external services and things like nagios. | 23:12 |
Mtik1 | OK. | 23:13 |
k1l_ | Mtik1: yes. if its not working from the beginning you come back here and we see to get it working. | 23:13 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: ah, i think you should check any other mounted file systems for the .../.Trash-userid dir | 23:13 |
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k1l_ | Mtik1: just download the iso, put it on a usb and boot it. | 23:13 |
Mtik1 | oh, k1l_ you are great man | 23:13 |
Spec | kshah: the logs, like /var/log/kern.log or dmesg will typically show if the kernel's oom-killer was active | 23:13 |
Mtik1 | i can't wait 19minuts :) | 23:14 |
Mtik1 | remaining | 23:14 |
kshah | Spec: perfect | 23:14 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: do you have any external media connected? | 23:15 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: yes, a usb stick | 23:15 |
bennypr0fane | do non-system HDDs count as external? | 23:16 |
bennypr0fane | I mean I have 2 harddrives internal to the pc, but with no OS on them | 23:16 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: those count as well | 23:17 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: check ../.Trash-userid on those | 23:17 |
koding123 | is there any point in using Ubuntu Make over a PPA? | 23:18 |
ikonia | make over ? | 23:18 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: ok, so from their mountpoint, one layer up, then .trash | 23:18 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: no, directly where they are mounted | 23:19 |
koding123 | O.o | 23:19 |
EriC^ | it's case sensitive, .Trash-userid , if it's 1000 then it'll be .Trash-1000 | 23:19 |
koding123 | why would one prefer Ubuntu Make instead of the PPA for a package? | 23:20 |
bennypr0fane | this one has two trash folders: .trash -0 and .trash-1000 | 23:20 |
EriC^ | koding123: are you referring to building from source ? ./configure make make install ? | 23:21 |
OerHeks | koding123, updates maybe? | 23:21 |
koding123 | no I am referring to this | 23:21 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: ok, they're probably in .Trash-0 | 23:21 |
bennypr0fane | in .trash-1000/files, there are these folders I can't delete | 23:21 |
koding123 | OerHeks, don't PPAs do the same thing? | 23:22 |
EriC^ | hmm, ok, if you don't want them anymore, use sudo to remove them | 23:22 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: what's the rm option for removing everything in a folder? | 23:23 |
bennypr0fane | sorta can't find it in the man page | 23:23 |
EriC^ | rm -r <dir> will remove the dir and all its contents | 23:23 |
EriC^ | including other dirs | 23:23 |
koding123 | bennypr0fane, you can remove a file with rm command, rmdir for a empty folder, and to remove a folder with files use rm -r /folder | 23:23 |
OerHeks | koding123, i just noticed your make url, didn't know you were talking about android stuff .. you should have mentioned that. | 23:24 |
bennypr0fane | but I can't remove the /files folder, can I ? I gues it's still needed | 23:24 |
koding123 | OerHeks, ok | 23:24 |
bennypr0fane | that's why I don't want to remove just the contents, not the folder itself | 23:24 |
k1l_ | koding123: maybe the guys from #ubuntu-touch have more experience with that | 23:24 |
kshah | Spec: I can’t see anything in my dmesg log that points to the process in question, and my kern.log is straight up blank (Ubuntu) | 23:24 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: just cd to the dir and type rm -r * | 23:25 |
bennypr0fane | ah, right | 23:25 |
koding123 | BTW it is not "Android Stuff" as AFAIK with Ubuntu MAke we can install things like Go, Stencyl, eclipse etc as well | 23:26 |
k1l_ | koding123: yes, like i said, the #ubuntu-touch guys will have more experience with that. | 23:27 |
bennypr0fane | EriC^: thanks, I think that was it | 23:27 |
koding123 | bennypr0fane, then do this, rm /folder/* | 23:28 |
koding123 | bennypr0fane, add a /* after the folder to delete only contents | 23:28 |
OerHeks | koding, yes it is for android .. and read on, you need to add that ppa .. so your question is not valid. | 23:29 |
EriC^ | bennypr0fane: np | 23:29 |
koding123 | OerHeks, no not really, in 15.04 you don't need to add PPA | 23:29 |
bennypr0fane | koding123: that's kinda not working | 23:30 |
bennypr0fane | it says dir not found | 23:30 |
crundar | I used to have a guest account that could get in without password. When I upgraded to 14.04, now when the guest locks the screen or it locks from a timeout, when you come back it prompts for a password | 23:30 |
bennypr0fane | aahhh, but now the trash is aactually empty! what a releif! | 23:31 |
crundar | that user doesnt' have a password. My current walkaround is to tell users to select a different user, and then to re-select guest, and it allows them to login | 23:31 |
crundar | I've checked the user settings, and Guest is set to no password. | 23:31 |
crundar | What else could be wrong? | 23:31 |
koding123 | bennypr0fane, that is because the I meant the folder's name there e.g. rm Downloads/* | 23:31 |
mannyg | exit | 23:32 |
koding123 | k1l_, ok I thinki ill ask in there as well | 23:32 |
K4k | Hi, I accidentally blew away my /boot partition. I've gotten grub installed again but I blew away my kernel images as well so I've got nothing to boot from once I get to the grub2 screen. What needs to be re-installed once I'm booted to a live disk in a chroot of the installed system to fix this? | 23:34 |
EriC^ | crundar: seems to be a bug | 23:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1022858 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Guest session asks for password when switch back to it" [Low,Confirmed] | 23:36 |
EriC^ | K4k: update-initramfs -c -k all | 23:37 |
K4k | EriC^: Thanks | 23:37 |
EriC^ | K4k: wait, | 23:37 |
EriC^ | you should sudo apt-get install --reinstall <linux-image-here> | 23:37 |
EriC^ | it should reinstall the kernels and everything | 23:38 |
crundar | Thanks EriC^. Well, at least they're aware of it. Dangit. | 23:38 |
K4k | EriC^: Yes, I'm looking for the name of the package in Ubuntu, though. I'm not familiar with the naming scheme of packages on here yet | 23:38 |
EriC^ | K4k: check which one you were using with dpkg -l | grep linux-image , or /vmlinuz if the link still works | 23:38 |
EriC^ | crundar: np, you could disable the "ask password after screen turns off" option | 23:41 |
EriC^ | it would be for all the users though | 23:41 |
Codmadnesspro | Uh A script i'm installing is telling me to do application/config/database.php file is not writable. Please chomod 777 before to continue. Should I do this? | 23:42 |
crundar | Mrm... Yeah, EriC^, that's not gonna be a solution here. I might just have to keep telling them how to do this, or create a new user called 'Guest' w/no pass. See if it's something special about that account, or if it's on accounts generally. | 23:42 |
Ben64 | Codmadnesspro: sure | 23:43 |
pbx | Codmadnesspro, sounds like it wants to write database config info to that file. not really an ubuntu question but as a web dev i'd say, go for it | 23:43 |
Codmadnesspro | Ben64, won't people be able to read it in plain text though? | 23:43 |
crundar | Codmadnesspro: if you're really worried, back it up | 23:43 |
Ben64 | Codmadnesspro: everyone will be able to read it | 23:43 |
crundar | cp database.php database.php.bak | 23:43 |
budgie^smore | Anyone seen where java will not load cause it cannot open a shared library object? | 23:43 |
EriC^ | crundar: that sounds like a good idea, the guest account is more locked down though | 23:44 |
Codmadnesspro | So should I chmod it 660 when it's done installing? | 23:44 |
Ben64 | Codmadnesspro: we have no way of knowing | 23:44 |
EriC^ | crundar: if you wanted to get hacky, you could check which scripts run when the guest account logs in, like to create the temporary guest home dir and whatnot and add the line that disables the ask for pass on screen lock for the guest each time | 23:45 |
crundar | HHmmm... That's an interesting thought. | 23:45 |
Mtik1 | k1l_ | 23:49 |
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K4k | OK, I'm trying to reinstall the linux-image I had installed before but I'm getting a dpkg error "cannot copy extracted data" ... "unexpected end of file" | 23:57 |
K4k | It's trying to copy the /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.* somewhere but that file doesn't exist because the partition was destroyed on accident | 23:58 |
koding123 | so what is the point/pros/benefit of using Ubuntu Make( ) instead of a package specific PPA? | 23:59 |
koding123 | Ubuntu Make | 23:59 |
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