
elkypleia2: brainwash: i'm currently downloading a plain ubuntu daily to check if it's xubuntu specific or not00:19
pleia2thanks elky00:20
elkyi'll also update the ancient window size bug when i've finished that00:21
elkyif it's not, i guess i get to download all the flavors and see which ones fail00:24
bluesabreochosi: do you have a multi-monitor setup?  the screenshot branch doesn't do so well for me with 2 monitors02:39
bluesabrejust a white screen02:39
Unit193bluesabre: That's a merge from brainwash, should put his name there I believe.03:21
bluesabreUnit193: I saw it after pushing, corrected here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/revision/55003:22
Unit193Hah, my bad.  Didn't get that message yet.03:22
bluesabreeric_the_idiot: re https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/141568304:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1415683 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/xfdesktop:11:xfdesktop_file_icon_manager_metadata_changed:ffi_call_SYSV:ffi_call:g_cclosure_marshal_generic_va:_g_closure_invoke_va" [Undecided,New]04:06
bluesabreI added your patch to my install, it seems to work as far as I can tell04:07
bluesabreare you aware of any specific triggers?04:07
bluesabreelfy: light-locker 1.6 uploaded to -staging, shouldn't be much to test, other than if it works for you... ochosi would have more specifics04:25
Unit193I take that back, it did come, spam ate it.05:11
elkyelfy: good news, the install/try screen showed up fine in a unity live usb. the bad news is that this means it's your problem :P05:30
elfyelky: mmm - thanks ... not sure what that could be then 07:45
elfybluesabre: the different way we have for showing that ? ^^ bug 141955507:46
ubottubug 1419555 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "initial install/try window is not displayed on netbook screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141955507:46
elfybluesabre: and ack light locker07:47
rwwmaybe xfwm's doing window management differently from compiz in some way that causes it to think displaying offscreen is a good idea?07:49
elfyrww: I'd have no clue - thinking about it - we can test the difference - or those affected can :)07:50
elfyelfy: pleia2 - can either of you reproduce it with the utopic installer? 07:52
elfyoh good lord :|07:52
elfyelky: ^^07:52
elfyprobably a good think we're in wildly differing timezones ... 07:53
elkynot tried with utopic07:53
elkyi should invite elly here, for triple the fun07:53
elfywe had issues with no wallpaper in utopic - changed the way that is dealt with in vivid 07:53
elfyelky: LOL07:53
elkyelfy: it's midnight here, i'll set it to download overnight and test tomorrow morning07:54
elfythat would be great - thanks :)07:54
elkyi'm rather glad i took a netbook rather than a laptop now :P08:01
elfyI was just pleased a bunch of people did some testing for us ;)08:01
ochosibluesabre: suggestion: let's skip the screenshot branch for this stable series and just go ahead and release what we have09:35
ochosibluesabre: (so basically do what you suggested before already ;))09:37
sidihttps://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11513 <- what is the default Ubuntu fallback icon theme?13:17
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11513 in Panel "xfce4-panel: uses wrong icon names" [Normal,Assigned]13:17
sidialso, generally speaking, if anyone in #xubuntu-devel has a bit of time to spare, now's an excellent time to help Xfce triage bugs / test patches / write patches, as we're aiming to release 4.12 very soon13:18
sidihttps://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.12/roadmap/critical-bugs is a good place to start13:18
sidi(https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7604 also needs testing, especially from people who have eyesight problems)13:23
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 7604 in Clock "Analog clock displaying seconds is hard to read" [Enhancement,Assigned]13:23
brainwashsidi: I guess it would help to release new point releases / rc candidates14:38
brainwashwhich could be packaged and tested in debian/ubuntu14:38
brainwashand elsewhere ofc14:38
Unit193Xubuntu is the only one that runs with developer snapshots, Debian does have some in experimental at least.14:45
intheryeHi all, is Vino the preferred way of Remote Desktop Sharing in Xubuntu? And furthermore, would Xubuntu be affected if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/1271358 gets fixed? (I.e. could Vino be still be configured with the GUI, if the dialog gets moved to unity-control-center?)14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271358 in vino (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.12" [Wishlist,In progress]14:55
Unit193vino isn't used in Xubuntu, but if the preferences GUI is "dropped" then yes we wouldn't have a UI for it.14:57
intheryeI played around with Vino yesterday, and found that it's really comfortable to set up in Xubuntu with vino-preferences. Sad, if it could not be used anymore like that. Are there any alternatives?15:02
=== qwebirc76277 is now known as slickymasterWork
Pwnnawhat's the easiest way to compile and use a new version of libxfce4ui?15:31
Pwnnaand be able to rollback?15:31
Pwnnaanyone around?15:36
Unit193I'd personally package it, but /usr/local/ install should be safe enough.15:38
PwnnaUnit193: how do you package it?15:39
eric_the_idiotbluesabre, re https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1415683 Add an emblem to an icon on the desktop or removable drive?15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1415683 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/xfdesktop:11:xfdesktop_file_icon_manager_metadata_changed:ffi_call_SYSV:ffi_call:g_cclosure_marshal_generic_va:_g_closure_invoke_va" [Undecided,New]15:43
Pwnnahow do I check which version of libxfce4ui am i running?15:43
eric_the_idiotthe trace you posted showed a create event caused it15:44
eric_the_idiotPwnna, dpkg -s libxfce4ui ?15:47
eric_the_idiotnot sure what the syntax is exactly15:47
Pwnnai did lsof -p <pid of xfce4-panel>15:47
Pwnnai'm trying to replace libxfce4ui with my own version, but still have the option to roll back15:48
eric_the_idiotoh ok15:48
Unit193apt-cache policy <package>  generally.15:48
Pwnnahow do you build the packages for libxfce4ui even? I'm looking at things like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxfce4ui/4.11.1-2ubuntu1/+build/5844280 and getting pretty lost15:58
Pwnnaor can i just make install and then reinstall all those packages later15:59
elfybluesabre: did you forget you're setting the next meeting? 16:12
sidiPwnna, hey16:12
sidiPwnna, build it from git16:12
sidiand build it into /usr/local16:13
sidikeep the git tree around16:13
sidiso you can sudo make uninstall later16:13
sidiPwnna, ping me if needing more precise instructions16:14
Unit193sidi: What about trusty instructions?16:16
sidiUnit193, i dont remember anymore the debian way16:17
sidijust telling how i deal with this :p16:17
Unit193sidi: Hah, bad joke.  12.04 LTS release was named 'precise', 14.04 codenamed 'trusty'. :P16:18
sidiUnit193, now im laughing at the back of the classroom, fortunately the students didnt notice ;P16:20
pleia2my favorite part of today so far was when elfy mixed up elfy with elky 18:01
pleia2bluesabre and brainwash don't seem so bad now, do they? ;)18:02
elfypleia2: glad to have provided that moment of entertainment for you ;)18:07
pleia2elfy: btw, I am sad to report that I didn't get to do any tests yesterday, too busy running around helping everyone else, 6 hours of "lyz, when you have a moment..."19:17
elfyyep - I realised that :)19:19
elfyno need for sad :)19:19
pleia2also I don't know what day it is s/yesterday/Sunday19:20
pleia2yesterday I sat around in a pile of exhauasted goo19:20
elkypleia2: you did do tests, you confirmed my bug :D19:21
elfyoh no :|19:21
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
hobgoblinright ... 19:21
pleia2ah yes, I loaded up the iso on my netbook, just didn't *complete* a testcase :)19:21
elkyit's something though!19:22
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
elfythat's enough of that 19:31
elkyloading utopic live on the netbook now19:38
elfyfingers crossed that it works 19:39
elkywould be nice19:39
elfyyes, it might help narrow the issue down19:40
elkyit works19:40
elkythere's no panel or wallpaper as you mentioned before, but there is the try/install screen19:40
elkyi'll update the bug19:40
elfynow I wonder if it would have worked when we had the black background instead of wallpaper19:41
elkythere's no panel either, so maybe the panel is "pushing" it out of the way?19:43
elfyI am now in the awesome position of saying I just run QA for my sins - wouldn't know how to debug this at all :)19:44
Unit193Trying something here, give me a sec.19:45
elfythanks 19:45
elfyI'm obviously wondering the simple thing here - and whatever we did to deal with the black background is causing it 19:45
elkythat is the obvious conclusion19:46
elkyelfy: "wouldn't know how to debug this at all" ... loading up utopic was your idea, so you seem to have more of a clue than you remember ;)19:51
elfyI guess so :)19:52
elkynext question is, is that bug targetting the correct package?19:56
elfyubiquity is right for the moment yep19:57
Unit193Actually download slow, more than a sec.20:04
ali1234elfy: the black background is fixed by starting up xfdesktop20:45
Unit193elfy: And I can't actually reproduce it on my netbook...20:52
rwwwhat's its resolution?20:56
elfyali1234: didn't really expect it to be the cause - but worth a check 20:57
elfyUnit193: ... 20:58
elkyUnit193: what size is your netbook?21:03
elkyUnit193: so when your desktop loads up, you have the try/install window visible already?21:04
Unit193A crappy Acer Aspire One 722, 11.6.  And think I read that a bit off, lets see.21:07
elkyyeah 11.6 is going to have a better resolution than 1024x576 or whatever mine is21:10
elfyelky but you didn't see the same with vivid ubuntu did you say? 21:12
elkyelfy: no the window appears, but it does take 10 minutes for my mouse cursor to appear there21:12
elkypretty sure that's a different brand of lols though21:12
elky(and i'm not kidding about 10m)21:12
elfyat least you get it to boot - last time I booted ubuntu image I got big home folder fails 21:13
rwwelfy: yours is 1024x600 iirc21:14
rwwerm, elky21:14
rwwor not, nvm me21:15
elfyyou'll be ok shortly - my bouncer died, so when I crash shortly I'll be gone gone :)21:15
Unit193Mine is actually better for a change. 0_o21:19
elfyI'll read the logs in the morning ... 21:22
bluesabreeric_the_idiot: if I add an emblem to an icon on the desktop, xfdesktop does not crash, and does not display the emblem unitl I F5 it22:39
Unit193bluesabre: BTW, are you aware of the -core dist-upgrade problem?22:40
bluesabreelfy: didn't forget, was thinking of when would be a good time22:40
bluesabrealso wondering why we never schedule on the weekends22:40
bluesabreUnit193: I saw a mention of it, can you give me a gist of what it is?22:40
knomebluesabre, no specific reason22:41
=== bluesabre is now known as elty
eltylet's have some fun22:41
elkyyou'll make them cry22:41
=== elty is now known as bluesabre
Unit193elky: identify-msg meakes me happier now.22:41
elkyUnit193: i know what all those words mean individually...22:42
Unit193bluesabre: Right, so install the core iso or from mini and all is fine, time to upgrade to new release?  upgrade-manager will install xubuntu-desktop metapackage because xubuntu-default-settings is installed.22:42
bluesabredang release-upgrader22:59
bluesabreany good ideas to resolve that?23:01
elkynone that would be appreciated :P23:02
Unit1931. Recommend The Debian Way™ to them.  2. Swap it out to point to -core, though this has downsides.  3. Some other hackery for it to choose what meta to select.23:02
Unit193Pretty much, yep.23:03
Unit193bluesabre: 3 also depends on if we switch it up so -desktop depends on -core, and is just a layer on top.23:03
bluesabrethe icing on the cake23:08
knomesoo... since when was elky interested about xubuntu? :) (welcome!)23:08
elkyknome: there was a bug jam in sf on the weekend23:08
bluesabremaybe we have a use case for xubuntu-core-settings?23:08
elkyorganised by pleia2 so the obvious happened23:09
knomeheh :)23:09
elkyknome: xubuntu has improved a lot since the last time i had it installed a few years back, i must say23:09
Unit193bluesabre: Keeping in sync with desktop would be fun, and while it'd fix the upgrade problem it'd also mean we couldn't layer the seeds.23:09
knomeelky, definitely.. :)23:09
elkydoesn't feel like poor man's gnome anymore23:10
knome(and i hope so)23:10
elkywhich it used to23:10
Unit193elky: Happen to know what version you're talking about?23:10
elkyUnit193: not a clue.23:10
knomeelky, don't tell him, it's a trap. he's going to set you up23:11
Unit193heh, bummer.23:11
knome(if you didn't know, i was the previous project lead)23:11
elkyit was definitely after xfce4 :P23:11
Unit1934.8 was decent enough, IIRC, and 4.10 was good.23:12
elky"few" might have been an understatement23:12
Unit193Figured you were talking back a few, but at the rate Xfce does releases... :P23:13
elkyi'm not sure the year had any 1's in it23:13
Unit193I'm sure I've still got a 8.x or 9.x alt install.23:14
knomethen you should probably blame somebody else than me ;)23:14
Unit193bluesabre: Any ideas on which way you might be thinking?23:14
elkyUnit193: yeah it was early 423:14
bluesabreUnit193: it could be a tweaked install in the same way xubuntu-live-settings is23:15
bluesabreor perhaps xubuntu-default-settings depends on core-settings and sprinkles a bit on top23:15
elkyknome: though 4.2 was 10 years ago, so maybe not as early as i thought23:15
knomeelky, heh, that's ages ago.23:16
knomei didn't even contribute to foss back then23:16
elkyyeah i have no idea what one i tried23:16
Unit193bluesabre: Biggest change I could think of between them would be panel.  But as I said, the desktop seed then couldn't depend on core.23:16
knomestarted using xubuntu/xfce in 200723:17
Unit193bluesabre: Anywho, that's the state of things right now.23:17
bluesabregood point, that makes me want to do it like live-settings then23:18
* Unit193 shrugs.23:19
Unit193FF "soon" too.23:20
knomeelky, sooo... sorry for pestering, but do you think this is just a temporary crush, or something better? :)23:23
elkyknome: lol i don't know. i've been using debian on my laptop for a few months now :P23:23
elkywhat's the state of xfce in debian land?23:24
knomeelky, relatively good, they have an active maintainer23:24
knomebut yeah, not all the same stuff that we have23:24
elkysame feel as the ubuntu environment?23:24
Unit193I'd try to pull from Experimental if you can.23:24
knomesame feel? nope, xubuntu has a good load of customizations on top :)23:24
elkyi should look at some point. i'm not that happy with gnome shell23:25
Unit193elky: Though if you're insane enough to try it, an upgrade from Xubuntu to Debian unstable goes pretty well.23:25
elkyi think i'd get a divorce for attempting that23:25
Unit193Hah.  Though, it does turn out well in the end!  I've done it twice...23:26
knomeagain, don't listen to Unit193...23:27
Unit193Good plan.  (To be fair, vbox and I thought for sure it'd fail.)23:27
elkyyeah that's probably the only circumstance i'd try it. i'd still get the mocking of a lifetime though23:28
* elky prepares to time how long it takes unity/ubuntu to give her a cursor23:29
elky(xubuntu is fine, don't worry)23:29
elkyup to 6 minutes.23:39
elky9 minutes and waiting23:42
elkyand i just touched the touchpad and there's a cursor now23:43
elkythis is hilarious to me23:43
ali1234i used to have a computer that wouldn't post unless you moved the mouse23:45
elkythis one was not showing a cursor for a very long time even with touching the touchpad yesterday23:46
elkyi'm basically just figuring out how to describe the issue now23:46
elkythis time i'll touch it every minute23:46
elkyand see if it appears sooner23:47

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