
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
wallyworld_thumper: did you see that question in #juju-dev and ask ubuntu about local provider and not being able to mount /var/log/juju-<user>-local? Do you recall what might cause that?00:18
thumpercan we chat after I have some food?00:18
thumpercatch up should be good00:18
wallyworld_sure, or you could answer his question :-)00:19
wallyworld_catch up sounds good anyway00:19
wallyworld_i might grab some food too00:19
perrito666wallyworld_: btw, I wanted to ask you so Ill leave the question here00:27
perrito666there are descriptions for most of the other statuses describing where they are used and what for, do we have those for the new ones?00:27
perrito666waigani: tx for the review btw00:27
wallyworld_perrito666: yep, all in the spec00:27
wallyworld_the ones in code now are wrong00:28
wallyworld_thy are really only there as placeholders00:28
perrito666wallyworld_: I guessed so, but abstained from changing them until it was set in stone00:28
waiganiperrito666: np, I agree with wallyworld_ on the func name, on second thought00:28
waiganianastasiamac: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/888/00:28
anastasiamacwaigani: just saw :D tyvm!!00:28
waiganianastasiamac: sorry for the wait, running low on fuel, need food!00:28
perrito666wallyworld_: since they have to change all over in tests too which is a bit of a pain to do more than once :p00:28
anastasiamacwaigani: np. eat!!00:29
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
wallyworld_perrito666: agreed. i didn't want us to do anything with the actual values until the spec is finalised00:30
wallyworld_even the ones there now aren't complete at the time they were added00:30
perrito666wallyworld_: well I finally changed then or you would add a comment that I those are nto the right ones each time I pushed to go from one computer to the other :p00:31
wallyworld_wot? did i do that? i don't recall. i didn't mean to00:32
perrito666ts ok, you reviewed each of my pushes, even the ones I did forgetting that they changed rb lol00:33
anastasiamacdavecheney: thnx for review :D00:40
anastasiamacdavecheney: there is no better feeling than seeing Shipit :D00:40
thumperwallyworld_: ready when you are00:48
thumperanastasiamac: really? no better feeling?00:48
wallyworld_one minute00:48
anastasiamacthumper: at work? yes - no beta :D00:48
anastasiamacthumper: outside of work - driving fast cars does it :D00:50
thumperanastasiamac: I wasn't even going to go there :)00:50
anastasiamacthumper: where?..00:50
thumperoutside work00:50
thumperwallyworld_: I'm in our 1:1 hangout when you are ready00:53
anastasiamacwhy, thumper... what gives u  a good feeling at work?00:53
thumperand reviewing waigani's branch while I wait00:53
thumperwaigani: getting down to relatively small issues now01:38
thumperwaigani: I think most comments were about improving readability01:38
waiganithumper: okay, thanks01:39
thumperhello reviewers: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/912/02:23
thumpermenn0, waigani, davecheney: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/912/02:35
menn0thumper: looking02:38
menn0thumper: shit it02:53
menn0thumper: or ship it :)02:53
thumperI was going to ask if that was a slip02:53
menn0only wrt to how i'm currently feeling, not the code :)02:54
menn0thumper: only one more component to go with this logging POC. with a bit of luck i'll have logs streaming through the API end-to-end02:56
thumpermenn0: \o/02:58
menn0thumper: it's a bit rough and has no tests and there's a few details to iron out but it should work02:58
thumpermenn0: sounds like a spike to me :)02:58
menn0thumper: the code is mostly reasonable quality. writing tests and cleaning it up will probably add a day or 202:59
thumperwaigani: shipit... when the queue is unblocked03:02
waiganithumper: great, thanks. I'm going to have some merge conflicts.03:03
thumperwaigani: best get them sorted now then :)03:03
waiganithumper: yep03:03
* thumper needs coffee03:03
anastasiamacwaigani: thumper: environments can be annotated03:08
anastasiamacwaigani: thumper: for all other entities that can be annotated, we remove annotations on entity destruction/removal03:08
anastasiamacwaigani: thumper: i could be blond but m not seeing it for environment destruction03:09
anastasiamacwaigani: thumper: s/blond/blind03:09
waiganianastasiamac: when an env is destroyed, all docs associated with that env are removed03:09
waiganianastasiamac: at least for non state server envs03:10
anastasiamacwaigani: to ease my mind, would it b possible to have a test for it :D03:11
waiganianastasiamac: yep, sounds like a good idea03:11
anastasiamacwaigani: much appreciated!03:11
anastasiamacwaigani: plz let me know when env desruction lands03:12
anastasiamacwaigani: i may need to go over old annotations impl too  as environments r special l:D03:13
waiganianastasiamac: just got a shipit, so once the IC blocker is moved ... where's menno?03:13
anastasiamacwaigani: menno is blocking ci?03:13
waiganianastasiamac: no, he is THE UNBLOCKER03:14
waiganianastasiamac: so in your annotation's tests your using RemoveEnvironment (or something like that)03:14
waiganianastasiamac: that just removes the env doc03:14
anastasiamacwaigani: yes ;D I had to despite the comment that u guys were not happy with it03:14
waiganianastasiamac: once destroy lands, there will be a RemoveAllEnvironDocs func03:15
anastasiamacwaigani: hence m happy to go over annotation stuff once ur branch lands :D03:15
anastasiamacwaigani: awesome! m look n forward to it03:15
waiganianastasiamac: that func will remove the env doc and ANY doc that has a env-uuid field with a matching UUID03:15
anastasiamacwaigani: sounds exactly like what i want03:16
waiganianastasiamac: so that should clear out any annotation docs associated with the env03:16
waiganianastasiamac: but yeah, I'll land the branch and then we can take a look at the annotation tests and make sure it's all covered.03:17
anastasiamacwaigani: sounds gr8 :D03:18
anastasiamacwaigani: annotation impl treats env differntly than other entities for historical reasons03:18
anastasiamacwaigani: so i'll fix this once JES is capable of destroying env D03:19
waiganianastasiamac: okay. I haven't looked into annotations at all. But happy to help from the JES side03:20
anastasiamacwaigani: np03:20
anastasiamacwaigani: i'll ask if i'll get lost with JES :D03:20
waiganisounds good03:20
* thumper sighs04:18
thumperseems like a bad test in state04:18
thumperintermittent failure04:18
thumperstopped eric's fix branch landing more than once04:18
thumperFAIL: machine_test.go:1038: MachineSuite.TestMachinePrincipalUnits04:20
* thumper must write the spec04:20
thumpergah, distractions04:20
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axwwallyworld: I'm not going to go there yet, but I'm starting to wonder whether the machine provisioner should be made more generic, to handle de/provisioning storage as well04:53
axwwe're going to need to do pretty much all the same things... e.g. "harvesting" volumes that we fail to record in state04:54
axwand the machine/container provisioning is very similar to env/machine volume scope04:55
mattywdavecheney, ping?05:11
davecheneymattyw: pong05:12
wallyworldaxw: yes, it may com to that05:31
anastasiamacTheMue: morning :D08:01
TheMueanastasiamac: o/08:01
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anastasiamacericsnow: about ci blocker, bug 142042609:01
mupBug #1420426: backups_nonlinux.go import error <ci> <osx> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420426>09:01
anastasiamacericsnow: i just got trunk and it looks like the offensive import is not there...09:01
anastasiamacericsnow: should the bug be marked "fix committed" and hopefully unblock CI09:02
jamfwereade: greetings09:16
fwereadejam, ahoy09:16
jamfwereade: How's Leia doing?09:16
jam fwereade: are you coming to leader-election?09:21
perrito666morning all09:22
perrito666anastasiamac: Block ok pr 916 refers to the action of blocking?09:32
anastasiamacperrito666: m lost... could u re-phrase? :D09:33
perrito666Block, means blocking as in preventing something to be done?09:34
anastasiamacperrito666: yes :) PR 916 is about adding env blocks to prevent some operations from runnng09:35
anastasiamacperrito666: currently, u can 'juju block' whatever09:35
anastasiamacperrito666: however, it just adds env variable09:35
perrito666anastasiamac: :p as a non native english speaker let me drop a word of advice :) when seen in the code, "block" is a veeery ambiguous word09:35
anastasiamacperrito666: we want to be able to desribe why we are blocking smth09:36
anastasiamacperrito666: not my choice of vocabulary :D09:36
perrito666I first read the pr backwards and was thinking on block as "piece of something" :p09:37
anastasiamacperrito666: altho in this instance it is actually descriptive of what it does...09:37
TheMuevoidspace: ping10:02
voidspaceTheMue: omw10:02
voidspaceTheMue: dooferlad: firefox crash!10:04
voidspacedooferlad: tried chrome, video still didn't work...10:06
wallyworldjam: you around?10:07
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voidspacegetting maas running locally again10:55
voidspaceswitching off "disk erase on release" helps...10:55
voidspaceI'd switched it on for bug hunting previously10:56
voidspacedesperately hoping I get to successful bootstrap before timeout10:56
voidspaceand fail...10:56
voidspaceooh, now pxe boot is working again for no specific reason10:59
voidspacethat's nice10:59
voidspacepossibly due to an update10:59
voidspacenope, it boots then shuts down11:00
voidspaceah, the wrong machine pxe booted11:01
voidspacestarting the second node kicks things off11:01
voidspacehow odd11:01
voidspacerace against timeout again11:01
voidspacemust increase the timeout...11:01
voidspacewwitzel3: ping11:05
voidspacewwitzel3: I can (finally) bootstrap and deploy to MAAS with no problem11:06
voidspacewwitzel3: can't reproduce the x509 cert issue11:06
voidspacewwitzel3: I've added a note on the issue11:06
anastasiamacfwereade: o/11:31
fwereadeanastasiamac, heyhey11:32
anastasiamacfwereade: how r u?11:32
fwereadeanastasiamac, good thanks, and yourself?11:33
anastasiamacfwereade: m good... :)11:33
anastasiamacfwereade: i need to distract u11:33
anastasiamacfwereade: and beg for a favour...11:33
fwereadeanastasiamac, np :)11:34
anastasiamacfwereade: could u plz chnage my subscription to juju-dev from digest at one stage?..11:34
anastasiamacfwereade: m getting delayed correspondence11:34
anastasiamacfwereade: it'd b gr8 if I could do it myself11:34
anastasiamacfwereade: but when I tried, i was sternly told that m already subscribed and need to contact u :D11:35
fwereadeanastasiamac, hummmm I am technically an administrator there aren't I? :/11:35
anastasiamacfwereade: it's not urgent but would b gr811:35
anastasiamacfwereade: yes u r :)11:35
fwereadeanastasiamac, figuring out what to do is not going to be a 5-min thing so I need to put it on the stack -- can I suggest unsub/resub as a possibly quicker method?11:36
anastasiamacfwereade: i'll try :D thnx :)11:36
anastasiamacfwereade: i bow to ur wisdom11:42
anastasiamacfwereade: when i went to unsubscribe, i had to log in11:42
anastasiamacfwereade: which allowed me to change from digest subscription :D11:42
fwereadeanastasiamac, excellent :)11:42
anastasiamacfwereade: all sorted11:42
anastasiamacfwereade: tyvm!!11:43
* fwereade likes thanks for doing nothing at all ;p11:43
anastasiamacfwereade: pointing ppl in the right direction is doing smth :D11:44
fwereadeanastasiamac, when you look closely enough, I suppose :)11:45
jamwallyworld: what's up ?11:54
wallyworldjam:  hey, re: running-hook in status spec. i'm torn between "executing" as per mark's suggestion, and running-hook and running-action11:55
wallyworlddid you have an opinion11:55
jamI haven't read that particular bit lately, but just from what you bring up, I'm not sure there is a worthwhile *user* distinction there, is there ?11:56
jamwallyworld: as in, someone watching "juju status" will wait on running-action but go ahead if it was running-hook11:56
wallyworldjam: not so much for scripts, but humans, but i guess that's what message is for. so seems like "executing" might be ok11:57
jamwallyworld: yeah, if its just humans than that's what the message is for.11:57
wallyworldmark also didn't want like the recent hooks11:57
jamrun it by fwereade as well11:57
jamwallyworld: that was a gustavo thing that we didn't get a chance to run by him11:57
wallyworldyeah, i think that was the case11:58
jamI think being able to introspect it is good, I don't think *I* would prefer it to be in default status for sure11:58
jampossibly when digging deeper11:58
wallyworldi suggested using a --verbose flag or some such11:58
wallyworldi didn't want it output by default11:58
wallyworldbut i could see the value11:58
jamwallyworld: yeah, I feel like this sort of thing falls more into a "debug-log" sort of syntax12:01
jamjuju debug show-recent-hooks $ID12:02
wallyworldyeah, sounds fine12:03
wallyworldi could see how it fitted into a status deep dive also12:03
jamwallyworld: yeah, that *might* be a way to get it, though I'd be hesitant to do it on a command that would try to do it against all 1000 units in the env12:05
jamfwereade: an interesting development, I accidentally messed up while transcribing the tests and I wonder if I'm running into something.12:16
fwereadejam, oh yes?12:16
jamspecifically, "Set the charmURL to trigger config events" has an assertChange()12:16
jamand then we change the config12:16
jamand assert that we get one more change12:16
jamfwereade: which seems fine, *but*12:16
jamif I remove the first assertChange12:16
jamthen I get 2 changes on the channel12:16
jamshould those actually be coalesced?12:16
jamconcretely, filter_test.go, line 327, if you comment that out the next "assertChange" fails because it has 2 events in the queue12:18
jamfwereade: anyway, have to take the dog out, bbiab12:18
fwereadejam, in general, yes, but... is it plausible that the StartSync (which is not, uh, sync) only causes the second change to be delivered just after the filter sends the event for the first one?12:20
fwereadejam, which could indicate the potential for races in the tests that *do* check coalescence... hmm12:20
jamfwereade: I have the feeling it is more that maybeSendMessage actually causes us to send 212:23
jamanyway, good that it happened because I "fixed" the test wrong12:24
jambut made me wonder12:24
jamfwereade: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/917/diff/# is just my "use nil instead of make(chan)" proposal12:53
fwereadejam, LGTM12:53
jamfwereade: I made some progress on updating the tests to use ContentAsserterC and NotifyAsserterC, I'll finish that up tonight and propose it.13:38
alexisbvoidspace, you around?14:22
wwitzel3voidspace: thanks14:31
natefinchwwitzel3: want to do our 1:1?14:44
wwitzel3natefinch: sure14:46
wwitzel3natefinch: just refilling my coffee14:47
natefinchwwitzel3: a worthy cause for delay :)14:47
ericsnowour ReviewBoard site will be having some downtime today15:02
ericsnow(for real this time)15:02
wwitzel3ericsnow: :)15:02
ericsnowI'll send out a message about 10 minutes before taking it down15:02
ericsnowand right after it comes up15:02
natefinchericsnow, perrito666: you guys coming to the standup?15:05
perrito666my cal says its in 1h but sure15:05
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, in 55 minutes :)15:05
natefinchericsnow, perrito666: I just moved it to now :)15:05
natefinchericsnow, perrito666: that way it's always at the same time.... the meetings that had interfered with it in the past are gone, so figured I'd fix it15:06
natefinch....somewhat retroactively15:06
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Muntanerhow are you, devs?15:09
frankbanvoidspace: I proposed a fix for the ports issue here: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/158815:14
natefinchalexisb: brt, still in standup15:31
alexisbno rush15:32
perrito666ericsnow: didn't you fix 1420426?15:35
ericsnowperrito666: yep15:35
* perrito666 gets denied by juju bot because of it15:35
stokachunatefinch: you ever heard of https://github.com/moovweb/gvm?15:35
ericsnowperrito666: Tim landed it last night15:36
stokachui think that would be cool to have for managing juju versions15:36
stokachua similar tool15:36
stokachumake it easier to test against development releases15:36
natefinchstokachu: yeah, I know of it.  For go, I think it's a terrible idea. :)  For Juju, well, it might be a better idea.15:36
stokachucool, just a thought i had :)15:38
natefinchstokachu: ideally we'd make it easier to run different juju clients side by side15:39
voidspacefrankban: ok, thanks15:39
stokachunatefinch: yea that would be perfect, im trying to work out the best way to automate testing our installer against all available juju versions15:39
voidspacefrankban: reading through it15:40
natefinchstokachu: in theory, just switching $JUJU_HOME per version of juju can let you run them side by side15:40
frankbanvoidspace: thanks15:40
stokachunatefinch: good point, i could probably script something up for that15:41
stokachuwe use a custom home anyway for juju15:41
frankbanvoidspace: dow you know why that MP is not automatically hooked to review board?15:44
voidspacefrankban: is your membership of the juju team public?15:51
frankbanvoidspace: I guess so, and my last proposal was correctly hooked15:51
voidspacefrankban: I think that's a requirement15:51
voidspaceericsnow: ping15:51
ericsnowvoidspace: hey15:51
ericsnowvoidspace: OTP15:51
voidspaceericsnow: this PR hasn't landed on reviewboard15:52
voidspaceericsnow: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1588/files15:52
voidspaceericsnow: ok15:52
ericsnowvoidspace: I'll take a look in a bit15:52
voidspaceericsnow: thanks15:52
ericsnowvoidspace: it's probably a unicode issue (Python 2.7) :P15:52
voidspaceericsnow: hah :-)15:53
ericsnowvoidspace: I'm actually not kidding! (we have unicode somewhere in our mongo package that RB fails on)15:53
voidspacefrankban: so lines 156 on in the megawatcher16:03
voidspacefrankban: you moved the code assigning PortRanges and Ports16:03
voidspacefrankban: to "preserve the current status and ports."16:04
voidspacefrankban: why are we preserving the old ones instead of using the new ones?16:04
frankbanvoidspace: on call, back in a minute, but the answer is that we only need to calculate ports on new entities. If an entity is already there, then its ports are updated by the bakingOpenPorts16:06
voidspacefrankban: ah, ok - cool, thanks16:06
voidspacefrankban: that answers my next question too :-)16:06
voidspacefrankban: so your PR LGTM, but I'm not familiar with the intricacies of all the entities involved16:13
voidspacefrankban: in essence is the megawatcher now watching another collection?16:14
frankbanvoidspace: yes16:14
voidspacefrankban: cool16:14
voidspacefrankban: I'm going to give it an LGTM16:14
frankbanvoidspace: it now watches the openports collection16:14
frankbanvoidspace: ty!16:14
Muntanerguys, where can I start to study something about using Juju with Windows Machines?16:57
gsamfiraMuntaner: hi there. I think I may be able to help17:11
gsamfiraMuntaner: on which provider would you like to use Windows?17:11
gsamfiraMaaS, OpenStack, etc?17:11
Muntanergsamfira: I don't have the details under my hands right now - bosses will tell me them soon17:12
voidspacegsamfira: o/17:12
voidspacegsamfira: hi17:12
Muntanerand I wanted to start studying the situatio17:12
Muntanerin general17:12
gsamfiraMuntaner: okay then. So in general there are a few requirements to get windows up and running. And it depends on the provider you are planning to use17:13
gsamfirafor an Openstack private cloud, you will need 2 things. The windows agent tools, and a windows image preinstalled with cloudbase-init17:13
gsamfiraI am not sure if the windows agent tools are part of the official simplestreams that juju offers for 1.2117:14
gsamfirabut if it is not, I can help you build them17:14
gsamfiraMuntaner: a windows image can be downloaded freely from: http://www.cloudbase.it/ws2012r2/17:14
gsamfiraits an evaluation image valid for 180 days (I think)17:15
gsamfiraI can write up a wiki page on setting up your OpenStack private cloud (Incidentally I need to set one up anyway....I can just document the steps)17:15
Muntanergsamfira: thanks!17:15
gsamfiraMy pleasure17:16
gsamfiraIf you plan to use MaaS, you'll need a windows image for that as well. There is a image builder in the works at the moment that will be released as part of MaaS17:16
gsamfiraMuntaner: in any case, I'll be online a lot in the next couple of weeks. Ping me anytime on IRC :)17:18
gsamfiravoidspace: hi :D17:18
Muntanergsamfira: great! thanks :D17:18
voidspaceg'night all18:43
ericsnowin 10 minutes I'm going to be taking reviewboard down for a little while (to move to a new host)19:35
* perrito666 panics and runs in circles19:37
ericsnowreviewboard going down now19:45
natefinchIf you want to know why GCE isnt finished being reviewed, you can blame ericsnow ;)19:49
thumpermorning folks19:56
thumperfwereade: if you are around this evening, it would be great to have a catch up call19:57
ericsnowreviewboard is back up (on the new host)20:03
ericsnowlet me know if anything is amiss20:03
perrito666ericsnow: no new features :p20:07
ericsnowperrito666: wasn't an upgrade ;P20:07
perrito666i know20:07
perrito666I just fancy upgrades20:07
natefinchericsnow: I'm getting a 50020:08
natefinchericsnow:  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/771/20:08
ericsnownatefinch: impossible20:08
ericsnownatefinch: ;)20:08
ericsnownatefinch: ah, I guess the charm doesn't install git for you20:10
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ericsnownatefinch: problem solved20:10
perrito666ericsnow: I could do with a different theme (?)20:11
ericsnowperrito666: go for it <wink>20:11
perrito666ericsnow: oh :( I thought these where canned things20:11
ericsnowperrito666: perhaps (I don't know)20:11
perrito666hey, next tue i am ocr but its a holiday here, anyone wants to trade?20:19
katcoperrito666: i can trade, i'm the next day (wed.)20:21
perrito666sweet, tx :D20:21
katcoperrito666: happy holiday :)20:22
perrito666tx, its carnival :D20:22
katcofun times20:22
perrito666though since cellphones we can no longer have as much fun :p20:22
katcolol because of cameras everywhere?20:22
perrito666and well there is the fact that being a grown up I no longer have one of those wather proof wallets20:22
perrito666katco: because of cellphones not being nice with wather20:23
perrito666when I was a kid you would walk pass a neigborhood with kids an they would splash you throwing these small balloons filled with wather20:23
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katcoyeah that would not be too fun with an expensive computer in your pocket20:25
ericsnow-dentistbe back online ~1 hour20:29
anastasiamacCI is blocked... still :(21:09
thumpernot still21:18
alexisbmenn0, you available for a call at the top of the hour?21:45
menn0alexisb: yep21:46
alexisbthumper, ^^?21:46
thumpercall about?21:46
alexisbthis re the issue menn0 worked last week21:46
alexisband menn0 we are not volunteering you for anything but we need to determine next step for the customer21:47
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alexisbwwitzel3, ping22:49
wwitzel3alexisb: pong22:49
alexisbwwitzel3, nevermind, I see #juju22:50
whitany know issues with upgrading local charms in 1.22-beta3-trusty-amd64?23:08
* whit is experiencing a hang on aws23:08
sinzuiwhit, nonw23:14
sinzuiwhit, these are the known issues https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.22-beta423:14
whitok, I'll report it23:14
ericsnowsinzui: FYI, I don't think bugs #1403243 and #1391276 apply to 1.22 and 1.23.23:29
mupBug #1403243: juju-backup restarts rabbitmq, reconnect is unstable <canonical-bootstack> <canonical-is> <cts> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403243>23:29
mupBug #1391276: a terminated juju backup can leaves server in a dirty state <backup-restore> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1391276>23:29
ericsnowsinzui: also, why is #1399310 marked as high priority?23:30
mupBug #1399310: The code in apiserver/backup.go belongs in apiserver/backups. <backup-restore> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399310>23:30
thumperI think it is hilarious that google docs is happy with rick_h, fwereade, and niemeyer, but thinks that mramm is a misspelling23:31
sinzuiericsnow Tour welcome to lower them. bug 1391276 is high because some of our customers might be upset if they cannot backup and restore as cts advises23:33
mupBug #1391276: a terminated juju backup can leaves server in a dirty state <backup-restore> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1391276>23:33
sinzuiericsnow, if you know a bug is  not high, you can mark it as such when you report it23:34
ericsnowsinzui: I did (for #1399310) :)23:35
mupBug #1399310: The code in apiserver/backup.go belongs in apiserver/backups. <backup-restore> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399310>23:35
sinzuiericsnow, but you didn't remove the bug from the milestone.23:36
ericsnowsinzui: ah23:36

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