
budgie^smorefigured it out, somehow I had a binary in /usr/bin/java instead of a symlink00:04
Mtik1ERROR: PAE is disabled on this Pentium M (PAE can potentially be enabled with Kernel parameter "forcepae" - this is unsupported00:04
Mtik1some version for my laptop dell00:05
Mtik114.10 lubuntu not working00:05
jayjowhat does it mean to be "compiled against" something?00:07
Mtik1how can i enable pae?00:08
Bashing-omMtik1: info:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2211590 <- Now 14.04 Lubuntu has support for non-pae:00:10
Mtik1what is pae?00:11
Mtik1on boot I add --forcepae00:11
Mtik1and work00:11
Mtik1can i damage my CPU?00:11
Bashing-omMtik1: Physical Address Extension see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE/PentiumM .00:11
Mtik1I wanna use lubuntu live version and I want set Wifi parameters and safe setting on USB00:14
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daftykins!persistence | Mtik100:14
ubottuMtik1: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence00:14
K4kI'm trying to re-install my kernel after having deleted /boot. I'm unable to apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-/kernel_version/ due to dpkg failing on missing files it's trying to move from the previous installation. apt-get purge and install -f fail for similar reasons00:17
K4kany suggestions on how to force it to install the package or somehow convince it that the package is not installed so I can install it from scratch?00:18
daftykinstry installing an older kernel00:18
jishjishHi all having troubvle installing adb and fastboot on ubuntu using this tutorial http://lifehacker.com/the-easiest-way-to-install-androids-adb-and-fastboot-to-1586992378 and the following command. I get the error "has no installation candidate" sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot00:18
daftykinsK4k: one you would have had and perhaps autoremoved, you could pop it back in00:18
K4kdaftykins: I've got the deb packages in the apt archive in /var/cache. Is that what you mean?00:19
daftykinsK4k: well no, it'd need to be one that's not marked as "ii" from "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"00:19
nicomachushi, does anyone here know much about Clementine? I'm trying to connect the Remote Android App and keep getting "Could not reach host"00:20
K4kdaftykins: Yeah, I have showing as ii00:20
jayjoWhat does it mean to "compile against" vs just "compile"00:21
daftykinsK4k: so pick the first older version that isn't ii, then install that :) e.g. sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.16.0-##-generic"00:21
Jordan_Ujayjo: What is the context, and what is your end goal?00:22
K4kdaftykins: that's what I was trying to say before, though. I've tried that and I get dpkg errors about gzip not being able to unpack because there is no space left on device. But I have 500GB free on the disk mounted that I'm chroot'd in to.00:22
daftykinsK4k: can you pastebin a "df -h" ?00:23
jishjishanyone know how to remove error "no installation candidate when installing adb and fastboot for android?00:23
Jordan_UK4k: Also "df -i".00:23
daftykinsjishjish: it's an error because those packages do not exist. you're using the wrong name00:23
jishjishdaftykins: ok, do you know the name I am supposed to use for the application name and or ppa so I can install them?00:24
K4kdaftykins: I can but I'll just tell you. It looks weird, says Filesystem "none" followed by /dev/shm, "none" /dev and /dev/sda1 as /boot/efi00:24
K4kFor some reason (and I'm not all that familiar with how things /should/ look in a chroot environment) there is no / mounted00:25
daftykinsi would prefer seeing it first hand to be honest00:25
K4kk, give me a minute, I'll have to transcribe the pastebin url from the other computer. What's the preferred pastebin for this channel?00:25
Loshkijayjo: usually it means it requires a *specific* version of a compiler, tool, or library, which you need to compile successfully.00:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:26
daftykinsK4k: install pastebinit then you can just "df -h | pastebinit"00:26
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dunpealHow do I debug a new Ubuntu desktop that (apparently) crashes while X is loading?00:27
dunpeal(during the boot process)00:27
K4kdaftykins: except I can't install packages in the chroot where I'm running the df commands from >_<00:27
daftykinsdunpeal: try seeing if there are any issues in /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:27
daftykinsK4k: really 0o00:28
K4kyes, that's what I'm saying in all this, apt-get and dpkg don't work in the chroot for some odd reason.. here's the pastebin...00:28
daftykinsK4k: heh, you haven't mounted all your file systems properly00:30
daftykinswhilst your issue does relate to /boot, you can't just transplant it like that00:30
jayjoLoshki: I'm trying to install an apache module (mod_wsgi) that says in troubleshooting that the module is probably no 'compiled against' the correct language versions00:30
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daftykinsanyway if Jordan_U is up for it, he's the boot expert :>00:30
ubottunicomachus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:30
daftykinsK4k: hmm yeah it also looks like your /boot/efi is 1MB O_O00:31
K4kdaftykins: so, the deletion of /boot wasn't entirely by accident00:31
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nicomachusah, cool, there's a clementine channel.00:31
K4kI was trying to do the efi fix for macbook00:31
nicomachusprops on your great bot, btw00:31
K4kand didn't even think about the fact that my kernels were in there00:31
jishjishcorrect ppa for installing android adb and fastboot anyone?00:32
daftykinsK4k: how does this relate to a mac? :S00:32
daftykinsjishjish: we don't support PPAs, there's a package i think for android dev tools - i don't remember the name though00:32
K4kdaftykins: I have Ubuntu installed on my mac. Mac does not like vfat formatted /boot partitions so there is a way you can reformat it as hfs and "trick" the mac firmware in to thinking it's a proper boot partition so you don't have to press option every time you boot up to load Ubuntu00:33
K4klong story short, I did that but forgot to backup /boot before re-formatting it to hfs00:33
jishjishi'm not asking if anyone supports it, I'm asking if anyone knows of a way of installing android  adb and fastboot. My isue with ubuntu is I keep running into tutorials saying use this ppa, but the files are never found.00:33
Jordan_UK4k: You don't want /boot/ formatted as fat or hfs or hfsplus. If anything, it should be your EFI System Partition that is one of those filesystems.00:35
Loshkijayjo: it sounds like the module is out of date. Is this a standard apache installation from the repos?00:35
K4kJordan_U: I think that was what the walkthrough was trying to have me do... one sec, let me try to dig the URL back up...00:35
Jordan_UK4k: Please pastebin your /etc/fstab and the contents of /proc/mounts.00:35
daftykinsjishjish: you misunderstand, what ubuntu version is this?00:36
jishjishdaftykins: I am using 14.10 - the latest00:36
daftykinsjishjish: so, here's what i did... i went to google... i typed in "android tools ubuntu 14.10" - first result, "android-tools-adb" and "android-tools-fastboot" second result.00:37
K4kJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10165957 and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1016596200:37
koding123so what is the point/pros/benefit of using Ubuntu Make( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make ) instead of a package specific PPA? http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/ubuntu-make00:38
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142500:39
rpp601hey guys, can anyone recommend a php (or similar) server monitor i can install to watch my home server?00:40
Jordan_UK4k: You have a comment reffering to /boot/ in your /etc/fstab, but no entry for it. Do you know why that is?00:41
OerHekskoding123, Vivid isn't out yet, join #ubuntu+100:41
K4kJordan_U: The walkthrough had me remove /boot and replace it with /boot/EFI00:41
Jordan_UK4k: Please link to this walkthrough (though it sounds like it's fairly flawed).00:42
koding123OerHeks, so where am I supposed to ask that question?00:43
OerHeks#ubuntu+1 for vivid 15.0400:44
K4kJordan_U: https://medium.com/@PhilPlckthun/ubuntu-14-10-running-on-my-macbook-18991a697ae000:45
K4kStarting with the "Fixing Ubuntu" section00:45
CyralI'm having difficulties installing Ubuntu to a USB drive, could anyone help? I have 1 USB drive with a live install on it (Where I can try/install ubuntu), but when I try to install Ubuntu to another USB drive (So I can carry around a full permanent install), the installer hangs at "Preparing to Install Ubuntu", done plenty of research online and no solutions have fixed it. Any ideas?00:49
Jordan_UK4k: Re-read those instructions. You'll see that it never asks you to remove your /boot/ partition.00:49
K4koh... is the efi partition seperately mounted? @_@ I didn't have /boot/efi so I /assumed/ (what's that saying again?) that they were having me delete /boot and re-create it.00:51
jishjishdaftykins: after doing what you suggested and gooogling, and going to those results I can't find a ppa or deb package to install?00:51
K4kSo, to install with the EFI partition, is it just that I need to boot from the live CD using the EFI option or is there something special to get that?00:51
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Jordan_UK4k: Normally if you boot the Ubuntu LiveDVD/USB via EFI the installer will create or use an existing EFI System Partition, which it will mount at /boot/efi/. And yes, it's completely different from /boot/.00:53
K4kDOH! I guess I installed from the non-EFI boot. I'll re-install and try this again. Thanks for working with me on it.00:54
Jordan_UK4k: You're welcome.00:55
daftykinsjishjish: *facepalm* no you run "sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot"00:56
daftykins!info android-tools-adb00:57
ubottuandroid-tools-adb (source: android-tools): Android Debug Bridge CLI tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu36 (utopic), package size 67 kB, installed size 241 kB (Only available for linux-any)00:57
daftykinsthey are available from the default repos00:57
koding123OerHeks, so according to you we can't ask Ubuntu specific features in here?00:58
koding123considering it is in https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make00:58
OerHekskoding sure, but not about vivid.00:58
koding123it seems like a shame it this so called "Ubuntu Member" s don't know what is ubunt-make (no offense)00:59
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OerHekskoding123, good luck. i answered as best as i can.01:00
koding123OerHeks, sorry :) no offense over there I know the rules and stuff, posting it every 30 mins01:00
jishjishdaftykins: I'm not sure you understood my original question. I tried that exact command and get the error "android-tools-adb and -fastboot "have no installation candidate". I was looking for a ppa or any method of installing the tools which doesn't fail and give me an error like this.01:00
koding123OerHeks, is it against the topic?01:01
rpp601has anyone ever installed cacti01:03
daftykinsjishjish: maybe you didn't run "sudo apt-get update" first, or haven't got the universe repo enabled.01:04
bazhang!info cacti01:04
ubottucacti (source: cacti): web interface for graphing of monitoring systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.8b+dfsg-8 (utopic), package size 1623 kB, installed size 4929 kB01:04
bazhangwhats the real question rpp60101:05
rpp601bazhang: i goofed on the installation and picked the wrong option for my server. uninstalling the packages and running the install again starts me off half way through it, picking up where i left off. how do i totally remove the installation of the packages, rather than use apt-get remove01:06
jishjishdaftykins: I ran the update command, how do I know if universe repo is enabled? and or how do I enable it?01:07
Picikoding123: Try #ubuntu-app-devel perhaps.  #ubuntu is for support with the desktop suite (mostly), not really really for development discussion,01:08
EriC^jishjish: do you have a gui?01:08
rpp601bazhang: i'm gonna google it and try and get this one myself01:09
rpp601don't wanna use my #ubuntu help card for the night on something stupid01:09
rpp601thx tho )01:09
koding123Pici, getting help in #ubuntu-touch as well, thanks!01:09
koding123OerHeks, and sorry :) no offense.01:10
daftykinsjishjish: well first try "apt-cache search android-tools" and see if it spits out their names01:11
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jishjishdaftykins: I get this "android-tools-fsutils - Android ext4 utilities with sparse support"01:17
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daftykinsjishjish: you might need to check what repos are enabled then, system settings button on the left if this is unity, then go to software and sources01:21
Steve_JobsAnyone know if the Dell XPS 13 is shipping with Ubuntu yet?01:22
jishjishdaftykins: thanks I'll check there01:22
daftykinsSteve_Jobs: we are not Dell. call them :)01:23
Steve_Jobsdaftykins: haha :)01:23
nicomachusSteve_Jobs: http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd01:25
beni85how 2 instal virtualbox?01:27
Steve_Jobsthat's not the new one with the infinity screen, nicomachus01:27
nicomachuswell you didn't say that...01:27
Steve_Jobsthat's all the rage these days01:28
EriC^beni85: sudo apt-get install virtualbox01:28
daftykinsthat is why this is not a Dell sales channel )01:28
daftykins* :)01:28
beni85ok, thx01:28
Steve_Jobsdaftykins: I know, but we have on the horizon a MacBook beater that ships with Ubuntu. Hence, Ubuntu channel.01:29
nicomachus"Ship dates for the XPS 13 are 22nd Jan (Core i3) and 28th Jan (Core i7.)"01:29
nicomachusI'll happily talk about Clementine instead. :)01:29
Steve_Jobsnicomachus: but there is an upcoming version that ships with Ubuntu out of the box01:29
Baribal_Steve_Jobs, you don't install your OS yourself?01:29
Steve_JobsBaribal_: correct. Ships with Ubuntu01:30
Steve_JobsIt's called the dev edition01:30
daftykinsthere always has been one, but it came with 12.04 last i saw01:30
Baribal_Yeah, not what I meant, but not really relevant to the channel anyways.01:30
Steve_Jobsdaftykins: this is supposed to be 14.0401:31
daftykinsglad to hear they've finally updated01:32
yodais linux-headers-3.13.0-32 the kernel source because the only difference i see is linux-headers-3.13.0-32-generic is symbolic links to linux-headers-3.13.0-32 why the two01:32
jishjishhi all is there a tool built into ubuntu which burns images on dvd/cd. I want to install minimal ubuntu on an old laptop01:32
daftykinsSteve_Jobs: but you're probably talking about the US right? which isn't the centre of the world :)01:33
nicomachusjishjish: startup disc creator01:33
nicomachusor just right click on the .iso file and select "write to disc"01:33
Jordan_Ujishjish: Yes. You can just right click the iso and select "burn to disk" (or similar). You can also open Brasero and work from there.01:33
jishjishthanks Jordan_U01:34
daftykinsjishjish: if it's too old it might not have the RAM to boot, i guess you might be referring to mini.iso though01:34
nicomachusif you right click and select "write to disc" you can hit the properties button and select lower speeds.01:34
nicomachusI'd recommend it, really. 4x01:34
Jordan_Ujishjish: You're welcome.01:35
javelinanddartHi, I've tried to install SELinux on my computer and if I set it to enforcing, on reboot, it says the system is running in low graphics mode and It won't let me configure X11 manually either01:37
javelinanddartI think it might have something to do with the fact that the selinux policy hasn't authenticated my user to be allowed01:39
Jordan_Ujavelinanddart: Why are you trying to use SELinux rather than apparmor?01:40
javelinanddartI prefer using it over AppArmor01:40
* daftykins chuckles01:41
javelinanddartJordan_U: Call me crazy but if the NSA developed SELinux for the Department of Defense, and open-sourced it, and it's maintained well, I would think it would be more secure01:41
rpp601is there an easy way to set or find my mysql root pw?01:42
daftykinsthis is not really a channel for your soap box to be brought out :)01:42
yodawhat is the purpose of linux-headers-3.13.0-32-generic which is a sym links to linux-headers-3.13.0-32 and correct me if i am wrong this is still what the kernel is named/source files for the kernel01:42
daftykinsrpp601: dpkg-reconfigure <mysql package> lets you reset it afaiui01:42
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yodathough uname -r says linux-headers-3.13.0-32-generic01:45
rpp601daftykins: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server doesn't return anything01:46
yodai mean 3.13.0-32-generic01:46
yodabut confused because that is symbolic link01:46
daftykinsrpp601: well it needs to be the right package01:46
daftykinsyoda: yeah there are multiple variants other than -generic, so it symlinks to the non-variant headers01:47
rpp601daftykins: i'm trying to install cacti, i'm having trouble with mysql's 'root' password - i never set it.01:47
daftykinsmaybe you never installed mysql server then01:47
rpp601it's installed01:48
Jordan_Ujavelinanddart: Frankly, if you want to use SELinux you might want to use a distribution that uses SELinux by default. That said, what is the output of "check-selinux-installation"?01:48
daftykinsi know for sure it always prompts with the text style blue window and asks for a root password to be defined01:48
daftykinsdunno then.01:48
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rpp601you useless ass01:48
Jordan_Urpp601: Please watch your attitude and language in this channel.01:48
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daftykinsrpp601: i'd recommend you don't make a comment like that again :)01:49
rpp601Jordan_U: daftykins has helped me before, i was joking :-) sorry tho01:49
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daftykinsi am not laughing :)01:49
koding123rpp601, try this http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html01:49
rpp601sorry guys :(01:49
Plomoshoping someone can help me here, as i seem to have messed some things up01:52
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koding123!ask | Plomos01:52
ubottuPlomos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:52
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Plomosi had windows 8.1 and ubuntu 14.04 dual booted on my laptop. got tired of ubuntu for the time being, so while in windows i deleted the linux partitions like a noob and reallocated the space for windows, but now the laptop boots into a limited version of grub and nothing else01:54
Plomosi tried setting it to boot from usb, but it won't do it01:54
ryu13212Do you have windows install cd?01:54
Jordan_UPlomos: Is this a UEFI or BIOS based machine?01:55
Plomosi have a bootable windows usb, but the laptop doesn't have a cd drive01:55
ryu13212Try UEFI boot from usb01:55
Jordan_UPlomos: If you run "ls" from the grub rescue shell, is your USB drive listed?01:56
Plomosis there a command for that?01:56
Plomoshold on01:56
Plomosit sees an hd0.msdos101:57
Plomosand then other partitions that it thinks are linux01:57
Bashing-omyoda: " uname -r says linux-headers-3.13.0-32-generic " says you do have a serious problem. Instead of beating around the bush, what is the real question ? (out of disk space ?) .01:58
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Plomosis there a way to force it to boot windows from grub?02:00
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Jordan_UPlomos: Does it list any (hd1)?02:01
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titou_greetings everyone02:02
titou_mes respects02:03
SG-PXEwould anyone be able to help me with a PXE question? i want to install ubuntu via PXE using a downloaded local CD, currently the PXE goes out on the internet and pulls from the archive site02:03
Plomosjordan it lists hd1,gpt4 hd1,gpt3 hd1,gpt2 and hd1,gpt1 in that order02:04
* titou_ never used pxe sorry02:04
Plomosafter the hd002:04
Jordan_USG-PXE: Local as in connected to the machine being net-booted, or local as in hosted on a TFTP server within your LAN?02:04
Jordan_UPlomos: Good. Are you at a "grub>" prompt, or a "rescue>" prompt?02:05
SG-PXEJordan_U: stored on the server running TFTP and Apache since i am currently using apache to serve up the filesystem.squashfs for gparted, and clonezilla02:06
Jordan_UPlomos: OK. What is the output of "echo $root"?02:06
Jordan_UPlomos: OK. If you run "ls -l" you should see two partitions (one on each drive) with a FAT filesystem. Which two are they?02:09
Plomossays can't find command ls -102:10
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Plomosoh thats an L oops hold on02:10
Plomosstill says can't find command02:11
Bashing-omyoda: ^^, still with us ?02:11
Jordan_UPlomos: OK. Let's guess that your internal drive's EFI System Partition is (hd0,gpt1). Run "root=(hd0,gpt1)" then "ls /".02:12
koding123Plomos, ofcourse there is02:13
koding123Plomos, youll need a Ubuntu live USB to fix it02:13
Plomossays disk hd0,gpt1 not found Jordan02:13
Plomoskoding i have a live usb02:13
Plomosand it has ubuntu02:13
Plomosbut i can't get the system to boot from it02:14
Jordan_UPlomos: OK. "root=(hd1,gpt1)" then "ls /".02:14
koding123Plomos, here is the instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader02:14
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PlomosJordan: unknown  filesystem02:15
koding123Plomos, already told you the link to fix02:15
Jordan_Ukoding123: Those instructions are for BIOS rather than UEFI, and depend on Plomos being able to boot from USB, which they can't currenty do (for some reason).02:16
koding123Jordan_U, ok02:17
Jordan_UPlomos: root=(hd0,msdos1); ls02:17
Jordan_UPlomos: Make that second part "ls /" again :)02:17
Plomosya one sec02:18
HoloPeddoes anyone know how to disable the serial console? I need to free up ttyS0. Distro is Ubunbu 14.1002:21
Plomosubnkern ubninit .disk/efi/boot/casper/dists/install/isolinux/pics/pool/pressed /ubnpath.txt readme.diskdefines autorun.inf md5sum.txt wubi.exe ubnfilel.txt ldlinux.sys syslinux.cfg menu.c32 Jordan02:21
Jordan_UPlomos: configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:22
beni85hw get virtualbox on linux backbox???02:22
Jordan_UPlomos: That should bring you to the boot menu for the Ubuntu LiveUSB you have connected.02:23
beni85hi all02:23
Plomosit did02:23
Plomosso hit try?02:23
Jordan_UPlomos: Yes.02:23
Plomosk loading02:23
KILLAKATthis is the first time i used this chatroom02:23
KILLAKATanyone play freedroid rpg?02:24
OerHeksbeni85, ask in a backbox support room, we support ubuntu only02:24
Plomosok it loaded into the live environment02:24
Jordan_UKILLAKAT: Welcome to #ubuntu! If you have a support question please ask. For other offtopic discussion please join #ubuntu-offtopic.02:24
Jordan_UPlomos: Great. Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".02:25
Plomossays command not found02:26
Jordan_UPlomos: Are you sure that you spelled it correctly?02:26
Plomosya i put it in terminal without the quotes right?02:27
Jordan_UPlomos: Correct. What version of Ubuntu is on this LiveUSB?02:27
Jordan_UPlomos: 64 bit or 32 bit?02:28
Jordan_UPlomos: What is the output of just "efibootmgr"?02:28
Plomosno command efi found, did you mean:02:29
spacekookieQuestion: I'm trying to install ZFS on my Ubuntu Server this way: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem#step-1-prepare-the-install-environment02:29
Jordan_UPlomos: Please run the exact command, and copy and paste the full output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com , then post a link to the output here.02:30
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spacekookieHowever aptitude can't find any of the packages that should be added via the ppa...any idea what I could try to fix that?02:30
EriC^spacekookie: which ubuntu are you using?02:32
OerHeksspacekookie, are you on 64 bit ubuntu ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS02:32
Jordan_UPlomos: I need to leave soon.02:32
spacekookieShould be Ubuntu Server 14.10 64 bit02:32
Plomossays it is currently not installed, you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install efibootmgr02:33
OerHeksspacekookie, after adding that ppa, reload: sudo apt-get update02:33
Jordan_UPlomos: OK. Please do so then.02:34
Jordan_UPlomos: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr" now.02:34
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spacekookieOerHeks, I already do that. And it doesn't tell me about any errors02:35
EriC^spacekookie: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*zfs*02:35
spacekookieEriC^, http://pastebin.com/x1vm2mwA02:36
EriC^spacekookie: can you type cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ?02:38
EriC^spacekookie: i wonder why it says saucy there02:38
spacekookieEriC^, There you go: http://pastebin.com/gp6YcSZ902:40
Plomospart of paste was missing, here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10167167/02:41
EriC^spacekookie: what's cat /etc/issue say?02:41
nickelsknow what it was I couldn't figure out with with MonoDevelop that deb line.... SEARCH in the software center, pulls up a MonoDevelop icon to install it... but if you go to development from the first window and hit Mono / CLI there isn't.02:41
spacekookieEriC^, ==> "Ubuntu 14.10 \n \l"02:42
Jordan_UPlomos: You don't have a Windows boot entry in your firmware, which makes me sceptical that you have a valid Windows installation at all.02:43
Plomosi just used it last night, i know it's there02:43
nickelshappy happy happy to be xubuntu nappy.. I tried out ubuntu also02:43
Jordan_UPlomos: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?02:44
EriC^Plomos: maybe you're using legacy?02:44
Plomosdev/sda2@/efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmfgw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi02:45
EriC^Plomos: are you in the installation right now or a live usb?02:46
Plomoslive usb02:46
EriC^what's the output of sudo parted -l ?02:47
Plomosmodel: ATA Toshiba MQ01ABD0 (scsi)02:48
EriC^Plomos: paste the whole thing in paste.ubuntu.com02:49
Jordan_UPlomos: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/02:49
Jordan_UPlomos: If that completes without any error then run "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/mnt/ --boot-directory=/mnt/".02:52
Jordan_UPlomos: I'm leaving very soon. If you can reply more promptly, it's in your best interest to do so.02:56
EriC^um, is it just me or is there no ubuntu installation?02:56
Jordan_UEriC^: Plomos has no Ubuntu installation, they accidentally deleted it without realizing that doing so would affect their ability to boot Windows.02:57
EriC^Plomos: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi -L "Windows" -p 2 -d /dev/sda02:58
Plomostrying to type these and read at same time02:59
EriC^Plomos: type the above then type sudo efibootmgr -v and paste it please02:59
PlomosJoran yours says modinfo.sh doesn't exist02:59
koding123EriC^, have you seen his question? he removed the Ubuntu partition, and now unable to boot into Wind0ws basically helping him is offtopic for this channel foreword him to #windows ;)02:59
Jordan_UPlomos: Ignore my grub-install advice for now, EriC^'s solution is cleaner.02:59
akkadis an upgrade to libc6 safe?03:00
Jordan_Uakkad: How and why are you trying to upgrade libc6?03:00
akkadapt-get -f install03:00
akkadas a result of apt-get install python-pycurl -> a ton of {package} : Depends: libc603:01
akkadnvm. will remove the bogus apt-repo entry03:02
koding123akkad, run a, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get autoremove03:02
Jordan_Ukoding123: Helping people get Windows booting again after (improperly) removing Ubuntu is most definitely on topic for this channel, especially when we are doing so entirely using Ubuntu. We aren't just going to leave users stranded without their OS of choice because they made a mistake while trying to remove Ubuntu.03:03
Plomosconnected to irc via a seperate computer so will have to type this output out real quick in pastebin03:04
herentGood morning - wondering if anyone knows how to change the 'master' os for controlling the boot? I have 3 installs, on 2 drives. Two are on a regular 2.5", another one on a mSATA. That's mostly fresh, and is the one I want to use from now on so I can wipe the old ones on the 2.5. But the boot drive and grub are managed by an OS that will be removed when I replace the 2.503:04
NegativeFlareherent: you mean GRUB?03:05
EriC^Plomos: just type out the boot order, and the Windows entry03:05
NegativeFlareI'm confused xD03:05
herentNegativeFlare, It's using uefi, but the os that rebuilds that with sudo update-grub and the boot partition are on a drive I want to replace03:06
EriC^Plomos: just check that it says File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)03:06
herentI have a new OS ready to go on a different drive, and can boot into it03:06
herentNot sure how to do that if I remove the other drive first03:06
NegativeFlareWell, honestly. I hate uEFI. So I honestly don't have a clue.03:06
herentYeah, I kind of hate it, too, but didn't have a lot of choice when first installing03:07
PlomosEric, its not listing the microsoft one03:07
EriC^what's the boot order?03:07
herentAnd can't take the downtime to totally wipe everything and build it with classic boot03:07
PlomosBootOrder 0008,0003,0006,000703:07
EriC^ok 0008 is new i think03:08
EriC^it must be there i guess03:08
EriC^you could take a leap of faith and try to restart i guess03:08
Plomosoh 8 says windows on the end03:08
EriC^does it say \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi ?03:08
orbisvicisthe ubuntu 8.04 dvd has no md5sum ?03:09
lasagn4hi. i installed a virtualbox.deb file manually instead of the mainted apt-get packages, now , how do i uninstall it?03:09
xanguawhy would you use 8.04 to beggin with¿03:09
EriC^Plomos: i'd try to restart03:09
Ben64orbisvicis: 8.04 is EOL, don't use it03:09
Plomoshere goes03:09
orbisvicisBen64: need to03:10
Ben64lasagn4: dpkg -r <package>03:10
Ben64orbisvicis: no you don't03:10
Plomosbooted to the minimal grub03:10
orbisvicisBen64: I need to evaluate a gtk1 program, see if its worth porting03:10
lasagn4how do i search what packages are installed?03:11
EriC^Plomos: if you press esc while it boots, can you get a boot options menu?03:11
Ben64lasagn4: dpkg -l03:11
EriC^Plomos: ok, type ls -l in grub03:11
Plomos-l not found03:12
Jordan_UEriC^: Ubuntu's minimal UEFI secure boot doesn't have the modules needed for the "-l" switch to grub's ls :(03:12
Jordan_UEriC^: Were you here for how we got booted into the Ubuntu LiveUSB from the grub shell?03:13
Jordan_UEriC^: root=(hd0,msdos1); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:14
Plomosyou want me to run that again?03:15
EriC^can we try to boot the microsoft efi file?03:15
Jordan_UEriC^: Now that we know that Windows is on sda2, we can try "root=(hd1,gpt2)" though.03:15
Plomoswhich do you want me to try?03:15
Jordan_UEriC^: So: root=(hd1,gpt2); chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi # I think will boot Windows.03:16
EriC^ok, cool, Plomos please type those commands03:16
Plomosthe chainloader?03:17
Jordan_UEriC^: Plomos: I'm off for now, good luck!03:17
Plomosok thanks03:17
EriC^Jordan_U: thanks for the help03:18
UnrealXeroquestion, I am currently using this command to output the total amount of RAM in bytes "free -b | grep -i Mem | awk '{print $2}'"03:18
Jordan_UEriC^: You're welcome.03:19
Plomosis the # included in the command?03:19
Ben64UnrealXero: wheres the question03:19
EriC^Plomos: no, type root=(hd1,gpt2)03:19
EriC^Plomos: ok, type chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi03:20
Plomosand typing chainloader /Efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi gives a file path for it03:20
Plomosbut doesn't seem to do anything else03:20
EriC^Plomos: type ls /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/03:21
Jordan_U_phonePlomos: "boot"03:22
Plomosboot for which part?03:23
EriC^Plomos: type boot03:23
Plomosunknown error03:24
Plomosls /efi/microsoft/boot lists a bunch of files eric03:25
EriC^Plomos: that's good03:25
Plomospart of it says Resources/ BCD.Log1 BCD.log2 boot.stl bootmgfw.efi bootmgr.efi memtest.efi03:26
Plomosmost of the output is language files03:26
Plomoswhat about bootmgr.efi?03:29
EriC^Plomos: i wonder if there's a way to get the uuid of the efi partition from grub, maybe that'd work, type edit (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg03:30
EriC^Plomos: nevermind i guess that won't work03:30
EriC^Plomos: i dont think bootmgr.efi works03:31
EriC^there's another file in /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi that might though03:31
EriC^Plomos: type chainloader /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi03:31
HelloSquaredHello, im a bit of a bind. I lost power briefly earlier today, and i cannot boot my ubuntu install. It loads into grub, i select ubuntu and it stays on a purple acreen03:32
Plomosk hold on03:32
Plomoscomes back with /EndEntire and a file path03:33
EriC^Plomos: hmm, try boot03:33
scottafter a recent update on ubuntu 14.04 I no longer have a clang binary (I have clang-3.5 installed). it has a binary named clang-3.5, but is there an explanation why the `clang` symlink was removed?03:33
HelloSquaredWhen i try to boot into recovery mode, it asks for the encryption key which i an 100% sure is correct but it says it is wrong03:33
Plomosits trying03:33
Plomosit worked03:34
PlomosTHANK YOU03:34
Plomoshow do i make sure it keeps booting into windows?03:34
Bashing-omHelloSquared: Run a file system check from the liveDVD ?03:35
EriC^Plomos: cool, np, you need to boot the ubuntu live usb again and add that instead of /Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi03:36
Plomosoh, crap, ok, so i have to go back to grub and then boot into live usb?03:37
scottis there a way to get an up to date changelog for a package? the most recent change shown for clang-3.5 is Sun, 23 Mar 2014 (at http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/clang-3.5)03:37
Plomosalright, gotta find the command for booting the live usb03:37
HelloSquaredBashing-om ok let me get the live cd out....03:38
PlomosEriC^ what is the first part of the command i need before Microsoft/Boot/bootx64.efi?03:39
Bashing-omHelloSquared: K, same same release as the install .03:40
HelloSquaredDo drives get locked when mounted?03:40
EriC^Plomos: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi -L "windows" -p 2 -d /dev/sda03:40
Bashing-omHelloSquared: If the system detects a problem then the files system is put into a read only mode, to protect it's self from further damage .03:42
HelloSquaredWhile in setting this up. I get bio: create slab (bio-1) at 103:42
Plomosok, working on it03:43
EriC^Plomos: there's no Microsoft03:43
HelloSquaredWhenever i try to get into recovery mode and it says cryptsetup failed bad password or options03:43
Plomosoh ok03:43
Bashing-omHelloSquared: Never encounted such before, I do not know .03:43
HelloSquaredI am in a pretty serious pickle then03:44
Bashing-omHelloSquared: We can hope that the file system check/repair will correct the corrupted 'password-encrpytion' file . We can hope .03:45
farvaI have some one actively ddosing one of the IPs on my server and I can't track the IP, can some one help me find them? I don't know much about networking and only have one command I know to see ips connected, but am not sure which it is, or what it is connected to03:45
farvathis is all I know: netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n03:46
farvaand I for some reason cannot -drop ips on my IP tables, even though they are installed03:46
farvaso I kind of have a slew of issues here and really would like to get proper protection setup03:47
HelloSquaredI restarted and it worked03:47
HelloSquaredThree hours of it not working and suddenly its fine03:47
HelloSquaredWell that was scary. Would have lost a day of work. Always back up! Thanks for the help, no idea what that was about03:48
farvacan some one please help with this, I really need to get these things figured out03:48
farvaI have tried setting up UHC and ended up locking myself out of the server...I can't be trusted to do these things lol03:49
Bashing-omHelloSquared: Great ! I still would -> sudo touch /forcefsck , sudo shutdown -r now <- ( sets up to do a file system check on next boot, and then reboot to do it )03:49
PlomosEric, since its the live usb it doesn't think it has efibootmgr installed03:49
farvamy biggest question is how do I locate the IP of the person ddosing03:49
farvaand then how do I ban that IP if IP tables are not allowing me to -drop03:50
EriC^Plomos: no problem, type sudo apt-get install efibootmgr03:50
Plomosgot that, now to put in new command03:50
nabnanybody use synapse here?03:52
Plomoshey hey hey, says bootorder now starts with 0005 and 0005 is listed as windows03:53
Plomoshere goes03:53
farvaI know there is a specific program I can also run to track connections even if I cannot connect to the server machine itself, does anyone know the name of it though?03:53
farvaI have to be able to do something to deter ddos on this server03:53
Plomosi see the spinning dots03:54
Plomosbooted to my windows login screen03:54
Plomosis it safe to remove the ubuntu stuff left over or?03:54
EriC^like what03:55
Plomosseems like it had some partition left over03:55
EriC^ok you mean the stuff in the efi partition?03:55
farvasurely some one can at least point me in the right direction please?03:56
EriC^yeah you can remove it if you want, but it doesn't take up any space anyways like 1mb or so03:57
Plomosgood point03:57
PlomosI'd buy you and Jordan a beer, but we don't live next to each other03:57
Plomosfarva, do you have a firewall of some sort?03:58
Plomosor surely a router that can block ports?03:59
farvaI only have iptables03:59
farvait is a server machine at a datacenter03:59
farvaI tried installing UHC but it locked me and everyone else out of the machine04:00
orbisviciswhy isn't libgtk1.2 available for hardy ?04:00
farvaI know absolutely nothing about networking unfortunately04:00
orbisvicisI've updated the sources.list for old-releases, and according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/libgtk1.2 there should be packages04:00
farvaso setting up IP tables and firewalls is like....what to do..04:01
EriC^!info libgtk1.2 hardy04:01
ubottu'hardy' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed04:01
farvahell, I hardly know jack about linux, I am only 4 months in on all this04:01
farvaright now the guy is actively dosing the server as we speak04:02
farvaI rerouted the IP and put our programs on another, updated dns etc so he is hitting a dead end atm04:02
farvabut I would like to track his IP so I know who it is and I can deal with him more quickly (as well as actively ban him) in the future04:03
Plomosthanks for the help guys, have a good one04:03
EriC^you too04:03
farvaI just don't know how to find the IP that is connecting to that specific IP on the server04:03
EriC^nothing showed up when you ran netstat -tun on it?04:04
farvalet me see, idk that command-do I just run that righ there?04:04
EriC^farva: you pasted it earlier04:04
farvaoh that04:04
orbisvicisoh, I forgot to uncomment universe, heh04:04
farvawell, I had a suspicious IP with 10 connections04:05
farvawe ran it against a list of known ddosers and it was on there04:05
NatsukiTroll Detected04:05
farvaso I tried to add him to the -DROP list on our IP tables and it denied me the command04:05
farvathis is the error it gives me when I tried to block the IP in question: http://gyazo.com/f715b2ed76ed2448a489de6b988e5f7704:07
farvaso I checked that IP tables was up to date and it was04:07
cfhowlettfarva, much easier to use ufw command04:09
Natsukifarva join my chanel04:09
farvaI have tried installing it, (sorry I called it uhc earlier) but it locked me out of the machine entirely and my datacenter had to disable it to get us back in04:09
farvaI would prefer to talk about it in open chat so that I have other sets of eyes that can warn me if I am doing something I shouldn't. No offense I really do appreciate the offer, I am just especially cautious04:10
farvaI know I have ufw installed but I don't know how to undo what was done that locked us out of the network to begin with04:11
SG-PXEwould anyone be able to help me with a PXE question? i want to install ubuntu via PXE using a downloaded local CD imagestored on the server running TFTP & Apache, currently the PXE goes out on the internet and pulls from the archive site. Apache is serving up the filesystem.squashfs for gparted04:11
cfhowlettfarva, man ufw         in a terminal will inform you of usage04:12
Natsukifarva bot created04:12
eviltwinzzzgreetings, anyone here real ubuntu experts?04:12
jishjishhi - can someone reply to test if this is working?....04:12
cfhowlett!test | jishjish04:12
ubottujishjish: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:12
eviltwinzzzI can see you jish04:13
Natsuki2 farva04:13
Natsukifarva bot04:13
svetlanafarva: upon seeing the error I would include the kernel and iptables version in the question. oh, and run that iptables command as sudo, perhaps?04:13
svetlanajishjish: works04:13
Natsukifarva friend?04:13
svetlanacan we please stop asking 'friend?' in here. it's not productive.04:13
cfhowlett!behelpful | Natsuki,04:14
ubottuNatsuki,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.04:14
Natsukiok sorry04:14
farvaI did actually run as sudo, and it gave me no output, also, when I ran as sudo the IP in question was still connected04:14
jishjishthanks svetlana04:14
bodhi_zazeneviltwinzzz, no, just fedora and arch experts here , that's why the channel is called #ubuntu =)04:14
eviltwinzzzdoes anyone know if it is possible for 'CTB-LOCKER' to infect Ubuntu?04:14
svetlanafarva: 'no output' means the iptables command worked then -- check the list with 'iptables -L' as root04:14
svetlanafarva: (already established connections may still survive newly added rules, but I personally have no idea to what extent or how to handle them)04:15
farvathere is literally nothing on that list svetlana04:15
farvacan we back up just a sec, perhaps configuring ufw would be the way to go? it is my understanding it is more powerful anyway04:16
cfhowlettfarva, I tend to agree04:16
svetlanayou run that command, it gives no output, then you immediately check the list and it's empty?  I run out of brains here. (there also is the #netfilter channel which might give more ideas)04:16
farvasvetlana: http://gyazo.com/9bcea08b4378fbd9ef8d2da0df38496804:16
svetlanaufw, iirc, still uses iptables as backend04:16
farvacfhowlett:  in ufw, it shows options to set for default? will this reset all ufw commands to default or...I am very new to linux and really have no idea about 99% of these things04:17
farvacfhowlett: am I misunderstang this: http://gyazo.com/4a53550f36fbcf4a6b146f8b67e1083504:18
cfhowlettfarva, man ufw is pretty informative and yes you can set defaults.  settings will remain until you change them.04:18
farvabecuase if I re-enable it, it will lock us out of our network entirely04:18
farvaso I need to set it back to its full default settings before I try and config it agin04:18
eviltwinzzzdoes anyone know if it is possible for 'CTB-LOCKER' to infect Ubuntu?04:19
UnrealXeroCS1.6 ANYONE?!04:20
cfhowlettUnrealXero, wwrong channel.04:20
farvacfhowlett: so I should first run 'ufw reset --force'?04:21
farvabefore I enable it04:21
cfhowlettfarva, yes that will reset to ufw defaults04:21
azjodoes anyone know how to make hola work on chromecast?04:21
UnrealXerosorry, in all seriousness, I do have a serious question04:21
cfhowlettUnrealXero, ubuntu questions are welcomed04:22
farvais there a way for me to mute him from my chat here?04:22
UnrealXeroI am currently using the command "free -b | grep -i Mem | awk '{print $2}'04:22
UnrealXeroto give me the total RAM on a device in bytes04:22
eviltwinzzzdoes anyone know if it is possible for 'CTB-LOCKER' to infect Ubuntu?04:22
cfhowlettfarva, "him"?  in hexchat, click on the nick and ignore04:22
UnrealXeroI want to take that output and divide it by 404:22
cfhowlettUnrealXero, ask in ##bash04:22
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
UnrealXerothe fact that theres a bash channel makes me a happy camper04:23
cfhowlettNatsuki, stay on topic or play somewhere else.  being rude and disruptive violates channel guidelines04:23
farvacfhowlett: so now that I have ufw rest to defaults04:25
cfhowlettfarva, sudo ufw status verbose         will tell you04:25
farvahow do I proceed with setting this up so I can auto drop ips that spam connections or try to mass connect etc04:25
eviltwinzzzI guess noone has heard of this04:25
cfhowlettfarva, YMMV but I enabled to default deny.04:26
cfhowlettfarva, sorry, but I don't know ufw in sufficient to do what you suggested.  perhaps the #ubuntu-server channel?04:26
farvasounds good cfhowlett I will check with them04:27
cfhowlettfarva, best of luck04:28
yodacurious is there no ubuntu kernel source package downloadable thru the software center gui or in any repo that i can apt-get source for the kernel source04:28
eviltwinzzzcan anyone answer my question?04:28
farvaty =]04:28
cfhowletteviltwinzzz, silence was the answer.  in other words: no one has encountered it.04:28
yodaor by default ubuntu already have the source on it that can be used/modified04:28
cfhowlettyoda, enable source in your repos and download04:28
NatsukiI have saved a cat in my refrigerator, this re cold hard cat04:30
farvacfhowlett: I reset the settings for ufw, enabled it, and it is timing out my console immediatly....I can't log in now =[04:30
=== aarobc_afk is now known as aarobc
cfhowlettfarva, sudo ufw disable04:30
farvahowever we are still connected to our server machine apps04:30
mofican i replace php with python??04:31
cfhowlettmofi, yes04:31
farvaI can't connect to the console at all04:31
farvaI can't log in04:31
cfhowlettfarva, alt-ctrl-f6         should kick you to a console04:31
farvafrom putty?04:31
cfhowlettalt-ctrl-f7 will bring you back04:31
cfhowlettfarva, wait, putty?!  I missed that VERY IMPORTANT bit of news04:32
farvayea lol, I was talking earlier about how it is a server at a datacenter lol04:32
farvaez to over look I guess hgaha04:32
cfhowlettfarva, OK, ignore me.  go to #ubuntu-server    for expert advice04:32
farvaticket time!04:32
farvagotcha, thanks so far for the advice though, I picked up a few new things =]04:33
yodaya there is nothing when i do a search for kernel in the repo deb packages or anything even with the sources repo check on04:40
cfhowlett!kernel | yoda04:41
ubottuyoda: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)04:41
mutualyoda what are you trying to do?04:42
yodanot talking about linux kernel.org  site i am talking about the ubuntu kernel sources and weather there still have .deb package for it in the repo for ubuntu04:42
somsipyoda: apt-cache search linux- gives loads of results. And ubuntu does not use deb packages directly04:42
yodacompare the ubuntu kerenl against the kerenl.org linux kerenls04:42
somsipyoda: easier if you just explain what the issue is for you04:43
yodathe same thing that you can do with apt-get should be viewable in software gui center but i will try that to04:43
svetlanaevilnickveitch: erm. no. ctb-locker doesn't look like  a linux thing.04:45
joltmani've got 14.04x64 and a Lenovo T440s.  I want to install the latest kernel, but there are warnings on the ubuntu kernel site saying that I need an "image" file04:46
joltmanwhat does that means?04:46
cfhowlettjoltman, paste the error04:47
joltmanthere is no error, i'm just trying to figure out which kernel i should use04:47
joltmani'm looking for somethign in the 3.17 or .18 kernel04:50
joltmanthey all appear to be labeled for vivid04:50
joltmanand i've got trusty04:50
cfhowlettjoltman, is there something wrong with your default kernel?04:51
joltmanit doesn't have the correct drivers for DisplayPort1.2 as well as it lacks the latest updates for my Synaptics mouse pad04:51
somsipjoltman: some other fixes for the rouchpad not requiring a new kernel may be useful http://stephen.rees-carter.net/geek/thinkpad-t440s-ubuntu04:53
joltmani'll check it out04:53
joltmanbut regardless, i do want to use DP 1.2 (as my monitors are set to daisy-chain DP)04:54
joltmanDell U2414H displayport daisy chaining04:54
somsipjoltman: the only references I find for that are that a new kernel and video driver are required.04:56
joltmanI think this updated driver works better05:00
joltmanbut, still need the DP driver05:00
joltmanso do i only need to download the 3.18 deb files?05:03
joltmanor, because it's for vivid, will it just jack up my ubuntu 14.04?05:03
somsip!mainline | joltman (but I know nothing else about this)05:04
ubottujoltman (but I know nothing else about this): The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:04
joltmanok, i guess i'll give this a try05:06
joltmanok, rebooting.05:10
joltmanwell, i'm on 3.1805:12
joltmannow to install the latest xorg intel crap05:12
JCM83My audio just failed completely. Services brings up pulseaudio as negative. When I try >service pulseaudio start, it returns start: Unknown job: pulseaudio05:15
jishjishhi all, what tools does ubuntu 14.10 have installed so that when I plug my nexus 5 in it shows up as a device with internal storage? (I need to place some files on my device) and I am curious what package enables this.05:15
JCM83jishjish I think you just need to mount the new drive.05:17
JCM83Which should be doable through the command line or through nautilus.05:17
jishjishthanks JCM83 I was able to mount it with pcmanfs and  go-mtpfs-git05:22
JCM83badass hi 505:23
JCM83I'm still trying to restart my audio process or whatever.05:23
dannymichelI'm stopping X to install nvidia driver with sudo service lighted stop but when i run the .run file it still says i appear to be running V05:25
dannymicheli mean running X*05:26
usr0dannymichel: try CTRL+ALT+F1, then login and then "sudo service lightdm stop"05:28
dannymichelthats what i did usr005:28
Ben64dannymichel: you shouldn't install nvidia drivers that method05:31
dannymichelhow should i Ben64 ? sudo apt-get install nvidia-current ?05:32
dannymicheli have a gtx 960 and am having issues Ben6405:32
Ben64dannymichel: well it depends what card you have05:33
dannymichelI'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2263316 Ben6405:33
Ben64i'd suggest using this ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa05:34
dannymicheluse that ppa somehow then do sudo apt-get install nvidia-current ? Ben64 ?05:36
JCM83Ben64: My audio just failed completely. Services brings up pulseaudio as negative. When I try >service pulseaudio start, it returns start: Unknown job: pulseaudio05:36
Ben64dannymichel: the link i gave you shows how to add it, there are multiple nvidia versions to choose from05:37
dannymichelok cool05:39
dannymichelone last thing. i see you have to add the number for which OS you want to be default in default/grub, but i don't have a numbered list to go by anywhere05:39
dannymicheli did grub-update and counted down, and it seems its 10th down so i did 10 but doesn't work05:40
jozefkwhere do I place the command which I want to have executed every time before system goes off?05:41
Ben64dannymichel: what i do, is modify it to boot the last OS I booted05:42
footerHi when I do hcitool scan I see "Device is not available"05:43
footer:No such device05:43
footerhow do I get my bluetooth headset working05:44
footerhciconfig -a outputs nothing as well05:44
Ben64footer: what is the output of "hcitool dev"05:44
footerBen64: devices: that's it05:44
footernothing in devices05:44
Ben64then you need a device]05:44
footerBen64: but I already have the bluetooth in my laptop05:45
dannymichelyeah installing with the PPA gave me black screen again Ben6405:45
Ben64footer: it may need to be turned on physically, or you might not have the driver required05:45
Ben64dannymichel: which one did you install05:45
footerBen64: okay, so how do I get it working05:45
dannymichelnvidia-current nvidia-settings05:46
footerI don't have button for it but it's supposed to be turned on by pressing led button sort of05:46
Ben64footer: pastebin the output of "lspci;lsusb"05:46
Ben64dannymichel: you didn't see the part where i told you it had different versions?05:46
dannymicheli don't see where there are different versions Ben6405:46
Ben64dannymichel: on the link i gave you, i only gave you the one link. did you read it at all?05:47
footerBen64: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/505de8ae5125b73831dd05:47
dannymichelyes i did05:47
Ben64footer: i'm not seeing any bluetooth devices there05:48
footerBen64: strange I have used it before in windows05:49
Ben64footer: you might need to enable it using the button in windows first05:51
dmarrtrying to figure out why a rsync would start off quick (30MB/s) and taper off on a direct filesystem copy (external to external)05:51
Ben64dmarr: caching05:51
footerBen64: http://demo.idg.com.au/pcw/dellvostro3700shortcutbuttons.jpg05:52
dmarrit also ends up just dying eventually after an hour or so05:52
dmarrcan i run a health check on an ext4 fs?05:52
footerBen64: the third button on top is for bluetooth near that wifi led05:52
Ben64dmarr: well that's not good. anything in dmesg, like IO errors or anything?05:52
Ben64footer: ok05:52
Ben64dmarr: fsck would check the filesystem, smartctl can check the smart data, which isn't super reliable05:53
dmarrBen64: hmm dmesg is showing me: usb 1-1: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci05:54
thomad16__So a strange thing happened and after rebooting 5 times it fixed itself somehow. The standard themes broke the font used by the terminal and default icons used by some applications however the issue randomly stops and starts on reboot any ideas05:56
footerBen64: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/943f2e803af6596e5d2e05:57
Ben64footer: ok, what is the output of "rfkill list"05:59
bojani have more images on my boot partition how to identify the working images only and how to remove that05:59
footer0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no06:00
footerBen64: ^06:00
bojanmeans how to remove the corrupted images06:00
thomad16__ben64: are you having issues with your bluetooth device?06:00
Ben64thomad16__: nope06:00
Ben64footer: still looks like you don't have a bluetooth device06:00
footerBen64: hmm06:01
thomad16__oh sorry its footer06:01
footerthomad16__: yep06:01
thomad16__footer: I had a similar issue this morning i went into /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and set RememberPowerd to false. Also you may want to try `sudo apt-get install --reinstall bluez`06:03
=== KILLAKAT is now known as LoonyCan
footerokay let me see06:03
footerthomad16__: do I need a re-boot?06:05
dannymichelit looks like X server keeps restarting when i kill it in cntrl alt f1. how do i kill it it keep it dead06:05
footerthomad16__: still I don't see it in lsusb06:05
thomad16__Yes you will need to reboot.06:05
footerokay brb06:05
footerthomad16__: still no luch06:08
footerdon't see in the in lsusb06:08
Ben64did you try my suggestion06:09
dannymichelBen64 how do i find out the version to install foe nvidia card and?06:09
dannymicheli don't see versions on that link you gave me06:09
dannymicheli installed the papa and now i don't know what nvidia-something to install Ben6406:09
footerBen64: going to windows and start the bluetooth?06:10
footerBen64: nope, let me try06:10
Ben64dannymichel: are you serious? you don't see  nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 nvidia-graphics-drivers-331  nvidia-graphics-drivers-340  nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 ??06:10
dannymichelnowhere on that page Ben6406:10
Ben64its there06:10
dannymichelmaybe you thought you gave me a different link Ben64 ?06:10
Ben64nope i gave you the right one, it does require scrolling down though06:10
dannymichelhow do i know which one is right for me Ben64 ?06:12
dannymichelnvidia-graphics-drivers-346 Ben64 ?06:12
Ben64dannymichel: you probably want 34606:12
dannymicheljust sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 and I'm done?06:12
Ben64possibly, might need to install other stuff too06:12
dannymichelno sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 nvidia-settings or anything resembling nvidia-org or xorg-conf06:12
Ben64it should pull in what it needs06:13
dannymichelgonna try again06:13
dannymichelits not finding it when i try it Ben64 . i added the PPA.06:18
dannymichelany way to get a list like sudo apt-get list nvidia?06:18
Ben64dannymichel: how did you add the ppa06:19
OerHeksdannymichel, after adding a ppa, did you run: sudo apt-get update ?06:19
dannymichelsudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa06:19
OerHeksafter that, you would have a new list with that drivers06:19
dannymichelsudo apt-get update06:19
dannymichelok it worked when i did nvidia-34706:20
DaveQBTrying to apt-get upgrade a 14.04 systems kernel, I am seeing all 3.13 and 3.16 kernels are missing the /lib/modules/<kernel>/kernel/fs/ext2/ext2.ko module and thus make a initramfs that can't boot.06:22
DaveQBDoes anyone know about this?06:22
=== nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h
Ben64DaveQB: what are you trying to accomplish06:24
DaveQBBen64: Upgrade from what looks like a no longer support kernel 3.2.0-29 to a 3.13.* or 3.16.* kernel06:25
DaveQBBen64: The main reason was the 3.2 kernel it is on doesn't have any linux-headers packages, so can't install anything that needs to make a module, eg nvidia driver06:25
Ben64DaveQB: 14.04 comes with a 3.13 kernel06:26
dannyaltok so Ben42 thanks for that help. all works now. How were you saying to get grub to boot to the last listed again?06:26
DaveQBBen64: This system has been upgraded fom 9.10 or so. So I am on the 13.10 kernel or so.06:26
Ben64dannyalt: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148662/how-to-get-grub2-to-remember-last-choice06:26
Ben64DaveQB: you started off saying 14.04, if you were on 14.04 you'd already have 3.1306:26
DaveQBBen64: Anyway, the issue is the ext2.ko module doesn't exist in the linux-image package (I have even unpacked it to check). I am trying to avoid making my own kernel (it's been a few years).06:27
DaveQBBen64: Yes, it is on 14.0406:27
DaveQBBen64: kernel 3.13 won't boot, it can't find the disk as the initramfs doesn't have the ext2 module to read the disk.06:28
Ben64you're not really getting to the main issue06:28
DaveQBBen64: listing modules at the initramfs prompt doesn't list the ext2 module.06:28
Ben64somehow you're on a 3.2 kernel on 14.04, which shouldn't be possible06:28
DaveQBBen64: The grub conf does try to load it though06:28
bulletpetehi guys how do i install superbeam in my ubuntu desktop06:28
Ben64DaveQB: you need to explain what exactly is going on or i can't help06:28
DaveQBBen64: Yes, so trying to get onto the Trusty-generic kernel06:29
Ben64DaveQB: why aren't you already?06:29
DaveQBBen64: All the 3.13 and 3.16 kernels won't boot. ext2 module is missing fro mthe initramfs06:29
DaveQBBen64: I can't recall how it happened exactly, it was upgraded to 14.04 about 6 months ago.06:30
DaveQBBen64: Running the 3.2.0-29 kernel hasn't been a problem, but I have been wanting to solve this. It is my in-laws computer06:30
Ben64running an outdated kernel is very much a problem06:30
DaveQBBen64:  Yes06:31
DaveQBBen64: But it has limped along and it being used as we speak06:31
=== oliver_ is now known as prabhu
DaveQBBen64: The system was installed about 5-7 years ago and has been upgraded over the versions.06:32
Ben64pastebin the outputs of these commands "lsb_release -a" "uname -a" "cat /etc/issue" "dpkg -l | grep linux" "sudo apt-get update"06:32
Ben64upgrading doesn't keep a kernel from 3 years ago running06:32
=== alex123 is now known as Guest73531
DaveQBBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10169280 no 3.13 or 3.16 kernel listed as I think I purged them06:37
=== Killacat is now known as LoonyCan
=== eliza is now known as Guest73779
rypervencheWhat is the ubottu command to find out more information about a package and what version is on a specific version of Ubuntu?06:40
Ben64rypervenche: pm ubottu if you're just doing it for yourself06:40
rypervencheThanks. Don't worry, I have been.06:41
=== _Potato is now known as POTATES
=== POTATES is now known as PotatoDUBs
xtalmathsudo apt-get source es2gears does not work? which package do I need to get eglut.h?06:55
OerHeks!find es2gears06:56
ubottuFile es2gears found in mesa-utils-extra06:56
OerHeksxtalmath, it is part of mesa-demos 8.1.0-2 >> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/mesa-utils-extra06:57
OerHeksfor trusty that is.06:57
xtalmathso if I want to recompile es2gears, how should I proceed? with apt-get source mesa-utils-extra?06:58
OerHeksxtalmath, i think so yes, but why build it yourself?06:59
xtalmathI want to develop a few egl / gles examples, and would like to see a working compilable example (I can find es2gears code on google, but it requires eglut.h, which is nowhere to be found?)07:00
xtalmathoh there it is!07:01
xtalmathis there a -dev package I am supposed to select to get eglut header without having to download es2gears source?07:01
OerHeks!find eglut.h07:02
ubottuFound: E:, W:07:02
xtalmathubottu says no?07:03
ubottuxtalmath: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:03
xtalmathOerHeks: is it intentional to leave out eglut ? I'd expected lib-mesa-dev or smth to contain it07:04
GuestRis there a master list of phones compatible with ubuntu/touch ?07:04
OerHeksxtalmath, i tried to find it, but i am stuck.07:05
Stanley00GuestR: no, but there's a list of ported/porting phones here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices07:06
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:06
impromptuI cannot share a folder using ubuntu with another ubuntu machine07:18
impromptuit says Permission denied07:18
=== Brian is now known as Guest67402
DaveQBDoes anyone know if 14.04 is using an initramfs? If so, how it is accessing ext4 root partitions when ext2 support looks to be moved from a module to compiled into the kernel.07:21
=== eliza is now known as Guest45253
nu600I need to change my Ubuntu 32bit server to 64bit.I have two servers,both server in two location and need to install Ubuntu 64bit using SSH.I'm longing into Linux server and then longing to Ubuntu 34bit server I need to now install Ubuntu 64bit to second server (Ubuntu 32bit server). Is this is possible? If it is possible what are the step to do this?07:23
DaveQBnu600: You need console access to do that easily.07:24
nu600yes i have console access07:25
DaveQBnu600: Only other way is if you have a spare partition to setup, but lot of manual steps and one mistake....07:25
DaveQBnu600: Oh, well load the 64bit iso into the virtual DVD drive and install away07:25
hateballnu600: you cant change architecture over ssh, you need to re-install. in case that was not clear as per above07:26
nu600i have a problem when Ubuntu 32bit deleted what happens to the virtual DVD?07:27
DaveQBhateball: If he had a spare partition he could using a chroot and laying out the files manually.07:27
DaveQBhateball: Be like a stage 1 gentoo install07:27
DaveQBhateball:  minus the great documentation :)07:28
DaveQBnu600: Are you dealing with a virtual server or a container server, like OPenVZ?07:30
kali__hola alguien que use backbox?07:34
Restart_proAnyone knows a way to generate a truth table ... there are 8 bits of input and need 5 bit results from it07:34
=== luke is now known as Guest17998
kali__table  piryt  usa el power de la gpu :)07:35
kali__hola -.-07:38
footerHi Ben6407:40
footerI got the bluetooth detected with lsusb07:40
footerBen64: now when I do hcitool scan I don't see my headset though07:41
kali__help open .locky ????07:43
kryptonradonI made a new partition for swap how do I get udev to make it's device file?07:45
rocketeerAre there any feature wishlists for ubuntu?07:51
rocketeerI have a few things that I think would be cool to add07:51
=== gerald is now known as Guest64849
rocketeerconvergence seems like it would work better if it behaved differently based on configuration07:52
rocketeerLike if a screen was below a certain size, global menus, othersiwe, a menu a window07:52
nu600DaveQB: I'm dealing with a container server07:53
DaveQBnu600: And you can't just wipe it out/reinstall the OS?07:53
nu600i'm not near the server and i'm login in remotly07:54
Ben64you can't go from 32 to 64 bit except by reinstalling07:55
DaveQBnu600: How did you first install this OS on this server? There should be a web interface that allows you to reinstall.07:55
DaveQBnu600: Backup any important files to your other server (this should already be happening in an automated way) and reinstall07:55
=== doh is now known as Guest9909
tonnyHi, i recently got "could not resolve http://...." error when im using sudo apt-get update command, Ubuntu 14.10, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10170021/  it used to work fine just a few days ago07:58
glickhi whats the name of the German off topic ubuntu channel?07:59
nu600DaveQB: only we have console login07:59
DaveQBtonny: Can you resolve other domains?07:59
MatthewsFacetonny: looks like a DNS issue08:00
DaveQBnu600: Then you're up the creek, unless you want to do a chroot install08:00
DaveQBnu600:  And have a spare partition...08:00
tonnyDaveQB, may i know how to test it08:00
MatthewsFacetonny: dig, nslookup etc08:00
nu600nu600: yes i have08:01
tonnyMatthewsFace, ok thanks ill check08:01
DaveQBtonny:  or host command08:01
nu600DaveQB: yes, i have08:01
DaveQBnu600: Then you can try something like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot08:02
DaveQBnu600: But then make sure you have a kernel, bootloader and fstab all setup on top of that article. Check the gentoo docs for an idea. It will be a hard task.08:02
DaveQBnu600: Set a fail timeout value for grub, so if you install fails to boot it will reboot into a known good kernel.08:03
DaveQBnu600: Actually, how do you have a spare partition if you have a container type VM?08:03
tonnyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10170084/ is this the problem?08:04
glickis there a german offtopic ubuntu channel?08:04
glicki want to talk about Emmanual Kant08:04
tonnyDaveQB, MatthewsFace please see ^08:04
impromptuwho is using local network share option from nautilus here ?08:04
MatthewsFaceremove the http headers08:04
* marinade- slaps her pussy for FREEDOM! CHOLBY RULES!08:05
* marinade- slaps her pussy for FREEDOM! CHOLBY RULES!08:06
* marinade- slaps her pussy for FREEDOM! CHOLBY RULES!08:06
tonnyMatthewsFace, again servfail with using "host ir.archive.ubuntu.com" and "dig ir.archive.ubuntu.com"08:06
MatthewsFaceI have no issues resolving that hostname08:07
MatthewsFaceDNS settings?08:07
tonnyMatthewsFace, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10170148/08:14
DaveQBtonny:  What does cat /etc/resolv.conf give us?08:14
DaveQBtonny:  Oh I see from your paste08:14
tonnyDaveQB, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10170148/08:14
tonnyDaveQB, :), should it be
DaveQBtonny:  just to make sure your network is ok, try using a diff DNS server. "dig google.com @"08:15
tonnyDaveQB, sorry im very new, but i know i didnt change anything08:15
tonnyDaveQB, right away08:15
DaveQBtonny:  That's ok. Seems like this server is not cooperating08:15
DaveQBtonny:  Is that your router?08:16
tonnyDaveQB, yes, home  use08:16
DaveQBtonny:  Is ok to give it a kick?08:16
DaveQBtonny:  Seems like it playing silly buggers with us08:16
tonny<DaveQB>, "dig google.com @"   >   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10170193/08:16
tonny<DaveQB>, like the sound of kicking it08:17
DaveQBtonny:  Yeah right, you can look up ok. The problem is with your router.08:17
tonny<DaveQB>, but how ma i do it ?08:17
DaveQBtonny:  need to fix that.08:17
DaveQBtonny:  Reboot it08:17
tonny<DaveQB>, reset all, oh ok08:17
tonny<DaveQB>, thanks, ill come back08:18
nu600DaveQB: i'm sorry,i don't know what is container type VM,Is it a VM or else08:18
nu600DaveQB: I'm sorry i don't know what is container type VM.Is it a VM or else?08:20
DaveQBnu600:  Not a full virtual machine, but a container, like OpenVZ or docker.08:20
DaveQBnu600: What company is hosting your server in question?08:20
nu600DaveQB: those severs are not hosting by any company08:22
Ben64nu600: then walk over to it, pop in a 64bit ubuntu dvd and install it?08:23
nu600DaveQB: i don't have more hosting details about those servers08:25
DaveQBnu600: Where are they?08:26
ikoniatrying to do an install with no inforamtion is unwise08:26
nu600DaveQB:  i don't have no idea,but i can tell you one thing i'm not near those servers08:28
nu600thanx for your time DaveQB.i will try using DebootstrapChroot08:30
footerHi anybody uses hcitool?08:31
footeror bluez?08:31
footerI am unable to  get to connected with my headset08:31
dekodinghello the buy is buggi or ?08:32
dekodingi can not ubuntu phon buy ..08:33
cfhowlett!touch | dekoding08:33
ubottudekoding: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:33
cfhowlettdekoding, nothing to do with this channel.08:33
DaveQBnu600:  No worries08:35
kietdlamhi, how can I downgrade my Ubuntu 14.04 kernel from 3.13 to 2.6?08:42
DaveQBkietdlam: I don't think 2.6 is available in the repo, so you will have to add a repo that would include it08:43
DaveQBkietdlam: Then apt-get install it08:43
kietdlamDaveQB: how do I do that? Which repo has 2.6 kernel for Ubuntu 14.04?08:43
DaveQBkietdlam: No idea which repo. A PPA maybe?08:44
kietdlamDaveQB: I googled but I can't find a repo that has linux kernel 2.6 for Ubuntu 14.0408:44
Ben642.6 is way way outdated and not supported and a terrible idea. don't do it08:44
kietdlamDaveQB: I didn't find any PPA either w/ google08:44
kietdlamBen64: I need it because I need to use Softing can-ac2-pci adapter, which apparently only supports 2.6x kernel08:45
Ben64very unlikely08:45
kietdlamBen64: ?08:45
Ben64i seriously doubt something "only supports 2.6" and doesn't support higher08:45
kietdlamBen64: I get this error: #error "This kernel is too recent: not supported by this file" when I try to compile their driver08:46
Ben64tell them to fix their script then08:46
=== aki_ is now known as Guest56559
Guest56559Hey I've been using a java app, and after closing it, my computer is now laggy.08:47
kietdlamBen64: do you have any experience with Softing CAN-AC2-PCI interface? Do you think there is any way to do it?08:47
kietdlamBen64: uhh I don't think that's an option, our lab needs to connect to the CAN bus to test our cars08:47
Ben64kietdlam: you'd be best to contact the manufacturer08:47
kietdlamBen64: is there anyway to downgrade the kernel to 2.6 for Ubuntu 14.04?08:48
DaveQBkietdlam: Got a 12.04 DVD handy? That might be your solution.08:48
Ben64kietdlam: nope08:48
DaveQBkietdlam: alternatively, get it from kernel.org08:48
Ben64bad idea08:48
kietdlamDaveQB: compile it manually?08:48
DaveQBkietdlam:  it = kernel 2.608:48
DaveQBkietdlam:  yes08:48
Ben64very bad idea08:48
kietdlamDaveQB: what risks am I taking compiling it manually?08:48
kietdlamDaveQB: if I just leave everything default08:48
Ben64likely to break many things in ubuntu by doing that08:48
DaveQBkietdlam: Risk spending a lot of time.08:49
kietdlamBen64: what things will break?08:49
DaveQBkietdlam: Make sure you have a working kernel, so when boots fail you can boot back into it.08:49
kietdlamour lab can't wait for manufacturer to respond -_-08:49
DaveQBBen64:  rubbish, it just takes some work.08:49
Ben64DaveQB: its a terrible idea08:49
DaveQBBen64: We built a custom kernel to render Happy Feet 2 faster08:49
kietdlamDaveQB: do you know anything that will break with a downgraded kernel?08:49
Guest56559just restarted compiz08:49
DaveQBkietdlam:  Booting. Hence why have a known good kernel08:49
DaveQBkietdlam:  Grab the config from a running kernel on ubuntu and work from that08:50
Ben64kietdlam: you're going to create so many more problems by solving this one by that method08:50
kietdlamBen64: what do you suggest I do?08:50
Ben64work on the problem you actually have, instead of making more08:50
kietdlamDaveQB: what do you mean by grab the config from a running kernel on ubuntu?08:50
DaveQBkietdlam: You just need a box to do this one job (work with this hardware)?08:50
DaveQBkietdlam:  look in /proc/config (from memory)08:50
kietdlamBen64: uh but my problem is I can't install the CAN-AC2-PCI interface driver08:51
Ben64right, so work on that problem08:51
kietdlamDaveQB: Uh this box is running ROS and doing MPC work on Julia also08:51
Ben64kietdlam: you're on mint?08:51
kietdlamBen64: Uh I can't work on it because the driver doesn't support 3.x kernel?08:51
kietdlamBen64: no, Ubuntu 14.0408:51
Ben64you said Julia08:51
DaveQBkietdlam: Time for a dedicated machine I think08:52
kietdlamBen64: I meant this Julia http://julialang.org/08:52
DaveQBkietdlam:  /boot/config-<kernel name> is where the config is in ubuntu08:52
Ben64kietdlam: where is the driver08:52
kietdlamBen64: http://automotive.softing.com/en/products/communication-interfaces-can.html08:53
kietdlamDaveQB: would downgrading Ubuntu to a previous version that uses 2.6 kernel be less of a risk?08:54
DaveQBkietdlam: I think so. If you have the install media handy08:54
Ben64DaveQB: can you stop giving horrible advice08:54
DaveQBkietdlam:  Would be a faster method than building a custom kernel08:54
kietdlamDaveQB: problem is I am ssh'ed into the machine through an SSH tunnel08:54
kietdlamBen64: what do you suggest I do?08:55
DaveQBkietdlam: Right. So you can't install an OS easily over ssh08:55
Ben64i've told you many times, i'm pretty close to giving up08:55
DaveQBkietdlam: Is giving up an option? I am suspecting it is not08:55
kietdlamI have autossh attempt to reconnect the tunnel in /etc/rc.local, would that be enough?08:55
kietdlamDaveQB: uh not really08:55
DaveQBkietdlam:  Sorry? Where?08:55
svetlana`i don't think the advice (which was mentioned many times) contained a "give up" thought. it contained something useful. it is just that repeating it over and over is a tiring activity and he is about to stop repeating it.08:56
kietdlamDaveQB: /etc/rc.local, doesn't it get executed whenever the machine boots up?08:56
DaveQBkietdlam:  There is always a way, part of being a Linux engineer is being creative to find a solution08:56
DaveQBkietdlam:  Yes08:56
DaveQBkietdlam:  As root08:56
Ben64DaveQB: being creative got you in here with a broken ubuntu system, on 14.04 with a super outdated kernel. i wouldn't follow any advice you're handing out08:56
kietdlamyes, so shouldn't autossh reconstruct the SSH tunnel if I have the command in /etc/rc.local?08:56
svetlana`autossh is a bit evil i recall. it does not restore the current working directory.08:57
DaveQBBen64: I wasn't being creative, but not related to that problem.08:57
kietdlamBen64: what do you suggest I should do?08:57
Ben64for like the 10th time, focus on the actual problem08:57
aeon-ltdpartially offtopic, i think people would prefer elegant solutions rather than creative(most of the time hack-ey) fixes08:57
kietdlamsvetlana`: I'm not sure what you're saying, it does not restore the current working directory?08:57
DaveQBBen64: How many years experience in the Linux industry do you have?08:58
cfhowlettDaveQB, we're not here to compare CV's ...08:58
kietdlamBen64: the problem is the driver doesn't support 3.x kernel, what do you suggest I do?08:58
DaveQBkietdlam:  And yes, it should recreate that tunnel, but it will run as root though, so be careful with that.08:58
Ben64kietdlam: can you give a link to the driver08:58
kietdlamDaveQB: that's fine for me08:58
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kietdlamBen64: http://donsohamn.se/wp-includes/softing-can-ac2-pci-driver-download.php08:59
DaveQBkietdlam: You can launch it as another user too. It = command.08:59
DaveQBkietdlam: But how does this relate to your issue?08:59
kietdlamDaveQB: it's not, you were asking me why autossh /etc/rc.local08:59
kietdlam*autossh in /etc/rc.local08:59
DaveQBkietdlam:  Looks like 12.04 has the 2.6 kernel > http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/09:00
DaveQBkietdlam:  Did I?09:00
svetlana`kietdlam: i apologize, i think i was referring to an entirely different program (or at least an entirely different use-case).09:00
kietdlamDaveQB: maybe I misunderstood your question, sorry09:01
Ben64kietdlam: how about this http://industrial.softing.com/uploads/softing_downloads/CAN-AC-PCIV5.18.tar.gz09:01
kietdlamDaveQB: so I can safely downgrade to Ubuntu 12.04?09:01
DaveQBkietdlam:  I wouldn't "downgrade" but rather setup another box for this purpose if you can't get it running on 14.0409:01
DaveQBkietdlam:  Downgrading would bring a world of hurt09:02
svetlana`thank you DaveQB.09:02
DaveQBsvetlana`: No worries. But what did I do? lol09:02
dns53kietdlam can you install an older vm in ubuntu and route the hardware to the vm?09:02
kietdlamDaveQB: uh our lab doesn't have a budget for another09:02
DaveQBdns53: Good idea09:02
kietdlamat least not at the moment09:02
svetlana`DaveQB: i am watching you answer a question. it is helping me to learn some new things.09:02
svetlana`some learn, and some re-learn.09:03
DaveQBsvetlana`: Oh ok. Cool. Always like to help09:03
dns53i would buy a new hard disk (or create a new partition if you have space) and install an older version of linux that works09:03
Ben64kietdlam: did you get the link09:03
kietdlamBen64: yes09:03
DaveQBsvetlana`: Yes, it annoys me when I learn something I forgot I knew years before haha09:03
svetlana`i like to do that though i think.09:03
kietdlamBen64: same problem09:04
Ben64those drivers are for 3.x09:04
kietdlamBen64: where did you see that? in the readme?09:04
Ben64from their website09:05
DaveQBBen64: A kernel 3.x version for his driver? Good find09:05
kietdlamBen64: can you send me the specific URL?09:05
kietdlamBen64: that would help out a lot09:05
Ben64its a dumb url, dumb site, dumb drivers09:05
kietdlamBen64: ?09:06
Ben64you could probably install 12.04 and have those drivers work though, thats what it says on the page09:06
kietdlamBen64: what page?09:06
Ben64apparently they target a very narrow range of kernels09:06
Ben64which is dumb, because kernel stuff really doesn't break often09:06
kietdlamBen64: can you send me the URL of the page you're referring ot?09:06
Ben64can't, its specific to my computer09:07
Ben64had to fill out a form to get to it09:07
kietdlamBen64: oh I see what you're referring to09:08
jozefkI placed this file: http://pastie.org/9938869 in /etc/init.d/ and created the links with update-rc.d but nothing happens on reboot. Why?09:08
Ben64kietdlam: 12.04 still has 2 more years of support, and a 3.2 kernel, should work09:09
Ben64or you can contact the manufacturer, or both09:10
kietdlamBen64: so if I downgrade, I should theoretically be able to install it based on their info?09:10
Ben64well, not downgrade though09:10
cragdorHi All, I have a reproducable issue with LightDM where is the best place to talk about it09:10
dns53jozefk space between #! and /bin/sh ?09:10
cragdorDoes the LightDM team have their own IRC channel?09:11
jozefkdns53, there is a space yes. Or it should be without space?09:11
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dns53jozefk there should not be a space i think09:12
svetlana`cragdor: no, only their own mailing list, from what I can see. ( http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/LightDM/#questions )09:14
cragdorThanks svetlana`09:15
impromptudoes anyone know to fix restart samba ?09:15
svetlana`maybe someone does. what is the problem exactly?09:15
impromptusvetlana`, 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.09:16
kietdlamis it possible to downgrade Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 12.04 through an SSH tunnel?09:16
impromptuI am trying to share a Public Folder on my laptop with all the users on the network09:16
jozefkdns53, I think there should be a space :)09:16
Ben64kietdlam: not at all09:16
=== eduardo is now known as Guest960
svetlana`impromptu: why are you trying to do "net usershare", what is it supposed to do?09:16
impromptusvetlana, I am trying share a local folder in the networking09:17
impromptusvetlana`, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/02/share-a-folder-in-ubuntu-14-04/09:17
svetlana`impromptu: presumably you would right-click it and share from there?09:17
impromptuit is giving me this error09:17
svetlana`impromptu: ok, give me a few minutes.09:17
svetlana`impromptu: do you want client machines to access this share with a username and a password, or should I skip reading that step?09:18
impromptusvetlana`, no pass/authentication at all, it would direct access if they are in the network09:19
Guest960hello i dont know how to connect to a webdav service09:19
Guest960this example is in spanish but very short and easy to understand... in 14.04 i cant do it09:20
Guest960i need to download files from my university...09:20
aeon-ltdGuest960: what part can't you do?09:21
svetlana`impromptu: okay, thank you. type «sudo service smbd start» in Terminal and try sharing the directory again.09:22
impromptusvetlana`, I tried all those09:22
impromptubut stop gives me stop: Unknown instance:09:22
svetlana`impromptu: okay. let me see.09:22
impromptustart does says smbd start/running, process xxxx09:23
impromptubut when you check the status09:23
dubbearCan ou run ubuntu on a macbook air09:23
impromptusmbd stop/waiting09:23
impromptudubbear, just dont' do it, return it or sell it and buy a Asus09:23
dubbearwhich Asus?09:24
dubbearimpromptu:  which Asus?09:25
svetlana`impromptu: okay, thanks, I'll find how to check smbd status in a few.09:25
Guest960aeon-ltd i cant do anything...09:25
aeon-ltdGuest960: well are you on gnome?09:26
impromptusvetlana`, ya, I think I need to disable it on boot09:26
Guest960i connect to sever from nautilus... and i cant select Webdav Service and put the address09:26
Guest960aeon-ltd yes09:26
yodadoes anybody know what perfmon is09:26
aeon-ltdGuest960: can you get to places?09:28
Guest960aeon-ltd  http://imagebin.ca/v/1rGoI8pmHXYl09:28
Guest960is in spanish but suppose its easy to understand09:28
aeon-ltdGuest960: then connect to server with cv.udl.cat i assume?09:28
fishcookeri've followed this https://wiki.debian.org/udev .. but no luck .. i want to make persistent usb device09:29
Ben64fishcooker: for debian?09:29
Guest960aeon-ltd conectar ( connect) is in grey and i had to chosse webdav and http protocol as said in the instructions09:30
fishcookerBen64: Linux Null 3.13.0-45-lowlatency #74-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 13 19:55:31 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux09:31
aeon-ltdGuest960: after the address put :44309:31
svetlana`impromptu: I found this suggestion, please try it - comment 2 at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/106199609:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061996 in samba (Ubuntu) "Can Not Create Samba Share" [Medium,Expired]09:31
Ben64fishcooker: you could have just said, "no, it is ubuntu"  check here.... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:31
svetlana`impromptu: (before you do that check that «ps aux|grep smbd» returns a line about running smbd process -- I expect it would)09:32
fishcookeron other channel i have to show output `uname -a`, Ben6409:32
Guest960aeon-ltd still in grey ... cv.udl.cat:44309:32
Guest960it only is enabled when i select network:///09:33
impromptusvetlana`, there is a line :)09:33
fishcookerno i mean persistent udev rule, Ben6409:33
Ben64fishcooker: ooh, i saw "persistent usb" and thought you meant that. what do you mean exactly then?09:34
svetlana`impromptu: okay, good, let's try the stuff in comment 2 then :)09:34
Guest960aeon-ltd http://imagebin.ca/v/1rGqKtzEza1Y09:34
impromptusvetlana`, is cifs-utils installed by default on your machine ?09:35
aeon-ltdGuest960: try this 'http://cv.udl.cat/dav/103050-1415:443'09:35
Guest960aeon-ltd the same still grey09:36
Guest960perhaps i need an special package ?09:36
aeon-ltdGuest960: i just tried that, and i got a prompt for authentication username +pw09:36
aeon-ltdGuest960: try that in firefox09:36
Guest960from connect to sever ??09:36
aeon-ltdGuest960: no just staight up url into firefox09:37
fishcookerBen64: i have usb modem that always attach to /dev/ttyUSB* .. i want to make sure wherever the modem attach it will attach to ie: /dev/modem09:38
Guest960aeon-ltd ok i can access i got the prompt also...09:38
Guest960so no cv.udl.cat related problem i guess09:38
impromptusvetlana`, commend 2 ?09:38
Guest960but having http error once i login.... http://imagebin.ca/v/1rGrvYxkV5MO09:40
aeon-ltdGuest960: the requested resource... well i'm guessing the url is not correct somewhere09:43
aeon-ltdeven just dav doesn't work09:43
Guest960cv.udl.cat is the address to a login page it works ok09:43
aeon-ltdGuest960: have you tried this in places?09:43
Guest960aeon-ltd i suppose i had put some pics before09:44
aeon-ltdi think getting the actual client working is much more worth whlle09:44
aeon-ltdGuest960: https://cv.udl.cat/dav:443 get this working with places09:44
impromptusvetlana`, http://pastie.org/993898209:44
aeon-ltdGuest960: you probably won't need the port (443) stuff09:45
Guest960how can i add it to places ??09:46
aeon-ltdGuest960: you brought up that window earlier, the go to thing09:47
farvacan some one tell me where I can find a log of IPs that have connected to my machine and the number of connections such as 'netstat -ntu'?09:47
Guest960 aeon-ltd still doesnt work... it seems like is missing an add button, to add the address to the second textbox... i can only get conectar enabled when i select the red network from second editbox09:48
aeon-ltdGuest960: in your browser have you tried reducing it down to 'https://cv.udl.cat/access/content/group' getting rid of the group number? since i can't access it you can try reducing the url part by part to see if other parts can be accessed09:48
Loshkifarva: well, what kind of services have you been supplying?09:50
Guest960Site Unavailable   The site you requested is not available.09:50
farvaits on a dedicated server, we were dos'd and I am trying to file the report-I caught the IP in question but need to supply the log of the attack09:51
farvaunfortunately I am trash with networking so this is all dark area to me09:52
svetlana`impromptu: ok checking09:52
Guest960aeon-ltd the first problem i can see is that i cant select webdav type of service.. thats the first step09:53
Guest960aeon-ltd this is done to download folders and files with documents like ftp ... and download easily many documents without enterthe browser and web...09:54
Loshkifarva: I suppose you can look through files in /var/log, but depending on the nature of how the DOS was executed, it might not have logged anything.09:54
aeon-ltdGuest960: in the conectar con el servidor window did you try this https://cv.udl.cat/dav/103050-1415 ? then did you try https://cv.udl.cat/dav/ both with and without the port numbers09:55
farvaworth a shot though, if you can think of any other logs I can look through I will gladly do it09:55
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kblinhi folks10:00
kblinI seem to have a broken 14.04 install all of a sudden, and I'm currently trying to figure out what happens10:01
kblinI have the hunch that something10:01
kblin's wrong with the btrfs root filesystem10:01
kblinbut if I boot in rescue mode, I don't seem to have an option to run btrfsck10:02
kblinI can open a shell in rescue mode, but I get a ton of "stale file handle" issues10:02
kblinthe system seems to be in a pretty unhealthy state, as it e.g. fails to run "ls" and claims that "coreutils" isn't installed10:03
svetlana`impromptu: there is one more thing to try, «cat /var/log/boot.log|grep smb». If that does not bring up useful information then I suspect I do not understand the root of the problem...10:04
OerHekskblin, btrfs is currently marked as experimental, i hope you have backup of your data.10:05
impromptusvetlana`, Is ftp a better option to share your files ?10:05
farvaLoshki:  which of these logs could give me a hint of the ddos?10:06
svetlana`impromptu: I share files over ssh.  set up a directory with correct permissions, and people use ssh and sftp from there.10:06
kblinOerHeks: it's an install that's about a week old, I don't have any important data on this10:06
kblinOerHeks: I have however had multiple systems running with btrfs for quite some time without any issues10:06
svetlana`impromptu: in such case each person will need to have a user account on the computer the share is on.10:06
impromptusvetlana`, samba don't work well, error 255 is all over the forums and no one seem to get it fixed yet10:07
impromptusmbd is not running ever10:07
kblinI mainly would like to avoid reinstalling from scratch, as10:07
svetlana`Guest960: did you figure out webdav?10:08
kblinI've set up LVM-crypt on this laptop, and that's always very painful to do via the ubuntu installer10:08
svetlana`impromptu: okay... one of the forums suggested it might be apparmor fault, but i am yet to figure out how to turn that off. give me a few minutes.10:09
OerHekskblin, i have no experience with btrfs, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs isn't helpfull with issues10:09
farvahow do I even open these logs in the console? Since it isn't on a home machine I am having a bit of a trouble finding the right command for it10:11
svetlana`impromptu: does /var/log/samba/ exist?10:12
impromptusvetlana`, turn what off ? I can do most of the stuff10:12
svetlana`farva: I use «less /var/log/filename.log» (or tail) to read log files.10:12
farvaI will give that a shot ty10:12
impromptusvetlana, Can you help me share a printer using cups ? or does it require Samba too ?10:13
kblinOerHeks: oh well, I guess I just need to get a proper live system and try to recover from that10:13
svetlana`lulu, hi.10:13
kblinbut what's the recommended FS for SSDs then? my experience with ext4 on flash storage is that the flash storage doesn't really last as long as I'd like10:14
footerHi. when trying to do 'audio sync' with bluetooth headset I get this fail (DBusException(dbus.String(u'Stream setup failed'),),)10:15
footerI tried the solutions on internet but none tends to work10:15
footerI created asoundrc file and added my device there as well10:15
Guest960svetlana no we are working at this but no luck10:15
impromptusvetlana`, http://www.howtogeek.com/116309/use-ubuntus-public-folder-to-easily-share-files-between-computers/10:15
footerbut still I am unable to hear the voice10:15
Guest960seems that i cant connect from "connect to server"10:15
OerHekskblin, ext4 is fine, ssd's nowadays have a long lifetime.10:16
mnms_I need to change IP of my dns server, I understand that this change can take 24h because of propagation ?10:16
badakim wanna ask10:16
mnms_if I change domain delegation to another IP10:16
badakcan i run ubuntu faster and light on my acer aspire one 722?10:16
Ben64mnms_: you probably want ##networking10:16
mnms_Ben64: thanks and sorry10:16
impromptusvetlana`, no logs exist10:17
cfhowlett!ask | BaD_CrC10:17
ubottuBaD_CrC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:17
cfhowlett!ask | badak10:17
ubottubadak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:17
svetlana`impromptu, I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSamba#Samba_as_a_server, maybe find all that information and 1) pastebin, ask around on this channel a few times and see if anyone knows; 2) ask at the ubuntu mailing list or forums as a lot of people would see your message there (although they may take a couple hours to respond).10:17
badakhow to run very faster ubuntu?10:18
cfhowlettbadak, add more ram10:18
Ben64badak: try lubuntu10:18
svetlana`impromptu: including, yeah, the log about 'terminated with status 1' and 'spawning too fast', it looks relevant. you could also try disabling apparmor, but that's a beast I did not learn to use.10:18
badaklubuntu is lagy on my acer aspire one 722, ram 2gb10:19
cfhowlett!lubuntu | badak or install lubuntu with a terminal command: sudo apt-get install lxde              then logout/login10:19
ubottubadak or install lubuntu with a terminal command: sudo apt-get install lxde              then logout/login: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.10:19
kblinOerHeks: fair enough. I've tried to stay away form ext4 recently after running into some trouble with it at work. but arguably that was on quite large filesystems10:19
cfhowlettbadak, if lubuntu lags, then ubuntu is not going to be any better10:19
svetlana`badak, I would check what processes consume the memory in your task manager then.10:19
kbline.g. I couldn't resize it > 16 TB, not a problem I have on a laptop10:19
footeranyone exprenced with blueman?10:19
svetlana`footer: just ask with all the details, people would figure something out.10:20
impromptusvetlana`, I would disable it but I believe it is not required, something else is bugging smbd10:20
svetlana`impromptu: you could disable it temporarily just to test.10:20
impromptusvetlana`, ok I would test right now10:20
svetlana`Guest960: ok. what error message are you getting?10:20
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kblinisn't that ubottu answer outdated a bit? Ubuntu isn't shipping Gnome as default desktop anymore, is it?10:20
svetlana`kblin: no idea.10:20
footersvetlana`: already asked nobody replied10:21
svetlana`footer: okay, I scrolled up a fair bit and I see it now.10:22
badakany body one from indonesian?10:22
kblinimpromptu: I missed the start of your question, what samba problem did you have?10:22
cfhowlett!id | badak10:22
ubottubadak: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia10:22
badakalone =)) no one online in ubuntu id =))10:23
farvais there a way for me to read a .gz file in /var/log/syslog?10:23
farvain consloe10:23
kblinfarva: zless10:23
mysuppershould I install chromium-brower as window chrome browser?10:24
kblinyou can also use zgrep to search for things10:24
cfhowlettmysupper, nothing wrong with firefox browser10:24
mysupperI just like chromium :)10:24
badakwow chromium os?10:24
cfhowlettmysupper, so install it10:24
Loshkifarva: well, what was the nature of the DOS?10:25
Guest960svetlana thanks i got it with help of aeon-ltd10:25
impromptusvetlana`, I did man! it ain't apparmor issue like I guessed10:25
Guest960i had to put the address: davs://cv.udl.cat/dav/103050-141510:25
farvaI am not savvy with how they use them, I just know it shut down our game server and pissed me off enough to hunt them down lol10:25
mysupperwow..I should install 210M more..heh.10:25
impromptusvetlana`, now the rest of the fight is on10:26
svetlana`impromptu: okay, thanks. once the forums or mailing list resolve it, let me know.10:26
farvawe found their location, broke their proxy, all that good stuff, I just need to find the proof to turn them in10:26
farvaall I had to go on was a netstat command that sorted active connections10:26
Ben64farva: not really relevant here10:26
impromptusvetlana`, I did resolve it myself, just purge samba10:27
farvaBen64: does it hurt to ask?10:27
impromptusvetlana`, and reinstall samba-common nautilus-share cifs-utils10:27
Ben64farva: you asked about reading gz files, you got the answer10:27
farvaif people are happy to answer questions why raise a fuss?10:27
svetlana`impromptu: oh, interesting. presumably the stuff broke after upgrading, then?10:27
farvaand am I asking you for anything or are people volunteering information10:28
farvawhy be rude Ben6410:28
cfhowlettfarva, please stay on topic.10:28
impromptusvetlana`, smbd is running fully, but the shared Public folder would show Failed to mount Windows share: Permission denied, on the same machine in the Networks10:28
svetlana`farva: sorry, i think you midunderstood. he is not complaining about your questions -- he is complaining about the bits of context which you shared.10:28
farvaoh I see10:28
svetlana`farva: :)10:29
svetlana`impromptu: i see -- would try adding the user to 'samba' group or some similar.10:29
farvaI was just trying to put it into context why I was asking, to help better get the commands and such I need10:29
svetlana`impromptu: if there is a gui thingy for editing user rights, maybe it has a tick box for sharing files.10:29
farvamy apologies Ben6410:29
impromptusvetlana`, i did tick both10:29
impromptuBen64, you are the one from Samba right ?10:30
kblinimpromptu: are you trying to share files from your machine or access files shared elsewhere?10:30
impromptusvetlana`, allow read and write, allow guests ( for users without account )10:30
svetlana`impromptu: i suspect you have to log in to the remote computer first.10:30
Ben64impromptu: no?10:30
svetlana`impromptu: but i am misreading that error message, give me a bit.10:30
impromptukblin, ya, I am trying to share my Public Folder from the ~ with all the users on the network10:30
impromptuwith any passwords or authentications10:31
svetlana`impromptu: i was thinking you are trying to share your own directory, but now you are showing me an error message about mounting a share. i do not understand where it's coming from.10:31
impromptubut I am getting an error message on the same machine ( as well as on other machines ) in the Networks10:31
impromptusvetlana`, when you share a directory using it is shown like this on the same computer and others as well10:32
impromptusvetlana`, you are making a Windows share using Samba, Samba is windows thingy for unix-like system10:33
impromptuget it ?10:33
kblinimpromptu: with or without?10:33
impromptusvetlana`, I cannot open my own shared folder in my own machine in the networks or even other clients10:33
impromptukblin, without*10:34
kblinimpromptu: also, quick and dirty and for one user only, or properly, in a way that works for all users?10:34
svetlana`impromptu: okay about the screenshot. (although this is not a windows share but i guess i should blame the translator.). ah i see where the error is coming from now.10:34
impromptusvetlana`, ok10:34
impromptukblin, svetlana` http://www.howtogeek.com/116309/use-ubuntus-public-folder-to-easily-share-files-between-computers/10:34
svetlana`impromptu: i would type «id» on the commandline to check which groups the user is in.10:34
impromptusee this link again guys10:34
impromptuto understand10:34
=== badon_ is now known as badon
impromptusvetlana`, uid=1000(xena) gid=1000(xena) groups=1000(xena),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),100(users),108(lpadmin),120(sambashare)10:36
impromptumy username is xena10:36
kblinimpromptu: can you put the output of "testparm" on a pastebin?10:37
svetlana`impromptu: okay, see this one : http://baltar.blog.com/2014/05/11/ubuntu-failed-to-mount-windows-share-permission-denied/10:37
svetlana`impromptu: or, err, let kblin help you first, his approach looks more systematic.10:37
kblinimpromptu: I haven't used the usershare options of samba so far, but there's a pretty straightforward way to do password-less sharing of folders10:37
svetlana`kblin: thank you10:38
impromptusvetlana`, I don't have any [share-name] section in the smb.conf10:39
impromptukblin, wait a minute10:39
jozefkSneg je opet Snezana :)10:40
impromptusvetlana`, force user thing makes some sense to me now10:40
kblinimpromptu: so basically what I'm interested in is your [global] section in smb.conf, but testparm should give that10:41
impromptukblin, http://pastie.org/993913810:41
kblinimpromptu: ok, so both a 'usershare allow guest' and a 'map to guest = Bad User' option are there10:43
impromptukblin, which is nonsense10:43
impromptuI know but GUI has to change it for us10:44
impromptuI did tick all the options10:44
impromptuWhat should I do ?10:44
impromptukblin, like svetlana` suggested [share] with force user is a fine idea too10:44
kblinbut I'm not sure if that works with usershares10:45
kblinbasically the "traditional" way of sharing folders with samba is to put them all into smb.conf10:45
kblinbut only root can do that10:45
impromptukblin, I am the root10:45
impromptuI mean I can be10:46
impromptuI don't understand you fully maybe10:46
kblinso in order to allow people to share their own files, we added the usershare stuff, and that's what the GUI uses10:46
impromptuI am sure you mean the GUI don't have root access10:46
kblinsamba was built for corporate file servers, not for systems where there's a single user who also happens to know the root password ;)10:46
impromptubut I have like 10 users on this desktop10:47
kblinanyway, let me read up on usershares a bit more10:47
impromptusvetlana`, I am trying your suggestion10:47
kblinI think there's some sort of permission issue indeed10:47
kblinimpromptu: so something like https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samba/Tips_and_tricks#Sample_Passwordless_Configuration certainly will work10:48
kblinimpromptu: ah, hang on10:50
kblinimpromptu: what does running "net help usershare" in a terminal say?10:50
kblinimpromptu: or even net usershare list10:52
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impromptukblin, wait10:59
impromptukblin, it says Public10:59
impromptuwhich is the folder I shared10:59
impromptuWtf does the GUI do then ?11:01
kblinimpromptu: no idea11:05
kblinimpromptu: never used the GUI :)11:05
kblinimpromptu: bbiab, off to lunch11:05
impromptukblin, Should I add [share] manually ?11:05
impromptusvetlana`, What do you suggest ?11:05
svetlana`impromptu: wait for kblin to return, i think you'll fix it by editing the file11:10
svetlana`my memory is a bit off, i don't think i'll be able to consume enough reading material to help you right now11:11
=== Stu| is now known as Stu|[A]
mk10hello all11:13
impromptusvetlana`, no problem, thanks for all you did :)11:13
mk10just installed ubuntu how come i cant see my ohter drivers11:13
mk10just installed ubuntu how come i cant see my other drives11:14
svetlana`mk10: which drives, and where are you looking for them?11:16
k1lmk10: what is on that other drives? can you open a terminal and put a "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) and post the output into a pastbin and show the link here?11:18
mk10ok doing it now11:18
impromptusvetlana`, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=18722111:20
impromptuthis dude edited it perfectly11:20
impromptubut still gets an error11:20
svetlana`i leave it to kblin -- that's too much information to consume and systemize in my head at this time of day11:21
mk10svetlana, here it is http://pastebin.com/7Lu678Nc11:25
mk10k1l, here it is http://pastebin.com/7Lu678Nc11:27
svetlana`mk10: ok. i do not know what sda2 or what gpt is at this point, but the software suggests looking at these in gparted. presumably your file manager would also pick them up, but i do not know what gpt is, so i am not yet sure how to do that.11:30
svetlana`mk10: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table#UNIX_and_Unix-like_operating_systems suggests gparted can read these partitions, for example,as does fdisk. for some reason none of the article suggests reading these partitions with a file manager.11:32
=== Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis
svetlana`gpt looks like metadata, i.e. a place where a computer stores data about partitions -- why it would occupy 1TB like in that pastebin is beyond my understanding.11:34
k1lmk10: what is on that other disks?11:34
mk10i got one main disk..the ssd...and other disk i was keep storage on11:35
Hixany of you guys wise in the way of Tar?11:36
=== eduardo is now known as Guest43916
DaveQBHix: Maybe. What's the issue?11:37
k1lmk10: and what is the issue with that disks? what filesystem is on them? you cant mount them in the filemanager?11:37
Guest43916im using 14.04 with last updates.. how can i have the latest kernel ? i also want to have more than one kernel just in case11:37
mk10no filesystem dont c them11:38
k1lmk10: if there is data on them there needs to be a filesystem on that disks11:38
Guest43916now i have 3.13.0-24 generic on a desktop pc with 64bits11:38
HixDaveQB I was using dd to create disc images for backups, but it is slow and completely writes the disc. I was advised that tar czpf would be more suited. Problem is I wish to do two partitions11:38
Guest43916in synaptic ive seen some 3.16 kernel....11:38
k1lGuest43916: run in terminal "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:39
DaveQBGuest43916: I believe "linux-image-generic-lts-trusty"11:39
k1lGuest46552: when 14.04 will get the .2 point release (like the servicepack on windows) you will get offered a backport kernel from 14.1011:39
DaveQBHix: 2 files into one tarball?11:39
k1lDaveQB: nope11:39
DaveQBHix: I would suggest getting a better backup tool, though, for that.11:40
HixDaveQB yes, so: I tried tar czpf backupmedia.tar.gz /media/partition1 /media/partition211:40
DaveQBHix: Like zbackup, rdiff-backup, boxbackup etc11:40
Guest43916k1l  i dont want to upgrade to 14.10 as its not lts... and for what ive read it has any important new f3eature11:40
adisoncomedme el cipote11:41
HixI was told that tar was more than adequate for the task, trying to do linux purely from terminal so I learn the intricacies better11:41
k1lGuest43916: this will not bring you to 14.10. i know the command is confusing but its due to the old way of upgrading.11:41
DaveQBHix: Tar can do it, but not the best tool for backups. zbackup is CLI. Have a look anyway, you might like it. But you command looks sound to it. Should create backupmedia.tar.gz with a media folder in it with partition1 and partition2 inside that11:43
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Guest43916k1l would i have more than one kernel ? i dont want to loose my actual kernel as it works well... i want in grub to choose what kernel to  use... so could i use 3.16 ???11:45
Guest43916Linux kernel image for version 3.16.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP is for me ?11:47
kblinimpromptu: sorry, back now11:48
k1lGuest43916: you will always have 2 kernels wehn you run the regular updates. 2 build of one kernel, 3.13 in your case since 14.04 got the 3.13 kernel. and there will be no updates to "the latest" kernel. but as i explained above you will get LTS backport kernel to choose with the hardware enablement stack. but you need to wait for 14.04.2 pointrelease11:48
impromptukblin, no problem11:49
impromptuI am still messing11:49
kblinimpromptu: basically the question is if you need this to work for all 10 users on your system11:49
kblinimpromptu: because that determines if we can futz around a bit or if we need to fix this properly11:50
impromptukblin, I want it to work on all user system11:50
impromptuon the network11:50
kblinok :)11:50
impromptukblin, there are like 35 clients on the networks11:50
impromptuthey might be having 10 users each11:50
impromptu350 users would access this Public folder11:51
impromptuit is serious shit11:51
impromptuyou know I mean ?11:51
impromptuof course only 35 would be accessing at one time11:51
kblinimpromptu: sure11:52
impromptukblin, I am doing it all manually now with nautilus-share thing11:52
impromptuor I would use Samba's own GUI11:53
kblinsamba has a GUI?11:53
impromptukblin, yep11:54
ifohancroftDoes anyone know if there is a PHP ppa that is compiled/build with thread_safety and pthreads11:54
kblinlet me try this on my own system11:54
kblinimpromptu: what's the GUI called?11:54
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impromptukblin, system-config-samba11:55
kblinimpromptu: ah, pretty sure that's not from samba, just for samba :11:55
kblinbut it should work nontheless11:56
kblinimpromptu: ok, so just to continue: "net usershare list Public", can you pastebin the output of that?11:57
abatorwhat alternate to ultraiso is there for linux?11:58
=== amin_ is now known as amflir
boodllebatI need help with finite automata Thanks11:59
impromptukblin, Its maintained by Ubuntu MOTU developers, wait I would pastebin that12:00
=== Stu|[A] is now known as Stu|
impromptukblin, it gives me Public12:01
impromptuname of the folder I am sharing12:01
kblinah, sorry12:02
kblinimpromptu: I meant net usershare info Public12:02
kblinmy bad12:02
jhsuhjoin #chat12:03
impromptukblin, [Public]12:04
impromptumy username is changed there12:04
impromptueverything else is same12:05
rzekaIs it possible to change name of dir on the fly with "tar czf"? I'd like to archive "thename/" but I'd like it to have different name in archive12:05
kblinimpromptu: ok, that looks reasonable12:05
impromptukblin, I think we better stop Because It ain't going to be ok ever, internet is full of SMB permission bugs12:06
kblinimpromptu: ok, other question. how many folders do you want to share with your 350 users?12:06
kblinimpromptu: I haven't used this usershare stuff before, but I do have samba installs that work just fine, for > 10 years now12:07
bahamashello. I rm -r /dev/md0 which was created by mdadm. how can I recreate it?12:07
impromptukblin, PM ?12:08
kblinimpromptu: sure12:08
vandemarrzeka: create a symlink?  there's --strip-components but that's for decompression only, I think, and I don't know how to prepend12:10
CassioAlmeidashow to list services that are consuming the internet ?12:13
hateball!info nethogs | CassioAlmeidas12:15
ubottuCassioAlmeidas: nethogs (source: nethogs): Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (utopic), package size 26 kB, installed size 98 kB12:15
CassioAlmeidashateball: thanks12:18
Ziktofelhi there, is there any expert of combo jacks?12:19
Ziktofelas I can't get the external mic working12:20
bahamasanyone have any idea how to fix my issue?12:24
Ben64bahamas: you'd probably have to explain it first12:25
bahamasBen42: I did above, but I'll do it again. I deleted a device rm -r /dev/md0 which I had created with mdadm. how can I recreate it?12:26
bahamasthe array is still active. I can see it with cat /proc/mdstat12:27
ubuntu-studiohi all12:28
ubuntu-studiohow do i have to install gnome12:28
ubuntu-studioany cmd term12:29
k1lubuntu-studio: which gnome exactly? the gnome-shell?12:29
=== Brian_ is now known as ilhami
k1lsudo apt-get install gnome-shell12:29
Ziktofelsudo apt-get install gnome-shell12:29
ubuntu-studioBrian come back, what about filmon free!?12:30
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:32
nessessary129not morning here12:33
ubuntu-studiohey brilliants, help me with free ubuntu tv12:33
Ziktofellunchtime here12:33
cfhowlettnessessary129,:) nor here.12:33
ubuntu-studioenjoy your meal12:34
freeroutehi, I'm trying to run the live 14.04 from USB stick on a computer with BIOS version P4i65G P1.10 (Celeron 2.4GHz). MD5 sum checked out and afterwards I ran the following command from another machine - 'dcfldd if=lubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb'. That was successful as well, however when I try to boot from the USB on the target machine it says "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt".12:35
cfhowlettfreeroute, celeron?  might need 32 bit not 64 bit ubuntu12:35
freeroutecfhowlett: lubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso12:36
freeroutein the BIOS of the target machine, the Legacy USB Support is set to [Auto]12:37
annabel_Legacy USB Support is typically for input devices not storage devices12:37
freerouteannabel_: so it's fine to set it to auto?12:38
annabel_Have it enabled12:38
freerouteok, I'll try that.12:39
annabel_i don't think that will fix your issue though12:39
annabel_i would try creating the bootable USB using a different tool on a different USB using the same iso downloaded from another source12:40
annabel_i run yosemite on my main computer and have a Win7 virtual box instance to use Universal-USB-Installer-
freerouteannabel_: hmm, people have advised me against using tools other than dd to make bootable USB sticks but that was more in regards to UEFI, so I suppose I'll try and use a tool. I downloaded the image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ and I'm not sure what a more 'official' source would be. Do you have any recommendations on a tool to use which works on Linux? I don't have access to12:46
freeroutea Windows machine atm.12:46
Ben64freeroute: unetbootin12:48
bacon|freeroute: unetbootin works on linux12:48
bacon|freeroute: but dd is best, why do you not want to use it?12:48
jatthi, I want that a remote ssh host asks me for a password even when I have password-less login setup, how can this be done. I want to do this to reset my password12:48
freeroutebacon|: read my previous comment, I did, but it resulted in an error.12:48
Ben64freeroute: you said you used dcfldd12:49
Ben64freeroute: also, verify the md5sum of the iso12:50
freerouteBen64: AFAIK dcfldd either uses dd as well or works on the same principle. Also I did verify the md5sum ^12:52
OerHeksBen64, i just learned dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or pattern, awesome !12:52
freeroutebut I can try dd, not sure if this is the culprit though (since dcfldd is used in forensic applications, which is why it has those features that OerHeks is talking about)12:52
gerepHello all. I just made the net install and installed DWM. I have no sound right now. I used the command aplay -l to list my sound devices and I have this: card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: CX20590 Analog [CX20590 Analog]12:53
gerepI also have alsa and pulseaudio installed but still no results12:54
freeroutegerep: not sure if this helps, but can you run alsamixer on it? What does it tell you?12:54
gerepI have checked the alsamixer and the sounds are ok12:54
gerepfreeroute: yes12:54
gerepfreeroute: one thing I think is wierd is that I need to run it as sudo12:55
gerepis that correct?12:55
gerepShouldn't I be able to run is without sudo?12:55
freerouteis the volume knob dialed the right way? :p12:55
freerouteyou should afaik12:55
gerepfreeroute: yes :)12:55
gerepSimple mixer control 'Master',012:55
gerep  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined12:55
gerep  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right12:55
gerep  Limits: Playback 0 - 6553612:55
gerep  Mono:12:55
gerep  Front Left: Playback 65536 [100%] [on]12:55
gerep  Front Right: Playback 65536 [100%] [on]12:55
tunafish_a guide suggest this command "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ssh_host_rsa_key < /dev/null" I can't understand the point of dev/null here, wouldn't it make a less random key? Maybe I should use use dev/random or nothing while generating keys? guide is: https://stribika.github.io/2015/01/04/secure-secure-shell.html12:56
freeroutealsamixer runs without sudo just fine here12:56
OerHeksno need to run alsamixer with sudo. that might be your issue12:56
gerepany ideas on how to solve that?12:57
gerepI'm not root, I'm a sudo user12:57
gerepAnd I installed it as usual, sudo apt-get install ...12:57
gerepAny ideas?12:57
gerepthanks, I'll check that link12:58
freeroutethe query I used - https://startpage.com/do/search?query=alsamixer+needs+sudo&cat=web&pl=chrome&language=english12:58
gerepfreeroute: I'll logout to try that change, thanks for your help :)13:01
=== nessessary129_ is now known as nessessary129
PeanutsHi, can someone tell me whats the difference between "/etc/apt/sources.list" and what is in "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/"?13:04
OpenTokixPeanuts: The idea is to keep system standard in sources.list untouched, and keep any additional sources as individual configfiles in sources.list.d13:05
OpenTokixPeanuts: But nothing prevents you from adding sources in sources.list, but to keep em tidy is a good best practise13:06
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux13:06
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:06
PeanutsOpenTokix: Thank you :) that's what I wanted13:06
jatton my server if I type13:07
jattsudo foo13:07
jattmy password is asked, but if I type13:07
jattsudo -u foo bash13:07
jattit doesn't. how can I configure it so the former starts bash without asking for password?13:07
jatt 13:07
=== Necrozed` is now known as Necrozed
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:08
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest98830
Hixright. Created a backup tarball of a drive with two partitons on it. when I open the tarball i see /media and then /long-garbled-partiition-id-1 and long-garbled-partition-2. Question is; how Do i extract that tarball to another drive as the root of the tar is /media. I know how to use dd but am trying a similar thing to try and improve my tar and overall linux knowledge.13:10
tunafish_fount it, it is used to suppress ssh-keygen about passphrese, since that command used for server root key creation.13:11
Ben64Hix: using tar on a whole drive is not an easy or effective way to backup, i wouldn't recommend it13:11
HixI've been advised that it is equally as capable as dd, if used correctly.13:12
Hixtherein lies the problem [me - the user :) ]13:12
Ben64i wouldn't use dd either13:13
freerouteBen64: booting from a USB made with unetbootin just says "Boot error".13:13
freeroutenot sure what to try next13:14
Ben64freeroute: a different usb drive13:14
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freerouteBen64: tried using a different USB stick (16gb instead of 8gb) and still no luck.13:18
freerouteshould I still try using dd using that new drive instead of unetbootin?13:18
OpenTokixfreeroute: Are you using a modern computer? Try switching from or to UEFI13:19
freerouteOpenTokix: BIOS version P4i65G P1.10 (Celeron 2.4GHz) - not exactly modern no :p13:19
OpenTokixfreeroute: usually you can select BIOS or UEFI, - And some bioses does not allow usbbooting from one or the other.13:19
freerouteah damnit, I don't think I can try new things. It's my grandma's computer and people are laughing at me and telling me to just install winXP -___-13:20
OpenTokixfreeroute: evil13:21
freerouteikr, I'll try to pull some more time though13:21
OpenTokixfreeroute: try the dd suggestion13:21
annabel_freeroute if they are suggesting XP the joke is entirely on them13:21
freerouteI know, but then again win7 isn't the right answer either since it has only 512mb of RAM13:22
Ben64burn a cd?13:22
freerouteDon't have a CD drive on this computer :D13:22
freerouteand no burner on the other :(13:23
OpenTokixfreeroute: pxeboot =)13:23
annabel_try xubuntu or lubuntu13:23
OpenTokixannabel_: how on earth will that solve his/her issue?13:23
Ben64how does a computer not have a cd drive13:23
freerouteannabel_: dcfldd if=lubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb13:23
freerouteBen64: Lenovo x23013:24
OpenTokixdcfldd ?13:24
annabel_OpenTokix: do you know what is the cause of their issue?13:24
HixI have two laptops X201 thinkpad and MBP neither have an optical drive13:24
OpenTokixannabel_: yes, cant boot =)13:24
annabel_No that's the symptom13:24
Ben64oh laptop13:24
annabel_Do you know what is the cause of their issue?13:24
popeymy desktop has no optical drive :)13:24
OpenTokixannabel_: and a drifferent issue is the cause?13:24
annabel_That question doesn't make sense OpenTokix13:25
Ben64freeroute: take the drive out, put it in your computer and install13:25
EriC^freeroute: did you try to use dd?13:25
annabel_When you know for certain the cause of their issue you can categorically claim lubuntu or xubuntu won't fix it, until then...13:25
freerouteEriC^: not on the new USB stick, but I'll try13:25
Ben64annabel_: its not booting, doesn't matter if its ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu lubuntu or whatever13:26
annabel_It is booting, but it's failing to read a file13:26
OpenTokixannabel_: My experience with knowledge of the difference between ubuntu, lubuntu and xbunutu tells me this.13:27
annabel_It forces them to try another iso if nothing else13:27
OpenTokixHowever, I just realized I will switch to lbunutu for my pxe live cd13:28
freerouteannabel_: I also have sysrescueCD on a USB stick, I'll try that13:28
OpenTokixannabel_: so thanks for that =)13:28
freerouteannabel_: well I'll be damned... SystemRescueCD works.13:32
freerouteif anything I suppose I have to take this to #lubuntu then13:33
annabel_That channel is dead13:33
freerouteanother method would be to install ubuntu-minimal (or netinstall?) and then just install the lubuntu-desktop?13:35
OpenTokixfreeroute: yes13:35
=== dean|away is now known as dean
linuxthefishhow do i fix "checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path."13:41
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
ChibbityCan anyone help me interpret what this error message is trying to tell me?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10173321/  Is it that I have no sshd config file and need one?13:49
=== dean is now known as dean|away
guest-8UUngSdoes anyone know how i can upgarde my system to VividVervet/Alpha1/UbuntuGNOME14:01
ubottuVivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:01
guest-8UUngShi does anyone know the code to upgrade to 15.0414:08
k1lguest-8UUngS: did you see the user direct you to the alpha/beta/unstable channel #ubuntu+1 ?14:09
cfhowlettguest-8UUngS, upgrade to a non-released version?  doesn't seem wise.  as noted above; #ubunt+114:09
guest-8UUngSso one around on #ubunt+114:11
Piciits #ubuntu+114:11
Ziktofeleny expert with combo jacks?14:11
cfhowlett!vivid | guest-8UUngS14:11
ubottuguest-8UUngS: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142514:11
PiciZiktofel: What are those?14:11
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Ziktofel4-pin jack for both microphone and heaphones14:12
Ziktofelused for headsets14:12
idocgreenwhois idocgreen14:14
gerepfreeroute: hey, it worked =)14:16
gerepNow I have a nother issue related to DWM, I have the .xinitrc file just this: https://gist.github.com/gerep/082c46bb6adf7a440b4f The xsetroot is not working, any ideas?14:17
gerepRedshift, xbindkeys and dwm are working but the dmenu doesn't show what xsetroot tells to14:17
gerepI just notice I don't have x11-xserver-utils installed :)14:18
zetherooI am trying to get a VNC connection working from an Ubuntu machine to another Ubuntu machine without any luck14:20
zetherooOn the machine that I want to remotely connect to I only have cli14:20
tomodachizetheroo: does it have a running x server or is it a virtual X server you want?14:21
zetherooI have installed xubuntu-desktop, xfce4, xfce4-goodies and tightvncserver14:21
zetherootomodachi: this is what I have been following: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-14-0414:22
zetheroothe machine I want to remotely control is a OpenVZ container running on Proxmox - the container is created from an Ubuntu 14.04 template.14:23
mreggHi all, I'm trying to set acl on a directory. I have done it before, and this time it doesn't work... I don't know why. What I want to do : allow group1 as ro on dir1. What I do : setfacl -m d:g:group1:r-x dir114:23
zetherooI just cannot get anything like Remmina or vinagre to connect to the machine14:24
Sc0tty-how do I search for a file from the terminal? what command?14:25
zetherooHow do I check if VNC is running on the machine I am trying to connect to?14:25
somsipSc0tty-: what are you trying to find? the 'find' commmand does lots of clever filtering14:26
tomodachizetheroo: so where do you get stuck?14:27
zetherootomodachi:  cannot get anything like Remmina or vinagre to connect to the machine14:28
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Sc0tty-I am trying to find a config file on my filesystem, I can't remember where it is saved @somsip14:28
Sc0tty-the name is inetconfig.sh14:29
somsipSc0tty-: find {starting path} -type f -name 'inetconfig.sh'14:30
somsipSc0tty-: where starting path should be as low as you can get. Doing it from / will take ages. Doing it from ~/ might not14:31
kokutHello, i just moved hundreds of file from one folder to another and now i came back to the folder and accidentaly pressed control Z instead of control C and the files came back, tried pressing control Y but they dont go away, what do i do?14:32
zetherootomodachi: I open the SSH tunnel on my local machine, and that seem to work. But then when i try to connect to the remote machine using a VNC viewer connecting to "localhost:5901" the connection fails.14:33
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tomodachizetheroo: do you see that the machine is listening on the port?14:34
tomodachizetheroo:  do a netstat -taupen |pastebinit14:34
tomodachiand link it here14:34
zetherootomodachi: no14:34
tomodachizetheroo: your vnc isnt running14:35
tomodachiso there is nothing to connect to14:35
Ziktofelany expert with combo jacks?14:35
g3kyHey Guys, How ya all doing? =)14:36
zetherootomodachi: how about now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10173860/14:36
tomodachizetheroo: yes you see the first entry Xtightvnc on port 590114:37
zetherooI still cannot connect to it from my local machine14:38
zetheroovinagre gives me "Error creating the SSH tunnel. Connection refused by server"14:39
tomodachizetheroo: firewall?14:39
tomodachiah you are tunneling14:39
zetherooboth my local machine and the remote machine are in the same network and domain14:40
zetheroowell ... I wish I didn't have to tunnel ... :)14:40
zetherooIf I don't use the SSH tunnel option in vinagre I get: Connection closed. Connection to host was closed."14:41
kduhi all, does anybody have any clue why squid3 is not loading all images ?(its transparent and not caching anything)14:41
tomodachizetheroo: well your problem seems to be the ssh tunnel so far14:42
tomodachinow that the vnc server is running14:42
zetherooI have used remote desktop many times on Ubuntu machines without issues ... do they all do SSH tunneling by default?14:43
zetherooIf not how can I just get a simple remote desktop connection going?14:43
jzp113someone know the hack channel ?14:44
ikoniathe hack channe ?14:44
ikonianot here.....14:44
ikoniaubuntu support here14:44
NikolaiToryzinYou're the hack channel.14:45
cfhowlettNikolaiToryzin, not true, not helpful.  stop.14:45
cfhowlett!behelpful | NikolaiToryzin14:45
ubottuNikolaiToryzin: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.14:45
BluesKajjzp113, what makes you trhink there's a hack channel14:45
chokiCan someone tell me a cheap graphics card to use with ubuntu to run 3 x 1440x900 displays (DVI) with?14:46
zetherooIs there a way to enable the regular Ubuntu Desktop Sharing options via cli?14:46
jzp113BluesKaj, no I just ask14:46
g3kyzetheroo, Check out teamviewer.14:46
cfhowlettchoki, ask the ##hardware channel14:46
chokicfhowlett: doesnt work i need to register tehre14:46
zetheroo g3ky: really!? :P14:46
g3kyzetheroo, Sorry, If I misunderstood your question.14:48
BlauskaerMzetheroo: How did you set up the ssh tunnel?14:53
zetherooBlauskaerM: I just dumbly followed this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-14-0414:53
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BlauskaerMzetheroo: Are you using putty to set up the tunnel or a linux terminal?14:54
zetherooto connect?14:55
zetherooI am entering in that "ssh -L 5901: -N -f -l user server_ip_address" line in the terminal on my local machine14:55
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zetherooand then I am trying to use Remmina or Vinagre to open the remote desktop14:56
BlauskaerMseems right14:57
zetheroobut I would rather just be able to get vino working ... as it seems to be much simpler14:57
BlauskaerMShould be the same principle14:58
zetherooBlauskaerM: I was able to get Desktop Sharing enabled on the remote machine ... but I don't know how to get vino started14:58
zetheroois vino a sevice?14:58
BlauskaerMzetheroo: Havent tried vino =/14:59
BlauskaerMBut as I said, the principle should be the same14:59
tomodachizetheroo: skip ssh forwarding through the gui ap for now , try it from terminal15:00
zetherootomodachi: I thought that is what I was doing ...15:00
tomodachizetheroo: ssh -L:8082:localhost:5901 yourusername@yourhostname.com15:00
Picizetheroo: what address/port are you trying to connect to with your vnc client?15:01
tomodachizetheroo: run the command on your client machine ssh:ing into the remote server15:01
tomodachithen you can run your vnc client on your client machine with localhost as ip15:01
cartwrightPici: ban me please15:01
tomodachiand port 8082 as port15:01
cfhowlettcartwright, no need for that ... just leave15:02
cartwrightcfhowlett: huh15:02
zetherootomodachi: ok I ran the command and am ssh'ed in15:02
jbI'm trying to determine if freeipa-client v4 will be in any future versions of ubuntu.  It looks like 15.03 will still include 3?  where can I confirm this?15:02
cartwrightcfhowlett: am I talking to YOU?15:02
zetherootomodachi: trying to connect to the desktop with Remmina - asks for a VNC password  ...15:04
tomodachizetheroo: good so you are there, the password I presume would be the one of the user you have on that machine15:05
zetherooVinagre also asks for a VNC password15:05
zetheroook, but that password isn't working15:05
Whitorvnc uses it's own password... it is set upon install, usually.15:05
tomodachizetheroo: i think there is a vncpasswd command or something similair15:05
zetherooWhitor: right, I remember that ... is there a way to reset that password?15:06
Whitorzetheroo, I believe there is a registry key you need to remove15:06
Whitorzetheroo, the other option would be to uninstall, then reinstall.15:06
Whitorthat /could/ retain settings... depending on how through the uninstall is... though15:07
Whitorzetheroo, do you have physical access to the computer?15:08
tomodachiWhitor: no its some vm someplace else15:09
zetheroook, I reset it using vncpasswd15:09
tomodachizetheroo: so does it work?15:09
zetheroobut the new password doesn't work either ...15:09
zetherooor do I need to restart some service ?15:09
tomodachizetheroo: i think its read on startup so yes kill the service and start it again15:10
zetheroohmm ... on restarting the vncserver service I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/10174233/15:10
tomodachiyou should already know from our conversation how to verify that its upp and runing15:10
tomodachizetheroo: and?15:11
zetherooauthentication failure :(15:11
zetheroocan't I just disable the whole authentication part? we really dont need it15:12
tomodachizetheroo: well you are close, perhaps you can try to read the logs and try to draw some conclusions on your own? i feel that we have a lot of hand holding here15:12
tomodachiand im running out of patience / time15:13
zetheroo tomodachi: well thanks for your help - I have been reading dozens of online sources for this all day ... so I am not just sitting here waiting to be spoon-fed either ;)15:13
zetherooBut I have found it's a good idea to consult all available sources for input, and this channel is one of them :)15:14
bruxCwill this add an existing user to an existing group without wiping the other groups that it is a part of? [#usermod -a -G existinggroup username]15:19
linuxciao a tutti15:19
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Ziktofelany expert with combo jacks?15:20
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basichashpastebinit -b http://www.gist.github.com doesn't work15:39
basichashunknown website apparently15:39
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zer0hI am unable to login via gnome15:46
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bruxCwill this add an existing user to an existing group without wiping the other groups that it is a part of? [#usermod -a -G existinggroup username]15:47
DolphinDreammi have ubuntu 14.04 64 bit installed.. and i'm trying to install a java program but it tells me Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64)15:47
DolphinDreammof the bundled JVM might not match your machine.  any ideas how to fix this ?15:47
test_wow..ubuntu desktop is beauful!15:54
test_I should prepare a machine for ubuntu desktop.15:54
test_anyone using amd8300 cpu? I wonder it will work great in ubuntu.15:56
tewardtest_: spin it up with a Live Image.  No way to get an idea without a LiveUSB / LiveCD test15:56
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Snickerzlive can't always be the best decision maker, you are limited to the read of the disk drive or usb slot15:58
test_I hav e a 250G ssd working on stupid cpu. heh.15:59
test_I'm thinking of amdfx8300 for new system with this ssd.16:00
Snickerzhopefully things will be optimized for those 8 core cpus that have been coming out16:02
zer0hI am unable to get past my gnome log in screen16:05
K4kzer0h: if you press Ctrl-Alt-F2, can you log in to a console?16:06
zer0hThink so16:07
zer0hI can login through lxde16:07
K4kHas anything changed recently on your system?16:07
K4kzer0h: oh, wait, you mean you can login if you choose the lxde session but not if you choose the gnome session?16:08
zer0hyes k4k16:08
salvociao a tutti16:09
K4kOK, just so I make sure I've got the picture of what's going on in my mind. You log in to your gnome session, it accepts your credentials and then what does it do? Does it just go blank and kick you back to the login screen or does it do something else?16:09
zer0hK4k, yes it takes in the password goes black and am back to login screen again16:11
zetheroodoes Ubuntu 14.04 no longer have/use an xorg.conf file?16:13
K4kzetheroo: please paste the contents of your /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log. You'll probably have to log in to LXDE to do this.16:13
Snickerzhidelevels.set set activity_hide_level joins quits16:13
K4kzetheroo: !paste16:14
K4kwrong person...16:14
realBigfootubottu: is down?16:14
ubotturealBigfoot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:14
K4k!paste zer0h16:14
K4kNo, I just evidently don't know how to use it...16:15
zer0hK4k, http://pastebin.com/kzTtaWMv16:16
realBigfoot-> For those who does not know how to use pastebin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pastebinit <-16:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:17
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K4kzer0h: hmmm, that only shows your most recently login... I'm looking now to see what log has your previous attempts.16:19
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daftykinsK4k: i think session error files within ~ being owned by root instead of the user sometimes has something to do with that16:21
daftykinsuser left, though16:21
K4kdaftykins: Yeah, I was thinking permissions on ~/* files but wanted to check the log first before blindly assuming :) As we saw last night, I've got a bad habit of that...16:21
zer0hMy splash screen is broken too16:22
zer0hit is not being displayed properly16:22
K4kzer0h: That sounds like a seperate issue16:22
K4kCheck the permission of all the files in your home directory, including the dot files. Are they all owned by you?16:23
zer0hIs there anyway I can just change them all in one go?16:23
daftykinszer0h: "ls -al ~/ | pastebinit"16:23
daftykinsthe idea of running a single command to shotgun a problem you're not even sure is true or not, is extremely bad logic16:23
zer0hyes I agree16:24
K4kzer0h: technically, yes, find can do that, but I'd like to do it manually for the reason daftykins said....16:24
K4kyou can use find to quickly show you, though16:24
K4kfind ~ ! -user $YOUR_USERNAME -o ! -group $YOUR_USERNAME -print16:25
K4k(I think OR is -o...)16:25
daftykinsonly the ones in the immediate root of ~ matter, so just run the above command i shared :>16:26
K4kdaftykins: is .Xauthority supposed to be 777?16:28
daftykinssounds like someone has been firing all kindsa commands already ;)16:28
daftykinsthere are 4 files in there owned by root, i don't think they're related though16:29
zer0hI just changed .Xauthority16:29
zer0hI was in between some urgent work and was trying a quick resolution16:29
zer0hwhich obviously failed16:29
zer0hany idea guys/ daftykins K4k16:31
daftykinsso you have a backlight script that's root owned, probably not a problem - then the folder ".face" is root owned - no idea what that is16:32
K4kWell, the .Xauthority file should be 600 not 777, but I don't think that's your issue. Also, .face should probably be manu:manu, not root:root16:32
k1lat last try one could reste the gnome desktop settings. but at last resort16:32
daftykinsand .rpmdb16:32
k1lzer0h: see what ".xsession-errors" says about the last login that didnt work16:32
daftykinszer0h: "pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors"16:33
zer0hdaftykins, k4k16:34
k1lso you did change the fonts?16:34
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daftykinsthat's one unhappy looking file :P16:35
zer0hNo I did not change the fonts16:35
daftykinstested the guest account?16:35
zer0hgnome doesnt work16:36
daftykinsalright, so sounds like system wide breakage16:36
daftykinswhat were you up to last? it can't have spontaneously done it16:36
zer0hI was installing wireshark16:37
zer0hI started it up16:37
zer0hthen thought of a restart16:37
daftykinsvia what method?16:37
zer0hsudo apt-get16:37
zer0hcan a system update be able to solve it?16:37
zer0hso that all broken things would be fixed?16:38
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K4kThis is the line that is most interesting to me from the logs: Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/65-khmer.conf", line 14: out of memory16:41
Snickerzwhat about (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2169): polkit-gnome-1-WARNING **: Failed to register client: ?16:41
Snickerzor the line above that16:42
K4kSnickerz: hadn't seen that, I was reading bottom to top16:42
K4kOh my, yes I see that now...16:42
SnickerzGDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files16:42
Snickerzzer0h: try reinstalling the gnome desktop?16:46
zer0his there anyway to reset it first?16:46
daftykinsi would've been tempted to suggest renaming all your .gnome folders, but it looks like it's not relevant to your own /home settings but something system wide16:47
K4ksounds like a policykit issue. Re-installing gnome would install any missing files...16:48
zer0hok so i reinstall gdm is it?16:48
daftykinsgdm is just a login manager16:49
Snickerzi think its gnome-desktop>16:49
K4kapt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop16:50
bazhang!info gnome-desktop16:50
ubottuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in utopic16:50
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bazhangubuntu-desktop is what you mean16:50
K4kbazhang: was it just in precise?16:51
zer0hSo am gonna do -> apt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop16:51
bazhang!info gnome-desktop precise16:51
ubottuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in precise16:51
bazhangK4k, no16:51
K4kzer0h: no, apparently it's ubuntu-desktop, not gnome-desktop16:51
daftykinsbut ubuntu-desktop wouldn't provide a gnome session, it'd only be unity, no?16:52
bazhangis he on unity or gnome-shell16:52
zer0hI am in lxde now16:52
bazhangso lubuntu-desktop16:53
rubiksmomoHey. I'm gonna upgrade my GPU from GTX 570 to GTX 960 soon. How should I do it? Should I (un)install some drivers before switching the iron?16:53
K4kbazhang: no, the issue is not lxde, he said he can't log in to the gnome session from lightdm16:53
Snickerzhe wants to fix his gnome login though16:53
daftykinsrubiksmomo: what driver do you have on right now? you'll need nvidia 340+16:54
rubiksmomoI have Nvidia binary driver v331.113 installed/loaded now. Where do I get a newer one?16:54
daftykinsrubiksmomo: you'll have to remove that, then add xorg-edgers PPA maybe and install their latestr16:54
tomodachirubiksmomo: check what versions your current driver support, usually each driver supports a wide range of cards so you probably dont need to16:54
daftykinstomodachi: wrong in this case unfortunately, 331 doesn't cover the 9xx series16:55
rubiksmomoShould I download from Nvidia website?16:59
daftykinsrubiksmomo: nope17:02
Snickerzwould installing the card and then running update with apt-get automatically download the need drivers?17:02
rubiksmomoOK, I'll try to install this PPA thing17:02
daftykinsSnickerz: not even vaguely. newer drivers are not available in the default repos, nor would they be updated since the installed package is nvidia-331.17:03
rubiksmomoOK, so I do: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa17:04
rubiksmomoawesome :)17:04
daftykins^5 for being able to read instructions \o/ so many aren't17:04
lukeyboy9559can i run Ubuntu on normal built in system graphics ?17:05
daftykinsfrom online - "For those planning to pick up a GeForce GTX 960, they'll work fine on the Linux distribution of your choice if using the NVIDIA 346.35 Linux driver released last week"17:05
daftykinslukeyboy9559: yes, what kind? intel on-die? AMD APU?17:05
K4klukeyboy9559: do you know what graphics you have onboard or what processor your computer has (if you don't know the graphics info).17:05
lukeyboy9559i dont know of the top of my head :/17:06
rubiksmomoThanks. I'll select 340.76 driver now.17:06
daftykinslukeyboy9559: are you on the system in question?17:06
daftykinsrubiksmomo: as my paste above suggests, you might need even newer17:06
rubiksmomoUmm, it's not listed17:07
rubiksmomoI'm at Software & Updates > Additional Drivers17:07
steel767what means command "shopt -s dotglob" ?17:07
rubiksmomoBut they are under GTX 570 Rev.217:07
lukeyboy9559how would i find out ?17:08
daftykinsrubiksmomo: i don't think the edgers PPA is meant to affect that at all - you have presumably updated your package lists since though?17:08
rubiksmomoI did sudo apt-get update17:08
daftykinslukeyboy9559: just make up a flash drive of ubuntu 14.04.1 and boot it, that'd be the easiest way :>17:08
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lukeyboy9559okay ill try that17:09
daftykinsrubiksmomo: are you on trusty or utopic?17:09
rubiksmomoTrusty I think. 14.0417:09
daftykinsrubiksmomo: ok so step one, remove the one via the additional drivers area17:09
lukeyboy9559ill do that and come back later :)17:10
rubiksmomoBy choosing xorg driver?17:10
daftykinsyeah just - none of the nvidia options17:10
rubiksmomoDone. No proprietary drivers in use.17:11
jin_babaany place for newbies here?17:11
daftykinsmight need to reboot to go back to nouveau17:11
daftykinsjin_baba: what are you after? this is the support channel for question asking.17:12
rubiksmomoI'll install updates and reboot17:12
jin_babaI am a windows user trying out linux for a change. Need to know if it supports any good games like AC3 etc17:13
Snickerzjin_baba: you can install steam17:14
daftykinsjin_baba: yeah see Steam for an answer to that.17:14
daftykinsquite honestly your idea of switching OS should not be about games :P17:14
Snickerzjin_baba: not all games are supported but they are supporting more games everyday because valve wants to base their steamOS on linux17:15
jin_babalol yeah but I want a complete transition, don't want  going back to windows to play games :)17:15
kavanGuys I screwed up my /etc/apt/source.list, could one of you be so kind and upload a standard one?17:15
rubiksmomodaftykins: OK, X.org driver selected and rebooted. Newest Nvidia in "additional drivers" is 340.76. Could you please explain how to update to a newer one?17:16
daftykinsrubiksmomo: install the package 'pastebinit' then run "apt-cache search nvidia- | pastebinit"17:16
maps_hello. I'm having trouble with RAID/LVM while installing ubuntu (server) in a HP N54L machine (server)… What do I do to wipe all drives and install only with partitioned drives instead of RAID or LVM?17:17
maps_hello. I'm having trouble with RAID/LVM while installing ubuntu (server) in a HP N54L machine (server)… What do I do to wipe all drives and install only with partitioned drives instead of RAID or LVM?17:19
Snickerzmaps_: you can use the drive manager that comes on the install disk17:19
maps_Snickerz: for? to delete all content on the drives before a new install?17:20
daftykinsrubiksmomo: apt-get install nvidia-34617:20
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Snickerzmaps_: Yes, you can format the drives and partition them the wa you want17:21
rubiksmomoInstalling. For some reason I lost audio. No sounds anymore. :o17:21
daftykinsrubiksmomo: HDMI display with speakers or something?17:22
rubiksmomoNo, 3.5mm connector on motherboard17:22
daftykinspass, i don't know audio17:23
rubiksmomoOK, that nvidia is installed. "Additional drivers" still shows X.org selected.17:23
rubiksmomoSo am I using a new driver that supports GTX 960 now?17:23
daftykinsdid it pull in nvidia-settings as well?17:24
daftykinsyou're gonna want to stop paying attention to additional drivers ;)17:24
maps_Snickerz: my N54L has 3 HDDs, 250GB + 1TB + 1TB… I want 250GB for OS, 1TB for file sharing (Samba) and 1TB for postgresql databases… would you agree that I have no need for RAID/LVM with this setup?17:24
daftykinsgive it a restart, see if nvidia-settings is available to confirm it's active17:24
ubuntuIs anyone there>17:24
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daftykinsGuest64153: yes, tonnes of people.17:25
daftykinscan we help you with something?17:25
Guest64153I guess I didn't identify myself.17:25
tewardGuest64153: if you have a support question and need help, you can ask your actual question.  That will allow us to try and assist, and ask for clarificatoin or additional questions if we have them.17:25
Guest64153But, I am brand NEW TO LINUX , and Ubuntu, specifically.17:25
rubiksmomosearch finds "NVIDIA X Server Settings"17:26
Guest64153I didn't even know how to install Xchat, until just now; I was able to do it using the termjnal.17:26
svetlanaGuest64153: welcome. use '/nick newnick' to pick a new nickname.17:26
Guest64153OK, teward.17:26
steel767what makes command "shopt -s dotglobe"?17:26
daftykinsrubiksmomo: "apt-cache showpkg nvidia-settings" ?17:27
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t-dubsawesome, swetlana!17:27
jin_babado you use the same command to install each new software through command line?17:27
t-dubsThanks bunches!17:27
daftykinsjin_baba: apt-get install <packagename> yes17:27
jin_babaare package names unique?17:27
daftykinsjin_baba: of course, how else would you instal one thing instead of everything ever? :)17:28
t-dubsI was wondering if you guys could help me with using Startup Disk Creator..17:28
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/397651/fish-shell-shopt-s-dotglob-analog steel76717:28
Snickerzmaps_: As long as the drives are connected, you can access them within the filesystem and use them for whatever you need17:28
daftykinsrubiksmomo: yep install nvidia-settings, then reboot into that new driver and run nvidia-settings to check out the driver status17:28
t-dubsI keep getting this error: first argument must be the method signature string: GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {})17:28
jin_babaI know that was a stupid question, sorry. What I should have asked is is there any resource that lists down all package names at one place?17:29
daftykinst-dubs: what OS are you on and what are you trying to do? put a newer ubuntu on a flash drive?17:29
t-dubsAnd, I googled it, but, I guess I'm just retarded, like the people over at puppy linux told me :(17:29
rubiksmomonvidia-settings is already the newest version. Rebooting.17:29
daftykinsjin_baba: apt-get update (updates your systems list of available packages from online) then apt-cache search x (searches for x)17:29
t-dubsI am running ubuntu, 12.4, I think.17:29
steel767bazhang: thanks17:29
daftykinst-dubs: so what are you trying to do? :)17:30
t-dubsNo problem bazhang.17:30
bazhangsteel767, more info try #bash17:30
jin_babathanks @daftykins, you are very helpful17:30
t-dubsI am trying to make a bootable usb drive, as a back up; cause the one I'm currently yusing is getting beat up!17:30
t-dubsAnd, if it fails on me, I'd be SOL, atm.17:31
daftykins!manual | jin_baba as a new user you might want to have a read of this17:31
ubottujin_baba as a new user you might want to have a read of this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:31
gp5stI have an empty partition before my boot partition.  Will it be a huge PITA to merge them (delete the one, move the boot partition down, and then resize the boot partition) or should I just format it and use it as a separate volume17:31
maps_Snickerz: thanks… I will give it another shot at this. I've been trying to get this up and running for the past month and half, and haven't had much success… getting tired of trying soon… but not giving up yet...17:31
daftykinsgp5st: how big is it? share a screenshot on imgur.com maybe17:31
bazhanggp5st, no, use gparted17:32
rubiksmomoRebooted. Audio is back! NVIDIA X Server Settings shows: driver version 346.3517:32
daftykinst-dubs: using 'dd' via the command line is a lot easier than messing around with these little GUI helper programs17:32
gp5stbazhang: I don't know why you said that because 1) I am 2) that's what gparted will do17:32
daftykinsrubiksmomo: excellent, when the day comes you can just transplant card, boot up and it'll be as if nothing ever happened17:32
gp5stdaftykins: the boot partition is ~170gb the unused is 30gb17:32
daftykinsgp5st: ouch, that's quite wasteful. how'd you manage that? :)17:33
maps_Snickerz: Can I format the 2x1TB drives without reinstalling Ubuntu Server? And 'remove/delete' LVM?17:33
rubiksmomoThanks! Minor problem though. For some reason the last line started to flicker on XChat sometimes after updating the driver.17:33
t-dubsok, datykins17:33
bazhanggp5st, you mean root I hope17:33
t-dubsSO, what do I do17:33
daftykinsrubiksmomo: *shrug*17:33
daftykinst-dubs: given a downloaded ISO in your Downloads folder, pop the flash drive in and run "sudo parted -l" to show which device is your flash drive.17:34
gp5stbazhang: yes, thanks for the correction17:34
t-dubsI'm sorry, Im having trouble keeping up!17:34
daftykinst-dubs: (in the terminal application)17:34
daftykinst-dubs: it'll have a name like /dev/sdb17:34
gp5stdaftykins: originally came with windows and wanted to keep it to play around if need be, it wouldn't boot for some reason and I couldn't fix it and kind of forgot ti was there until I started running low on space17:34
daftykinsgp5st: ah then you're in for a hell of a time. i'd backup and reinstall personally17:34
t-dubsOK, will do now, daftykins!17:34
gp5stdaftykins: http://i.imgur.com/TBpECGe.png17:35
t-dubsok, daftykins  JUST ran udo parted -l in terminal17:36
Snickerzmaps_: There is a disk utility that you can use to format the disk and yes you can remove lvm from my understanding of documentation17:36
t-dubsSO what am I looking for?17:36
rubiksmomoOK, good enough. I'll reboot to Windows and check Nvidia driver there. Thanks for the help!17:36
daftykinst-dubs: each device shows what size it is, hopefully you know how many GB your flash drive is17:36
t-dubsI'mreally sorry, I sufer from brain damage, due to an anoxicv brain injury17:36
t-dubsYes, I know it's an 8 Gb drive17:37
daftykinsso you should see a device called e.g. /dev/sdb with a size of 8xxxMB17:37
gp5stdaftykins: hmm, I don't really have the time to reinstall (always ends up being longer than I want because of this little weak I did and want back :-\) I might just format that partition and use it as a volume for some of the bulk data I'm toting around17:37
t-dubsOK, so, I have located the 8 Gb drive, daftykins, now what?17:38
daftykinst-dubs: so what's it called?17:39
t-dubsIt is called USB 2.0 (SCSI)17:39
t-dubsProblem is,  I have TWO of them17:40
daftykinst-dubs: what you need to do, is run this lovely long command: "sudo dd if=/path/to/your/downloaded/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=2M" but obviously point if= to your downloaded file and of= to the device name of your flash drive (e.g. /dev/sdb)17:40
t-dubsGThe one I'm running ubuntu off of right now, AND the new one17:40
daftykinsoh i see.17:40
daftykinsi don't think you have enough space to download the ISO to put it on the other drive, then17:40
t-dubsYeah, dude, It's complicated.17:41
t-dubsLOL like my relatonship status17:41
daftykinsi suppose you were just hoping to clone it17:41
t-dubsIt's complicated.17:41
t-dubsI don't know, whatever's easier17:41
daftykinst-dubs: can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" ?17:41
t-dubsdaftykins, is there a way i could just talk to YOU?17:41
Fernandoooto make all users in the system can access my oracle client installation the next line is ok ??:17:41
t-dubsWithout evreryone else?17:42
Fernandooochmod -R 775 /export/home/user/app/user/product/11.2.0/client_117:42
daftykinst-dubs: not really, this allows everyone to see17:42
t-dubsLOL, I can run anything..17:42
t-dubsI am able to type into the terminal, aferall17:42
daftykinst-dubs: ok fire away with those two, it'll give a link to paste back to me17:42
t-dubsok, dude, awesome, just give me asecond or two, ok?17:43
daftykinsat this point i'm pondering whether a live USB can be dd'd to another whilst it's booted :S17:44
t-dubsok, dude, it's running17:44
t-dubssomething or other17:44
t-dubsok, it's done17:45
t-dubsBoth of them17:45
daftykinsdid it give you an address to paste here?17:45
xchatterWhy is it that I have a different keyboard layout when logging into KDE than in a terminal or shell? Drives me nuts. I am on Kubuntu 14.1017:45
t-dubsSo, what did oy want?17:45
t-dubslet me see17:45
daftykinst-dubs: like http://paste...17:45
xchattery and z are reversed17:45
t-dubshttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main pastebinit?17:46
=== derrick is now known as Guest77916
t-dubsIs that what you wanted?17:46
daftykinst-dubs: nah should've been after the second command,  "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"17:46
tunafish_I can't add ed25519 keys to ssh-agent, anybody know a workaround?17:47
daftykinsback in a few mins17:47
daftykinsah there you are17:47
t-dubsYup, so, what is that a link to?17:47
t-dubsMy Info?17:48
daftykinst-dubs: the command output showing your disks :)17:48
daftykinst-dubs: now i can see your two flash drives are /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc17:48
daftykinst-dubs: try this: "sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc bs=2M" it'll take a fair while, so leave it run17:48
daftykinsback in a few, i need to step away17:49
t-dubsOK, I pasted that into the terminal17:49
t-dubsBut, only one of the usb drives is flashing.17:49
t-dubsIs that what you expected to see>17:49
t-dubsOK, daftykins17:49
t-dubsThanks bunches for your help so far!17:50
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest47796
t-dubsWhat's up, cfellas?17:52
t-dubsI guess the assholes over there at puppy_linux were wrong..17:52
t-dubsSoo, amn Ithe onouy one here?17:56
t-dubsThe only*17:56
tewardt-dubs: patience helps17:56
K4kNo, please be patient, he will answer17:56
bazhangt-dubs, did you have a support issue17:56
tunafish_anyone using gnome-keyring alternative? like keychain? I need it since gnome-keyring doesn't support ed2551917:57
=== Luigi is now known as Guest34257
t-dubsYes, I did, but, daftykins is currently helping me wiht it!17:57
t-dubsI think..17:58
t-dubsHe said he had to leave for a fewminutes, bvut that the last thing he t9ld me to run o9n terminawould take a while to complete..17:59
t-dubsAnd, he was't kidding one bit!17:59
t-dubsSoo, how is everyone doing right now?18:01
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Guest45519What's the nickserv command to recover a registered nickname18:09
pratik_Please give me link to Off topic , thanks18:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:10
daftykinst-dubs: how's it getting along?18:10
pratik_Please give me link to Off topic , thanks18:12
K4kpratik_: see my last message18:12
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic pratik_18:13
pratik_ok thanks18:13
=== DonkeyKong is now known as Super
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SuperMariooUsing Xchat, if I set preferences to sound alert me when private or channel message for me.  It just keeps making the sound over and over and over  -  ?18:19
t-dubsHey there, everyone?18:20
t-dubsI think that operation that daftykins had me do is complete.18:20
nrml1anyone here use puppet?18:21
BluesKajdid dd return to the prompt ?18:21
glai am facing dependency problems installing wine-staging from a ppa on ubuntu vivid, does someone can help me, i am not very good to solve these problems with ubuntu18:22
BluesKajread above18:22
t-dubsI don't understand the question.18:22
t-dubsWhat is dd?18:22
daftykinst-dubs: neat, time to shutdown and see if both boot fine18:23
t-dubsOh, ok, then daftykins!18:23
glaand i really need latest wine to test some stuff18:23
BluesKajt-dubs, what you pasted in thge terminal18:23
t-dubsDid you get my other messages, daftykins?18:23
glaany apt dependencies guru out there? :)18:24
ObrienDavegla, vivid support in #ubuntu+118:24
azzurrahi, i've a problem to connecting my iPhone to ubuntu. i have bluetooth. Can you help me?18:24
glaObrienDave: thank you!18:24
t-dubsIs that a question, Daftylns?18:24
daftykinst-dubs: yep i just got back to my computer now18:24
daftykinst-dubs: nah just a suggestion, go give them both a try :)18:24
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t-dubsOK, Will do!18:25
t-dubsSo, just to be clear, here, what I (hopefully) just did was create a mirror image of one stick to the other, right?18:25
t-dubs daftykins?18:27
t-dubsyou still there?18:27
daftykinst-dubs: cloned it, yes18:28
SienteHello guys, why when I install ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS I can't connect to the inet?18:28
K4kSiente: Are you trying to use wireless or a wired network connection?18:28
SienteK4k, wired but dhcp it should be running automatically18:29
SienteI've never had to configure my inet before18:29
K4kUnless the installer does not see your network device. Can you connect to the network if you boot in to the live CD?18:29
Sientenot sure18:30
SienteI have asus maximus vi hero mobo18:30
glais there any way to apt show deep dependency tree for a package?18:30
Picigla: not out the box. You can install the apt-redepends package to do that though.18:31
daftykinsgla: as it what it depends on? apt-cache showpkg <package> or apt-cache policy <package>18:31
Picigla: sorry, apt-rdepends18:31
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest12331
K4kSiente: I believe that's one of the ones I had the same issue with. The driver for the network card on that motherboard is not in the original 14.04 ISO. Are you using 14.04 or 14.04.1?18:31
daftykinsSiente: that uses the intel I217V gigabit LAN, should work just fine. check you have an interface beyond 'lo' from "ip a" in terminal18:32
gladaftykins: the first18:32
K4kSiente: oh, nevermind, don't listen to me... must have been using 12.04, not 14.04 when I had the issue :). See if it shows up under `ip a` in the live environment as daftykins suggested.18:33
t-dubsHey, is daftykins here?18:33
t-dubsHey there, dude!18:33
t-dubsIt worked!18:33
t-dubsThanks a lot, daftykins!18:33
t-dubsYou have a bitcoin address, or anything like that?18:34
t-dubsI'd be happy t5o sends you some!18:34
t-dubsto send**18:34
daftykinst-dubs: nah we do this for free :) if you feel like donating to a project though, feel free to donate to www.kodi.tv on my behalf :)18:34
t-dubsaww, maan!!18:35
SienteK4k, daftykins and what if it shows up under ip a ?18:35
t-dubsMaybe nI will.. do they take bitcoiun?18:35
daftykinsSiente: well i was hoping for an answer of yes or no.18:35
Raptureis it possible to have apt-get use a different port?18:35
t-dubsI have about 7 TH worth of min ing power humming away in the basement, daftykins!!18:36
Sientedaftykins, what If I just install ubuntu 14.10 ?18:36
t-dubsOh, yeah, dafty, i have another question18:36
Sienteand what is the difference should I use 14.10 or 14.04.1 LTS?18:36
t-dubsIf your up to helpiung me out, that is..18:36
daftykinst-dubs: crikey. looks like they only accept paypal18:36
t-dubsYeah, that seems to be the goiung standard lol18:37
daftykinsSiente: i wouldn't personally advise non-LTS. is there an interface or not? :P18:37
t-dubsEven tho one bitcoin is worth > $20018:37
Sientedaftykins, I have to reboot my pc to check out18:37
Sientedaftykins, one moment18:37
=== tcpman is now known as Guest60356
Shoe14Guys, i installed Lubuntu-desktop package group, and then i uninstalled it, but my lightdm greeter and splash screen didnt go away18:49
Shoe14do i just change the greeter?18:50
Hardtailhow similar are unix based systems in terms of running commands and scripts, i.e., ubuntu and os x?18:50
daftykinsHardtail: is this for your homework? :) general chat in #linux please, only Ubuntu support here.18:51
Shoe14Hardtail: ery18:51
bazhangHardtail, try in #bash18:51
Shoe14as long as they use the same shell, they are practically the same18:52
Hardtailno it's not daftykins but thanks I was going to ask about security and maintenance scripts but I will go there thx18:53
Hardtailthanks shoe1418:53
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daftykins!info testdisk precise18:54
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB18:54
Sientedaftykins, there?18:57
Sientedaftykins, http://codepad.org/D9XTt2LN18:57
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daftykinsok so eth0 might be the one, but it has no IP address. so either you're not plugged into the right thing at the other end - or it's not giving an IP by DHCP :)18:58
Sientedaftykins, I have inet on my windows18:58
daftykinsoh ok18:58
Sienteand I only don't have inet on the ubuntu18:58
daftykinstried running "dhclient eth0" ?18:58
Sienteno matter if it's 14.10 or 14.0418:59
Sienteyes I tried it18:59
daftykinsor generally playing around with network manager?18:59
SienteI am not sure how exactly to configure it was googling and trying several stuffs, but nothing happened18:59
daftykinsSiente: you would select the wired connection, change the 'method' from DHCP to manual, then enter IP addressing info as per your home connection. you can get a copy of this from "ipconfig /all" in "cmd" on Windows19:00
Sientedaftykins, okay, but why it's not configuring my network automatically?19:01
daftykinspass. bad driver maybe19:01
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vov_hello everyone i have issue on aria2c but i can't find any channel for it . can you help me ?19:04
daftykins!alis | vov_ i have no idea what that is, but #ubuntu is not the freenode personal directory service19:05
ubottuvov_ i have no idea what that is, but #ubuntu is not the freenode personal directory service: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:05
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Sientedaftykins, okay thanks19:07
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saqwhat is the go to 802.11ac wireless card for support under ubuntu? intel?19:15
ZapMagnetGood day, All.  This is my 1st use of IRCChat.  Pls forgive any initial edicate breaches.  Quick question on UbuntuStudio 14.04:  Switch User option greyed out.  Why, or where can I fix that?19:17
bazhang!studio | ZapMagnet19:17
ubottuZapMagnet: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org19:17
ZapMagnetThx.  I didn't see #ubuntustudio listed in the available nodes at left (I'm using (XChat).19:18
kakashiALhello guys, I have an extern HD that has the ntfs format. I can add file in it in windows with no problems, but since a week I cant add files to that ntfs disk in ubuntu. If I put something in it finish 100% and says something like "input output error" or "loosed connection". I have to restart my disk19:19
daftykinssaq: best to look online19:19
bazhangjust as an aside ZapMagnet you should consider hexchat, the maintained and still developed version of xchat19:19
Shoe14how can i strip down my ubuntu install?19:19
kakashiALafter that I can read it, but still cant save on it, because after 100% it aborts19:19
saqdaftykins: i have been, what i find is people lamenting the fact that such and such isnt supported19:19
saqand then that it is19:20
bekksShoe14: In what way?19:20
saqand then that it isnt19:20
daftykinskakashiAL: give it a chkdsk on Windows to make sure it's happy19:20
saqsnapshots in time19:20
kakashiALdaftykins: I did it19:20
bazhangshoe14 use the mini iso and build up instead19:20
daftykinssaq: yeah, i would doubt you'd see a -ac adapter working full speed right now19:20
bazhang!mini | Shoe1419:20
ubottuShoe14: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:20
kakashiALdaftykins: no errors, and in windows it works like a rocket, very fast, very responsive19:20
kakashiALin ubuntu it take some time until it mounts19:20
daftykinskakashiAL: are you relying on auto mounts, or manual?19:20
kakashiALdaftykins: auto19:20
daftykinsUSB 3 port or 2?19:20
daftykinsor internal19:21
kakashiALusb 2 (but it worked)19:21
daftykinsalright, run "dmesg | tail" before plugging it in, then run it again after and share the output with us via http://paste.ubuntu.com19:21
Shoe14bekks, bazhang : i want my installation to be like ubuntu server/mini, but i have already installed ubuntu and i cant install another OS, because my laptop doesnt support USB booting and i have to manually install it by connecting my laptop hdd to desktop19:21
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Shoe14so i want to strip it down19:21
Shoe14i made the mistake of installing ubuntu instead of ubunt server19:22
ZapMagnetThkU bazhang, I'll add to my list of Things to do relating Ubuntu.19:22
Shoe14and being used to using arch on desktop, i dont like it.19:22
dreamcat4Shoe14: you could fire up gparted and re-partition your existing HDD drive19:22
ZapMagnetXChat was part of the UbuntuStudio distro.19:22
dreamcat4Shoe14: or you can re-install another linux over the existing ubuntu-desktop partitions19:23
dragonmantankI have a AMD A10-7700K with the built-in APU, but I use an nVidia GTX750 as my actual display. Is there a way I can boot the live CD/USB and direct it to use the nVidia card instead? Currently when it boots it goes to the onboard video which doesn't have anything plugged into it.19:23
daftykinsdreamcat4: what does repartitioning have to do with installing the wrong image? :)19:23
Shoe14dreamcat4: thats the thing: i cant install. USB booting isnt supported.19:23
Shoe14and i would chroot and install, but i dont know how to fdo so fo ubuntu19:24
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:24
daftykinsnow you do :)19:24
kakashiALdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10177074/19:24
Shoe14ubottu: i can chroot haha, i just dont know how to install ubuntu using the command line19:25
ubottuShoe14: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:25
dreamcat4Shoe14: if you installed grub2, you can put the server .iso file on your HDD somewhere, and create an ISO boot entry in grub2 boot menu file19:25
daftykinskakashiAL: hmm, i don't have a clue what any of that relates to. so now that it's mounted, how does it operate? can't even paste on a small file?19:25
Shoe14dreamcat4: hmm, that sounds good. cheers :D19:25
dreamcat4Shoe14: np. BTW you can install and run gparted from ubuntu destop too (you just need to apt-get install gparted first)19:26
Shoe14i can partition haha, both from shell and gui19:27
kakashiALdaftykins: I am trying to put a folder that is 300mb big to that ntfs disk, after I finish the copy process this windows appears19:27
kakashiALI will translate19:27
daftykinskakashiAL: that's ok i read a little German19:28
kakashiAL"error while creating the folder. the programm caused the disconnect. do you want to skip?"19:29
daftykinshmm, tell you what unmount the disk but leave it plugged in - then mount it manually via terminal and see if it works ok19:29
kakashiALtried it in windows again, it works like a champ!19:29
kakashiALdaftykins: could you help me?19:30
=== Guest94130 is now known as EriC^^
daftykinskakashiAL: sure, first "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and "mount | pastebinit"19:30
kakashiALthanks bro19:31
daftykinsthat'll give me the info on where to start19:32
kakashiALdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10177146/19:32
daftykinsoh, it's not showing up the other disk anymore19:33
daftykinsdid it spin down after unmounting?19:33
kakashiALdaftykins: yep, nothing is mounted yet19:33
daftykinsyeah but parted shows even unmounted disks19:33
kakashiALnow its unmounted but I can mount it via desktop, I wont do that I rewrite the commands daftykins19:34
kakashiALdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10177179/19:35
daftykinsaaah there it is19:35
kakashiALdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10177180/19:35
daftykinskakashiAL: try "sudo mkdir /media/disk && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/disk"19:36
daftykinsshould complete with no error19:36
kakashiALyes, no error19:37
daftykinskakashiAL: "ls -al /media/disk | pastebinit"19:37
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest53013
daftykinsok that's root owned, bleh19:40
EriC^^use sudo to copy the files19:41
daftykinsi was gonna remount with -o thing_i_can't_remember :D19:41
daftykinsbut yeah that'd work19:41
EriC^^remount,uid=1000,gid=1000 ?19:42
kakashiALdaftykins: so I cant copy and it aborts because I copy files as a normal user and not as a root?19:42
daftykinskakashiAL: yeah, permissions issue right now19:42
EriC^^it's worth a shot if you want19:42
shdwsincmmxiihello everybody :)19:42
kakashiALhow can I change it, I mean to give all users access?19:42
EriC^^kakashiAL: i guess all users can, it's mounted rwx for others19:43
daftykinskakashiAL: "sudo mount -o remount,uid=1000,gid=1000 /media/disk" if i read EriC^^ correctly19:43
daftykinsbut i'm not sure19:44
EriC^^me neither19:44
daftykinsi'd have said unmount then rerun as i'm not too hot on that syntax19:44
EriC^^kakashiAL: it won't harm anything, if you want to try it out give it a shot19:45
EriC^^kakashiAL: just out of curiosity, otherwise you can go ahead and copy everything or modify whatever if you want, it's mounted rwx anyways19:45
kakashiALEriC^^, daftykins: I have an idea and I try something out19:45
EriC^^kakashiAL: what's the idea?19:46
kakashiALI am using thunar, and I saw the rights of each folder (right click on the folder, rights) there I can read: "owner: root(root), Group: root"   I change that to my user name, not my disk is working19:47
deltwhere can i get the manpages for Xrender functions, is there a package i can install for that?19:48
deltmanpages-dev is already the newest version.19:49
EriC^^kakashiAL: you can't change it from there, you'd need to open thunar with elevated privileges19:50
EriC^^kakashiAL: if you want you can type sudo chown -R <youruser>: /media/disk19:51
OmegaOnewhat are the benefits of being drunk?19:51
bekksOmegaOne: How is that related to Ubuntu? :)19:52
EriC^^kakashiAL: again, it's not needed, everybody has rwx on the files19:52
kakashiALEriC^^: did that via "gksu thunar" :)19:52
daftykinskakashiAL: sounds good \o/19:52
daftykinskakashiAL: let us know if the copy works out any better, now19:52
EriC^^kakashiAL: ok :)19:52
OmegaOneubuntu = puke after hangover19:52
bekksOmegaOne: Do you have a Ubuntu related support question?19:53
kakashiALEriC^^: its okay if anyone have the rights19:53
kakashiALdaftykins: I will thanks daftykins and EriC^^19:53
EriC^^OmegaOne: obviously you've never been drunk, nobody pukes after a hangover19:53
OmegaOneEriC^^, well on my birthday i got drunk and had a bad hangover and puked19:53
kakashiALEriC^^, daftykins: thats harddisk belongs to a friend, he uses ntfs but what is the best partition for sharing cross platforms?19:54
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daftykinskakashiAL: depends how they're accessed really, i'd probably say NTFS is the easiest - maybe exFAT depending on the device type19:55
kakashiALlets hope microsoft will support btrfs19:56
bekkskakashiAL: They never will.19:56
bekkskakashiAL: They havent supported opensource filesystems for three decades, they wont start now :)19:56
kakashiALbekks: they will support docker, since I know that I have hope19:57
bekkskakashiAL: You've misread that. They support docker containers in their Azure cloud.19:57
afromanhello. I tried to decrypt my home folder, now I can't login again to my username. help plz19:58
kakashiALbekks: wow, imagination destroyed19:59
kakashiALbtw: will the new LTS have mir?20:00
blibany ideas on how to fix this apt-get dist-upgrade problem -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10177464/20:01
daftykinsnew LTS is in 2016, so that'll take some time :)20:01
daftykinsblib: that is not an officially supported device since that is an ARM thing, try #ubuntu-arm20:02
daftykinsthose are not official repos though20:02
daftykinsso can't really help here.20:02
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afromanhello. I tried to decrypt my home folder, now I can't login again to my username. I even tried to del the user so that I create it again, but I keep getting a message saying that it is in user. help plz20:05
EriC^^afroman: why are you manually decrypting the home dir?20:06
ljunggrenHi, i have got Windows8 installed on my pc right now abut want ubuntu instead. Right now i have an SSD /dev/sdb and a regular hdd /dev/sda, windows is installed on my ssd /dev/sdb but there is a windows 8 loader installed on a partiotion on /dev/sda. Can i safely chose the option "replace windows 8 with ubuntu" ? I just want ubuntu installed on my SDB and leave my SDA alone20:08
EriC^^ljunggren: yeah, and choose the bootloader to be installed on SDB, and choose it in the bios to be booted20:08
daftykinsljunggren: easiest way? remove the HDD and install to the SSD alone first, right now installing is going to affect sda20:08
daftykinsor do as EriC^^ said ^20:09
daftykinsi prefer pulling drives to be 100% safe 8D20:09
afromanEriC^^: during the installation, ubuntu asks if U want to encrypt your home folder. which in return disable the auto log in20:09
ljunggrenOh but EriC^^ will i have the option to install the loader on sdb if i chose "Replace Windows 8 with Ubuntu" or must i chose "something else" and set up my partitions myself?20:10
EriC^^ljunggren: you'd have to choose something else, i'd do what daftykins suggested20:10
gurrisHi, just did a simulated install of  xserver-xorg-lts-utopic on trusty, however it removes a lot of fundamental packages I need, gnome-shell included. Is the LTS update also delayed?20:10
EriC^^ljunggren: is it hard to remove it?20:11
ljunggrenEriC^^: well yes, i have my pc in a cabine with lock so my kids wont destroy it lol. They are asleep so i figured this would be my time to install ubuntu..20:11
EriC^^ljunggren: before you choose to install ubuntu, open a terminal and type udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sda20:11
ljunggrenGuess i just do it some other time20:12
EriC^^then type sudo parted -l and make sure it's not listed20:12
ljunggrenEriC^^: oh and i cant acess my disks, since windows locks them somehow20:12
ljunggrenwindows has this "fastboot" stuff20:12
ljunggrenill try20:12
daftykinsyou can turn off fastboot, but if you're just nuking the disk it really doesn't matter20:12
EriC^^ljunggren: log into windows and restart instead of shutting down, that will not get it to hibernate20:12
ljunggrenAh okey20:13
ljunggrenEriC^^: what will happen  to the "windows 8 loader" partition that is on my sda? nothing right? Wont my bios try to load windows but fail ?20:13
EriC^^ljunggren: if you have uefi, then it's probably an efi partition, ubuntu will create a new entry in the efibootmgr and it's own efi partition in sdb20:14
ljunggrendaftykins: how do i know if they are hypernated?20:14
ljunggrenEriC^^: i don't think i have efi20:14
ata_Hello, is this channel just for technical support? Who do I need to talk to about Ubuntu sdk20:14
Piciata_: #ubuntu-app-devel would be a good place to start.20:15
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EriC^^ljunggren: if the disk is turned off during the installation, then the installer will install grub to sdb, your bios will have to be set to boot sdb first20:15
ata_Okey thank you20:15
ljunggrenEriC^^: well that sounds good enough!20:16
ljunggrenEriC^^: will ubuntu be bothered by my sda being a ntfs drive?20:16
EriC^^is there data on sda?20:16
ljunggrenI don't really care if that disk is blasted EriC^^20:16
EriC^^ok cool20:16
EriC^^no, it wont20:16
ljunggrenI just dont want ubuntu installed on it, i want it installed on SSD for speed20:17
EriC^^you can store media and other stuff and use it in ubuntu20:17
ljunggrenThen off i go20:17
nrml1any of you ever done automated linux vm installs?20:18
ljunggrenhey EriC^^  just one more question.. i only got a 64gb SSD.. will every app i install like steam etc take up place on my sdb?20:18
nrml1Got several hundred servers I gotta rip and replace lol20:18
ljunggrenBecause somehow i don't think my 64gb will last long20:18
diphtherialhey, so i have a folder that i currently own and i'd like another user on the same machine to be able to access/edit it20:19
daftykinsljunggren: you would want to resize NTFS on your mechanical disk, make an EXT4 partition and mount the steam storage path there, if you intend to play games20:19
diphtherialwhat's the easiest way to do that? should i create a group that contains us both and then change the group ownership of the directory to that?20:19
EriC^^ljunggren: what daftykins said20:19
daftykinsdiphtherial: yep20:19
diphtherialdaftykins: ah, heh. thanks for the sanity check :)20:19
ljunggrendaftykins: i didnt really follow20:19
daftykinsdiphtherial: obviously the group permissions as well as ownership, if you want the other to read or write20:20
diphtherialdaftykins: right20:20
daftykinsljunggren: lets say Steam saves to /home/username/steam/gameshere - i would mount that path to a partition on the mechanical disk off-SSD to save space20:20
ljunggrenEriC^^: your command to power off the drive failed "no usb device"20:20
ljunggrendaftykins: how is that possible?20:20
EriC^^ljunggren: ubuntu works well with 20gb as a root partition, apps and such will be installed there, as for your personal files i guess it's up to your usage, using the hdd as a separate /home partition or an extra ext4 partition for other files is a good idea20:21
daftykinsljunggren: maybe you should start with getting ubuntu on first ;)20:21
ljunggrendaftykins: oh i tought i had to do this during the install20:21
diphtherialis there a similar situation with adding groups like there is with adduser vs. useradd?20:21
ljunggrennvm then20:21
EriC^^ljunggren: ah, my bad, i guess you can only power off ext usb drives20:21
diphtheriali'm looking at the groupadd command, not sure if that's the "high-level" one20:22
daftykinsEriC^^: you might still be able to via hdparm, dunno20:22
ljunggrenIS there  a way to know which drive ubuntu will be installed on when chosing "replace" ?20:22
EriC^^daftykins: oh ok20:22
daftykinsljunggren: just don't, use manual partitioning to avoid trouble20:22
ljunggrendaftykins: figured as much, ive never done a sucessfull install while doing my own partitioning thou20:23
daftykinsljunggren: well, coupled with a live session and imgur.com to share screenshots - all is safe \o/20:23
ljunggrendaftykins: hah :)20:23
ljunggrenim in live session now daftykins20:24
daftykinsljunggren: well, prior to running the installer i would dd zero the first 100MB of the SSD so it's free of windows 8 traces20:24
daftykinsdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2M count=5020:24
ljunggrenI will have to guess thou, the install will throw me an error20:24
ljunggrenbecause of what you said earlier with the hypernated drives20:25
daftykinsnot if you nuke it first as i say ^20:25
ljunggrendaftykins: there i done it20:25
daftykinsyou might want to quit and re-open the installer at this point20:26
ljunggrendaftykins: yeah okey20:26
ljunggrendaftykins: a shame i can't resize installer windows and get my whole scheme in one screenshot20:27
daftykinsljunggren: if you choose 'something else' in the installer you should get a screen like this where at the bottom, you get to choose /dev/sdb for the bootloader (GRUB) - http://s2.postimg.org/ririvoxhi/Screenshot_Install.png20:28
ljunggrendaftykins: http://imgur.com/RKRiJzr20:29
diphtherialok, so when i create new files it seems that i'm both the owner and group for that file20:29
diphtherialthere isn't some way to specify for a directory that all subdirs/files belong to some group, is there?20:29
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EriC^^diphtherial: chmod g+s20:31
EriC^^set the dir's group to whatever you want the files to have20:31
ljunggrendaftykins: should i do something with ethe 100mb windows loader partition on sda? or just leave it?20:31
daftykinsljunggren: leave it for now, so you need to select partitions on sdb and change that bottom dropdown to sdb too20:32
ljunggrendaftykins: the only thing i have dont right now is select sdb in the dropdown right now. can i click next?20:32
daftykinsljunggren: no... you need to create some partitions on /dev/sdb :)20:33
ljunggrendaftykins: i thought that was the next step lol20:33
daftykinsljunggren: click on /dev/sdb in the white box, then select to create a new partition table20:33
ljunggrendaftykins: yeah ok done20:34
ljunggrendaftykins: should i select "format" also perhaps?20:35
daftykinsljunggren: now you need to create a root partition (mount point: /) of type EXT4 with enough space left over for a swap partition after it. ideally that'll be exactly the size of your RAM20:35
daftykinsyou haven't got any partitions to format yet :)20:35
afromanEriC^^: sorry lost connection. Did U reply?20:35
ljunggrendaftykins: so i got 64gb ssd, how should i place it? 8gb swap since my ram is 8gb?20:36
ljunggrenRoot something like 20gb?20:36
EriC^^afroman: sorry can you remind me20:36
EriC^^afroman: nevermind saw what you said20:37
daftykinsljunggren: personally, i would only put / and swap on that SSD, 64GB is tiny. i suppose you could make a /home too, but it might cause trouble in the future20:37
EriC^^afroman: during the installation you didnt choose to encrypt your home dir?20:37
afromanEriC^^: ok20:37
daftykinsljunggren: the best way i've seen to handle systems with SSDs and HDDs, is to symlink ~/Media folders onto the hard disk, so that /home with all the .config folders stay on the fast SSD20:37
ljunggrenso i would take 8gb swap and the rest to / ?20:37
daftykinsljunggren: yep20:37
afromanEriC^^: no I choose to encrypt20:38
jayjoI'm working on a remote server, is there a way to enable git to have sudo power so I don't have to sudo every git command I run?20:38
EriC^^afroman: ok, why did you manually decrypt it? it's supposed to decrypt when you login i think20:39
daftykinsjayjo: sudo -i first, just don't do anything stupid whilst root ;)20:39
daftykinsjayjo: or -s, see "man sudo" for more20:39
jayjodaftykins: ok, thanks20:39
EriC^^afroman: dont tell me you want it encrypted with autologin? :P20:39
ljunggrendaftykins: 56gb / and 8gb swap. Can i press next?20:40
daftykinsljunggren: give me a screenshot to confirm, with the white box scrolled to the bottom. use alt+print-screen to take just the installer window :)20:40
afromanEriC^^: no :). I wanted to be able to auto login. so I had to remove the encryption20:40
ljunggrendaftykins: swap is "logic" ?20:40
EriC^^afroman: oh ok :)20:40
daftykinsljunggren: i don't really understand the question20:41
daftykinslogical drive?20:41
EriC^^afroman: so you decrypted the dir, did you make another user and copy the files there?20:41
ljunggrendaftykins: when i shall create the swap, it have a choice "primary" or "logical"20:41
daftykinsljunggren: ah i see, primary is fine for both swap and /20:41
afromanEriC^^: http://www.howtogeek.com/116179/how-to-disable-home-folder-encryption-after-installing-ubuntu/20:41
afromanEriC^^: I used this method20:42
ljunggrendaftykins:  http://imgur.com/TlXE6Fk20:42
ljunggrendaftykins: this is the newest http://imgur.com/7B3BZEj20:43
daftykinsljunggren: looks good to me, just remember you'll need to change your boot order in BIOS/EFI after20:43
ljunggrendaftykins: i will try to remember that20:43
ljunggreni just click next now20:43
daftykinsljunggren: what langauge is that by the way? :)20:44
ljunggrendaftykins: swedish20:44
afromanEriC^^: still there?20:44
ReinHWhat would be the best way to run a script at some fixed time after a system boots? Upstart task that uses at?20:44
daftykinsah-ha :)20:44
ReinHBut then I have to wait for at to be started, right?20:44
EriC^^afroman: ok, did you do the sudo rm -rf ...../.ecryptfs command?20:44
afromanEriC^^: yep20:45
EriC^^ok, when you login what happens20:45
ruswassup everybody!20:45
ljunggrendaftykins: hey, i planned on doing a little gaming. Does 14.10 comes with newer fglxr drivers than 14.01 ? because i chose LTS because stability20:45
rusdont think so, not sure though20:45
afromanEriC^^: nothing... I see the splash for a sec, then returns to the login screen20:45
ljunggrenhey rus20:46
rusHey man20:46
daftykins!info fglrx trusty20:46
daftykins!info fglrx-updates trusty20:46
ubottufglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 34744 kB, installed size 147097 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)20:46
EriC^^afroman: ok, login using the other account you created, open a terminal and type ls -ld /home/<your user>/.Xauthority20:46
ubottufglrx-updates (source: fglrx-installer-updates): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 34747 kB, installed size 147110 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)20:46
afromanEriC^^: however the tempuser works fine20:46
ljunggrenAh it's the same packages, i planned on installing from website anyhow thanks EriC^^20:47
daftykinsljunggren: ^ not sure if those version numbers seem accurate, if you wanted newer you could go to AMD direct. depends on the card20:47
ljunggrendaftykins: yeah that is what im planning. Another headache heh20:47
daftykinsgood ol' AMD :)20:47
afromanEriC^^: root????20:47
ljunggrenI chose the wrong card...20:47
ljunggrendaftykins: planning on buying a 770 or a 970 thou. Hope its good enough for Linux  in some 1080p gaming20:48
EriC^^afroman: type ls -l /home/user/ , are other files owned by root too or tempuser?20:48
lnxuserhi all!20:48
daftykinsljunggren: depends on the game i guess, no idea here20:48
afromanEriC^^: all root20:48
EriC^^afroman: i think you missed the -p in the first sudo cp -rp /home/user /home/user.backup20:48
lnxusersteam on ubuntu 14.04 64bit work?20:48
ljunggrendaftykins: yeah nothing fancy. is there a wiki on the ssd symlink stuff you talked about earlier? would be nice to set it up20:48
EriC^^afroman: or you did a sudo cp later instead of moving them20:49
ljunggrenlnxuser: sure hope, instlaling 14.04 right now20:49
EriC^^( moving them keeps the permissions )20:49
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mas886One question, could someone say me a good electronical circuit simulator for ubuntu?20:49
EriC^^afroman: anyways type sudo chown -R <youruser>: /home/user ( note the : is important )20:49
daftykinsljunggren: not that i know of. symlinks are pretty basic, but you'll need to look at resizing your NTFS partitions on the other disk first20:49
ReinHI guess I can sleep in a @reboot in a crontab20:49
ReinHThat seems simplest.20:50
daftykinsljunggren: i think booting and fully updating this clean install will be step #1 :)20:50
lnxusersteam not working since yesterday20:50
ljunggrendaftykins: yes indeed20:51
mas886One question, could some one say me a good electronical circuit simulator for ubuntu? I tried ubuntu but alot of components are missing.20:51
ljunggrendaftykins:  i chose update during install so lets just make it bootin20:51
mas886I tried oregano*20:51
afromanEriC^^: awesome20:52
daftykinsljunggren: ;) that was brave20:52
afromanEriC^^: let me give it a try, brb20:53
ljunggrendaftykins: i always check that box.. is it known for causing trouble?20:53
daftykinsi've seen a lot of drama yeah20:53
daftykinsno matter though, we'll see what happens20:53
ljunggrenyeah haha20:53
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ljunggrendaftykins: time for reboot, cya on the flipside20:57
Mtik1i share my Wifi internet throught ethernet with this methode20:57
Mtik1How can i enable DHCP server on Ethernet?20:58
szlobizoliHi! Is hier somebody, who would help me to choose the right distrib?20:58
daftykinsMtik1: it should be auto already20:58
Mtik1daftykins after sharing internet throught20:59
daftykinsszlobizoli: this channel is for Ubuntu support, you can chat in #linux to pick a distribution20:59
Mtik1on etrhernet is IP:
daftykinsMtik1: correct20:59
Mtik1broadcast address:
rusme &220:59
Mtik1but on clients20:59
* rus &220:59
Mtik1i need manual set iP20:59
szlobizoliThanks! All good!)20:59
Mtik1i want enable dhcp on ethernet ubuntu21:00
Mtik1daftykins how?21:00
ljunggrendaftykins: up and running :)21:00
ljunggrendaftykins: :D:D21:00
daftykinsthat was painless, good job21:01
ljunggrendaftykins: it booted so fast i didnt even got a chance to get worried21:01
ljunggrendaftykins: i had to chose ubuntu in the grubmenu thou.. can that menu be disabled since i wont have any use for it?21:01
daftykinsljunggren: might be worth checking if it has a timeout in seconds it reaches before it boots auto21:02
EriC^^ljunggren: type sudo nano /etc/default/grub21:02
ljunggrendaftykins: so, now to my other issue... my sda is still "hypernated" or something because i dont have permission to access it21:02
daftykinsMtik1: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dhcp.html21:02
EriC^^ljunggren: add a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT , then save with ctrl+o and sudo update-grub21:03
afromanEriC^^: thx a lot, U r awesome. it works fine, even the auto login :)21:03
afromanhow did I miss that?21:03
ljunggrenEriC^^: it says 0 in hidden timeout21:03
EriC^^afroman: great :)21:03
ljunggrenbut 10 in actual timeout21:03
EriC^^ljunggren: add a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT21:03
ljunggrenoh ok21:04
ljunggrenEriC^^: there already is a # there21:04
ljunggrenwhat about the GRUB_TIMEOUT=1021:04
EriC^^ljunggren: ah, try removing it21:04
lnxuserhi all21:05
ljunggrenEriC^^: try remove what? the # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT? or the GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 ?21:05
EriC^^the # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT21:06
lnxuseryou working steam?21:06
ljunggrenHow can i access my sda now? it says i don't have permission do acess it21:06
EriC^^ljunggren: you can't mount it in nautilus?21:06
ljunggrenEriC^^: no21:06
ljunggrenthere is a long error message21:06
cmullinaxAny here able to walk through advantages to having TRIM run at boot for a laptop vs. a cron job?21:07
ljunggren"The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shtdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting) or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option" daftykins , EriC^^21:08
EriC^^ljunggren: nuke the partition table like earlier and make new ntfs or ext4 partitions21:08
ljunggrenEriC^^: heh, just nuke sda from gparted then? will i have permission to do it?21:09
daftykinsis it really still called sda even now 0o21:10
daftykinscmullinax: waste of time, anything else? :)21:10
ljunggrendaftykins: yes21:10
ubuntunewbHello, is this the right channel if I have a question regarding Ubuntu?21:11
daftykinsubuntunewb: ask away, with detail, on one line21:12
ljunggrensnap, to nuke my 500gb disk takes 2HOURS?!21:12
n1ckyhey i just converted my arch linux install to ubuntu, everything went very smoothly21:12
daftykinsljunggren: er, how are you doing it?21:12
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EriC^^ljunggren: noo, delete the partition table and create a new one21:12
realBigfootdoes anyone know how to install gnome-shell ?21:13
ljunggrenEriC^^: i was trying in the "disk" app?21:13
ubuntunewbI want to setup KVM on Trusty Thar 14.04 and I don`t find any good / complete guide online. I have single IPs on different networks (different broadcast, gateway) and I don`t get how to build that "bridge" network interface, do I need an own bridge for each IP of each subnet?21:13
n1ckyanyone know how I can fix the keyboard layout? i accidently selected US interenational when i installed21:13
n1ckyi don´t have a gui.21:13
EriC^^ljunggren: no, use gparted, sudo apt-get install gparted21:13
ljunggrenlol thanks21:13
EriC^^realBigfoot: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell or ubuntu-gnome-desktop21:14
realBigfootThanks ;)21:14
svetlanan1cky: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data"21:14
mas886I don't know why do I even ask anything here, if you just ignore the questions, then you will know why isn't your system more extended.21:14
svetlanan1cky: i suspect, i'm not sure21:15
ljunggrenits done21:15
hexafluorideA. L'mao21:15
n1ckythank you svetlana, installing that package fixed it.21:15
ljunggrennow gotta reboot again, cya21:15
svetlanan1cky: you're welcome.21:16
NikolaiToryzinhexafluoride: Please don't troll.21:16
ubuntunewbanyone? basically I already know the CPU supports vmx and its enabled in the BIOS, so it should work. Basically my question is about "network configuration". Can I add IPs from different subnets to one network interface?21:17
daftykinsubuntunewb: well, they wouldn't be able to get online if you mix subnets on one interface21:18
daftykinsubuntunewb: this is more networking theory than OS support21:18
ljunggrenthere EriC^^ and daftykins . I now got a clean ubuntu install with everything working! thank you both for your support21:18
EriC^^no problem :)21:19
daftykinsljunggren: ^ :)21:19
ljunggrenlnxuser: hi, are you having trouble with steam?21:21
lnxuser<ljunggren> Yes not started21:22
Justin__Is okay that I tar gunzip a group of files that includes an already tar.gz file? Am I causing harm in this sitation?21:24
bipulHello anyone around?21:24
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KLVTZbipul: hello21:25
daftykins!ask | bipul21:25
ubottubipul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:25
captaincoolusing 14.10 is there a way to see the full path of a smb share so that I can add that to /etc/fstab to have it mount permanently?  I'm using an asus router to share two usb hdd's and I'm trying to have those permanently mounted so that universtal media server can see my files all the time.  Any help would be appreciated.21:25
captaincoolall I see when using ctrl+L is smb://sharename21:26
captaincoolin nautilus21:26
daftykinscaptaincool: what? smb://IP address/sharename21:26
daftykinscaptaincool: but you'd need to be on a static IP.21:26
captaincoolI am21:26
bipulCould anyone please tell me the back end process  of this command "sudo ee site create example.com --wp"  here ee is a bash script21:26
NegativeFlare!samba | captaincool21:26
ubottucaptaincool: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html21:26
LoshkiKLVTZ: yes, it's ok to have a tar.gz inside a tar file, though it's not particularly efficient.21:26
daftykinsbipul: read the script and see, doesn't seem to be anything to do with Ubuntu21:27
captaincooli get Mounting cifs URL not implemented yet. Attempt to mount smb://mediashare/wd_hdd/21:28
captaincoolwhen doing mount -a21:28
KLVTZLoshki: will it hurt the process of un-compressing it? Or is it more effecient to keep those separated?21:28
bipuldaftykins, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vipullinux/easyengine/master/bin/install21:28
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LoshkiKLVTZ: the important bit is that it will work and you will get all your files back. The only real cost is that you are recompressing an already compressed file and decompressing it again later, which is a waste of cpu time and disk space, but otherwise harmless.21:30
daftykinsbipul: so it's some third party program on github, go check them out - but it has nothing to do with ubuntu21:30
yodastupid general question ion linux i know the kerenl is gnu licensed but for all the other programs ,utils,grub,compilers,...etc for linux systems for the most part gnu software21:31
bipuldaftykins, I am trying to install on a ubuntu.21:31
yodaion = on21:31
daftykinsbipul: so contact them for how :)21:31
yodaor do they fall under a differentnongnu licenses21:32
daftykinsbipul: just so you know though, the best way to learn website administration is to do it manually - not learn all these little "helper" programs21:32
sudormrfquestion for you ladies and gents.  which mail client do you prefer for your linux desktop?21:32
daftykinsyoda: as your questions are general, take them to #linux21:32
yodaand can i say ubuntu linux uses for the most part gnu based software for everything21:33
daftykinsyoda: this for your homework huh?21:33
hamedshahienhello every body21:34
yodasort of just curious if every thing for the most part on linux is under a gnu software21:34
KLVTZLoshki: thanks for taking the time to explain this.21:34
daftykinsyoda: #linux then21:34
sudormrfcaptaincool, I think the syntax of the message you posted explains the issue. unless you have verification that this works for others?21:34
k1l_yoda: see this list what is gnu software: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_GNU_packages21:34
yodaas well ubuntu being one great flavor21:34
sudormrfI like cookies n' cream myself21:34
k1l_yoda: that is kind of some basis, but for daily use you use a lot of programs that are not gnu.21:34
LoshkiKLVTZ: you're most welcome...21:34
daftykinssudormrf: webmail. :)21:35
hamedshahienI need to connect external monitor to my laptop but the resolution is very low . any idea ?21:35
sudormrfdaftykins, always swimming upstream :P21:35
daftykinssudormrf: not sure what you mean by that21:35
hamedshahienhave you any idea about solving resolution21:35
sudormrfdaftykins, do you use roundcube?21:35
daftykinsnever heard of it21:36
Loshkisudormrf: gmail :-)21:36
sudormrfdaftykins, it's a web frontend for things like postfix21:37
sudormrfah, you guys use gmail21:37
sudormrfic :)21:37
daftykinsyeah, hosting yourself is just an unnecessary headache21:37
sudormrfheh, agree :D21:37
daftykinsi put gapps out for most.21:37
captaincoolsudormrf, I guess I don't know what I should be using instead of that path21:38
sudormrfcaptaincool, I didn't follow your whole issue, just caught the tail end21:39
captaincoolis it okay to repaste my question in here?21:39
sudormrfI will scroll up21:40
Loshkisudormrf: well, for work, I used mh-e, because mail volumes were astronomical, and someone else took care of backups etc., and you don't want your corporate email being read by google, but for casual email, why bother with anything more complex?21:40
sudormrfcapri, in summation, you have 2 USB drives attached to your computer that you want to share over the network and have them mounted permanently in your router, is that correct?21:40
sudormrfLoshki, ic21:41
captaincoolme? yes21:41
svetlanayoda: the bash you're using is gnu bash. the desktop you're using, if gnome, is a gnu desktop. some bash utils also come from gnu.21:41
captaincoolum no21:41
captaincoolI have an asus router21:41
captaincoolwhich is sharing two usb drives21:41
captaincoolI just want to mount them in ubuntu permanently so Universal media server has access to them21:42
svetlanayoda: gnu is not as much about doing all the things as about establishing ethical freedom of software, and launching new projects to fill the proprietary gaps. www.gnu.org homepage, and http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html, may be relevant.21:42
captaincoolbut I can't see the correct full network path anywhere21:42
captaincoolso that I can add it to /etc/fstab21:44
frenchpressSo, I'm getting an error every time I install something with apt-get : common-update-notifer \ E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkh returned an error code (1)21:46
yodaso would it be safe to say the majority of software or programs running on a linux or linux based os mostly like 90% gnu based software21:47
frenchpressSomeone ran into the same problem back in 2008, or so it seems, and resolved this by `sudo dpkh --remove --force-remove-reinstreq common-update-notifier`21:47
k1l_frenchpress: can you paste the whole output into a pastebin and show the link here?21:47
frenchpressk1l_: You know what, I'll do that. one moment please21:48
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k1l_yoda: the more "philosophical" talk about what gnu is or not would better suit into #ubuntu-offtopic :)21:49
ljunggre1Hi, someone has noticed when using fglrx and resizing windows lags a lot and eventually just crash your desktop? it freezes for me constantly21:49
jhutchinsljunggre1: Not generally.21:50
jhutchinsljunggre1: 14.10/Unity?21:50
ljunggre1jhutchins: hmm21:50
frenchpresssorry, it was update-notifier-common (I am on a different computer now)21:51
ljunggre1jhutchins: 14.04.1 Unity21:51
yodaon last gnu question is the fsf.org sites software hosted equivalently on gnu ftp site or do the fsf.org have software they host the gnu ftp mirrors don't have?21:51
daftykinsyoda: how many times do i need to tell you to ask in #linux before you take the hint? :)21:51
jhutchinsljunggre1: Reports of flash blanking/crashing, but not window resize.21:51
k1l_frenchpress: what ubuntu is that exactly?21:52
frenchpressk1l_: Excellent question: 14.0421:52
k1l_frenchpress: some changes made to the system? like to python?21:54
frenchpressk1l_: I use virtualenvs regularly21:54
frenchpressk1l_: I may have sudo pip installed matplotlib in the past though21:55
frenchpressk1l_: Because matplotlib doesn't care about non-anaconda users. It's most hateful discrimination there is21:55
Picifrenchpress: Are you sure you aren't in an activated virtualenv?21:55
frenchpressPici: I am inside an activated virtualenv, but the same problem happens when I use Synaptic21:56
frenchpressSame exact error outside of virtualenv as well21:57
k1l_frenchpress: scroll down to the "my solution" answer:http://askubuntu.com/questions/246970/apt-get-broken-no-module-named-debian-deb822  it talks about reinstalling python-chardet21:57
frenchpressk1l_: Nice find, I'll follow closely, but what the hell is python-chardet?21:59
k1l_frenchpress: i have never seen this issue or that package before, too :)21:59
OerHeksi find this interesting for frenchpress > " ls /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/chardet " to see if there is an problem >>> http://askubuntu.com/a/54877321:59
OerHeksah k1l_ found that too22:00
frenchpressOerHeks: Great minds think alike22:01
frenchpressOerHeks: (you and k1l_, not me)22:01
k1l_:) very charming22:01
OerHeksi did learned something from him, true22:02
frenchpressI am not experiencing the same symptoms as the poster, I have no issues running chardet, and have all of those files in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/chardet22:03
frenchpressShould I just reinstall it anyway?22:03
OerHeksYou could reinstall python, that should not hurt.22:03
frenchpressThat won't remove site-packages will it?22:04
OerHeksIt will give you a warning if some packages are removed, i guess22:05
chebithello, I have a problem with ubuntu 14.04, the system setting disappeared, I reinstalled but not install everything,22:05
chebitI reinstalled but not install everything, everything is weird.22:05
captaincoolOkay I'm still trying to figure this share path out for a smb share, How do I tell what the path for smb://mediashare/100gb/  I need the full path for /etc/fstab so I can mount this permanently.22:05
captaincoolfor example smb://mediashare/100gb/ would be //
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OerHekscaptaincool, there is a nice wiki for that > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently22:08
captaincoolOerHeks, I've been looking at that and some other pages for a few hours now, my problem comes when I hit this step >22:09
captaincoolThen edit your /etc/fstab file (with root privileges) to add this line:22:09
captaincool/servername/sharename  /media/windowsshare  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8  0  022:09
captaincoolI don't know what to put for the /servername/sharename22:09
daftykinscaptaincool: router IP22:09
captaincoolbecause the path only comes up as smb://sharename22:09
ilyasI don't have the sound in my ubuntu. I just installed it22:10
captaincooldaftykins, no such device or address22:11
daftykinscaptaincool: you are talking about mounting this share on your router, yes?22:11
captaincoolyes I have a usb hdd which is shared as a smb share by my asus router.  I just want to mount that permanently in my fstab22:12
sliddjuris it possible to change song in spotify app via cli?22:13
captaincoolno the share is already good to go22:13
captaincoolI can access it on windows and ubuntu if I go to browse network on ubuntu22:13
captaincoolI want it mounted permanently on ubuntu so my media server can share the usb drive22:13
OerHeks!sound | sliddjur22:14
ubottusliddjur: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:14
captaincoolthe problem is that /etc/fstab can't use smb://sharename as a path22:14
daftykinscaptaincool: yeah that's what i mean, it tells you the path on the page i bet.22:14
daftykinscaptaincool: yeah, it uses //IP address/share22:15
OerHeksor sliddjur, what device is your output? hdmi/monitor?22:15
sliddjurOerHeks: hdmi output22:15
daftykinscaptaincool: first off unmount it from any graphical mounting you've done in nautilus, then do a test mount with "sudo mkdir /mnt/share && sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/share -o user=guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8"22:16
OerHekssliddjur, known issue on ALL linux versions, this page might be your help too http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1404/22:17
jimmy51v_i have some custom html files with a non standard extension.  *.cfml   how do i set my mime types such that the system treats them as html files?22:20
jimmy51v_i've edited /etc/mime.types and also edited /usr/share/mime/text/html.xml22:20
jimmy51v_neither seems to have mad a difference22:20
captaincooldaftykins, here is the command I used after creating the dir22:21
captaincoolsudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/share -o user=guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf822:21
captaincoolthose are what should be the parts of  the path22:21
captaincoolbut I think there may be a directory missing22:21
captaincoolbut of course the only path I can nail down with nautilus is smb://mediashare/wd_hdd/22:23
captaincoolis there no way to see the whole network path?22:23
Ben64if you use smb://mediashare then you dont use that in //IP/sharename22:24
daftykinscaptaincool: what does "df -h" show?22:24
captaincoolBen64, that would work but /etc/fstab will not allow smb://path22:24
Ben64captaincool: yes, we're well aware. and you've been told the correct syntax quite a few times already22:25
ejuandaftykins,  disk free human readable22:25
daftykinsejuan: well done. i did not need to be told that, however.22:26
captaincoolBen64, Sorry but I haven't.  it's not working.  I can browse to the share with network browser, I need that path.22:26
captaincoolBen64, I'm not saying it's not my fault mind you22:26
Ben64captaincool: you need to listen. in fstab you do //IP/sharename22:26
captaincoolBen64, I've tried that yes that's not working22:27
Ben64what exactly did you put in there22:27
captaincooldaftykins, can I paste 5 lines here?22:27
Ben64no, use a pastebin22:27
ejuanmah b22:27
OerHeksjimmy51v_, just rightclick in filebrowser: open with > firefox/chrome/any browser ?22:28
jimmy51v_OerHeks: eh... got a CLI method?22:28
Ben64captaincool: what is that for22:28
daftykinsi asked22:29
captaincooldaftykins, asked for it22:29
Ben64didn't see that22:29
daftykinscaptaincool: nm, it isn't mounted so useless22:29
Ben64captaincool: paste the line you added to fstab here22:29
captaincool/ /media/wdhd cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8  0  022:30
daftykinsits //19222:30
Ben64right, like you've been told, its //IP/share, not //IP/machine_name/share22:30
Ben64make sure "Mediashare"'s IP is
captaincoolBen64, It is, I just tried // /media/wdhd cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8  0  022:31
captaincoolstill no device or address22:32
Ben64captaincool: pastebin the output of this command... "smbclient -L"22:32
Ben64then you need additional authentication22:35
captaincoolthat's what I thought too but there is no password on that share at all.  It's open to anyone on the lan side22:35
daftykinscaptaincool: "smbclient -L -U username" - use the admin login details22:36
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captaincoolgod dammit, blank password works?22:37
captaincoolwhy would it require the pw at all?22:37
daftykinscaptaincool: ask Asus22:39
captaincoolI'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass guys22:39
MrJeromeDoes anyone have experience with spanning 3 monitors using ATI Eyefinity or Nvidia SLI? I'm building a gaming computer and am wondering which video card will work better for spanning 3 screens for gameplay.22:39
captaincoolI should have thought of that before22:39
daftykinsMrJerome: i would think game support on Linux would be your biggest enemy, not hardware - done some research online?22:41
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natewalckSo this is interesting:
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daftykinsnatewalck: support questions only, thanks22:42
natewalckdaftykins: np!22:42
natewalckdaftykins: is there a casual ubuntu chat channel anywhere?22:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:43
natewalckperfect, thanks!22:43
MrJeromedaftykins: Steam is working nicely for me, and the main game I will be playing is iRacing which is available on linux. My only concern is the eyefinity/sli 3-monitor support, and which vendor has better support for linux.22:43
daftykinsMrJerome: ok, sounds good22:45
captaincoolBen64 and daftykins thanks to both of you for your help, I just got it working.22:50
captaincoolended up just creating a username/pw for the share on the router22:50
daftykinsyeah guest never works well22:51
captaincoolworks great now.  And that was the last hurdle for me dumping windows completely!22:51
OerHeksnice captaincool, have fun !22:51
rotten777hey guys I'm running into a weird issue where my when I try to launch gedit from the launcher (unity) it doesn't launch22:51
rotten777but I can launch it from the terminal22:51
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rotten777no error messages or anything22:53
captaincoolas well it wouldn't mount the whole drive as a share, I had to mount a directory on the drive instead22:54
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Bray90820I'm trying to install teamviewer on Ubuntu 14.10  X64 but lib32asound2 dependency isn't met23:15
daftykinsBray90820: tried the 32-bit instead?23:17
Bray90820daftykins: The 32bit of teamviewer or the 32bit ubuntu?23:18
daftykinsi would welcome a good slap across the face for the latter23:19
svetlanaBray90820: i wouldn't use teamviewer, it's proprietary - there are better alternatives (vnc or xrdp as a server; vnc or a standard something thing included with gnome as a client)23:19
daftykinsthose are not alternatives given the typical use-case behind teamviewer23:19
svetlanainteresting, new to me23:20
svetlanai was assuming it's remote desktop access tool23:20
daftykinsremote support mainly :)23:20
daftykinsin which case you don't have access permanently setup for the other ends, necessarily23:21
Bray90820svetlana: thank you the 32bit worked and I don't have the password error anymore23:21
daftykinsgah, taking the credit for my idea :(23:21
Bray90820Sorry XD23:22
daftykinshehe np, glad it worked23:22
yguyut7what is a ubuntu image viewer that has good slideshow transitions and effects like the ones on Windows and Apple?23:29
jcser001Ciao a tutti...23:37
azizLIGHTteamviewer should put a message on their download page for ubuntu people that only 32bit works23:39
daftykinsthat's not fact23:39
azizLIGHTi got that same dependecny error a while back when i upgraded, and when i originally installed teamviewr23:40
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NegativeFlareI prefer VNC over Teamviewer, but it requires Port Forwarding23:41
azizLIGHTand i hope ssh tunnel23:44
daftykinsNegativeFlare: they're not even vaguely the same product, but ok23:45
daftykinsnow lets return to topic23:45
NegativeFlaredaftykins: Excuse me xD23:45
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hamedshahienI need to connect external monitor to my laptop but the resolution is very low .have you any idea ?23:49
daftykinshamedshahien: did you plug it in after boot, or boot up with it?23:49
CritenHey guys, multiple monitor question. Is there a way to have a seperate group of screens per monitor (be able to swap desktops independently per monitor)23:50
hamedshahienbefore i open the my laptop23:51
hamedshahienmaximum res 1920*1080 / 60hz but i can't work in this resolution . it's not in the menu23:52
daftykinshamedshahien: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:54
hamedshahieni installed it but it's still 1024 76823:56
daftykinshamedshahien: there were two commands, the second pastebins a log file23:57
daftykinsi want to read it :)23:57
QwertieDoes anyone here know how to use xsetwacom?23:57
QwertieThe line "xsetwacom set $pad Button 9 "key +"" maps the button to = and not +23:58
yguyut7does anyone here even help?23:59
daftykinspretty constantly for many years, yes.23:59
daftykinsbut shockingly enough - not everyone knows about every single topic23:59
daftykinsyguyut7: take comments like that elsewhere please.23:59

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