
anastasiamacdavecheney: ping00:52
anastasiamacdavecheney: all sorted01:10
wallyworldthumper: menn0: waigani: anyone else: I unblocked trunk by reverting a regression commit and reclassifying the associated bug as High for trunk (still critical for 1.22, 1.21)01:11
wallyworldthis was a per agreement with curtis01:11
thumperok, cool, ta01:11
waiganiwallyworld: thanks :)01:14
wallyworldnp :-)01:14
menn0wallyworld: tyvm01:24
thumperfuck fuck fuck fuck01:29
rick_h_thumper: you rang?01:30
* thumper sighs01:30
thumperwe are starting lxc containers on a power machine with amd64 tools01:30
thumperand wondering why it is erroring weirdly01:31
rick_h_thumper: hmm, that seems less than ideal01:31
thumperI'm trying to work out where it got the wrong tools set01:31
thumperwallyworld: bot still showing blocked01:48
thumperwallyworld: regression query not showing blocked01:48
* thumper is confused01:48
wallyworldthumper: huh? anastasiamac told me she got something accepted01:48
thumperok, maybe I tried too soon01:49
wallyworldthere were 2 bugs - one i marked fix released, ther or as high01:49
thumperit was just after you mentioned above01:49
wallyworldah, i was in the process of marking as fix released01:49
thumperI've tried them again01:50
thumperwe'll see if they land now?01:50
anastasiamacwallyworld: i got something accepted by the bot but not landed01:54
anastasiamacwallyworld: machine_test.go:1102:01:54
anastasiamac    c.Assert(sortedUnitNames(got), gc.DeepEquals, expect)01:54
anastasiamac... obtained []string = []string{"s2/2", "s3/2"}01:54
anastasiamac... expected []string = []string{"s2/2", "s3/1"}01:54
wallyworldsure, false error01:54
wallyworldbut it wasn't rejected due to policy01:54
anastasiamacwallyworld: as in re-$$merge01:54
wallyworldthat's one of our aewsome transient errors01:55
ericsnowwallyworld: I got bit by that one 3 or 4 times in a row last night02:01
wallyworldis there a bug raised? who does annotate say added the test?02:01
wwitzel3ok, so we've run into an issue with the rsyslog direct connections, when we ensure-availability, all of the state machines end up with different rsyslog certs.02:03
wwitzel3and the logging is distributed to all 3 of them, so we end up with 1 successful connection, and two failed connections for every nodes rsyslog worker, in a constant loop and it floods the error log.02:03
wallyworldwwitzel3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1417875 ??02:04
mupBug #1417875: ERROR juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <canonical-bootstack> <logging> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged by wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417875>02:04
wwitzel3wallyworld: correct02:04
wallyworldso you managed to diagnose the cause :-)02:04
wwitzel3wallyworld: I wasn't able to reproduce until I worked with Paul and figured out it was ensure-availability02:04
wallyworldah, good effort!02:04
wwitzel3wallyworld: yep, all my attempts to reproduce were non-HA02:04
wwitzel3so manual work around is copy the rsyslog-cert and rsyslog-key from machine 0 to 1 and 202:05
wwitzel3that resolves the issue02:05
wallyworldso the fix will be to hand out the machine 0 certs when adding new state servers?02:06
wwitzel3wallyworld: right, for the rsyslog certs02:06
wallyworldor master02:07
wwitzel3wallyworld: right02:07
wallyworlda couple of day's work i guess02:07
wwitzel3wallyworld: I didn't see an easy way02:07
wallyworldyeah, me either at first glance02:08
anastasiamacthumper: let's not be greedy with bot...02:11
wallyworldthumper? greedy? never02:12
thumperanastasiamac: it is only two02:13
anastasiamacthumper: hmm... keeping score?..02:13
thumperanastasiamac: I'm aiming for that 'nothing better' feeling of landing code02:14
anastasiamacthumper: ahh, then we'd beta not disturb02:14
thumperrick_h_: you around?02:18
anastasiamacthumper: there goes that feeling02:27
rick_h_thumper: no, I ran away02:58
thumperrick_h_: ok, I hear you are ill, go to bed :)02:58
rick_h_yea, keep thinking about that02:58
rick_h_figured I'd listen to you guys talk and it'll put me to sleep :P02:59
axwwallyworld: ah, I just noticed there's a page 2 :)03:10
axwhence why I didn't see the upgrade step before03:10
jogwallyworld, I'm seeing "ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:323 connection is shut down" intermittently with 1.21. Do you know anything about that?04:06
wallyworldno :-(04:06
joghappens when attempting 'juju deploy'04:07
jogmainly seeing it with MaaS 1.804:07
jogbut I'm looking for more instances of it on other substrates04:08
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: None
jogwallyworld, the red failures from Feb 11 and 12 on this page are examples: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/test-maas-1_8/04:09
wallyworldjog: sadly our CLI sucks - it doesn't report the real root cause error04:10
wallyworldit just gives that connectio shutdown04:10
wallyworldso you'd need to go look at the debug log04:11
jogwallyworld, I've added --debug for future runs, will that help?04:11
wallyworldjog: maybe, but likely not - it's the server side logs (machine-X.log or allmachines.log) that would be needed04:12
jogok, I'll see what I can do about capturing those...04:12
dimiternjog, you could bootstrap the environment with "logging-config: <root>=INFO,unit=DEBUG"04:14
dimiternjog, and then the unit-X.log files are likely to contain useful data, in addition to the machine logs04:15
jogdimitern, alright that's an entry in the environments.yaml right?04:16
dimiternjog, yeah; for existing envs, you can also change it with juju set-env logging-config='<root>=INFO,unit=DEBUG'  << thumper, this should work, right?04:17
jogdimitern, with MaaS... juju status gives the dns-name: as a FQDN only know to the MaaS server for example: 'maas-node-402.maas'04:29
jogmost clients don't point there DNS as the MaaS server, so they can really do anything with that information.04:29
jogIs it possible to provide the IP? dimitern if you're not the right person to ask do you know who is?04:30
dimiternjog, that's true I guess - for that reason I had fixes a few issues around api endpoints (e.g. resolving hosts if possible)04:30
dimiternjog, by juju you mean?04:30
jogthe 'juju status' output04:31
dimiternjog, how about public-address field for units?04:32
dimiternjog, I think this is an IP even with MAAS04:32
jogit's the same, there is an example: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/test-maas-1_8/22/console04:32
dimiternjog, how about juju run --unit dummy-source/0 'unit-get private-address' ?04:34
dimiternjog, well, you can also (e.g. in a script) just try resolving the dns-name using the maas DNS server I guess04:34
jogdimitern, I'll try the unit-get method and yeah I can script a way to resolve the dns-name... just wondering if it's a usability issue.04:38
dimiternjog, it has been brought up before04:39
jogok, I thought I'd seen a bug for it before04:39
dimiternjog, and now in pretty much all other providers we do return resolved IPs instead of hostnames, except for maas (as it prefers to refer to nodes by dns names)04:39
jogdimitern, so I must be doing something wrong when setting logging-config:04:51
jogI've tired both "logging-config: <root>=INFO,unit=DEBUG" and "logging-config: '<root>=INFO,unit=DEBUG'" in my environments.yaml04:52
jogbut get ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:323 there was an issue examining the environment: unknown severity level "INFO,unit=DEBUG"04:53
dimiternjog, ah, I see - so the second one is fo the command line only, as in juju set-env logging-config='<root>=TRACE'04:53
dimiternjog, while the first one is for envs.yaml04:54
dimiternjog, but as now I actually checked "juju help logging", the format uses "; " not "," as separators04:54
menn0jam: ping04:55
davecheneyreview board is a piece of shit05:00
davecheneywhy does it publish all your comments, when you push the "publish" buttont05:01
davecheney****EXCEPT***** the ones where you have commented in the review branch (not review diff) screen05:01
davecheneythat has a seperate, partially obscured, publish button05:01
dimiterndavecheney, you can do it for single comments, but IIRC you have to publish each one after adding, rather than hitting the "review-wide" publish05:02
davecheneydimitern: the way it works out for me05:02
davecheneythere are comments when you are reviewing the diff05:02
davecheneythen there is the hovering button at the top of the page to publish or review them05:02
davecheneythere is the 'review' and 'ship it' buttons on the view diff and view review pages05:02
davecheneybut if you're having a conversation in the comments section (not on the view diff)05:03
davecheneythere is an entirely seperate and different "publish" button hidden just below the list of issues on the view reviews page05:03
davecheneyyou only know if you ened to push it by looking on the dashboard05:03
davecheneyseeing the icon is orange (?) not blue, and hte mouse over hover says "comments drafted'05:03
dimiternyep, not quite thought through UX05:03
dimiternalso, beware - if you're editing a comment and you wifi connection drops (or is down) when you submit the comment (still draft) UI-wise it appears on the page, but a few seconds later you're taken to a nasty "connection failed" page and "back" doesn't help getting your comment text back05:06
davecheneyyay, cloud!05:17
thumperdimitern: we append the unit=DEBUG unless they explicitly set unit to be otherwise05:44
thumperdimitern: so you were mostly right05:44
thumperbe careful about setting <root> to debug05:44
thumperas that'll get golxc and other libraries that also use loggo05:44
thumperjuju=DEBUG is good05:45
wallyworldaxw: i've updated the storage pools PR for your viewing "pleasure"07:01
axwwallyworld: sorry, I was out before. will look shortly08:26
TheMuemorning o/08:27
Muntanergood morning devs o/08:33
Muntanergsamfira: hi! adventuring myself in trying http://www.cloudbase.it/ws2012r2/08:33
jammenn0: poke09:14
jamI tried poking earlier but didn't see you online09:14
axwwallyworld: reviewed09:31
axwsorry for the delay09:31
frankbandimitern: morning, I updated my branch as suggested, could you please take another look?09:32
dimiternfrankban, yes, I'm already looking09:32
dimiternfrankban, thanks for doing all that so quickly btw!09:32
dimiternfrankban, 99% of the PR looks great, I just want to double-check TestMachinePrincipalUnits as I've seen it fail on ppc64el recently due to some sort ordering09:33
frankbandimitern: sortedUnitNames failing on ppc?09:34
frankbansounds weird09:35
dimiternfrankban, nope, sorry - run-unit-tests-trusty-amd64 build #2145 was the one that failed09:35
dimiternfrankban, http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/run-unit-tests-trusty-amd64/2145/console09:35
dimiternfrankban, it seems the culprit is line #1077 - units[3], err = s3.AllUnits()09:38
dimiternfrankban, so I was thinking if I could suggest a fix for you to include there09:39
frankbandimitern: go ahead09:40
dimiternfrankban, will do, once I can see where's the issue and reproduce it :)09:41
frankbandimitern: heh, ok ty09:41
Muntanerguys - a non Juju related question here - is "sed" the best way to edit conf files via a bash script?09:42
frankbandimitern: can it be something related to units slices mutated by append? should we reslice in sortedUnitNames(append(a.units, a.subordinates...))?09:49
dimiternfrankban, perhaps, still looking09:52
voidspacedimitern: TheMue: dooferlad: making coffee, be with you in a couple of minutes09:57
TheMuevoidspace: ok09:58
dimiternvoidspace, ok09:58
jamteam standup10:00
dimiternTheMue, voidspace, dooferlad, oh, yeah - it's team standup now and ours after10:01
Muntanergsamfira: ping10:05
voidspaceoh yeah10:05
voidspacefirefox crash again, yay10:08
wallyworldaxw: team meeting?10:16
axwwallyworld: bollocks, be there in a minute10:16
jammgz: did you want to attend the Juju team meeting ?10:16
dimiternfrankban, you've got a review BTW10:26
frankbandimitern: ty10:27
wallyworldaxw: thanks for review, will look real soon10:34
voidspaceTheMue: dimitern: dooferlad: standup?10:35
dooferladvoidspace: works for me10:35
TheMuevoidspace: sounds good for me10:35
dimiternvoidspace, TheMue, dooferlad, I need 5m10:35
voidspaceok, I'll go make more coffee10:36
TheMueaka one cigarette ;) *scnr*10:36
dimiternbut go ahead :)10:36
dimiternvoidspace, dooferlad, ok, let's do it10:42
frankbandimitern: done, can I $$merge$$ it?11:00
dimiternfrankban, I'm having a last look11:03
dimiternfrankban, go for it, and thanks again!11:03
frankbandimitern: ty, should I have to propose it also against 1.21 and 1.22?11:04
Muntanergsamfira: ping!11:04
gsamfiraMuntaner: pong11:04
dimiternfrankban, yes, please, but in both 1.21 and 1.22 my patch has landed, so you'll need to do some cherry picking11:06
frankbandimitern: should we land the revert patch first?11:07
dimiternfrankban, I don't think it's needed, as your patch builds on top of it anyway11:08
Muntanerhi gsamfira :)11:14
Muntanerjust installed the Windows Server 2012 R2 evaluation by cloudbase11:14
Muntanerthe VM is in the same subnet of Juju VMs11:14
Muntanernow... how can I interact with this VM with Juju?11:14
Muntaneror am I confused about what I can do?11:14
gsamfiraMuntaner: a few basics first. Juju has several "providers" it can use to create a juju environment (manual, local, MaaS, OpenStack, etc). The manual provider attempts to connect to an already installed machine and add it to juju. This provider however is not yet supported on windows. It will be in the (hopefully) not to distant future, just not yet.11:19
gsamfiraMuntaner: if you used the image I pointed you to, that means you have an Openstack environment all set up11:20
Muntanergsamfira: yes, everything is working fine atm11:20
Muntanerdownloaded the qcow2 image of Windows, created a VM in the same subnet of juju VMs11:21
Muntanerjuju actually is bootstrapped on this OpenStack environment11:21
Muntaner(which is a private cloud, basically)11:21
Muntanerif you need screens/logs, ask me whatever it's needed :)11:21
gsamfirahave you done the whole juju-metadata generate-image song and dance? Or are you using the official simplestream feed?11:22
Muntanergsamfira: did nothing with juju :/ just downloaded the image, added it to OpenStack via glance, and created a VM with the image in it11:23
axwwallyworld_: review can wait for tomorrow, but FYI http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/923/11:24
Muntanergsamfira: I did that stuff in the past days, to bootstrap my OpenStack with Juju11:24
wallyworld_axw: np, will try and look11:24
Muntanerand basically I used an Ubuntu Cloud 14.04 image to do all the stuff11:24
gsamfiraMuntaner: okay. So you have not yet deployed a massive indispensable infrastructure using juju yet :). There is one last hoop to jump through to get windows in. And that is juju agent and simplestreams that includes a Windows image11:24
Muntanergsamfira: afraid I don't know how that works: (11:26
gsamfiraMuntaner: no worries. I can guide you through it.11:26
gsamfiraI just need to get a handle on what you already have11:26
Muntanergsamfira: ask me whatever you need to know :)11:26
Muntanergsamfira: background. We set up a private OpenStack cloud, with all of the components installed on a single server. We have everything working (cinder, glance, swift, etc). Then, we bootstraped Juju on this Openstack. After some problems we got with metadatas (I opened a launchpad about it), also this step has been successfull, and I have Juju working on this Openstack. Now, I wanted to understand how Juju and Windows machine are r11:32
gsamfiraso first things first. Lets get you the widows agent tools.11:34
gsamfiraI'm guessing you are using 1.21.2 ?11:34
Muntaner1.21.1-trusty-amd64, gsamfira11:35
gsamfiraperfect. Building you a windows binary now11:35
frankbandimitern: 1.22 backport https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/159412:20
dimiternfrankban, looking12:21
dimiternfrankban, LGTM12:23
frankbandimitern: thanks, shipping it12:23
dimiternfrankban, +112:25
wwitzel3so I am thinking in the rsyslog worker there is the handle config changes, that reacts based on new state servers getting added, so I think I can force the recreation of the rsyslog server certs there and that should fix up the connection issues13:08
wwitzel3re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/141787513:09
mupBug #1417875: ERROR juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <canonical-bootstack> <logging> <regression>13:09
mup<juju-core:In Progress by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.21:Triaged by wwitzel3> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged by wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1417875>13:09
* dimitern steps out for 1/2h13:35
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voidspacedimitern: when all the pieces are in place, what's the command line incantation to create a new container on a machine?16:15
dimiternvoidspace, sorry, in a meeting, bbiab16:21
voidspacedimitern: no problem, dooferlad remembered anyway16:21
TheMuephew, first restructured test works. but nested map[string]interface{} for marshaling tests are a pain in the ass16:21
* TheMue needs to write some helper16:22
dimiternTheMue, consider using something like type M map[string]interface{} + helpers around it in the tests16:31
TheMuedimitern: that's how I changing it currently ;)16:31
dimiternTheMue, cheers :)16:31
dimiternvoidspace, so I'll propose the PCII() API tomorrow as it happens16:33
natefinchThis is why you shouldn't use map[string]interface{} in the first place :)16:34
katconatefinch: +116:34
dimiternnatefinch, :) if you can avoid it, yeah16:34
dimiternnatefinch, however writing generic json serialization tests with strings like `....25 lines later...`[1:] is even worse16:35
TheMueah, this looks definitely better16:35
dimitern:) I had a feeling it will16:36
dimiternI'm outta here16:36
TheMuedimitern: yeah, strings are even worse16:36
dimiterng'night all, see you tomorrow ;)16:36
TheMuedimitern: cu16:36
katcodimitern: take a look at that PR tomorrow?16:36
dimiternkatco, oh, sorry - I promise (bookmarking now)16:37
katcodimitern: no worries at all... have a wonderful evening :)16:37
frankbandimitern: here is the 1.21 backport: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1595 could you please take a look? (slightly different code base there)16:37
dimiternkatco, thanks!16:37
dimiternfrankban, ok, I can take one last review I guess :)16:38
katcodimitern: i see how it is! haha jk ;)16:38
dimitern(for a backport I reviewed already..)16:38
frankbandimitern: ty16:39
frankbandimitern: oh, didn't notice you were done for the day, sorry16:40
ericsnowvoidspace: FYI, the webhook worked for PR 1588 yesterday when I tried (after the RB downtime)16:40
dimiternfrankban, np16:40
voidspaceericsnow: cool, good to hear16:40
dimiternfrankban, ship it!16:40
frankbandimitern: thanks! and have a nice evening16:41
frankbansinzui: how do I spell that https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1595 fixes that bug?16:45
sinzuifrankban, include fixes-142040316:47
voidspacefrankban: $$fixes-1420403$$ I believe16:47
frankbansinzui: in the description?16:47
voidspacefrankban: in the merge comment16:47
natefinchyou just need the string fixes-1420403 in a comment somewhere, and then the standard $$merge$$ will work16:47
voidspacefrankban: doesn't need to be in the $$ but it's common16:48
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katcois anyone familiar with the WADL format?18:54
voidspaceright, going jogging18:57
voidspaceprobably back around in a bit18:57
katcohave fun voidspace18:57
voidspacekatco: thanks, good luck with the WADL :-)19:00
katcovoidspace: hehe thanks19:00
sinzuiabentley, my azure delete script says juju-functional-backup-restore-tyx8o23ojf is about 24 hours old. If you agree via the console it is more than 12 hours old, I will run the script in real19:03
perrito666sinzui: that last sentences terrified me19:04
sinzuiperrito666, I am dealing with azure instances being left behind after destroy env. and since the Azure console doesn't work well with chrome or firefox, I am scripting an executioner19:05
perrito666the onlypart that terrified me is backup-restore :p19:05
perrito666btw, just to fill you with expectancy, I PRd the last piece of the new restore19:06
sinzuithank you perrito66619:07
sinzuiI think the restore test job dies because of azure. we never actually bootstrapped http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/view/Juju%20Revisions/job/functional-backup-restore/2180/console19:08
sinzuiwell, I can see we aren't running any env like that, so I will use my new axe19:08
perrito666who here knows anything about multiwatcher?19:12
jw4perrito666: a very little bit...19:20
perrito666git says I am looking for francesco banconi19:20
rick_h_perrito666: that's frankban who's EOD working with dimiter19:20
jw4perrito666: ah19:21
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perrito666rick_h_: tx, ill try to catch him in my AM19:21
rick_h_perrito666: we use it on the GUI to track all the things19:21
perrito666rick_h_: I assume you mean megawatcher and not frankban :p19:22
rick_h_perrito666: yea pretty much :)19:22
perrito666"so frank, here is the debug log, you read it all and let us know when things change"19:23
rick_h_for everyone running a gui, hope you read fast19:23
* perrito666 sees a chance to "import" a new dell for him.. anyone got one of the new xps13 and ran linux on that?19:25
perrito666I kind of lack return policy where I am :p19:25
natefinchperrito666: google will help, or try posting on warthogs.  I think the XPS laptops are generally pretty far up the chain of laptops that Linux geeks want support for (and that Dell wants linux support for), so usually they work pretty well pretty soon after release.19:27
abentleysinzui: looking...19:31
abentleysinzui: Not seeing it.  Did you go ahead?19:32
sinzuiabentley, I did. I found the job that created it and it was 24 hours old19:34
perrito666now, this is rather frustrating:  Error: entity mismatch; got len 1; want 119:41
jw4perrito666: uh oh.. which test?19:44
jw4perrito666: hmm - just makes me nervous because I was in that general area recently19:46
perrito666jw4: I know, but this broke something that its still not prd19:47
perrito666so worry not, alwhough the test's output is all but helpful, I might fix that19:47
jw4perrito666: lol19:47
jw4perrito666: interesting... it looks like setUpScenario returned only one entity instead of two (my naive reading of it)19:51
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jw4perrito666: units not entities19:54
perrito666jw4: ?19:55
jw4perrito666: n/m -- I'm chasing the squirrel of understanding your error19:55
perrito666jw4: you should see my codebase for it19:56
jw4perrito666: heh19:56
perrito666I have a big change in the middle that breaks Unit.SetStatus and Unit.Status19:57
jw4perrito666: that explains it19:57
perrito666jw4: buuut19:57
perrito666there is a deepequals for 2 maps19:57
perrito666and then, if that fails, you tell me their lenght missmatches, assuming that the only thing that can fail is getting different lenghts19:58
jw4perrito666: that's making more sense as I look at the trunk version of assertEntitiesEqual too19:58
jw4although it looks like there should be more descriptive information after that first message19:59
jw4but logged at INFO instead of ERROR20:00
perrito666jw4: there is, but its Logf20:00
perrito666which sucks in my opinion20:00
jw4perrito666: +120:00
sinzuiabentley, a newly stuck machine in azure20:10
* sinzui get's his new axe20:10
perrito666grc does not work with go's log output... what have I dont to deserve this monochromatic nightmare20:12
perrito666sinzui: do you know why ssl-hostname-verification could be not working for canonistack?20:53
sinzuiperrito666, no, I never worked that out21:01
perrito666sinzui: that means this is a known issue?21:01
sinzuiperrito666, it is and I am looking for the bug.21:02
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perrito666jw4: ok I might ask for your help21:28
perrito666do you know how does *watcher prompt for status changes on units?21:29
jw4perrito666: ah21:36
jw4gimme a sec21:36
jw4perrito666: if I understand your question... allWatcherStateBacking has a method Watch(in chan<- watcher.Change) which sets up a watcher for each collection it's watching21:40
perrito666jw4: tx a lot21:40
jw4in this case a backingUnit21:40
marcoceppiwho created juju-backup ?21:45
ericsnowmarcoceppi: thumper?21:45
thumpermarcoceppi: the plugin was created by a team effort21:46
thumperjust over a year ago21:46
thumperwhile I was on leave :)21:46
marcoceppithumper: it's not a very good plugin, it doesn't have a --description or --help flag and breaks juju help plugins21:46
marcoceppiis it in the juju-core repo?21:48
marcoceppiI'll submit a patch21:48
thumpernot sure... maybe21:48
thumpermarcoceppi: yes21:48
ericsnowmarcoceppi: cmd/plugins/juju-backup/juju-backup.go21:48
marcoceppithumper: well, interesting. the juju-backup I have is a bash script21:49
thumpermarcoceppi: yep, that's the one21:49
thumperthere is no .go at the end21:49
ericsnowoh, yep :)21:49
ericsnowI was thinking of restore21:50
* marcoceppi goes for is 3rd commit to core21:50
marcoceppiit's kind of moot now, why even maintain the juju-backup command if it just shells out to core again?21:51
natefinchmarcoceppi: juju-backup is a bad plugin for a lot more reasons than its description and help ;)21:55
natefinchmarcoceppi: we're replacing the old backup command with a built-in command.  It is a lot more maintainable21:56
natefinchsorry, gotta run, but ericsnow and perrito666 are the backup and restore masters :)21:56
marcoceppiwell, it's worse than that, everytime anyone runs juju help plugins, the backup plugin is executed21:59
marcoceppiso it's just dumping backups everywhere21:59
marcoceppiit's a pretty big bug, but if 1.21 fixes this (by removing the old logic) then fine21:59
marcoceppibut 1.21-beta4 still executes the plugin from what I can tell22:00
ericsnow1.22 is when we added the new backup command (and updated the plugin)22:02
ericsnowmarcoceppi: we kept the plugin around for backward compatibility22:02
ericsnowmarcoceppi: but it should probably still handle --help and --description22:03
marcoceppiericsnow: so if I wanted to patch this for 1.21 how would I do this?22:03
marcoceppiI'll file a bug now, but since 1.22 is like the next release22:03
ericsnowhandle those two options at the beginning of the shell script22:03
ericsnowthere's already a bug22:04
marcoceppiright, I understand technically how to implement it in the script22:04
hatchhey could someone point me to the golang file where the api routes are defined?22:04
marcoceppiI just don't know the whole process22:04
marcoceppiI'll just open a merge request22:04
mupBug #1389326: juju-backup is not a valid plugin <backup-restore> <plugins> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1389326>22:04
hatchfound it22:05
ericsnowhatch: apiserver/apiserver.go (see the Server.run)22:06
hatchericsnow: thanks - I just found it :) github's search is not too great :)22:06
voidspaceok, g'night all22:13
marcoceppiericsnow: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/159622:24
ericsnowmarcoceppi: thanks22:28
ericsnowmarcoceppi: would you do me a favor and log into reviews.vapour.ws22:29
marcoceppiericsnow: okay, logged in.22:30
ericsnowmarcoceppi: we have a webhook on github for PRs that adds the patch to our review tool there22:31
ericsnowmarcoceppi: but it only works if you've logged in at least once :)22:31
ericsnowmarcoceppi: so the PR should be updated now with a link to the review request22:31
ericsnowmarcoceppi: you should also set the bug status to "In Progress"22:33
ericsnowmarcoceppi: thanks for working on this, by the way :)22:33
ericsnowmarcoceppi: that patch looks good22:39
ericsnowmarcoceppi: you just need to get a "senior reviewer" to check it out before merging22:39
marcoceppiericsnow: thanks, updated the testing stuff22:42
ericsnowmarcoceppi: cool22:42
jw4does anyone know of a state transition diagram for the uniter?22:52
katcojw4: no, but if you happen to make one, i would love for you to do it in plantuml and place it in the docs like we recently did for storage: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/doc/storage-model.txt23:16
jw4katco: oh cool - I'm 20 lines into a graphviz .dot file...23:17
katcojw4: relevant doc if you're interested: http://www.plantuml.com/state.html23:17
jw4katco: I'll check it out.23:17
katcojw4: plantuml uses graphviz under the covers, but has a much simpler syntax23:17
jw4katco: nice.  Yeah I have 3.5 modes semi-accounted for23:17
katcojw4: online interface if you want an easy repl: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/23:19
jw4katco: suhweet!23:20
jw4katco: the storage model is quite sophisticated compared to what I was doing... I aspire... :)23:21
katcojw4: :) axw did that one, and -- as far as i know -- without ever having touched plantuml prior23:21
katcojw4: in my experience they tend to grow quite organically23:21
jw4yes, I imagine with a good foundation people like to incrementally improve them over time23:22

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