
wwitzel3blahdeblah_: not sure if you caught that earlier since I didn't direct it at you, but replacing the rsyslog-*.pem files in /var/log/juju with the ones from machine 0, and then restarting jujud for the machines is a manual work around.02:06
ayr-tonmarcoceppi: Sending a merge request by tomorrow for the charms-tools enhancement.02:06
ayr-tonmarcoceppi: Do you want me to send the merge request for the zabbix charm too? This one is in your account.02:07
blram I right in thinking that I only need to provide keys in a helper.RelationContext's required_keys to get keys from a related service, or do I need to implement get_data()? Getting 'Incomplete relation' and having some trouble debugging it.02:34
blrthe other service/charm has implemented provide_data(), returning a dict with the same keys in the related charm's required_keys02:36
Muntanerhi guys08:40
marcoceppihey Muntaner13:40
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jcastrosome good questions coming in folks!16:06
jcastromarcoceppi, this one's for you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/584582/importerror-no-module-named-charm-toolbox-pairinggroup16:06
lazyPowerjcastro: https://askubuntu.com/questions/584716/what-does-juju-destroy-service-do-exactly/584746#584746 - added an answer16:12
lazyPowermy nested lists look like dookie though. i need some markdown school16:13
jcastroon it16:13
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lazyPoweroh you just tab it. nice.16:16
lazyPowerthanks jcastro16:16
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marcoceppijcastro: why is that for me?17:16
marcoceppithat's not charm-tools17:16
marcoceppithis isn't even juju related17:16
jcastroI saw charm tool at the top17:17
marcoceppijcastro: charm is something else, the python project is charmtools17:19
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sebas5384revagomes: ping17:35
sebas5384hey guys! we are at the Drupal Conference contributing for the Drupal charm17:35
marcoceppisebas5384: o/17:40
sebas5384hey marcoceppi !17:41
sebas5384we have some problems with internet so its gonna be a slow code sprint hehe17:43
marcoceppisebas5384: lmk if there's anything we can do to help!17:46
sebas5384thanks marcoceppi we are preparing the environment here17:47
sebas5384so actually we are waiting downloads and that kind of stuff17:47
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gnuoyAm I right in thinking that you can't have an amulet sentry on a subordinate?17:49
gnuoyI'm writing some amulet tests for a subordinate charm and when I look at the available sentries I don't see one for the subordinate17:50
marcoceppignuoy: upi cam17:51
marcoceppignuoy: yo ucan't, but we don't use sentries anymore17:51
marcoceppithat's a limitation in juju, can't have subordinates on subordinates17:52
marcoceppignuoy: what version of amulet do you have?17:52
gnuoymarcoceppi, 1.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa117:52
gnuoymarcoceppi, what does upi stand for?17:53
marcoceppiyeah, this might be a bug where it's not showing up in the units list, we use juju-run under the hood now instead of sentries17:53
marcoceppignuoy: that was a lot of fat finger action17:53
marcoceppignuoy: "you can't"17:53
gnuoyahh :)17:53
marcoceppithen I went to hit backspace but mashed return instead17:54
marcoceppiit's cold in my office today17:54
gnuoymarcoceppi, thanks for the help, much appreciated. I'll have a bit more of a dig and raise a bug if needs be.17:55
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blrcould someone please point me towards a good example of a charm on LP using charmhelper services helper.RelationContexts? Think I must be missing something fundamental that isn't clear in the docs.19:34
bdxI am trying to ascertain an understanding of the os-data-network, and flat-interface configs on the nova-compute charm. Does anyone know if these are refering to the same network, if only one or the other should be used, in what case does either matter?19:46
bdxIt seems to me that the os-data-network should be the network on which the bridge-ip and flat-interface belong.... possibly I am missing something..19:47
bdxAny takers??19:47
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marcoceppiblr: cory_fu should be able to point you in the right directoin19:53
blrmarcoceppi: hey, thanks - I'll ping him.19:54
marcoceppibdx: I'm not certain, but we have a whole team of charmers that work on openstack charms. The problem is their Europe based. There's a mailing list you can mail with your question though19:54
marcoceppibdx: you can also mail the juju mailing list in general (juju@lists.ubuntu.com)19:55
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bdxmarcoceppi: Thanks!20:45
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catbus1Hi, if juju state server fails to start, is there a way to export the MongoDB from this system and import it to a new env?21:38
catbus1Is this http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/import-export/ what I should follow?21:38
marcoceppicatbus1: noo idea, there's a juju backup but I'm not sure what that entails21:43
marcoceppiand the juju backup doesn't comply to plugin rules21:44
marcoceppicatbus1: but it does look like it does a mongoback21:44
catbus1marcoceppi: thanks for the pointer.21:52

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